

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/f #f/m #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwashing #cuckold #mind-control #mind_control #multiple_partners #pov:top #revenge #sadomasochism #sex #submission

Judith was getting ready for the party. She was wearing a chic red dress and stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror for the finishing touches. Her blond hair fell softly and wavy over her shoulders. Just as she was applying her red lipstick, the doorbell rang and startled her. They didn't usually get unannounced visitors. Maybe Maria just forgot her key. Her big sister was a bit of a scatter-brain.

Judith opened the door and was surprised to see Seth. "What are you doing here?" she asked, puzzled.

"I'm glad to see you too, Judith," he said, grinning.

“Oh! No, I didn't mean it like that.” She said and smiled at him and briefly hugged him with one arm. He was an ex-boyfriend of Maria, her sister. The two had been dating for just a few months or so, but Judith really liked him whenever he was over or they hung out. Not romantically of course, but he was really funny, she remembered. She hadn’t seen him since Maria moved on to Nick. 

Judith would have liked to chat with him, but the timing was really bad. "Listen, this is a pity, but I'm really in a hurry because I have to get ready and Maria will pick me up any minute, for a party so…" she looked at him meaningfully, but he made no move to leave. Somehow his gaze had changed. 

She met his eyes and felt oddly detached for a second. "Let me in. We can wait for Maria together.”

Judith took a step back, opened the door wide, and said, “Come in. We can wait for Maria together.” He smiled and entered the apartment.

"Good idea," he said.

Judith was confused. She actually wanted to ask him in a friendly but determined way to leave, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she felt the urgent need to invite him in. As soon as he was inside, that urge was gone. Well, he'll just be here for a few minutes anyway, she figured. As soon as Maria picks me up, he has to leave anyway. "You're going to a party?" he asked, leaning against the dining table.

"Yes. Maria's boyfriend is celebrating his birthday and we're way too late as usual,” she replied just as she heard her cell phone vibrate.

It was lying on the dining table and Seth quickly snatched it up, looked at it and said: “It’s Maria". Judith walked up to him and tried to take the cell phone, but he withdrew his hand. 

“That’s not funny, Seth!” She got a little pissed and glared at him seriously.

"Ignore your phone, forget the party, and relax." He put the phone back on the table where it continued to vibrate, but Judith didn't care anymore. She had just lost all interest in her cell phone. She didn't know why she was so stressed just now. It was as if Seth had sucked all the tension out of her with one look. "Now be a good hostess and get a bottle of wine."

Judith went to the closet and got out a bottle of wine. “Do you want red or white?" she asked and when he answered shortly with “Red, for now.” Judith opened the bottle. 

She felt kinda weird about it as if she was moving on rails. Of course, that was nonsense. She filled two glasses, gave him one, and put the bottle on the table.

"Cheers!" She gave him a friendly smile and caught his eyes darting up from her chest. His gaze triggered a strange feeling of unease inside her. She didn't know what it was, but something didn't seem right. Something was off. Something was just wrong.

"Cheers!" he replied. They clinked glasses and each took a sip. "That dress looks really great on you," he said.

"Thank you," she replied, slightly embarrassed. Why did she feel so strange?

”Tell me about Maria's relationship while you take it off.”

As soon as he had ordered Judith to undress, she pushed the straps of her red satin dress over her arms and pulled it down over her red bra. She talked to him about Maria's relationship as if it was completely normal for her to undress like this in front of him. Seth would have a lot of fun with her. "Overall I guess she's pretty happy with him." She finished her summary as the dress fell to the floor, revealing her panties which were also red to match the dress and bra. He hadn't even been listening. 

Seth placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly stroked down her thin soft arms. "What are you doing?!" she asked, slightly taken aback.

He simply looked into her eyes and replied, "I can touch and look at you wherever and however I want. It goes without saying for you.” He kept eye contact, while he put his left hand on her tight ass and his right hand slipped into her thin bra, felt her perky breast, and grabbed it briefly, but firmly.

Judith was trapped in his gaze and softly replied "You can touch and look at me wherever and however you want." Her eyes glazed over a little.

Seth added "And you find me irresistibly attractive and sexy." He ran his hand down her panties.

Judith blushed and slowly moved her face closer "I find you...irresistibly attractive and sexy" He felt her soft labia through the thin fabric. 

Her face was very close now. He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and she hesitantly let it happen. Then another, she wanted it. Finally, he slowly opened his mouth and she did the same, meeting his tongue with hers. The kiss went on. His fingertips got wet as she got wet, but he still felt some tension emanating from her.

"You want to give yourself to me completely, Judith. You can’t help it.” He broke eye contact and kissed her neck, licked it, sucked on it.

Judith moaned softly and whispered, "I want you." She stroked his upper body. This was almost too easy. Her hands went under his t-shirt, pulled it up, and tossed it on the table. Judith grazed her hand over his chest with a look of awe, her face red and hot. In her eyes, he was an adonis now.

What a pretty face she had. It would be even prettier with his cock in it. He kissed her again and caught her gaze. ”Kneel down and lick my cock." Slowly Judith got on her knees and began to unbutton his pants and still looked up at him in awe. He pushed his pants down a bit, along with his shorts to free his hard cock. Immediately she took it in her hand and began to lick it like an ice cream cone. "Look at me," he said and Judith looked up at him while she continued to lick him like a puppy. What a beautiful sight. 

"That's a good girl." Judith sucked his balls, kissed his cock, and finally licked the tip of her tongue around his shaft.

“What are you doing to me?” She whispered.

Seth answered calmly “Don’t worry about it, Judith. Just go with the flow.” He could see her relax instantly and let her continue for a few seconds. Then he grabbed the back of her head and shoved his cock deep into her mouth.

Her eyebrows went up in surprise, but her eyes were still trying to keep contact with his. He moved her head faster and faster and her features relaxed again while she let all of this happen to her. He suddenly let go of her, and said "Open your mouth nice and wide for me and stick your tongue out."

Judith did as he commanded and opened her mouth as wide as she could. “Jerk me off." She wrapped her delicate hand around his cock and slowly began to slide the foreskin up and down while the tip of the cock rested on her tongue. Seth was delighted by her weak will. He had her under his spell with ease. 

”You love me more than anything.”

"I love you more than anything!” She repeated the sentence, sounding surprised by the truth of her own words, and then opened her mouth wide again. Her hand moved faster. 

"You would do anything for me." 

“I would do anything for you." 

Her deep blue eyes seemed to exist only for him. She was beautiful, as she knelt before him and Seth was ready any moment. 

"I am your master and you are my submissive slave”

"You are my master and I am your submissive slave." He was getting close. Judith accelerated even more. 

“You are eager and willing to serve me for the rest of your life.”

“I am eager and willing to serve me for the rest of my life.”

He couldn't take it anymore and squirted a good load of cum into her mouth and let her tongue bathe in it. Then he grabbed the back of her head and rammed his cock all the way into her mouth. She gagged, but willingly took it and swallowed his juice. It felt so good. He felt powerful. He let go and let her suck the tip of his dick for a while. Then, just in time, the bell rang.

"Sit on the chair," he said hastily.

“Yes, Master" she answered and he buttoned his pants and put his shirt back over his head. He also sat down.

“That was the bell from downstairs?”

“Yes, Master.”

Great! That gave him a little bit more time. He used it to give Judith a few guidelines for when her sister showed up. Mainly not to call him Master or mention the blowjob. She’d just pretend that everything was fine and normal. Maria entered the apartment. Her face as she saw them both was priceless.

Judith sat alone in the kitchen and waited. Something was wrong here. She sat there in her underwear and didn't know why she felt so confused. She was waiting for her Master to call her, but she couldn't grasp how Seth became her Master in the first place. She couldn't get up either. She sat silently in the chair and didn't move. She had no choice. She considered getting up but immediately dismissed the thought. She would just sit here and wait. That’s what her Master wanted, after all. She also felt perfectly normal, didn’t she?

Logically, she knew this didn’t make any sense. She had a boyfriend and liked to be independent, but at the same time, she loved Seth. She loved him above all else and wanted to serve him. Judith had no doubt about the fact that she’d do anything for Seth for the rest of her life… 

How did that happen, though? She knew she wanted to get ready for the party. Then Seth came by and suddenly Judith just wanted him. She remembered how fast and deep she felt in love with him. How she confessed her devotion and promised to serve him. He had this gaze she couldn’t escape. God, she wanted to serve him right now!

Alas, he wanted to talk to Maria privately in her room. It took quite a long time already. And so she waited. Finally, she heard Seth call her name from Maria’s room. That’s what she’s been waiting for! She got up immediately and entered Maria's room. 

When she saw Seth, Judith instantly accepted that he was her master and she was his slave. How could she even doubt that? She loved him deeply and would do anything for him. It was so simple and true, but she had no idea where all that came from. That’s just the way it was. She didn't even find it particularly strange, that she fell in love with him so suddenly. He was perfect in every way, after all. It felt completely natural to want to serve him. If she thought about it, it didn't bother her at all. What bothered her was the sight of her sister.

Maria was kneeling naked on the bed in an odd position and had something black in her mouth. Then Judith noticed that Maria was tied up with a rope. Although she was kneeling, her legs were spread wide apart and her feet were tied together with the rope. Her hands were also crossed and knotted behind her back and also tied to her feet. Two more strands were stretched around her breasts at the top and bottom. They looked slightly bruised. A ball gag was in her mouth and tied around her head with a black belt-like-looking thing. 

Maria looked at Judith and her eyes reflected pure horror. She seemed to be trying to tell her something or to yell for help, but the ball obviously made it impossible to get a word out.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Judith exclaimed to her sister.

"MMMMMMM!" Came back from Maria.

It was weird that she didn't move. Her legs did not seem to be spread by the rope or other aids.

"Come to me, Judith,” her master said and Judith obeyed. Goosebumps came over her as she stepped in front of him. He was naked and his member was aroused. Judith loved Seth more than anything and she would do anything for him, but a part of her was afraid of him. What had he done with her sister?

As if he could read her mind, he put his hand on her cheek and said, "Don't worry, Judith. Maria is fine, you can ignore her for now.” Her concerns were gone. Of course, Maria was fine. 

Judith decided to ignore the constant muffled noises in the background and nodded, smiling timidly. “Yes, Master.” she breathed. He gave her a gentle kiss.

Then he pulled Maria's chair from the desk and placed it on the bed right in front of Judith's sister, who was tied up there. He sat down and slapped his thigh "Sit on my lap, Judith”. Judith sat down gently on him, he turned her sideways and kissed her again. "How are you feeling my little slavegirl?" Judith grinned and felt a certain heat rising up between her legs.

"Good," she said playfully.

"Only good?" he asked skeptically.

"Horny" she breathed into his ear.

Her master stroked Judith's legs. It felt as natural as ever. "What do you think of me?" he asked.

"I love you more than anything and I would do anything for you." She replied, and he kissed her again. More intense this time. Maria's muffled protest got louder and more annoying, but Judith just ignored it.

Her master whispered in her ear. “I want to fuck you right here, right now.” Judith’s pussy twitched at his words. She was ready to feel her master’s cock fill her up from behind. 

After Judith was done pleasing her Master with her body, he sent her to fetch wine. Judith came back with a bottle of white and two glasses. She assumed Maria wasn’t supposed to get any. When she reentered the room, Maria's gag was off and Seth was talking softly to her. Judith put the wine down and poured two glasses. He turned away from Maria and Judith handed him a glass. He shook his head.

"Put them on the table for now," he said and Judith obeyed. She looked impatiently at her sister. It made her very uncomfortable to see her like this, but if that was what her Master wanted, she really wasn't in a position to contradict him. Something strange seemed to be going on here, but she didn't know what it was.

"Do you have a question, Judith?" She licked her lips nervously and asked him "What did you do to Maria?"

He smiled. “I tied her up.”

Judith made a face “I can see that. Why did you tie her up?"

"As a punishment, of course." Judith just looked at him questioningly until he continued, "As you may know, Maria cheated on me back then. I loved her very much and she slept with one of my best friends and ended up leaving me to be with him. So now I make her pay. Do you have a problem with that?” 

Judith thought about what to say next. The honest answer would be yes. But she was his slave. She loved him and everything he did. "Can't you... forgive her?" she felt stupid at the question.

He snorted laughing and said, "That's the goal, yes. But first, she must repent. And I want you to help her with that. It's a test for you, too. I want to see who you’re loyal to, Judith. If you do everything I say and help Maria pay for her sins, I promise to make you both very, very happy. Until the end of your days. That's perfectly fair and understandable, am I right?” 

Judith couldn't help but agree, “Absolutely!” She glanced at Maria. She watched blankly. "Is she... okay?" asked Judith. He glanced at Maria and took another sip.

“Yeah, all things considered… Watching us have sex in front of her has upset her a bit, but I put her temporarily in a deep trance.” 

He handed Judith his empty glass and stood up. "So then Judith, are you ready?"

Judith put the glasses on the table and said with an eager smile "Yes, Master!" without knowing what to expect.

He smiled and said, "Stand on the bed next to Maria." Judith climbed the bed without hesitation. “She is very impressionable at the moment. I want you to make her lick your cunt until you cum.” Judith swallowed. She didn’t want to do this, but orders were orders...

“Maria?”, Judith asked gently. Her sister seemed to wake up from some kind of daydream.

"Judith? Judith!” Maria looked up at her. "Judith, run! Get help! Resist it. Fight it!” The pleading in her sister's voice triggered deep sympathy in Judith.

"I'm sorry, Maria, but this is for the best, do you understand?"

Maria shook her head wildly. "You're not yourself, don't you understand? He has you completely under his control. You have to fight it!” 

He cleared his throat impatiently. Judith realized that this was her test. She had to show him how loyal she was. Judith hastily said, "Lick my cunt, Maria." It sounded incredibly wrong and weird to say something like that to her own sister. Maria's eyes widened with terror, but her head moved between Judith's thighs. 

Judith found it difficult to keep her balance on the bed. Especially when her sister's tongue sucked her labia. Judith supported herself with one hand on the wall and put the other on the back of Maria's head. With her hands tied behind her back, she needed Judith's guidance. Maria's tongue found Judith's clitoris and her legs went weak. It was downright sick, but the bodily feeling was undeniably arousing. "Oh!" exclaimed Judith. 

Maria's eyes radiated pure horror. It was almost unbearable. "Don't look at me like that." As soon as she said it, Maria closed her eyes and continued. Maria did as Judith said, she realized. Maria was suggestible, she recalled. She could make it more comfortable for her sister! She glanced at her master. He filmed the whole thing with a video camera. Would he allow it? Judith was still following his command and as long as Maria 'repented' it shouldn't really be a problem. Judith came up with a wording that would benefit all parties. 

"That's good, Maria. You don't like doing this, I know, but you must repent. You deserve this and you know it. Just accept your punishment and do your best. You're almost there. Oh yes!” Judith groaned. The faster she came the faster Maria was done. Judith tried to enjoy it as much as possible, which wasn't particularly difficult for her anymore. She stroked her sister's head, "You long for his forgiveness so much, am I right? Own your past mistakes and pass this test. Oooooh!” Judith was almost there. She felt the climax building up. It would be over in a minute.

Judith had never seen such a long dildo in her life. She asked, "A-All the way?" He nodded. Maria knelt on the floor, her arms not tied behind her lower back anymore but behind her neck. The gag was back in her mouth. He took her wrists and slowly pushed her forward so her head wouldn't hit the carpet. He positioned her face to the side of the ground and brushed her hair out of her face. Then he sat down right in front of Maria's head. His cock, hard once more, floated over her red cheek. He said "Now" and caressed Maria's hair. 

Judith spread Maria’s butt-cheeks with her left hand and put the tip of the dildo at her asshole. She couldn't believe this was supposed to go in all the way. She slowly let the tip sink into Maria's butthole. Judith tried to go as slowly as possible. The long black dildo was properly smeared with lube. Hopefully, it was enough. Maria let out a muffled groan. Judith didn't know if it was pain or pleasure. She could only hope for the latter.

Judith turned the dildo a little to get Maria used to it and pushed her a few inches further while spinning it. Maria groaned again, definitely in pain this time. Judith stopped, pulled it back a bit, and slowly moved him back and forth. Maria calmed down a bit. Her muffled groans changed slightly. Was it getting better? Judith wished for some feedback, but the gag made it impossible. Her master had stopped stroking Maria. Instead, he now grabbed her heavy tits and slapped his cock on Maria's cheeks.

Judith went deeper. The dildo wasn't even halfway in. "Aaaah!" Judith heard her sister now. He had finally released the gag, but before Maria could utter another sound, his cock was in her mouth and apparently down her throat as well. 

Judith hated doing this to her sister, but Maria did deserve it. Once they were through with this, he would make them both happy. Judith could not imagine anything more beautiful than serving him forever and devoting herself to him. Judith didn't know how he would make Maria happy, but he would surely come up with something great for her, too. She surely wasn't happy at this moment. The dildo was so deep in her ass that Judith was worried. Only muffled and blunt screams came out of her mouth.

Judith was about to ask if that wasn’t enough, when he said, "Move that thing a little. She doesn't feel anything!” Judith doubted that statement but had no choice but to push the long dildo back and forth at generous intervals. He pulled his cock out of Maria's mouth and her sister gasped. Judith pushed the dildo forward again and Maria screamed, but strangely quiet. Was it pleasure or pain?

"You can slowly get faster, I think," her master said.

Maria drooled and moaned. Judith got faster. She still didn't know if she was torturing or satisfying her sister until she heard a soft “Fuck, yeah!" 

It was a relief and gave Judith the confirmation she needed to go faster. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes!!” moaned Maria. Seeing Maria like that really seemed to turn him on. To Judith's amazement, Maria seemed to enjoy it too. Was that a smile on her lips? Judith got faster and faster until her Master signaled her to stop.

“All the way in now,” he instructed and Judith did as she was told. Maria let out a long and deep groan as Judith pushed the dildo even deeper inside her sister's intestines. 

Seth stood up and grabbed Maria by her hair and the rope that tied her hands behind her back. He lifted her up in an upright position. The dildo slid back out a good few inches during this move and Maria squealed, still weirdly quiet.

Seth knelt down in front of Maria and mirrored her pose, except that his arms weren’t tied up behind his neck. He put his hands on her hips and asked “Would you like to kiss me, Maria?”

Her sister breathed “Yes!”, and pressed her lips on his, forcing her tongue inside his mouth. “Fuck, this is so Hot, Seth. Please, touch me!” She begged and Seth complied. He moved his hands up her body and played with her big breasts. Maria let out a long moan and kissed his neck. “I want you so bad, Seth.” She confessed. “I want to be with you. Please… Please take me back! I’ll do everything! Anything!”

Seth waved to signal Judith to get out of the way. Judith stood up and made a step aside. Seth pushed Maria even more back until she fell over backward on the ground with a big thump! Maria didn’t make a sound, even though her position looked very uncomfortable to Judith.

Instead, Maria embraced Seth again as he crawled over her, kissing her again. “Fuck me, Seth,” Maria begged. “I’m so wet for you. So ready. Just fuck me, please!” Seth slid inside his ex-girlfriend with ease. “Yes, fuck me!” Maria panted “Fuck me! Love me! I love you! I love you! I love you so much!” Judith felt out of place watching her sister have sex like this in front of her, but she was glad to see her master happy.

”I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming! Fuck!!!” Maria let out a high-pitched shriek while Seth sucked on one of her tits and groped the other. “Oooooouuuuuhh!” Maria spasmed and squealed and then all of a sudden slumped, all tension leaving her body. Seth pulled out his cock and propped himself up on his elbows. He looked at Maria as a wide smile formed on her red face. She breathed softly “I love you so much, Seth!”

Seth smiled and said, “I love you too, Sugartits.”

Judith’s life hasn’t even changed that much in the last two months. The only big change to the outside world was that she had broken up with her boyfriend. Her mother was especially sad about it because she liked him a lot. Otherwise, everything was mostly the same. She still had the same friends, the same hobbies, the same routine. At least when she wasn’t at home.

Judith just came back from grocery shopping. She quickly sorted everything out in the kitchen and then joined Maria and Master in the living room. Both of them were naked, Master was sitting on the couch while Maria knelt in front of him serving his cock with her tits. He sure liked them a lot, Judith thought without jealousy. Maria had lost a lot of friends ever since she got back together with Seth, but that was mostly because Nick told everyone she was a slut for cheating on him on his birthday. Maria was unfazed by all the gossip, though.

Seth saw her come in and called “Hey, Sugarbutt! Get your sweet ass over here.” Judith smiled and walked up to them. She loved how much he praised her butt and Judith knew he meant it. He fucked her ass almost as often as he fucked Maria’s tits. She knelt next to her sister.

“Yes, Master. How may I serve you?”

“Well, first of all: Get out of those clothes right now. And then I want you to doll yourself up and wear your sluttiest outfit tonight. We’re celebrating.”

Judith nodded “Of course, Master.” Already undressing quickly. “What are we celebrating?”

Seth said “One second. Let me finish real quick.” He groaned while Maria moved her tits up and down faster and faster to please her boyfriend. Seth unloaded and shot his cum all over Maria’s chest. He breathed heavily with relief and looked satisfied. Then he smiled at Maria.

“Tell her the news,” he said and Maria turned her head to look at Judith, still slowly moving her tits up and down. She had a wide smile on her face.

“Seth proposed!” Maria said, giddy with excitement “We’re getting married!”

Judith exclaimed, “Oh my god, that’s wonderful! Congratulations!” 

Seth pulled his cock out from between Maria’s tits, leaned back, and watched as the sisters hugged tightly. Judith felt his warm cum rubbing onto her, as her sister’s big tits squeezed her own. Judith was genuinely happy. She loved her sister and she loved her master and they were the best couple in the world. Besides, Judith would always be a part of their relationship, no matter what.

“I can’t have Sugartits without Sugarbutt. It’s the perfect set!”, he once told her. Judith knew they would spend the rest of their lives together. She didn’t mind to keep it a secret. Her ass belonged to her master, forever.

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