

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/f #f/m #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwashing #cuckold #mind-control #mind_control #multiple_partners #pov:top #revenge #sadomasochism #sex #submission

This is one of my oldest stories. My writing style has changed and improved a lot since then, but I still like to come back to this one.

Maria drove through the streets as fast as she could and dialed her sister. Once again, she had chatted with her mum for too long. Originally she just wanted to pick something up from her old room for her sister. They both had moved out last year. After her prolonged chat, Maria barely had time to get ready for the party and went through what was left of her old stuff to find something to wear. Now she wore a tight-fitting white top with a neckline, that was way too wide. Not that her breasts needed it, they were big enough.

She usually didn’t mind showing off her assets, but this top? Even too revealing for her taste. She probably hadn’t worn it since she was sixteen. Alas, there was simply no more time to change at home, because she was already late. Damn it, it looked like her tits would plop out any moment. And why didn't Judith answer her goddamn phone?! 

Maria was supposed to be at her boyfriend’s party 20 minutes ago. It had already started and she knew he was going to be mad at her. Luckily, there was a parking space right in front of the apartment she shared with her sister. Maria would have preferred to just call Judith and tell her to come downstairs, but since her little sister didn't respond, Maria had no choice but to go get her and waste even more time doing so. ‘There's nothing I can do about it now’, she thought and slammed the car door. 

Hopefully, Judith was ready to go. Her younger sister was usually the responsible one. Maria rang the bell from downstairs, but the buzzer never buzzed. She dug the key out of her purse, opened the door, entered the stairwell, and hurried upstairs. She entered the apartment and found her sister in the kitchen.

She was sitting at the dining table and wore nothing but red underwear. Was this a joke? Just as Maria was about to shout at her sister, she noticed that someone else was there. Maria’s jaw dropped in disbelief as she recognized the guy who was sitting next to her sister. It was Seth, her ex-boyfriend. He put a hand on Judith’s shoulder and smiled.

"What the hell is going on here?" Maria blurted out. Judith looked at her in surprise, as if she had only just noticed, that her sister had entered the room. "Hello?!" Maria tried again. Judith finally woke up. 

“Hey, sis!" She sounded as if Maria's appearance had surprised her completely. Judith said "I was just about to get dressed when Seth was at the door to visit us. Isn't that a funny coincidence?” Her sister giggled, but Maria didn't find it funny at all. 

"No?!" she said irritated, "You're sitting here, comfortably in your underwear, drinking wine with my fucking ex while I'm rushing around town like an idiot to pick you up. We’re already late and-“

"Maria!" Seth suddenly interrupted her. 

She looked at him, but before she could shout some choice words in his direction, he said "Calm down." Seth stood up and didn't take his eyes off her. "Relax." Her anger left her body rapidly as he slowly walked around the table and towards her. She was calm. 

"Can I talk to you in your room for a moment?" He asked. Maria didn’t understand. In her mind, she was extremely upset because her sister was sitting here in her underwear, drinking wine with Maria’s ex and they were so fucking late, but she just didn't feel it anymore.

"We don't have time for this…" she explained slowly, surprised by her own calmness. “We have to go to the party…”

Seth took Maria’s hand. Why didn’t she pull it away? “Don’t worry about that Maria. You don't feel like going to this party, anyway. You don't care about it at all.”

"I don't feel like going to this party, anyway. I don't care about it at all.” Maria repeated mechanically while realizing with surprise that it was the truth. "But why... is Judith only wearing underwear?"

"I can explain everything. Go and wait in your room.” Maria turned and slowly walked towards the door of her bedroom. She hesitantly opened the door and shook her head. She turned around again and wanted to say something. But what?

“I... I'll wait in my room.” She said and went inside. While she stood there, waiting, she heard his muffled voice saying something to Judith. Moments later he appeared behind her. Maria turned around, unable to make sense of what just happened. 

Seth closed the door behind him and examined Maria's body.

"I'm up here." She said after a while.

"I know," he said, grinning cheekily at her. "Great top, Sugartits. You look as gorgeous as ever.”

Maria snapped at him “Don’t call me that!”. God, how she hated that nickname. One of the many reasons she broke up with Seth. He was way too cocky for her taste, a real man-child. 

"What do you actually want here?"

"Short answer? You."

"Funny. Can you finally tell me what's going on?"

"I will,” he said and moved closer. "But first you're gonna kiss me.” 

Maria was thunderstruck for a moment, then she slowly took a step towards Seth. She didn't know what came over her, but she knew she was about to kiss him. Before she was able to think about her actions, she found her arms placed on his chest and leaned in. Maria closed her eyes and willingly pushed her tongue into his mouth. Seth wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her a bit closer, while Maria frenched her ex-boyfriend.

After they kissed, Maria felt used, although clearly she had taken the initiative by kissing him. She couldn't explain it. "What was that?" she asked.

"A kiss," he replied with a grin.

She slapped his chest ”I know that! But… why did I kiss you?” He looked at her thoughtfully and began to talk:

“Maria, even though we only dated for a few months, I was never able to forget you. I wanted you back ever since you dumped me for a certain former buddy of mine. And now I've finally found a way to make you my girlfriend again.”

This nonsensical explanation took some time to comprehend. "What the fuck do you mean with that?" She had a bad feeling about this.

"I mean it like I said it. We’re gonna get back together!”

Was he serious?! “Uuuuhm, how about no?” She scoffed. “What's wrong with you? You know very well that I’m still with Yannick. Also, you haven’t talked to me for months! Did you really think, I would just say ‘yes’ to that?”

He just smiled and something in his eyes scared her. "You'll be on your knees, begging to be my girlfriend.”

Maria was creeped out enough before, but that was it for her. If he didn’t back off she’d kick him in the nuts and call the police. She had no problem getting a restraining order. Then suddenly his gaze changed.

"You're getting hornier by the second, whenever we're making out. When that happens, your desire for my body won't let you think clearly anymore. The further we go, the more infatuated you’ll be until your heart is filled with love and devotion for me. Once you have an orgasm, that love will never fade and I will be the only man in the world for you. Your affection for me will be your sole reason to exist. And now you want to kiss me so bad again, as you're forgetting everything I just said to you.”

As soon as Seth finished his sentence, Maria realized that she was just staring at him in disbelief instead of listening. What did he just say? That weirdly strong urge to kiss him was back and she couldn't concentrate anymore. She looked deep into his eyes and simply could not resist him any longer. She kissed him again, unable to control herself, and his hands on her hips slowly moved up. 

Maria felt a growing urge to undress him, to pull him to her bed and let him take her, but that wasn't right! His hands felt up her breasts and her excitement grew immeasurably. This couldn't get out of hand, she reminded herself. She had a boyfriend, after all. Seth let her go and smiled at her. Maria found herself smiling back, and a warm tingling in her stomach confused her deeply.

After all this time, the feelings she used to have for him when they were dating, suddenly flooded her body. He lifted her blouse up over her bra and wanted to take it off, but Maria kept her arms down. This had to stop. Now.

"That's not… a good idea.“, she said reluctantly. She was annoyed with herself because a big part of her really wanted to go all the way. ”We have to stop this." 

"It's okay. I get it.” Seth gave her a quick, tongueless kiss on the mouth as if to wrap it up, but kept his face close to hers. He looked into her eyes and said “Just once more, with all your passion.” Within a second, an avalanche of pleasure washed over her. She threw her arms around him and they kissed each other greedily.

She felt his hands on her stomach, her hips and then he finally pulled her useless blouse over her head. She wanted it. Maria found herself leering at him. She wanted more and she never had a problem taking what she wanted. They undressed each other as they made out with increasing passion. 

Maria remembered that Seth was a pretty decent fuck, but this time she felt more than that. As he removed her bra and caressed her bare breasts, she regretted ever breaking up with him. When she kissed his neck while he massaged her clit it was as if they were still together, it felt so good, so familiar. It was more than just that, though. Maria had feelings for him, she noted. She never felt this strongly for Seth before, but now she cared for him, deeply. More than she cared for Nick. 

Seth sat down on the bed and pulled her close to him. Maria mounted him and pressed her wet pussy against his hard dick, grinding it. It felt so amazing, that she inadvertently moaned. Maria smiled, slightly embarrassed at Seth, but he smiled back and they shared this intense connection. They didn’t need words to communicate their love.

She couldn't fathom how she was ever able to have anyone else after him. Seth lifted her by her ass and slid inside her. She wanted this so badly and started moaning in pleasure the second she felt him penetrating her. She kissed him again and put her hands on his face to gaze at him. 

Seth was so hot, she thought as she moved her body rhythmically and caressed his masculine chest. She was wetter and hornier than she had ever been in her life. She wanted to be with him, wanted him to love her as she loved him, and wanted this moment to last forever. He kissed her and then sucked on her nipples while he accelerated Maria’s rhythm with his hand on her butt. 

“I love you!” she breathed. She didn’t mean to say it, but she just could not hold it back anymore. He had to know! “I love you so much, Seth!” She knew she was about to climax soon and with that, she had a strange realization. It felt like an epiphany. When she came, she would be his. Forever. Maria didn’t exactly know what that meant, but she anticipated it. She was ready. “Yes!” She moaned “Just a little more, just a little!” She was so close, but suddenly and without warning, Seth pushed her off of him. 

His cock slipped out of her and Maria stood in front of him, feeling desperate and weirdly empty, her pussy dripping wet. It all happened too fast for her. Seth said "I won't make it that easy for you, Sugartits. You deserve to suffer a little first.” He pushed himself off of the bed and for a second, Maria thought he’d kiss her again. To her despair, he walked right out of the room and left her standing there, like a naked idiot. He was back fast, carrying a backpack in his hand.

Maria's thoughts and feelings were all over the place. ‘What is wrong with me?’ Her longing for him was still intense, but the love that filled her up before was different now, felt stale and unreal. Like she was chasing a rainbow, only to find out it was made of cardboard. ‘What did he do to me?’ Seth came towards her with a bundle of rope in his hand and dropped the backpack.

"What... are you up to?”, she asked, taking a step back. Maria locked eyes with him and felt drawn into his gaze. There was something about his eyes, that was inescapably mesmerizing.

“Just hold still and let me tie you up a bit,” Seth said and gently pinched her right nipple. “There’s something I want you to see…”

Maria couldn't look away. She wanted to close her eyes, but she couldn't. She was not allowed to. She was forced to watch as her sister was raped before her eyes. Even though she looked like she was enjoying it, Maria knew better now. It seemed unbelievable, but Seth was brainwashing them somehow. Judith was a completely different person. Maria was tied up on the bed and faced Judith, who sat on Seth’s lap on a chair right in front of her. Her little sister moved rhythmically on his lap, his cock inside her. Seth groped Judith from behind and grinned over the blonde’s shoulder over to Maria. He fucking groped the breasts of her little sister and Maria couldn't even move! 

It wasn't just the rope. Her legs were spread wide without being tied up, but she wasn't able to close them. She felt completely helpless and exposed. Her screams were stifled by the gag in her mouth. She couldn’t cry either. She felt like it, but not a tear escaped her eyes. Seth had taken care of that too. 

“Whatever happens, don’t cry”, he’d told her, just before he attached the gag, “We don't want your beautiful make-up to run off.”

Judith's moans became louder and oozed pleasure. "Do you want to cum, Judith?" he asked her while Judith was jumping up and down, faster and faster.

"Oh yes! Please make me cum, Master! Please!"

He grinned smugly at Maria, before moving Judith’s head to face him. Maria could see her sister falling under his spell. 

"Look your sister in the eyes and cum,” he instructed, ”Relish it.”

He let go of her and Judith suddenly looked Maria straight in the eyes. She had ignored her before that completely, due to Seth’s instructions. That first gaze made Maria feel a rip in her heart. Judith seemed to realize or remember for a split-second what Maria was going through, but then she smiled dimly. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she groaned loudly.

The sisters were forced to look at each other while Judith came. However, while Maria experienced agonizing terror, Judith enjoyed it visibly and moaned even louder.

Maria still couldn't believe the nightmare she was in. An hour ago, all she wanted was to go to Nick's birthday party with her sister and have a good time.

She was no longer interested in the party, but by now she had figured out, that this was also because of what Seth had done to them. How long would it take for someone to rescue them? Nick had to be worried by now, but would he leave his own party to check on her? Maria was scared. What would happen next? Her own future was reflected in her sister. If she didn't do anything, Seth would do the same thing to her as he did to Judith and there was nothing she could do about it. 

Maria had already gotten a taste of his power. It was so strong, so deceptively real. She was about to give herself completely to him and she fucking wanted it. Only when he pushed her away did she realize what really happened.

"You're done, slave." He lifted Judith by her bottom and slapped her ass.

"Thank you, Master.” Judith sounded meekly and cheerful at the same time.

She stood up, and Maria looked imploringly at her sister. "Snap out of it! Call for help! Run away!” She tried to shout, but everything went down in a muffle.

Judith asked, ”What... have you planned with her, Master?”

"Get the wine, slave.” Seth ignored the question. “The white one this time.” 

"Yes, master.” Her sister turned away submissively and left the room.

He looked at Maria. "Well, how did you like the show?"

He stood up, which made his half-deflated cock bounce, and undid her gag. Maria immediately yelled “HELP! JUDITH, DON'T COME BA-" First she heard a loud smacking sound and then she felt the pain. He had slapped her. Maria was dumbfounded by the realization. He had just slapped her right across the face!

"Room volume, if you please," he said with that intense look in his eyes.

Maria decided to keep her voice down, but she was fucking mad. “Asshole!", she hissed at him. He pinched both her nipples very hard in response. Normally she would have screamed out in pain, but now she was focused on squealing as quietly as possible.

“That's better.” He grabbed her chin and lifted her face so that she looked straight into his eyes. "Are you ready for the third act?” Maria had already lost herself in his eyes again.

Maria was getting dizzy. She feasted on her sister's wet vagina and hoped she’d make her cum soon. How did she even get here? She felt heavy and drowsy as she wasn’t fully awake. Her tongue was hurting. It was incredibly disgusting what she had to do here, but there was no way around it. She had no choice but to obey her sister. Seth might have been a masochistic asshole, but Maria now realized that she herself had created this monster. She had cheated and lied to him and then dumped him coldly to be with one of his friends. How could she have been so callous? Her guilty conscience was eating away at her now, growing stronger by the second. She could only hope that Seth would forgive her soon. 

Yes, this was a sick test, but she deserved it. Maria only thought that, because Judith had told her so earlier, but that didn't make it any less true. Maria had to pay for what she did. She had accepted her punishment and was trying to get through it as best she could. All she wanted was forgiveness. Judith twitched and moaned. She almost made it! Finally, Judith suddenly slumped onto the bed and fingered herself, while she was overcome by her orgasm. Maria had successfully made her little sister cum.

"Very well done you two. How are you feeling now, Maria? Is there something you want to say?”

Maria looked at him. She still felt half asleep, but she knew what she had to say. "Can you forgive me?" she said ruefully.

He laughed, "It's still too early for that. We'll see.” He placed the camera on the desk and approached Maria.

He held her cheek and she looked at him. "What do you feel for me right now?" Maria gulped.

"Mostly fear and pity."


Maria nodded. “Because of what I did to you. I'm really sorry. You can make me pay for it, Seth. I know I deserve it and I’m ready! But after that…” She slowly shook her head again and looked at him pleadingly. “Please, let us go after that."

He smiled again and said “Okay,” still looking at her. “I promise I will let you go after this.”

Maria was surprised because he actually sounded sincere. She tried to read his face but then lost herself in his eyes. He said “You’re now fully awake again. Kiss me,” and naturally she did. Excitement rushed through her body as her tongue embraced his. Seth kneaded her bound breasts and Maria relished the feeling of his wonderful touch. She remembered what happened before. When I come I will belong to him. If that happened, it wouldn't matter if he let her go or not. She wouldn’t want anything else but him, an empty, mindless slave like her sister already was.

Maria couldn't let that happen. And yet she longed for more. For his body, his warmth, his love. She concentrated hard and broke the kiss. She panted and looked at him, defiantly. Seth wanted to stroke her face again, but Maria pulled back. "This is going to be interesting,” he mused “Do you really think you can resist me?” 

Seth held his hand out and Maria didn’t understand the gesture. Tied up as she was, she could hardly take it. A hand appeared next to her and Judith was helped to get up from the bed. Maria had momentarily forgotten she was there, because of This strange trance-like state she was in before. 

Seth pulled Maria’s sister closer. Judith embraced him and kissed him deeply. “Did I do good, Master?” Seth squeezed her ass.

“You did very good my little slave. Now fetch my backpack. There’s a black dildo in there and I want you to shove it deep into your sister’s asshole.” 

“What?!”, Maria’s eyes widened in shock.

Seth told her “You said I can make you pay, remember?”

Maria gulped as she saw Judith come back with the longest dildo Maria had ever seen. Judith looked pale and scared as well.

She meekly asked “D-Don’t you think this is a bit too much? I don’t want to hurt her, Master. P-Please, have mercy.”

Maria wanted to hug her sister for that. Seth looked at Judith and said, “It’s supposed to hurt, dummy.” He put his hand on her cheek and put her under his spell again. “She deserves it.”

Judith nodded and breathed “She deserves it.”

“No!”, Maria said as loud as possible (which wasn’t very loud) “Judith, look away!”, but her sister was completely enthralled.

Seth went on “It’s good that you care about your sister, but she has to repent, first. She has to earn my forgiveness and once she has it, she’ll be my girlfriend again. Can you imagine how happy she’ll be? And you’re helping her get there. You’re doing her a huge favor with this.”

“Yes…” Judith breathed, “Huge favor.”

She smiled as she was trapped in a blissful daydream and didn’t even stop after Seth turned away from her.

“Don’t worry,” he said to Maria now. “This is your last punishment. When I’m done with you, this will become a fond memory of our reunion.”

“You’re a monster. You meant nothing to me back then. I never loved you and I never will.” Maria gave him a defying glance. “And when Nick finds out what you did, you’ll be a dead man!” Seth’s grin just got wider. Maria prayed to God that Nick was on his way here, that he would find her in time to save her. 


Nick fumbled around in his pocket for the spare key. His hands were shivering. He barely had the key in the door when it swung open from the other side. “Judith! Why didn’t you open when I rang the bell?” 

“Sorry,” the slender blonde said, “I fell asleep and wasn’t fast enough at the buzzer.” 

She didn’t look like she slept though, even though she didn’t wear anything besides a thin white t-shirt and some red underwear underneath. He would never get used to seeing his girlfriend’s sister walk around like that. It was like a constant walking temptation. Sometimes he thought they did this on purpose to test him. Judith’s hair fell down in big curls, but they were straight and cared for. Not frizzy at all, like after a nap. 

“Where is Maria?”, Nick asked “Did she also fall asleep?”

“Uhm…” Judith made a way so Nick could come inside. “I think I heard her coming home earlier. I figured she went to your party by now?”

Nick shook his head “I tried to call and text you both a hundred times! Her parents told me she left their place over two hours ago. I need to see if she’s alright.” Judith followed him to Maria’s room.

“What the…?!” At first, Nick didn’t understand what he was seeing. This couldn’t be real. His jaw dropped and he felt his heart shatter. Seth was lying on Maria’s bed, wearing nothing but shorts and there was a plastic bowl of grapes sitting on his belly. Maria laid right next to him on her side, propped up on her elbow, hand supporting her head. She was completely nude with the upper leg straddling those of Seth. She used her free hand to feed him a grape.

They both looked up at Nick, not startled about his appearance, not even a trace of guilt on either of their faces. Nick stood there silently for a second. “Are you kidding me?” He asked his girlfriend.

Maria looked confused for a moment, then she seemed to remember that she had just been caught cheating. “Oh, sorry Nick.”, she said in a way one said sorry for cancelling an appointment. “I didn’t mean for you to find out this way.” 

He expected her to show shame or at least be somewhat empathetic, but she looked completely unfazed, if not slightly amused. Nick shook his head in disbelief. Seth said “Sorry, buddy. Don’t get mad, alright? I did warn you after all…” Nick couldn’t believe the audacity! 

Of course, he knew what Seth was referring to: After Maria had dumped him, Seth got crazy angry at Nick. Back then they were still kind of friends. Nick thought, he was special for Maria and knew she never had strong feelings for Seth anyway. Seth had told Nick, that Maria was a slut and a cheater and that if she cheated on him, she would also cheat on Nick. He dismissed everything Seth said and figured he was just butthurt and a sore loser. The ugly truth was right in front of him. 

Seth was right: She was a slut and a cheater. Nick could not believe she’d do this to him on his birthday. Maria turned her attention back to Seth and fed him another grape. Nick could not believe her cruelty. He made a fist and took a step towards the as his anger grew stronger than his heartbreak. At least he could punch Seth’s stupid face in.

Suddenly, Judith jumped in front of him and held him back. “No!” She said “No fighting in here, Nick. Come on.” She said gently and hugged him, turning his head away from the bed. “Let’s get you out of this room, alright?”

Nick let go of his tension and looked one last time at Maria. The woman he thought he would marry someday. He said, “You're dead to me.” And left the room with Judith. Nick was grateful for her support in that moment, as she walked him down to his car.

Judith guided Nick out of the room and closed the door behind them. Maria turned her head back to Seth. He quietly sang “Happy birthday to you…“ Maria giggled and caressed his chest

“You’re so funny!” She took a grape from the bowl and fed it to him. He looked so sexy when he chewed, she thought dreamily and bit her lip. She couldn’t help but stare. 

“I guess it’s official now,” Seth said. He gave her an adoringly cheeky smile. He was perfect. “You’re my girlfriend again, Sugartits.” 

Maria giggled and felt dizzy with excitement when he said that. Those words out of her soulmate’s mouth made her whole body feel warm and good. “I’m so happy, Seth.”

Her boyfriend threw the plastic bowl with grapes from his belly on the ground and Maria mounted him.

“I love you so much!” she breathed. Her big tits grazed his chest as she leaned in and kissed him deeply. He smiled and put his hand on her cheek.

“I love you, too, Sugartits.” Maria smiled dimly and felt more happy than she ever did in her life. She loved that nickname. She loved how much he loved her tits and they were his, of course, just like she was. Her tits belonged to her boyfriend, forever.

If you join my Discord Server you will get a special PDF edition (including images and chapter 2) of this story for free :)

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