The Rainbow Collar

Chapter 7

by Feldor

Tags: #cw:incest #exhibitionism #f/m #fantasy #magic #sub:female #urban_fantasy #CW:dubious_consent #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #growth #multiple_partners


Zach had given Nora a call while Claire was at the mall with her friends. Finding that his schedule was now open for a possible bar date with the sexually intimidating assistant. Nora sounded very happy that he managed to make time for her tonight instead of on Sunday.

Zach was finally on the road to Nora’s place. Before leaving home he had, switched Claire’s collar to the orange gem, which the old man wrote down as ‘dommy mommy’ on the piece of paper. Zach couldn’t help but chuckle at the idea of these powerful artifacts that could alter ones very being, and those around him, yet the old man described one of its abilities as ‘dommy mommy’. Going back to his previous thought, he was ecstatic when Claire brought Amanda back. He knew something was gonna happen when Claire asked him about there being a ‘dominant’ setting for the collar. Zach couldn’t wait to hear about it later, the idea that that huge tomboy woman would turn out to be a bashful subby girl was just so hot to think about.

Nora lived in a nice condo that was pretty close to the suburbs where I lived. I parked next to the curb in front of the walkway to her front door. Walking up to the door, I gave it a little shave and a haircut knock.

“Two bits!” Nora finished the call and response, opening the door. She had already looked hot in her professional clothing, but holy hell did she look like a model when she wore a cocktail dress. The dress she was wearing was pink, with thin straps over the shoulders, an impressive amount of cleavage from her C cup breasts were exposed by the plunging neckline. Her hair was usually in a ponytail, but this time she had it draped loosely over her shoulders; honey blond hair looking vibrant. Her bright green eyes moved up and down my body, taking in her prey for the night. I didn’t hesitate to do the same, looking at her, she had a lithe build like that of a runner. Her pert cleavage, perfectly encased in her dress, and I already knew she had a cute tight ass, but I knew it would look even better in this dress.

“As much as I would love for us to stand here and eyefuck each other all night, I am rather thirsty.” She said, licking her lips.

Opening the passenger side door to my car, Nora got in and buckled her seat. Getting in the driver’s side, I started the car.

“Such a gentleman,” she said, smirking at me, “but we already know I don’t need a gentleman. Are you willing to be my Tarzan?” Her grin widened at the sight of my face turning red. Luckily the bar that Nora frequents is close to her place, so we didn’t have to go far.

After taking forever to find a parking spot that doesn’t have a parking meter, we finally arrived. Well, we arrived 2 blocks away from the bar since there was absolutely no way I was paying for a meter.

This gave us some time to talk as we made our way towards the bar. Nora was wearing some stiletto shoes, but she didn’t seem impeded by them at all, she was able to keep up at a normal walking pace.

“So, how did you end up getting recommended to Carmen?” Nora asked, looking at me with her head tilted in a cute manner.

“My professor also taught her way back, and since I'm in the same program, he figured he would recommend me to her.”

I don’t really know why Nora was making me feel nervous, considering that we had already fucked. I thought I must be more used to sexual situations over romantic ones. Nora didn’t really seem like the romantic type though; she was more the nymphomaniac that would give you some of the best sex of your life then move on when they got bored.

“Now I get to ask you how you met…Carmen?”. Nora’s expression became wistful, a face I hadn’t seen her make yet.

“She helped me out of a tough situation when I was a kid, believe it or not, but I'm actually younger than you,” she smiled at me, “But don’t worry I like older men, they like to feel young with us wild younger ladies.” Nora playfully bit her tongue. Nora’s face returned to that wistful expression, “well I'm only about a year younger, but I’ve known Carmen since I was 12 years old.” She seemed as though she wanted to say something, but she moved on rather quickly. “Enough about Carmen though, it’s time to get our drink on!”

We were at the bar before I realized, being so engrossed in our conversation. This was more a dive bar than anything else. It was one of those places where regulars came once a week and talked it out with the bartender or other patrons.

“Heya Larry, two shots of the usual to start off.” Nora yelled towards the bartender. Knowing the person by name and having a usual meant she must come here often; I wondered how many men she had taken here as a date location.

“Nora! Its been a while since I last seen ya,” The bartender gave her a crooked grin, “was starting to think you didn’t wanna hang out with us no more.”

“Nothing like that Larry, I’ve just been taking it easy for a while.” She said, quickly deflecting his question. She looked around for an open booth to sit in, eventually she found one towards the back right next to a pool table.

Eventually, Larry gave us 2 shots of whiskey, and I had also ordered a pint of whatever beer Nora liked – I really had no preference – then made our way over to the booth. We downed our shots rather quickly, I wasn’t a liquor kind of guy, or an alcohol guy in general, I spent my college years being an anti-social nerd. The shot rushed to my head rather quickly, I couldn’t tell you the last time I had a shot of liquor. Nora didn’t so much as wince after downing her shot. Once that was down, she went back up to the bar to get 2 more shots. Nora seemed eager to get the party started, she must hold her alcohol well if she is going at this pace.

Nora kept an eye on the pool table to see when it would be free to use. We talked for a while longer before the pool table was finally vacated.

Nora got out of her seat very quickly to claim the table. She swayed a bit from the head rush of standing so quickly combined with the alcohol. She was grinning from ear to ear, she must have been looking forward to this part the most.

“So, you wanna place any bets?” She asked me.

“Were you just inviting me here so you could fleece me of all my money?” I replied with a laugh. “You know what sure; I can put down 20 dollars.”

Nora went to her purse to also grab a 20, coming back she gave me her evilest grin.

“Haha, you fool, prepare to get your ass handed to you.” She said in her best Dr. Evil impression. This woman was such a dork, I swear.

About halfway through the game it became painfully obvious that the game was lost before the first shot to break the balls was made. Nora was on a whole other level. It was like I was playing hopscotch only I had no legs to actually hop on. She won the game handily over me.

“I would say you really kicked my ass, but it’s more like you shot me execution style into a grave, pissed on me, then used napalm to set me on fire.” I said in mock exasperation. Nora belly laughed at this, cutting through the background chatter of the room. It was such a mirthful laugh that she had tears in her eyes.

“Wow you sure are descriptive,” She said, finally coming down from her laughter, “what can I say, I'm a real pool ball wizard.”

I offered to get us some more drinks, so I went back to the bar to ask for a few more shots and two pints of the beer that Nora liked. Something funny about Nora saying “pool ball wizard” stuck in my head.

“Do you guys have a jukebox?” I ask Larry. He points around a corner to the other section of the bar. As Larry is getting those drinks, I walk to the jukebox and put in the coins needed to pick a song. It was one I knew they would have, clicking the confirm button I went back to pick up our drinks then went back to Nora.

Right as I was setting the drinks down, the song I picked begun playing Pinball Wizard by The Who. Nora’s eyes lit up right away.

“Oh my god what a coincidence, I was just thinking of this song.” She said excitedly.

“I had a feeling, that’s why I picked it at the jukebox.” I said to her as I sat down in my seat.

“You some kind of mind reader Magic Man?” she giggled at the name she called me.

“Maybe I am. You play your cards right and I just might show you a trick or two.”

Nora only responded with a cheeky grin, downing her shot.

Nora was like one of those ridiculously hard 1000-piece puzzles where it’s a picture of the blue sky with some clouds, the only way to solve it was to keep brute forcing it since the majority of the pieces looked the same anyway. Every part of her seemed like a contradiction, at work she could be the poster child for customer service, but here she became boisterous and playful. Really goes to show that I shouldn’t judge books by their covers, would be a bad trait for someone in my walk of life. An hour passed and I had a few more beers, Nora brought more shots, but I could only do so many of those. At this point I was pretty drunk, being a nerd that constantly studied in school and never went to parties, I hardly ever drank. Nora must have had 2 more shots than I did and another pint of beer, and she seemed drunk, but nowhere near as bad as me.

“So, Nora…hic, did you want to see that magic trick?” I was slurring my words a bit, but Nora seemed to not have trouble parsing my words.

“That depends on what it is Magic Man.” She responded, her eyes a little hazy from the booze.

“What if I showed a call magic ring I got?” I crossed my arms like I had just checkmated her in chess. She looked at me and started busting out laughing, and I wasn’t far behind either, realizing just how dumb I sounded.

“Ok then Magic Man, show me a trick.” Nora goaded me on. While I knew I had the ring on, I didn’t actually know if there was anything tangible, I could show it doing. I really had stuck my head up my ass by boasting about this. It was hard to think about this when my brain was so fogged up by the alcohol. At that moment I felt those same pulses reverberate from the ring. After a few blinks it was like I went from a boat on the ocean to dry land in a split second, it was so jarring to immediately become sober. I looked down at the ring, I was gawking at it when Nora called out my name.

“Hey! I said show me some magic, Sexy Magic Man!” Nora purred, it seemed she took another shot while I had been in my thoughts.

“What if I told you I'm magically sober now?” I gave her my best disarming smile, and jazz hands, but she just looked at me with that glassy eyed stare a drunk person has.

“I knew yous were bullshitting me,” She started giggling at me, “You could have jus’ been acting drunker than you were.” Nora had a good point, but that seemed like an unnecessarily long con for very little pay off. I kept thinking about how I could prove it to her, not really sure why I felt like I had to, now that I was no longer drunk.

I put my hand on hers and tried to focus on her intoxication, I felt those same warm pulse radiate out. Nora jumped back, looking like I just bit her hand, she looked back at me as I saw some clarity come back to her eyes, but not completely.

“What the fuck did you just do?” She asked me, concern showing on her face.

“I told you I'm magic, but you didn’t believe me.” I shrugged in response.

After a little bit, mulling it over, her face returned to a smirk. “Alright Magic Man, what else you got?” She folded her arms under her perky breasts.

“Do I get anything if I can impress you?” I said, giving her unbroken eye contact.

“Hmmm,” she tapped her chin with her index finger as she thought, “How about, I’ll let you fuck my ass tonight. Just so you know I don’t hand out the anal card often, so you should feel honored that I am putting my tight ass on the line.” She said it with so much conviction that I couldn’t help but laugh at it a bit.

“It would be my honor, if I may so much as humbly pierce thine anus, within it a seed I would plant, perchance?” I said in my best mockery of Shakespearean plays. I stood up to bow to her, then excused myself to the restroom really quick. She was laughing hard at my goofiness as I headed towards the restroom.

I went into a stall, closing the door so I could think of what to do. Nora didn’t know this, but I’ve never fucked a girl in the ass, and I wasn’t willing to let this slip through my fingers. The old man said that the ring could affect others, and I know that it’s getting more powerful, sobering up rapidly was all the proof I needed. I just needed the ring to do something, anything. After a few moments of staring at the ring and straining myself, attempting to do anything, I figured I would just have to swallow my pride.

Coming back to the booth, Nora was on her phone looking bored, I felt guilty at the thought that I might have ruined her night by sobering her up like that. Sitting back in the booth, she put her phone down and looked at me. “Alright, magic man, let’s see it.” She said nonchalantly. Clearly unconvinced that what I did was not a fluke. I thought to the primary powers of the collar. It changed its wearers personality according to their master’s whim. Thinking it was worth a shot, I stuck my palm out, inviting her to grab it. She hesitated for but a moment before she grabbed my hand. Hoping this would work, I closed my eyes and I focused on how those pulse felt in the ring, I wasn’t very sure why I was still doing this, I wasn’t even sure what I was doing exactly. I tried to focus again, clearing my mind and closing my eyes, as my senses closed off to the outside, and focused on the waves flowing out of the ring. At that moment I felt a wellspring of energy gush forth.

It pulsed, then once more, it felt like the waves on the ocean were slamming into my mind. It wasn’t painful, more overwhelming than anything, luckily it passed as fast as it came on. I opened my eyes, to see the ring radiating a cool purplish glow, similar in color to the gem on the collar. I couldn’t for the life of me remember what that one did. Looking up at Nora, her eyes went wide, but she didn’t resist or pull her hand back. Her eyes briefly glowed with the same indigo light, as it faded from both her eyes and the ring shortly after. It felt like I transferred something to her, like she had been given something.

Nora seemed a bit out of it for a minute when she blinked, her eyes focused on me, with sudden recognition she got out of the booth and kneeled on the floor, proceeding to fully prostrate herself at my feet.

“Master, please excuse my insolence. I know not why I was acting as if I could sit at the table with you as an equal,” She spoke into the ground, saying the words as if they were heavily practiced, “I must ask that you please punish me for not knowing my place.”

She was silent after that, she remained in the position, still as a statue. I snapped out of my confusion, realizing that everyone in the bar was staring at us.

“Uh, Nora, can we not do this here?” I said, “also why are you on the ground?”

“It is my place as your lowly slave to serve at your feet, to know my place. It is my duty to please you in any way you see fit, to use me and throw me away if you so choose.”

Nora was saying all of this with a practiced, strong, yet subservient voice. Thinking I needed to play along I commanded her with a more serious tone. “Nora, stand up right now.” She flinched and looked up at me for confirmation, then stood up quickly.

Nora looked around at the quiet patrons, staring at her. Her face became red, “Master, I am so sorry for embarrassing you.” She said to me in a tense whisper. Now that I had managed to fuck up this date somehow, it was probably time to leave.

I got out of the booth and headed to the bar to close the tab. When I looked behind me Nora was waiting patiently with her eyes cast downward. Larry was giving me a suspicious stare, likely thinking I was forcing Nora to do some weird kink thing in public.

Stepping out of the bar it was a little chillier than when we arrived. I began to head to the car as Nora remained in pace always 2 steps behind me. Her graceful walk had somehow improved even more, you could have balanced several books on her head and they never would have fallen.

Arriving at my car, I opened the passenger side door for her. She paused, then kneeled done again looking at my feet.

“I am so ashamed for embarrassing you in there, if you wish to punish me then I feel I deserve it.” Her eyes became a little misty as she spoke.
sigh, “Nora, there is no need to punish you, it’s not a big deal. Can we please go now?”

“I must be the one to drive, I couldn’t imagine making my master drive me around like a chauffeur.” She cried out. At this point I was getting frustrated with her, I was trying not to show it, I needed to adjust to this.

“Nora, if I give you you're punishment, will you get in the car so we can leave?” I said to her as calm as I could. Weirdly enough she seemed happy that I was going to punish her, but only for a split second. I wonder if she is baiting me into punishing her. “How do you want it? I’ll let you choose.

Again, the corners of her mouth quirked upwards so fast you could miss it.

“I think you should take your belt and spank my ass until you are satisfied.” She said in a too cheery voice.

“Ok, well come over here, I want you to put your hands on the passenger seat and stick your ass out.” While telling her this I pulled the belt out of the loops and folded it to make a proper spanking tool. Nora calmly walked over and bent over into the car and stuck her ass out. I reached up her dress and pulled her panties down, which turned out to be completely soaked; interesting.

“You know what to do for each hit.” I growled at her, she nodded, arching her back to give me better access. With only half of her body sticking out of the car, I was hoping to minimize other people seeing what we are doing. I take a deep breath, then I begin.


“Thank you for punishing me master, I'm such a bad slave!”


This bitch will try her best, to please you, going forward.”


“Master is the only person in the world that gives my life meaning.”

Looking at her ass, the marks were already showing up as an angry red. I also noticed that her cunt was steadily dripping onto the sidewalk. “Are you some kind of slut, slave?” I asked her.

With a sniffle she said, “Only f-for you Master.”



With every hit she told me how she would do better, saying how sorry she was. Her ass was glowing like a molten bar of metal at this point. Her legs shook, not just from pain, but from the honor of receiving my loving punishment. I took Nora’s underwear away and stuffed it in my pocket, telling Nora that if she wants to drive then she can. I got in the passenger side of the car. Nora straightened herself out, closing my door, then got into the driver’s side, to “chauffer” me.

It was only a few minutes later when I realized Nora wasn’t taking us back to her place. “Nora, where are you taking me?” I asked her.

“I am taking us home master.” She replied calmly.

“Uhm… your home is the other direction, Nora.”

“I cannot serve you from there. I swear upon my mind, body, and soul that I shall always be by your side to ensure you are properly sated. Whether it be through cooking, cleaning, and maybe childcare, one day.” I looked at her with wide eyes, seeing my look she added on, “Not that you are having kids now, just maybe in the future. Speaking of baby making, my holes are all for your use as well.” She was so stern like this, I wanted original Nora back already.

There was no fighting this Slave Nora that I somehow manifested with my dumbass ring. She would keep insisting to come home with me no matter what I did. So now I was gonna have to explain this to Claire and mom. Hopefully Amanda went home already. With one last sigh I leaned my head back. “Nora, tonight, after we are home, I would like you to prepare your ass.” I commanded her, knowing that she would not refuse my use of her, since I did own her. She merely nodded and said “yes sir” she smiled with pride.

Claire: Shortly after Claire and Amanda’s love making session

I woke up with Amanda still naked, sleeping in my lap. We must have fallen asleep while we were cuddling. Looking down at Amanda’s sleeping face, I thought about how cute she was, thinking about how much I wanted to grind my pussy on her face again, listening to Amanda beg for more of my sweet nectar to fill her mouth.

I was quickly snapped out of my reverie when the front door opened suddenly. I nearly jumped out of my skin as I looked over and saw mother standing in the doorway, looking at me, and the naked, sleeping girl in my lap.

“Uhhh… hi mom.” I gave her my most nonchalant wave, trying to play it cool. She only sighed then closed the front door. She quickly removed her work shoes, then walked passed us into the kitchen, turning on the lights.

“So, you’re sleeping with girls now?” Her voice sounded a little odd, like she was trying to hold something back. I had assumed she was holding back the disgust at her daughter being a carpet muncher. I hadn’t been sure where mother landed on the is gay ok spectrum, I was pretty sure it wouldn’t be a problem, but you really never know.

“And? Are you asking to join us?” I blurted out, not thinking at all. I couldn’t believe I just said that, only just remembering that I was still in dom mode, fuck.

I looked at mom’s face, and I don’t think it would be possible for her face to get more flushed. She stammered a response, unable to string together any kind of coherent answer. With an exasperated grunt she swiftly walked past us again and ran upstairs to her room, locking her door.

My new dom senses were tingling, I could just feel that she was gonna pleasure herself. I don’t know how I knew this, but it just seemed likely after seeing us two hotties on the couch. I felt an ember light up in my core at the thought. I already crossed the line of incest with my brother, so why not take mother for a spin, see how good of a girl she could be.

“Claire, I don’t think your face was meant for evil grins.” I heard Amanda mumble, waking from her post orgasm nap. She stretched her arms and legs out, then nuzzled her face back into my crotch, I couldn’t believe what a cutie she was. All of the sudden I felt her tongue sneaking in between my thighs.

“So, you think you can just lick me without permission?” I grinned, looking her in the eyes, as I caught her red-handed. “Why don’t we go upstairs, and I can show you some of my new toys.”


Upstairs in my room I grabbed the leather padded handcuffs, a blindfold, and a buttplug. Giving her a wickedly innocent smile, I told her that I would be so happy if she wore all of this for me. Amanda looked so enamored with the attention I was giving her. Her pussy juices were once again dripping down her thighs. Seeing her full nude body, standing up, other than her lovely, huge tits, I really took my time appreciating her tight, muscular body. She was by no means a power lifter, I could recall that she went to a boxing gym, so she had more of a female fighter physique. Now that I knew her secret though, the juxtaposition of her size, muscles, and tomboyishness with her deeply suppressed submissiveness, it just made me so fucking hot.

“Tell me, Amanda, if you could wear whatever you want for me, what would it be?”

She looked so excited at the question. I told her to think of an answer while I put on the cuffs, blindfold, and buttplug. With everything I did to her, she seemed to emanate more and more heat from her sex, dripping onto my floor. Finally, kneeling at my feet, eyes covered, hands bound behind her back, and ass plugged; she gave her answer.

“I-I want you to pick out a cute sundress for me to wear, t-then you would sit me down to brush my hair and do my makeup. You would make me your pretty little girl, and tell me how special I am.” I touched myself, thinking about her description. Sounds like she wanted a girlfriend who could coddle her like a mommy. The thought of dressing her up to look super cute, it really did it for me. I would make her so pretty; I could turn her into a real feminine beauty, it’s hard to imagine it. I could tell that Amanda just wanted to be doted upon, to be comforted. I could recall the one time I went to Amanda’s house, I quickly realized that her mom was a terrible person. I think Amanda only went back to her house when she needed to grab some clothes, usually sleeping at Lara’s since her parents are not home often.

I promised myself in this moment that I would protect her no matter what, regardless of if I was in dom mode or not. I knew that I could make this work, especially with Zach to help me think about how to do this. Zach and I would really be the ultimate power couple.

My attention came back to Amanda, telling her to come to me so she could eat my pussy while I told her what a good girl she was. I couldn’t wait for Zach to get home so I could talk about this with him.

I stroked Amanda’s hair, encouraging her, telling her what a good girl she was. I told her if she could make me cum soon then I would promise her I would get a strap-on tomorrow. She redoubled her efforts, pulling out all the stops to pleasure me. She was improving quickly as she managed to make me cum not too long after.

“Come here baby, I want you face down, ass up on the bed. I'm gonna use this dildo to fuck your pussy, then watch you cum,” I told her, leaning into her ear to whisper, “do you want to cum for mommy?”

“Y-yes p-please mommy, I wanna cum like only a slut daughter should.” On the bed now, she wiggled her cute, juicy ass at me. I had a feeling that referring to myself as mommy would drive her wild, good thing I was right. plunging my fingers deep into my sopping wet pussy watching her beg for mommy’s cock. I let out a moan of satisfaction when I thought about how pretty she’ll be when I do her makeup and hair, only to watch her mascara run, as I fuck her face with the strap-on I'm gonna get. I felt a wicked giggle bubble up my throat. Managing to suppress my dom tendencies, I couldn’t help myself looking at that hot n’ ready pussy of hers. I got onto the bed as I grabbed and kneaded her as cheeks. “Oh baby, if only I had a real cock, then I would fuck all your holes until you were full of my hot, creamy, love goo.” I said as I ran my tongue up and down her slit, playfully wiggling the buttplug as well. She moaned when I would tell her I would claim her, mark her, and make her mine.

After a little more snack time, I finally pulled out the huge dildo that Zach bought from the sex store last weekend. Lightly smacking the shaft against her pussy folds, I teased her with much delight in my voice. “Does my sweet Amanda want mommy’s cock?” giving her my most saccharine of voices, I rubbed the shaft against her slit, eliciting some gasps and moans at the thought of my ‘cock’. With her legs and ass trembling from excitement, I pushed the dildo into Amanda’s pussy. It was definitely tight, I had to fight to not have her push the dildo out with her powerful Kegel muscles, but she was so wet that the dildo just glided in and out of her pretty little pussy. I would intermittently flick my tongue on her clit while continuing to fuck her with the dildo.

After a while Amanda’s moans became so loud and animalistic I found myself wanting mother to hear how her daughter was making another woman cum her brains out. I just imagined mother lying in bed, fucking herself with the toys she hides under her bed, listening to how a real woman pleasures another woman. Maybe I could get her to join us next time.

“Mmm, Mmm, I-I’m gonna cum mommy, you make my pussy feel so good!” Hearing that, I pulled the dildo out and started sucking hard on her clit. Right as she came, I yelled, “Squirt on my tits you little fucktoy!” With deep guttural moans, and shaking that would rival any earthquake in Japan, Amanda squirted like a firehose. I rubbed her slick all over my tits. I took some and pushed it into my pussy, feeling our fluids mix together. Taking the blindfold off of Amanda, I told her to come and lick her juices off of my tits. Her excitement was palpable, she licked at me like a puppy trying to get her mother’s milk. The feeling of her worshipping my body, showing me just how beautiful she was for submitting to me, I could have cum right on the spot.

But it wasn’t in the cards I guess. I heard the front door open downstairs. “Claire, we need to talk really quick.” I heard Zach say from the bottom of the stairs.

“Cuming!” I yelled back, giggling at the dumb double entendre. “Alright, my lovely girl, you stay here and relax, you’re more than welcome to stay here tonight and sleep with me.” I said to Amanda, cooing at her as I stroked her cheek. She teared up and gave me a tight hug, her face smothered by my tits. She thanked me profusely as I put some clothes on to go talk to my brother. “Be right back.” I told her, giving her my sweetest smile, sashaying out of my room so she would stare at my ass.

“What’s up Zach? I was just doing stuff with Ama…” I paused, coming down the stairs when I saw a blonde woman kneeling next to my brother, her eyes staring at the ground.

“So, we got a little issue to solve tonight.” Zach said. “Claire, this is Nora, my coworker.” I hear Zach grumble that last word, likely embarrassed at a situation he likely got himself into.

“Mistress, I am so happy to see you are doing well tonight. If there is anything you need from this slut slave then by all means, my will is yours to control.” The blonde woman said to me as she bowed deeply.

“Zach, what the fuck did you do?” Eyebrows raised, I looked back and forth between the two.

“Ok, so I don’t know exactly how I did this, but somehow the ring changed her like one of the gems on the collar. Now I have no idea if this is permanent, or if I can maybe reverse it. Anyways the color that glowed was, I think the purple one. I need to go upstairs and check really quick; can you watch Nora please?” Zach said, quickly passing me on the stairs as he ran to his room.

Nora made to follow Zach, “Slave you will sit your ass down and listen!” I commanded her, awed at the power my voice had. Nora, as quickly as a scared rodent, kneeled at the bottom of the stairs, bowing deeply. “I am sorry mistress. This worthless slave is not worth the effort you expend on her!” she cried out, her breathing sounding hot and labored.

I walked down the stairs until I was in front of the bowing woman. “Slave, have you given the master a hard time tonight?” I kept my tone even, but kept a certain amount of venom on it to pressure her.

“I beg your forgiveness. I didn’t know what had come over me, I came too and I was sitting at the same table as master. I was so horrified at what I was doing that I immediately debased myself in front of master and begged for him to punish me.” Nora was saying all of this rapid-fire, a manic rhythm to her voice. My mind got caught on the punishment part of what she said.

“And did he?”


“Did he punish you, slave?” I said louder.

“y-yes mistress, I bent over in his car and he flogged my bare ass to his hearts content.”

Now came the twisted part I knew I was gonna like. “Hmm… I bet you did all of that intentionally just so the master could punish you. I can already tell just by that smell wafting from your cunt that you got off on being spanked.” Nora finally sat up, but still didn’t make eye contact as her eyes darted back and forth like a scared animal. She kept stammering her refusal, saying she was just doing her duty.

“Ok Claire that’s enough. Do I need to put you back in sub mode?” I heard Zach from behind me, as he was descending the stairs. “Well, I checked, and it’s what we could have guessed. The indigo slave maid gem.” Zach said with an exasperated sigh. I chuckled at the idea of it. My brother seemed proper stressed, but I kind of wanted to play with Zach’s coworker turned slave.

“I'm guessing she refers to us as master and mistress because we each wear the collar and the ring?” I ask Zach, he merely nods at my question, appearing deep in thought. “So, what the hell are we gonna do?” I pose another question to him.

“I'm gonna have to take her with me to the mall tomorrow to see the creepy old man.” Zach sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“Well, then that’s that for now,” I said, clapping my hands together to show the problem was solved for the moment, “I can’t wait to go and see this old man tomorrow.” I grinned, inviting myself along with him. “Oh, and Amanda will be coming with us, I need to get her some new clothes.” I smile innocently at his look of frustration.

“Fine, but you watch over your girlfriend tomorrow, I don’t need another submissive woman at the moment.”

“Wow Zach, that has to be the most white suburban middle class first world problems thing you have ever said. ‘Oh no I'm getting too much pussy’.” I mocked him, laughing at his disdainful look.

“Alright I think that’s enough of Dom Claire.” He reached over to me, I attempted to back away, but I suddenly felt stuck in a vice grip, unable to move a muscle. Zach touched the collar, but it glowed green this time instead of blue. I saw Zach’s eyes furrow briefly as my head swam from the emotional whiplash. As I felt my head clear, I suddenly had the thought that it would be so fucking hot to watch my hunky brother fuck my new girlfriend. What I would give to see him dominate her and make her his. Looking over at Nora, I was this close to ordering her to suck Zach’s dick in front of me so I could have front row seats to the action, desperately wanting to finger myself at the sight.

“Claire!” Zach shook me, shaking me out of my thoughts.

“What gem did you just switch me to?” I asked, my tone much more soft and subtle now.

“Well shit, it just says Green cuckquean/Voyeur gem.” Zach says, looking down at the note. “I'm guessing you all of the sudden have an urge to watch me have sex with Amanda while you finger yourself?” I nod rapidly, smiling a bit at him mention the thoughts I was just having. I almost slipped back into my fantasy when Zach shook me again. “Ok, it’s getting late and we have been pretty loud down here. I think that mom is being affected by the collar and ring as well, but I would rather leave her out of it until we get this mess sorted.” Zach explained. He reached back over to me and touched the collar; this time the familiar blue glow consumed me. “As fun as the green gem sounds, I would rather play with that later when we can organize a fun little date.” Zach smirked at me, petting my head with his strong hands.

“Alright, well I guess Amanda will sleep with me and Nora with you.” I said, but before I could finish the thought.

“I shall sleep in the closet; I couldn’t fathom humiliating master with my lowly presence in his bed.” Nora interrupted. I shied away at the conviction of how she said that, realizing how different she seemed when I was no longer feeling dominant.

“Nora, you will sleep next to me tonight. You promised me your ass, and I plan to make good on your debts.” Big brother commanded Nora, using his hottest, strongest tone of voice, oh how I wished I could have my ass cherry popped soon.

Having to go our separate ways, I went back to my room to see the beautiful woman, Amanda, asleep in my bed, fully nude. I was so glad that I still felt this intense attraction towards her even though I was no longer a dom. I got in bed and cuddled up to her, using her tits as pillows. I fell asleep soon after, to the lovely sounds of Nora getting her ass destroyed, while I got to sleep on a nice pair of pillowy tits.


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