The Rainbow Collar

Chapter 6

by Feldor

Tags: #cw:incest #exhibitionism #f/m #fantasy #magic #sub:female #urban_fantasy #CW:dubious_consent #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #growth #multiple_partners

Getting home, I was excited to cook dinner with Claire, knowing that we would have more groceries to work with. Walking into the house I noticed it was quieter than it had been the last few days. Looking all around the downstairs, I couldn’t find Claire. A spark of panic ignited in my chest, worried that something may have happened to her. I checked her room, she wasn’t there. Nor was she in the restroom. I got to my room last, glancing around I still didn’t find her. I had almost left my room when I heard sniffling. I looked back in my room listening for the source of the noise. Moving towards my closet I opened it to find Claire sitting in fetal position, wearing one of my t-shirts. Her face was hidden under the collar of my shirt, but it was pretty clear that she had been in here a while, considering how wet the shirt was with her tears.

I sat down next to her and gently rubbed her back. After a few minutes she quieted down, eventually peeking her eyes out from my shirt in a cute way.

“I'm sorry for worrying you.” She said, sniffling one more time before pulling her head out of the shirt.

“What happened Claire?” I asked her.

“My friends ambushed me by waiting out front of the house when I got home from the store,” her voice cracked a bit at the mention of her friends, “Lara yelled at me because I stopped talking to them. But that wasn’t even the worst part.” Tears started rolling down her cheeks again.

“What was the worst part? It’s ok Claire, you can tell me.”

“I'm afraid if I tell you you’re going to hate m-me.” Her voice caught, filling with emotion.

“Claire, I love you, and whatever it is, we will work through it. So please tell me so I can help you. Have you already forgotten that I have my degree in psychiatry, so you know I'm a good listener.” I gave her a smile. She weakly smiled back before taking a deep breath.

“When you were gone, I felt alone. I aimed to be in the popular kids group so that I could have all the friends I could ever want. At first Lara, Stephanie, and Amanda came off as vapid, or shallow, but as time went on I had realized that they were truly my friends. They cared about me, and they would help me out when I needed it.

“a lot of those times were when I needed to vent. I was angry at the time, a teenage girl with daddy issues, and the only man she had ever known moved out of state for a 6-year degree.” Her words cut me deep, but not against her, I felt ashamed that I never realized that I did this to her.

“So, I told them about you, and I mostly said things in a negative light due to how I was feeling at the time, and they told me what I wanted to hear.”

“Which further enforced your negative view of me, a feedback loop.” I interjected softly.

“Yeah, they told me things to make me feel better because we were all just teenage girls. The same thing happened with Mom. She worked so much, that I hardly saw her. Over time my friends had convinced me as well that she probably just didn’t care about me.

“So, I started hanging out with them as much as possible, and I never got more than a few words from mom about it, which further made me feel that she didn’t care.”

“You don’t think your friends were doing this intentionally?” I asked.

“No, I don’t, Lara can be a drama queen rich bitch, but under all that she deeply cares about her friends and wants to take care of us. Stephanie is a little odd and air-headed, but when it’s just her and I, she is such a sweet, caring person. Then there is Amanda, who would never allow anyone to give me shit, she was like my bodyguard, I felt safe with her.

“This collar had my emotions 180 so fast that I just dropped contact with them, assuming they were the whole problem, but I was wrong.”

In the pause of her talking I considered what she was telling me. I saw her friends as pure toxic manipulators, and that feeling rubbed off on Claire due to our connection through the ring and collar. But I felt ashamed for judging her friends before I even knew them.

“How about this,” I said, rubbing hair back again, “this weekend, would you like to invite them over? I would like to get to know them, if they are important to you then I will make the effort to understand.” Her eyes filled with tears, but this time they weren’t from sadness, she seemed happy that I was willing to do this for her, instead of rejecting that whole side of her life that I had never considered before. She nodded her head and smiled at me, agreeing to contact her friends and ask them to come over on Saturday.

“Alright let’s get you cleaned up. Why are you wearing my shirt by the way?” I ask her.

“Oh, it just felt nice to have your smell covering me, it was the only thing that brought comfort.” She told me, I chuckled and picked her up in a bear hug. She wrapped her legs around her torso as we made our way to the bathroom for a little fun time in the shower.

The remainder of the week went by in what was becoming my new normal. Wake up and maybe have sex with Claire. See Mom get flustered when we were alone together. At work Nora would pounce on me at lunch time, demanding I ‘fuck her like an animal’, she must really like Nine Inch Nails. Dr. Cruz more or less treated me the same, but there were times when it looked like she was zoned out, looking at her computer.

I would come home, fuck Claire again, then we would get started on dinner. Mom seemed less flustered during this time, eating dinner with us, but I would catch looks from her from time to time. Claire’s friends agreed to come over on Saturday – which worked out since mom was still going to work during the weekend – I couldn’t wait to get a good read on them. I also wanted to see if they were hot, but I wasn’t gonna tell Claire that.

It wasn’t until Friday evening when I was getting ready to leave work when Dr. Cruz asked if I could talk with her in her office.

“Hey, you wanted to talk to me Doctor?” I asked, poking my head into her office.

“Uh, yes Zach, please have a seat, and call me Carmen if you would.” She said, her back to me as she looked out her window. I was sensing something odd now, the fact that she was allowing me to use her first name immediately set off alarms in my head.

“Zach, I wanted to give you a sort of review of your first week. Things you could improve on and whatnot,” she said, as she walked to her desk and sat down on the edge of desk next to me, “I’ve been studying you all week, and I’ve got to say I am impressed with what I'm seeing.” Her eyes darted up and down my body, before I knew it I could feel the blood rushing to my cock.

“Um… thanks doc… I mean Carmen.” She gave me a sweet smile when I said her name, which made my heart rate spike at how effortlessly sexy she was.

She scooted closer to me so that her legs were almost touching mine. She leaned forward, giving me a salacious view of her miles long cleavage.

“I was thinking, starting next week, I would like to show you the more advanced techniques that the more difficult male patients need me to do to them.” She said with a sexy rasp, biting her finger as she fluttered her eyes at me. I was trying desperately to conceal my erection by crossing my legs. Carmen looked down towards my crotch then back up to meet my eyes, she smiled, knowing my naughty secret.

“I’ll see you on Monday Zach,” she stood up to walk out of her office, stopping to put her hands on my shoulder as she leaned down close to my ear, “make sure you aren’t late.” Her breathy voice tickled my ear, making me dizzy with arousal. I wanted her so bad but she was denying me for two more days, she had wonderful restraint.

She walked out and left the building after teasing me like that. Eventually I also left her office, after I managed to get my erection tamed. Walking towards the front of the building I noticed Nora was still there packing up her stuff.

“Hey Nora, odd seeing you leave after Carmen… I mean Dr. Cruz.” She giggled at me using her boss’ first name.

“I was actually staying behind because I wanted to ask you if maybe you would want to go to a bar with me this weekend? It’s a fun place that I frequent because I like to play billiards and darts.” She told me, once again surprising me with how forward she could be.

“I might be able to do late Saturday, or any time you want on Sunday.” I told her, shifting a bit on my feet to contain my excitement at being asked out by a girl.

“Sunday evening sounds good. It’s a date!” she flashed me a bright grin, “but if you end up free Saturday night just give me a call.” she walked up to me, grabbing my collar she pressed her mouth against mine and kissed me deeply. Breaking the kiss to breath, she looked me deep in the eyes, “I’ll see you this weekend, stud.” She giggled, placing a note with her phone number into my pocket, also using it as an excuse to grope my cock. After that she broke away and began walking towards the front door of the office. I realized that she had the keys to the office, so I needed to leave with her, or risk getting locked in for the weekend.

Saying our goodbye’s, I made my way home and enjoyed a little more of the usual with Claire and my mom. It finally felt like things were going well. I really hope I didn’t just jinx it by thinking about it!

The next morning it was finally the weekend. As glad as I was to be working in my dream career, it was nice to be able to sleep in a bit, especially when it was with Claire’s butt up against my crotch. Feeling content, I closed my eyes for a little bit, only to open them again when I remembered that Claire’s friends were supposed to be here in a few hours, and I would prefer if they didn’t know about Claire and I’s relationship.

Easing out of bed as to not wake up Claire, I made my way downstairs to start a pot of coffee. Mom left for work already – I really needed to talk to her about cutting back those hours – so that meant we had the house to ourselves for the next few hours. As much as I wanted to go upstairs and tease Claire into having multiple orgasms, I thought it would be practical to come up with a plan on how to talk with her friends. Claire had described her friend’s personalities to me, and how much each of them meant to her in their own way. I was kind of jealous of her to be honest. I was very standoffish in school, never socializing, just working hard on my schoolwork. After enough times of being invited to this person’s party, or our local football game with a girl only to reject them, they eventually stopped asking me and left me alone. Of course, at the time I was fine with it, but now that I was finally achieving my goals, looking back I begun to realize that I had no social life outside of my family.

As heavy as that realization was, I knew I couldn’t dwell on it; what’s in the past will stay in the past, I just need to work on improving my future. While cooking breakfast for Claire and me, I was writing down notes similar to that of a psych eval on each of the girls. So far it was just rough outlines based on second-hand knowledge, but after meeting them I would update these profiles so I could better understand them. In the back of my head, I understood that this was a weird thing to do, but I considered it further practice in my job of analyzing and helping people.

Claire came downstairs eventually, only wearing one of my shirts and nothing else. She hugged me from behind with her face buried in my back. She staid like that for a few moments before moving away to sit on one of the stools next to the kitchen island.

“So, have you thought about what you're going to say to them?” Claire asked, shaking her legs in an anxious manner.

“I'm working it out right now,” I answered, not turning around to focus on what I was doing, “How combative do you think Lara is going to be with me?” I looked over my shoulder to look at her.

“Honestly, it’s a 50/50 whether she will go off on you, or do as I asked and have a real discussion.” She looked pensive, unsure of how her two worlds would come together, either we would collide and burn, or we could coexist with each other.

“Hmm… ok, well breakfast is about ready can you set the table?” Nodding her head she got up to get the plates.

We talked at the dinner table right up until they were supposed to arrive. I had told Claire to wear what she normally would have before I came back home. So, she put on a tight pink crop-top shirt, and some frayed denim pants with holes in the knees. She tied her lovely chestnut hair into a cute little bun, then we waited for the coming storm.

I still jumped at the sound of the doorbell and knocking. Claire got up to answer the door, and with one more nervous look at me she put on a smiling face and opened the door. I was pretty surprised at how different they were. Lara was supposed to be the leader of their group, but her small stature could have fooled you, she likely compensated with a large personality. Stephanie was of average height, slim build she seemed shy and reserved when looking at anyone other than Lara, I thought that odd, so I noted to think more on that later. Finally, there was Amanda, she couldn’t be more different than the other three girls. She wore a leather jacket with beat up acid washed denim jeans, and what seemed like ankle length doc martens. I could tell without the shoes she would maybe be an inch shorter than me, and I was 6’2”. With the shoes she was a few inches taller. She was probably the most tomboy a tomboy could possibly be, she had short messy black hair with dark blue streaks, and her eyes were a lovely deep green. Claire had told me that Amanda was an E cup, but I wasn’t seeing it, which meant she must be binding them, which would indicate an embarrassment over her feminine form, I would need to right this in her profile afterwards.

I stood up to greet them, and while Stephanie gave me a polite smile and nod, Amanda just looked bored, and finally Lara was giving the dirtiest look. She could have majored in scowling as a college degree, clearly, she was used to projecting an air of control.

“it’s nice to meet you ladies, Claire has told me a lot about you.” I reached out to shake their hands, Lara being the only one to ignore it.

“Yeah, Claire has told us lots about you too.” Claire said, sneering with harsh sarcasm.

Trying to move on from that I invited them to have a seat at the dining table, as I made a fresh pot of coffee.

“Look, Zach, you already know why we’re here, you need to tell us what you are doing to Claire!” the stink she put on my name really made my hairs stand up on my arms, I could see why she often got her way. Attempting to be calm I took at the mugs and set them on the table, asking each if they wanted some, which all said yes to.

“Alright, so go ahead and ask me the specifics, and please don’t hold back, but I'm sure you had no intention.” I gave Lara a smirk, putting the ball back in her court.

With a huff she brought up her first question, “Are you fucking Claire?” I nearly choked on my coffee, managing to swallow it down I began to cough up a lung. While I was recovering Claire tried to reassure Lara that I was doing no such thing, but Lara kept her eyes on me and waited for my answer. Looking into her eyes, I was kind of excited to see the high level of emotional intelligence she had for a 19-year-old. Looking at her in silence a little longer I spoke.

“Yes.” Is all I said waiting for her response. It seemed I caught her just as much off guard, as her eyes widened, followed by the other two, but I noticed Amanda’s brow furrowed as she looked down at her mug, interesting reaction. Claire was shocked that I outright told them, but as soon as she thought about it, some of her anxiety seemed to float away.

“You just admitted to having sex with your own sister, how can you sit there like nothing is wrong?” Lara hissed at me.

“Because nothing is wrong. Claire and I love each other very much and we felt it was long overdue.” I answered, shrugging to appear nonchalant.

“B-but that’s just wrong, there is no way Claire thinks of you that way!” Amanda finally piped up, looking towards me with anger. I knew they would all believe that I was somehow taking advantage of her, and to some extent I was. But we have confessed our feelings to each other, and Claire knows now about the magic collar. Stephanie remained quiet, looking down as she twiddled her thumbs.

“Stephanie,” I called out to her, “what do you think about our relationship?”

At first, she seemed confused as to why I was talking to her, but when she met Lara’s eyes, she seemed to gain her resolve. “I, um… don’t see the issue as long as you guys love each other and treat each other right.” Her voice faded as she went on, withering under Lara’s stare.

I looked over at Amanda, seeing her eyes dart back and forth over the table, trying to parse this information, I could see she was red in the face, I had the thought to watch her in case she swung at me.

Lara turned to Claire, “is he telling the truth, Claire?” she stared my sister down.

“U-uh… well…,” she looked into my eyes as I nodded for her to tell the truth, “Yes, I'm in love with my brother, and I’ve known this before we were friends,” Claire seemed to gain confidence from my approving looks. “And I know that with you guys I talked a lot of shit about him and my mom, but… that was never really how I felt.” Claire paused to further think of what to say. Looking at Lara I could see her facial expression soften just a tiny bit, she was actively listening to Claire. “I just felt so seen when you guys would encourage me to say ‘fuck them’ and we would go hang out at the mall or watch movies.” Claire’s voice lowered, her eyes becoming misty, “I just want to still be your friend, while also having my family in my life.” Claire sniffled holding back her tears as best as she could. Stephanie took her hand and held it, while Lara got up and went over to hug Claire. I looked at Amanda, seeing right away her issue, she was so conflicted about supporting Claire’s decision, because she had feelings for Claire. I would need to further analyze this, maybe I could find a way for Amanda to have her cake and eat it too. Finally, Amanda seemed to bury her feelings for the time being as she told Claire she was sorry.

Now I was aware that these girls were taking the news of my incestuous relationship with Claire pretty well, all things considered. For a moment it baffled me, until I looked down at the ring on my finger. I kept forgetting it was there, we had only been talking for 15 minutes and the ring was already effecting them this much. I found all three of these girls attractive, but they didn’t seem to be chomping at the bit to fuck me, but seeing how they were coddling Claire, I had the thought that maybe the rings effect would benefit both the ring bearer and the wearer of the collar. I was curious if that would turn women Bi or lesbian purely through its power alone.

Lara didn’t really give me anymore dirty looks, but she still seemed wary of me. I told Claire she was more than welcome to invite them over from now on during the day, assuming they don’t get into any trouble, both at home and at any clothing stores, saying that I narrowed my eyes at her three friends, noticing Amanda’s gaze purposefully avoiding my own. With that said I told Claire she was free to do whatever, and that I might be going out tonight as I was unsure if I would or not.

With that said, Claire decided to go to the mall with her friends. I gave her 100 bucks and told her that if she stole anything I would have a big punishment for her if I found out.


I was stunned at how this whole situation turned out. Earlier this week, Lara confronted me on why I was avoiding her, she even found out I had a vibrator in me that whole time we talked. Today, when she asked right away if my brother was having sex with me, I nearly fainted right there. That was bad enough, but my brother out right confirmed it, my face felt like it was right in front of a campfire. And if even that wasn’t bad enough, my friends seemed way too chill about it. Lara took some convincing from me, Stephanie is pretty open minded and will go with whatever Lara says, but Amanda seemed distant about it. Out of all three of them I definitely thought Amanda would be the angriest. Amanda is not someone to ever avoid physical confrontations, but she just sat there taking in that information. I was feeling concerned about her, I figured I would focus on her a little more than the other two while we hung out.

Arriving at the mall in a late-stage capitalist society, it looked like you would expect; nearly empty. Even though we were all young, hot girls, we still hated how much online shopping and Walmarts killed malls off. At least, that’s what Lara always told me, one of her passions was studying economics because it is similar to what her dad does. While Lara may espouse these somewhat negative views on consumerism, she would claim she’s a hypocrite until the day she died, the shear amount of clothing she bought on a weekly basis could have easily clothed many third world villages.

Snapping out of the internal tangent I was having, I realized we were parked and everyone was getting out of the car. As per usual, Lara lead us, Stephanie next to her, and I staid back with Amanda.

“So… sneak into any good bars lately?” I asked Amanda, looking up into her eyes with a smirk. Amanda was almost a whole foot taller than me, so I was always having to crane my neck just to make eye contact.

“No, not really, I was kind of just hanging around at home, missing my bestie.” Amanda chuckled, giving me a playful push on the arm. Strangely, I felt a tingle in my pussy, when she did that. I remembered that the blue gem was active on the collar, so I would become a submissive masochist. I was a little worried now, Amanda always like to rough house a bit, show off how big and strong… and hot her muscles were. I shook my head, realizing I was suddenly fantasizing about her muscles, there’s no way the collar is affecting me this much already.

Finally stepping into the mall, out of the heat, I took a deep breath as the AC washed over me.

“Alright girls! Which store are we going to first?” Lara said, turning back to address everyone.

“You always pick the best stores to go to.” Stephanie said, going with whatever Lara wanted.

“I was actually thinking of going to get some new boots.” Amanda replied, looking down at her scuffed-up Doc Martens.

“We can split up into two groups and meet up at the food court,” I put out there, “That way we can cover more ground, then window shop for what we might want after we meet up.” Everyone nodded along. Usually, Lara was the one making plans for us, it was just what she was used too, but she didn’t seem to resist me at all on this, maybe she was just being nice since we just started hanging out again.

We already knew how the split would go. Lara and Steph would go together. Then Amanda and I would go to wherever it is she could get these boots. Amanda walked a little in front of me, she was always protective of me getting hit on by guys when we were at the mall. Most men wouldn’t fuck with her, considering she was taller than the average male.

“Amanda, you seem quiet today, what are you thinking about?” I asked, quirking my head, giving her to ol’ doe eyes.

“Well… about you and your brother,” she paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts, “Do you love him?” I was caught off guard at the question, I wasn’t expecting her to ask me about love, she never seemed the type for romantic talk.

“Uh, yeah, I have for a long time,” I replied, “but it was only when Zach came back that I realized how much, and one thing lead to another, and so on.” I was unsure how graphic I wanted to be with her, the collar was making my lips a little looser than normal, making me want to debase myself for her.

“Has he been treating you alright?” Amanda asked. Another question that threw me off, it wasn’t like her to really talk about feelings or relationships at all.

“He’s my big brother, he could never treat me wrong.” Looking up at her, I gave her a heartfelt smile. She looked away from me quickly and I thought I could see some read appear on her cheeks. Amanda hadn’t asked anymore questions after that, so I pulled my phone out to text Zach.

Claire: Hey, I’ve noticed my friends are a little off today. I thought it was due to our conversation from earlier, but Lara seems a little more docile, and Amanda almost seems like she’s too shy to talk to me >.<

About a minute later.

Zach: I have been meaning to tell you about this, but I wasn’t too sure it was working until maybe yesterday. But I was told that the ring I'm wearing can release this aura which will influence women that I find attractive. Have they seemed any more different since you left?

Claire: Yeah, Amanda has been asking if I loved you and if you were being mean to me or something, I told her you were the nicest big brother ever btw :P

Zach: Well, I'm at least glad she doesn’t think I'm a monster. I do have a theory about the collar. If the ring can release this ‘aura’, then why couldn’t the collar do the same.

Claire: Ok, but I wouldn’t say I'm attracted to any of them, I do recognize that they are all beautiful in their own ways, but… yeah idk.

Zach: Maybe the attraction only has to come from one of us? I’ll try not to have any unsavory thoughts about your friends. Oh, and tell Amanda “I know what she’s feeling.”

Claire: oki byeeee :D

“Hey Amanda?” I called to her right as we arrived at the Hot Topic adjacent store, “My brother told me to tell you ‘He knows what you're feeling’, whatever that means.” At first, she gave me a confused look, her eyes darting to the sides, trying to recall something. Her eyes zipped right back to mine, widened, she was blushing something fierce this time. I wanted to text Zach and ask him what the hell he just had me say to her, but I didn’t wanna have my nose in my phone the whole time, this was about hanging out with Amanda.

Amanda tried on a few pairs of boots, trying to decide which she wanted. Her eyes kept looking at the store’s entrance, I knew right away what she was thinking. “Please don’t Amanda, I'm trying not to steal anymore.” She looked up at me with a slightly perturbed look before she huffed and put back the boots, she didn’t like enough to spend money on. She sat down, a frustrated look on her face, trying on another pair of boots. I sat down next to her, our shoulders touching for but a moment when she flinched at the contact. I was so confused, was I having some sort of effect on her? She threw the boots back into the box at her feet, she leaned forward putting her head in her hands. “Amanda, are you okay? What’s wrong?” I pat her back, trying to console her.

After a long with seconds, I heard her sniffle, “I’m what’s wrong,” her voice cracked a bit, “I just can’t help feeling like this, and now it all feels like it’s too late.” I saw her in this vulnerable state, something I never would have thought possible for her. Her shoulders were shaking lightly, I grabbed one of her hands and held it in mine. I was trying to get a good look at her face, but she wouldn’t let me.

“Can we go somewhere else? I don’t wanna be seen crying in the gothic shoe store.” Amanda mumbled her words, standing up she went to the register to pay for her shoes, then wore them out of the store.

I was distracted by my thoughts for only a moment when I realized I lost sight of Amanda. Looking around I spotted her turning the corner into the women’s rest room. Going in there myself, I saw Amanda splashing water on her face, it appeared we were the only two in here.

“Claire… I uh, I need to tell you something,” she said, unable to meet my gaze, “I don’t really know why I'm choosing now to do this, but ever since the day we became friends I have wanted to be more… with you.” Amanda trailed off, blushing profusely. At first I was confused on what she meant, then I thought back to what my brother had me say to her and it clicked. If the ring and collar were affecting my friends, then it would amplify certain feelings towards one or even both of us.

“Are you saying… that you like me?” My voice was a little tight from the tension of what this all meant. Amanda only nodded, still not looking at me. It was then, at her confirmation that I felt something in me shift, a warmth flowed into my neck from the collar. I was now able to see just how beautiful Amanda was, I started imagining her as more than just a friend. What would it be like for her to hold me in her arms? How hot would it be for her to pick me up and (Wo)manhandle me? These thoughts were beginning to make me flood my panties.

I snapped myself from that rabbit hole of gay thoughts I was suddenly having. “D-do you want to talk about it?” My voice shook a bit, both from nerves and arousal. Amanda finally glanced up at my face, her beautiful deep green eyes felt as if they were looking right into me. Some of the tension in her body seemed to dissipate, she gave me a smirk as she nodded her head once more. With that, I grabbed her hand and walked her out of the restroom.

Lara had texted me that they were at the food court, and that they would be waiting for us. Before we went there though, I wanted to sit Amanda down somewhere we wouldn’t be seen and try and talk to her about all of this.

We eventually found a bench next to the escalators that was concealed between two large fake plants. This was about as much privacy as we were going to get in the mall. “So, tell me what you're feeling, and please don’t hold back, I want to know what is on your mind, ok?”

With a nod and a sigh, she begun. “So… ok, wow, I can’t believe I'm finally gonna talk about this with you,” She gave me wry smile at the thought, “I never told the girls, but I am bisexual, and I knew I was… the moment I first met you. I-I know that sounds corny, but it’s the truth.” She became flustered, and I put my hand on her thigh to encourage her to go on.

“Well, it’s just… I’ve always been embarrassed of my feminine features post puberty, not because I hate being a woman, but at least around you, I tried to come off more boyish so that maybe you would someday find me attractive, and you know be my girlfriend.” Amanda mumbled the last bit under her breath, hiding her face with her hands. I had never seen her this shy, this feminine. If only the collar wasn’t making me so subby otherwise I think I would have liked domming her right now. With a start I audibly gasped, “Is that why you have been binding your breasts?” I asked her, my eyes widening with sympathy. She gave me another shy nod, and I just wanted to give her a big hug. Before I forgot, I shot Zach a quick text asking if the collar had a domme mode, he responded with a ‘hell yeah :D’.

“If it’s okay with you,” I said to Amanda, “I don’t necessarily want to close the door on this whole thing we could possibly have?” It was my turn to trail off with embarrassment. She only looked at me with disbelief in her eyes, they searched my face, making sure I wasn’t joking with her. When she finally saw I was serious, she smiled, and her eyes watered a bit before she pulled me into a tight hug. Her size and strength immediately made my core heat up with a need to touch myself. “Ok we can talk about this later,” I said while we were still hugging, I put my lips close to her ear and whispered, “when it’s just you and me at home, alone.” We broke the hug, she looked at me with shock while I gave her a naughty smile. Amanda chuckled, wiping her tears away, then told me we should go meet up with the other two before they get pissed at us for making them wait. I couldn’t wait to explore this further.


We joined up with the other two at the food court. For some reason Lara was exceptionally happy. Looking at Steph… well she seemed flustered, or maybe happy? It was difficult to read her mix of expressions, but clearly something happened while we were split up.

“Took you guys long enough.” Lara said, her feet resting on another chair, drinking a milkshake. As per usual, there were several bags surrounding her, she never showed restraint, especially when it came to shopping.

“Sorry, I was having a hard time picking what boots I wanted.” Amanda smirked, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table from Lara and Steph. Sitting down next to Amanda, I got a quick look into one of the bags at Lara’s feet, there seemed to be some sort of leather something, it was hard to tell, but I was starting to wonder just where they went shopping.

We got some food, then talked with each other for the next hour. A few times they would point out the choker style necklace I was wearing, Lara was especially jealous since she could tell the gemstones looked real.

I got a call from Zach saying he would be going out to a bar soon with one of his coworkers, and that if I wanted the collar changed, he would need to make direct contact with it. After telling the girls that I should probably be home soon, Lara agreed, saying she also had some things to do with her mother later today; Stephanie coming along with her for it. I told Lara if she drops Amanda and I off at my house that I could just take her home in a little bit.

With all of that settled, I realized I hadn’t spent the money that Zach gave me, maybe holding onto it for emergencies would be a better use. Walking out to the parking lot it was nearing 2pm, we got in the car and drove to my house.


Finally arriving at home, Amanda and I got out of the car and said our goodbyes to the other two. Watching the car disappear around the corner I turned to Amanda, “well you want something to eat?” She gave me a thumbs up as we headed into my house.

Zach was sitting on the couch in the living room. He was dressed up for date, and weirdly enough, I didn’t really care if he was gonna be with other women, maybe it was the collar, or maybe it’s these new thoughts with Amanda.

“Hi, Zach!” I yelled, diving into his lap. He grunted with an exhale of air.

“Hello, brat,” with gritted teeth, he gave me an evil smile, “You know it’s impolite to crush another man’s balls without his consent.” I giggled at him, bending over to put a kiss on his crotch.

“I can kiss it and make it better.” I gave him a naughty look. Zach looked behind me at the awkward Amanda, who was redder than a tomato. I got so caught up in the moment that I forgot she was watching us.

“Well, I gotta get going,” Zach said, moving me over so he could stand up, “I got some errands to run before I head to the bar with my coworker. Mom said she would be home around 5, so don’t burn the house down while I'm gone. Oh, and Claire if you make any damp messes, it’s your responsibility to ensure they get cleaned.” He gave me a hug then whispered in my ear, “Have fun being a dommy mommy for Amanda.” He touched the collar, and I felt a sudden dizziness that made me fall back on to the couch.

Zach made his way out the door shortly afterwards, leaving the two of us alone. The dizziness began to pass, now feeling a sort of whiplash of emotion. I looked up at Amanda, who was looking at me with concern. “Have a seat Amanda,” I gave her a smile, patting the spot next to me. She plopped down next to me, looking at whatever home improvement show Zach was watching before he left.

“So, do you want to continue our conversation from earlier?” I grinned at her, placing my hand on her thigh. I was feeling the opposite of earlier. Instead of wanting to get off on debasing myself, I now felt this need to tease Amanda. I wanted to both coddle her and make her blush, I felt powerful for a change.

“Um… yeah, what part of it do you w-want to talk about?” She stuttered a bit, blushing at my hand on her thigh. Seeing this huge tomboy, blushing at little ol’ me was really getting my motor running.

“Oh, you know, the part about how you wanted to be my girlfriend,” I gave her my best innocent look before I let it slip into a smug grin, “What kind of things would you want to do, if I was your girlfriend; hypothetically of course?”

“W-well we could d-do stuff together… you know, stuff that couples do.” She was wringing her hands, trying to stay calm.

“Oh, you mean like this?” I stood up, straddling her lap I was still just barely level to her head. Her eyes were wide with disbelief, unable to process the series of events. Finally, she with cute little sigh she closed her eyes, no longer able to contain myself I dove in. Her lips tasted like cherries, we quickly moved on to using tongue. I was still very surprised at how submissive she was being, it made me wonder if her tough act was all just a front. We lost track of time, so engrossed with each other, I had to take the initiative and pull away.

“Mmm, I like how you taste, cherry girl,” I chuckled at the dazed expression she had. She was panting something fierce. I stood up “your tits, I wanna see them now.” I demanded of her. To her credit she only hesitated for a moment before she took off her leather jacket and black t-shirt. This was the first time I ever saw the bindings she used, and holy shit I just knew that once she opened up the binding, I would forbid her from using it ever again. She finally got to unhooking the bindings, at the last one she hesitated to look up at me. I could see that final clasp holding on for dear life, I must have given Amanda a hungry look, because she shuddered while unclasping the last clasp.

By God, if I was right in front of her when she released the hounds, they probably would have knocked me out. Instead, I saw the veritable mountains of flesh explode outwards. As far as huge tits go, I would say hers were at the top of the list. Nice and firm with silver dollar sized areola, her nipples were sunken, hiding away from me.

“Remind me what size you are.”

“I’m an E cup, but I think my breasts are still growing so I may be closer to an F.” She fidgeted at my hungry gaze. I went from straight to bisexual in the matter of seconds after seeing these.

“Let me help your cute little nipples come out to say high” I smiled at her, lowering my head to take one of her nipples into my mouth. Amanda flinched, gasping as I wrapped my lips around her nipple. I used my tongue to poke and prod at the sunken nipple, trying to coax it out from hiding. After a few minutes of alternating which tit I was sucking, I finally got her stiff nubs to pop out, and holy shit was she sensitive. I had heard that people with sunken nipples are way more sensitive, and I guess that was true. With just the slightest pinch, she would let out a throaty moan.

“Alright baby, it’s your turn to make me feel good.” I told her to take the rest of her clothes off and get down on the floor. She complied rather easily; her libido was in the driver’s seat I guessed. Pulling down my shorts and panties I sat on the edge of the couch and rubbed my folds, showing her where she needed to please me. She was utterly mesmerized, unable to look away. “It’s time for that snack I promised you,” I flashed a grin, “Go ahead and eat up.” With some trepidation she approached my pussy and begun gently probing with her tongue.

This must have been her first time eating pussy, not that I was an expert on giving it, but I sure knew how I wanted it. With that thought I fisted her hair right at the scalp and pulled her into my cunt. I began to grind on her face as she continued slurping down my honey. I had never felt so powerful during sex, being the one who fucks instead of the one that gets fucked was something I could grow to love. Amanda was moaning into my soaked pussy loudly, looking down I could she was knuckles deep in her own pussy. Leaking her juices all over my freshly cleaned floors, I would need to reprimand her for this.

After a few minutes, Amanda had improved her technique somewhat, as I was approaching my climax. I yelled out that I was close, and this pushed Amanda to double down on her efforts to please her mommy.

My mind felt like a pane of shattered glass as the intense orgasm tensed my muscles. As per usual, my pussy began to squirt, and to her credit, Amanda fearlessly gulped down my nectar with a fervor. As soon as I came down, I could hear her panting, along with the wet sounds of her still finger fucking herself.

“Did my little girl like her snack,” I cocked my head, looking alluringly into her eyes.

“y-yes, mommy! Can I cum please?”

“Oh my, what a good girl, remembering your manners. Let mommy take care of that for you.”

I slid of the couch onto the floor. I took her fingers out of her bald pussy. She let out a frustrated moan at the absence of touch to her pussy. Before she could miss it too much I plunged three fingers into her soaked cunt. Amanda cried out as I rapidly stroked the inside of her walls, while using my palm to rub her clit.

“Mommy, I-I need to cum… p-please.” Amanda was completely lost to the pleasure she was feeling right on the edge of that tidal wave she was about to feel.

“Since you’ve been so good for me, I’ll allow it, cum for me, baby.”

With her permission given, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her orgasm was pretty different compared to mine, while mine was mostly silent screams of ecstasy as my muscled spasmed. Her’s was more like an earthquake. She leaned into me as she lost control and stared shaking, her moans became loud screams of mind shattering pleasure. It was a full minute before the tremors stopped. She was out cold, her head on my shoulder, intermittently she would have aftershocks.

When she was about half with it, I got her back up on the couch with me. I laid her head in my lap as I stoked her hair and hummed her a song. She released sighs of contentment, looking at her now, I don’t know if I had ever seen her smile this much

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