Fae Pact

by Daja

Tags: #f/f #realistic_hypnosis

Diana’s girlfriend, Aurora, tends to act the Fae in a scene, so at a con, they decide to do a scene with that as the premise.

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There's no sex in this scene - nothing more than passionate kissing and hypnotic intimacy and control. I hope y'all enjoy it nonetheless.

“Well, lass, are you sure you’re ready for this? Once I use your trigger, nothing short of your safeword will save you from my power.” Aurora grinned at her girlfriend, shimmering in the lights of the otherwise-empty hotel room. It had been a brilliant stroke of luck that the con had this small room, with chairs and a pitcher of water, but naught else. It was the perfect space for this scene.

“I am, Miss Aurora. I trust you.” Diana ducked her head and blushed a little at the intense desire in her love’s eyes. Then she wrapped her arms around Aurora and, with an impish smile, drew her in for a kiss. “One last one for free before we get started” she giggled.

“Oh, love, you disarm me at times.” Aurora said, gently stroking Diana’s hair before taking a step back. “But we both know how this is going to go, my love.” Aurora held out her hand, waiting for Diana to take it. They had agreed that this scene would start with Diana on her knees, and Aurora knew just the way to do it. When Diana took her hand, she smiled a warm yet somehow sharp smile.

“Glamour at a 7” she said, even as she pressed down Diana’s hand, a silent command to kneel.

Diana dropped to her knees in one smooth motion even as her eyes stayed fixed on the Fae in front of her, captivated by her sapphire eyes and hair that glowed like fire from within. Her lips, the palest of pink rose, practically compelled a kiss, if only Diana could bring herself to stand in the presence of such beauty and power.

“Such a sweet lass you are. But what brings a pretty thing like you here, with no talisman to protect you?” Aurora crouched down and gently, but firmly, grabbed Diana’s chin and held it, held her gaze. “I trust you knew better than to even attempt to lie to me, sweet one.”

“I do, Fair Lady. I came to ask a boon, but I fear your beauty has stolen all thought of such from my mind.”

Aurora’s chuckle rang in Diana’s head like a duet of birdsong and wind chimes. “Aren’t you the very picture of honesty, my dear. Might I have your name, honest maiden?” she asked, gently stroking Diana’s cheek.

Diana nuzzled into the gentle strokes, distracted by the softness of Aurora’s hand. “Oh! I do apologize, Fair Lady! Of course - I am known as Diana.”

“Such a good, polite girl you are. Maybe if you take a breath and clear your mind, that which you desire will come back to you.”

Diana nodded, even as her eyes fixated on those infinitely kissable lips. The more she thought, the more and more sure of her desires she became. “Please, Fair Lady, whatever boon I may have come to ask pales compared to my wish to kiss you.”

Aurora chuckled softly, drawing a bright smile from Diana. “Ah, but you must know that boons have a cost, sweet one. I wonder if you will pay mine? It isn’t much, really ~ just a thought, nothing more. Every kiss you choose to give me, Diana, will just take a single thought from your mind. But if that is an acceptable bargain, Diana? Kiss me, if you wish.”

I should be cautious Diana thought, even as she leaned in. There must be a -  she melted into the kiss, the barest taste of lavender on the Fae’s lips drawing all of her attention for the moment.

“Oh, wow” she breathed as she broke off, settling back with a few rapid blinks. She tried to remember what she had just been thinking, but the glint in Aurora’s eyes distracted her from any attempts at getting her train of thought back on track. She’s so beautiful, and I get to kiss her! I think I want another?

Aurora ran a gentle hand down Diana’s arm. “Oh, that was a lovely kiss, sweet Diana. I do hope you found it a fair deal?” She leaned in, her lips just barely brushing against Diana’s. “There’s more where that came from, if you want.”

She was just a breath away. It would take no effort, and the cost felt so small as to be negligible. But still, Diana hesitated. The Fae were tricky, she knew, and the cost was probably steeper than she realized.

“Glamour at an 8” Aurora whispered into Diana’s ear, knowing that her girlfriend wouldn’t be aware of the words even as she responded to the trigger. She bit gently at Diana’s ear before staring into her wide, awed eyes. “Come, now, I know you want this, Diana. Kiss me.”

All thoughts of hidden catches died in a heartbeat as Diana gave in to her desire and pulled Aurora against her in a passionate kiss. And one kiss turned into 2, then 3, then 10 before Diana realized it, because kissing Aurora was like kissing a sunbeam, warming her through, and she couldn’t think of a single reason to stop.

She whimpered as Aurora pulled away and placed a single finger on Diana’s lips, silently holding Diana in place.

“Sweet Diana, you’ve given me so many kisses. I simply must start giving you something in return. Would you enjoy me giving you a thought with every kiss?”

“Mhmmm, I just want to keep kissing you! You’re so pretty and kiss so well and make me feel all warm and floaty and happy and -”

“Shhhh, sweet one. A simple yes is enough.” Aurora smiled at the babbling lass, then whispered “Diana, pause.” Diana froze, her mind open to Aurora’s ever word. “Diana, for the rest of this scene, you will internalize any sentence I whisper directly into your ear with no awareness that I said anything at all. Diana, play.” She leaned in again, close enough to close the remaining distance in a breath. “But if our terms are agreed upon, Diana, kiss me all you wish.”

Diana sprang into the kiss, the need for permission no longer restraining her desire. The Fae’s lips just called to her, and she was unable to resist that otherworldly attraction.

When she broke away to catch her breath, Aurora leaned in and whispered “my kisses taste better than anything you’ve ever tasted.”

Diana licked her lips as she stared at Aurora’s lips, then leaned in for another kiss. The lavender kisses tasted amazing, she couldn’t get enough of the delicious kisses the Fae offered her.

As she pulled away, Aurora kissed Diana’s earlobe, then whispered “Each moment spent kissing me increases the power of my Glamour. Glamour at a 9.”

“Oh, gosh, Fair One, you just get prettier and prettier! I could sit here and admire you for ages and enjoy every word you say in your wonderful voice. Only then I wouldn’t be kissing you, and kissing you is just the best too.” Diana blushed and buried her face in her hands. “Gosh I’m babbling, I’m sorry”

“It’s fine, though I can think of other things you could be doing, Diana. Kiss me instead of babbling, maybe?”

Diana pounced on Aurora, all eagerness to obey the suggestion, losing herself in the kiss until Aurora pulled away again, chuckling low in her throat. Diana just stared in awe at her, besotted by her beauty and charm. Aurora grinned, knowing that Diana was hers in that moment. “No price is too steep for another kiss” she husked into Diana’s ear, before shifting so she could tilt Diana’s face up with a single finger and hold her gaze. “All this flirtation has been lovely, my sweet lass, but this next kiss? Diana, this next kiss will cost you your free will. If you kiss me willingly, you will be *mine*” she growled the word, making Diana shiver in desire. “Until I’m done with you, whenever that is.”

Diana considered carefully, as Aurora’s tone insisted, but after a moment she leaned in and, with a whispered “worth it,” kissed the dazzlingly captivating Fae.

“Good girl” Aurora whispered into her girlfriend’s kiss before matching Diana’s desire with her own. She held Diana close, feeling Diana grow passive and still in her arms. Brushing off the kiss, she drew Diana to her feet and put her in a chair. “That’s my good girl, Diana. Just focused on my voice as  you drop for me. That’s right.”

She took her time unwinding the suggestions she’d set up just for the scene from the suggestions that were existing triggers, cleaning up the amnesia and giving Diana her will back - for now, anyway. Then, cuddling as close as the hotel chairs allowed, she gently woke her girlfriend up. “Hey, Diana. How’re you holding up?”

Diana shook her head to clear it, recentering herself before answering. “I’m. uh. Wow, that was just … wow.” She sipped slowly from the cup of water Aurora offered her, then tried again. “I still don’t know when I gave you my name? I was being careful, I thought, but clearly my mind decided I had on some level!”

“Of course it did, Diana. You know your mind is my ally.” Aurora replied, making Diana blush and whimper. “And, well, I asked if I could have your name, and you said ‘of course,’ without finishing the implied phrase. That was enough.”

“Oh! Yeah, that makes sense.” She nuzzled against Aurora, basking in the joy of a wonderful scene. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, darling.” Aurora stroked Diana’s hair gently. “Diana? Kiss me.”

In possession of her own free will or not, Diana was all too happy to obey.

Cammie Dawn 2024-02-14 at 13:20 (UTC+00)

I lack language to make up how much I adore this, Daja. The way the suggestion delightfully wraps around Diana’s head and draws her from “I must be careful” to “not price is too steep” is so well executed and subtlely displayed. You truly get the feel for how she is enchanted. I adore this oh so very much.

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