The Candi Doll

Chapter 4

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #exhibitionism #humiliation #sexdoll #TG_Transformation #bondage #clothing #dom:male #growth #revenge #sub:female #sub:male #transformation #urban_fantasy

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Chapter Four

Jack’s eyes shot open with an unusual alertness. There was no lethargic, slow awakening that he was used to. It was as though his brain had consumed 3 shots of coffee before waking him up. Jack sat up in the single bed and looked around the spare room. He had suddenly remembered the events of the night before and shot out of bed to look at himself in the mirror. Billy had found a way to hack into the love doll system that Jack was occupying and told him that he needed to make some changes before sending Jack to sleep.

Jack examined his body in the full-length mirror attached to his wardrobe. While he could sense that changes were definitely made, he could not identify any apparent alterations. He still had that long, fiery red hair and a cute, pouty face. His breasts were the same size, and his lithe body received no modifications. Still, his deadbeat stepson threatened him, and Jack needed to make him pay; after all, he was paying for the 18-year-old’s college tuition.

The feminized man opened his temporary closet and picked out a casual ensemble he had reluctantly bought with his stepdaughter yesterday. After he begrudgingly slipped on the white panties and matching full-cup bra, he dressed himself in a loose-fitting plain red T-shirt and navy blue leggings that felt just a little too tight for his comfort. Sighing one more time in the mirror, Jack decided that it was time to bite the bullet and face his family downstairs. He rehearsed the script he had planned in his head one last time before turning to the bedroom door. This was the last time his dorky stepson would ever mess with Jack Thorne.

Hearing chatter in the dining room, Jack slowly descended the stairs. As he stepped, he noticed his feet acting weirdly. Walking along, he felt the heels of his bare feet naturally attempt to rise, as if it were natural to walk on his tiptoes. Jack had to consciously place his heels on the floor to walk correctly. Placing his hand on the dining room door handle and stepping in, Jack raised his eyebrows in concern when he felt his facial muscles contort to form a natural, pleasant smile. The muscles held themselves in place, and Jack couldn’t find a way to reset into his usual frown. He saw his wife, Regina, and his two stepchildren, Emma and Billy, sitting at the table with an empty spot set up for him.

Regina was the first to look up and returned his forced, pleasant expression with a smile of her own. “It is nice of you to join us, Jack. You were out cold when I tried to wake you this morning; I wasn’t sure if you’d ever get out of bed.” She chuckled. “Please, take a seat and join us.”

Jack moved toward the empty spot at the table, not having the stomach to look over at his disgusting stepson; he was the reason Regina couldn’t wake Jack early after all. Jack took a seat and looked over at Emma beaming back at him.

“Oh, I love that little ensemble. See, I told you we could find some nice things to fit you without them looking too girly.” Emma commented. While Emma apparently wanted Jack to buy every feminine outfit in the mall, she relented and allowed him to buy a much more modest wardrobe. Truthfully, Jack enjoyed spending the day with Emma yesterday.

Jack nodded, his forced smile giving the appearance that he agreed with Emma’s critique. He then turned his head back to his wife. He needed to get this off his chest, and there was no time like the present. “Regina, there is something I need to tell you about your children.”

Regina moved her fork away from her mouth and finished chewing her breakfast before thoughtfully nodding. “Of course, Jack, what is it?” Before Jack spoke, he turned his cute head over at Billy for the first time since entering the room. Billy was staring at him intently, but he didn’t appear worried at all. In fact, Billy was beaming ear to ear.

“Well…” Jack started. “I had so much fun spending the day with Emma yesterday. I saw a new side of your daughter that I had never seen before.” Jack’s eyes widened; that wasn’t part of his rehearsed script. He continued, “I was thinking that maybe spending some time with your son would have the same effect, so I have decided to spend the day with Billy.” His lips just wouldn’t obey his command, as though he was given an alternative script and had no choice but to follow it.

Despite the alarm in his eyes, his face continued to smile pleasantly. Regina paused for a moment; surely she would realize that Jack would never say anything like that. She knew how much contempt Jack had for her unhygienic loser of a son. Regina then beamed an elated smile, responding to her husband. “Oh my god, Jack, that is wonderful to hear. My biggest wish was always that you would get along with my children better. But I know you’ve never seen eye to eye with Billy before. Are you sure you’re comfortable enough in that body to spend time with him?”

Jack breathed a sigh of relief- his wife wasn’t completely brain-dead. He shook his red-haired head. “No, seriously, Regina,” he started. I really want to take this opportunity to get to know my stepchildren better. I want nothing more than to spend the day with Billy today.” Jack wanted to clamp a hand over his mouth, but his body wouldn’t respond until he had finished speaking.

Regina clutched her hands to her chest in elation, looking over at Billy, who had dropped his huge joyful grin, although Jack still sensed the overjoyed satisfaction on the young man’s face. “Did you hear that, Billy? Your stepfather is making an effort to connect with you. Are you happy to spend the day with him?” Regina asked her chubby son.

Billy took way too long to respond to his mother’s question, Jack thought, especially as he had curated this entire scene himself. Eventually, Billy spoke. “Yea, Mom, I guess so. I have some friends from college visiting town today, so as long as she- sorry, he- doesn’t mind tagging along, I’m up for it.”

“Ohh, this has made me so happy,” Regina spoke joyfully before collecting her and Emma’s plates. “Emma and I have some errands to run this morning. Enjoy your day, you two, and we’ll see you tonight.” Regina took the plates to the kitchen just as Emma rose from her seat and escorted her.

As soon as both women left the room, Jack felt the strained muscles in his face relax and the forced pleasant smile disappear. He immediately turned his attention to the grinning layabout. “What the hell did you do, you little fucker?” He scowled at the young man. “If you think I am going to be spending any time outside with you and your loser friends, you have another thing coming!”

Billy continued to grin smugly but didn’t respond. He looked as though he was listening out for something until both he and Jack heard the front door slam shut in the hallway. After waiting a couple of moments, Billy finally replied. “Ohh, you followed that script perfectly. This app is the best,” Billy gloated, waving his phone in the air, “But you have already told Mom that we are gonna spend the day together, and you don’t want to disappoint her.” Billy then reached down and pulled a brown paper bag from under the table.

Jack didn’t like where this was going and knew he needed to reassert his dominance. “You listen here, you little shit. I am still the man of the house and-“ Jack started before Billy brazenly interrupted. “Candi Doll, stop talking.” As soon as the command was spoken, Jack felt his voice die down in his throat and his mouth close. Like with Billy’s previous commands, Jack couldn’t find the will to rebel and speak.

“Much better,” Billy chuckled, standing up and sliding the paper bag over towards his trapped stepfather. “Now, listen carefully. Candi Doll, take this bag and change into the outfit inside. You are not permitted to speak without my permission until I say otherwise. Once you are fully changed, meet me in the car.”

Billy looked Jack up and down one final time before stepping out of the room, leaving Jack alone. Unfortunately for Jack, his body started to move automatically, and he reached for the dreaded paper bag. After looking inside, Jack’s eyes widened. ‘You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!’ he thought with disgust.

Sitting inside his white Chevy Corvette, Billy absently peered down at his phone to pass the time. The unmistakable clacking of stiletto high heels on the concrete driveway took him out of his reverie. He looked up with an arrogant grin, admiring the red-headed beauty reluctantly heading towards him.

Jack opened the passenger side door and slid into the seat next to his stepson. His eyes were cold and threatening, but his petulant pout did nothing to convey the utter rage Jack held inside of him. He was no longer covered in the loose-fitted t-shirt and leggings that he slipped on when he woke up this morning. Instead, he was dressed like a party girl, ready for a wild night out. He wore a constrictive black PVC bustier with an in-built boned corset and red lining along the seams, leaving his shoulders and arms totally bare. A matching black PVC miniskirt was so short it barely covered anything as he sat down. There was red lining along the top and bottom seams, along with red criss-cross lacing on either side, exposing the bare skin of his hips. Black hold-up fishnet stockings enhanced the appearance of his slim, long legs, and 5" glossy black patent strappy stiletto pumps encased his feet. A thick black PVC choker tightly circled his neck and buckled at the front, and his fiery red hair was split into two high twintails, completing the sexpot appearance.

"Just, wow. Jack, I can honestly say that you have never looked so good." Billy chuckled at the expense of his helpless stepfather. "I would ask you what you think of the outfit, but I think I enjoy your silence more." Jack glared at his pudgy stepson, who was clearly enjoying his humiliating predicament. Jack clenched his fists and took one long outward breath; this incompetent idiot might be savoring his moment of glory, but Jack Thorne always comes out on top, Jack thought furiously to himself. "Now buckle up. Mom asked me to pick something up before I can introduce you to my friends."

Jack grudgingly slipped on his seatbelt, shuddering when the smooth texture of his bustier slid against his arm. Jack was still unable to speak until he was given permission, so he silently stared ahead at the view before him as his creepy stepson drove into the city.

Twenty minutes of uncomfortable silence later, Billy pulled into a small strip mall parking lot. Jack had no idea where in the city they were, but the poorly maintained roads and cracked sidewalks were a far cry from the pristine state of the business district where he spent most of his time.

Jack finally turned his head toward Billy as the young man cut off the engine, but his lips still refused to cooperate. Billy creepily leered Jack up and down again before opening the driver's side door. "Candi Doll, stay in the car. I won't be long." He chuckled before shutting the door behind him and walking toward the stores. Jack shuddered when he heard the locks in the car activate and the windows lower slightly, leaving him alone with his own thoughts.

Alone in the car, Jack finally found the courage to look down at his ensemble. While the breasts the clinic gave him were modest in size, the tight, uncomfortable bustier found a way to maximize his cleavage, and staring at it from this angle made Jack feel nauseous.

Jack was brought back to reality when he heard the overpowered revving of a modded Ford Ranger pull up beside him. He immediately noticed the driver and passenger, both young men in their early twenties, wearing casual t-shirts and baseball caps, grinning widely when they spotted him in the passenger seat. After briefly making eye contact with the driver, Jack's eyes widened, and he stared forward, hoping fervently that the two men would ignore him.

His hopes were dashed when a door slammed shut, and he heard the soft tapping on the window of Billy's car. Jack refused to acknowledge the knock on the glass and continued to stare forward, but this didn't stop one of the men from addressing him. "Hey baby, you look like you know how to have a good time." He snickered through the window's small opening. "How about you hop up in the truck, and you can have a little fun with Tyler and me? We got money."

Jack's eyes narrowed, and he finally snapped his head toward the window. "How about you two fuck off, and you stick your head up your friend's ass instead?!" Jack exclaimed, shocked that the words actually escaped his lips. He had been forbidden from speaking for so long this morning that he had forgotten that he had a voice, albeit a soft feminine voice. Billy's command directed Jack to stay quiet unless spoken to, and the hillbilly twerp had asked him a question.

The young man standing outside the car was clearly taken aback by Jack's candid response, but he didn't let it phase him. "Now, now, don't be like that, Princess. I'm just trying to be nice." The boy cockily responded, leaning against the door of the car.

Jack opened his pretty mouth to continue his tirade when he noticed Billy slowly approaching, clearly nervous about seeing a stranger hanging around the car. The man then noticed Jack's chubby stepson advance. "Hey man, this your girl?"

Billy didn't know how to respond. He wasn't a fighter; he spent most of his teenage years playing video games and watching porn. “Uhh, yea,” he managed to stammer. The stranger grinned and sluggishly stood up from against the car. "You need to teach your girl some manners. Some guys might not be so friendly to her attitude." He spoke, slowly stepping away from the car.

Billy didn't respond to the man's ridiculous observation and wasted no time driving away as soon as he entered the car. After traveling a few blocks down the road, Billy pulled into a gas station parking bay. Billy had never handled confrontation well, which is one of the many reasons Jack knew that Billy was not cut out for the corporate world. Once he had calmed himself down, the chubby boy spoke to his transformed stepdad. "Candi Doll, you now have permission to speak but cannot raise your voice." He commanded.

"You sneaky little son of a bitch! Do you think this is funny? Making me wear this ridiculous thing in public? If you think I'm paying for your tuition after these antics, you…"

Billy quickly interrupted the rant, "I would be careful with your choice of words right now, Jack; with just one phrase, I can shut that pretty mouth up again." Jack glared at the young man, but the threat was enough to stop Jack from continuing his rant, even though he had much more to say.

"That's better," Billy continued, "Now, Mom asked me to pick up your temporary ID from the New U Clinic, but I know a guy who can make perfect fake IDs. Like seriously, you can't tell it apart from the real thing, so I got you a present." Billy pulled out a small card from his pocket and placed it in Jack's dainty hand.

Jack glanced down at the card in his hand and then stared back at Billy. "You cannot be serious." Jack groaned in a much calmer and quieter tone than he had planned. "What? You don't like it? I think it looks great." Billy knew his response would antagonize his loathsome stepfather even more.

"Candi Kane?" Jack read from the card scornfully. "What the fuck kind of name is that?" Jack's response made Billy chuckle. It was still amusing watching Jack's mannerisms and language portrayed through the human-sized doll's diminutive shell. “18-years-old? I'm 54. why the hell would you make me so young?"

"Ohh, trust me," the young man laughed, "You look eighteen a lot more than fifty-four." Right then, Billy's phone vibrated, and he read his incoming message, a broader smile appearing on his face. "My friends have just landed, so we had better get going. There's a nice little joint near the airport. I've visited a time or two, we'll meet them there. I trust you're going to behave yourself on the way." He smiled at his stepfather, looking more like a petulant teenage girl upset that she hadn't gotten her own way. Switching the engine back on, Billy drove them toward the airport on the city's edge.

Jack shook his unnaturally red-haired head, visibly seething at the half-broken neon sign displayed at the building entrance in front of them. 'Platinum Dollz,' it proudly presented, flickering on and off. "A strip club?" Jack commented jeeringly as it became clear where their meeting would take place. "What is wrong with you? Don't you have even an ounce of dignity left inside you?"

Billy ignored the jibes, turning to his promiscuously dressed companion. "Now, I wasn't frank with you. The two guys we are gonna meet are not exactly my friends, at least not yet." Billy started, drawing a skeptical look from the passenger. "You see, I've been trying to pledge for Alpha Kappa Rho all semester, but I've been getting nowhere. This may be the last chance to make my mark and receive a bid."

"You want to join Alpha Kappa?" Jack laughed. What the hell would they want with a runt like you? They only take the best and brightest brothers." He spoke candidly. Being a proud fraternity alumnus himself, Jack knew exactly what it took to join the brotherhood.

"Well, I have money…" Billy started, causing Jack to raise an eyebrow. "If they see me with a pretty girl on my arm, they'll have to accept my pledge. That's where you come in."

It took Jack a moment to connect all the dots and decipher what Billy had meant. "Wait, that is why you dressed me up like this? I'll make sure your chances go up in flames." The redhead exclaimed ferociously.

"It's a shame I have to resort to this." Billy looked into Jack's bright blue eyes and spoke before his companion could interrupt. "Candi Doll, When we are in the club, you are to smile pleasantly, not speak until spoken to, and agree with everything I say."

Jack felt a shudder run down his spine even as nothing physically changed. "You really are a no-nothing loser, aren't you? Do you really think this will work?" He denigrated his stepson's plan.

"I guess we're about to find out," Billy responded, unperturbed. "Now come on, Candi, you really don't want to be found alone dressed like that around here." He grinned, using the name written on Jack's new fake ID before opening the car door and stepping out.

Approaching the large, bald, dark-skinned man guarding the main entrance, Billy handed him two ID cards. The hulking man stared at one of the cards and turned his attention to the nervous, scantily clad redhead before him. "You here for an audition?" The doorman asked.

The question made Billy laugh out loud, humiliating Jack even further. "No, she's not here to audition. We're here for a meeting." Billy interjected, answering on Jack's behalf. The bouncer simply nodded and stepped aside, undressing the redhead with his eyes when they walked past. The clack of each totter could be heard, thanks to Jack's 5" stiletto heels. He hadn't even thought of how strange it was that he could walk effortlessly in such tall heels.

The moment they stepped foot in the building, Jack felt his face automatically contort into a smile. The sensations drove the helpless man to bring his hands to his face, unsuccessfully attempting to impede the forced smile.

"Welcome back, Mr Jones." A sultry feminine voice greeted them, referring to Billy. "I thought you were away in Florida until the holidays. The way the busty blond spoke to the 18-year-old told Jack that his stepson frequented this place often.

"That was the plan, Tiffany, but some family issues came up, so I'm home for a few days. It's always great to see you, though." Billy responded, openly ogling the blond. She wrapped her arm around Billy's shoulder and led him further inside the dimly lit club.

The main lounge of the seedy club had just the kind of atmosphere you would expect. It was barely lunchtime, and a handful of semi-nude dancers stood around chatting with each other, taking turns attempting to entice the small handful of daytime patrons dotted around the club. Tiffany led Billy & Jack to a corner booth at the far end of the main room, where they were greeted by the sight of two topless dancers sitting on the laps of two young men. The two dancers were dismissed when Billy and Jack approached, one of the boys taking the opportunity to slap a bare ass just as she left.

"Took your time, Billy boy. We had to entertain ourselves while we were waiting." The more confident of the two boys spoke, his hand arrogantly sliding through his slicked-back brunette hair. "Who's this fox you brought with you? Have you bought us a private dance?" he said, brazenly eying Jack's body up and down.

Billy laughed, but it wasn't the typical juvenile laugh that Jack was used to hearing; it was a desperately nervous chuckle. "N-no. I'd like you to meet my friend, Candi. Candi, this is the Alpha Kappa Rho President, Connor, and Vice President of Recruitment, Brad." Jack rolled his bright blue eyes, but the pleasant smile on his face betrayed his true thoughts.

Connor arrogantly leaned back on the large booth sofa, sprawling his legs out wider. "Looks like boring Billy isn't so useless after all." His comment visibly made Jack's chubby tormentor wince. "Nice to meet you, Candi; that's a nice name. How about you come sit on my lap while the men talk business?"

Jack shook his head and took a step back. There was no way that he was going to entertain the thought of spending any time with these perverts. He opened his pouty mouth, but before he could retort, Billy placed his hand on Jack's shoulder and whispered in his ear. "Remember last Summer when Bethany broke up with me, and instead of being a father figure and consoling me, you humiliated me in front of all my friends. Well, Jack, it's time for you to make it right." Billy's voice sounded more menacing and venomous than his jovial taunts from before. "Candi Doll, sit on Connor's lap until we finish the meeting. Remember to agree to everything I say."

Jack tried to fight his own body's movements, but there was no resisting the doll's programming. He slowly tottered towards the two college kids, sliding between the couch and the table and reluctantly sitting on the egotistic fraternity leader's lap. His smile hid his true feeling of nausea when he felt something stir in the boy's pants. Connor placed a hand on Jack's exposed lower back before tugging gently on his exposed red g-string.

Billy sat down in the booth, and the three college students started a conversation that Jack had no interest in. Instead, he attempted to distract himself by creating a plan himself. Jack needed to be rid of this body as soon as possible. Once he explains the turmoil he has had to go through since his body was hacked, they would have no choice but to find a new body for him. Once comfortably in a new male body, he would make sure Billy suffered for his shocking antics. Jack had enough contacts around the country to make sure his worthless stepson would never find meaningful employment.

"… Isn't that right, Candi?"

"Yes, Billy." Jack was brought out of his daydream when he heard himself speak automatically. He had no idea what he just agreed to, but it seemed to please Billy and his two companions.

"Very well, Billy. We will accept your pledge into the brotherhood." Connor spoke, eliciting a boisterous smile from the pudgy 18-year-old. "Well, we will accept you on two conditions." He added.

Billy didn't speak, only listening nervously at what the stipulations may be. Fraternities around the country had a reputation for unpredictable hazing rituals. "First, that house in Malibu your stepdad rents out. Lease it to the fraternity for free next summer. It's my final year before graduation, and I'd like to see it out with a bang."

Billy nodded gleefully at the first stipulation. His stepdad would likely be back in his body by the summer, but he can cross that bridge when they get to it. "And second, you mentioned that Candi here was taking a year out before deciding what to do next." Jack raised a thinly arched eyebrow when the man whose lap he occupied started referencing him. "You can join the fraternity if Candi here joins us as well. We can get her enrolled in some meaningless electives and give her a taste of college life. If she enjoys it, maybe she can enroll for real next year."

While Connor phrased the condition as if he was doing Jack a favor, the malice in his voice and his arm comfortably groping Jack's slender midsection showed an ulterior motive. Jack's eyes narrowed with alarm, and he looked over furiously at Billy, his ever-present smile ruining the effect.

Billy, for his part, paused in thought. This wasn't a stipulation he could simply agree to and then show up empty-handed. How would he convince his mother to agree that her husband should spend the semester in Florida? There was no way she would accept that. Jack would have to persuade her himself. It was possible, but Billy wasn't convinced the sex doll's programming would stretch that far. Still, it was worth a try. "I'm sure Candi would love that. Isn't that right, Candi?"

"Yes, Billy." Jack's mouth spoke with a smile before he could even process what Billy had said. His eyes shot daggers at his stepson. He was going to enjoy making this fool pay for today's actions.

"Great, that's settled then," Connor replied with glee, giving Jack's bubble butt a light unexpected tap before sliding the feminized man off his lap. Connor and Brad both stood up, and Connor readjusted his pants. "Welcome aboard, Billy. We look forward to welcoming you and Candi when we return to campus. There's a big party on Saturday night; we can't wait to see you both there." He winked at the hapless, provocatively dressed Jack before shaking Billy's hand and making his way out, Brad following in tow.

Once the two boys had left, Jack turned his attention back to Billy. "What the fuck did you just agree to? There's no way in hell I'm spending the next six months in this body on some college campus. Are you out of your mind?" Jack finally got off his chest.

Billy simply laughed; the contrast between his stepfather's fiery words and the cute smile across his delicate face made his outburst amusing. "We can talk about that tomorrow, Jack. For now, we need to get you back and out of that outfit before Mom and Emma get home. Come along." Billy summoned Jack like a pet. Jack had no choice but to comply and follow his disgusting stepson back to the car. Tomorrow, he was going to head straight to the clinic and get out of this mess; he was sure of it.

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