The Candi Doll

Chapter 5

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #exhibitionism #humiliation #sexdoll #TG_Transformation #bondage #clothing #dom:male #growth #revenge #sub:female #sub:male #transformation #urban_fantasy

It has come to my attention that much of the first scene of this chapter has been cut (likely when I fed it through grammar checking software). I lost about 400 words. I have patched it up and will revisit it at a later date.

I release all of my stories for free eventually. If you would like to read the most recent chapters, you can join my Patreon here.

Chapter Five - The Road Trip

“Jack, are you sure about this?” Regina questioned with concern. She had always longed for her husband to give her children the time of day and treat them as his own. One of her greatest regrets was failing to bridge the gap between her arrogant man and her bratty offspring. Hearing Jack announce that he would like to spend more time with her 18-year-old son should have brought her unbridled joy, but something felt amiss.

Was it possible that 48 hours trapped inside the effeminate red-headed body had given Jack a new perspective? Regina looked into his blue eyes and could see none of the brash 54-year-old lawyer she had married. What was Jack not telling her?

“Absolutely,” the feminine lilt of Jack’s new voice responded. “My new body won’t be ready for another six months, and I can’t sit around here waiting for time to pass. I can’t exactly return to the office looking like this, so why not have a little father-son bonding time while I wait?”

Jack internally grimaced at his own words. Despite their soft, girlish accent, they were spoken with the same sophistication as if he were inside his original body. The choice of wording was not his choosing, however, and Jack was unable to stop himself from reciting the script written by his damned stepson. He was sure his wife would see through the facade. She knew he wouldn’t waste one minute around her son, let alone six months.

“I love hearing that from you, truly,” Regina smiled weakly, “But Billy’s campus is on the other side of the country; I’m not sure it’s a good idea.” Her comment gave Jack hope; he knew the old bag wasn’t as dumb as she looked.

His optimism faded when he heard the soft soprano of his own voice again. “It’s a great idea, Regina. I can’t stay here just to be ridiculed by friends and associates. There’s no point returning to my original body if my reputation is dead. It’s best I spend it away from here.” Jack’s heart sank; his argument was so convincing that even he had started to believe it.

Regina paused for a moment before resting her hand on her feminized husband’s shoulders. “OK, hon. I’m not totally convinced, but you are a full-grown adult,” his wife replied solemnly.

Regina rose to her feet and kissed her feminized husband on the forehead. “You are probably right. It will be easier for you to not be surrounded by reminders of your old body.” She reasoned. “I’ll see you when you get back.” Regina finished before leaving the room.

Jack groaned as his wife left. How did she not see through his rehearsed script? Did she not know him at all? His reverie was disturbed when Billy stood in the doorway with that cocky grin on his face. “Come on Candi, its time to hit the road.” Jack clenched his fists, but knew he was in an impossible situation. He rose to his high heeled feet and followed Billy to the car.

“You’ve been quiet. Everything alright?” Billy asked with feigned concern. They had been on the road for over an hour, and the redhead sitting beside him continued to stare out the window in silence.

The driving freshman reached for a small black device on the dashboard. “Well, if you are gonna sulk the entire time, I guess there are other ways we can entertain ourselves,” he said before pushing a button on the handset.

Jack’s bright blue eyes widened instantly, and his plump red lips parted in a sudden, surprised gasp of lust. The smooth egg nestled inside his new pussy unexpectedly came to life, the vibrations reverberating throughout his body, his extremely sensitive body.

“W-what the-“ Jack wailed in a high-pitched cry. “Make it s-stop…” He continued, his knees instinctively spreading, giving a view of the white panties beneath his sky-blue summer dress.

Billy held the button in place for a few moments longer, enjoying the unintentional gasps of his passenger before eventually relenting. As the vibrations ceased immediately, Billy pushed a separate button, eliciting a single beep from the egg inside Jack’s slit.

“Now that was much more entertaining, right?” Billy asked mockingly. He noticed Jack push his knees back together; his cheeks blushed furiously. “I’ve set the egg to vibrate at random, with random intensity and random duration.”

“You son of a bitch, give me that!” Jack snapped, reaching out to snatch the remote from Billy’s hand, but the stout 18-year-old was too quick and held it out of reach before dropping it onto his lap. The lawyer-turned-sex doll was not accustomed to being so weak and helpless, with no obvious solution on the horizon. He was known for worming his clients out of the most impossible legal troubles, so why was it so difficult to get himself out of this outlandish situation?

Jack turned away from his tormenting companion and folded his arms, stared out the window, and fantasized all the ways he was going to destroy his failure of a stepson. He may hold all the cards right now, but nobody messes with Jack Thorne this way and expects no consequences. He sat back contently in his escapism until he was brought out of his daydream by the sudden vibrations activating inside his pussy. As he gasps another feminine moan, his hand moves down to take the egg out, only to be halted by Billy’s commanding voice.

A few hours after the sun came down, Billy pulled into a gas station parking lot. Jack had no idea where they were, but judging by the often rustic scenery, he would have guessed Texas. Billy cut the engine before pressing a button on the small black console, cutting off the tormenting vibrations.

“We’ll rest here tonight.” Billy spoke, “We could stay in a motel, but sex dolls don’t exactly need a bed to rest, do they?” He grinned. Jack rolled his eyes, tired of Billy’s constant jibes.

“Look here.” Jack snapped, “It doesn’t matter what I look like; I am still your stepfather. I’m the one paying for your lousy education, and you will damn well treat me with respect. Do you understand?”

The freshman was taken aback by Jack’s retort. Billy could imagine his stepfather using those words even through that pretty facade. He shook his head, his mocking face suddenly turning serious. “I don’t think you understand. You are stuck inside one of the most advanced pleasure Android units ever made—a unit I now own, according to the app on my phone. You are a love doll, nothing more, nothing less.

Jack clenched his fists together, but Billy wasn’t done. “I think a little demonstration is in order.” He smirked, whipping out his phone and loading up that goddamn app.

“What do you think you’re…” Jack’s words were caught in his throat as he suddenly felt his lips tingle. He brought his hand to his mouth, feeling tiny pins and needles assault his feminine lips. Staring in the passenger wing mirror, he gasped in horror. He witnessed his lips inflate before his very eyes, growing larger and larger, protruding into a permanent pout. Staring at the glossiness of the large inflated lips, Jack couldn’t help but wonder what they would feel like wrapped around his cock.

“You fucking aff-hole!” The alien sensation of having such large lips made it difficult for Jack to pronounce his S’s. Billy laughed at his bimbo retort, pressing another button on the app on his phone. Jack felt the pins and needles in his lips subside, but the tingling sensation moved into his mouth and traveled down his throat.

The feminized man tried to clear his throat, but the tingling remained as though there was a desperate itch that needed satiating. He looked at Billy bewildered. The freshman just smirked and put his phone away. “That little itch isn’t going anywhere until you find something to scratch it.” Jack looked down and gasped in horror when he saw Billy’s rock-hard cock out on display.

“What the fuck!” Jack responded with a lisp. “You can’t be f-eriouf!” Humiliated by his words, the constant tingling in the back of his throat was enough to distract him.

“I’m not going to command you, Candi,” Billy smirked, using Jack’s adopted name. “But that itch isn’t going away any time soon, so I suggest you get to work now rather than wait until we hit the road again.”

Jack was in an impossible situation. He knew Billy wasn’t bluffing, and the deep itch down his throat was overbearing. The thought of obeying his stepson’s request filled him with dread, but he knew it was only a matter of time if he didn’t do it now. He sighed deeply before grudgingly leaning over towards Billy’s lap.

Parting his luscious, overinflated lips, Jack wrapped them around Billy’s rigid member. He let out a soft feminine moan as the tingling around his lips returned, a soft, pleasurable sensation as he took Billy deeper inside his mouth.

The fact that they were in such a public space didn’t dawn on Jack. Anyone walking through the parking lot would have witnessed a slut with fiery red hair bobbing her head on the lap of a grateful young man. Jack was surprised to find that his gag reflex had disappeared entirely, which made sense considering the body he occupied. He was able to slide Billy’s cock all the way down his throat effortlessly.

“Mmm, you sure you haven’t done this before?” Billy teased, eliciting a grunt from Jack’s occupied mouth. The redhead sensed the tickle in the back of his throat start to dull, and he couldn’t prevent a soft gasp of pleasure from escaping his lips. Billy had made those pouty DSLs extremely sensitive, and Jack couldn’t escape their pleasure.

He increased the pace, his lips wrapping around the shaft like a watertight seal. His flaming red hair flailing around as he bobs his head with determination. “Ohh fuck…” He could hear Billy moan; the twitch in his cock told Jack that he was close to climax.

“Candi doll, I want you to swallow every drop.” His lustful companion demanded, and Jack knew it had to be done. Bracing himself, he continued to bob up and down, tasting more and more of Billy’s precum, until the chubby freshman let out a long droning moan, his cock exploding inside the redhead’s mouth.

As soon as Billy’s cum hit the back of Jack’s feminized throat, the sex doll’s eyes rolled up in lust, with a blast of pleasure coursing throughout his entire body. Jack couldn’t help but shudder in ecstasy, with a full-body orgasm overwhelming him, all while his mouth obediently swallowed every drop of the 18-year-old’s cum.

It took Jack a long moment to recover and pull himself back up. When he eventually managed to pull himself from Billy’s lap, he noticed the itch in his throat had disappeared. “Wow, you’re a real pro, Candi.” Billy couldn’t hide his shit-eating grin, which took Jack over the edge.

“You mother fucker!” He snapped, reaching out with both hands to wrap them around his loser stepson’s neck.

“Candi Doll shut down.” Billy urgently announced in front of his lunging feminized stepfather. Jack felt the world fall into darkness before his hands were able to make contact with the perverted freshman.

Jack’s eyes sprang open. The sun was back up, but it had started to fade again. How long had that asshole kept him ‘asleep.’ Looking through the passenger wing mirror, he was relieved to find his lips had returned to their average size, at least average for a cute college co-ed.

“Welcome back. You looked so peaceful sitting there. I didn’t want to wake you.” He heard Billy speak.

Jack examined the scenery. “Where are we? How long was I out?” he questioned, although the rows of palm trees gave him a pretty good idea.

“Don’t worry about it, we’re almost there.” The chubby college kid replied, “You must be pretty excited to make some new friends.” Jack rolled his eyes. Looking like he did, he couldn’t think of anything worse than spending any time surrounded by horny frat boys. He knew precisely what those fraternity brothers were like; he used to be one, after all.

Jack felt a pit in his stomach as they drove through the campus toward Greek Row. Was he really going to spend six months posing as a college student; a female college student? Billy pulled up to the front of a large Roman-style building just as the sun set. Jack noticed the strobe lights coming from the windows and the droning dance music emanating from the building. There was a party going on.

“Come on, Candi, we’re late.” Jack loathed the idea of leaving the car, but he knew Billy would just command him if he refused. The freshman didn’t drive him all this way just to let him hang out in the car. Just as Jack opened the car door, his companion stopped him. “Wait, this is a party. Candi doll put this on first.” He commented before tossing him a paper bag.

Jack stood uncomfortably in the corner of the main living room. Billy had disappeared to mingle with his new fellow fraternity brothers, leaving the feminized Jack to fend for himself. He anxiously tugged on the hem of his short red PVC dress. The hem tapered outwards, giving everyone a view of the white panties below whenever he wasn’t physically trying to bring them down. He was perched on top of impossibly tall 5” stiletto patent red high heels that made his sexy legs look even more alluring.

He had already successfully batted away several drunk frat boys trying to hit on him. The corny pickup lines nauseated him; surely he wasn’t this bad back when he was in college. “Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got FINE written all over you.”, “Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.”, “Are you a camera? Because I look at you and smile!”, “Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?”. Jack was bombarded with cheesy pickup line after another, and he swatted down each one.

Jack started to wonder if he could sneak back to Billy’s truck without his stepson noticing. He was clearly trying to impress his new brothers and had seemed to forget that Jack was even there. As the scantily clad Jack made his way to the front door, he stopped in his tracks like a deer in headlights. Congregating near the exit, Billy was standing and chatting with two men Jack had instantly recognized. He had met the self-centered Connor & Bradley a few days ago, and his heart sank by the way they were grinning at him.

While Billy and Bradley were staring intently at the feminized man, Connor was busy tapping away on a cell phone. Jack’s eyes widened in horror when he felt a strange sensation inside his head. A foggy cloud started to enshroud his mind, making it much harder to think coherently. That bastard was doing something to the app.

“What are you doing?!” Jack’s soft soprano barely rang louder than the music playing in the background, and he raced towards the three grinning men. The fog in his mind continued to overwhelm his thoughts. Before reaching his target, he collapsed into Billy’s arms, drifting into yet another mindless sleep. What the hell were they doing to him?


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