HypnoVision: The Future of Filmmaking

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #tech_control #age_difference #foot_worship #movies #pussy_lickin' #spiral

Casey signs up for a test screening of a brand new 3D film technology named Trance-D that promises to save both the cinema and film industries.

A tomboy named Casey had agreed to take part in a personal test screening for a brand new movie-viewing experience named Trance-D, which she figured was some kind of new version of 3D film. The ad had promised that Trance-D would blow peoples’ minds away, and would be an experience they would never forget.

Casey and an older woman in her 40s both entered a small cinema room that was built for test screening purposes, and while they were looking for some nice theatre seats in the middle of the room, the older woman was absentmindedly twirling a pair of glasses that resembled the Real D 3D glasses in one hand, while using her free arm to clutch a clipboard to her chest.

Once the two found some good seats to sit down in, the older woman introduced herself as Catherine, and the two shook each other’s hand. “Thank you so much for signing up to take part of this test for the next evolution in movie-watching technology.” Catherine sounded very grateful.

“Sure thing! I’m really excited to be involved with the history of what’s been advertised as the future of filmmaking.” Casey beamed. “I’ve got to wonder though, how is this Trance-D thing different from regular old 3D films? I remember when 3D films used to be a really big deal when James Cameron released the first Avatar film, but now it seems they’ve kind of fizzled out these days.”

Catherine handed the pair of glasses over into Casey’s hands while lightly chuckling to herself. “Well, these 3D glasses have some very special lens that can magically transform any movie, no matter how awful, into a masterpiece in the viewer’s eyes.” The older woman was explaining to the tomboy. “Viewers suffering from stuff like superhero fatigue will be a thing of the past!”

Casey had a look on her face that seemed to say that she was skeptical about how well these glasses would work. “Eh, I dunno about that. Moviegoers aren’t tired of superhero movies, they’re just sick of bad movies in general, and it just so happens that the majority of big-budget superhero flicks that Hollywood releases nowadays are complete garbage.” Casey honestly admitted.

Casey thought of something else to add. “Besides, no amount of impressive technology can trick anyone into believing a terrible film is some kind of misunderstood masterpiece, and they’d still have to be interested in whatever movie gets released in cinemas to bother going out of their way to drive to their local theatre in the first place.”

Catherine was slowly rubbing her chin with one hand deep in thought, while Casey fitted the special 3D glasses over her face. “Hmmm… those are some pretty decent points you make. Fortunately, there’s a reason why you’re testing these glasses out.” Catherine suddenly leaned closer to Casey’s body with a surprisingly menacing smile on her face, which made Casey feel a little nervous.

“So just be a good little guinea pig for me…” Catherine reached out a hand and lightly tapped a button on one edge of the 3D glasses that Casey was now wearing, which immediately caused the temples of the glasses to start tightening over the sides of Casey’s head. Casey was freaking out over the sensation and desperately tried ripping the glasses off of her face, panicking further when she found it impossible to take them off once the glasses tightened around her head too much.

Shhh the film is about to start…” Catherine teased, placing a hand on top of Casey’s head and forcefully turning it so that she was made to look directly at the giant screen. “These glasses are going to save movie theaters.”

As if the person running the projector room sensed what was going on, they had started the superhero flick being projected onto the screen that Catherine was forcing Casey to watch. If the tomboy ever tried closing her eyes for a long period of time, Catherine would harshly poke her in the rib hard enough so that she had no choice but to open her eyes once more and drink in every single second of the film.

The longer Casey watched the superhero flick playing before her eyes, the more she noticed the horrible quality of the CGI effects that looked worse than a cheaply made direct-to-VHS movie from the 90s, despite carrying a hefty production budget of two-hundred million dollars. The more she noticed the terrible acting performances and the stilted, wooden dialogue that weren’t even unintentionally funny to make the film slightly more bearable. And since the movie was just over two and a half-hours long, the long running time only made the actual experience of watching the film that much more torturous.

However, as the film neared the end of its first act and Casey seriously considered bolting out of the room, the lens of her 3D glasses suddenly started displaying hypnotic spirals spinning around and around right in front of her very eyes, which made it look like the entire superhero film she was watching was getting swallowed up by one big spiral.

The more Casey watched the spiral slowly rotate around the film on the screen, the more she plunged deep down into a sleepy trance. The spell the spiral was casting over her eyesight soon made the terrible CGI look like the greatest visual effects she had ever seen in her life, made the awful acting all seem like Oscar-winning performances, and made the cringe-worthy writing sound on par with Shakespeare.

Catherine turned her face away from the horrible movie to look down at the hypnotized younger woman, reveling in how she was excitedly gripping the arms of her theater seat happily basking in the glow of the amazing film she thought she was watching, looking like she had spirals spinning around in her eyes that the lenses of her 3D glasses were displaying. Catherine wrote down a few notes on Casey’s sudden changes of opinion of the film on her clipboard.

Catherine had a thing for seeing young women falling under a helpless trance, so she was starting to get aroused from staring at the tomboy getting brainwashed from the 3D glasses, licking her lips in response. She opened up her purse to grab out a tube of red lipstick, applying a fresh thin coat to her lips before leaning her face closer to Casey’s, gently planting a sweet kiss across one of her cheeks and leaving a red lipstick mark.

“I’ve gotta say, that black hoodie you’re wearing combined with those blue denim jeans look really nice on you.” Catherine praised the tomboy. “But I thought it would be nice if I added a little splash of color to your getup.” She soothed while lightly stroking Casey’s kissed cheek with a finger.

“Th-thank you.” Casey stammered out with a blush growing on her cheeks.

Once the tomboy looked sufficiently stupefied enough, Catherine grabbed her phone out of her pocket so she could text the person running the projector room. It’s time.

The movie then suddenly cut out, which greatly frustrated Casey. “Hey, why the hell did the movie turn off?! It was just finally getting to the good part!”

Catherine mischievously chuckled over how unaware the tomboy was over how brainwashed she had become. After the projectionist switched out the film for another, the blank movie screen roared to life once more with a homemade video Catherine filmed of herself wearing a sparkly blue low cut dress that heavily emphasized her cleavage.

The camera slowly panned downwards until Catherine’s massive bust was filling Casey’s spiral-filled lenses, who was rapidly panting in lust from the sight. Catherine on the screen took a single index finger and slowly stretched down the top of her beautiful dress until her breasts suddenly sprang free, revealing she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Kiss.” Casey heard Catherine whisper from the speakers. The tomboy immediately leapt off of her seat to tear off Catherine’s shirt so she could bury her face in her breasts, leaning over to rain down kiss after kiss all over both of her naked breasts. The spirals from the glasses’ lenses were whirling freely in front of her eyes, prompting her to viciously swirl her tongue around both of Catherine’s nipples in a spiral-like pattern.

After several blissful moments of sucking on Catherine’s right nipple, the older woman gently pushed Casey’s head away from her breasts until she spat out her nipple with a loud pop. Catherine then suddenly gripped the top of Casey’s head and forcefully turned her face so she could watch the next scene of the film.

Catherine was reclining in a chair that in Casey’s spiral-filled sight resembled a queen’s throne. The older woman on the screen reached down to remove one of her royal boots using her hands, revealing a nice shapely foot with plump toes that were painted in a dark royal blue nail polish.

Casey suddenly perked up from the sight on the screen, and once Catherine began seductively wiggling her toes, the tomboy slowly rose up to her feet making several kissing motions with her lips towards the screen, desperately wanting to kiss the older woman’s foot.

Catherine had a quick laugh over how Casey was acting, so she commanded the tomboy to kneel in front of where she was sitting, and had her remove a high heel from her foot, wiggling her toes in front of Casey’s face. When Casey heard a voice from the screen whisper suck, she leaned her face closer towards the real Catherine’s toes to begin sucking them one by one.

Casey stroked down Catherine’s soles using her tongue, intently listening to all of the older woman’s pleasured moans. When Casey licked down towards Catherine’s heel, she began sucking and licking all over the heel to the woman’s absolute delight. When the movie on the screen was about to start the next scene, Catherine lightly pressed the sole of her foot against one of Casey’s cheeks to shove her face to look at the screen again.

Casey was openly drooling at the sight of Catherine’s naked body towering against the entire length of the massive screen. As the camera was slowly zooming in on Catherine’s pussy, Casey barely noticed the older woman outside of the screen stripping her clothes off for her.

Casey felt Catherine’s toes gently caress her cheek, motioning to her to turn her face around to look back at her. Casey noticed that Catherine had undressed herself while she had been busy watching the screen, and as she was narrowing her spiraling eyesight to pay rapt attention towards Catherine’s pussy, Casey heard the voice from the screen elegantly whisper lick.

Casey immediately sprung her face towards Catherine’s pussy, happily and wildly licking her all over as she felt the older woman gently stroking her black hair with a hand while whispering about what a good tomboy she was in her ear, which spurred Casey into worshipping Catherine even harder than she already was.

When Casey felt like she was just about to explode in pleasure, she sensed Catherine whisper in her ear once more. “The best part of this movie is when you say ‘IT’S CUMMIN TIME’ and you cum all over the floor.”

A few blissful moments of white hot pleasure coursed throughout Casey and Catherine’s entire bodies and rendered everything silent. Before she even realized it, Catherine had picked up her exhausted body off of the theater room’s floor and had placed her back into her own seat. Taking advantage of Casey’s mind still remaining in a daze, Catherine texted the projectionist to swap the movie back out for the superhero flick and to fast forward it to the ending.

As Casey was watching the movie’s credits scroll up without a single thought running through her head, Catherine tapped the button on the edge of one of the 3D glasses’ lenses, causing the glasses to loosen up its death grip over Casey’s head and tumble towards the floor.

“So sweetie, that movie wasn’t so bad after all, huh?” Catherine teasingly asked Casey.

Casey could sense her body slowly sliding off of her seat. “Ohhh I loved every single second of it…” She moaned out in a dazed monotone. “I have no idea what the negative reviewers were blabbering on about. This movie is awesome!”

“Well, I’m glad you agree with me.” Catherine leaned her face closer to Casey so she could plant a small kiss on her lips. “Would you be willing to help your local theater out by convincing your friends to come watch a Trance-D enhanced movie while wearing these glasses?” Catherine grabbed a few hypnotic 3D glasses out of her purse and placed them into Casey’s waiting hands. “And if they don’t feel like seeing a movie, just have them wear a pair of these and they’ll soon see the light.”

“Yes Catherine. Anything for you, Catherine.” Casey mindlessly answered her.

Catherine watched Casey robotically rise off of her chair and stumble outside the exit door of the theater room. Once she was out of sight, Catherine gave Erin, the CEO of the Trance-D company, a call.

“Well, the experiment was a resounding success! Now we can mass produce those brainwashing 3D glasses, send them to as many theaters as we possibly can in a short time, and save both the film and cinema industries!” Catherine excitedly told the CEO.

“That’s amazing!” Erin happily shouted, though she quickly noticed that Catherine was breathing more deeply than usual. “Hold on a minute, you didn’t have your way with our test subject, did you?” Erin asked with an evil giggle.

“Guilty as charged!” Catherine cheerfully admitted with a growing blush on her cheeks. “But honestly, can you really blame me? My subject was so sexy, that I just couldn’t resist.”

“No, I don’t blame you at all.” Erin chuckled. She and Catherine continued to discuss their plan of brainwashing moviegoers for a few more minutes until Erin had to suddenly hang up in order to run a meeting. Catherine rose off of her theater seat and grew a wicked smile on her face, hoping to find out which local cinema that Casey lived nearby so that she could subject her to some more sexy sessions.


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