Deep Sleepover

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #foot_worship #kissing #maid #mantra #massage #obedience #objectification #petplay #revenge_hypnosis #spiral #spiral_eyes
See spoiler tags : #turning_the_tables

Miranda and Sadie get revenge against their prankster roommate Sadie by hypnotizing her during a sleepover.

Miranda and Olivia had some rather complicated feelings regarding their roommate Sadie.

On one hand, they both found Sadie to be incredibly obnoxious at times, especially when she would pull nasty pranks on them and film their reactions. It was especially humiliating when Sadie would upload these embarrassing videos she filmed to her YouTube channel.

At first her pranks were generally harmless, such as quickly slipping whoopee cushions onto whatever chairs that Miranda and Olivia sat down on, or giving them a little shock by shaking their hands while wearing a joy buzzer. But the pranks soon started getting meaner and larger in scope.

One time, Sadie promised Miranda and Olivia that she would bake them a batch of cookies. After she had placed a couple dozen rolled balls of cookie dough down on two different baking sheets, she set the sheets in the oven and set the timer. She opened up the door for the spice cabinet in the kitchen, and grabbed a small jar of ground white pepper.

She set the jar on the counter as the timer rang out, so she put on her oven mitts and pulled out both of the baking sheets, and set them on top of the oven. She used a spatula to scrape off every cookie and slid them all onto a cooling rack. She twisted the cap on the small jar of white pepper and began sprinkling it over all of the cookies, until the cookies looked like they had all been dusted with sugar.

Sadie placed the ground white pepper back in the spice rack, and then walked into the living room where Miranda and Olivia were watching TV to let them know that the cookies had finished baking. Both of the girls quickly raced back to the kitchen so they could start chowing down on the cookies.

Sadie’s smirk on her face grew wider as she watched both Miranda and Olivia pop a cookie into their mouths. Both of her roommates seemed to be enjoying the cookies for a few brief blissful moments, until Sadie burst out laughing when she saw them race to grab the milk in the fridge, almost looking like they were breathing fire out of their mouths.

As awful as that prank was, the absolute final straw for Miranda was what Sadie did a few days later. One morning, Sadie was making a small round cake. While the cake was baking in the oven, she went and set a couple pink whoopee cushions down on some chair seats at the kitchen table. When the timer went off, Sadie returned to the oven to pull the baked cake out using her oven mitts, and placed the cake on a cooling rack.

While the cake was cooling down, Sadie began making some frosting that she mixed a couple drops of pink food coloring into. She spread the frosting over every inch of the small round cake that was the same size as the whoopee cushion. Sadie yelled out to the girls that she had just finished baking a cake that she would share with them. The girls were too busy playing a video game on their TV to notice what Sadie was up to.

Miranda and Olivia got up off of the couch to walk over to the kitchen table, where they both noticed that Sadie had set some whoopee cushions on the chairs. They both shot each other a look that seemed to say they thought this was a really lame prank by Sadie’s standards, so they decided to just sit down on the chairs to humor her.

Right before they could sit down by the table, Sadie quickly ran up to Miranda’s chair to swap out the pink whoopee cushion with the similar-looking round pink cake. While Olivia got the familiar-sounding farting noise from sitting over the cushion, Miranda instead got the unpleasant feeling of something soft and squishy pressing against her jeans.

Miranda immediately stood up to investigate what had happened, and out of the corner of her vision, she witnessed several large chunks of cake slide off of her ass onto the floor. Miranda was visibly horrified at the sight of her ruined pants, and angrily glared at Sadie when she saw her laughing hysterically over her predicament.

Sadie did feel bad later on when she learned that Miranda’s new jeans were very expensive, as she had bought them from an online shop that specialized in fancy clothing. Though at no point did Sadie offer to wash Miranda’s jeans for her, leaving Miranda to the difficult task of getting all of the tough stains out.

Sadie’s indifference when it came to doing work around the house wasn’t just relegated to her refusal to clean up after her own pranks. She often didn’t put in any effort when it came to any kind of housework, with her focusing more on setting up her elaborate pranks that she loved springing on her roommates. This left Miranda and Olivia having to complete a disproportionate amount of chores due to Sadie not putting in much work.

Despite all of their grievances they had with Sadie, one thing that Miranda nor Olivia could deny was how pretty Sadie was. Combined with how Sadie could sometimes be genuinely sweet towards them, made both of them often feeling very smitten when they were around her. It got to the point where they usually forgot why they were so frustrated with Sadie…

…until she pulled another obnoxious prank against them and laughed over their misfortunes.

One morning, Olivia was helping Miranda put the clean dishes away back in their cabinets as Sadie hadn’t bothered doing so the previous night, even though it had been her turn. Once they had finished the chore, Olivia turned her attention to Miranda to talk to her about something in private, which they could do since Sadie was sleeping in late like she often did.

“So, uh…” Olivia began. “What are we gonna do about Sadie? I mean, I kinda love her, but at the same time I also kinda hate her.” She admitted. “You know what I mean, right?”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Miranda agreed with her roommate. “To be honest, I’ve done everything I could possibly think of to get Sadie to change her behavior. It’s not like I can just hold her at gunpoint and force her to quit pranking us, or to stop being such a lazy-ass.”

Olivia let out a frustrated sigh. “If only there was some kind of way we could get rid of the things we don’t like about Sadie’s personality, and simply keep everything we do like about her.” Olivia wondered out loud.

What Olivia said had struck Miranda’s mind with a fantastic idea. “That’s it! Olivia, you’re a genius!”

“Uh… really?” Olivia asked with a skeptical tone in her voice.

“Yes, really. Your complaint has inspired me to start conceiving the ultimate prank, to get back at our annoying roommate after everything she’s done to us!” Miranda proudly stated.

Miranda walked up the stairs to enter a large closet, and began looking inside a big toy chest, rummaging around while throwing out several of her old childhood toys. Olivia had followed closely behind wondering what Miranda was up to. “I know it’s in here somewhere!” Miranda was talking to herself.

“Hey Miranda, what are you looking for?” Olivia curiously asked.

Miranda finally grabbed hold of what she was searching for, and pulled it right out of the toy chest. “Aha! I finally found it!” Miranda exclaimed while holding onto the stick of a toy pinwheel in her hand. She held the pinwheel closer towards Olivia’s face so she could look at it. Olivia noticed that the round pinwheel was made up of folded up pieces of paper, alternating in colors of bright red and golden yellow.

“I don’t get it, Miranda.” Olivia lightly scratched her head in confusion. “How’s some old toy pinwheel supposed to help us prank Sadie back?”

“Oh, you’ll see.” Miranda began giggling evilly as her mind raced with ideas on how she could use her pinwheel to get some much-needed revenge against Sadie. “You’ll see.”

Olivia was a little concerned over how seriously Miranda was taking this whole thing. “Look, I’m not sure if I even want to go out of my way to prank Sadie back. I don’t really feel like stooping down to her level.”

“Sure you do.” Miranda bluntly told Olivia. Miranda took in a deep breath, and then started slowly blowing through her lips right over the pinwheel. The pinwheel began spinning and turning right in front of Olivia’s eyes, with the alternating red and yellow petals blending together as Miranda blew harder over the pinwheel and making it spin faster. Soon, the shape of a red-and-yellow spiral was forming and captivating Olivia’s increasingly foggy mind. “Don’t you want to get back at Sadie as much as I do?” Miranda asked her.

Miranda was delighted to see that Olivia’s eyes had become completely glazed over the longer she was forced to stare at the spinning pinwheel. Olivia shut her eyes tight for a few moments, and when she opened them back up again, Miranda could see that she had red-and-yellow spirals spinning around in her eyes, looking just like the hypnotic pinwheel. “Yes, I want to get back at Sadie as much as you do, Mistress.” Sadie repeated back to Miranda in a monotone voice.

“I’m glad you finally agree with me!” Miranda cheerfully boasted, and then tossed the pinwheel back inside the toy chest and shut it for safekeeping. Miranda could hear Sadie walking around in her nearby bedroom, likely picking out what clothes she was going to wear for the day. Miranda brought her lips close to one of Olivia’s ears so she could quickly explain the rest of her plan before Sadie was finished getting ready for the day.

“Alright, when we meet up with Sadie downstairs, this is what we’re gonna tell her.” Miranda whispered the rest of her plan in Olivia’s ear, and her whispering was twisting Olivia’s will around so much it rendered her unable to disobey Miranda in any way.

After Sadie got fully dressed for the day and walked down the stairs into the living room, she saw Miranda and Olivia sitting down on the couch and cheerfully greeted them. “Hey girls, what‘s up?”

“Well, Olivia and I have been talking this morning.” Miranda began. “We were thinking of throwing a slumber party tonight.  Olivia could play some of our favorite scary movies from her personal collection, and I can order some pizza for us to eat. What do you think?”

Sadie’s eyes lit up in excitement. “That sounds like so much fun! I’d love to have a sleepover with you girls! Just as long as I don’t have to help set anything up.” Sadie semi-jokingly said.

Miranda shot Sadie a mildly annoyed glance while rolling her eyes, though she tried to put aside her frustration for the moment to make sure the set-up for her prank went smoothly. “Nah, it’s fine. Olivia and I have already pretty much planned out everything in advance anyways. I’m certainly excited for tonight.”

“I am also excited for the slumber party tonight, mistr-“ Olivia started saying in a monotone voice, but was interrupted when she felt Miranda jab an elbow into her side. “-I mean Miranda.” Olivia quickly corrected herself.

That night, the three roommates were enjoying themselves during their slumber party by eating some pepperoni pizza that Miranda had ordered about a half-hour ago, while they were watching a movie from Olivia’s collection of horror film Blu-Rays.

After they had finished watching their third scary movie, Sadie told the others that she was feeling tired, and was going to crawl inside of her sleeping bag for the night. Her roommates agreed with her and told her that they decided to get into their own bags so they could fall asleep too.

After everyone got all comfy and cozy inside of their sleeping bags, both Miranda and Olivia pretended to fall asleep, until they were fully sure that Sadie had dozed off. Miranda slipped out of her sleeping bag and crept up the staircase as quietly as she possibly could, and retrieved her hypnotic pinwheel from the old toy chest in the upstairs closet. She tiptoed down the stairs just as quietly and met back up with Olivia, who had slipped out of her own sleeping bag awaiting Miranda’s next order.

“You ready, Olivia?” Miranda whispered, standing right in front of where Sadie was sleeping in her bag on the floor.

Olivia got down on her knees behind Sadie, and held out her hands closer towards Sadie’s head. “Yes mistress, I’m ready.” Olivia whispered back.

“Perfect.” Miranda motioned for Olivia to grasp onto both sides of Sadie’s head, and to begin gently massaging her temples using her fingers. The longer Olivia lovingly and softly rubbed Sadie’s temples, the more Sadie began moaning in her sleep. Sadie slowly woke back up from the soothing sensation and groggily opened up her eyes.

“G-girls… what are you doing?” Sadie struggled to ask due to how tired she felt, and moaned out loud when Olivia pressed her fingers a little more firmly over her temples.

Miranda leaned down a little closer towards Sadie, while holding the pinwheel near Sadie’s face so that she could see it. Miranda then began lightly blowing a little air through her lips over the colorful petals of the pinwheel, making it spin round and round in front of Sadie’s eyes. When Miranda blew harder to make the pinwheel spin around faster, Sadie saw the petals blending together into a dizzying, hypnotic spiral made of red and yellow, captivating her mind with every rotation.

“M…Miranda…” Sadie weakly gasped out. “Could you put… that thing away… I’m so tired… I wanna go back to sleep… Olivia can keep rubbing me, though…”

Olivia suddenly stopped rubbing Sadie’s temples and removed her hands from her head. Before Sadie could complain, Olivia moved her thumb and index finger on each of her hands near Sadie’s face while still kneeling behind her. Before Sadie could close her eyes to go back to sleep, Olivia forced Sadie’s eyes wide open for her so she had no choice but to watch every spin of the pinwheel.

Olivia poked her lips near one of Sadie’s ears so she could whisper inside of it. “Watch it spin… watch it twirl…” Olivia gently kissed Sadie’s cheek. “Watch it strip your free will away from your mind and place it into our grasp…”

Miranda let out a little evil laugh when she saw that Sadie had become so hypnotized, that she had red-and-yellow spirals spinning around in her eyes, just like when Miranda had hypnotized Olivia with the pinwheel that morning. She started blowing a little harder over the pinwheel to make the spirals in Sadie’s eyes spin faster.

Now that Sadie was no longer trying to resist the hypnotic charms of Miranda’s pinwheel, Olivia stopped holding up Sadie’s eyes for her, and returned her hands to both sides of Sadie’s head. A quick succession of little moans escaped Sadie’s lips, perfectly synchronized with every rub Olivia’s fingers pressed over her temples.

“Oh Sadie…” Miranda softly laughed while shaking her head left and right. “Always a thorn in my side.”

“And yet you’re such a pretty thorn all the same.” Olivia sighed contently, while seductively twirling a finger through a strand of Sadie’s black hair.

Now that Sadie had fallen fully under Miranda and Olivia’s control, Miranda set the pinwheel back down over the couch. She leaned down closer to where Sadie was mindlessly laying in her sleeping bag, and then grabbed her face and started possessively kissing Sadie over her lips to show her who was now in charge.

“You’re going to be our servant from now on.” Miranda whispered to Sadie. “And as our obedient servant, there will be absolutely no more of you pranking us from now on.”

“No… more… pranking…” Sadie repeated back in a hypnotized monotone voice.

Olivia stopped rubbing Sadie’s temples so she could crawl in front of Sadie’s sleeping bag right next to where Miranda was standing. Olivia grabbed a firm hold of Sadie’s chin with her hand to move her head closer to where she was kneeling, so she could plant a forceful kiss over Sadie’s lips.

“And as our servant, you will be expected to wait upon us hand and foot, and to obey our every whim and every desire without hesitation.” Olivia explained.

“Obey every whim… obey every desire… without hesitation…” Sadie repeated in a daze.

Miranda gripped onto Sadie’s chin with a hand, and then pushed her face closer to her again so she could force another kiss against her lips. “After all of the times we’ve had to clean up after you because of your laziness, we shouldn’t have to ever lift up a single finger from now on. You’re going to be completing all of our chores for us now.”

“All of your chores… you will never lift a single finger ever again…” Sadie recited.

Olivia dragged Sadie’s face closer to her again and planted another kiss. “We’re gonna keep you as our hypnotized maid for as long as we desire. Perhaps a few months…”

Miranda tilted Sadie’s head closer to her so she could kiss her lips some more. “Maybe a few years…”

Olivia shoved Sadie’s face near her to leave a longer kiss upon her lips. “Possibly even forever…”

Both Miranda and Olivia were giggling evilly as they were taking turns repeatedly kissing Sadie all over her face, only stopping when they noticed that every inch of her face was completely coated with their lipstick markings. Sadie was still trapped in such a hypnotic daze, that she gave no response nor resistance to the constant barrage of kisses that her roommates had rained down upon her face.

“You know, it’s getting awfully late.” Miranda chuckled towards the unmoving, unblinking Sadie. “You better get back to sleep now. You’ve got a big day ahead of you tomorrow.” Miranda left one final goodnight kiss over Sadie’s lips.

Miranda stepped to the side so that Olivia had room to lean down and give Sadie a kiss on her lips. “You should dream about serving the both of us while you sleep the night away.” Olivia mischievously chuckled. “It’ll be good practice for your new life starting tomorrow morning.”

“New life… tomorrow morning…” Sadie gasped out as she finally closed her eyes to go back to sleep again.

Miranda leaned her face closer to one of Sadie’s ears, so she could whisper a command to Sadie on how to wake them up the following morning. Miranda picked up her hypnotic pinwheel and carried it up the stairs, and tossed it back into her old toy chest. When she came back down, she crawled back into her sleeping bag and finally fell asleep for real alongside Olivia.

When the morning came, both Miranda and Olivia woke up in their sleeping bags, groggily rubbing their tired eyes. They both looked over at Sadie’s sleeping bag and saw that she was still soundly asleep. Miranda looked over at the clock and saw that it was about ten minutes until it would become eight in the morning.

Miranda remembered that she had specifically commanded Sadie to wake up at 8:00 AM to complete her first task of the day. Miranda quickly stripped off her night wear until she was completely nude, and then laid down on her belly on top of her sleeping bag. Olivia soon followed suit.

As soon as the clock struck eight, Sadie’s eyes instantly opened up wide. She climbed out of her sleeping bag and robotically walked over to where Miranda was laying over on the floor. Miranda was pretending that she was still asleep as Sadie leaned down and held out her hands closer towards Miranda’s naked back.

Sadie placed her hands along the curves of Miranda’s body and started alternately stroking her hands up and down. Miranda pretended that Sadie’s caresses were waking her up, and let out a sound that sounded like a mix between a lustful moan and a yawn. Sadie slid her hands down the sides of Miranda’s body until they reached her butt cheeks, and then started slowly and seductively rubbing her hands over her ass.

Miranda was moaning even louder as she felt Sadie’s firm yet gentle caresses of her ass heating up her arousal. “Ohhh that feels so nice…” Miranda felt a small dribble of drool escaping her lips as she basked in her pleasure. Miranda turned her head to look over at Olivia, who was also lying down over her sleeping bag naked, pretending to sleep.

Miranda turned her face so she was looking right up at Sadie, who was mindlessly toiling away by continuing to massage her naked body. “Hey Sadie, I’ve been greatly enjoying this luxurious massage and all, but I think Olivia over there needs a nice wake-up massage too.”

Sadie stopped massaging Miranda and looked in the direction she was pointing. Sadie rose back up on her feet and slowly walked over to where Olivia was. She kneeled down near Olivia’s naked back, and held out her hands to rub alongside the contours of her curvy body. Olivia was pretending to wake up from Sadie massaging her back and butt, moaning with every firm, gentle stroke Sadie’s hands made over her entire body.

Once everyone had gotten dressed for the day, Miranda and Olivia commanded Sadie to walk into the kitchen and cook them up some pancakes so the two of them could have a pancake party. Sadie mindlessly wandered off into the kitchen with her arms stretched out in front of her body like a hypnotized zombie, with Miranda and Olivia closely following behind her.

Sadie was combining several ingredients into a large mixing bowl to make the pancake batter, while her roommates were standing nearby carefully observing her completing her task. Any time Miranda and Olivia witnessed Sadie make what they perceived to be any kind of mistake, no matter how small, they would pinch her butt cheeks or grope her ass as erotic punishment.

Sadie finally finished making the pancake batter in spite of constantly being poked and prodded by her roommates, and poured the mixture into a heated skillet to begin frying them up. Every time Sadie flipped a pancake to cook the other side of it, Miranda or Olivia would lightly slap one of their hands against her ass.

After the first batch of pancakes were finished cooking, Sadie started setting the table and placed a couple plates topped with pancakes on top. Sadie went and grabbed a few small bowls filled with various toppings like whipped cream, chocolate chips, and sliced strawberries, and placed all the bowls around the pancakes on the table.

While Miranda and Olivia were chowing down on the pancakes and enjoying their pancake party, Sadie was whipping up another batch of pancakes. When Sadie had finished plating the next batch of cooked pancakes, she brought them over to the table to add them to the rest of the pancake banquet that her roommates were scarfing down.

Before Sadie could wander off from the table to clean up the kitchen, both of her roommates commanded her to climb under the table so that she could rub their feet while they continued eating the pancakes. Before she could even realize it, Sadie had already kneeled under the table and was surrounded on both ends by Miranda and Olivia’s socked feet.

Sadie peeled off both of her roommates’ socks, and her nose was immediately assaulted by the foul stench of their bare feet. She had no way to turn her head away to escape the stench as she was surrounded by the girls’ feet, and had no choice but to try to hold her breath as she massaged their feet in her hands.

Sadie had to keep repeatedly turning around on her knees to make sure that Miranda and Olivia’s feet received equal amounts of rubs. No matter how long she attempted to hold her breath, the girls’ combined foot scent kept penetrating her nostrils and making her head spin, making it hard for her to keep herself focused on rubbing their feet.

The girls were getting rather impatient waiting for Sadie to continue rubbing their feet, never realizing that their foot scent was clouding up Sadie’s mind and sapping away all of her mental energy. Miranda decided to stick one of her feet under the table, and used her toes to grasp onto Sadie’s nose.

She used her toes to pull up on Sadie’s nostrils as punishment for not perfectly obeying her or Olivia. Miranda motioned for Olivia to also shove one of her feet under the table, and Olivia shoved her toes right under Sadie’s nose and forced her to sniff. Miranda and Olivia were giggling wildly as they repeatedly assaulted Sadie’s nose with their smelly feet, while Sadie was gagging from the stench freely flowing into her nostrils and settling over her brain like a brooding storm cloud.

Sadie was desperately trying to pry her head away from her roommates’ feet, but was unable to budge an inch due to the tight grip the girls’ toes had on her face. As Sadie felt her mind getting swallowed up by Miranda and Olivia’s combined foot scent, she could faintly hear her roommates taunting her from a distance, slicing through her haze like a hot knife through butter.

“C’mon Sadie, it’s time to get yourself refocused again so you can continue rubbing our feet.” Miranda teased while playfully flicking Sadie’s nose with her toes. Olivia was gently swaying her foot back and forth just under Sadie’s nostrils, with Sadie following every movement of her toes with her face swaying left and right. “Our feet aren’t gonna rub themselves…”

Sadie did everything she could to raise up her arms so she could use her hands to massage the girls’ feet. However, the girls’ foot stench was so potent, that it was preventing Sadie’s brain from sending a signal to her arms that allowed her to raise them in the first place, so they remained down at her sides on the ground.

“Ugh, she’s being so stubborn, Miranda!” Olivia complained as she continued assaulting Sadie’s face with her toes. “What can we do to force her to keep rubbing our feet?”

Miranda popped a few bites of her pancake into her mouth, mindlessly chewing on them as she was deep in thought. “I know what I can do to get her to refocus again.” Miranda removed her toes from Sadie’s nose and pulled her foot away from the table. Sadie scooted away from Olivia’s foot and sharply drew in one long breath, relieved that she was finally able to breathe in some fresh air for once.

Miranda raised her glass of water off of the table and held it over her foot. She slowly turned her glass to begin pouring some water down her leg, allowing the droplets of water to trickle all the way down to her toes. Miranda grabbed her hypnotic pinwheel which was sitting near her plate, stuck the stem in between two of her toes, and then shoved her entire foot back under the table where Sadie was still kneeling.

Miranda whistled for Sadie’s attention, who had turned herself around on her knees in response, and saw that Miranda had clutched onto the stem of a toy pinwheel with her toes. The strange toy seemed vaguely familiar to Sadie, as if she had seen it in a dream she could barely recall.

“Oh my, it seems like my toes have gotten wet.” Miranda’s voice rang from above the table. “Why don’t you help dry them for me by blowing over them?”

Sadie obediently crawled forwards on her hands and knees closer to where Miranda’s foot was hovering over the floor. Sadie puckered up her lips, and began slowly blowing some air right over the pinwheel. Sadie’s eyes were following the movement of the pinwheel as it began to spin around, and she soon saw the red and yellow spokes of the wheel blending together into a harmonious spiral that began penetrating her weakening mind.

The longer Sadie continued blowing over the pinwheel, the faster it was twisting and turning, fully bringing Sadie back under Miranda’s spell and unable to resist any command of hers. Once all of the water droplets that were dripping off Miranda’s toes had fully evaporated, Sadie stopped blowing over the pinwheel and sat back, patiently waiting for her mistress’ next order.

Miranda reached down under the table to grab her pinwheel and set it back on the table. She kept Sadie’s attention by wiggling all of her toes in a very hypnotic pattern, to make sure she kept her trapped within an obedient daze. “You must get yourself refocused on our commands, so you may continue rubbing our feet without any distractions.”

“Yes mistress… must keep rubbing your feet… no distractions…” Sadie reached out her hands to begin massaging Miranda’s feet again, with the scent no longer bothering her. She was able to remain focused on her task as she began rubbing her thumbs in little circles over Miranda’s soles. Miranda was moaning out in pleasure, especially once she felt Sadie individually rubbing each and every one of her toes.

Olivia was starting to get a little impatient, so she reached her foot out closer towards Sadie’s head, and began twirling her big toe throughout a strand of Sadie’s black hair to get her attention. “Hey, don’t forget about me. My toes need some lovin’ from you too.”

Sadie turned herself around on her knees so that she was directly facing Olivia’s feet. She began firmly yet gently massaging her soles, attentively listening to Olivia’s squeals of pleasure when she rubbed her toes. A few minutes into the massage, Sadie felt Miranda lightly kicking her back with one of her feet. “You’ve been rubbing Olivia’s feet long enough! It’s time for my toes to take a turn.”

Sadie crawled around on her hands and knees so she could resume her massage of Miranda’s toes. After her hands had traveled up and down all of Miranda’s toes several times, Sadie felt Olivia use her toes to suddenly grip onto a handful of her hair. Olivia used her toes to tug hard enough on her hair, until Sadie was forced to turn around to face Olivia’s feet, as if she were a puppet that was being manipulated by its strings.

Sadie was mindlessly rubbing away at Olivia’s feet, until she felt Miranda stick one of her feet near her face. Miranda was lightly brushing her toes just under Sadie’s nose back and forth. “You’re beginning to like the smell of our feet, aren’t you?”

“Y-yeah…” Sadie dreamily responded. “I like the smell of your feet…”

Sadie stopped rubbing Olivia’s feet so she could turn herself around again, and buried her nose right in the sweet spot between Miranda’s toes and her sole. She took a deep whiff and shuddered in lust when the scent made a beeline directly into the pleasure center of her brain.

Sadie was sniffing Miranda’s feet so much, that she felt her tongue slowly spool out of her mouth and made a small puddle of drool on the floor. Olivia stuck out her foot closer to Sadie’s face again, and wiped her big toe down the surface of Sadie’s tongue. “Whaddya think, Sadie? Doesn’t this taste good?”

Yeah” Sadie woozily moaned out loud. “It does taste good…”

Sadie quit sniffing Miranda’s feet so she could start licking and slurping all over Olivia’s toes. Olivia was giggling with delight from the sensation of feeling Sadie’s tongue dancing across all of her toes, and was sighing contently while Sadie was dragging her tongue down the surface of her sole.

Miranda was getting pretty impatient as Sadie was taking a long time worshipping Olivia’s feet, so she forcefully stuck one of her big toes into Sadie’s open mouth, and then harshly dragged Sadie’s face closer to herself by using her toe to pull on the corner of her mouth. Olivia was annoyed with Miranda for stealing Sadie from her, so she stuck one of her big toes in the other side of Sadie’s mouth and tried to pull her back.

Soon, Miranda and Olivia were practically playing tug-of-war with Sadie’s face, using their big toes to pull on her mouth back and forth. As Sadie kept getting dragged by the girls’ feet under the table left and right, she felt her arousal building up inside of her the more the salty taste of the girls’ sweaty toes was glistening against her tongue.

“Give her up, Olivia!” Miranda shouted. “You’ve been hogging our slave for way too long!” Miranda had hooked her big toe further into the corner of Sadie’s mouth and started reeling her in closer.

“No I haven’t, Miranda!” Olivia retorted back. “You’ve had her all to yourself for quite enough now!” Olivia pulled with all her might to drag Sadie away from Miranda.

As humiliating as it was being treated like a literal prize to be won by the girls, the blatant objectification was also immensely turning Sadie on. Soon, the scent and taste of the girls’ feet proved to be too much for Sadie to handle when she finally came out loud. Since Miranda and Olivia were still shouting at each other, they hadn’t noticed or even heard Sadie scream out in pleasure.

Sadie was now lying down on the floor still under the table, with her face buried underneath her roommates’ sexy stinky soles. Miranda and Olivia continued loudly arguing with each other, completely unaware that Sadie was happily lapping away at their soles in post-orgasmic bliss.

That night, Olivia was loudly and impatiently banging her fist on the door that led to the upstairs bathroom. “Yo Miranda, how much longer are you going to take?! You’ve been bathing with Sadie for nearly a whole hour now!”

Miranda was deeply relaxing in her bubble bath that Sadie had drawn for her, happily sighing in pleasure as she felt Sadie rubbing her shoulders behind her. They were both completely naked, and every once in a while, Miranda would turn herself around in her tub to massage her soapy hands over Sadie’s naked breasts. “Ahhh this is the life…” Miranda sighed out loud.

Miranda blissfully closed her eyes, though Olivia’s continued loud banging on the door had rudely interrupted her relaxation. Sadie noticed how displeased Miranda looked, so she tried to answer Olivia for her. “Olivia, you need to wait-“

Miranda raised one of her feet out of the bubble bath, and pushed her big toe against Sadie’s lips to shush her. “Hold on a sec, Sadie. Let me take care of these things. All you need to worry your pretty little head about is resuming my luxurious massage.”

Miranda turned herself back around in the tub so she was facing away from Sadie again, who dutifully returned her hands to Miranda’s shoulders so she could start mindlessly rubbing them some more. “Yes Mistress.”

Miranda finally addressed Olivia who was still banging loudly on the door. “Olivia, if only you knew how magical it feels to get bathed and rubbed down by such a sexy servant, you’d never want to leave the tub.” Miranda relaxed further into the bath water with a lustful sigh. “Just give me another half-hour, please.”

“Oh, come on!” Olivia complained. “You said that a half-hour ago! Some of us would like to be waited upon hand and foot by a hypnotized slave today!”

Miranda realized that there was no way Olivia was going to drop this as she continued loudly banging on the door, so she decided to finally give in to her demands. “Oh fine. I’ll have Sadie end my wonderful, lovely, and soothing bubble bath if it gets you to finally shut up.” Miranda told Olivia in a condescending way, hoping that she would guilt trip her and make her feel bad.

Once Miranda stepped out of the now-empty tub, she commanded Sadie to grab a nearby towel and to begin drying themselves off. Miranda had Sadie rub the towel over her breasts for as long as possible, both because she wanted the pleasure from getting rubbed down to slowly mount in her body, and because she wanted to drag the ending of her bath as long as possible to get back at Olivia for being so impatient.

Miranda grabbed the towel that Sadie was using to dry themselves off, and then suddenly wrapped the towel around both herself and Sadie. She tightly tied the towel around both of their waists until their breasts were squishing into each other. Miranda then wrapped her arms around Sadie’s body so she could kiss her, squeezing her whole body closer to her while doing so.

Meanwhile, Olivia continued banging her fist against the door, although she was knocking a little less now as her hand had started to hurt. The door to the bathroom suddenly swung open, and Olivia had to quickly stop her fist in midair so that she didn’t accidentally hit Miranda in the face.

“Alright, alright! It’s your turn now!” Miranda whined. “God, you’re so impatient!”

Olivia took no notice of Miranda angrily storming out of the bathroom, who happily hopped inside and commanded Sadie to draw her up another bubble bath. When Olivia stripped off her clothes and slowly sank herself into the bath water, she sighed as Sadie climbed into the tub behind her and gently placed her hands upon her shoulders.

Olivia closed her eyes in total bliss as Sadie started kneading her shoulders. “How about we make this bath last for a couple hours…” Olivia soothed out.

A few days later, both Miranda and Olivia had commanded Sadie to dust their entire house from top to bottom for the entire day. Miranda forced Sadie to wear a very revealing french maid outfit as she dusted the house, and Sadie was far too entranced to possibly object to how humiliating wearing the outfit might normally feel to her.

Sadie was carefully dusting a few picture frames that were hung up alongside a wall, that contained a few photos of herself and her roommates. While her back was turned away, Miranda grabbed her phone out of her pocket and shot a few photos of Sadie wearing her french maid outfit.

She smirked when she saw Sadie raising herself up on her tippy toes to dust a frame that was hanging high off the wall, and took a picture when the lacy outfit was riding up Sadie’s butt. “This is gonna look good in my private collection.” Miranda quietly laughed to herself.

Once the early afternoon had rolled around, Miranda and Olivia had decided to take a small trip and browse the large amount of local specialty shops that were close to where they lived. They made Sadie stay behind to finish her chores, leaving the entire house to herself.

Shortly after her roommates left, Sadie had finished dusting every room and every wall downstairs. Sadie walked up the staircase so she could dust every single inch of the upstairs area. Sadie entered the large closet and leaned down to dust the top and the sides of the toy chest with her feather duster. She decided to open up the chest to lightly clean the inside just in case any dust had accumulated in there.

Sadie was surprised to see a white sheet of paper resting on top of Miranda’s old childhood toys. Some kind of checklist had been written down on the paper, which Sadie had assumed was a shopping list that Miranda had misplaced. When she picked up the paper in her hands to read it more closely, she was absolutely shocked by what she had found.

Sadie read every single line of the checklist that Miranda had written of humiliating commands she wanted her to follow. Several of her ideas that were near the top of her list such as demanding foot rubs for herself and Olivia, or getting bathed by Sadie, had little boxes drawn right next to them with checkmarks scribbled inside.

Sadie shifted her sight down the list reading every idea Miranda wrote down that she was planning to force her to obey. She raised an eyebrow over some of the wilder suggestions Miranda hadn’t told her to do yet, such as wrapping a lasso around Sadie’s waist as if she were cattle for Miranda to tame.

There were even more strange requests on the list, such as forcing Sadie to recite a cheerleading routine praising Miranda and Olivia while completely naked.

Posing as a nude model for her roommates in various provocative poses, while they would paint lewd drawings of Sadie.

Getting down on her hands and knees while Miranda and Olivia would kick back on the couch, setting their bare feet over Sadie’s back as if she was their personal ottoman. Sadie noticed that there was even an additional command Miranda would issue if she and Olivia were eating pizza on the couch, where she would rip off some pepperoni using her toes and force feed it into Sadie’s mouth.

Even while under Miranda’s spell, Sadie felt that these increasingly fetishizing suggestions were extremely humiliating beyond what she felt comfortable with. However, she couldn’t deny how horny reading all these would-be commands was making her, so she felt a little bit conflicted. Sadie leaned down over the open toy chest to set the list back in, but suddenly stopped in her tracks when she saw a pinwheel made of alternating folded-up pieces of red and yellow paper resting on top of the rest of the toys.

Looking directly at the brightly colored pinwheel after having found out about the list caused several memories that were buried deep within Sadie’s subconscious to fully resurface in her mind. She now remembered everything, from Olivia forcing her eyelids open to make her watch Miranda spin the pinwheel in front of her face, to her roommates repeatedly kissing her into submission.

The sudden onslaught of memories flooding her mind at once broke Sadie out of her trance. She looked down at herself and was shocked to see the frilly french maid outfit that was clinging to her shapely body, until she remembered that Miranda had commanded her to wear it before making her start cleaning the house.

Now that her mind was fully free of her roommates’ control, Sadie was completely pissed by how Miranda and Olivia had taken advantage of her like that. She was thinking of different ways to get back at them with some kind of prank. She looked over at a clock hanging off of a wall to see what time it was, and realized that it would be a while before her roommates would return from their shopping trip.

Sadie saw this as the perfect opportunity to set up an elaborate prank to subject her roommates to once they returned. After quickly formulating a plan in her mind, Sadie stepped inside the garage and grabbed a large ladder to carry inside of the house. She returned to the garage to carry a couple buckets of paint and a brush inside.

Sadie piled all of her tools in the middle of the living room, and then looked up towards the ceiling fan to study it for a few moments. She propped the ladder up against the wall at an angle so that she would be able to carefully climb it.

She opened up the can of red paint and dipped her brush into it, and then carried the brush up the ladder so she could gently paint curvy red lines across the fan’s blades. She repeated the process with the yellow paint, and gently stroked some more curved lines right underneath the red lines over the blades.

After she proudly inspected her handiwork, Sadie carried the ladder and paint back into the garage. About a half-an-hour later, Miranda and Olivia returned from their shopping trip and pulled their car into the garage. Sadie cheerfully greeted them at the door while pretending to still remain under their spell, and convinced them to inspect her work in the upstairs area. She was mainly doing this as she didn’t want her roommates to walk into the living room right away to keep them from spotting the newly-painted ceiling fan.

Once all the girls had climbed up the stairs, Miranda tested Sadie’s cleaning by stroking a single finger down one of the sides of the toy chest. She raised her finger in front of her own face to closely inspect it, and when she saw that her finger had zero traces of dust on it, she voiced her approval towards her servant.

Olivia mentioned how she wanted to crash against the couch alongside Miranda so they could watch some TV. Sadie quickly changed the subject by telling her roommates that she was going to cook them up something special for dinner, but she needed them to stay in their rooms until it was done as it was meant to be a surprise.

Miranda and Olivia reluctantly agreed to Sadie’s conditions, so they found some things to do to pass the time while Sadie put her plan into motion. When she was done cooking dinner, Sadie called for both Miranda and Olivia to come back down the stairs.

The two roommates were pleasantly surprised to see that Sadie had baked them a massive homemade pepperoni pizza. Sadie explained to the girls that she had wanted to throw them an impromptu sleepover as she loved the sleepover they had put together for her earlier. Miranda and Olivia excitedly grabbed a slice of pizza and plopped down right on the couch, and Sadie sat down at the right side of the couch shortly afterwards with her own slice.

The three girls were watching some more of Olivia’s favorite scary movies as they munched on more of Sadie’s pizza. Every now and then, Sadie would turn her gaze away from the TV screen to look over at her roommates. She silently smirked to herself as her mind was filled with thoughts of how she would get revenge on the two of them. Miranda and Olivia were so distracted by the movie, they hadn’t even noticed anything unusual with the ceiling fan.

Once the clock struck midnight and the girls had all finished watching their movies, Miranda turned off the lights and climbed into her sleeping bag on the floor. Olivia and Sadie followed suit soon afterwards by getting into their own sleeping bags. Sadie closed her eyes and pretended to fall asleep while she patiently waited for the others to doze off.

Once several minutes had passed and Sadie was sure that both Miranda and Olivia were fast asleep, she unzipped her sleeping bag as quietly as she possibly could, and quickly tiptoed all the way over to the light switch. She flicked it on and then immediately flicked the switch right next to it that turned on the ceiling fan.

Sadie noticed that Miranda and Olivia were beginning to slowly open their eyes back up, grumbling over the sudden sharp light having rudely woken them up from their sleep. As they were fidgeting in their sleeping bags, Sadie ran over to her roommates and knelt right behind where they were laying down. Sadie reached her hands out to begin gently running her fingers through both of their hair.

Miranda and Olivia were moaning out several little coos out of their lips as they felt their scalps getting lovingly massaged by Sadie’s dexterous fingers. Sadie stopped rubbing their heads so she could move her hands down closer to their eyes, and used her fingers to help open their eyelids up for them so that Miranda and Olivia were forced to stare directly at the ceiling fan.

The two girls’ sight was instantly bombarded by the bright red and yellow stripes that Sadie had carefully painted on the spinning fan blades. The painted stripes were blending and swirling together into an intensely hypnotic spiral that was completely captivating Miranda and Olivia’s minds, plunging both of their wills deep under a heavy blanket of submission.

The two girls were desperately struggling to close their eyes again, distantly and vaguely aware that Sadie had somehow caught on to their scheme and was turning the tables on them. Though they failed to fight against Sadie as they felt the increasing hypnotic pull of the ceiling fan’s spinning spiral weighing heavily against their newly-subjugated minds.

Sadie was stroking both of their faces in such a way to distract them from closing their eyes again so that they had no choice but to continue staring upwards into the hypnotic spiral. Sadie leaned her face closer to Miranda’s ear so she could menacingly whisper inside of it.

“You really ought to have kept that checklist in a better hiding spot if you didn’t want me finding out about your little prank.” Sadie hissed.

“N…no” Miranda gasped out in horror.

“Oh, yes” Sadie giggled evilly. “Reviewing every thing you wrote on that list helped me realize what you had done to me and break me free of your control, and I’ve got to admit, some of your suggestions you’ve written down here are pretty damn spicy.” Sadie pulled out Miranda’s checklist and mockingly shoved it near her face. “Can’t wait to test them out on you two.”

Sadie moved her lips from Miranda’s ear to one of her cheeks, and teasingly planted a little kiss over it. “I think it’s time for you to get down on your hands and knees and let your new mistress lord her newfound power over you. Don’t you agree?” Sadie moved her lips over to Olivia’s face and gave her a kiss on her cheek. “You too, Olivia.”

Sadie stood back up and walked over to the couch so she could sit down right in the middle. After Sadie’s new command had settled over Miranda and Olivia’s increasingly obedient minds for a few moments, they slowly and robotically unzipped their sleeping bags and squirmed out of them. The two then got down on their hands and knees and crawled on the floor over to where Sadie was sitting.

Sadie had placed a small ottoman in front of the middle of the couch so she could rest her bare feet over it. Sadie leaned over to whisper a few phrases and commands into Miranda and Olivia’s ears, and then pointed both of her index fingers towards both of her big toes. Her roommates brought their faces closer to Sadie’s feet in anticipation for her to unleash her next command.

“You may begin reciting your mantra, girls.”

Miranda and Olivia simultaneously planted a single kiss right over the tip of both of Sadie’s big toes.

“We shall always obey Mistress Sadie.”

Miranda and Olivia stuck out their tongues and quickly licked Sadie’s big toes.

“We shall remain under Mistress Sadie’s control forever.”

Miranda and Olivia took a deep whiff of Sadie’s big toes through their noses.

“We shall never oppose any of Mistress Sadie’s pranks against us ever again.”

Miranda and Olivia wrapped their lips around both of Sadie’s big toes and gently suckled on them a few times.

“We shall never ask Mistress Sadie to ever have to lift a single finger ever again. Any housework that needs to be done we shall complete for her.”

Miranda and Olivia kissed Sadie’s big toes three more times in a quick succession.

“We shall always treat Mistress Sadie like a queen.”

Miranda and Olivia gave Sadie’s big toes a few more worshipful licks.

“We shall always remain Mistress Sadie’s loyal subjects. We shall always remain under her rule.”

Miranda and Olivia sniffed Sadie’s big toes for a longer amount of time, until the scent traveled through their nostrils up towards the pleasure centers of their brains and made them both shudder in pleasure.

“We shall never try to get any kind of revenge against Mistress Sadie ever again.”

Miranda and Olivia were sucking on Sadie’s big toes so much, that their lips made a loud audible pop when they removed them from her toes.

“We shall stop trying to resist you. Whatever command that you order us to follow, we shall obey.”

Miranda and Olivia continued kissing Sadie’s big toes over and over again, until they both collapsed from exhaustion and pooled onto the floor right under Sadie’s feet. Sadie enjoyed her new trophies by pushing the ottoman out of the way and propping her bare feet up on the bodies of her sleeping roommates. She firmly yet gently stroked her toes throughout both Miranda and Olivia’s hair while they slept the night away.

The following morning, Sadie was sitting in a chair at the kitchen table, casually taking a sip from her cup of coffee every now and then. She brought her cup up to her lips as she saw the day’s newspaper get tossed onto the front step of her house. She sat her coffee cup back down on the table and then suddenly snapped her fingers.

Sadie rose off of her chair and casually strutted over to the front door. She tapped her foot impatiently a few times while she waited for Miranda to arrive. Sadie saw a completely naked Miranda suddenly running on all fours from the staircase just like a dog, even barking and panting with every little step she made as she sprinted towards the door. Sadie had to quickly open up the front door to keep Miranda from running head first right into it.

Miranda leapt onto the front step outside and scooped up the newspaper in her mouth. She crawled on all fours back inside the house and obediently opened her mouth to drop the paper at Sadie’s feet. Sadie leaned down so she could rub her hand over Miranda’s head making her pant out in pleasure, all the while telling her what a good girl she was for getting the paper for her.

Sadie commanded Miranda to roll over onto her back so that she could rub her belly. Miranda was howling out in happiness as she felt her mistress stroking her stomach, and soon started letting out little lustful barks when she felt Sadie rubbing and groping her breasts. Sadie stopped rubbing her so she could pick up the newspaper and carry it back over to the kitchen table, sitting back down in her chair so she could read the paper while continuing to enjoy her cup of coffee.

Sadie snapped her fingers and pointed towards her own feet on the floor without speaking a single word. Miranda quickly ran over to where Sadie was sitting and leapt down under the table, happily licking her feet while Sadie was ignoring her and continued reading the paper.

Sadie set aside the newspaper so she could look at Miranda’s old checklist again. “Well, I gotta admit. You definitely pulled one over on me for a good while there. But at the end of the day, I’m ultimately the one who came out on top.” Sadie smugly gloated. “Isn’t that right, Miranda?”

Miranda’s only response was to continue licking Sadie’s feet like the good loyal dog she was.

Olivia stepped into the room wearing a revealing french maid outfit, while rolling a small cart with a coffee pot situated on it. She had a large mindless smile plastered over her face. “Would you like a refill on your coffee, Mistress?” Olivia asked in a cheerful yet monotone voice.

“Of course.” Sadie held out her coffee cup near Olivia and allowed her to fill it up. Sadie took a few sips of her coffee and then suddenly snapped her fingers, and pointed towards her own shoulders. Olivia immediately shoved the cart out of the way so that she could stand behind where Sadie was sitting and start massaging her shoulders.

Sadie sighed contently from the combined sensations of getting her feet licked by Miranda, and her shoulders rubbed by Olivia. “Well girls, it looks like I’m still the undisputed prank master.” Sadie snapped both of her fingers.

“Yes Mistress, you are still the undisputed prank master.” Miranda and Olivia temporarily stopped what they were doing to both simultaneously repeat back what Sadie told them in a monotone voice. They then immediately returned to their tasks as if nothing had happened.

Sadie took another sip of her coffee and then sighed happily. “I could really get used to this.”


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