The Silver Leash

The Silver Leash, Part 11

by All These Roadworks

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #multiple_partners #sub:female #mind_control

Story by All These Roadworks (2024).
Author's Note: I'm fully financially supported by my writing, and I depend on your support to keep the bills paid and the lights on.  If you enjoy this story - and want to see more like it - please consider the purchase of an e-book or membership at my creator site,!  (Click here to view the shop.)
Jake was too honest for his own good.
Or rather, he genuinely cared about Amy, and what had seemed like a fun diversion with Madison the night before preyed upon him in his sleep, until he awoke on Monday morning in a sweat of guilt.
He dressed quickly and skipped breakfast, so that he could catch Amy as she left her house in the morning on the way to school.
She was pleased to see him - and the sight of her smile, combined with the sight of her large breasts stuffed into the tight white school blouse, gave him the same combination of happiness and arousal that it always did - especially when she ran up to him and gave him a warm hug.
“Hey, uh, Amy,” he said, blushing, as the hug ended.  “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“About… the plan?” she asked, whispering.
“No, not directly,” said Jake.  He blushed.  “Um, last night, after you left… Madison showed me her tits.  And let me play with them.”
Amy went bright red, and her body stiffened.
“Because I can’t do it with you without losing control,” said Jake.  “But my power can’t hurt her.  So it was like… practice.  Except… I should have talked to you first.”
“It’s okay,” said Amy.  But her body language said it wasn’t okay.
“I’m sorry,” said Jake.  “But… if I want to be able to be with you without losing control, I *do* need practice.  And this plan we have… it involves me doing things to other girls, too.”
“But those other girls are bitches, Jake,” said Amy.  “And Madison’s *nice*.  And she’s older than me, and… prettier than me.”
“No,” said Jake, immediately.  “I mean, she’s hot, but… you’re special.  It’s not like a replacement for you or anything.  But I won’t do it if it’s going to hurt you.  I’m sorry.”
Amy looked around, and then grabbed Jake’s hand and led him off the footpath, into a secluded alleyway between two houses.
“Jake,” she said.  “Do you really like me?”
“More than like,” said Jake immediately.
“And… can any other girl *actually* change that?  How you feel about me?”
“No,” said Jake immediately.
“Then it’s like I said last night,” said Amy.  “I don’t want to be that girl.  I don’t want to be jealous.  I want it to be okay.  It’s just… hard.”
“I know,” said Jake.  “I’ll do whatever it takes.  I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Then make it easy,” said Amy.
“How?” asked Jake.
“With your power,” said Amy.  “With your leash.”
Jake immediately backed away.  “No, Amy,” he said.  “I’ve already messed with you enough…”
She followed him, pressing him up against the fence that lined the alley, her tits pushed against his chest.
“Either we can have a lot of angst about jealousy, and maybe fuck up our relationship and ruin something wonderful,” said Amy, “or you can fix me.  Just make it so I think it’s hot when you’re with other girls.  I don’t mind.  I’m asking you to do it.”
“I don’t know…” said Jake.
“Don’t be a wuss, Jake,” said Amy.  “You’ve got this power for a reason.  We’re both going to be happier if hearing that Madison showed you her tits makes me horny.  Just do it.”
Jake tried to think it through.  How did this work?  Would it do what Amy wanted?
It wouldn’t make her *happy* to hear that Jake was with other girls, not directly.  But he could make her aroused by it - and if that arousal wasn’t linked to shame or guilt or pain or anything, then over time it would be basically the same thing, right?  If she got wet from something all the time, she’d come to like it.  
Would Madison approve, he wondered?  She was the one who had urged Amy to “not be that girl”.  She was the one who had showed her tits to Jake, even while knowing that he had a crush on Amy.  She’d agree with Amy, surely - that he shouldn’t be a wuss.
“Fine,” he said.  “So, uh, for this to work, you need to be turned on.”
“Touch my boobs,” said Amy immediately.
Jake blushed, and reached up and squeezed Amy’s tit, through her blouse.
Immediately he felt the spark of arousal flare within her.  She gasped, and her cheeks flushed, and he knew by implication that her cunt was wettening.
“And now, think about me and Madison,” he said.  “Think about me doing things with other girls - kissing them, fucking them.  Think about me having a big harem of submissive sluts.  Think about sharing me with them.”
Amy was blushing a different way now.  The thought of Jake with a harem of slave girls clearly left her conflicted.  But he put his other hand on his other breast, and the flame of her arousal flared brighter, and she started to moan.
There it was.  Everything he needed.  He reached out towards that spark of arousal with his mind - and he extended the leash…
CLICK.  There was a backlash of power in Jake’s mind, as he connected Amy’s arousal to the concept of sharing him with other girls, and mental energy flowed along the new leash.  He staggered back, and Amy fell to her knees.  He felt a headache beginning to pound inside his skull.
Amy moaned.
“Amy,” he said, “are you okay?”
She looked up at him.  “I feel weird,” she said.  And then: “Did you really… squeeze Madison’s tits?  She exposed herself to you and wanted you to play with her boobs?”
“And we kissed,” added Jake.
Amy let out a long, shuddering gasp.  “Fuck,” she said.  “I still feel jealous, but… that’s so hot.  God, I can’t stop thinking about it.  Your hands on her…”
Her knees came together convulsively, pressing her thighs together, squeezing her pussy between them.
“Are you okay?” Jake asked again.
Amy nodded, and staggered to her feet.  “I think it worked,” she said.  “I *want* you to make out with Madison again.  And not just Madison - I want you to fuck all the girls you can.  I want to *bring* girls to you, so that you can fuck them…”
She giggled.  “What have you done to me, Jake?”
“What you asked for,” he said.  “Do you regret it?”
She thought, and then shook her head emphatically.  “Not for a second.  Being jealous was *horrible*, Jake.  And this is so much better!  I just want you to be happy - and when you *are* happy, with another girl, it’s going to make me so *hot*.”
“You know I can’t undo this?” said Jake.  “Not without hurting you.”
She nodded.  “It’s okay,” she said.  “This is a gift.  A blessing.”  And then she giggled again.  “And besides, if you want to hurt me, my breasts are right here…”
Jake blushed.  He took Amy’s hand, and together they walked to school.
It was difficult walking with such a raging erection, but he managed.
Jake’s mission at school was Daniela.
She was 18, she was Latina - Jake thought maybe Puerto Rican - and she was gorgeous.  With her long black hair and her sleek, erotic curves, she should have been queen of the school…
… except that everyone knew that she was poor, and that she worked as maid in her free time.  And not just a maid to anyone, but specifically to the family of popular bitch Gwen Love.  
To the richest and most privileged kids at school, this made Daniela the help” - and their attitude rubbed off on everyone else, leaving Daniela significantly lower on the social standing than her looks would otherwise have warranted.
That hadn’t stopped her from featuring from time to time in Jake’s sexual fantasies, though.  He didn’t share any classes with her, which perhaps made her even more of an unattainable erotic idol to his imagination.
Jake’s goal with Daniela was to do one of two things - to either make Daniela want to serve him, or to make Daniela want to betray Gwen, with the idea that either way she would become his spy against the pretty redhead.
There were ethical questions here, Jake knew.  He had promised Madison to not use his power against anyone innocent - and there was no reason to believe that Daniela warranted punishment.  But they needed her assistance to get even with Gwen.  So whatever Jake did to Daniela, he wanted to be careful to do no lasting harm, and leave as small an impact on her as possible.
Using his power on Daniela would require three elements: an insecurity, for him to get into her mind; arousal, for him to use his power on; and a relevant thought that he could leash to her arousal, to form a kink that would aid him in getting her to turn on Gwen.
The insecurity turned out to be easy.  Daniela put on a confident face at school, but she was a sexually attractive teenage girl from a racial minority and an impoverished background.  There was *always* a little fear and insecurity there, no matter what she was doing, and it quickly became obvious to Jake that getting inside her shell would not be an issue.
The arousal was trickier.  Jake had no idea how he could possibly make Daniela aroused, given that he shared no classes with her, and only ever saw her at school during lunch and recess.  The best he could do was follow her around in his free time, and hope that inspiration struck.
As it turned out, he didn’t need inspiration.  Daniela was an 18-year-old girl, and she had hormones, and after three days of subtly stalking Daniela at school, Jake got lucky.  She had gone into the girls’ toilets at lunch, and when she came out, there was a tiny spark of arousal visible to Jake’s power.
He reached out to it, and blushed as he understood.  Daniela had been thinking about Gwen’s boyfriend Isaac in the toilets - and she had touched herself a little.  That small amount of masturbation had been enough to give her a buzz of sexual arousal as she left the bathroom, and that was what Jake seized on.
He didn’t have long - and he certainly didn’t have much time to put a specific thought in Daniela’s head that he could turn into a kink.
He improvised.  He had been watching the entrance to the toilets from slightly down a school corridor. Now, as Daniela exited, he walked towards her quickly, and deliberately bumped into her, dropping his mobile phone on the ground.
“Oh shit, sorry!” said Daniela instinctively as she saw the phone fall to the ground.  The accident hadn’t been her fault, but her first instinct was to apologise anyway.  She bent - pointing her cute ass at Jake - and picked up the phone.  Then she straightened, and handed it to him - not even registering, yet, who he was.
As Jake took the phone from her, he deliberately gave her his biggest, most charming, smile, and said, “Thank you so much, Daniela.”  And he waited a half-second for what he knew was coming - a blush, as she felt pleasure from being thanked…
… and then he reached out with the leash.
Apology - helping Jake - being praised by Jake - arousal - 
The pain flared in Jake’s brain - and it was bad now, only two days after leashing Amy - but it was manageable.
And in the meantime, he could see the flush spreading across Daniela’s face.  She had done an active of service for Jake, and been praised for it, and that had made her…aroused.
She was clearly confused.  She turned, blushing, and ran away.
But it was the beginning.  Jake had planted the seed.  She would want to serve him again - to receive that praise again - and that would give them their path to Gwen.
The plan to break Gwen Love had begun.

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