The Silver Leash

The Silver Leash, Part 10

by All These Roadworks

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #multiple_partners #sub:female #mind_control

Story by All These Roadworks (2024).
Author's Note: I'm fully financially supported by my writing, and I depend on your support to keep the bills paid and the lights on.  If you enjoy this story - and want to see more like it - please consider the purchase of an e-book or membership at my creator site,!  (Click here to view the shop.)
The conversation between Jake, Amy and Madison turned to how they could defeat and humiliate the bitchy Cat Weatherwill.  But the discussion of strategy was interrupted before it could begin by Jake’s mother, who called up to announce that dinner was ready, and that “I’ve made enough for your friends, too, Jake.”
The three conspirators came downstairs and ate awkwardly with Jake’s mother, trying to pretend that they hadn’t been about to plan the mind-controlled destruction of the local bitch - and that, previously, Jake and Amy hadn’t just been passionately kissing and groping while Madison watched.
For her part, Jake’s mother just seemed delighted to see Jake was getting along not only with his cousin, but also with a girl his own age.  She plied all three with questions about their lives, which they responded to with vague answers, eager to finish and get back upstairs.
When dinner was done, and they were finally released, they retreated back to Jake’s room.
“So,” said Madison, finally.  “Cat Weatherwill.  How do we break her?  Or perhaps a better question - why haven’t we broken her already?”
“She’s too confident,” said Jake.  He looked at Amy, who didn’t yet understand the rules of Jake’s power.  “In order to get inside a girl’s head, I need a crack,” he explained.  “An insecurity, or a shyness, or a fear.  Cat doesn’t have any . She’s so up herself, it’s like a diamond wall whenever I reach out to her.”
Amy blushed, no doubt thinking of her own many insecurities, which had allowed Jake into her own mind.
“Plus she needs to be horny, right?” said Madison.  “And who knows *what* gets that bitch off.  If anything.”
“Probably her kink is hurting people,” suggested Amy.  “And embarrassing them.  That’s what she seems to enjoy.”
“Don’t worry,” said Madison.  “We’ll fix that.  Once we get in.”
Amy shivered at the calm, furious cruelty in Madison’s voice.
“But that’s a secondary problem,” said Jake.  “We can’t even tell if she *is* horny.  Not until we get past that confidence.”
Madison made a frustrated noise.  “So how do we break the confidence?” she asked.  “Threaten her?  Push her around?”
Amy shook her head vigorously.  “She’d have the police onto us so fast…” she said.  “I thought this was about using your… mind control, or whatever.  If we could just assault her, or whatever, anyone could do it.  And probably get in trouble for it, too.”
“Then what?” asked Madison.  “Tell her she’s ugly?”
“She’d never listen to anyone else’s opinion about that,” said Jake.  “Or, for that matter, anyone’s opinion about anything.  Insults slide right off her.”
“Seriously?” asked Madison.  “She doesn’t listen to *anyone*?”
“She listens to the Cat Clique,” said Amy immediately.  “But they only tell her what she wants to hear.”
“The Cat Clique?” asked Madison.  “What’s that?”
“It’s the two cunts who hang out with her,” explained Amy.  She blushed.  “I don’t usually call girls that, but… they’re so awful, really.”
“Gwen Love and Juno South,” said Jake.  “Both absolutely smoking hot - but both just as evil as Cat.”
Amy pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes.  “They’re hot, are they?” she asked Jake, in a challenging tone.
But it was Madison who reached out and lightly slapped Amy’s leg.  “Don’t be that girl,” she said.  “Don’t be jealous or catty.  Jake’s *obviously* infatuated with you, and that’s not going to change no matter what we do with these high school skanks.  You’re smart enough to understand that.”
Amy blushed, and looked down.  “You’re right, sorry,” she said.  “I don’t want to be that person.”
Jake was blushing too.  “They’re hot,” he said, “but seriously, if I had to pick just one pair of boobs…  I mean…”  He looked meaningfully at Amy.  “Just… you are…”  He ran out of words, and trailed off.
But his meaning was clear.  Madison and Amy both laughed, and the moment of jealousy was over.
“So these girls - Gwen and Juno,” said Madison.  “Are they as confident as Cat?”
“They are,” said Jake.  “When I used the leash, they were both shielded from me as well.”  He paused, and then added, “But… I think they might be more fragile.”
“How do you mean?” asked Madison.
“They’re more… desperate, I guess,” said Jake.  “Like, they hang around with Cat because they need her approval.  And they focus on their looks because they need people to think they’re pretty.  They *need* that popularity, that adulation.  And I think if things went wrong for them… there might be a way in.”
Madison looked excited.  “So that sounds promising.  You’re saying we can break them?”
“I think we can,” agreed Jake.
“Then that’s our plan,” said Madison.  “We break Cat’s friends - and then use them to break Cat.”
But Amy was shifting uncomfortably.  “We keep saying ‘break’, but… what are we going to do to them?”
Madison looked at her.  “I think you know, Amy.”
“Like.. hurt them?” said Amy.
“Maybe,” said Madison.  She looked at Jake.  “Right?  That’s what we’re thinking?  Hurt them, humiliate them, ruin their lives - and stop them from fucking anyone else over?”
Jake nodded.  “After what they did to Miss Weaver, they deserve it.  Public humiliation.  Pain.  And…”  
He stopped, because he suddenly wondered whether he *was* on the same page as everyone else.
“I can feel what you’re thinking, Jake,” said Madison.  “You were going to say rape, weren’t you?  They deserve to be raped?”
Jake blushed.  “Something sexual…” he said.  “They filmed Miss Weaver in the toilets.  They’re such *bitches*.”
Madison looked at Amy.  “I agree,” she said.  “They deserve to be raped.  What about you?  Are you willing to go that far?”
Amy blushed and looked away.  “I don’t know,” she said.  “This is… a lot.”
“But they need to be stopped,” said Jake.  “And… I really don’t feel like anything less is going to stop them.  They’re just going to keep being this way - hurting people - for the rest of their lives.”
“I know,” said Amy.  But her voice was uncertain.  
“We’re doing this in stages,” said Madison.  “Humiliation first. Then more, if it’s needed.  If they learn their lesson early, then we don’t need to go further, right?”
“Right,” said Jake.  “They’ll have a chance to change their ways before we really ruin them.” 
But there was a note in his voice that suggested he would be disappointed if they did.  The idea of raping the pretty girls had engaged more of him than just his brain.
Amy clearly still wasn’t sure about this.  She was sweet and forgiving, by nature.  Revenge didn’t come to her naturally.
But then her eyes fell on something - a piece of paper, lying on the bed.  It had fallen out of Jake’s pocket.  She picked it up and looked at it.
Jake scrambled to take it from her.  “Don’t look at that,” he said.
But it was too late.  It was the crude drawing that Cat had made in class that day, labelled “Jakey No-Dick and Shamey the Cow”.
Amy’s face went red with humiliation.
“Is this…” Amy began to ask.
Jake answered before she could finish.  “Yes.  It’s by Cat.  She drew it in class today.  She was making fun of you - of us.”
Amy’s lips came together tightly.  She looked at the drawing again - and then crumpled it in her fist. 
Jake could see tears in the corners of her eyes.
“Fuck it,” said Amy.  “Let’s rape the bitches.”
Madison smiled, and clapped.  “If they’re the Cat Clique, then I suppose that makes us the Pussy Tamers,” she laughed.  “Let’s make this thing happen.”
They flipped a coin to decide which of Cat’s accomplices to go after first.  The result was heads - Gwen Love.
“So what do we know about this Gwen?” asked Madison.  “Which one is this?  The anorexic redhead?”
“She’s not exactly anorexic,” objected Jake.  “She’s got curves…”
Amy punched his arm, playfully.  “We get it, Jake,” she said.  “She’s hot.”  She turned back to Madison.  “But yes, she’s skinny.  She does professional modelling.”
“Okay, so she’ll be obsessed with her looks,” said Madison.  “It’ll probably freak her out if she thinks she looks anything short of perfect.  We can work with that.  What else?”
“She’s got a house on the rich side of town,” said Jake.  “Her father’s a dentist or something.”
“A house?” said Amy.  “Have you seen it?  It’s a mansion.  With gates and security and everything.”
“Okay,” said Madison.  “No breaking in to have a peek at her private business, got it.”
“They hire a maid - she’s Gwen’s age,” said Amy.  “I think she goes to our school.  That Latina girl.  What’s her name?”
“Daniela,” said Jake.  He had taken more than a little note of Daniela’s enticing curves and lustrous black hair over the last year - although he decided not to further antagonise Amy by mentioning yet another girl who he thought was attractive.
“That’s right, Daniela,” said Amy.  “I think I heard she’s really good at drama and dance?”
“That could be a good opportunity to practice your powers, Jake,” said Madison.  “Maybe if we can get this girl to like you - or to hate Gwen - we could use her as an inside agent to have a pry into Gwen’s personal life.”
Jake thought about taking sexual control of the beautiful Daniela, making her his servant…
“I think I could probably manage that,” he said, his voice cracking.
“Good,” said Madison.  “Anything else we know about Gwen?”
“Oh!” said Amy.  “She’s got a boyfriend!  Isaac Crenleigh.  He’s a footballer.  Really handsome.”
Madison smiled.  “But probably a bit of an asshole, right?”
“What, because he’s a footballer?” asked Amy.
Madison sighed.  “No, because he’s a highschool boy.  All highschool boys are assholes.”  She looked at Jake.  “Present company NOT excepted.  Deal with it, it’s the truth.”
Jake supposed that he *had* just been fantasising about mind controlling an innocent girl to be his slave.  He shrugged.
“Can we do anything with Isaac?” asked Amy.  “Is that useful info?”
Madison looked uncomfortable.  “Yes,” she said.  “I guess *I* can do something with it.”
“What do you mean?” asked Amy.
“Jakey here isn’t the only one with the silver leash, remember?” asked Madison.  “If he’s hot - if I’m attracted to him at all - I can fuck with his brain the same way that Jake can fuck with pretty girls.  And I’m sure that the kind of jock footballer who dates a bitch like Gwen will have done something that means he deserves it.  I can flip him - turn him against Gwen.  Make him an asset.”
Jake felt a sudden surge of jealousy at the idea of Madison cosying up to the handsome Isaac.  He pushed it down.  It was irrational.  Madison wasn’t his to be jealous of.  He didn’t even *like* Madison.  They were just hanging out because of this silver leash business.
“Well, that’s a mission for Jake, and a mission for you,” said Amy.  “What can *I* do?”
“Research,” said Jake.  ‘I mean, you’re good with computers - with Google, and stuff.  Find out more about Gwen.  Give us other angles to work.”
Amy pursed her lips.  She clearly wanted a more exciting role.  But she yielded.  “Fine,” she said.  “I’ll do research.”
With their plans in place, Amy left, to return to her home, next door.
But when she was gone, Madison lingered for a moment.
“That thing you said with Amy…” she said to Jake, “that was… really decent.”
“What?” asked Jaked.  “About not being able to control myself?”
“Yes,” said Madison.  “You *know* that girl would let you do anything with her - and I can see that you’re ragingly horny for her - but you’re taking it slow.  A lot of boys your age wouldn’t have that self-control.”
Jake shrugged, embarrassed.  “I… care about her,” he said.  “I want to do the right thing.  I don’t want to hurt her.”
Madison looked away for a moment.  She seemed to be trying to make a decision about something.  Her face was a little flushed.
Then the decision, whatever it was, was made.
Jake was sitting on the bed at this point, and Madison moved towards him.  Then, to Jake’s surprise, she climbed up on the bed, straddling Jake’s lap, her knees on either side of his legs.
His cock, which had been intermittently hard throughout the night - first from kissing Amy, and then from talk of raping Gwen, and then at the thought of mind-controlling Daniela - stiffened again immediately.
“I think you’re probably right to be worried about hurting Amy if you lose control,” said Madison.  “It’s hard to think straight when you’re horny.”
She bit her lip - and then began to unbutton her denim shirt.
“But you can’t hurt me, Jake,” she said.  “Not even if you tried.”
Her shirt popped open.  She wasn’t wearing a bra.  Her exposed breasts were right there, in Jake’s face.
His cock strained painfully at his jeans.
“Madison…” said Jake, not sure what was happening.
She took Jake’s hand, and lifted it to her left boob.
“A little reward for being good,” she said.  “Go ahead.  It’s okay.”
He experimentally squeezed her tit.  It felt so good - so soft, so yielding.
She lifted his other hand to her other breast.
“Consider it a little practice in being horny without losing control,” Madison said.  “You have to practice somewhere, right?  So you can be safe with Amy?”
He squeezed with both hands.  It felt amazing.  
He couldn’t believe this was happening.  Madison was his bitch cousin - but since his talent had manifested, she had been less of a bitch.  In fact, the two of them had almost forged a mutual respect - and now here she was, putting her perfect breasts in his hands and encouraging him to explore them.  Her red hair was hanging down in his face, and he could smell her perfume, and…
Madison leaned down and kissed him on the lips.  And with one hand, she reached between her legs, to touch his groin, pressing against the hardness of his erection through his pants.
It took everything Jake had to avoid cumming right there, with an embarrassing premature ejaculation into his pants.
Instead, he let his mind reach out to her - softly, gently, not the sharp spike that he normally used, but more of a diffuse cloud.
And her shield was there -  not the opaque shield of confidence, but rather the defences that came from her own mastery of the silver leash.  It was a gleaming trap, that would snap shut painfully if he tried to probe further.  
But behind it he could see the glowing ember of her arousal.  She was as turned on by this as Jake was.  She *wanted* Jake to squeeze her tits.  She *wanted* Jake to kiss her.  She *wanted* Jake to…
… to fuck her?
No, more than that.  To *take* her.  To *force* her.
To *rape* her.
And then it was gone.  It was as if Madison had become aware of Jake’s probing.  Her mind went dark.  The ember vanished.  And, in the physical world, Madison was pulling away from Jake, blushing.  
“That’s about enough for one night, Jake,” she said, her voice thick with what Jake knew to be lust.  “Don’t want to set your expectations too high.  Only just a small reward, you know?  For not being terrible.”
She was on her feet, staggering towards the door.  She had gone farther than she intended to - let Jake see more of her than she had meant to - and now she was embarrassed, and ashamed, while trying to pretend that everything was normal.
“Madison,” said Jake, trying to control his own overwhelming arousal.  “It’s okay.  Really, it’s okay.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Madison.  But she did.
“I like it,” said Jake.  “It was hot.  *You* are hot.  And… fantasies are just fantasies.  You must have seen some of mine, in my head.  Just because you think them, it doesn’t mean you want to make them real.”
She blushed even bright - but some of the tension seemed to go out of her.
“Thank you,” she said.  “I’m sorry.  I should probably go now.”
Jake smiled at her.  “And tomorrow we start on Gwen.”
“Tomorrow we start on Gwen,” Madison agreed.
And with that, she was gone…
… leaving Jake free to undo his pants, and place his hand on his cock, and masturbate to a wild, satisfying orgasm, accompanied by confused erotic thoughts about Amy, and Madison, and Daniela, and precisely what they were going to do to pretty, perfect Gwen Love…
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