Trigger Words

Chapter 2

by AlexiaRose

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #sub:female #sub:male #urban_fantasy #Hypnosis #mind_alteration #occasional_haha_funny_moments #romance #words

I really hope you laughed a bit. I also would be happy and turned on if it made you horny. All these things are true. I guess I hope that the story "Triggers" you. Giggles. I will be busy so I am posting this chapter now. I am still writing chapter three. I just keep wanting to let them have so much sex. I am surprised where the story is going. It has changed little by little. Anyway, enjoy this part of the story. As always the characters are over the age of 18. This was inspired by a caption story on the former Twitter. Link will be at the end of the page. "READ" Did it cause you to read? Are you triggered? Giggles.

Morning came with a loud alarm clock. Ginger slapped it until it stopped blaring loudly at her. She could smell bacon and coffee. Aiden must be up. After their discovery of having words that triggered them all they could figure is that somehow at the event they attended they were hypnotized and made to respond. Hesitantly, she got out of bed. A quick shower and brushing of teeth had her ready to face the day and her stepson. Ginger dressed in her oversized tee and some comfy cloth shorts, then went downstairs.

Aiden was finishing the scrambled eggs with his back to Ginger. She cleared her throat as she went to get a cup of coffee. “Good Morning.” Aiden said nervously. As Ginger sat down, he placed the platter of bacon and the bowl of eggs between them. “Good Morning. Thank you for breakfast.” Ginger said. They ate quietly. Each was stealing glances at the other. Unable to take it any longer, Ginger broke the silence. “This is silly. We can’t go through our lives being afraid to speak around each other.” “I guess.” Aiden replied. “I mean Dad will be home soon and he will know something weird is going on.” “Oh My God!” Ginger exclaimed. “I cheated on your father. I cheated with his son. I mean…” she paused for a second, “I should feel guilty, right? It is normal to feel guilty, right?” Aiden looked thoughtful for a moment before replying. “Yeah, I mean I should feel guilty for sleeping with my Dad’s wife, but I don’t, I have no guilt at all.” He took a slice of bacon and ate it. “I do feel attracted to you. Like, it is different from when I just used to think you were hot, I genuinely have this attraction like I would for a crush.” Ginger sighed. “Same. I look at you now and I see Aiden the man, not Aiden my stepson.” She stood and gathered their dirty dishes. Soon she had the sink filled and began washing.

Soon, Aiden was beside her drying the dishes. “Hey?” he asked. “Yes. came her reply. “I really enjoyed all the sex we had.” Ginger flicked water at him and smiled. “It was nice.” They finished the dishes and were heading to their rooms. Ginger paused. “Aiden, what do you have planned for today?” He stopped partway up the stairs, “I am taking my registration papers to the Community College and signing up for courses. Have to get back in the swing of things.” “Okay, well, just be careful. Call or text if you need me. I have a hair appointment and will be grocery shopping.” she said. They both headed to their rooms to start their day.

The summer dress Ginger chose was funky looking enough that if any “Accidents” soaked her panties they might go unnoticed. She was a tad worried. Yesterday had been rough, but would knowing now the why of her daydreams be better or worse? She breezed through the door of the Hair Salon. “Ginger! How is my favorite Gym Rat?” Hattie called out. Ginger grinned at the nickname Hattie had given her.  “Just waiting to get you in the gym for a workout.” It wasn’t long before Hattie had Ginger laid back and was preparing to wash her hair. “Oh Ginger, such beautiful hair, even when I wet it it looks so lovely.” Hattie said. Ginger felt her nethers pulse and throb as she got wet elsewhere. Add another word to the list she thought. The rest of the wash went well. It was when Hattie mentioned heat under the dryer that Ginger felt another jolt of arousal. The spacing out was okay since it just looked like she was patiently waiting for the dryer to finish. She was glad that the trim and style didn’t add to her growing desire.

Across town, Aiden entered the Registrar's office. He patiently waited while the lady behind the counter entered info in her computer. Soon she was leading him to making a Student I.D. “Just look right here at the dot.” she directed. “That wasn’t so hard. Not hard at all.” Aiden felt his groin swell. He was grateful to be back with the counter between them as he knew he had to be showing. “Let’s get classes sorted.” She said, “It looks like you have History, Biology, and French. I do so love that people take French, it is such a wonderful language.” Aiden’s mind drifted to French Kissing Ginger. The image increased his arousal. “Yeah.” he muttered. A few more additions and he was free to leave the building. He rushed to his car and sat for a good while as he willed his cock to go down just a bit. He was so glad he was heading home.

A few snips and brushing saw Ginger finished at the Hair Salon. She was driving to the Grocery Store hoping beyond hope that nothing triggered her. Being mildly horny was manageable, but what happens if she is so horny she just can’t function? Pulling into the parking lot she saw a jogger passing by on the sidewalk. She had earbuds in. That could be the answer. Ginger searched her purse and found her wireless earbuds. She had her earbuds securely in her ears and her phone connected to a radio app. The music was simple pop fare. Fortified with her musical armor Ginger wandered the Store picking up the household needs. She waved at neighbors, but didn’t pause for small talk. The checkout aisle was stretched out and she had to wait. Right as it was her turn a new song played on her app.

“Here is the newest hit for the Pop Sensation Marisol, Bring The Heat.” the app’s DJ announced. Ginger froze as the song played. Over and over the word heat was sung to a throbbing bass beat. Her body throbbed in time to the music. Deep inside Ginger could feel her arousal grow. Welling up inside was a feeling of need, need to be filled by Aiden. Her pussy convulsed as she helplessly stood waiting for the cashier to finish. The distraction of pushing her buggy of groceries to the car helped. Her face was flushed as the song ended. Ginger took her earbuds out. She was so horny it was almost hard to think. Placing the groceries in the car was a struggle. Driving home was a struggle. She sat in the garage catching her breath. She texted Aiden asking him to get the groceries for her and put them away. Ginger watched as he came out and was gathering the bags. She followed him in and watched him as he moved around putting every item in its place. “Aiden, when you're done, please come to my bedroom.” she said quietly as she left the room.

Pushing the door to Ginger’s room open Aiden heard moans as he entered. Laying naked on her bed was Ginger. She had a large purple dildo pumping into her glistening pussy. “Ughhh, was okay…..okay until…..until that damned song.” Hungry eyes stared out at Aiden. “Please Aiden. I need you in me so bad.” He was frozen as he stared at the spectacle before him. He slowly pulled his shirt off and began walking towards the bed. The rest of his clothing left a trail behind him. Their eyes locked and Aiden knew he was not being compelled by the trigger words as much as just wanting to make love to his stepmom. He pulled the dildo out of her sacred space and continued to move up her body. Aiden was trailing kisses as he went. Licks and caresses along her tummy until he comes to her glorious breasts. He gave attention to both, sucking and licking around her nipples. The kisses continued up along her neck until their mouths met and they melted into each other. Hands were caressing as they entwined their tongues. Aiden lined up his shaft and then slowly pushed into Ginger. She gasped with the bliss of her pussy being filled.

They made love. Slow and passionate love. He locked his eyes on hers as he slid in and out of her. Moans of pleasure echoed through the house as they twisted and turned, never separating, just locked in the throes of consummate bliss. Aiden pinned her on her back and then with a final thrust he let a stream of cum fill her up. Ginger had had so many orgasms she lost count. As Aiden’s release came, she had another long mind blanking orgasm. They lay with Aiden still in her, but askew next to her, his arm draped just under her breasts. Each was panting as they came down from their high. Endorphins were coursing through their bodies. “FYI,” Ginger said, “Try and avoid Marisol’s new song.” Aiden chuckled, “Really? It was that strong or had that many trigger words?” She thought for a moment, “I had my earbuds in, using music to keep from hearing words in the store. It was working. Then her song began. The beat, the repeating of a trigger word, I was just overcome with wave upon wave of horniness.” “Why didn’t you take the earbuds out, or turn the song off?” he asked. He had softened and slipped out of her and she rolled onto her side looking at him. “I don’t know. I just was not thinking straight I guess. I was trying to make it through what I was doing. It was like being on autopilot.”

Soon after both had taken a short nap, they went down and started making supper. As they were setting the table Ginger’s phone rang, it was Robert. “Hi dear!” Ginger said. “Yes, we are okay. Aiden and I are getting along better than could be expected.” Ginger poked at the Salad she had made with the serving tongs as she listened to her husband. “So they need you to stay an extra day or two? Okay. I love you too. Bye.” Robert gave his normal good bye of “Blow you kisses.” Ginger felt her body respond and soon she had pulled Aiden’s shorts down and was blowing him. “Dad said Blow You Kisses didn’t he?” “MMMhmmm.” Ginger mumbled as she sucked until he blew a load of cum in her mouth. “Damn, the more I do that the more I like it.” she said. With that she stood and pulled his shorts up. She gave Aiden a kiss and then went about finishing getting their supper on the table.

Thousands of miles away, Robert sat in a chair with IV’s running into his arm and wires to sensors all over his chest. He placed the phone down as his visitor came into the treatment area. “Robert, I still don’t understand why you will not tell them how sick you are.” The man said. “No. I can’t. Aiden and I watched his mother wither away. It was heartbreaking. I will take the treatments, but I will not have them sitting by while I do.” Robert looked pale. He had lost some weight. The man wondered just how long he could keep this secret. “So, you said you wanted me to do some more for them?” Robert grinned, “Yes, I have been thinking about my situation, I wanted to add some more triggers, maybe adjust the ones they have. If they are truly beginning to be drawn together, I want to help guide that along. Plus, I want to make sure they don’t find out how sick I am. Can you do that for me?” The man nodded yes, “Robert, I owe you my life, literally, if you had not intervened, then I would be dead for sure. I owe you. Whatever you want, I will do.” The rest of the visit was a discussion of planning out the next session the hypnotist would have with his family.

Thank you for reading. More to come. Here is the promise info......

*****Link to idea for story******

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