Trigger Words

Chapter 1

by AlexiaRose

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #sub:female #sub:male #urban_fantasy #Hypnosis #mind_alteration #occasional_haha_funny_moments #romance #words

So my mind needed a break from Is It Just A Game? and a person on the site formerly known as Twitter prodded this idea. It is about a Stepson and his Stepmom. They don't hate each other, but really they get along because of his Dad. This leads to him accompanying her to a "date" night that his Dad could not attend. I do have to say that it started out as a fun little mind control story of trigger words and just sex. As I wrote the people involved became clearer in my mind. The ending is something I didn't want to be some kind of having the marriage split up because of this happening. Instead, there is a plot that unfolds. I have had fun imagining how one might hear certain words through the course of a day. I hope you enjoy what I came up with in that regard. I have the second chapter written, so I could at least not have there be a great deal of time between those chapters. I hope you enjoy. (Oh, at the end I will post a link to the NSFW captions story that inspired this work.)

BTW, all characters in this story are over the age of 18.

“Do I really have to go to this stupid thing?” Aiden grumbled. His Step Mom rolled her eyes. “Yes. You heard your father. He said that he spent too much money on these tickets to just let them go to waste.” Ginger answered. “It's not my fault.” Aiden was acting like a spoiled brat. “I mean why couldn’t you find someone else?” Ginger turned and put her finger in Aiden’s chest, “Look mister, I am not thrilled to be on my date night with my loser stepson!” Realizing she was making a scene, Ginger calmed down and continued in a more dignified tone. “You know good and well how jealous your father is, he was not going to risk me going to this fancy meal and show with just anyone. Also, the tickets require the couple to be a man and a woman. This is a couples event. Aiden smirked, “Kinda discriminating that the couples can’t be same sex, I mean in this day and age….” he let the sentence hang. Ginger just let out a huff and grabbed his arm dragging him behind her to the BallRoom.

The place was decorated nicely and the lighting was subdued. Aiden kind of squirmed as he ate. He realized that this was supposed to be a romantic date between his father and stepmom. Although he could see why his dad might be jealous of other men. Ginger was twenty years younger than his dad. Aiden’s mom had died after a long battle with cancer. It was rough, but the two made it through the loss. Aiden had put his energy into his studies and sports. He had received a scholarship for track at the state’s top University. His Dad drowned himself in his work. It ended up seeing him promoted and more money for the family, but his Dad just wallowed in loneliness. Then Ginger came into his life. A health scare had forced his Dad to be more mindful of his well being. One thing he did was join a gym.

Ginger was a trainer at the gym. Aiden’s Dad hit it off with her right away. She helped him become a fitter dude. His Dad seemed to smile more. Eventually, he asked her out to dinner one evening. The rest was now history. While Aiden was away in his first year of college, the two got married. He now had a stepmom that was closer to him in age than his Dad. Aiden didn’t dislike Ginger. In fact he often had to keep from staring at her. She was gorgeous with her honey blonde hair and her tight, toned body. She was five foot nine and had curves in all the right places. Being a fitness instructor meant that much of her attire was yoga pants and sports bras. Many of his old high school buddies teased him about his hot stepmom often when they were out for drinks. Aiden wasn’t sure why he always seemed to be so negative towards Ginger.

The mood was very relaxing in the room. Ginger felt herself feeling a bit sleepy. She wished so much that her husband was here with her. Aiden wasn’t a bad stepson, but she really didn’t click with him. It probably was the closeness in their ages. She knew everyone believed that she married for money, but that wasn’t true. She made good money. She had done side work as a model and invested wisely. Turning that into a hefty portfolio. No, her love was true for Aiden’s father. It was too bad Aiden blew his knee out over the summer. The damage had cost him his scholarship. He came home depressed and discouraged. He reluctantly joined her gym. The trainer there had consulted with his doctor and soon he was walking well, but as for track, running was not an option. She did admire how cut and trim his six foot four frame was. So many times her girlfriends would gossip about him. She always shrugged the conversations off. Ginger felt bad for calling him a loser, she really did love her stepson. She wondered what Aiden would say once the entertainment began?

They both ended up relaxed and almost enjoying the evening together. The meal was excellent, so Aiden decided it wasn’t so bad coming with Ginger. Plates were cleared, wine was refilled, and the lights were dimmed as the evening moved on to the entertainment. From all around the crowd a voice pierced through the room. On stage smoke machines had filled the area and a swirling light show had begun. Aiden laughed as he watched, but Ginger was drawn to the lights. “Good Evening All.” the voice said. “Tonight we will mesmerize and hypnotize all who are Good Boys and Good Girls. Just let your minds relax, relax and drift as you listen to my voice. It is okay if you feel sleepy. It is okay if you want to close your eyes, just as long as you listen and relax, relax and listen.” Aiden felt a bit fuzzy, but was feeling cocky about being hypnotized. He looked over at Ginger and saw her eyes shut and her sitting very still. “Yes, I know some of you believe you cannot be hypnotized. That is okay, it is alright, just relax and watch as others fall deep into a peaceful trance. Look at them, see how relaxed they are, how freeing it must be to just relax and listen, to listen and relax. Aiden watched Ginger sway in her trance like sleep. She did look relaxed. It must be nice. Then his world went dark.

Ginger was clapping so hard and felt so happy. The show was so good. The people that had believed they were dogs and cats and chickens were so funny to watch. She couldn’t believe it when she and Aiden went on stage. She remembered them dancing different dances. She never knew Aiden could do that kind of stuff. Aiden was just as energetic in his clapping. The hypnotist was bowing and waving as the crowd went wild. “Thank You so much. Remember, if you were up on stage, please remain in your seats so I can ensure you are safe and sound.” Aiden guffawed at that. He looked at Ginger and she was sitting patiently, watching as once the room emptied and the Man wandered from table to table talking with couples. “Come on Ginger, you don’t believe we were really hypnotized, do you?” Ginger looked at Aiden, “We were hypnotized Aiden, why else were we doing the tango across that stage?” “Because I was playing along, duh.” Ginger felt angry, “I do not believe you. I believe we were hypnotized. “What a jerk you can be.”

“Ah, such anger from such a beautiful source. Why so angry my dear?” The hypnotist said as he sat down at their table. Aiden spoke, “Oh she believes you really hypnotized us.” A look of shock crossed the man’s face. “But I did my boy.” “Sure, it was just a highly formed instance of mass suggestion. I don’t believe you did anything more than make suggestions that we got caught up in the moment doing. Don’t get me wrong, it was very entertaining.” Aiden crossed his arms over his chest. “You can be such a jerk Aiden!” Ginger yelled. “Why you can’t be as loving as your father I do not understand.” Tears streamed down her face. “SLEEP!” the man said with authority as he snapped his fingers. Instantly Ginger and Aiden slumped in their chairs. The man looked around and saw that a few of the cleaning staff had arrived. He commanded the pair to follow him. Soon they were all three in the man’s complimentary hotel room. What followed was a time of questioning and insight into the minds of these two individuals. The man was not cruel, but he did from time to time like to do some twisted things. He hoped that what he did now might draw these two closer together.

The pair awoke at the hotel bar. They seemed unaware that they had been in a hotel room, no instead they had memories of feeling tired and tipsy. Aiden had called a Car Ride to pick them up. They each sipped on water as they waited for the pick up. They discussed how nice the evening had been. No more arguing, just two people enjoying the night. As soon as they got home, Ginger kissed Aiden on the cheek and said goodnight. He stood a bit shocked as Ginger had never been affectionate with him like that before. “Good Night.” he said as he walked to his room. Both fell into a very deep sleep. Their minds still awake as they slumbered, saying commands over and over.


Aiden grumbled as he watched the Ride Share Car zip past the secluded trees and houses of his home and whisked him back to the fancy hotel that hosted the event he and his stepmom attended the previous evening. Arriving he walked into the parking garage and rode the elevator to the level his car was parked. His mood felt dark as he made sure his card was ready to pay for the cost of parking. On his way home he decided that he did not want to see Ginger this morning. He stopped at a Dinner and went inside deciding to eat breakfast until he knew his stepmom would be heading to the gym for the day.

It was busy with people either just ending work or just preparing for work. He decided to sit at the counter and patiently waited for service. The waitress came at last and he got a cup of coffee. Once she had filled the cup she came back and began telling him the morning’s special. “We have a Special this morning of French Toast,” Aiden felt a twinge of arousal as she spoke, “Bacon, and eggs or you can order from the menu” Aiden stared at the menu before looking up at the cute waitress. “Is the French Toast any good? He asked and felt his dick throb a bit. “No complaints so far Sweetie, in fact, French Toast is the cook’s specialty.” “French Toast Special it is then Ginger.” he replied. “Name’s Trina, hun.” She pointed at her name tag. “Oh, sorry.” Aiden blushed. He felt like his cock had become made of iron. He was glad he was able to hide his arousal. His thoughts began to drift, he imagined he was kissing someone. Their tongues entwined in passion. He imagined slipping his hands around her as they kissed as if there would be no tomorrow. The kiss ended and he could see his partner in passion, it was Ginger. Aiden shook his head a bit, wondering where that fantasy had come from.

Ginger stumbled into the kitchen still half asleep. The automatic coffee machine held what she needed. After a few sips of java Ginger felt awake. She noticed a note on the counter. It was from Aiden, he had gone to retrieve his car. She bet she was going to hear an earful of griping later. That was a problem for later. Ginger drained her coffee and went to shower and get ready for work. She had a big client this morning and was working the front desk after lunch. As she got out of the shower she heard the phone ring. Dripping and naked she hurried to answer. “Hello Darling.” Her husband’s cheery voice came over the speaker. “Oh Robert, Good Morning, I was hoping you would call.” she said. “So how is my favorite girl doing?” “I am good. Just showered and am getting ready for work.” “Good Good.” Robert Said. “I do hope you and Aiden are getting along. I know it must be odd having him home.” “It is okay. You know how he is and you know me, so we are coexisting at least.” Ginger replied. “How was the Hypnosis Dinner?” “Oh Robert I hate you missed it. The food was delicious. Even Aiden didn’t complain about that, the entertainment he was a bit more vocal. He even challenged the Hypnotist, can you believe it? Anyway, we made it through the evening without fuss.” “So glad you made it through the night without a Blow up my dear.” Ginger felt her clit pulse and had to squeeze her legs together. “Yes, dear.” she squeaked. I know my son can be a blowhard sometimes, but he really is a Good Boy.” As Robert spoke Ginger felt her pussy get wetter. After a bit more chatting, Ginger said good-bye and heard her husband say what he always said when ending their calls, “Blowing you Kisses!” The jolt in her body felt almost like a little orgasm. Ginger lay back and imagined taking a cock in her mouth, just sucking and pleasuring it. When in her fantasy she pulled back and looked up at the man, it was Aiden. “What the Fuck and I doing?” she gasped.

“Delicious as advertised.” Aiden said as the waitress took his plate. “I told you that the French Toast was good.” she winked. Again Aiden’s thoughts went to his stepmom and her lips and kissing her. His body heated up as the fantasy took hold. He hurriedly placed enough money for the bill and the tip as he bolted for the door. He had to get home before Ginger left for work. He just had to. He didn’t understand why, but it was just important. All through his meal he had been consumed with thoughts of her. They kissed and caressed each other. His brain was on fire with a need to kiss Ginger. He accelerated past the speed limit. It was a miracle he didn’t get pulled over. Placing his car in park, he rushed to the house, busting in, “Ginger?” he yelled.

“Just a minute. I will be down in a sec.” she hollered back. She was annoyed. She felt like she needed to fill her mouth. What was crazy was that she wanted it to be Aiden’s cock. It was crazy, she had never ever even seen it and now she wanted to just take it in her mouth and worship it. “Aiden if you are wanting to be reimbursed for the parking cost we can settle up….” She turned and saw him at her door. “Aiden?” she looked at him worried. He had this wild look in his eyes and was breathing hard. Before she could even register his moment Aiden was infront of her and kissed her. His arms gently wrapped around her as his hand held the back of her head. His tongue forced itself inside her mouth and he moaned into the kiss. Ginger felt herself melt as he took her in his arms. Instead of pushing him away as her mind first processed, she kissed him back passionately. They broke apart at last, both panting. Ginger then dropped to her knees. As Aiden looked down he saw a vision of beauty. Her body was in a tight set of neon green yoga attire. Her hair was in a ponytail. She yanked his trousers down and then his briefs.  The erection that had been so painfully trapped was freed. Ginger wasted no time in taking Aiden’s length in her mouth. She soon had a steady rhythm and was looking blankly up at her stepson. It didn’t take long before Aiden released his seed in his stepmom’s mouth. She greedily swallowed it all and fell back on her behind. They both had looks of shock on their faces. Aiden quickly pulled his clothes up and retreated to his room, leaving Ginger bewildered on the floor.


Once stepping inside the gym Ginger felt a sense of calm. The event from earlier had caused her so much stress. Even now it threatened to obliterate the calm of her sanctuary. She placed her stuff in her locker and went to the front desk to wait for her appointment. The staff was busy and beyond the normal courtesies, she stayed to herself. Nearby the front desk worker was having a conversation with a customer. “Oh for sure ma’am, you really feel the heat when you work out with Glenn. He is like the best.” she said. Ginger felt her pussy get wet. “I do like the heat.” The lady grinned. “Although I wouldn’t mind having a different kind of heat with Glenn.” The customer grinned. A rush of warmth ran over Ginger as her arousal spiked. Sweat had broken out on her forehead. Suddenly she was jolted back to the world around her as she heard her name. “Ginger. Hey Ginger.” Tammy said sternly. “Uhmm, hey, Tammy. Are you ready for your workout?” “If you are awake I am.” Tammy huffed.

Soon they were on a mat as Ginger helped Tammy run through warm up stretches. Tammy had relaxed some and was telling Ginger all about why she was upset and needing to have a good workout. “I mean that Bitch just throws her body in my face all the time. Like everybody knows the Bitch stole John away from me because she is such a slut. I mean the Bitch thinks I care about her Insta feed, I mean, sure I look, but her Bitch body is just that…” Tammy droned on so wrapped up in her hate of the woman that stole her former husband from her she didn’t notice Ginger spacing out. Ginger was lost in arousal. The spike from earlier was nothing compared to the fire in her now. Images of her on all fours while Aiden took her like a bitch in heat bombarded her mind. Her body was flush with desire. A wet spot was forming on the crotch of her yoga pants. The hour ended and somehow Ginger had done her job. After Tammy left her, she rushed to the Ladies locker room and stripped hurriedly. She got in the shower and soon was lost with her fingers deep in her folds as the water cascaded over her. Time after time, she got right to the brink of release, then could not finish. She needed to cum. Ginger kept trying, but never could.

Meanwhile, across town Aiden was sitting in the park. Thoughts of his stepmom with her mouth around his cock just replayed over and over. It was like he just had to let her, and needed her to suck his cock. He wanted her. That was crazy. It was his Dad’s wife. He watched as a young woman was throwing a ball to a Beagle. She seemed to be training him. Aiden smiled at the scene. The woman was pretty. She was taking the ball from the dog’s mouth and saying, “Good Boy, such a Good Boy.” Aiden felt a stirring in his pants. Again she threw the ball and the dog went to it, picked it up in its mouth and stared at her. “Come on, Be Mama’s Good Boy. Bring it here.” The dog ran to her. Aiden was seeing his stepmom in his mind. She was calling him to her, calling her Good Boy. The young woman took the ball and gave a treat to the dog while petting him. “Mama’s Good Boy, Yes you are, such a Good Boy.” Aiden was painfully hard, His pants tented as he was lost in dreaming of taking his stepmom like they were two dogs in heat. He was on her back, slamming into her hard and fast. Her arms collapsed from the force of his thrust. Just two animals fucking and breeding.

The release of his cock in his pants shocked Aiden from the dream. He panted and covered his groin as the dark gooey wet spot grew. Embarrassed, he looked to see if anyone saw. He hurried to his car and wondered why he had just had a wet daydream. Looking down he could see the massive spot on his pants. The cooling cum was now feeling sticky and uncomfortable. “What is happening to me?” Aiden said out loud. Lingering feelings of lust still filled his thoughts. Thoughts that suddenly had Ginger in them. Her submitting to him. Presenting her pussy to him as he stroked himself. Aiden shook his head and cranked the air conditioning up as he put the car into drive and headed home.

Back at the gym Ginger had taken over checking people in at the Front Desk. She was still having wandering thoughts about her stepson. It was persistent and always veered into very sexual images. Knowing what his cock looked like was not helping her stop these thoughts. “Good Afternoon Ginger” a perky voice said. “Hi Bethany.” Ginger replied. “So I was hoping that I could get a session with Gregory?” Bethany asked. “Let me check the schedule.” Ginger checks on the computer, “Looks like he is free in about an hour.” “Oh poo. I was so hoping to heat my afternoon up. I guess I will have to just settle for the bike and the sauna.” the perky gal said as she trotted off. Ginger shook her head as she felt that now familiar heat between her legs. The rest of her shift was easy with few people needing help. Mainly she just heard snippets of conversations as people walked by her.

“I bought this purse at that nice French Boutique on Fourth Street.”

“Paul wants to go out tonight, I will probably just blow him off to go out with the girls”

“Man James! You brought the heat on the handball court today.”

Ginger was a horny mess. More and more she just wanted to end her shift at the gym and see if Aiden was home. He was all she could focus on as her arousal grew. Images of sucking and fucking him played out in her daydreams. At last her shift ended and she hurried to her car and headed home.


Aiden stood under the freezing cold water of the shower. He had been watching TV and every so often he just felt a spike of heat and arousal. Images of Ginger bombarded his brain and he hoped the cold water would do the trick. His swollen cock was bobbing as he moved. He gave up finally just accepting that he was hard and might never go down again. It hurt even to have a towel around him so he just lay down on his bed naked. Soon he had dozed off with the TV on. As he slept an Infomercial for a Carpet Cleaner began playing. 

“You see with the Turbo Carpet Cleaner you can use the heat setting to have a spray of warm water help with those tough stains. Yes, the Turbo Carpet Cleaner is perfect for your home. It also works on Hardwood floors. Most cleaners just blow the steam all over if used on hardwood floors. Not the Turbo Carpet Cleaner. Its steam heats without blowing all over.”

The words seeped into the sleeping Aiden’s mind. Soon he was dreaming of eating out his stepmom. His tongue lapping at her tasty folds before exploring deeper. The dream had them soon in a sixty-nine position with them pleasuring each other to orgasm after orgasm. In the real world Aiden was shooting cum all over his bed and himself. His cock would go soft for a bit only to grow erect again and erupt in bliss. Soon the program changed and every so often a word would be said that sent Aiden into different fantasies of Ginger and himself.

Pulling into the garage Ginger saw that Aiden’s car was parked there as well. She was shaking as she entered the house. Part of her wanted to find him and just ravage his body in a sexual frenzy. Another part of her was tormented by having such feelings for her stepson. As she passed by Aiden’s room she peeked through the open door. Aiden lay naked on his bed. She was shocked when she saw his erect cock shoot ropes of cum in the air. Slowly she stepped in the room. The TV was on and a movie was playing. She heard the characters speaking about a strip club. Soon Ginger was tugging the workout clothes she wore off her trim body. She needed to strip, it was what she must do. More words flowed into her head and soon she was backing her ass over Aiden, her back to him, as she slowly slid her soaking pussy down his shaft. She whimpered as she began moving on his rock hard dick. 

Aiden awoke with a start as he felt his cock being squeezed and stroked. He saw his stepmom’s body riding his cock. She was facing away from him. Aiden grabbed her ass as she rode him. “Aiden,” Ginger moaned. “I need you so much.” He released with a load of cum and moved her off him. Soon he had his head between her legs as he ate her out. She tasted of her sex mixed with his cum. He swallowed the offer of her treasure and heard her cries of ecstasy as she came. They alternated between fucking and oral pleasure well into the night. It was very late when both passed out from sheer exhaustion. The bed was soaked with their combined fluids.

A few hours later Ginger woke up. Her body ached. She looked over and saw Aiden asleep. He looked so peaceful. The lust she felt had at last subsided. She noticed the TV had auto shut off sometime in the night. She moved to get up and her shifting on the bed woke Aiden. She looked at him. “We need to talk.” She said as she stood and went towards the door. “Clean up and meet me in the kitchen.” She left and Aiden rolled slowly out of bed. He went and took a quick shower. His penis was sore and tender as he washed it. It felt good to wash the dry cum off. He dressed in some sweats  and a tee shirt. When he got to the kitchen he started a pot of coffee.

Her mind was awash with questions. Ginger finished washing her hair. As she was drying off she tried to remember what was happening when the feelings of horniness had flared up. It suddenly dawned on her that it was after hearing certain words. Words that had been said multiple times during the day. She remembered a few, she believed. Did Aiden have a similar experience during his day? She eased herself to her closet and pulled her long silk robe out. With how her day had gone she decided to just wrap it around herself and head downstairs. If she was correct andAiden said a stray word, being naked under her robe would be the least of her worries.

A cup of coffee was handed to her as she sat at the kitchen counter. “So that happened.” Aiden said as he looked at the floor. “Yeah, it did.” Ginger responded. “I have a theory.” Aiden looked at his stepmom and was eager to hear what she believed was going on. “So, I believe that after I heard certain words today, repeatedly I might add, I became very aroused and started having vivid fantasies involving you Aiden.” She looked at him. “Do you remember if you heard words that did the same to you?” “Maybe.” Aiden replied. “I mean the worst was at the park. I was watching this lady and her dog. I got…well, I got hard. I ended up cumming in my pants.” He turned red with embarrassment. “Do you remember what you heard?” Aiden nodded. He went to the junk drawer and found a pad and a pen. “Good idea.” Ginger said. “Yeah, I feel we have done enough….wait, what if reading the word sets us off?” “That is just a risk we will have to take.” She sighed.

He scribbled the words that he could remember from the park. When he finished he passed the pad to Ginger. She read the words and didn’t feel anything. She added words she believed had caused the heat to begin in her. After he read them, Aiden felt maybe some of her words had influenced his arousal as well. “So hearing these words had us lusting after each other, if my theory is correct. There is only one way to test it.” Ginger said with a frown. “Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who has to hear the words?” Aiden queried. They played the game and Ginger’s scissors cut Aiden’s paper so he would be the guinea pig. Ginger heaved a sigh of relief as she didn’t want to be the one listening. Taking the paper she looked at him. “Ready?” “Sure.” was his reply.

“Good Boy.”

“Mama’s Good Boy”

“Good Boy.”

Aiden groaned as his sore cock swelled. Ginger watched his sweats tent out with his arousal. He looked at his stepmom with hungry eyes. He was drawn to the points of her breasts that were visible through the silk robe. “I am so horny right now.” Aiden gasped. “I want to take that robe off you and pound you from behind so bad.” Ginger wasn’t sure what to do. She could see Aiden’s pain at having his penis so hard. It had to hurt after the day of fucking they had experienced. “What can I do?” she asked.

Aiden glanced at the pad and saw one word his stepmom had written. In his mind it clicked. “Bitch. Bitch. Bitch.” he said with a commanding tone. Immediately Ginger shed her robe and was on the floor with her ass presented to Aiden. He jumped down on top of her and began thrusting like a dog breeding his bitch. The joy coursing through them was overwhelming. Before Aiden had released his seed into Ginger she gained enough awareness to realize what Aiden had done. “Asshole.” she screamed as an orgasm rocked her body. Aiden pulled out and rubbed his slick dick over her rosebud. After a minute he slowly inserted his rod in her virgin ass. “AAAHHHHHH!” she screamed as the barely lubed cock invaded a space she had never had used before. A sudden rush of pain and pleasure soon had her moaning in bliss. Aiden loved the tight feeling as he thrust in her ass. He came hard and blasted her asshole with his seed. He slid out and collapsed on the floor. Cum oozed from her ass as she laid herself flat on the cool tile. “We can add another word to the list I guess.” she said. This may not be appropriate, but that felt so good.”

Wow, that last word was something wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. As promised here is the link to the TwiX account that inspired. Remember it is NSFW.

*****Link to idea for story******

Be looking out for Chapter 2 coming soon.

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