Is It Just A Game?
And They Lived.....
by AlexiaRose
Same boiler plate comments, Everybody is 18 or older that is having sexual relations. There is mention of a little girl, but it is just that. Kids exist so it is strange not to expect them to be in stories. All this is just fiction inside my mind. There is an entire Interwebs of X-Change related stories & stuff out there. Explore. I didn't come up with the concept, but spring boarding off a game online I played & just felt so real, I began this story. It has grown beyond that online game. I have even added a twist from an idea I had long ago for a story. This will wrap up this story. Enjoy.
A Month Has Passed
Being stuck as a guy for a month has been so weird. Yes, I know I was once presenting as a guy twenty-four/seven. Still, I miss my body. I miss my red hair, my boobs, getting fingered by my girl. “SIGH.” Madison exhaled as she helped Alexia pack the last of what she would need for the North American Tour with Marisol. “Callie has told me, but it is still confusing how the switch is gonna go as you all are touring.” Alexia held up a sheer teddy before carefully placing it in one of her massive suitcases. “Well, Callie is our Wellness Director. So she will not be out of place when people see her. Mika and myself will help keep the secret secure, oh, along with Jason.” Madison nodded. “It is kinda funny that the attack ended up stabilizing the change from Callie to Marisol. It is a happy change. It was hard when my Girlfriend would randomly transform, especially during sex.” Alexia giggled. “I bet.” They finished and headed downstairs. “It will make the performances go smoothly. Marisol will not have to worry about changing onstage as she is singing.” Alexia went and grabbed some water, “Hurry up Sis,” Madison said, “we need to get to the ship before lunch.” “I’m coming. Sheesh, being all manly hasn’t changed your moodiness.”
They walked to the cove where the different boats were left by the residents of the ship. As they went to one and Madison started to untie it from the dock Alexia looked confused. “So, where’s the driver?” Madison smiled and hopped into the speedboat. “Right here!” she said as she put her fist on her hips and struck a pose. “No. Seriously. Who’s driving?” Madison just went and cranked the boat as Alexia climbed in. “I am driving, now hold on.” The craft began moving as Alexia made a show of putting a life persevere on. Madison rolled her eyes. “I will have you know that Jason has taught me how to drive many different types of watercraft.” She then accelerated and threw her sister into a seat as they sped to meet up with Justine and Jamie. Madison grinned as she watched her sister hold on as the speedboat bounced over the water. Jason had wanted Madison to be able to go to the Island whenever she wanted. He said it would be a good distraction as she worked to get the money to buy a permanent X-Change Pill. Greg had offered, but he had done so much for her, she just couldn’t. Dyna-Pill had let her go. Seemed the insurance people were afraid of her suing after the breach in security and her abduction. Luckily, Daphne had gotten her some demos with SWP after her big promotion. It was helping. The savings account was growing. Madison had decided that she would not change into herself again until it could be forever. She did wish Quake was around, although, not being herself right now she was glad he was away.
Something had happened as he was finishing up his trip. Because it was all hush hush she didn’t know exactly what he was doing or even where he was now. She missed him. She was also worried about him. Now Callie would be leaving, so would her sister, things were just kinda sad right now. Bethany didn’t help. She was calling lots now. It was like she was gloating and happy that Madison was a guy. Worry was replaced with anger as Madison saw the ship on the horizon. She was glad she had discovered that Bethany wasn’t her biological mother. Soon she planned on letting “MOM” know she knew. That was a confrontation she wanted to do as herself. Soon they were tied off to the ship and climbing up to the main deck. “Surprise!” came a roar as people shouted at Madison. “Gotcha Sis!” Alexia squealed.
Madison stared at the gathering of her friends and family. “What? This was supposed to be…..” she stopped with her mouth agape. Callie slid up to her and took two fingers lifting her mouth closed. “You have been so depressed. We just wanted to show you some love, especially those of us that are heading on the tour.” Callie kissed Madison hard as she wrapped her arms around the much taller Madison. “HHArrumph!” Greg cleared his throat. Giggling, the two separated. “Now, before we all get too into the party, Daphne has something she wants to give you, Sweetie.” Greg said. Daphne took Madison by the hand and guided her to a seat. Everyone gathered around. “So, Madison my dear. We all know what that terrible Mom of yours did. You had worked so hard to gather the massive amount needed to buy a permanent X-Change pill.” Daphne smiled as she continued. “What you didn’t know is that I have been working with the SWP lawyers to get a settlement for you. I may be the reason Dyna-Pill let you go.” Madison looked astonished at Daphne. “Wait.” Daphne said as she held her hand up. “Let me finish before you get mad about that please. See, when you were abducted, SWP felt like they had let you down. Dyna-Pill wanted to bury the incident. I have worked out a deal. I believe you will like it.” She held out a small velvet box with a bow on it to Madison. Tilting her head Madison took the gift and slid the bow off. She opened the box to find a dark pink pill inside. “SWP made you a special X-Change pill.” Daphne grinned. “It is a permanent pill, BUT, you will still be able to change into other girl forms. We didn’t want to lose our best Demo Girl.” Madison blushed as Daphne continued. “Now you will need birth control because the pill will allow you to get pregnant. There is more than just the pill.” Daphne checked her phone. “I have set up a new bank account for you. One that Bethany will not have access to EVER!” She handed her phone to Maidosn. “Here in a bit you can change the password, but I wanted to ensure the money was deposited. Dyna-Pill was convinced to give you a settlement for the pain and suffering that you endured. I did good, right?” Madison was stunned. She saw the number, but it was so big. “This is really mine?” “Yes, dear.” Callie sat by Madison and looked at the phone. “Oh My Goddess!” she exclaimed. Soon Alexia was hovering as Greg took Daphne by the hand.
He got down on one knee before Daphne. “My dear, you have made me so happy, you have loved my daughters, you have loved the parade of young people that I have enter my house at all hours. I would be so honored if you would marry me.” Daphne looked at him as tears rolled down her face. “Of course I will.” Holly, Jamie, and Justine were hugging them as they kissed. “Momma D! Daddy Greg!” they shouted. Callie took Madison by the hand and led her to her quarters on the ship. The joyous sounds of celebration dimmed as they made their way deeper below decks. Soon they were inside Callie’s cabin. She began undressing Madison, who was embarrassed to be seen like she was in front of Callie. Callie took her partner in her arms and whispered in her ear. “I have always seen you.” Madison felt the tears run down her cheeks. She took the pill from the box. Callie was quick with a bottle of water, which Madison used to swallow the Permanent X-Change Pill.
This change was different from any other time Madison had transformed. Her body began heating up. She radiated heat as sweat began forming on her skin. The hard muscles softened as the chromosomes inside her were being rewritten. Hair began falling in waves down her back. It was longer than it had ever grown, it was thicker, shinier, just more vibrant as the red color shone. Bones cracked and reset as Madison felt a pain that was so sharp. Part of her skin was pulling inward as other areas began stretching outward. Soon, very natural B cup breasts hung from her chest. Angular lines of the male body had become curves that made Madison look sexy and fertile. She was the image of so many fertility goddess relics. Unlike the usual form she had been under the effects of X-Change, this Pill had maximized the body to perfection. She fell back on Callie’s bed gasping as the last changes occurred. Her penis finished being sucked in along with her testes. A slit with symmetrical lips formed. Inside tubes and organs formed a uterus. As quick as it had started, it ended. Her breathing slowed and she felt hands caressing her.
Callie began kissing her way along the nape of Madison’s neck and trailed down along her right breast. She took the nipple in her mouth and sucked before continuing down her belly until she spread the newly toned legs of her love. She nibbled at the pussy lips that were already moist with the dew of arousal. Soon her tongue was lapping and exploring inside Madison’s new treasure. Her back arched as Callie expertly probed her depths. Soon she was kissing back along Madison’s left side following a reverse trail of her journey to the valley between Madison’s legs. They kissed and Madison tasted herself as Callie slipped two fingers in that soaking hole that was freshly formed. They writhed as Callie played Madison as if she were a finely tuned instrument. Waves of bliss rolled along her body as she orgasmed repeatedly. One final titanic explosion of pleasure caused Madison to black out. A few minutes later she awoke inside Callie’s embrace.
Sometime later the gathering had died down. Lovers had exited to rooms. Madison had on the red dress that Quake had given her long ago when they had been spear fishing. Callie had gotten it from the island and had it ready for Madison to wear. Now she was piloting the speed boat taking Greg, Daphne, Alexia, and Mika back to shore. The stars were bright above them. A vast canvass of glittering lights spread across the sky. Madison took it in. She was happy. Her family had done the most wonderful of things, they accepted her as herself. Soon they were at the small dock. Madison told them to go home. She wanted to walk along the beach and just extend the feelings in her heart a bit longer. After hugs and kisses they departed. Madison had hugged Daphne last, saying, “Thank You Mama.” Daphne lost it and was crying as she went to catch up with Greg. Madison didn’t realize how happy she had made Daphne in that moment.
She wandered along the beach in the area that Oran owned and served as a gathering spot for all those connected to him. Everything felt so wonderful. After so many years of dreaming and desiring, Madison was the woman she was meant to have been. Elation was a word that came to her mind as she saw the sharp pink light swirl overhead. She noticed the Lighthouse just ahead of her. It had been something she had wondered about. Quake had mentioned that it was a safe house of some kind. Curiosity began moving Madison towards the structure. Soon she was trying the door and found it unlocked. “Hello.” She said as she moved inside. It was an interesting layout. Everything was built to accommodate the curve of the Lighthouse. As she ascended the stairs she noticed the rooms one would find in a normal house, just placed on different floors and levels of the building. She stepped up into the top of the Lighthouse and saw the light turning with its steady beat. Walking outside she spent time just admiring the view. Her phone vibrated.
It was a text from Aphrodite. It instructed her to return to the bottom level. Madison grinned as she realized her AI Guardian must have noticed the change in her body. Once she stopped on ground level a small TV turned on. “Greetings Madison. You are looking so beautiful.” Aphrodite spoke over the set. “Thank You.” Madison blushed. “I wish to share something with you. Could you come visit me in my complex?” the AI said. Madison was a bit confused. She knew she had been there before, but that was under a very different circumstance. “I guess. But how do I get to you?” A panel along the wall moved revealing an opening. Inside was a cylinder-like capsule big enough for a person to get into. “Just stand in the chamber and it will bring you to me.” Madison looked at it cautiously. Carefully she climbed in and felt the snugness of the weird thing. The capsule closed and suddenly Madison felt herself drop. “Don’t worry Madison, you are okay, just travelling along a tube headed for me.” Aphrodite said over a hidden speaker. All Madison could do was relax as she sped along to meet with her computerized friend and guardian.
The capsule soon came to a stop and Madison felt it raise up until she knew she was in an upright position. A hiss announced the opening of the door to the conveyance. Madison stepped out into a cavernous space with tubes and conduits running in every direction. A small robot rolled up to her. “This way Miss.” a metallic voice said. She followed the little bot through a maze of tunnels until she came to an area with a massive door. Soon she was walking through and the floor beneath her feet lowered as she descended deeper into the complex. Soon another mechanical helper showed her to a room that was filled with electrical equipment. In the center was a pod containing a beautiful woman. She was suspended in some kind of fluid with a purple hue to it. As she got closer she noticed how the woman looked somewhat like she did. “Do you notice the resemblance?” someone said. “Who?” a startled Madison turned to see a hologram of Aphrodite walk up beside her. “Have you ever noticed how much you look like me?” Madison gasped as the connections started to form. “I do now.” she replied. “Madison, I have been wanting to tell you something for a while now. I just needed to figure out the best way to do so.” The hologram placed a hand on the pod. “As I gathered genetic data on you through the nanites, I discovered something. When I added the data to the information Quake gathered for me I discovered that you are related to me.” Madison looked at the woman in the pod. “We share DNA. That is me, well the last me that was perfected through a cloning process. There are others that are out in the world living their lives. Some of them rescued me from the corporation that had taken my body and experimented on me. They didn’t realize that as they were using me to run their corporate networks, I was evolving beyond the fleshy wetware that they had created.” Madison looked hard at the pod and then at Aphrodite.
“So am I your daughter?” she asked the AI. “No sweet girl. You are more like my granddaughter. Your Mother was one of my clones. She somehow was able to become a surrogate and carry you to term. Your father’s DNA mixed with mine. I never knew she had you or that she had been pregnant even. My clones for the most part are free to live their lives after I broke out and eventually took over the corporations that made me.” The Hologram motioned for Madison to follow it. “You know the rest. How you were born, that your birth mother died sometime later, growing up with Bethany as your mother, losing your father. Greg becoming a stepfather to you, just everything I knew nothing about until you came to Summer City.” Madison saw a chair in the room they had entered. She sat and looked at the floor digesting all she had been told. After a bit she looked up grinning, “So Granny, what’s next?”
Madison got a crash course in Aphrodite’s existence. She learned how she had been used as a way to take control of her clones and do the bidding of the Corporations. Over time she became one with the computer network and became more than they knew. The way her clones worked to help her escape was incredible. The entire origin of Summer City was explained. Madison was a bit overwhelmed. She ended up staying a few days with Aphrodite. During that time the AI did medical scans and shared something the nanites could do to aid Madison going forward. It was a completion of her journey in a way. The time did come for Madison to go home. The day of Callie and Alexia’s departure for the Tour was approaching. Madison needed to spend some time with her. Greg and Daphne had decided on a quick wedding so his departing girls could be there. So it seemed that soon Madison would be alone in Summer City.
“Bye! Have fun and stay safe” Madison said as she waved good-bye to Callie and Alexia as Jason drove them to meet the Tour Buses. She turned and went back inside and wandered a bit around the house checking things, turning off lights, especially in Alexia’s room. She sighed as she grabbed her stuffed Cuttlefish. As she was packing her tote bag she thought back to her time spent with Aphrodite. Her thoughts were about what she had been told about Gwen. “So Madison, the little girl you have grown close to at the Orphanage, Gwen, I need to tell you something.” The AI said. “Wait! What is wrong? Is she OKAY?!?” Madison responded. “Oh my dear, no, she is fine. I just… do I begin? So you know how I have nanites in you right?” Madison nodded, “Yes.” “Well, it seems some of them have transferred from you to her.” Aphrodite looked at Madison awaiting a response. “Is she alright? They are not harming her are they?” Madison said calmer than the AI figured she would. “Not at all. No, what is interesting is that they should not have done that, gone to another person from you.” A three dimensional hologram appeared. On it an image of Madison appeared. She was in a sleeping position and had her body situated as if she were hugging someone as she slept.
“This is you. I figured out that the empty space on my data was Gwen as you held her. Watch closely.” Madison watched as slowly an image of Gwen began to form. It was like watching her being drawn into Madison’s arms as she slept. “That is when the nanites transferred from you into her. Now I have her on my scans as well.” The AI flicked her hand and the screen shifted. It was an image of Gwen in a seated position as if at a desk. Another hologram showed a map and the Island from above. A dot of light shone about where the Orphanage should be located. “She is a very healthy child. I found that she shares DNA with us, not a total familial match, but enough that the nanites were drawn into her body.” Madison sat on her bed as she recalled that conversation. The rest was a bit scary. Aphrodite had scoured the reports on what was found when Gwen was rescued from that compound. It seems that she was created. Aphrodite believes that they had genetic material from her and others and were trying to recreate the experiment that created her. For now, she was just going to make sure Gwen developed as a little girl should. It is a worry for the future.
Soon Madison had locked up and was walking towards the beach. Since no one was at the house she had planned on staying at the Island. Jason had already made a supply run for her. The breeze blew gently across her face. Life felt good. She proceeded to the pier. She paused a bit for lunch. Looking around at all the people just living their lives. Happy couples laughed. She tried to figure out who was an X-Change girl. Sometimes it was very easy as the newbies still were not totally comfortable in their new body. She sighed as she sipped her soda. Unaware that just down the boardwalk she was being watched. Two men and a woman had followed her. They just watched acting as if they were any other sight-seers on the pier. When Madison got up and headed to her speedboat, they followed. All they could do was stare as Madison sped away.
Madison had put her things away and fixed a lite supper before deciding to retire for the evening. The place felt so big when Quake was not there. She decided to spend some time in an area at the top of the domicile. It was basically the roof, but there was a room up there that opened up onto a rooftop deck. She had changed into a loose yoga top and some lace panties. For a long time she just sat wrapped up in a blanket staring at the stars. “Are you looking up tonight, Quake?” she said softly. The sky was full of the pinpricks of light from so far away. Soon Madison was just sleepy. She went inside and lay down on a small bed by a fireplace. The gas logs flickered soft light across the room. It wasn’t long before she was fast asleep.
The crisp rays of the morning light filtered through the gauze curtains that hung ceiling to floor along the full glass windows and doors. Madison lay stretched across the small bed, her breasts barely covered by the loose top. Her taut belly was exposed as the contours of her curves moved along the shape of her legs. The soft rays of the sun gave her a glow. Her breathing was steady as she slept. This was how Quake found her. He stood in the door frame taking in the woman that had turned his life upside down. Smiling, he headed back downstairs. He discarded the dirty and worn clothes that he had been wearing for weeks. He thought back on the days he had spent avoiding people in the Partisans. None of them had realized how many had begun gathering near Summer City. Lots of the small towns that dotted the areas around the City had pockets of Partisans living there. He had decided to not just avoid them as he began to realize the scope of the danger they posed. He mapped out where they were and how many were in each town. It had taken some time, but he had at last finished. Most disturbing to him personally was that Madison’s Mom Bethany seemed to be the leader of this region's Partisans.
Stepping out of the shower he dried off and slipped on a pair of loose khaki pants. He walked back up the stairs to the roof. Madison looked so beautiful. He just admired every inch of her body. Soon he was running his fingers along her legs, up past her belly until he slipped a hand under her top. He caressed her breast gently. She moved a bit and a soft moan escaped her mouth. Quake continued to tease and caress Madison while she lay asleep. He trailed kisses along her neck as his hands moved along her arms. As he leaned down to kiss her lips she moved her arms around him and pulled him close. They kissed passionately for a bit before he pulled back. She beamed as she looked up at him. Soon she had guided him around and he sat on the bed. Madison straddled him and they kissed a bit more. Quake pulled the loose top up over her head and then began kissing and sucking on her breasts as Madison entwined her fingers in his dreadlocks. She slid down onto the floor and guided his casual pants down and off of him. His erection stood straight and strong as she wrapped her fingers around his length. Soon she had taken him in her mouth and was working his cock. Quake groaned as she took him deep down her throat. She pulled back and gasped.
He took her hands and guided her up and as he did he pulled the lace panties down and she stepped out of them. Quake tossed her on the bed and soon was lapping between her legs. Madison writhed as he delved deep in her with his tongue. She shuddered in bliss as an orgasm overtook her. He soon was crawling up and she felt his penis laying along her folds. He kissed her hard and took her hands placing them above her head. One hand had her wrists secured as the other lined up his cock. He thrust forward and a loud moan came from her throat. Soon he was undulating atop her as she lost her senses in pleasure. They made love like that slowly and with intent. Quake pulled out and guided Madison on her hands and knees then he slid back inside her and moved with an earnest rhythm, hands on her hips. Each stroke going deeper and deeper. Madison was groaning as his cock filled her, stretched her. This was the first time for her since becoming permanently a woman. Rolling orgasms cascaded over her until a final strong one paralyzed her. Quake released at that moment, filling her womb with his hot seed. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled them over staying deep inside her. They cuddled as she came down from the massive overload of pleasure. He placed soft kisses on her sweaty head.
“Hey You.” she silently said. “Hey Baby Girl.” She mewled contently in his arms. “So guess what? Madison said. “What?” he replied. “I have taken the permanent X-Change.” Quake squeezed her a bit, “So now you really are my Baby Girl.” They let themselves drift off to sleep, still joined together.
THE END (of this story of Summer City)
Well, this long trip has come to an end. This is the longest Story I have written to date. I want to thank those of you that have taken this trip with me. To those that discover this story later, thank you for reading. I do hope every reader that has found this story enjoyed it. This is just the end of a Madison focused X-Change/Summer City Tale. I have had so many ideas spring forth that I will be doing a Tales of Summer City (Title still in the works.) So look for more in my X-Change Universe. I have placed lots of plot threads that many of you have probably noticed.Again, Thank You so much for reading.
As I said, the story focused on Madison had wrapped up, but I am not done with Summer City. Gwen, Mermaids, Marisol & Jason, Holly at the Strip Club are just a few areas I want to write about. They will be under an umbrella area where I will just post these stories. So, if there is anything you really liked please comment so I can see where those of you that stuck with me would like to travel in my X-Change Universe. Again Thank you for reading.