Is It Just A Game?

Life, Love, Betrayal

by AlexiaRose

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #consensual #dom:nb #f/nb #microfiction #solo #Transgender #urban_fantasy

It has taken a bit to get this chapter done. Too many ideas and a bout with the flu has been part of the delay. I do want to stress that any persons having any sexual activities are 18 years of age or older. There are children in this chapter. Just like life, kids are around. Here they offer a look at the terrible things that can happen and the wonderful happiness they can bring to people. So know that that is how they figure into the story. Things are winding down. That was part of what was causing me problems. I had to make sure I added what was needed to wrap the story up, while also having ideas for the expanded world that will have stories come later. So here is Chapter 20. I hope it is worth the long wait.

     Gina was pacing the floor of the observation room. It was really nice as hospital clinic observation rooms go. More like a living room with Hospital beds. Holly was lazily looking at a fashion catalogue. Trinity was laying on her bed flat on her stomach kicking her feet back and forth as she sketched in her diary. The room door opened with a “SWOOSH” as Dr. Mallory Banks walked in. She was a funny sight with her Lime Green hair that came in a braid down her back. It contrasted with her Doctor’s Lab Coat well. She was of average height and the girls had discussed how she looked like she would have a pretty sexy body under that coat. “Ladies.” She said, “I have the results of our final tests from your ordeal.” The ordeal meant being sprayed with a chemical that had turned their coworkers into mindless sex dolls. Gina and Holly got up and came to sit on Trinity’s bed with her. “So What’s Up Doc?” Holly said with a mischievous grin. Gina rolled her eyes before punching Holly in the arm as Trinity giggled.

“The good news is that there seems to be no real adverse effects on you. The possible bad news is that this morning, one of the pills with your meds was the reversal pill for the Resort’s Gender Transformation drug. As you can see, you are all still women.” The Doctor paused to let the information sink in. The three women looked at each other and Trinity shrugged, “Well, I was going to change back into a girl anyway.” The Doctor continued. “It is fortunate that our Summer City AI placed those nanites in you girls. The fact that She found the possibility for something dangerous by discovering the chemicals in your systems helped her develop nanites with a way to fight the unknown effects if another agent were introduced. As you all saw, it was introduced and changed once the interactions of the agents combined in each person.” Dr. Banks pulled a chair up and sat down. “You are all safe and very healthy females. I do need to let you know of one difference in your bodies, you will now have periods and be able to get pregnant, so we will be discussing the differing birth control options available.” Shock rolled over their faces as they digested the fact that they could become pregnant. “Wow.” Gina exhaled the breath she was holding. “Yeah, for reals.” Holly said. “As for your trigger phrase, Gina, would you please get up from the bed and strip off your clothes then do a handstand.” the Doctor asked. Trinity and Holly stared at Gina waiting for her to move and do as asked.

Slowly, Gina stood, “I mean I can strip Doc, I don’t mind being naked. But the handstand is something I have never been able to do.” Dr. Banks grinned, “That is Okay Gina, you can sit back down and stay dressed. As you can see, you are not compelled to do things when asked using the ‘Would You Please’ phrase. Although, the handstand might be something you can do. The nanites have made it so that your brains still have extra areas that provide information about things.” The Doctor turned to look at Holly, “For example, Holly, tell me the ingredients and the directions for making a Rum Martinez.” Holly looked at the Doc for a bit then her eyes lit up as she began answering. “1.5oz (45ml) of dark rum 1.5oz (45ml) of sweet vermouth 1 bar spoon of Maraschino liqueur 2 dashes of Angostura bitters pinch of applewood then add applewood to smoking gun, ignite smoking gun and fill the empty bottle, but, alternatively, light some applewood sticks, then you cap the smoke-filled bottle and set aside. Then you would add remaining ingredients to a mixing glass with ice and stir for 45 seconds. Strain the cocktail into a smoke-filled bottle and swirl for 5 seconds and viola! Pour cocktail into a chilled coupe glass and serve.” Holly’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “That is what I figured.” Dr. Banks said. “That was amazing Holly.” Gina gushed.

“It appears that the task that you did the most has stayed with you. I expect you excel at cleaning, waitressing, and many other skills that will be great as you look for jobs in the coming days.” The Doctor checks her notes and Trinity raises her hand. “This isn’t school Trin, you don’t have to raise your hand.” Holly giggled. Trinity blushed. “Okay, it's just, well, I was going to work as a dancer, well, a stripper. It would require me to take the Insta Strip pills to work at the Club ... .uhm, so will they work, the pills?” The Doctor smiles as she checks her papers before answering. “From all the data we have collected, you should be able to take Transformation Medicines just fine.” All three women sighed with relief. “So, barring anything unforeseen, we should get you finished with any birth control education and medication along with other educational needs and have you girls released by week’s end.”  “Thank you Doctor Banks.” All three said in unison then busted out in a fit of giggles. Dr. Banks sighed and left the room laughing herself.


The weeks had progressed to a point where Madison was released from the Clinic along with everyone else. Oran had insisted that Holly, Gina, and Trinity come stay on the boat until they wished to leave. Once they pondered it a bit it was a great decision for them as they had no housing and were unsure when the Club job might start. Mika had gone back to her usual self and had been spending a great deal of time with Alexia. The two had grown closer since the kidnapping and Alexia was happy. Callie, Justine, and Jamie were getting on Madison’s nerves a bit as they hovered over her as if she was incapacitated. The cast had come off sooner than Dr. Banks had expected, thanks to the unknown factor of Madison’s maternal line. All in all things had settled down. The criminal element had been curtailed for the moment in Summer City. Only the low level common crime was happening.

“Callie I love you dearly, but if you and the girls do not back off a bit I am going to scream.” Madison said in a firm tone. “I have been a bit overbearing, yeah?” Callie said as she sat down beside Madison on the couch. “A bit.” Madison replied as she kissed her girlfriend. “Okay. I will grab the girls and take them to the boat to give you a break.” Callie kissed Madison deeply before pulling back and asking, “Will you be alright alone here? I mean with Greg gone out of town with Daphne for the week….” she paused. “I will be fine. In fact I believe I will see if Jason can take me out to Quake’s so I can just have some me time.”  Callie sighed as she left to gather up Justine and Jamie. It wasn’t long before the three said their good-byes and were off, after a toe curling kiss good-bye between Callie and Madison. “Bye!” Madison waved from the door as she watched them take the path to the beach. “At last.” she said. Soon Madison had called and arranged for Jason to pick her up. She had him take her to the mall where she picked up items to replace those destroyed in the attack that burned her convertible to a cinder, along with all the goodies that she had gotten for the Orphanage. Then it was a short drive to the dock and a speedy trip out to the island.

“So Jason,” Madison yelled over the wind as they sped along, “We should talk about something.” “Sure Madison,” he replied, “what’s up?” He slowed the boat down so they could speak without screaming to be heard. “So I know you have feelings for Marisol,” she raised her hand before he could speak, “also, Marisol has feelings for you. So I wanted to say, "Go For It!” Jason was flabbergasted. “But, she is your, I mean she is Callie and Callie is your…..” Madison grinned. “It is alright. I spoke with Callie and we are in agreement that you two should stop doing this flirty dance you do and just be happy together. Sure, it will take adjusting and scheduling, but Jason, it will so be worth it. Trust me.” He nodded and began focusing on guiding the boat inside the cave entrance. “I will think about it, Madison. I do love her.”

Jason helped Madison get the stuff inside the supply lift before saying good-bye. She walked up the stairs hewn from the rock of the cave until she got to the security door. Pressing her palm on the pad beside the door caused a scanner to run across her body before the door unlocked and then opened. She walked into the room and then went to the control panel and sent the supply lift up to the housing level. “All this security.” she said to herself. Soon she had gone through the next five doors that required different security measures to enter Quake’s domain. It was all so secret agent to her, but after all she had been through since coming to Summer City, she could understand. After she got her stuff out of the supply lift she went to the living area and out on the deck.

The day was waning as she looked up and saw the sky through the camouflage of the island’s cover. It amazed her how high tech some of the stuff was, but she was living proof of that tech as she was now living as the woman she always knew she was supposed to be. She looked out across the island’s interior. The lush jungle vegetation spread out before her. She could see the edges of the Orphanage, the lake that sparkled just beyond, and many other areas she had yet to explore. Something moved at the bottom of the path towards the Orphanage. It was small and Madison figured she knew who the invader might be. She grinned as she decided to try and catch them.

Madison moved silently along the side of the path until she came to a small area hidden from the main path. She heard the sound of small feet moving along carefully. Her heart was beating with the thrill of playing this prank. She crouched behind a large boulder and as she heard movement on the other side jumped out and grabbed the child sneaking along. “Gotcha Jimmy!” Little legs kicked fast as the squirming mass said, “Not Jimmy! Not Jimmy!” Madison dropped the child and fell back on her butt, rubbing her shins where she had been kicked. “Gwen?” The little girl had turned and once she realized it was Madison jumped into her arms. “What are you doing here?” “Had a bet with Jimmy. He said I was chicken. Bet I would not go up to Quake’s house. Had to grab a red flower. Do you know where the red flowers are?” Madison hugged the girl tight. “I sure do. First, how about you help me fix some supper?” Gwen nodded yes as she got up out of Madison’s lap.


Quake stood hidden in the trees above what had at one time been a textile factory. Lots of big buildings and warehouses were laid out in typical fashion for these long ago standards of Southern US economical power. Now it serves a different purpose. Houses were scattered along the road to the factory complex. Now it was headquarters to The Partisans, a group opposed to the gender medicines that have exploded around the globe. Since governments would not outright ban the drugs, they had taken to more than lobbying efforts. The creation of Summer City was a tremendous thorn in their efforts to eliminate people’s freedoms to change genders for a while or just forever. Quake had seen the ugly side of these technologies, but he also had seen the way it changed the lives of so many more. The Partisans were zealots and those Quake also had dealt with during his long life. He realized once the Real Estate agent told him the address it was on a list of Partisan strongholds. This one was not far from Summer City geographically. Greg had suspected the Concert attack originated from here. Once he confirmed that the place was Partisan, he did some digging and discovered that Bethany Anderson was a leader for this cell of the group. She ran the local offices that said they were set up for political lobbying and education. Quake knew better, they were fronts for the terror the group sought to spread to any that were aligned with Gender Transformation tech.

The oddity of all that was who was hidden behind all the shell companies and private donors, The Scales Corporation. That company was the leading corporation producing such tech and medicines. It was run by The Dragon, an AI that had no mercy or compassion installed. It was pure business and power. The word was that it had eliminated the original heads of the Scales family. The youngest son now ran things as the human face of the company. How the Partisans had never found out was a testament to The Dragon’s cunning as an AI. Rumors had it that the Partisans themselves were a front, the humans that signed up just had no idea they were sent to target competitors of The Scales Corporation. Now Quake was focused on the trucks entering the compound. It looked like more than just normal supplies. He also had an eye on the house of Madison’s mother. There was a meeting occurring as numerous people were entering the house. He had found a flyer for a meeting of those interested in the “Degradation of the Sexes.” It was time to do some undercover work. 


Madison had Gwen busy mixing up ground beef with spices and some shredded cheese. The little gal loved getting her hands all messy. Madison slipped off to call Mama Cass. Some discussion was had and Jimmy was in for some trouble. Madison had told her that Gwen was fine with her. They would have a sleepover. Once the arrangements were made, the two began fixing supper in earnest. They had just finished taking the tater wedges out of the oven to cool when a knock was heard on the door. Madison sent Gwen to answer, as she already knew who it was there at the door. She gathered up a tray of plates and food and headed towards the deck. After dropping off that load she went back to the kitchen to see Jimmy standing very quiet. “Well young man, anything to say?” she asked. He looked at Gwen, “I am sorry Gwen. You could have gotten hurt wandering the jungle like that and I should never had done the stupid bet.” Madison knelt down and hugged him, “Jimmy, I know you didn’t mean to put Gwen in danger, but it could have been bad if something had happened. I feel you need to have some punishment….” she said as she leaned back with palms on his shoulders.” “What do you think, Gwen? Should he have to eat supper with us before we send him back to Mama Cass and his grounding?” Gwen just grinned. “Yeah.”

So after they put away the things Jimmy had brought for Gwen they all three finished gathering the food and headed outside. The burgers were awesome. Madison was good at some simple stuff and burgers were one of them. The seasoned tater wedges were devoured by the two children. As the sun was setting Jimmy got up to leave. “I have to get back. Mama Cass will be thinking I ditched punishment.” “Before you go Gwen has something for you to give Mama Cass.” Madison said. Gwen scampered and soon came back with a bouquet of red flowers. “Here.” she said as she gave them to Jimmy. “I believe those were what the bet required, yes?” Madison asked. Jimmy smiled. “Yeah.” Off he went before turning around and running to Madison. He gave her a hug and then was off to the Orphanage. “So Gwen, Ready for our Girl’s Night?” They cleaned up and had fun even doing the dishes. They then changed into their jammies and Gwen told Madison all the gossip from the Orphanage, which wasn’t much, but Madison loved every minute. They soon were watching a movie that had Gwen’s favorite hero in it. The Gal was fierce and Madison got caught up in the story. She looked down and saw that Gwen had fallen asleep. She scooped the child up in her arms and carried her to the bedroom. After tucking her in, she kissed her forehead softly.

Madison walked out onto the balcony that was off to the side of the bedroom. She breathed deeply into the salty air. Above her millions of stars are shown in the clear night sky. How had she come to have such a life? Just a year ago she was wallowing in depression most of the time because she could not be her true self. Hollis had been the only friend that she had trusted with the knowledge and to their credit, they had never wavered in the friendship they shared. Now she was in love with a woman she adored and a man she knew she could trust her heart and soul. Her thoughts were interrupted by a scream. Madison rushed to the bed and Gwen was curled up shaking. “Gwen. It's okay. I’m here.” Madison gathered her into her arms and lay there with her rocking the child until she calmed down. She could feel the little girl’s heart hammering in her chest. “Shhh, it’s okay. You are safe Gwen. Nothing will hurt you here.” The heart beats began to calm and slow. As Gwen once more began to succumb to sleep she murmured, “I Love You Mama.” Tears began rolling down Madison’s cheeks. She choked out, “I love you too.” Madison fell asleep holding Gwen in her arms. As they slept, a strange thing was happening. The nanites inside Madison were reacting to the skin to skin touch of her hand on Gwen’s. A small amount of the microscopic machines moved inside Gwen.


Trinity lay relaxed on the deck of the boat. The gentle rocking swaying her naked breast as she sunned in the nude. In fact all three of the friends were naked. Gina was at that moment applying suntan oil to Holly’s skin. Since being released from the Clinic the three young women had been staying at the boat with Oran and others that had been transformed like they had, through unsavory and evil intent. Jolene sauntered out and lay down beside Trinity. The stunning blonde ran her fingers along her nude hips as she rubbed her legs together. Soon she was massaging her breast before running her fingers through her curly hair. Bright Blue eyes looked over at Trinity. “So, are you ready for orientation? I mean I was at the club last night helping with finishing touches to the decor, Dredd is looking forward to your starting.” Trinity blushed, “I am so ready. I mean I am nervous as well, but excited to dance. I am not sure why, but ever since I took that first pill I have had a desire to dance on a stage, to see people become aroused by my movements. Does that sound silly?” “Not silly, just kinky.” Jolene giggled. “Well, so you know, for the first month you will just work the stage. Then, after you get settled you can decide if you want to be a companion. I mean, this will not just be a strip club. It will be a place of, how was it Dredd put it, oh yes, Elegant Social Interaction.” She said in a deep voice. Holly snorted a laugh as Gina grinned at the very bad imitation of their new boss. “For reals Trin, you are so gonna rock that stage.” Holly gushed. Gina grinned as she listened to her girlfriend’s changed vocabulary. The chemicals had placed some of the personas that their previous job required. Holly had her Bartender persona driving the language part of her mind. “We will rock the Bar & Tables, until Dredd says we can join the fun.” Gina smiled.

“Girls, I am so glad you were not changed by those asshats that ran that Resort.” Jolene stated. “You could have really been fucked up.” she paused looking down at her smooth legs. “I get how lucky you are, I hope you do.” Trinity sat up and took Jolene’s hand. They had been told of the life Jolene had before Oran had rescued her. She had been a very successful lawyer. Top of her class, soared to a partnership, becoming the legal eagle for so many women’s causes. That was what had gotten her in the trouble that came for her. A case against an Oil Tycoon turned politician. His anti-abortion platform had worked to undermine the healthcare of several women. They almost died because of the confusion the laws had caused. It had become a class action lawsuit that was driven by her sharp mind. Her kidnapping became front page news for a while. Without her, the case was dropped. Weeks had passed with no leads. Law Enforcement and the media moved on. Not knowing that the lawyer had been subjected to experiments that had dulled her once sharp mind, erasing all concepts of the law from ever being thought of again. Her body was reshaped and she was put to work in a Honky Tonk Bar that also used her as a prostitute. Her mind was given sexual knowledge to replace her other schooling.

Now Jolene was to headline the new club. She was the “Wrangler” for the women that would work there. Many of the women were like her, transformed and turned into fantasies for men’s pleasure. Now at least they were free to choose their own paths. Some it would provide not just an income, but the need for relief that their increased libidos visited upon them. “You Girls will be some of the few that can get preggo as well. I need to make sure you are fully aware of that possibility as well. You are new to that fact of life.” “I don’t know, might be fun to start a family. Don’tcha think so Gina?” Holly mused. “With you babe? Sure.” she replied. “Still, I totally get what you are saying. Until we know how our bodies are going to react to being full time gals, we needs to be careful.” Holly mused. Trinity got up, “Who wants to go for a swim before lunch?” “We do!” they heard two excited voices scream. Jamie and Justine jumped excitedly as Callie walked up behind them. “I could go for a dip.” she said.


“...and that is why we here are not the Monsters that the pill taking gender police say. No, my friends, we are just ensuring that the genders remain as nature intended, two, an unchanged man and an unchanged woman. Those perverts that live in Sinner City are just flaunting their hate for the natural order. Men are men and they should not be chemically changed into women. Sadly,” Bethany Anderson paused, “my own Son, Micheal has fallen victim to this evil.” Hushed gasps fill the room. Quake leans against a back wall of the living room of the small house Bethany lives in. The Furniture had been moved to arrange for chairs to provide extra seating. “Yes, my ex-husband has aided in this affront to God and Nature. He left me to go work for that Harpy of a Computer that oversees Sinner City. I will not call her an intelligence for that is not what dealing with abnormal fetishes is called.” Bethany continued her rant. “We Partisans are working to ensure our children are safe. Not converted like my sweet Micheal. Join us and help us protest and work to change the legislature. Aid us in purging evil from our shores. If we can eradicate the viper’s nest, then the rest of the country can be easily cleansed.” Applause erupted from the rabble assembled. Quake had heard all he could stomach. He had learned much about Bethany Anderson. Her fake love for Madison turned his stomach. He slipped out before any of the bigots could ask him questions. No, it was time to head home.


“Yes sir. We have the confirmation number. Thank you so much. Yes, we are looking forward to staying with you. Bye Bye.” Alexia hung up the phone and checked another thing off her To Do List. “How cute.” Mika exclaimed as she plucked the List off Alexia’s desk. “I never knew people actually made these things. My oh my you have been a busy girl.” Mika grinned. “Gimme that back!” Alexia said as she grabbed her list from the adorable Music Agent. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting today?” Mika hopped up on the desk and kicked her feet as Alexia tried to make sure nothing was disturbed. “I do. I just need an accessory to take with me, Well, with Mike. This will require that I turn back into my male self.” “What kind of accessory would that be?” Alexia asked. “Why you ofcourse.” came the reply. “So up, up, let us away.” Mika said as she grabbed Alexia’s hand. Soon they were ascending the stairs of Marisol’s mansion to a room filled with clothes.

“So here is the dressing room, literally. Marisol gets all these dresses sent to her or she wears them once and in here they go. Just let me look and see….oh here we go.” Mika pulled out a silk dress that was styled to drape over the body. It was a shimmering yellow. She held it up to Alexia’s body. “Nope. Wrong.” She tossed it on the floor and dug deep into the walk in closet. Clothes began flying onto the floor as Mika searched. “So what do I need a dress for?” Alexia asked. “Oh, yeah. So I have a meeting with the North American Promoter of our Tour. So I am going to return to being Mike, go to the meeting, and well, I need a date.” Alexia blushed at Mika’s words. “YES!” Mika jumped in front of Alexia and pushed a hanger with a red dress into her hands. “Now, you are staying here at the Mansion right?” Alexia nodded, “Yes, with Dad away with Daphne and Madison off at Quake’s place Callie did not want me to be home alone.” “Great!” Mika exclaimed. “So you go and get ready. Meet me in the main living room at six thirty. Ta Ta now.” Alexia was shoved out the door and soon was heading to the guest room she was staying in.


Gwen had a blast riding the souped up Cart/Wagon Quake used to haul supplies around the Island. They pulled a trailer behind the service vehicle as they made their way around the long path to get to the Orphanage. Beautiful birds flew by and sang songs that were so melodious. The flowers along the trail were a breath-taking sight. Gwen bounced in her seat as they came near the lagoon. A group of young women were splashing in the water. Madison assumed it was part of Petra’s Pod. They waved and before long the pair was arriving at the Orphanage. Gwen happily helped hand out the books and toys Madison had gathered for the children. Supplies of a more grown up nature were handed to Tina and Helen. “I got the special gadgets you requested Tina. Batteries as well, rechargeable.” Tina hugged Madison in reply and quickly hid the sex toys so the nosy kids like Jimmy would not see. It was a time of excitement.

Madison spent the day at the Orphanage. She helped tutor in the reading center. Gwen had to show her the new poster she had in her room. Jimmy of course was always following. Sometimes Madison felt he might have a small crush on her. As the day was coming to an end, they all gathered to eat, family style. Madison needed this so much, needed to just be where the problems of the past few weeks were just that, the past. As it got late, the children soon were leaving to go get ready for bed. Gwen had fallen asleep in Madison’s lap. Mama Cass just smiled at them. “I believe I might lose her to you.” she said. “What do you mean?” Madison said, puzzled. “I see how you are with her,” Mama Cass replied, “You are so much like a Mother to her. You could adopt her, you know?” Madison looked down at the small child snuggled in her lap. She thought about what that would mean. “I guess, maybe, but I need to make sure I am settled before I decide to take responsibility for another’s life.”

They carried Gwen to her bed and clumsily got her in her pj’s. Madison tucked her in as Mama Cass watched. She kissed Gwen on her forehead, “Good Night my hero girl.” A mumbled “Nite Mama….” came out of the child’s small frame. Mama Cass raised an eyebrow. Madison and she walked to a small garden area. “When did that start?” she asked Madison. Blushing, she answered. “Last night. She had a nightmare and after I calmed her down she slipped asleep and said the same thing to me.” Mama Cass looked into the darkening evening. “I see.” They sat on a bench and Madison looked at her hands that were scrunched up in her lap. “I don’t know why she says that…..” “I might.” Mama Cass sighed. “You should feel honored.”

“What do you mean?” Madison asked. “Well, that little girl went through some trauma, thing is, we don’t know exactly what. She was found when a slavery ring was raided by Special Forces somewhere in SouthEast Asia. They thought they were busting a drug operation. It turns out they stumbled upon a slavery operation.” Mama Cass said. “Wait!” Madison grabbed hold of Mama Cass’s arm, “She was being used as……?” Mama Cass placed a hand on Madison’s, “We don’t know.” The two women were silent for a few minutes before Mama Cass continued. “The group had done a great job destroying records. They fought until each of them were killed. They almost killed all the women found there. Genetic testing ruled out any of those women being her Mother or a relative. She was the only person under the age of eighteen there. The reports I was shown said it looked like a mad scientist playground. Who knows what she endured.” Tears were streaming down Madison’s face. “Come now, she is safe now. Don’t cry. Gwen has come so far since meeting you. It makes sense she would call you Mama.” 

Mama Cass hugged Madison before leaving her to sit in silence. She looked up at the night sky and just felt so small. Slowly she got up and made her way to the tractor cart. She took her time driving back to Quake’s place. Thoughts of how lucky she was to have known love from any parent had her crying again. Her heart was heavy. The soft breeze made her wet face grow cold in the night air. She walked into the living room and saw someone sitting on the couch reading. It was Callie. When the young woman saw Madison she jumped up and hugged her. “Why are you crying my love?” After calming down and just enjoying being in her girlfriend’s arms, Madison told her about the day all the way until she came home,


The evening sun was setting as Alexia came out of the guest room. She was in a silk dress of dark red. It fastened at the back of her neck and flowed down over her breast only curving around her body at her hips. It was backless all the way down below the small of her back. It continued to flow along her legs to the floor. A split along her left leg ran up to the middle of her hip. The thong she had to wear was little more than a string that luckily was not visible in any way. The strappy red heels raised her legs up so that her wonderful curves accentuated the elegant dress. She carefully made her way down the stairs to the foyer. As she neared the bottom, she heard a gasp. “Simply gorgeous.” Mike quietly said, “I mean, look who cleans up well,” he smirked. “You do not look bad yourself.” She replied.

Alexia took in the sight of Mike. He cut a handsome figure in a black classic tuxedo. His frame was tight against the fabric in all the right ways. He offered her his arm and they excited the Mansion to find one of Jason’s Limos and Drivers waiting. The Driver opened the door for Alexia and soon the two were being whisked away into the night. Alexia crossed her legs and the split opened up to reveal her sexy honey kissed legs. Mike’s eyes wandered along them until he realized she was grinning at him. He blushed as he spoke. “So tonight we are dining with the owner of the majority of the arenas Marisol will be performing in, that is if we can finalize the deal. There are some nitpicky things that need to be hammered out.” “Why did you need me? Couldn’t you have done this alone?” she asked. “The guy is a tough customer. He also is kind of a leech. As Mika I was always having to repeat myself and he pretty much dismissed me because I was a woman. He wanted to speak to Mike, let us guys hash things out he said.” Mike looked at Alexia and nervously said, “You are my distraction and my encouragement. I hope he is dazzled by your beauty. I also just needed someone with me, someone I knew was there for me. This is a big deal. The entire tour falls apart if I can’t get this finalized.” Alexia took Mike’s hand, “If we can’t finalize the deal.” Their eyes locked and slowly their faces drew close until they shared their first real kiss. There had been pecks on the cheeks, but this was a full open mouth, tongue wrestling, hands and arms entwining steamy kiss. “Wow.” they both said as they broke apart.


The moon shone bright as Quake crashed through the woods. He needed to get as much distance as he could from his pursuers. As he neared a ridge he slowed down to listen for them behind him. From the sounds he could tell they had slowed down trying to pick up his trail. The group of men had ran him off the road some miles after he left the Partisan Meeting. Two large trucks that had ensured he did not stay on the road. He had jumped as his rental had careened off the road. Once on the ground he had rolled and sprang up running. He heard the shotgun blast as he made the tree line. From there he sprinted full speed. The distance grew, but these men were on their home turf. He knew he had to keep moving. He wondered what had made them come after him.

Once over the ridge he made his way towards the river. He followed it downstream until soon he was at the town limits. Staying to the shadows he made his way towards his motel. He saw men gathered nearby his room. It was a bright night, but there was enough cover that he was able to make his way to the edge of town. The main roads were being watched, but Quake was good at avoiding people when he had to do so. Soon he was headed on foot out of town. He had his phone and some cash. The knife strapped to his leg was there. It would take time, but escape was possible. He just had to find a place he could make a call. Cell service was not available in this stretch of countryside.


“We will finalize the details tomorrow then.” Mike said as he shook Mr. Thompson’s hand. He slumped down in the restaurant chair after the man had left the main room. “You did it.” Alexia exclaimed as she hugged Mike’s neck. “No, WE did it.” He smiled. Soon he was escorting her out of the restaurant and to the limo. They kissed and groped the entire way back to the Mansion. A trail of clothes followed them as they ascended the stairs to Mike’s room. Once inside they embraced flesh to flesh, falling onto the bed as they kissed. Their bodies entwined as they rolled and moved. Alexia reached down and found the hardness that had grown and slowly stroked it. Mike was devouring her neck as one hand clutched her breast. They were a tangle of limbs as their bodies caressed in a dance of passion.

Soon Mike found his mark and slid into Alexia’s velvet embrace. “Oh fuck.” she moaned as his length stretched her. On her back she clutched the muscular torso as he thrust in then out of her. Sweat glistened on their bodies as she arched her back as he pushed deep and hard inside. “Ugh ughnnnn uhmmmmm.” he grunted. Alexia was whining with delight as they rocked together in perfect timing. “YES! YESSSSSSS!” She yelled as she shuddered in bliss. Mike picked up his pace as he hammered away. Then in one massive push he exploded inside her, filling her womb with his seed. Each was panting as they collapsed.


Callie snuggled against Madison and ran her hand along her muscular chest. Her body was not exactly conforming to the larger person she was trying to spoon with as the morning sun broke through the window. She leaned up and looked down at the young man laying beside her. “Sweetie, wake up. Wake up honey.” she said softly as she rocked Madison awake. “What?” Madison replied as she rubbed sleep from her eyes. The roughness of her skin shocking her senses. “Why do I feel so strange?” “Babe, you have shifted back.” Callie said. “Shifted ba….” Madison bolted up and began feeling the angular shape of her guy body. “No No No No No” she rambled as she ran to the bathroom. In and out pacing around in a frantic freak out, Madison was in a state of panic. Callie hopped up and took her girlfriend by the arms. “Breathe. Just breathe and relax. You are okay. Breathe in. Breathe out.” Before long she had Madison calmed down.

“I’m sorry.” Madison mumbled. “For what?” Callie asked. “For freaking out. I have been myself for so long, I just, it was just shocking to be back in this form.” Callie hugged her girl. They relaxed a bit as Madison calmed down more and soon were ready to figure out the best plans for the day. “So, sweetie, I have to get back to the city. Marisol has some papers to sign. Your sister and Mika have been busy little bees while I visited with you.” Madison nodded. “Jason was coming to pick me up, I suggest you get ready and come with me. He can take you to the Mall and you can buy a pill and be your sexy redhead self in no time.” Madison nodded again. Callie helped get Madison packed and after a quick bite to eat and securing the home they were ready to meet Jason in the cave. Callie had texted him so he would be prepared for the difference in Madison’s appearance.

After dropping Callie home, Jason drove Madison to the Mall. “I will wait for you, unless you want me to come in with you?” Madison looked at him, “Thank you Jason. Why don’t you grab a coffee and I will meet you after I change.” He agreed and they parted ways. Madison headed to the X-Change Store. The man behind the counter was really nice. He had everything ready quickly. Madison tapped her card at the reader and saw the man’s face frown. “Uhm, it says the transaction failed,” he said. “What? I mean that can’t be.” she said. They tried two more times. He even put the numbers in manually. The response was the same, not enough money in the account. Madison thanked him for trying and walked out of the store. She logged into her bank account and found it had been closed. A phone call later and the bank representative told her the same thing, only they were able to tell her that her mother had closed the account after withdrawing all the money. Madison stomped into the coffee shop and plopped down by Jason. 

“Are you okay?” he asked. “No. I am def not okay.” Madison sulked. “I need to get home.” Jason was quiet as he stood and they left the shop. Soon they were on the road and Madison was texting up a storm. “What happened?” Jason asked. “My Mom.” was her reply. When she got home Jason helped get her stuff in the house and said goodbye. He hugged her, which did make her smile as she thanked him. No sooner than the door had closed did her phone ring. “Mom. Where is my money?” A sing-song voice replied, “Micheal darling. So good to hear from my only son.” “Cut the crap Mom.” Madison said angrily. “All my money is gone. Money I worked for. What have you done with it?” “Micheal, I gave it to my friends in the Partisans.” she said. “I mean it will be better used helping combat the plague of poor sick people like yourself.” “I worked for that money. You just stole it. How could you?” Madison cried out. “How could I?” Bethany responded, “How could I? Easily, since we have a joint account. I decided that I should close it out since my SON wants to traipse around in women’s clothes playing at being a girl. Deal with it.”

Madison just hung up. She was furious. More than anything she was stuck. Not only did she lose the chance to change back, she lost all the money she had saved so far to buy a permanent pill. Her stomach lurched as she felt sick. Tears ran down her face, a face that now felt like a prison once again. The door opened and Greg rushed into the house. He had his daughter in his arms immediately. “She took my money Dad.” Greg looked down at her as he stood and grabbed a box of tissues. “Mom took my money” “She what?” he said. “She closed my account, she took all the money I had in the bank, she stole it all and gave it to those bigots.” Daphne had come in by this time and heard Madison. She soon had the person she had come to love like her own child in her arms as they cried. Greg went to his office and soon very angry shouting was heard. He was giving his ex-wife an earful. Madison had never heard him be so angry. “Whew.” Daphne sighed. “I would hate to be her right now.”

I want to address a decision I made on how to write about Madison after she shifted back to a male body. She is a she. It is that simple. Her body changed, but her mind did not. Madison was still who she had always been and was at last living as she wished and expressing herself in her truth. I hope it was not confusing as you read. It was important to me to display her truth correctly. 

I see only one chapter left. I know how it will end. I have started some threads for stories that will come in the future. I do hope in these last chapters those of you that have stayed with the story will comment on characters you like, ideas you like, and maybe things you are curious about this world that I have somehow taken from an idea of TG Transformation and an online game. It is far from where I was when I started the tale. I hope I have used the X-Change transformation technology in honorable ways to the spirit of the idea.

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