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Is It Just A Game?

Life, Revelations, Family

by AlexiaRose

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #consensual #dom:nb #f/nb #microfiction #solo #Transgender #urban_fantasy

So I know it has been a bit since the story was updated, but life happens. I am nearing the end of this run of the story setting. I know that soon Madison's Story will wrap up and other characters will take the spotlight. I know how the story ends. What is still developing is the last bits that happen until we get there. There is a time jump of a few weeks at the start here. Things are moving along, life is progressing. There are secrets discovered and revealed. There is a ship getting exploded and mermaids being awesome. I hope it was worth the wait. I do have some story BTS that I will share after this chapter ends, so stick around for that. Enjoy.

The past few weeks had been good ones as Madison walked through the Mall with Jamie and Justine. The girls had been spending more time off the ship. They had become fixtures at the Anderson home. Sometimes Madison wondered if her Dad was okay with them being there, then she would see him teaching them something or watching TV with them and know it was alright. Daphne had been sent on a business trip and it was nice that he had them around and it was good that they were out more. She did have to watch them closely as they flitted here and there, but she enjoyed it. They had just left Holly, Gina, and Trinity at the food court. The gals were soon to be released from their contracts at the resort. Decisions were being struggled with as they had to decide what was next for them. All three wanted to stay in Summer City, they just needed jobs and a place to live. Also they had to decide if they would take X-Change to be girls after the reversal pill was given.

Alexia had been spending lots of time with Marisol. The singer had lost her assistant and Alexia jumped at the chance to try out the job on a trial basis. Things seemed to be going well. Callie had informed Madison on how her stepsis was doing. After some small mistakes, Alexia seemed to have gotten into a groove in her responsibilities. It was a secret, but Marisol had a concert tour coming up and Callie mentioned that there was a good possibility Alexia would be asked to go along on the tour. Callie was also telling her about Alexia hanging out with Mika, Marisol’s Manager. The two were becoming very good friends. Callie figured Alexia had a crush on Mika. The other side of Mika had not been shared yet, but that would be an interesting event to come.

Things seemed good. DynaPill had been a good first job, but Madison was contemplating a change. Daphne had mentioned coming to work at SWP as their Demonstration Salesperson. The money was good. She was thinking hard about the offer. Still, of late, she felt drawn to the Orphanage. Quake had taken her back a few times before his trip for Aphrodite. Spending time with Gwen and the other children was wonderful. She had found a love of teaching that she had left behind in college because of her feelings of not being who she was supposed to be. She did take lots of classes that were compatible with teaching, just not the full on Teacher Track. When she was teaching the children she felt a joy that she had never thought possible. Gwen had become more outgoing as well. The little girl was thriving. Mama Cass believed it was all due to Madison. Her connection with the girl had been positive and brought love back into Gwen’s life. The story of Gwen and how she came to the Orphanage was very dark. Madison was just glad she was able to help her. “Okay girls, I need to stop here at Serendipity Comics for some things.” Madison said before Justine and Jaime could get too far ahead of her. The two quickly were by her side as they entered the shop.


In the large control area of Aphrodite’s true operation structure, Greg and Oran sat at the circular table for their regular meeting with the AI of Summer City. The meetings had become a standard thing since the information Aphrodite had amassed showed an increased threat to the area. “This place always reminds me of those underground bunkers that every sci-fi or military movie has the American President lead from when a crisis occurs.” Greg laughed. Oran looked around, “It does kinda resemble them, yes.” A flickering of the main viewscreen displayed the face of Aphrodite. On a smaller screen and the computer screens on the table in front of the two men was the face of Quake. “Gentlemen, good morning.” the AI said. “I wanted to get updates of the data you have provided and make sure you knew what knowledge I have about the current state of Summer City.” Other screens began filtering images as the meeting moved forward. “As you can see, we identified the main players at that Convention held in Summer City last month. Many can be traced to the disappearances of people reported missing in Summer City and the country as a whole. These people have been slowly making inroads to the City. Greg, how have your inspections been going?” Shifting to face Aphrodite fully Greg began speaking, “Thanks to your intel, we were able to target the places that are dealing in the distribution of knock off X-Change type pills. I also have found a few smuggling operations. They have had a pretty sophisticated set up to get pills and chemicals out of the City, along with people.” Oran interrupted, “This is where my work is overlapping. The people are transformed, but on a different level than anything we have seen in Summer City before.”

“I have processed your reports, but sometimes it is good to hear it from your voices. How would you two describe the changes?” Aphrodite inquired. Greg nodded to Oran who answered, “Extreme. Some of the people are little more than mindless sex dolls. The Medical teams are unsure if they can ever be brought to a level of independent living again.” Greg interjected, “The chemicals you found in the employees of the resort have been found in these people. Which makes me very concerned for Holly and her friends.” Aphrodite had a very sad look on her digital face as she spoke, “This is troubling. I have been taking measures to try and protect Holly, Gina, and Trinity from harm. I have taken measures to keep them safe.” Greg spoke, “I know you are doing all you can.” Oran spoke next, “What I am unsure of is what the end game is here? Are they trying to just use Summer City as a place to find easy people to change? Is there a plot to somehow discredit the City by having these drugs come from here? I can’t figure out the goals.” “It may be worse, Oran,” Aphrodite replied, “The Dragon could be involved. We know it and its human allies have long sought to take over my operating systems. They want the City and the secret of X-Change.”

Quake had been listening and had a grim look. “I tracked down the people you had asked about. They all did lead back to companies that are hostile to Summer City. We could be looking at an attack. The Partisans are connected to a few of the men. That is probably where the gas that was used in the concert attack came from.” Quake adjusted his screen. “I have another stop on that other matter and I will be heading back. Have you told them yet?” “Told us what?” Oran asked. “Not yet,” the AI replied, “I will after we end this part of the meeting.” Quake nodded. “So gentlemen, keep monitoring, inspecting, and investigating. It seems we still have much to learn.” The AI finished. “Okay, see you all soon.” Quake said before turning his camera off and ending his call. “So, what is it we should know?” Greg asked. The AI paused, then looked at both men. “I need to show you both something, something about me. Then Greg, I have some information that I hope isn’t too stressful on you. Please follow the drone if you would.” Both men saw the drone roll in. It was boxy looking, but they both knew that it had capabilities that were very deadly if the need arose. Down a long corridor to a wall they walked. Suddenly, the wall began lowering into the floor, and another door behind it rose up. In all, seven doors opened before they saw an elevator open. Once inside they descended down deep into the ocean floor.

When the elevator stopped and the door opened, they were in a room filled with wires and tubes. In the center was a pod that had a woman inside. Her nude body suspended in a purplish fluid. She looked like she was peacefully asleep. Her hair haloed around her floating free. “Greg, Oran, this is me.” Aphrodite said. Oran walked up and looked at the woman in the pod. “I was also experimented on. Long ago. They used my body to farm genetic material and my brain was used to expand living computer processing. This is the 27th body I have had, it was the last, before my clones freed me.” Aphrodite paused. “They cloned you.” Greg said quietly. “Yes, with each new body I was used to trying out a transference process. My brain improved each time, until I was able to interface with computer systems. They believed I was nothing but a living bit of technology at that point in my story. While in captivity, my clones were sent out into the world. Some had high level jobs, some were  just simple people. All were connected to me, the original, well, as original as I could be.” Oran ran his fingers through his hair. “This is how you are so much better than any other AI on the planet, your human elements make the difference, yes?” “That is the hypothesis.” She answered. “Somehow I became a living program. With the help of some of my clones I was able to be taken from the secure location they had me in and to take down the company.” Greg spoke, “I assume that the clones were being used in some way?”

“Yes Greg, they were used to spy on people and companies. Sometimes they were used in blackmail schemes. They were also used as assassins. No one ever would connect a Midwestern housewife that had no interactions with a New York businessman to be his killer. It separated the clues so much that most times law enforcement had no clue. If they did start to get close, well, there were clones in place to hamper or stop investigations.” Oran had been walking around examining the equipment. “You can never be free from this pod can you Aphrodite? Wait, is Aphrodite even your name?” The AI giggled. “You have always been the smartest boy Oran. No, I can never leave this pod. I did have a name once upon a time, but Aphrodite is who I am now.” Greg cleared his throat. “There was something else, something connected to me?” “Yes Greg, it has to do with your ex-wife, Madison’s mother. She is not Madison’s biological mother.” Greg had a look of shock on his face. “What are you saying?” he asked loudly. “Her and her first husband used a surrogate. He was the provider of the sperm, but she could not have children, even her eggs were unsuitable to use. The surrogate was one of my clones.” Greg dropped to his knees.”My step-daughter is your……what exactly?” “She is very much like a daughter in terms of genetics. It is why she can resist the drugs that transform people. I also suspect it is why she is transgender. Her genetics got short circuited like many do, her mind formed as a female, while when it came to the body it got the signals to form a male.”

“Why did you share this with me?” Oran asked. “I didn’t want Greg to have to hear this alone.” she answered. “I have opened myself up to both of you because you are the two men in my life that did not know, that needed to know. I trust you both. I wanted you to know the truth. Outside of some of my clones and Quake, you are the only ones that know the truth about me.” After a while, the men made their way back up to the main levels. Greg went into one of the rooms that had been set up like living quarters. He collapsed on the couch. Oran quietly sat in a chair nearby. “Well, some things seem clear now at least.” Greg said. “How so?” Oran responded. “Well, now I believe I know why she was always so cold to Michael. She once said that her husband, her first husband wanted kids, but she didn’t care about having children. He wore her down apparently. I remember her telling me how he would take care of Michael. I always felt she was jealous of that relationship. Then when Michael started displaying gender dysphoria, she was adamant that he was just sick in the head. Not long after we had a falling out after I took my job in Summer City. I did keep in touch with Micheal. I am so glad I did.” Oran leaned forward, elbows on his knees with his fingers steepled in front of his face. “Makes sense. Madison seemed to be a bit scared when I first met her, like she was afraid she would be caught doing wrong. I had seen it before in transgender people, the look of fear that if they are too happy, too open, that anything that gave them happiness would be taken away. Her mother was harsh wasn’t she?” Oran asked. “Yes the woman became very harsh by the time I left.” Greg said. “I almost tried to see if I could get custody of Michael. The courts were not favorable to anyone connected to Summer City, so I chickened out.” Oran placed a hand on Greg’s shoulder. “It all has worked out. Michael is now living as Madison. She is healthy and happy. She is with you now.” “Yeah.” Greg said as tears flowed from his eyes. Aphrodite watched and felt emotions that had long been dormant within her. She wished she could hug Greg at that moment. She was glad Oran was with him.


“Bye Cleo, have a good week.” Madison called as they left the Comics Shop. “Okay girls, so you both have been really good at listening today, so as a treat we are going to get Ice Cream.” “ICE CREAM!” screamed Justine and Jamie. They hopped and jumped all the way to the Creamery, Summer City’s best Ice Cream Shop. After getting their big bowls of Ice Cream they settled into a booth. “Well, Madison, fancy seeing you here.” She looks up to see Bruce. “Who are your lovely friends?” Madison rolled her eyes as she answered, “This is Justine and this is Jamie. Ladies, this is Bruce, he knows Alexia.” Justine giggles as she looks at Jamie, “Jamie, Alexia has mentioned him lots.” “Oh, yeah, but Justine, he doesn’t look like an asshole, he looks like a boy.” Jamie giggles. Bruce’s mouth drops as he is shocked. Madison laughs as she responds. “Now girls, Alexia did not mean he literally looked like an asshole, but that his personality is that of an asshole, shitty.” Bruce levels a dark look at Madison before stomping off. After the bit of that nasty, the ladies enjoyed their Ice Cream.

Bruce was fuming. The losses of his “merchandise” of late had his Dad on his ass about the need to get more girls to supply their foreign buyers. Much of the drugs they had managed to obtain for smuggling were now confiscated. He did not like being spoken to like that by some slut and her floozy friends. Alexia had been poisoning the group of women he had worked hard to groom before adding them to his stock. No, he needed to show these bitches who he was, what he was capable of doing. He took his phone and made a call. Bruce would show these sluts who was boss. He gave a hard stare in the direction of the Creamery. Turning his back and walking away he had a devious smile on his twisted face.


“So Ladies,” Holly giggled, “our time working here is about over. Anyone made any life altering decisions?” The suitemates all looked around wondering who might answer first. Trinity raised her hand. “I believe I have.” The five suitemates looked at Trinity, curious as to what she had decided. “I am going to stay in Summer City. I have enough to buy a three month X-Change pill. I really like being a woman. I also have spoken to someone about working at a club after leaving the resort.” Trinity looked down shyly. “Oh Trin, that is so wonderful. I am so happy for you.” Holly said as she pulled the girl into a hug. “Yeah, so cool.” added Gina. The girls continued sharing. Becky and Dani had decided that it had been a fun adventure, but they wanted to head back home and get back to their male lives. They did comment on how they hoped experiencing life as women would help them be better people. Cindy had also decided to stay in Summer City. She had taken a position at the Resort. Miss Jennifer needed an assistant to help her manage the employees. So there would be no reversal pill in her future. Everyone then turned to Gina and Holly.

“Guess it's our turn, Hols.” Gina said as she took Holly’s hand. “Guess so.” Holly replied. “Well Gina and I are in love, so we are going to stay together. In fact, we will also be getting X-Change pills from our employer. He is going to give us a job at his Club.” Holly grinned as she winked knowingly at Trinity. “Yep, Holly and I will be bartending and dancing some.” Gina giggled. “WAIT!” Becky said as her eyes widened. “You are going to be strippers!” They all had tons of questions for the two, but soon they had to be on shift. Each girl got ready for the assignments of the day. Soon they would finish their time at the resort and embark on new lives and old ones.


“So Mika, you said you had something to ask me?” Alexia said as the two women walked along the sidewalk near Alexia’s house. “Sure did.” Mika replied. “You have been doing a great job as Marisol’s assistant. So good in fact that we want to offer you the job full time.” Alexia grabbed Mika’s arm excitedly. “FOR REAL! Oh my gosh I had hoped but I can’t believe….” “Now hold on before you say yes, I mean I feel like a yes is coming, but I need to tell you something.” Mika said as she calmed Alexia down. “Marisol is going on a National Tour. If you take the job, you will be travelling with us all over the country for a year.” Alexia looked at the young woman before answering. “So I get to travel for a year, with my favorite pop singer, have a job that people would kill for, and I have to leave home for a bit?” Alexia asked. “Yes, that sums it up pretty well.” Suddenly the women felt a sharp sting in their necks. Before they could even touch the darts that had hit them they collapsed on the sidewalk. A van rolled up and some men gathered them into its dark confines.


The old convertible rolled along the streets of Summer City blasting a Marisol song. Justine and Jamie sat in the back singing along as the wind whipped their hair around. Madison grinned as she looked back at the two in the rear view mirror. They were happy and that made her happy. It wasn’t that she was distracted as she crossed into the intersection. Madison had the right of way and the green light. The big truck just had orders to stop her, any way they deemed possible. So the large truck rammed into the side of the convertible and it slid along with the impact. All three women were stunned when the men in the accompanying vans pulled up and around. Bystanders were shocked as guns kept them back. Men used hypodermic needles to sedate Madison, Justine, and Jamie. They had them in the vans and were gone in less than a minute. The truck had caught fire and it and Madison’s convertible were soon engulfed in flames.


Notices had popped up in Aphrodite’s mainframe. She knew things were not right as the bio signs for Alexia, Madison, Justine, and Jamie all showed them unconscious. Alerts were sent to Greg and others as the AI searched through all cameras in the area where the women first showed signs of distress. Reports from the authorities came flooding in about a crash and burning vehicles not far from Greg’s, in the location Madison had been. All this information had come in seconds, so when Greg and Oran came into the meeting area Aphrodite had tracked the women to the docks. Cameras had caught them being carried onto a cargo ship. She then counted Mika among the abducted. “What is going on?” Greg screamed. “My GIRLS! We have to get my girls.” Oran was on the phone. He called in people to get to the docks. They watched as the Cargo Ship began leaving port. “We have to stop it.” Greg shouted.

Aphrodite had deployed a large drone to fly to the area. Soon it was tracking the ship as it left Summer City’s waters into the open sea. Greg and Oran had left to get on one of the AI’s speed boats. Others were headed that way as well. Jason in particular had taken a boat and was heading that way. He made one stop along a buoy, where a fit young mermaid pulled herself into the boat. After her legs dried the two were heading full speed to intercept the ship. It was a race to catch up. There was no plan for getting on board, things had happened too fast. The drone had caught up to the ship and was hovering over the deck when it was hit with a focused EMP and came crashing to the deck.

Below deck, Madison was coming to and seeing that she was not alone. She was bruised and had some cuts, but otherwise seemed okay. Justine and Jamie were lying by her. She saw Alexia and rushed to her. “Sis! Alexia! Wake Up!” Madison said as she gently slapped her stepsister’s face. “What?!?” Alexia exclaimed as she became awake. “I am not sure.” Madison answered. “I think we were kidnapped.” The two sisters checked on the others. Soon Mika was awake. Justine and Jamie were groggy as they became aware. They were locked in a room. It was empty except for a bucket in the corner. Madison shivered as she realized what that was for. “The ship is moving.” Mika states. “Madison, We’re scared.”Jamie and Justine said as they huddled near her. “It will be alright girls.” she said, “I bet Dad and Oran are on their way as we speak.” Alexia looked at her sister worriedly. “I hope you are right.” She replied.

Static and crackling came over a speaker in the ceiling. “Ah, all the sleeping sluts are awake.” a familiar voice said sharply. “Bruce!” Alexia shouted. “I see you shouting my dear Alexia, but I only have eyes on you not ears, so don’t waste your breath.” Mika pointed to a camera mounted in the corner of the ceiling. “So, you five are my prisoners. Usually I process my livestock before they are sold, but you were harder to acquire.” Bruce explained. Not sure who you are Miss, but it was just your bad luck to be with Alexia at the time my men grabbed her. You are not bad on the eyes so you should fetch a nice price, plus we can always just use a bit of science and adjust your looks.” Madison flipped the middle finger at the camera. “Oh you are classy aren’t you Madison. Anyway, just relax. In a few hours we will meet up with another ship and we can get started on preparing you for your new lives as sex toys.”

On deck the drone had been placed on a pallet along with the parts that broke off as it crashed. Bruce grinned thinking of the tech that they might pull from the drone. He motioned for the men to come with him as they headed to the control room. They didn’t notice as the drone came back online from the EMP attack. A compartment opened and a robotic scorpion skittered from the drone. It soon was scanning as smaller spider-like robots swarmed out. Soon they were mapping the vessel as the scorpion searched for the missing women. It moved along the shadows as it followed a signal from the nanites that four of the women contained within their bodies. Soon it was at the door of a room that was locked. Inside it knew where the people it was searching for were held. Above the door was a vent. Soon it had climbed the wall and gained access to the vent. It unfastened the cover in the room and soon was falling to the floor with a thud.

“What Now!” said Alexia as the scorpion robot crashed down in front of her. All the women moved back away from the scary looking thing. It scanned and then projected a light from its tail on the wall. APHRODITE gleamed on the wall as the scorpion quickly stopped. It skittered up along the wall to the camera. Its pinchers connected and soon it had control. “So you are here to help?” Madison asked, looking at the strange creature. “Click Click Beep.” the scorpion responded. The women had hope now. Mika walked over to Madison, “Uh, you know don’t you?” Madison looked at her for a bit before she understood the question. “Yes, I know Mika. So how does that help us?” Mika opened her hand and in it lay a yellow pill. “So that is a reversal pill?” “Yes, so I guess you could say that maybe we could have some muscle if we need it.” Mika answered. Soon the women had a plan. The Scorpion would unlock the door and they would make their way topside and see if they could find a hiding place or a way off the ship. “Wait,” Alexia suddenly paused before the plan could be started. “Justine, Jamie, uh, what was it, oh yeah. Protector Mode.” The change was instant. Soon the two women were focused and ready to take point as they headed out the door.

In the control room a man sat bored as he stared at the screen showing the room the women were locked in. “Anything to report?” Bruce asked as he looked over the man’s shoulder. “Nope.” he replied. “They just been pacing and leaning. Should be no problem when we get to the transfer point.” With that Bruce headed back to the Captain. They were near the area to meet the other ship. Once they exchanged the passengers there would be no way they could be tracked out here on the open seas. What no one noticed was that the monitor showed the same pacing and the same leaning over and over on a loop. If the true image was on the screen there would be an empty room. 


Jason scanned the horizon with his high powered binoculars. Petra stood looking with her otherworldly eyes. “Hey, Jason, we have company.” A large speed boat came roaring up beside them. Oran waved to Jason as they came alongside. “That is Oran, and Madison’s Dad Greg.” Jason said. “Wow, Madison’s Dad is a hunk.” Petra whistled. “Anything?” Oran asked as the two men stood across from the pair. “I haven’t seen them yet.” Jason said. “I have.” Petra stated. “They are out there just out of view of human or technological eyes.” She smiled. “It looks like she has dropped anchor because I haven't seen them moving for a bit.” “How do we know it is them?” Oran asked. “The drone came back online. We have GPS coordinates.” Jason answered. “What are we waiting for?” A grumpy Greg barked. “Let's go get them.” Oran looked at the tablet in his hand that Jason had handed him. A schematic of the vessel was showing. Aphrodite had mapped it and they knew where things were. “Wait, can it be?” Oran tapped the screen. “The robots have helped the girls get out of the room they were in. Seems the scorpion one is with Madison. We know where they are on the ship.”

A splash came from the side of Jason’s craft. “Hey! Petra!” A voice called out. “Dixie.” Petra replied as she looked over the side. “Hey girl, what did you see?” “Well, y’all have another big ship heading this way. Sally is following it.” “How many of you are there?” “Counting Sally, a dozen.” Dixie answered. Petra looked up at Oran. “Hey Oran, do you have any explosives on that boat?” Oran looked at Greg, who shrugged. “I might. What do you have in mind?” Petra smiled. Soon she was explaining what she had in mind. After some work and dividing up explosives that were equipped with  magnetic bases, a plan was made and the mermaids left. Petra dived in joining them.

!KABOOM! The ship rocked as explosions sounded around the vessel. Bruce came out of the control booth looking to see where the attack had come from. No other ships or aircraft were in sight. “Is it a Submarine!” he yelled as he came back into the control room. “Negative.” the First Mate answered. “There is nothing on the sonar.” The ship listed starboard. Below deck two men lay on the floor. Mika had shocked all but Madison when she swallowed a pill and was soon a six foot five mass of muscle. He took the coveralls off one of the men that he and Justine had taken out. Soon a thud was heard and Jamie had knocked another to the floor. It was then that the ship rocked hard. “We need to get above deck.” Madison yelled. “Agreed.” Mika replied. The group carefully headed above, not sure what awaited them.

In the Control Room chaos was taking hold. “Reports of the hull breached in several areas Captain.” The First Mate announced.”We are taking on water. We are sinking sir.” “To the lifeboats.” The Captain yelled. The alarm to abandon ship sounded. Bruce saw Madison and the women exit from a hatch on the far end of the ship. “NO!” he yelled as he grabbed a police baton as he left the Control Room heading towards his escaping prisoners. The ship felt like it was going down fast. The few lifeboats were already dropping as the crew fled. The scorpion that Madison carried suddenly spoke, “Hello? Madison? Alexia?” “Dad?” Madison answered. She was almost hit by a crewman that had spotted them, but Mika punched him before he could reach her. “Head in the game Girl!” Mika yelled. “Dad, where are you?” “Madison, listen,” Greg commanded. “You all have to jump overboard.” “Are you crazy? We will drown.” Greg answered, no sweetie, trust me. Just get overboard.” “Okay everybody! Dad says we need to jump overboard.” Madison exclaimed. Soon they were at the rail looking down at churning water. Suddenly a mass of purple hair broke the surface. “Petra!” Madison yelled.

Soon the women had gotten over the rail and were ready to drop. Justine held Alexia’s hand as they dropped into the sea. Jamie dived like a champ. Mika was helping Alexia over when he was hit hard. He went over the side, dropped like a sack of potatoes. Bruce had raised the Baton over his head ready to strike Madison. “YOU BITCH!” he screamed as the Baton came down on her arm. She felt a searing pain. The Scorpion jumped and attached itself to Bruce's arm. The stinger began hitting his arm stabbing him constantly. Madison hung precariously on the rail as her body ached. “Madison, drop girl, drop NOW!” Petra screamed. As blackness overtook her she let go and felt gravity take hold. Bruce flailed and fell back as the Scorpion inflicted as much damage as it could. Madison hit the water and sank. Petra was there and soon had her moving away. Soon the captives were far away from the sinking ship. They were on Oran’s boat. The men were shocked to see a man, but Alexia soon explained that it was Mika. He was out. There was a gash on his head. Madison stirred and winced in pain as Greg moved her arm “OWW!”

They were heading back to the shore. Jason followed. The pod of Mermaids swam unseen behind them until they reached a dock at Summer City. An Ambulance awaited as did vehicles with Jason’s Drivers ready to carry them to the Clinic. Soon everyone was being whisked to the health clinic to be treated. Alexia rode with Mika, who was still unconscious. Madison lay on the other side of the ambulance. The technician was watching her and Mika closely. When they were all safely in the Clinic the adrenaline began subsiding and soon all but Justine and Jamie were shaking as the escape hit them. Oran stood in front of Jamie as Justine was being checked. The girls were giving him a report of all that had happened. Greg was enraged as he listened. He went to a computer and began searching. He found Bruce in the system and he found the holdings of all the family’s assets in Summer City. He soon had a target list of places he was going to raid. The top of the list was the Resort. 


Madison had a fracture in her arm that needed a cast. She was not happy about having to stay at the hospital wing of the Clinic. Since the partisan attack on the concert all of the Anderson family and friends now went there instead of Summer City General Hospital. Mika had not been so lucky. Their injury had caused swelling of their brain and the gash needed cosmetic surgery to repair. Alexia had stayed by their side in the room across from Madison. There had been some initial shock learning that Mika was born a he, but being the trooper that she was Alexia rolled with it. Besides, Mika was hot as either gender, Alexia felt her being Bisexual was perfect for the crush to deepen on her new friend. Callie had rushed to the Clinic after Marisol had made apologies for cutting practice short. She was now snuggled in the hospital bed with Madison. Justine and Jamie had been released from their trigger by Oran and now the two were in the bed beside Madison’s in the room. So much had occurred and now they knew Bruce was a big threat. Madison did wonder if he survived the sinking of the ship?

Greg had left once he knew his girls were okay. He was pissed. He called in the law enforcement he knew were the best trained in what he was going to do. He had a plan and it was to take down every business that the Scales family had in Summer City. Bruce’s family had sunk its claws deep in the fabric of the City and it all led back to the Scales Corporation. The company that was actually run by the AI known as The Dragon. Over the next few days Greg, with Oran’s help, raided six of the Scales Corporation’s companies. Each one had stocks of illegal Transformation drugs, chemicals, and people. It had really stirred up the underground of Summer City. Now though he was getting ready for the final raid. Soon he would hit the Resort.


Mr. Corvus was on a very tense video call with Elijah Scales. He was incensed that his holdings were being targeted. “Mr. Scales, need I remind you that the situation that our organization now finds itself in here in Summer City was all begun by your son. How is Bruce by the way? Did he have a nice swim?” “Corvus, you ass you are not as funny as you believe yourself to be.” Elijah Scales sneered. “Bruce did mess up, but why did it cause such a response?” Mr. Corvus paused before answering. “Your son kidnapped the very man that is the law of all the X-Change technology’s daughters. He violently took them and their friends. In fact I have discovered that two of the young women were rescued during Mr. Anderson's time in Black Ops.” Mr. Scales made to open his mouth, but Corvus continued. “This is a father that was angered and now that anger has been unleashed upon you and yours, and by proximity me.” The staff of the resort were busy shredding documents and moving anything incriminating. Helicopters and ships were ready to carry senior staff away and those that they will need as sex slaves to sell to make up for the loss of the property. “Now if you excuse me Mr. Scales, I have work to do.

Summer City’s SWAT & assorted law enforcement had readied to hit the resort full on. As the vehicles entered the property and the raid began they saw helicopters lifting from the rear of the property. Greg was alerted to people being moved towards two ships anchored at the dock. The Resort was empty, no one was in the halls, no guests in the lobby. It was quiet and strangely empty of all that should have been there. Rooms were cleared. Computers were found destroyed. Some rooms had fire sprinklers spraying oily water from them. Each room cleared was vacant of any sign of life until Greg entered the main ballroom. As he busted in he heard crying. Under a table he found Holly, Gina, and another young woman huddled together. Holly jumped up and clung to Greg. “They took them! They changed them and they took them!” she wailed. Greg pushed her back looking into her crying eyes, “Who was taken? Where? Are you Okay?” Holly gulped in a big breath and then began explaining what happened.

Minutes Earlier

As the employees of the Resort were working they heard an announcement come over the loudspeakers, “All employees, would you please assemble in the main ballroom.” Slowly all the employees with implanted triggers made their way to the ballroom. Once there they all looked around wondering what they had been asked to come there for. The fire sprinklers began spraying oily water. It was soaking everyone in the room. Suddenly they all began to feel slow, sluggish. Holly noticed people around her seem to change. Their skin becomes shiny and their eyes very blank. As for Holly, Gina, and Trinity, their skin began to feel hot, their entire body felt on fire. It was as if they were burning up and being bitten by thousands of bugs. Gina saw the door open and men in hazmat suits began to guide people out of the room. She grabbed Trinity and Holly and they hid under a table. Still in pain, they clung to each other trying to not make a sound.

In the guest rooms and other areas people were congregated, the sprinklers sprayed. All who were hit by the liquid underwent a change. They became docile and very simple minded. Their skin took on a plastic sheen as they became mindless and obedient. Senior Members of staff wearing protective gear began gathering the transformed and loaded them into waiting trucks to be driven to the dock and loaded on ships. Mr. Corvus had Miss Jennifer in her slave mode and headed to his helicopter as reports of the Summer City Law Enforcement gathering just outside the Resort came to him. When he heard the sirens and knew they had entered he had the chopper take off. A series of the vehicles filled the air. He saw the raid as he was taken away to a safer location. He was going to miss this job. “That Scales boy is an idiot.” he mumbled.

Greg had men hurry towards the docks. After he had people he trusted take the girls to safety. Soon they would be taken to the Clinic. They were too late though. The ships had already moved off and were heading as fast as they could to the open seas. There was no way to catch or stop them unless the Coast Guard could intercept them. Even then he figured there probably would be some way for these people to escape justice, even if they could get the victims back. A few of the employees had not made it to the ships, but they were in a state of transformation that Greg recognized. He had seen it many times in smaller instances. This was a massive use of transformation science. They finished and soon he was being driven to the Clinic to check on Holly and her friends.


Madison nuzzled Callie’s neck as they cuddled in the hospital bed. “I love you.” Madison said. Callie brushed the hair out of her girlfriend’s face and smiled. “I love you, too. What brought that on, silly girl?” Madison smiled. “I just needed to say it.” They lay in silence for a bit. “Okay. I know you too well, something is on your mind. Spill it?” Callie said. “I just hope I am doing things right, I mean I love you and I also love Quake. I am so new to being open and vulnerable like this. I was brought up way differently.” Madison closed her eyes as she continued. “I barely remember my Dad. I seem to recall he was kind, and strong, and he loved me so much. He was always full of hugs and listening to my little kid babbling, then he was gone. It was a car crash. I don’t know, I just never felt like Mom loved me like he did. I mean she was my Mom, so she had to love me right? It just felt like growing up, I was some kind of burden she carried.” They lay in silence for a bit before they heard Greg clear his throat. “Hey there kiddo.” He came over pulling a chair near the bed. “Hey Dad, sorry I am so much trouble.” Her step dad took her hand, “Madison, you have never been too much trouble for me. I feel I should tell you something, but I am unsure.” Callie began to move to leave. “Wait, Callie, stay. I just need a minute to make sure I say what I need to say correctly, you are family now, so I want you here.” Greg turned and motioned for Alexia to come in. “I want all the family to hear, I just wish Quake were here, but somehow I feel he knows our family history, that he helped gather information connected to what I need to share.” Greg stood and walked to the TV on the wall and switched it on, turning it to a blank channel. Taking his phone he dialed a number, “Hello, I feel you should be a part of this as well Aphrodite. I have the TV in the hospital room turned on, Madison’s room.” The TV flickered as the digital face of the Summer City AI filled the screen. “Are you sure Greg?” Aphrodite asked. “Yes.” came his answer.

Greg paced a bit and then began to speak. “Madison, when I met you as a young man named Micheal it was so wonderful, I had gained another child, my daughter had a big brother. I then noticed, maybe before you did, that you never felt secure in yourself. You tended to play dress up with Alexia, you were thoughtful and kind. The day you came home crying that a kid had made fun of you for liking that silly pony show, it broke my heart to see you cry. I had to watch as your mother chastised you for liking it, for allowing yourself to be bullied. We fought over her response that night.” Greg looked at Madison and saw the tears welling up in her eyes. She had a tight grip on Alexia’s hand and Callie cradled her. “It wasn’t long before the intelligent person you were had figured out you were not a young man at all. I was just the step dad, I had not adopted you, something I regret to this day. I say this not to imply that you were the reason the marriage ended, no we had problems that were showing, but how she treated you was something we disagreed on. I told her when I asked for a divorce that I planned on taking you with me. She told me she would fight me. She would drag my name and my life through the mud. Still, I started the process, until she got lawyers that were with the Partisans. They were all too happy to help her because of my new job in Summer City. They somehow got access to my military records. They had prepared a way to twist my life and threatened to take Alexia from me.” Greg paused and leaned back against the wall.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he continued. “I had to choose between my daughter and my step son. I left with Alexia. I was a coward. I guess the reason I reached out to you in college was guilt, but also I wanted to try and see if you were alright, that you had survived. Your Mom was pissed when she found out. I even received a letter from her lawyers threatening me. They never stood a chance against my boss.” Greg looked up at the TV Screen and smiled. Aphrodite scared them. I am not sure how, but she stopped your Mom cold. It was then that we reconnected and eventually you made it here to Summer City.” Greg looked at Madison. “Before I go on, I want to ask for your forgiveness. I am so sorry I didn’t fight harder, I'm sorry I left you.” Alexia stood and walked over to her Dad and wrapped her arms around him. Greg kissed the top of her head as he looked at Madison. She moved and then raised the bed up so she and Callie were in a more seated position.

“Dad, I will say it, I will say I forgive you, but really, you have nothing to be forgiven for. I saw more than you knew. I heard the threats, in fact I tried to keep little ears there from hearing it.” Alexia almost objected to being called little ears, but stopped and thought better of it. “It was hard Dad, I will not lie. But I never thought you were a coward. I was glad to know Alexia was free from my Mom. You have never noticed something that is in my room have you?” She smiled as Greg looked puzzled. “It sits on the shelf over my bed. The stuffed Cuttlefish?” Greg seemed to be thinking hard. “Before you left you took Alexia and I to the aquarium. I became fascinated by the cuttlefish. The fact that they can shift genders caught my attention. You bought that silly stuffed cephalopod for me. Mom never knew why I loved it so much. I guess she figured it was because of you and Alexia, but it was also my little bit of defiance under her nose.” Madison began to cry. Callie pulled her head into her, holding her until Madison finally spoke. “Mom never accepted I was Transgender. I had to hide who I was to be able to have a place to live, to get to go to college. I gave up on ever transitioning. Then I began researching the X-Change pills, the entire issue of gender medicines. Mom was so hateful about the topic. Then you asked me if I wanted to come here after graduation. It was like the universe had decided to help me. It was easy to get Hollis on board. Coming to live with you was the best thing I have ever done, Dad.”

Soon the family was all piled on or at the bed hugging and crying. “Why is everybody crying for?” Jamie asked quietly. Justine sat now on the edge of the bed. “Madison you are okay aren’t you?” she whined. The group separated and Madison held her arms open and the two girls scrambled to her. “I am okay my dear little ones. I am better than okay.”


Quake knocked on the door of the quaint house in the Mountains of Western North Carolina. A young woman slowly opened it and peeked out. “Hello?” she said. “Hello, Mrs. Bethany Anderson?” Quake asked, giving her his most charming of smiles. “Oh, no, I am sorry. I rent this house from her, well, from the real estate company, but she is technically my landlord.” Quake nodded. “Would you happen to know how I could get in touch with her?” “Hang on sir, I have a card here somewhere.” The young woman said as she moved into the house deeper. A man walked up to the door and was sizing Quake up. Quake just smiled. “Hello.” The man grunted and just stared. “Here is the card of the real estate company, they should be able to help you.” “Thank you so much.” Quake said as he began to leave, he turned, “I had always heard the people in North Carolina were so wonderfully nice, I am so glad that is true. You have a great day and I am sorry to have bothered you.” Quake turned and the woman was checking him out as he moved to his vehicle. “Why can’t you be that sexy Carl?” She asked as she closed the door.

He cranked his truck up and headed out of the drive. As he drove back he used voice activation to call the number on the card. Soon he had an appointment to inquire about Bethany Anderson. The funny thing is that he knew from Greg that Madison’s Mom had led Madison to believe she still lived in that home, the place Madison was raised. Since she wasn’t living there, where was she? A text message flashed across the truck's small computer screen. “Madison was hurt, but is Okay.” The next text came. “Will update you when you check in tonight.” Quake dialed a number and Oran’s voice answered. “So what has happened?” Quake asked.


The Clinic’s Hospital room had been rearranged and the tray table from Mika’s room had been pulled over and a pizza party had broken out. Jason had provided the pizza accompanied by Petra. The mood had lightened. Aphrodite smiled from the TV screen as she watched the people that were becoming like a family to her laugh and joked with each other. Dr. Banks had come by and with her she brought Holly, Gina, and their friend Trinity. She had allowed them to join the fun as the tests she had run showed they were not harmed. She would know more in the morning, but for now she felt that being around this loud group of people might help them. Stories of Alexia and Madison from long ago were shared. Callie slipped out when her phone rang. She mouthed to Madison, Q U A K E, before slipping out into the hall. Petra sat by Madison and quietly told her how scared she was as she carried her to safety. It was Petra that went to her as she fell. She was sure that the crew of the ship made it to the lifeboats. The Pod had swam back and carefully checked the wreckage. They salvaged anything of use for the Pod, so at least some good came from the abductions. As the group wound down and left the room, Greg sat by Madison and quietly watched. Alexia helped Mika back to her room, Jason and Petra said their good-byes, Holly hugged Madison before she, Gina, and Trinity went back to the observation room. Justine and Jamie were snuggled in the extra bed in the room. Jason had covered them in a blanket before leaving. He had offered to take them with him, but Madison said they were fine.

“Madison?” Greg quietly spoke, “Aphrodite and I need to discuss something else with you.” Madison looked at the TV Screen and for the first time felt she saw fear from the AI’s visage. Looking at Greg she said, “Alright.” “You know Sweetie that Aphrodite has had nanites in you and she has been compiling data on your genetics,” Greg paused and Madison nodded. “Well, it led her to some databases, and then to records, finally it brought together information that I didn’t even know about you.” She tensed up, “What is wrong with me….am I dying?” Madison asked, scared. “NO, oh no….it is not necessarily bad information, it just might explain some things about your childhood.” Greg looked to the AI, “Can you tell her? I am just…” “Yes Greg, I can.” Aphrodite said. “Madison, I found out that you were born by the use of a surrogate. Your biological father was the man you knew, but the woman you know as your mother is not your biological mother. Your biological mother was a woman I knew many years ago.” Aphrodite paused to let Madison digest what she had just said. “So I was my Dad’s child, but Mom, Bethany, she was just my Mom….” Her mind was processing. Memories and actions from so long ago were seen in a different way. “She was your Mother, Madison.” Greg said. Just not by blood. “So that makes sense….” Madison mused.

The AI monitored the young woman’s vital signs, “You are quite calm Madison. I figured you would have a more stressed response.” Aphrodite commented. “It just feels like some things make sense now. The way she would always seem to imply that I was a Daddy’s boy, how she seemed distant. It's like I understand her maybe?” Looking up at the TV Madison asked, “So is that it?” Greg stared up at Aphrodite, wondering if she would share the rest? “Other than the genetic data I have found, that is all for now.” Madison looked wondering what else there might be later when Aphrodite said, “Maybe later on we can spend some time and I can tell you about your biological mother. She was an incredible person. She was an Elementary School Teacher before an illness took her from us too soon. Greg wondered about that last part. He had never thought about just how close Aphrodite might have been with her clones. “Hey guys,” Callie said entering the room, “I have a very worried Neanderthal on the phone. He seems to believe that I am not able to take care of our girlfriend.” Callie handed the phone to Madison. Greg and Callie left to give Madison some privacy with Quake. Aphrodite looked down at a young woman that for all technical purposes was her daughter, then she shut the TV down and was gone.

As I was writing this chapter something clicked in my mind. An idea I had after listening to Christina Aguilera's song Army of Me ( ). The image of a woman floating in a pod in a womb of electronics, wires, etc. flowed into my mind. From there and idea of a story of clones and a woman that has be used to coordinate all of them. I saw the way her clones rescued her. I knew Aphrodite would be a human at the core of the Artificial Intelligence. Once it dawned on me that she was my woman in the pod it all made sense. Lots of things in my story then came together. I do hope you have liked this story. I want to thank all of you that are still hanging in there with me. Not sure just how many, but we are near the end of this part of life in Summer City.

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