Is It Just A Game?

Sluts and Strippers and Drones, Oh My!

by AlexiaRose

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #consensual #dom:nb #f/nb #microfiction #solo #Transgender #urban_fantasy

I have at long last gotten this Chapter in my growing Soap Opera written. I hope the wait was worth it to those of you that have been reading. Trigger Words (Which I feel is a good story) gave me a bit of a break. I needed that because in my mind so much is happening in Summer City. There is lots that you will see going on as you read this chapter. For those that come for the lewdness & smut, you get it in this one.

As always, the characters are age 18 or over the age of 18. This is a work of fiction. It is based on an Idea that has as its foundation Pills called X-Change that allow for gender changes. There are other transformative medicines and devices that are also present. It is fiction. I wish it were real as I would be able to be outwardly the woman I am inside. It is fiction and should be read and seen as such. 

John Corvus sat watching the clock as he awaited the employees he had sent for to meet with him. The Computer screen had some members of the “Board” as they referred to themselves waiting with Corvus. There was a knock on the door and Miss Jennifer poked her head in, “May we come in sir?” Corvus waved her on in. Following behind her were two maids that were looking around wondering what they needed to clean.  “Ah, yes, Gina and Holly, please have a seat.” Corvus said. “Yes Sir.” The two women said in unison as they took seats in the chairs in front of their boss. Corvus looked at them and simply said, “Would you please go into Drone Gina and Drone Holly mode.” Instantly all emotion drained from their faces and they sat very straight with blank expressions and eyes. He looked up and said, “Miss Jennifer Art Mode please.” Jennifer went over to a drawer and as she undressed she placed her clothes inside. After she was naked except for her heels she then went and stood in a space between the shelves and bookcases striking a sexy pose. 

A voice from the computer sounded out laughing a bit. “Oh John, you do love your living artwork.” “I would remind you gentlemen that I was hired because the last head of our Summer City interests did more than make pretty statues. Had he kept it in his pants maybe he would be having this meeting.” Corvus stated. “Now Drone Gina, why were you called to help out Aphrodite?” “This Unit was called to help search for a friend of Drone Holly because this Unit is the girlfriend of Drone Holly.” came a robotic reply. “Okay, power down and go into sleep mode Drone Gina.” Gina’s head slumped as her eyes closed. “Drone Holly,” Corvus says, “What were you doing for Aphrodite?” “This Unit was called to help search for this Unit’s childhood friend, Madison Anderson.” Corvus wrote down the name. “Who is this woman?” Drone Holly continued, “Madison Anderson is the stepdaughter of Greg Anderson. She works at DynaPill.” “Please tell me more about why she was being searched for. “This Unit was informed that Madison Anderson had been missing for over a day. Aphrodite somehow was keeping track of her and lost all contact. A group of people was assembled to search for her. All were friends or family.” Corvus wrote Greg Anderson down on his pad. “And did they find her?” “Yes.” Drone Holly replied. “Okay, power down and go into sleep mode Drone Holly.” Holly’s head dropped like Gina’s, her eyes closed. Unlike Gina, her mind was still listening.

“Corvus, you know this has to be related to that botched Auction that lost a girl, right?” One of the men on the computer screen commented. “We don’t know for sure, but it seems like it.” Corvus replied. “What about this stuff about Aphrodite being able to track this girl, keep tabs on her.” a voice from the computer shrieked. “Now, Now, calm down. We are safe here. We know our City’s AI does keep track of things through public cameras.” Corvus explained, “Still, she has no way of watching things in here. The Convention is going to happen. It is the perfect cover for our meeting and planning to undermine Aphrodite.” There are mumbles of agreement. “Well, Gentlemen, I feel we have discussed this enough. I am going to wrap this meeting up.” With that statement the blocks on the computer screen were going black until Mr. Corvus was alone with the three women. He reached into a drawer behind the desk and pulled out two very scant string bikinis and two skirts that were more like wide belts. He laid them before the two young drones.

“Drone Gina. Drone Holly. Wake Up Mode.” The two young women’s heads snap up quickly and they are alert and listening. “Now Drones, Would you please take these uniforms and go to your room and change, once you are dressed you will then activate your Slutty Bartender selves and work the Beach Bar for the rest of the week. Do you comply?” He asked. “Yes Sir these Units comply.” They said in unison as they arose and took the thin pieces of fabric and left the office. Oh to not be so careful he thought as the two pert asses swayed as they left the office. Holly continued walking, but part of her brain was buzzing as nano machines were working filing away all that she had seen and heard so far to Aphrodite.


I jumped on the pier’s dock before Quake even had the boat slowed down. I was hurrying up the walkway to the pier when I heard Quake tell me to wait for him. I do so impatiently. He soon joins me with my suitcase in his hand. I turn and move towards the parking area. He follows quickly behind me. I see Jason waving at me and soon I am in the back of the white Humvee glaring at the men as they get in. Jason tells me about the attack. He explains how he got them out, how Marisol changed to Callie. Jason stressed that they were okay. It dawned on me that he could have been affected. He then explained that he had never been transformed. He was the child of a woman that had been a mindless sex slave. She had been bred by another of the slaves. I was glad he was okay, but I was ready to get home.

Bursting through the front door I found Alexia in the living room and soon had her wrapped in a massive hug. Greg came into the room and I rushed to him. I was pounding my fists on his chest as I cried. Tears streaming down my face and snot dripping I yelled, “WHY? I SHOULD HAVE BEEN TOLD! I should have come home….” He wrapped his arms around me and I sobbed into his chest. “I should have been told.” I murmured. “What is all the noise about?” A sleepy looking Marisol came down the stairs. I looked at her and ran to hug her. “Whoa! Madison! What the Hell girl!?!” she exclaimed as I clung to her. She shook me off. I looked at her, realizing this was Marisol, not my Callie. “Sorry.” I said quietly.

After I calmed down we all sat discussing the attack, how it seemed to have affected Callie/Marisol. “Well, I apologize to Madison.” Greg said. “I just wanted you to have a rest, have a break. They were okay and I just didn’t want to intrude. Can you forgive me?” I went and crawled in his lap. I kissed his cheek and lay my head on his shoulder. “Yes, I forgive you.” We sat in silence for a bit. It felt good for Dad to just hold me. “Okay Sis!” Alexia hopped up and grabbed my arm pulling me up off Dad. “Enough trying to take my place as Daddy’s Girl.” She grinned and dragged me upstairs. “We need to talk.” I stumble behind her and soon we are in her messy room. “I really need to clean this place up.” I felt a need to clean, it caused me to have a warm pleasant feeling as I started picking up Alexia’s clothes from the floor. “Nope. Enough of that.” Alexia yanked me to the bed. Soon she was just staring at me as we sat there. “Spill already. What happened between you and Hottie McQuake?” I blushed as I looked down.

“Oooooooo, come on, that blush says something spicy went on.” Alexia squeals with glee. I look at her and say, “It was incredible.” She bounces on the bed. “Oh MY Gosh! Is he BIG? Was it good? Tell Tell Tell.” I take her hand and calm her down and I tell her about the evening we danced. I told her about small moments. I did leave out anything about the Orphanage. It felt like a sacred and secret thing. I told her about our morning together.  She hung on every word. We were hugging and giggling. A knock comes at the door. We look up. Marisol peeks around the door. “May I come in?” I nod and wave her over. She sits beside me. “I am sorry about what happened before.” she says, “I should have understood how you were feeling.” I hugged her. “It’s all good. I was just emotional.” I replied. “Unless the gas has changed things Callie should be back in a few days.” She said, "Now catch me up on how your time with sexy pants went.” Alexia broke out in a fit of giggles.


The weather was wonderful on the Summer City beaches and the Beach Hut that the Resort had was a popular spot. Gina and Holly had just gotten there and opened up. They adjusted their white string bikinis. “My tits look okay hun?” Gina asks. “Oh for sure. They look cute and the fabric just covers those little nips of yours perfectly.” Holly said as she adjusted Gina’s top. “Yeah, but you just look so much better cause you are bigger.” Gina giggled. Holly kisses her girlfriend before turning and making sure the bar is set up well. “I do wonder why we have these tiny belt-like skirts. I mean our cute bums still are there for all the hotties to see.” Holly quipped. Maybe that is just to make our asses more noticeable.” Gina shrugged. Soon there were numerous men crowding around getting drinks, but also trying to get attention from these two Bar Hotties.

As the day went forward the men were less, but those there were getting drunk and handsy. Gina rubbed her sore butt from yet another dude leaning over and pinching her ass. Holly was being groped and her breasts were getting sore, but for some reason it just felt right letting people do this, she was a slutty bartender. A very handsome gentleman sat down and was frowning at the actions of the men being so forward. Holly smiled at him and felt a flush of heat run through her. He had a very well tailored suit. His orange shirt which was open and showing his fabulous black skin, complimented his beige suit. Holly skipped over. “Hey Handsome, whatcha drinking?” “Whiskey neat.” he replied. “Coming right up.” Holly giggled. Just then Gina screamed out as a man was pulling her over the bar. “Stop, you're hurting me.” The man had an iron grip on her arms. “Aww, c.mon slut, let’s have a bit of fun.” His buddies are laughing and standing just behind urging him on.

“The lady said to stop.” The handsome man said. “What!” the Dude slurred, “Mind your own fucking business!” Before anyone could even registar what was happening the gentleman had stood and closed the distance between them and poked his fingers in the man’s ribs. This caused him to release Gina and the gentleman grabbed the man’s arm and twisted it back until it broke. “AAAAHHHHHHHHH!” the man screamed as he fell to the sand. His buddies started to advance until the man stared them down. “Next?” Hands went up. “No man, we good.” They got their drunk friend and headed to the med station. Holly was putting ice on Gina’s wrists. “Thank you.” Gina said through tears. “Yes sir, thank you so much.” Holly looked up at him with tears in her eyes as well. “I don’t like men not knowing their place.” He said. He walked over to the open air entrance of the bar and turned the Open sign as he latched the small gate. “I believe you both need a break.”


Work was so strange for Madison as she slowly came back from her ordeal. Everyone seemed to stare and whisper. She got back into the swing of things, but they didn’t want her doing any demos for awhile. So she spent her day making cold calls and hanging out in the break room. That was kinda fun. She had gotten a reputation for giving blowjobs. It was true. Most days she would give at least ten. Recently the guys that were the best gave her leads for sales calls she could make. Still it was a day in day out drudgery that was starting to get old without the fun she often had doing demos. All that changed when Daphne showed up at the office.

“Hello my dear.” Daphne sang out as she poked her head in Madison’s cubicle. “Oh, hi.” a startled Madison replied. “So this is where they have you stuck. Seems a waste of a good demo girl.” Madison blushed before speaking, “Am I really that good Daphne?” “Ha! You are the best person we have ever had to demo our products. That is why I am here. I have gotten permission for you to work for SWP separately from DynaPill.” Daphne smiled. “Are you interested?” Daphne went on to tell Madison about the Insta-Strip Pill. It was a standard that they had on the market. Easily one of the best products they had. The problem had been how the pills were made at first. There were standard female strippers that would be who the strip club employees would transform into. This was okay at first, but having the same strippers at every club was hurting business. SWP has developed new versions, Insta-Strip Plus and Insta-Strip Random. Daphne needed Madison to help show these off. They had another person, Randy, who would also be helping. He worked at another company, but like Madison, he was a great demo person. Madison agreed, signed the waivers for DynaPill and set the time to meet Daphne to demo the product.


The Beach Bar had been closed for a good number of minutes before the manager of the hotel’s beach areas came shouting up. “What are you two stupid girls doing? I have a guest with a broken arm! I have reports that the bar is closed! I mean to get some answers from you sluts right NOW!” The guy busted through the silly small gate that closed off the open air bar and came right up to Gina. From behind her Holly sat on Dredd’s lap peeking around Gina’s perky behind. “You two can’t just assault guests, close the bar, YOU ARE NOT TO DO ANYTHING BUT SLUT IT UP WHILE SERVING DRINKS!” The manager yelled. “Would you plea–……” “Excuse me !” Dredd’s deep voice interrupted the manager before he could command the girls. Gina moved around behind Dredd. “What is your name sir?” “My name is Chad. I am their boss and manager, just who the hell are you?” “Well, Chad, my name is Dredd, I am a VIP guest and I stopped a very rude man from hurting this young woman behind me.” Chad’s eyes got wide, “You’re Dredd?” He gulped as he stood looking at the trio before him. “Ah, you have heard of me. So Chad, be a good little boy and apologize to your employees, then run along back to your bosses and have them watch the video from that camera, yes?” Dredd said with a calm smile. “Yes Sir. Right away Sir. Sorry Gina, sorry Holly, my mistake.” Chad sputtered.

Holly giggled and Gina hugged Dredd as Chad hurriedly made his way back to the hotel offices. “Okay ladies, I have caused enough trouble. Besides I have a meeting inside to get to, here is my card, call me sometime, I would like to talk with you about an opportunity I can offer. I need Dancers and Staff for my newest Adult Entertainment Venue.” With that, Dredd stood and took both ladies by the hand and kissed each hand in turn. Then he walked out of the bar turning the open sign around. “Talk to you soon my lovelies.” he said as he walked away. Gina looked at Holly and they each seemed to know that they would want to be calling Mr. Dredd. For now they headed back behind the bar and got to work and people began coming in and resting under the shade enjoying the beverages and the views.


Madison pulled up to the Strip Club. She got a shiver as she looked at how similar it looked to the Sex Club that she had been held at when she had gone missing. Steeling her nerves, she got out of her convertible and headed inside. The entrance had a place for money to be taken and what she guessed was a coat check closet. Once she passed through the curtain she saw the standard strip club setup before her. There was a bar near the back wall, tables, booths, and then the main stage. There also seemed to be areas around the front with smaller raised stages. She figured those were for the girls to dance when the main show was not happening. Daphne waved her over. “Hey Girl!” She hugged Madison. “We are just waiting on Randy….” Daphne’s phone chirped, “Bet this is him right now.” she said as she walked off. While she was waiting, Madison leaned against the stage as she watched men begin to gather. Some wore suits and were accompanied by others not as dressed up, but still nice looking. From the side she saw a familiar face she thought. A very handsome man with dark chocolate skin walked towards her. “You are Madison, Yes? Greg’s daughter?” he asked. “Sure am. So you know my Dad?” she replied. “Sure do. I also was involved in locating you during your unfortunate time being Hot and Ready.” He chuckled. “My name is Dredd.” he offered his hand. “Madison, oh.” She giggled realizing he already knew her name.

Daphne came back after finishing her phone call looking concerned. “Dredd, I have a problem.” she said. He eyed her sternly. “Yes, and what is that my dear?” “Well, that was Randy on the phone. He was my other demonstrator, he can’t make it. Seems his partner has fallen down from their deck and he is at the Emergency Room. I am afraid we will need to reschedule.” Dredd lowered his head. “That would not be wise my dear. I have assembled heads of the various strip clubs you do not service at present. These are not men that you can reschedule.” Daphne looked at him. “I guess we could demonstrate one of the pills at least.” “You can demo both the pills,” he said calmly. “How?” “Easy, you take one of them,” he replied. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. Madison giggled. “I can’t. I mean I am the chaperone. Who will look after us?” she stammered. “Dredd placed an arm around Daphne. “At your service my dear, I will make sure nothing happens. I have helped demo the other Insta-Strip Pill. This should be easy. Now both of you hop backstage and get your stripper attire on and I will warm up the crowd.” Madison took Daphne’s hand and smiled. “Come on Daphne. This will be fun.” she said as they went backstage.

“So gentlemen we had a last minute change, but we will soon be demonstrating the newest in the SWP Insta-Strip line of pharmaceuticals. Our wonderful SWP representative will be joining the lovely Madison. Ah, here they come now.” Dredd said from onstage. Madison came out in a bikini type outfit that was a bit big on her. She wondered if the pill would fill out her body to fit better. It was a green suit with criss crossing straps. Daphne was in a schoolgirl outfit. The white top was a crop top, she had a small red tie on as well. The blue skirt with white stripes was barely any length. She nervously stood beside Madison. “Are they not beautiful gentlemen? What if they could be more beautiful? I know some of you have tried Insta-Strip in your establishments. The drawback being that we all have look-alike strippers.” Dredd went over and got a pill and a glass of water and handed them to Madison. “This is the new Insta-Strip Plus. It has been designed to make the woman look more to the taste of what we want in a stripper. The pill works on either gender equally, so those that have male strippers can get one pill order for any gender.” Madison noticed that there were also women that had joined the audience as they had been backstage. Murmurs were heard before Dredd asked Madison to step forward and take the pill.

She did so with a smile, handing the glass back to Dredd once she had drained the water. Standing bathed in the spotlights, Madison felt her body begin to shift and change. Her breasts grew and filled the top until it was struggling to contain them. Her nipples instantly were poking against the fabric showing her headlights on high beams. Madison already had a nice ass, but it swelled as well, her hips growing too. The tiny bottoms were snug on her now. All over she seemed to smooth and grow until she was a curvier version of herself. Her hair was the last to grow. Her red locks spread down her back in luscious waves. Madison was a gorgeous, busty, sexy stripper now. Her posture changed and all the knowledge she needed flooded into her mind. “Wow, I feel so ready to dance.” she giggled.

“As you can see, Madison is an idealized version of her lovely self. This pill will allow you to turn even the most plain employee into a vivacious bombshell or a hunky stud.” Dredd explained. “Now our other beauty is Daphne. She will be taking the new Insta-Strip Random. It will take cues from the genetics of the person, make sure they are female, and then pull out a different race from what the person is at the present time. Daphne here is a typical white girl, but who knows what interesting ancestry is hidden in her family's past.” Dredd hands Daphne a pill and water. Daphne hesitates for a second before downing the pill. The pill took a little bit longer than it took to change Madison. Daphne felt her hair begin to grow longer and as it did it became straighter. It was already black, but her hair became even darker as it grew down her back stopping just above her ass. The most astonishing changes were yet to come. Her body began growing taller as her legs stretched. The girl next-door face became different as it took on an Asian type look. Almond eyes shaped and turned from a soft blue to a rich brown. Her breast shrank and the shape of her outfit seemed to fit better. Her ass grew out and shocked faces stared at the new Daphne. She took two hair ties from her wrists and fashioned two long pigtails and was then a walking anime wet dream. 

“Like, O M G! I am so fucking hot.” Daphne squealed. “I know, right,” giggled Madison. They then skipped to the side stages and began stretching as Dredd went and began the music and lights. Swirls of pink, blue, purple and white lights moved all around the two side stages. The main stage was bathed in a soft bright white light. The beats began thumping through the speakers and each woman began swinging their hips and moving their hands over their sexy bodies. “So let us have Daphne start us off on the main stage.” Dredd’s voice boomed. With a giggle and a squeal Daphne began skipping along the connector and soon was on the main stage. She turned and shook her booty before teasing with a lifting of the back of her skirt. Then she hopped around and was twisting her body as she began moving the white top loose. Then she was untying the red tie and as she did a split, she yanked it off throwing it into the crowd. She brought her legs around behind her and was soon on her knees and spreading her legs giving a peek at the white panties she had on. Daphne yanked her top sending the buttons flying. Her breasts bounced in a tiny white bra that was sheer, showing her almond skin and dark areolas. A whirlwind of dancing followed as her skirt was shimmied and shaken to the floor. She took her foot and flung it at Dredd laughing as she did. Sweat was glistening on her body as some of the audience began placing bills in her panties. Daphne teased and twirled, releasing her bra and cupping her tits. 

Before long she was on her back doing a thing with her legs that was just astounding to watch. As the music crescendoed she yanked her panties up her long silken legs and was gloriously nude. She rolled in the money with dollars of various denominations sticking to her body. Then with a bounce she was done. Breathing heavy as the crowd applauded. In a youthful way she hopped up and gathered her money. She then went back to the side and was slowly gyrating as she awaited to see Madison take her turn. Madison didn’t wait for the music to start as she bounded to the main stage. She went to the pole and began spinning and twirling in a dizzying display of gymnastic strength. Dredd cued up the new Marisol song and the words of heat were banging with the bass notes. Madison grinned as she began twerking her shapely ass before crawling to the front of the stage to tease the men there. She was in a crab walk stance as she showed her camel toe. She bounced and turned and was really teasing them mercilessly. Dredd then told her it was time to show the goods and Madison stood and turned her back. Seductively she began untying the string holding the top in place. Soon it was only held by her arms as she skipped around the stage. With a sudden flourish she whipped the top away from her body and the most amazing pair of breasts came into view.

It didn’t take long before she was utilizing the pole again. The way she contorted as she moved up and down caused so many of the men to get even harder than they already were. Money was being thrown as she danced. Then with a sudden stop she moved away from the pole. Gliding to the front of the stage and turning as she yanked her ties along the side of her bottoms free. They dropped and so did she landing with her toes and finger holding her body up in an amazing display of strength. Her spread legs showed her glistening pussy. She rolled forward, hopping up doing one last turn around the pole before striking a pose that showed her body in all its wonder. The audience was wild with excitement. Madison motioned for Daphne to come to her and soon the two were kissing and fondling each other as Dredd came to the floor. “As you can see, these will enhance any employee that you give these new Insta-Strip Pills. Since Miss Daphne is occupied I will handle the ordering over at the bar. Feel free to take the girls back to the VIP Lounge and ask any questions about the way the product makes them feel. 

The orders were very good and they were helped by the lap dances and blowjobs each lady gave to those wanting more info about the pills. Even some of the women buyers came back for a question and answer session. Soon the people had left and Madison and Daphne had gone backstage. They showered together. Madison knelt and ate out her friend. Soon they reversed positions and Madison had the pigtails like handlebars pulling Daphne into her slit as the woman licked deep inside the sweet area of Madison’s womanhood. After all their exploration they came back out into the dressing area and saw Dredd. Daphne had redressed in a similar outfit she had stripped in and Madison had found a sexy shirt and skirt. Dredd had two stacks of bills laid out before him. Daphne plopped down in his lap as Madison sat beside him. “You both got some nice extra cash. Six Hundred and Twelve Dollars each.” He said. After getting dressed Dredd said his good-byes to them. Daphne followed  back to  Madison’s house. Madison was grinning and giggling as she knew Greg was going to have a very wild night.


Holly and Gina came into the room giggling and cuddling. They still were basically sluts that were horny messes. Their shift at the bar had ended and they really just wanted to shower and rest. The scant clothing they had on was quickly discarded as they both shared the shower. Kissing and caressing as they soaped each other up. Gina ran her fingers along Holly’s mound and was soon fingering her to orgasm. Of course this had Holly honor bound to return the favor. They were not quiet as they washed and came multiple times. BANG BANG BANG came pounding on the door. “Hurry Up! The rest of us want a shower as well!” Dani screamed at the pair. Soon they were done and stumbled out barely covered by towels, dripping wet. “Watch it!” yelled Cindy as they dripped all over her. “Sorry.” they giggled in reply. It was then that Miss Jennifer walked in the room, “Okay ladies, listen up. Would you please return to your normal personalities.” “Yes Ma’am.” came a reply in unison. Trinity and Becky immediately stopped cleaning the room. They began removing their maid’s uniforms. Dani and Cindy were working as hospitality hosts and were quick to remove the six inch heels they had on. “See you girls in the morning.” Miss Jennifer said, “We have a busy day with the Convention starting. Get your rest.” Dani rushed ahead of Cindy for the shower as the other girls settled in their beds. Gina and Holly had slipped on their comfy pjs and were looking at the business card Dredd had given them.

“Do you believe he meant it Holly?” Gina whispered. “Yes.” she replied. “But could we, I mean we are under contract with the resort. Is it even possible if we wanted to do it?” Well, it isn’t that long until our contracts are up.” Gina said. The two discussed it as the rest of the girls were showering and getting ready for bed. Trinity came over and made some small talk, but generally they were all just tired and ready to get some sleep. Gina and Holly dreamed of dancing on a stage for Dredd. Holly was even more involved in her dream as she was fucked by him after she had stripped. All in all the two girls slept with goofy smiles on their faces all night.


The two stripper girls came into the house strutting right into the living room. Greg sat on the couch watching the game. His eyes almost popped out of his head when the Asian looking Daphne plopped down beside him and began stroking his thigh. The gorgeous Madison leaned over the back and gave her step-dad a kiss on the cheek. “Hey Stud.” Daphne purred, “Don’t you have a kiss for your girlfriend?” Greg looked at her, “Daphne?” She kissed him hard on the mouth and pushed her tongue in as she moved and straddled his lap. “That’s me honey!” she giggled as they broke the kiss. “So Dad,” Madison hummed, “Where is my little sister tonight?” Greg gulped as he felt his dick swell under a gyrating Daphne. “Uhmm, she, uh, Alexia is at, oh wow, she is at Kira’s house. Sleepover with Ashley and Kira.” Greg was having a hard time focusing on anything but the exotic vixen that was sitting on his erection. “So we have the house all to ourselves?” purred Daphne. Greg shook his head yes. Daphne smiled and slipped off his lap standing holding her hand out. Greg took it and stood following, mesmerized by his sexy girlfriend. As she moved around the back of the couch she reached out a hand to Madison, “You too sexy girl.” She led the two upstairs to Greg’s bedroom.

Once inside Greg was quickly stripped and made to sit on the bed leaning back against the headboard. Daphne went to the stereo system Greg had in his room and found a nice jazz album to put on. The notes filtered into the room and Daphne had taken Madison by the hand again and then looked at her boyfriend as she explained their day. “So the other demo person didn’t show. I ended up taking the pill that makes the stripper a sexy version of the passive genes in their ancestry. So I became this Asian hottie, while your darling daughter is just an idealized version of herself. Isn’t that so cool Daddy?” Greg’s hard cock twitched at the word Daddy. “Somebody likes being Daddy.” Daphne cooed. She stood behind Madison and they swayed to the music. “I bet Daddy has watched his daughter here lots as she pranced around the house in very little clothing. Getting all hard and bothered as her young flesh teased.” Greg had a hand around his shaft and was stroking as he watched Daphne slowly undress Madison.

Soon the two reversed positions as Madison kissed Daphne's neck from behind, undoing the white blouse. She left the red tie around her neck as she continued undressing her Step-Dad’s lover. Hands were roaming over tits, tummy, and then caressing the dripping slit between Daphne’s legs. A giggling Madison began walking towards the bed. “Does Daddy need his big, HARD, cock sucked. Greg’s mouth was too dry as he nodded. The effects of the chemicals he had been exposed to had been triggered. He was now becoming so aroused he needed to fuck, needed to dominate. Madison crawled along the bed until she was over his shaft, quickly deep throating it and bobbing up and down. Daphne was soon behind Madison licking her folds and rimming her ass. Madison moaned onto Greg’s rod as he pushed her head down. They writhed like this until at long last Greg unleashed a torrent of ejaculate into Madison’s hungry mouth. This set off a chain reaction where Madison shuddered and squirted all over Daphne’s face and Daphne collapsed in a blissful orgasm of her own. Panting they all moved and soon Daphne had her back to the headboard as Madison was kissing her. Greg was now behind Madison watching. As Madison moved down and began nibbling on Daphne’s nipples she heard Daphne begin to speak. “So Daddy, I want you to fuck your daughter, stretch that young twat of hers. Unleash all that pent up sexual tension from the little tease. Fuck her hard as she eats my pussy.” The command spurred Greg into action and soon he had Madison impaled on his spear.

“That’s it Daddy, fuck her hard, smack that ass, pound her.” Daphne said as Greg did just that to Madison. For her part Madison was in heaven as she felt her pussy being stretched and used. The taste of the hole before her was like sweet honey. She lapped and soon was twirling her tongue around Daphne’s swollen clit. “OH FUCK! Yes YES. Right there Madison, keep it up girl.” The woman screamed. Greg was grunting as he was bottoming out in Madison’s womb. He roared with a primal scream as he released into that womb, wishing he was impregnating his step-daughter. The three soon were all shaking in bliss. The rest of the night saw Greg mount and fuck the two ladies multiple times. The bed was soaked in the sweat and fluids of the three fucking machines. By morning they would be snuggled together in a pile. Daphne returning to her middle aged form and Madison back to her girl next door sexiness. They slept late into the morning.


“Rise and shine Ladies!” A cheerful Miss Jennifer burst into the room of her favorite resort workers. “This morning you six have been chosen to be the servers and attendants for the main events of the Convention. The rest are helping in other ways, shapes, and even forms.” The girls were groggy as they woke up. Slowly they each took a box from Miss Jennifer and shuffled to their Vanities. “Would you please put on these latex suits, would you please be latex fetishists.” She said, “I will return in an hour to give you instructions on your duties. Ta Ta.” A quick turn and she was out the door. Soon the room was a flurry of activity as each girl was doing all the morning rituals to become presentable. Soon Gina and Holly were naked and applying oil to their bodies. Seeing them prompted the others to pair off as well and do the same. “I dreamed of stripping last night.” Gina said as she rubbed Holly’s breasts. “Me too.” Holly blushed as she caressed Gina’s shoulders, covering them in oil. “I also dreamed of Dredd, you know, being in me.” “O M G! So did I” Gina exclaims. They continued applying oil until they were slick. Then they cover their hair in oil and brush the locks straight down. Soon they are all slick and shiny.

Cindy begins putting on her suit. Trinity soon follows. One by one they each slowly slide their limbs into the black latex body suits. They find a surprise as they feel things pushing against their anus and their slits. Thankfully the commands had without much thought seen that the gals made sure their asses were slick and ready. Becky moaned as her anal plug slid in. Soon Dani was shaking as the dildo in her triggered an orgasm. Each lady was soon covered from toe to neck in black shiny latex. The pairs then helped place the hood over the head. When finished each woman was covered completely in latex. The only parts visible were Eyes, Ears, and Noses. Miss Jennifer waltzed back in as it had taken the hour for the girls to complete the task. “Oh how yummy you all look.” Miss Jennifer was dressed in a purple latex suit with her face covered by a hooded mask. “Would you please enter Drone Mode.” Suddenly each girl stood at attention. “Would you please access Drone Attendant programming and follow me.” They lined up behind Miss Jennifer and marched single file towards the main meeting area.


Madison woke up all sticky and felt herself in the embrace of a strong arm. She smiled as she saw Greg beside her and Daphne snuggled on his other side. She carefully moved out of his arm’s embrace and before leaving, cleaned the room. Her pussy dripped as she picked up clothing and placed them in hampers. After finishing she shuddered in bliss before leaving to shower. The water felt divine as she washed away the remnants of last night’s threesome. She wondered if the Insta-Strip had influenced them? She knew that she had been having feelings for Greg in that way for a long time. Well, it was a nice night. She had wondered how Greg would feel inside of her and he didn’t disappoint. It was fun. She soaped herself and then went to her room and tried to remember how many orgasms she had last night. She marked a day on the calendar for each, signifying that she had extended her time in her preferred body by maybe a week or more. After brushing her hair and applying lite makeup, she opened her laptop and checked her bank account. She had acquired a small sum in her savings, but still nowhere near the money needed to purchase the permanent X-Change Pill. She sighed as she dressed in her bright blue yoga pants and top. Her tummy showed her abs and she took a moment to admire herself in the mirror before giggling and heading downstairs to start breakfast.

Greg lay awake and just enjoyed the feel of Daphne beside him. He gently ran his fingers through her hair. She opened one eye and looked up at him, “Uh, good morning…” she groaned. Greg leaned his head down and kissed the top of her head. “Good Morning to you as well, sexy baby girl.” He chuckled. Daphne bolted straight up and started feeling her body. “Whew,” she exhaled, “I am me again.” She then draped her body over his. “Did you enjoy me being a sexy Asian stereotype?” Greg grinned. “It was nice, a surprise, but really nice. Still, I prefer my mature girlfriend.” That earned him a deep kiss. His cock twitched and grew fast, sliding between Daphne’s legs. “Seriously?!? You’re ready for sex already?” She sat up straddling him. “Yes. Since the explosion and those chemicals I have been really aroused all the time. I mean if we weren’t having sex regularly I would be in so much pain and strain.” He looked at her worried. “I am kind of a sex freak now.” he mumbled. Daphne rose up enough to get his cock lined up with her folds and then slid slowly down his length, resting with him in her. She felt his heartbeat through his shaft and smiled. “Greg, never worry about being a sex freak with me. I love you as a man and I love you as my sexy fucking machine.” she smiled and then leaned down kissing him as she squeezed her walls very tight around him. They made love before finally getting up and showering.

Madison heard the front door open and slam as Alexia stormed into the kitchen. “Fucking Assholes!” Madison turned leaning on the counter and watched her sister as well as the bacon she was frying. “Who are the specific Assholes we are mad at today?” Alexia glared, “Fucking Ashley and Fucking Kira.” Madison sipped her coffee as she waited for the story. “So we had fun last night, right, we were supposed to go to the beach this morning. We get there and that jerk Bruce is there. They invited him to join us. That fucking jerk that left us the day of the concert attack. I saw him there. I know he saw me. The stupid fucking asshole just ran out and left us.” Alexia huffed and they heard a voice from the front of the house, “Hello? Can I come in?” “For the love of Marisol get that ass in here Jason.” Alexia yelled before continuing her rant. “I confronted him. I asked him why he left us there. The Fucker lied to my face. Said he wasn’t there. My SO CALLED friends took his side. So I stormed off.” She slumped on her stool and looked down at the counter. Madison handed Jason a cup of coffee. “That is when she called me I guess, I went and picked her up, brought her home.” Madison moved around and sat by her sister and hugged her. “Thank you Jason. You are a good friend.” “Well, I guess I am, but also, do you know what Quake, not to mention Callie, would do to me if I didn't help Alexia?” They all laughed a bit as they came up with ideas of the ways Jason would be tortured for abandoning Alexia.

“Good Morning!” Greg said as he came downstairs. “Alexia?” He stopped and looked at Madison, she returned his questioning eyes with a look and mouthed, “Tell You Later.” He nodded and went to make Daphne and himself coffee. Seeing the bacon was ready he started taking it up and then cracked some eggs as Madison returned to help him finish breakfast. “Are you staying Jason, we have plenty.” Greg asked. “No Sir,” he replied, “I have to get going. There is a big Convention at the Resort and I have to make sure my drivers are doing their jobs. Thanks for the coffee.” He leaned over and kissed Alexia on the cheek. “You take care, Okay?” She smiled, “I will.” Jason left just as Daphne came down. Greg handed her a cup of coffee and the three shared a moment of grins and blushing. Alexia looked at all of them, then her eyes got wide. “Nope, not got the energy to process what I think I am thinking.” She hopped up and headed upstairs to shower. Madison hollered up to her, “Hey I am going to the gym later for Yoga.” “Count me in Sis!” Alexia hollered back. “My shy, reserved daughters.” Greg commented as Daphne giggled.


The Convention was in full swing. It was a gathering of interested parties in the Transformation Pharma Industry. Having it in Summer City was a safe decision given that the City has the special consideration that taking such medications and using medical devices related to the industry is legal. Protestors are lined outside the mains roads that lead in and out, but rarely make it into the city proper, especially to where the Resort is located. So business is done, deals are made, and oftentimes products are freely used. There is a darker meeting taking place, in the private Meeting rooms there are powerful men representing companies and governments that have gathered under the banner of the convention to discuss how they can profit both legally and illegally from the use of the drugs and devices. The resort is one of the few establishments that they secretly run and operate. A few other areas of Summer City have their ownership, but mainly they have a hard time operating with the city’s AI Aphrodite in command of the area.

The luncheon was well attended. It is where Holly and her roommates were taken to serve. As the Drones were mindless robotic servants, the men felt free to speak of things they would have been afraid to share otherwise in the open. Counter measures were in place to ensure the city AI nor any of the guests tried to listen in or steal information digitally. It was a place where only the powerful were allowed and no one was restrained. Holly walked around and came when summoned. She could hear the conversations, but showed no response. Deep inside her body rested the special nanites Aphrodite had placed in her body after Madison’s disappearance. Holly’s were special, but in fact all the people that helped with finding and helping Madison were carrying nanites that kept track of where they were in Summer City. Holly’s were listening. They were gathering memories of the men she saw. Later the nanites would relay the data, but for now they were passive and not able to be detected. They mimicked the normal functions of her brain, her’s just were not asleep like the other girls were.

“I tell you it is terrible that I was denied my request to join my company with the Summer City Pharmaceutical wing. I was sure I could get and find out more info on the X-Change Pills. Damned AI, keeping that tech to herself.” A portly man said as Holly filled his wine glass.”I understand. My best chemists have worked around the clock for years trying to crack the formulas for X-Change. There are just elements that cannot be classified or replicated.” The man beside him lamented. Holly was called across the room. She moved robotically to Mr. Corvus. “Here she is, I believe, it is so hard to recognize them under the hoods.” A distinguished man with Salt and Pepper hair nodded. “You say that Aphrodite requested her and the girl she is involved with to aid her in searching for the missing girl?” “Yes sir. Seems that she is the childhood friend of that one. I have done checking and found that the young woman has taken X-Change and spends most of her days as a redhead gal that is quite sexy. She works at DynaPill and has a reputation for being the top salesperson that does demonstrations of the products some of our companies that we are silent partners in sell.” The man steepled his fingers and stared at Holly. She stared back blankly, not even showing any signs of knowing he was looking at her. The man’s eyes roamed along her curves. “There was something else, yes?” Mr. Corvus  nodded. “Yes, the young woman’s Stepfather is the Pharmaceutical Investigator for Summer City. Basically, no one can use or rather misuse the products here without his okay or his checking them out. Think of him as the Sheriff when it comes to these pills. Before that he was working in Special Ops for the United States Government.”

The conversation ended as the main presentations were about to begin. “You may leave us Drone.” Mr. Corvus waved a dismissive hand at Holly. She left and headed to the back of the area and stood at attention beside her sister drones. Every now and then one would be summoned to refill a glass or remove dishes. The wisest thing would have been to put them into sleep mode. Holly then would have had her eyes shut. Instead she not only was hearing everything, but she was seeing every speaker and visual aid used. The meeting went on until late in the afternoon. After clearing tables the Drones were released to go and take care of bodily needs and consume food and water. That evening they would return to serve again at the evening meal. As the Drones filed out other workers filed in and began cleaning. Holly went to the room and obeyed the commands to clean up and eat. Then she lay down. Her mind was processing the data as her nanites were made ready later to transmit when it was safe.


Madison bobbed her head over the long slim dick of a gym rat. He had asked her for a blowjob, for which she asked for One hundred and Eighty dollars. Now she was deepthroating the rod with ease as it had nice length, but little girth. The young man erupted a stream of cum into Madison’s mouth. Once he was spent she opened her mouth to show him before swallowing his load. She was folding the money as she slipped out of the Men’s Locker Room. “There’s my hard working Sister.” Alexia exclaimed and giggled. “What?” Madison asked, “I mean it was a win win for both of us.” she grinned. She tucked the money in the small pocket in the waste of her Yoga Pants. Madison hooked her arm in Alexia’s as they made their way to Callie’s Yoga Class. “Besides Alexia, you are always complaining about never having money. Something to ponder.” Alexia blushed deeply. They entered the class and Madison went and gave Callie a hug and steamy kiss. Callie shooed her to get in a spot. Soon Alexia and Madison were being stretched and pushed by Callie. Everyone in the class was drenched with sweat as they finished in a relaxed state on their backs. Callie came to each in turn and took their legs stretching them in a cool down as calming music played. She finished with Alexia and Madison. All the rest had filtered out. Callie had Madison’s hand as she led her towards the staff showers. They stopped and Madison turned to Alexia and asked, “Are you coming Sis?” Alexia ran to them and replied, “Not yet, but probably really soon. They all laughed as they went to clean up.


The Convention had ended. The group of women that made up Holly’s Suite were given the day off because of the service they had done. Mr. Corvus may represent an evil cabal, but he was a good boss. He realized of all the girls, the Drones had the most strain put on their bodies. They all piled into the Resort Van and were driven to the city center. Plans were made for calling for pick ups later on in the day or night. Trinity decided to hang out with Gina and Holly. Dani, Becky, and Cindy were going shopping and trolling for boys. Trinity felt out of place with them and they did bully her a bit. The trio had no real plans, they were just going to enjoy the day and see what might happen. They stopped by the Food Court and ate all the greasy bad stuff that the other girls would scoff at eating. While sitting there a pretty girl with bright green hair came bouncing over to them. “Like Hi!” she squealed. They looked taken aback by the outgoing personality before them. “So, like, I am supposed to hand you these awesome day passes to the Spa.” She handed Holly an envelope with the words Aphrodite Industries in fancy script. Holly at first was about to ask the girl why they were being given these passes when it dawned on her who these were from. She looked at the girl with large knowing eyes. “You got it you adorable cutie.” The girl said as she turned and skipped away.

“What was that all about?” Trinity asked. Gina looked at Holly who said, “Just perks of having a bestie with connections. Soon they were making their way across the Mall to the connector to the Spa. Becky caught sight of them heading that way and nudged the others with her elbow. “Where are they going?” Dani asked. “Looks like they are headed to that fancy Spa.” Cindy gasped. The three followed but had lost sight of their suitemates as they entered the Spa area. “Do you have a Reservation?” A courteous young woman asked. “Uh, no we don’t.” Becky replied. “Sorry Sweetie, but we are booked.” the clerk said. “Bye Bye Now.” she smiled. “But our friends just came in here.” The clerk looked puzzled, “You must be mistaken, no one has come in for hours.” The three left confused and knowing that they saw the three young women enter the Spa.

“An attendant was leading The trio down a hallway. Trinity was wide eyed as she had never been in a place like this before. “We have a Spa Virgin here.” Gina laughed. “Don’t worry Trinity,” Holly said as she slipped her arm in the awe-struck girl’s arm, “We have been here before. My bestie Madison treated us after we found her safe and sound.” They were led to a changing room where they were asked to undress and use the robes provided. Trinity blushed a bit as she stripped. They had donned their robes and placed their belongings in the cubbies and were resting in the comfy chairs provided when the Attendant came back in. The Day Passes entitled them to a massage, Sauna, and Mani/Pedis. Holly giggled along with Gina as they watched the awkward Trinity get unrobed and lay chest down on the massage table They were chit chatting away as the masseurs came in and began their work. Trinity nearly jumped off the table when the pretty lady massaging her first touched her. It wasn’t long before all three were fast asleep as the oils used were made to do just that.

While Trinity and Gina were still being caressed, Holly was being moved onto a stretcher and taken deep into the facility. There she was laid in a pod full of a gel solution. A mask had been affixed to her face so she could breathe. Sealed in the pod the gel mixed nanites that were in it mixes with the ones in Holly by entering Holly’s body. Soon all the sensory information since the nanites had been placed in her was being downloaded. Memories of her sleeping mind and the mind that was awake flowed to Aphrodite. The AI was troubled by the presence of a new drug that was present since last she had Holly in a pod. She had the Attendants go and retrieve blood samples from Gina and for good measure Trinity. This new substance was not part of the tailor made pill that changed the young woman’s gender. After finishing all three women awoke on the massage tables being stirred by their masseur. They had a wonderful time enjoying the rest of the time at the Spa. Trinity was happy about her decision to join the two girlfriends. They all discussed what they might do after their contract was up. Trinity was curious about the offer Gina and Holly had been given. She wondered if she could do something like that, stay a girl, be a stripper.


Aphrodite processed the information she had been gathering from multiple sources. The men she identified were trouble. A few she knew were operating their criminal endeavors in Summer City. Most troubling was the identifying of the humans that served the AI known as Dragon. She knew that Dragon was repeatedly attempting to break her firewalls and security. So far she had stayed ahead of him. She did the same to every other AI on the planet. The edge Aphrodite had was not in science. Hopefully, no one would ever learn or crack the secret that made her the most advanced AI in existence. The other concern was the drug Holly and the others were being given. Trinity seemed to have higher amounts of the drug in her system. Maybe it was the work she was doing at the Resort. It seemed to affect different parts of her brain and body. It was a mystery that she planned on letting Oran figure out. For now Aphrodite would just watch and try to keep those under her protection safe.

I feel that we are nearing the end of our focus on Madison. This started as her story. She has met and encountered others that are living pretty neat stories as well. I see the Soap Opera continuing, just under another Title. Not sure just how much more of Madison's story is in me, but ultimately it is close. Then we can see what everyone in Summer City is doing. Some characters have grown on me. Some have not been active because they are not in Madison's orbit right now. Thank you for reading. Comments are welcome, but really just seeing people are reading is awesome.

Alexia Rose


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