9 users suggested Code of Conduct
by DustyVeil
This right here is a prime example of why Bimbofication/slutification is a peak mind control kink.
This is such a clever way to do resistance and fall under brainwashing. This story is fun right from the jump, builds up nicely, and ends perfectly. Amazing.
The platonic ideal of the “college campus free use” genre of stories that I love so much.
One of the best stories that I’ve read recently. It’s a bimbofication/sluttification tale in a college setting. The new dean sets up a new code of conduct, with increasingly strict and bizarre rules on a giant screen that everyone can’t help but read. Students start protesting, and it all goes more and more insane from there. This story has a lot of plot lines, but mainly we see everything through the eyes of two main POV characters - Helen, the professor, and Ali, the serious, diligent student. As you can guess, they won’t stay serious and professional for long. It starts slow, but gradually picks up speed. We follow two sympathetic and relatable protagonists that you almost wish to win - but at the same time, seeing them succumb to brainwashing is soooo hot. Each new rule adds some new delightfully degrading aspect to their life, even when they already know what’s being done to them, making their struggle increasingly hopeless. Lots of amazingly described outfits (progressively more sexy and fetishistic). Also, lollipops! Oral fixation! Mental age regression! College/high school sexy stereotypes galore! And other fun stuff. It also has some surprising plot twists, and a great ending, with just the right amount of ambiguity.