2 users suggested Pollyanna

by Creirwy

Suggestion by Kiatight

Short, blazingly hot, and very fucked up. I wholly recommend it.

Suggestion by TravisNSpud

The eponymous supervillain has the ability to make everyone in her immediate vicinity see the bright side of every possible situation, making it ridiculously easy for her to exploit and torture them. It is exquisitely hot. Something about people under mind control just going along with everything the controller wants as if it’s completely normal presses all of my buttons. The petty vandalism - Pollyanna smashing Fiona’s antique glasses and throwing Gina’s phone in a swimming pool as they stand there grinning gormlessly… The casual rudeness, describing her unfazed victims as idiots and dumb sluts throughout both chapters… The erotic predicaments she puts them in during the dénouement of each chapter, nonchalantly disregarding their sexual preferences… Best of all is her bluntly-stated kidnapping of Lisa, very clearly informing her and Fiona of her intentions and that mother and daughter will never see each other again. That’s to say nothing of the perilous situation she puts Lisa in during chapter 2… If I have one criticism of the story - and I do only have one, minor criticism - it’s the inconsistency in Pollyanna’s powers. In chapter 1, they function as a sort of magical aura, affecting everyone in the same room as her instantly, switching on and off when she comes and goes. In chapter 2 it’s clearly pheromone-based. The two are nigh-impossible to reconcile. In my humble opinion the ‘aura’ version of her powers is hotter, albeit only marginally. Aside from this quibble, both chapters are elegantly written and delectably cruel, and the story has sprung into my top 5 hypnosmut stories of all time. I really hope Creirwy writes further instalments. Rent-fucking-free, folks. Rent. Fucking. Free.

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