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Dane is the best of the best. A consummate Gamer’s gamer. He takes pride not only in his ability to win, but in his ability to do so while being a man. Except the new graphics card he’s got keeps insisting otherwise, as does the strange peripheral he got with it.
(4 chapters, 11239 words)
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In the wake of an Anti-Affini protest gone south, an activist debates philosophy, gender and the merits of green imperialism with a young plant. You’d never anticipate this, but one of them probably winds up as a floret!
(13 chapters, 51663 words)
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What happens when a self-proclaimed “hypnospace psychonaut hyena bitch” from Philadelphia accidentally intrudes on the dysphoria nightmares of a severely depressed aphantasiac from London? Well, we’re on ReadOnlyMind.com so the answer is definitely kink-positive hypnosis.
(6058 words)
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A determined new mountain climber sets out to prove something to themselves, but when they find a long-abandoned temple on the mountain that’s not on any maps, they end up learning a lot more about themselves than they meant to and having some kinky sex with an unlikely partner.