Go Team Porn 2: The Wrath of Schlock

Chapter 5 (Harlequin)

by Lexinonicon, Modren, Skaetlett, MadamKistulot, HypnoticHarlequin, GigglingGoblin, Kiatight, Creirwy, Doctor D, MamaClockie, Star

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #humor #robots

Note: To fully enjoy this chapter, you must first read Go Team Pr0nz 2: The Wrath of Shlock: Death And Rebirth and Go Team Pr0nz 2: The Wrath of Shlock: Another Story: Bertha Episode 0.  

Brittney's tits bounced tittily as she skipped down the street, the sound of her DDDDDD tits hitting each other filling the air with a sound that resembled an orgy of seals recreating the intro to Queen's We Will Rock You. But Brittney was too busy to think of 1977 rock classics. She had important sexy things to be doing. 

However, before Brittney could get around to any character development she spotted a woman in an ornate dress at the edge of Plot Hook Forest.

SPON: Visit The Beautiful Plot Hook Forest! Now with 4.5% more trees and 8% fewer mysterious disappearances! 

"You will do as I say! You must obey me!" She cackled evilly. 

"Oooo! A hypnmatist!" Giggled Brittney bimbo-ly as she walked over to the lady. Her tits slapping a happy tune as she walked. She could see the woman was standing in front of a crowd of people all of whom were bowed down in front of her, their faces buried in the mud. 

"You are my slaves!" Shouted the woman. 

"Bulughgsjjshfhjehe," echoed the crowd, the mud muffling their voices. 

"What are you doing tee-hee?" Asked Brittney. 

"I am Dark Queen Eviliena! While I may look like a combination of Elvira and She-Ra, I'm an original and legally distinct character! And I control the minds of the entire kingdom!" Said the woman.

"Wow!" Giggled Brittney. "Like, I'll totally be your slave! I'd like! Totes are good at it! It's on my LinkIn and everything!" She said as she attempted to flutter her eyelashes seductively. However, Brittney was so stupid she just ended up rapidly blinking at the girl instead. 

The girl looked at Brittney before gasping. But not in a sexy way, in an "I think I left the oven on" way. "You're not part of our group," she said as her husky voice vanished like Brittney's panties on a Saturday night. Evilinea pulled a pair of super-thick glasses out of her pocket and put them on before staring at Brittney. 

"Like," lisped Evilinea. "I'm not really a witch. We're LARPers! We're just playing Basements And Goblins XD! " 

"What's that?" Asked Brittney before realizing she should be polite to the evil woman. "I mean, what's that XD?" She corrected herself. 

"It's like a game. Where you pretend! :P" 

"And then you like? Hypnotize people right?? {P" Asked Brittney. 

"I mean if they fail their rolls, sure!" Snorted Evilinea, her lisp growing more intense by the second. 

"FHhshdhjshdeghehe Airhdhfjha," chanted the group of hypnotized people, their faces still down in the bubbling mud. Brittney wasn't sure what they meant and merely presumed it was local slang. 

"So how do I get controlled?" Begged Brittney.

"Well you need a character sheet, and it has to be filled in with your stats."

"Like cup size!" Nodded Brittney as her GGGGHHHH Special Edition Turbo-sized boobs bounced happily in the sun. 

"Sure! ;P" Nodded Evilena. Brittney didn't need to hear anymore, she moved quickly to the nearest light-rail stop and stood at the station.

[Edit Note: I've cut the seven pages of train talk. This is porn, people don't want trains, they want big tits.]

The train's massive GGG boobs flopped as it pulled into the station. Brittney jumped out and quickly went to the game store. She went up to the lady behind the counter. 

She was making loud clucking noises and waving her arms. "BUCKAWRK! BUCK BUCK BUCKAWRK!" Brittney was confused, but then she spotted the other girl's t-shirt which said: 

"I Went To A Hypnosis Show And All I Got Was This Dumb T-Shirt. Also, I Think I'm A Chicken." 

"Some people have totes all the luck," sighed Britaney as she grabbed a box from the table and walked out without paying. Chickens didn't believe in capitalism after all, so she would likely be offended by Britaney offering money. Then Brittney headed to the train again.

[Ed Note: No! Stop with the trains. Also, I removed 45,424 uses of However from this story. Also, I’m starting to doubt this is an accredited internship…] 

The train's O-Gauge tits flopped into the station and Britaney jumped out, totally ignoring the safety warnings like the dangerous, semi-illegal slut she was. She returned to Evilinea.

However, the girl was swaying, her GGG boobs and 134.45-pound body swaying along with her body. All of the other people were doing the same thing, the mud still dripping down their faces. 

They were all staring at another woman with DD.5 breasts and a massive wobbling butt who was swinging a watch. This woman was wearing a helmet inspired by the popular Space Battle, film franchise. Not that Brittney had seen it, she was banned from all the local cinemas due to her habit of masturbating and flashing her GGGGG boobies constantly. 

"You don't like Basements And Goblins anymore," said the woman as she swung the watch. "Pathbuilder is the best game. You only want to play that." 

"I don't like Basements And Goblins anymore. Pathbuilder is the best game. 8)" repeated Evilinea, her nipples harder than her lisp. 

"But! You we're going to hypnotize me!" Mumbled Britaney as she shook Evilinea. 

"I only like Pathbuilder 8D" said Evilinea before the other woman shouted again. 

"Yes, you are deeply hypnotized. Now follow me, come to my LARP, it has space and robots!" 

"Yes Mesmerizing Mistress," said the players as they followed the other woman into the forest. Evilinea blankly pulled away from Brittney, vanishing into the forest. And within moments, they were gone as if they were never there.

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