Yes Mistress(es)

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #sub:male #titnosis

Jack has found himself getting hypnotized by his co-workers Carlie and Nina

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

“I heard Nina hypnotized you.” Carlie Grier was smiling like the cat that ate the canary. There was something feline about her, or at least graceful and confident. 

Jack always liked her. He liked her style. She had short auburn hair, just long enough to part to the side, and hazel eyes that looked a little larger than they were because of her glasses. She was stylish and she seemed to come in to the office with new frames every couple of months. 

Jack also liked her because she was a flirt. He liked her because she was charming and fun to talk to and had a good energy, plus she had what anyone would call a good body. That was where the feline comparisons came from, the way she moved, like a dancer or like a cat. She would arch her back in just the right way to accentuate the curve of her full cleavage, or twist just slightly to remind anyone that she had an ass that didn’t quit, but it was all done with a nonchalant sort of ease and confidence, so much so that it was something the men in the office felt more than noticed.

Being married, Jack didn’t really go overboard admiring her the way other people did, but that was another reason why he liked her. He still liked to be flirted with; he still liked attention from attractive women.

That was probably why things happened with Nina Torres the way they did, even though he didn’t know what they were.

“Yeah, she uh…” he blushed a little, “yeah, she…”

Carlie laughed, “She hypnotized you.”

Then she laughed again, “She’s been taking classes, and we had a bet that she could hypnotize you, and she said she’d won. Was it fun?”

They were sitting at a small table in his living room, and Carlie had come by to have a girl’s lunch with his wife Stephanie. That was another thing he liked about Carlie, she was friends with his wife and that helped with any suspicions from the missus, even though she had no reason to be suspicious in the first place.

“I don’t really remember, honestly. We were talking in my office and she was talking about the classes she was taking and I guess she sort of slid me under. She must be really good right? I mean, do you know anything about this, you two are pretty close.”

Carlie’s grin was still stretched across her slender lips, “We are, and you know who does not like Nina at all?”

“My wife?” He also smiled now too. Nina was the kind of woman other women seemed to inherently dislike. 

She was busty, bustier than Carlie and more prone to show it off. She was also what a lot of people would call vaguely ethnic because they didn’t know she was a quarter Hispanic and they just saw her as sort of not-white. 

She was also a naturally sensual person, another thing people said when they didn’t know how to describe her being more comfortable with touch and with physical affection. 

Calie nodded.

“Yet, the three of you have gone out and seem super friendly? I swear, girl politics makes no sense to me.” He shook his head.

“It’s just keeping your enemies close. And Steph is certain that Nina is trying to seduce you.” Carlie stopped, then archer her brow. “Maybe that’s why she wanted to hypnotize you? Are you under Nina’s power now?”

They both laughed again, but Jack was a little nervous, “I mean, maybe, I can’t really remember what she did. Could she have done anything weird to me? Is she really good, or do I just not know what I’m talking about.”

Carlie was wearing a thin white cardigan and a pair of flattering blue jeans and some sensible flats. 

“So,” she paused for a good moment “I’ve gone to a few classes with her, not as many as she has, we actually did the introductory classes together, but I couldn’t do the next levels because of time constraints. And Nina’s good, but a lot of what makes her good is her personality. She’s so charismatic in her own way you know, she can pull people in and that makes her a good hypnotist, but a good hypnotist still can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

It sounded like it should have been a relief to him, but it wasn’t.

Steph had become distant, and a little cold, and they’d been fighting a lot. She’d been talking about leaving and taking some time apart, but in that way an unhappy person comes up with simple solutions to deeper problems. 

And yes, Nina was a remarkably attractive woman but that wasn’t who Jack was. He wasn’t the kind of guy who would step out on his marriage, and he wasn’t a quitter.

“And I’ll be honest with you, I don’t know as much as she does, but I think I could take you just as deep into trance as she did. I think I could put you in just as deep a trance and I could have your subconscious reveal anything she might have said or done while you were under. But, we don’t have to, because she told me everything.”

There was a twinkle in Carlie’s eye as she said “everything” and there was always a little bit of a challenge in the woman’s voice any time she got excited or engaged with something.

But, Jack didn’t necessarily know how he felt about two of the most attractive women in his life taking turns hypnotizing him in the middle of his marriage problems. Something about it seemed a little risqué but he didn’t really know what.

“I appreciate that Carlie, but I don’t really know if…”

She held her hand up, “Let me stop you right there Jack. When Nina hypnotized you, did she ask you for your permission first? Did she ever ask you if you wanted to, or would let her, or anything like that?”

It was all a bit hazy, even the parts he could remember, but he shook his head, “No, I don’t think so.”

“So,” Carlie pushed her glasses up with the subconscious practice of someone who did so constantly, “she just started talking to you and you went into a trance? She told me she used what is called a covert induction and conversational hypnosis. I don’t know any of that stuff first hand, it wasn’t in the classes I took with her.”

Nina had come into his office on a remarkably slow day last week, started talking to him about her interest in hypnotism, and then 45 minutes later he was waking up, feeling both remarkably confused and relaxed. Now, Carlie had switched over to what he called her “work bitch” voice, the tone she used when she was making sure everyone knew what was happening and why.

“But, what I do know is that if you could be put in a trance that way, what it means is that you wanted to be hypnotized even if you were aware of it or not. No matter how hard I tried right now, if you didn’t want me to hypnotize you I couldn’t, but when I say look into my eyes, and you do, we’ll find out what you really want. So, Jack, look into my eyes, look deep into my eyes.”

“Do we uh, Steph’s supposed to be…” He was feeling a little more apprehensive than he thought. For some reason it seemed ridiculous and inappropriate to be hypnotized by a woman and have her wife walk in on that. But, that didn’t really make a lot of sense to him in any rational way.

“Don’t worry about it, when the door opens you’ll come out of trance and we’ll just be talking. That is, if you want me to hypnotize you, which I think you really do.” 

“Otherwise,” she laughed again,  “you wouldn’t have asked about that and just said no. Now, look into my eyes.”

Jack found himself staring into her slightly too large hazel eyes.

“Our teacher for the introductory classes was a very accomplished hypnotist and she was very invested in our success. She took some time after one of our classes to tell me how lucky I am to have hazel eyes. She said it would make my eye fixation inductions naturally easier and more powerful.”

Carlie’s voice was still certain and direct, but Jack heard it drop into a softer range, a more sympathetic tone.   

“She said that any time I wanted to hypnotize someone all I needed to do was to ask them to look deeper into my eyes and watch the way the color begins to change from green to brown or brown to green. I’m sure it’s something you’ve noticed already isn’t it, something you’ve seen but never consciously noticed before now.”

“I, yeah, that’s, I never…”

“I know, ” she waved a dismissive hand in front of his face with a theatrical flourish, “don’t talk right now, just look into my eyes and listen.”

“As you stare your eyelids will begin to feel heavier and heavier, like a wave of deep relaxation is starting to wash over you now. It can take as long as it needs to, and it is a very pleasant experience to look deeper into my eyes now, seeing the colors changing as the edges of your world become smaller and smaller.”

He blinked and felt himself almost immediately becoming detached, like a part of his mind, physically in the front of his skull, was starting to power down.

“You’re doing so well because we’re already so close, and you already feel a wonderful sense of deep trust with me, I’m easy to listen to, easy to be with, and as the colors continue to shift in front of your eyes, every time the green begins to fade it’s easier and easier to feel your eyelids growing even heavier and more relaxed.”

Jack blinked once, then twice as the sound of Carlie’s voice became all-consuming, “That’s it, you’re doing so well, just keep looking deeper into my eyes, and they next time your eyes close it can just feel right to let them stay shut.”

The color of Carlie’s eyes really was fascinating and enthralling, and her voice was so easily compelling and easy to follow. When his eyes closed he felt his body leading him, like it was one step ahead, and he sat back in his chair as his shoulders slumped down.

“I’m going to start counting you down now Jack, and as the numbers get smaller and smaller, you’ll be able to sink even deeper down. The deeper you sink the easier it will be for your conscious mind to let go of its thoughts and just drift along and follow me. As the numbers grow smaller it’s going to be even easier to just let your subconscious mind open up and feel all of your filters and inhibitions melt away.”

It all sounded so nice, and as he heard her counting down from ten to one Jack felt his body loosening and the volume of his thoughts turn all the way down. He felt like, and he wasn’t consciously aware of this, the world only existed in the moment and even though he was aware of what he was hearing, time had folded on itself in the soft and warm embrace of Carlie’s voice.

“Jack, I would like you to think of your memory as a movie now, something you can watch passing in front of your mind’s eye. You’re in a very deep and meaningful state of trance now, where it is so easy to feel the pull of my suggestions leading you. It feels so much nicer to be directed and guided, it’s a wonderful and soothing vacation from yourself to let your trust in me and in the sound of my voice guide you.”

In his imagination Jack started to see his mind as a viewing screen, as a display, a concrete means of viewing and not the nebulous sea of the organic imagination.

“Your subconscious mind is like a sponge, an endlessly deep pool of reception for everything in your life and mind. Everything that comes in sinks into the subconscious and we can find the memories you are going to watch now, even the memories you do not consciously remember you remember, like the last time you were hypnotized by Nina. Follow my voice and watch your memory, just watch until the memory movie ends.”

Words and images rolled across the screen behind his eyes, as Carlie watched him. He was in a dream, and then it all faded to black. “Tell me what suggestions Nina gave you. Your subconscious knows and just watched all of them and they are so easy to say for me, it’s so easy to tell me because you trust my voice.”  

 Jack’s words did not come out easily, but they came, “Nina is my Mistress.”

“Why is she your Mistress Jack?” The sound of her voice was so gentle, it felt like Carlie’s words were holding his hand.

“When Nina hypnotizes me, she is in control. When Nina lets me see her cleavage, I feel submissive and hypnotized by Nina. When I am aroused, I think of Nina.”

“Why do you think of Nina? Why does Nina’s cleavage hypnotize you?”

Again, Jack’s words didn’t come easily, in part because he knew what he was saying, even though he didn’t know in a permanent of meaningful way. His consciousness was a paper-thin filter.

“She told me to, she said they would when she hypnotized me. Then she hypnotized me with her cleavage when I was already hypnotized.”

“Did Nina do anything with you physically when she hypnotized you? Did you do anything with Nina?” It was so comforting to a deep part of him to have such an understanding voice reaching out to him.

“Yes.” It felt so good to admit, it felt so good to say.

“That’s very good Jack, you’re so deeply hypnotized and feeling so wonderfully open, feeling even more open and unburdened, feeling so agreeable and accepting now as you listen to the sound of my voice. My suggestions are so comforting, so reassuring, the suggestions I want to give you are so pleasurable, they will feel impossibly easy to accept now, and you want me to give them to you.”

Jack felt his head nod slightly as he said,  “Yes.”

“That’s good Jack, I knew you would. I’m going to snap my fingers now and when I do you are going to wake from trance feeling wonderfully refreshed and relaxed. You’re going to remember what you want to remember and forget what feels good to forget. Now…”

She snapped her fingers, “…wake up Jack.”

 He did.

And as he did a kaleidoscope of memories cascaded through his mind and fell into darkness.

“Hey Jack, do you have a minute?”

Nina was standing in his doorway with two cups of coffee. Half her long black hair was piled up in a lazy knot and the rest of it was cascading down her shoulders. 

She was wearing a floral print dress, and as always, despite the hoop earrings and the bracelets, the most eye catching and distracting thing about her was her cleavage. The neckline of her dress was low enough that Jack couldn’t miss her breasts even if he tried. Normally she words an extra layer, a cardigan or a blazer, or blouse to help make chest a little less distracting, but not now.

Her skin looked warm and soft to the touch, and the air around her always felt heady, and not just because of the hint of her perfume. Her breasts were always accentuated, and they were overwhelming sometimes. Most of the time she wore something modest over something that would reveal her bust, but she wasn’t hiding anything now.

“Yeah, sure. It’s a ‘we should go home early’ day isn’t it?” This was a relief; Nina was always a pleasant distraction, especially when Carlie was busy with her own work and her own boredom on the other side of the floor. 

“We should go home early.” She put the two coffees down on his desk and pulled up a chair. Her brown eyes were light, almost golden, and when she wanted to her smile was radiant.

“I wanted to come by because I think I found something that would really help you, “ there was a certain musicality in her voice, it was like the slightest of accents, something that came from being multilingual at home, and professionally.

“Help me with what?” Jack had drunkenly told her and Carlie about his marriage more than once, and ever since, both of them had been a little sweeter to him, and had gone out of their way to spend more time with his wife. Steph, despite having a sort of knee-jerk antipathy to Nina, still enjoyed their company and it had helped him at home a little bit.

“You’re stressed out all the time aren’t you? And you’re always a little overwhelmed, and sometimes it gets harder for you to disengage and relax. I’ve been studying hypnosis, and hypnosis is a lot like meditation, and I think you should try meditation don’t you?”

“I don’t know, meditation seems a little, not for me?’ He laughed, Nina was always interested in something new.

“I used to think that hypnosis was a little out there too, but now that I find whenever I sink into trance, it comes over me like a wave and it’s so soothing, it’s so relaxing, I would say you should try hypnosis but if mediation seems too much, you wouldn’t want to be hypnotized would you? No?’

He laughed.

“But, “ she took off her sweater and her clear lacquered nails traced the neck line of her dress, and despite his best efforts, Jack’s eyes were led down to her breasts like they usually were. “If you were receptive to being hypnotized you may find it easy to lose yourself in trance,” she laughed, “just hypothetically speaking.”

“When I think of hypnosis, I think of how easily anyone can let themselves fall into trance because trance just naturally occurs over and over through the course of your day. There’s nothing special or magical about trance at all.” She was always lighthearted and even when she was serious there was a ease to her words, it made everything seem casual, and it made the way her fingernails were tracing up along the tops of her breasts now just as casual.

“I think about how when I hypnotize someone they can relax with me, and you know this, you’ve always told me how disarming I am, and I’ve discovered that hypnosis is simply pulling a person into your world, letting you become their center and focus, and helping them lose track of everything else they want to let go of, since, a person who wants to be hypnotized, even if I don’t say that I am going to hypnotize you, still wants to be hypnotized because a skilled hypnotist makes deep trance enticing, and we all like to be enticed.”

The motion of her fingernails back and forth was catching the light ever so slightly, and it was getting harder for him to keep track of what she was saying. He’d never felt like this before, never felt so compelled to stare at her breasts before.

 It was weird though, almost like being buzzed, and as she continued to speak he was wondering how anyone ever didn’t just stare at her chest.

“I enjoy hypnosis so very much, I enjoy calming people, helping them find a place where they can let go, where they can be led deeper into themselves, to become open and able to disengage the parts of their mind that say no, or can’t, to just feel open and wholly in the moment. Drawn into a warm and soothing place, a warm and comfortable place.”

Jack was feeling so loose, “I bet you’re good.”

Nina smiled and her eyes sparkled, then she slid a single nail down into her cleavage, “I’m still learning, but I feel naturally drawn to it, it seems to come easily to me, and it’s wonderful to think you think I would be a skilled hypnotist, you know I value your opinions very much.”

Her fingernail traced back up very slowly, and Jack’s eyes followed it as it started to sink back down. “When we were out last weekend, Steph said she wished you would relax more. Your wife is a lovely woman and she wants you to relax more, she wants you to let go, she cares about you and thinks you need to relax, don’t you think?”

The light played off her clear polish and he felt himself nodding along with her, following that fingertip as it rose up and then down in accord with her lyrical voice and comforting words.

“She wants you to let go, she asked me if I could help you, she wants you to let go and relax with me now, I wouldn’t lie to you.” And he knew she wouldn’t, and he felt himself beginning to lose more and more track of the world outside of the two of them.

“When you feel overwhelmed with so much,” her fingertip traced the tops of her breasts back and forth in the same causal and intimate way her voice passed through his ears. He was feeling warm, like an afternoon nap was inevitable, “it is so much better to simply let go.”

He was blinking, “Steph is such a lovely woman, she truly cares about you, she needs you to let go.”

Those breasts were like pillows of welcoming sleep, “Nina, I’m I think I’m…”

“Yes Jack, you are,” she cupped her breasts and pushed them together, and whatever was left inside of his mind, fell away in the softness of Nina’s cleavage.

Nina stood up and walked behind him, pressing her breasts into the back of his head and stroking his cheek.

“Jack, if I told you you were hypnotized right now you would accept this and sink even deeper. If I told you I have hypnotized you, you would fall deeper down into trance, realizing my hypnosis is irresistible for you, swallowing you and overwhelming you. You are hypnotized now, entranced by me, captivated by my breasts.”

“Whenever you see my deep cleavage, your subconscious mind becomes enthralled with falling deep for me, deep into trance, deep between my breasts. My breasts are hypnotic, my breasts entrance you, my breasts overwhelm and consume you Jack, and when I wake you, you will find yourself falling back into a very deep trance for me when you see my cleavage.”

She moved away, and let his head tilt forward, and when she was back in her seat she snapped her fingers, “Jack, Jack wake up.”

“I’m sorry, I just zoned out there for…”

As his eyes opened he looked a little sleepy, and Nina smiled, she knew that look. Her hands fell to her chest and she ran the tips of her nails across the exposed skin of her cleavage. His eyes started to blink, then closed without a word.

“Wake up Jack, some back, waaaaaake up now.” 

Again, he blinked and brought his world back into focus. Before he could say anything, Nina started to speak again, the lyrical sound of her voice was direct and as she spoke her fingernails returned to tracing the top of her cleavage. 

“It’s so very interesting how some people are simply overwhelmed by hypnosis. They are completely consumed by the trance experience and sink so easily. It is so wonderfully simple for them to be completely overwhelmed that when they enter trance, they become so suggestible they can do anything the hypnotist suggests.” 

As she spoke, Nina watched Jack’s eyes go from briefly bright and aware, to glassy and soft as he followed her nails tracing the softness of her breasts. She pressed them together again, after massaging them softly, and Jack’s eyes closed once more.

“Jack, in just a moment you are going to open your eyes and fall even deeper into trance for me. In just a moment you are going to open your eyes and stare at my breasts, completely hypnotized and transfixed by my chest. You will open your eyes, stare at my breasts and feel so helplessly suggestible for me that your mind will be overwhelmed with my words, just as your eyes are overwhelmed with my breasts.  Nod your head when you understand me.”

His head moved in a slow bob, rising slightly up before his chin dropped to his chest.

“Very good Jack, open your eyes and fall deeper into my cleavage, and deeper into my suggestible hypnotic control.”

Nina smiled as his eyes fluttered open and she saw how deeply entranced he was.

“That’s it, very good Jack,” she started to roll her breasts back and forth under her dress, squeezing them together and cupping them, “The longer you stare, the more suggestible you become, the more suggestible you become the longer you will stare at my breasts.”

She watched the already loose muscles in his face become more relaxed, and she saw his body slump down further into his chair. The only part of him that was alert and upright was between his legs, and when she saw that, she smiled.

“Stare and sink deeper down between my breasts, deeper down between my cleavage. You’ve always admired my chest, always loved a chance to stare just a little longer, you always have and I’ve always noticed you. Your wife has noticed too, and she told me. She’s told me so much about you, and you can relax every part of your mind now, you can relax every mental barrier and every worry because you’re not doing anything wrong now. You’re not in control, you’re just following suggestions, you are deeply hypnotized by my breasts and when I hypnotize you, you follow all of my suggestions. You’re under my control now.”

She reached behind her back and unzipped her dress as she spoke, and then pulled down its straps, showing her lacy pink bra, which stood out against her soft dark sink.

  “You can’t do anything wrong, because you’re not doing anything. I’m making every choice for you, I’m moving your body, I’m making everything happen now, and you want this. You want this because my breasts make you want to obey, my cleavage compels you to fall deeper down under my control.”

She started to pull at the tops of her bra cups, teasing him more, but not truly showing him anything else.

“You’re hypnotized into such a completely suggestible state that you’re becoming a slave to my breasts aren’t you, a slave to your hypnotist now. Nod when you understand.”

Again his head rose slightly then fell down in assent.

“Good boy Jack, that’s a very good slave. When you stare at my breasts, when you become hypnotized by my cleavage Jack fades away now and Slave Jack takes his place, you are Slave Jack and Slave Jack belongs to Mistress Nina doesn’t he? Nod when you understand.”

He blinked, and she saw a flutter of thought in his eyes before she started to tease down her bra straps, and as the promise of more filled his eyes, Jack’s head rose up, then down once more as she used the straps to jiggle and bounce her massive breasts.

“Good boy.” She pulled her bra straps up again, having recognized that she could use them again if he started to show any more resistance. “Slave Jack needs to be a good boy, and he needs his Mistress to say those words. Being a good boy makes him so docile and so obedient for his Mistress Nina, being a good boy makes Slave Jack stare at my breasts and fall even deeper down for me. Nod when you understand.”

He did.

“I’m your Mistress now aren’t I? Say yes mistress and fall deeper.” 

His eyes followed her fingertips as she continued to tease the lacy tops of her bra cups in languid and passive acceptance, the words “Yes mistress” came out in something akin to a whisper.

“It feels so good to say yes mistress, it almost feels as good as hearing me say good boy doesn’t it? Say yes mistress.” 

 He did, and his placid face smiled.

“Am I your mistress? Say yes mistress.” Nina started to tease her straps again, and was giving herself goose-bumps as she teased the soft skin of her breasts.

Slave Jack did as he was told.

“I am your Mistress, and a Mistress isn’t just an owner, but she is also the other woman. Jack has a wife and Slave Jack is wearing a wedding ring. Slave jack is finding his hands moving now, taking off his ring wedding ring as he stares at his Mistress, his other woman who arouses him so much, who he will always think of whenever he is aroused.”

Nina had assumed there would be some resistance to this, and had planned on twisting his mind with her language, the same way she had used his wife earlier in the process, but Jack had crossed a line of submission and simply did what he was told.

“You know I know Jack’s wife, and Slave Jack’s Mistress, me, your Mistress, has heard all about how good Jack is as eating pussy. Slave Jack, you my slave, need to give your Mistress, the other woman, me, what she wants because I own you and when you have a Mistress, you have a Mistress and I am your Mistress Nina, you need to please your Mistress. Nod when you understand.”

He did.

“You have a Mistress because your wife is taking care of your needs, and she can’t because you need to serve me, you need to please me. She is not me, is she? Say yes mistress.”

He did.

“Good boy, now why don’t you lie down below me where I belong, and worship my pussy, like you would your wife. Why don’t you lick it like it was your wife’s pussy and understand you can only get what you need by pleasing me. Say yes mistress and obey.”

 He did.

When Jack opened his eyes he felt refreshed and relaxed and like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Carlie was sitting across from him and as he came to, he found himself looking deep into her eyes.

“Look into my eyes and tell me what you remember.” Carlie’s voice was sympathetic and instructive, and it felt good to tell her.

The story came out of him, and it didn’t feel like he was the one telling it. As he spoke, describing the way Nina’s breasts had captivated him, as he described being made into a slave and how she had become his mistress, it felt like someone else’s story. When he told Carlie about Nina making him eat her out like she was his wife, it made him feel cold, but it passed as the words left him.

“Jack, you’re doing so well and you’ve just done a very good job following my suggestions and giving me so much trust.” She looked down at her phone as it silently vibrated, and smiled at the message. Steph was running very late.

“I’m going to snap my fingers again and you’re going to wake up even more now, you’re going to leave trance behind and you’re going to come right up now, all the way up, back up now.” She snapped and Jack shook his head again.

Carlie’s mind was racing and she understood what she had in front of her. Steph had talked, a lot, about jack’s bedroom prowess when they’d all been drinking too much wine a few weekends ago. 

Steph had done it to be territorial, and to brag, and Carlie knew that conversation was what had inspired Nina. It had also inspired Carlie too. 

She’d lied earlier when she Nina told her everything, it was a move to help Jack’s subconscious, to make him believe he wasn’t sharing anything new or secret, and it had helped.

As Jack came out of trance, Carlie kept eye contact with him.

“Welcome back.” She smiled and saw the dreamy confusion on his face.

“Wasn’t I just, did you re-hypnotize me?”

“Sort of,” she smiled, “I gave you a suggestion and when you followed it, it was more comfortable for your conscious mind to slip away. You told me some details about Nina hypnotizing you.”

“And?” He clearly had no conscious memory of anything.

“Would you think that if you didn’t think you wanted to be hypnotized, and someone hypnotized you without telling you they would be as good of a hypnotist as someone that told you they were going to hypnotize you, warned you that they were going to hypnotize you so you knew it was coming, and still hypnotized you anyway?”

“I uh, well, I guess not. Because if you didn’t know what was happening I guess you just wouldn’t know, but if you were told, then you could at least try and resist right?”

Carlie smiled as he logically followed what she was suggesting to him.

“Nina hypnotized you without telling you, and I hypnotized you and told you I would, and for both of us, in both instances,  you didn’t really think you wanted to be hypnotized right?”

‘That’s right, I guess. I mean… I guess.”

“If I told you to look into my eyes, look into my eyes and watch the color begin to fade, that’s it, look deeper, you’d know I was starting to hypnotize you once more wouldn’t you Jack.”

He was starting to fade again, very slowly, then he tried to pull himself out a little when he answered, “Uh yes, I, would.”

She kept her eyes locked on his, “If you wanted to resist being hypnotized again, you would look away, but you’re staring deeper and deeper now and you can see the pretty colors shifting in my eyes, guiding you down into the sound of my voice now can’t you.”

“Carlie? Why are…” He tried to keep talking but she cut him off.

“Because if Nina could trick you, and I could directly tell you, then I must be a more powerful hypnotist and it must be impossible for you to resist when when you know it’s coming. Now, just look into my eyes.” She was smiling and her tone was both patient and drifting into sweet and seductive.

She watched as her words flipped a logic based switch in his mind, “Carlie, I don’t…”

“Yes, you don’t want to resist after all, you don’t want to look away.” As she spoke, she had started to unbutton her cardigan, but she had captured his gaze so fully that he didn’t notice.

“Nina’s breasts are overwhelming aren’t they? They’re so big and so full they smother you don’t they?” She nodded as she asked him these questions.

He blinked, and she saw him try to stop the slide deeper, “They are. Why are you…”

“If something is obvious and overwhelming, it’s easier to notice isn’t it? Just like Nina’s breasts are so obviously overwhelming. But my breasts are very nice, they’re big, juts not as big, and they’re full, so full that when you see them you can’t help but focus on them. They’re the kind of tits that you can’t look away from once you start to focus on them.”

She pulled her cardigan off, showing her own impressive cleavage. She was wearing a tight fitting cream-colored tank top.

“Carlie, this isn’t…”

“It isn’t hard to do, I know, it isn’t something you can resist, I know, look into my eyes until you can’t stop yourself from noticing my cleavage, I know you will.” She arched her back slightly as she tipped her glasses down and looked over the rims to stare hard into his eyes.

“As the pretty colors of my eyes continue to blend you know you will sink into trance, and melt into a wonderfully open and suggestible state won’t you Jack? Don’t tell me, just show me.”

His eyes started to become foggy with a fading sense of conscious awareness, then drifted down to her cleavage, following Carlie’s suggestions and finding the logic of what she said about noticing them and becoming fascinated and focused on them.

“If you cheat on your wife with a woman, you’re seeing another woman aren’t you? And if you have another woman, you have a mistress don’t you Jack. That just makes sense doesn’t it? Say yes when you agree.”

She leaned in a little closer to give him a better view. Nina was a Double D girl, and Carlie had full 34 C’s that she had always been proud of, but always mindful of not flaunting too much. 

“Carlie I…” He was drifting on the edge, she saw that, and she was impressed with how hard he was fighting to hold on.

“I know you agree, it just makes sense, and I know you want to say yes.” She whispered these words to him and reached out to caress his cheek. “Don’t fight it, just say yes.”

He did.

“And if Nina hypnotized you, and now I’m hypnotizing you, wouldn’t that make me your Hypnotic Mistress. Your other entrancing woman?”

She continued stroking his cheek, watching his eyes soften once again as he said yes.

“Now, what do you say when your Mistress asks you a question?” She was stiff speaking with a softness in her voice he had never heard before, and she was using her gentle touch to guide his eyes down into her cleavage.

“Yes Mistress.”

“That’s right,” she stood up and put her hands on his shoulders, “and a Mistress, me because I am your mistress is also in control isn’t she? I am also in control now aren’t I?”

“Yes Mistress.”

She pushed down on his shoulders, moving him out of his chair and down onto his knees.

“Good boy.” She knelt down slightly to fill his vision with her cleavage again, “And since I’m your mistress, your other woman, you must also need me to take care of your needs don’t you? You need my hypnosis because I’m a better hypnotist than Nina aren’t I?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“That’s right, and all of my suggestions are more effective and more pleasurable aren’t they? That just makes sense doesn’t it?”

“Yes Mistress.”

He was gone, his eyes were open but everything behind them had gone blank, like he was asleep on his feet. 

Carlie couldn’t believe how effective her plan was, she hadn’t imagined it would work so well or be so easy.

“Good boy. Now I have a suggestion about what you’ve always wanted. I think you’ve always wanted to make me happy, I know you have. I think everything you’ve ever done with another woman, even your wife, has always just bee practice for me hasn’t it?”

He was silent, then he shuddered and let out a long sigh, “Yes Mistress.”

She pulled down her pants and her panties, then sat back down on the edge of her chair, “Show me now.”

When he started to say “Yes Mistress” she pulled his head between her legs.

Steph had bragged about how much her husband loved to eat pussy, and Carlie was dying to find out first hand, but she’d always liked a good fuck more, and Steph had also bragged about his cock. 

She wasn’t just going to fuck him, she was going to fuck his wife, and Nina right out of his mind over and over until she’d broken him in properly. 

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