Word by Word

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #titnosis

During a merger with a foreign company, Liam finds himself enthralled by the other company’s representative and her translator.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

Word by Word 

 “Mr. Thompson, thank you for meeting us this afternoon. My name is Miriam Lao, I am Ms. Hong's translator, and I assure you she is very pleased to make your acquaintance, as am I.”  The woman speaking was slightly taller than her employer and dressed in a sharp, contoured black pantsuit that framed her slender figure. Her hair was up in a small tight bun atop her head, and was the same black as both her suit and the frames of her glasses. She was undeniably beautiful in any setting, and she spoke flawless English with a smooth British accent. 

 Her employer, Lin Hong, was not tall but she seemed taller than she was, and despite her higher station seemed less rigid in her appearance and in her manner. The ease of her confidence added to the illusion of her height. 

 Though it was perhaps a symbol of status and influence, maybe even a power play, Ms. Hong’s appearance was also remarkably distracting. Lin was wearing a long sleeved, plunging scoop necked pale purple dress that showed off what were surprisingly large breasts, not simply for an East Asian woman, but for anyone. And though she wore a black blazer herself, it was unbuttoned and did more to frame the sight of her cleavage than it did present any professional demeanor. 

 The jade disc that hung down above her breasts on a thin golden chain was the same shade as her eyes and did nothing to discourage the eye from finding reasons to look at its wearer’s chest.  In addition to being buxom, Ms. Hong was also strikingly beautiful, with vibrant green eyes, thick brown hair that fell just past her shoulders, and was touched by subtle highlights. She had full lips, and a round face that was both soft and strong. 

 Ms. Hong was considerably curvier than her translator, and while Miriam, who would do all the talking in the meeting was certainly charismatic, Lin’s presence filled up the small, private conference room.  “Thank you both for coming. I am honored to make your acquaintance as well, and look forward to our conversation and the future good fortune is may provide us.” 

Liam Thompson, who had been warned that this business woman from Hong Kong was both dangerous and an opportunist, saw in those first moments why so many of his peers would thing that. But his first rule in business was like his first rule in any fight, respect the shit out of the other guy, and teach him to respect you with your conduct. 

Both women sat across from him at the table after removing their blazers. Miriam, the translator, wore a short sleeved blouse, and while the curve of her chest was nowhere near that of her employer, Liam couldn’t help but notice the blazer had concealed a bit of a pleasant surprise. 

Ms. Hong started to speak in a lovely melodic tone, her words were more like music than the pointed and decisive tone of anyone’s usual conversation. And as she spoke she made deliberate eye contact with Liam. Miriam’s translation began, “We are happy to be here discussing our merger, and it is important for us to come together in a singular vision for our shared endeavors.” 

As Ms. Hong’s melodious voice continued she started to gesticulate, drawing circles in the air as she did. Miriam’s words felt almost like an echo, and as she continued speaking, Liam found himself captivated by the voluptuous woman sitting across from him and her irrepressible charisma.

“We believe,” Miriam had positioned herself at the end of the table, adjusting herself so she was now sitting between the two of them to Liam’s right and to her employer’s left, “in the principle of soft harmonious circles, and of the idea of two hands working as one. One hand may move in one circle, the other may move in the other, a circle within a circle, and as long as both hands serve the same vision, they may conquer many separate challenges, and still remain part of the whole, ultimately moving together in one harmony.” 

Lin smiled and said a few short words as she wove her hand in a circle once more, holding his gaze with her movement, “Do you understand this Mr. Thompson?” 

He nodded, “I do.” 

He did too. 

The idea was simply that everything they did moved outwards with the goal of coming back to the company, and if after their merger his Hong Kong counterpart sitting across the table from him now would do something, it was to be assumed that like him, it was for the greater good; it was just as they would assume about his choices and actions. 

“Wonderful,” Miriam’s soft deliberate British inflected echo followed Ms. Hong’s smiling statement. Once again, she started to move her hand in a circle as she spoke directly to him while her translator followed. “It is important to us for you to understand harmony as well,” Ms. Hong’s voice was like the music of a song and her translator’s words were like the lyrics, “that for a circle to flow smoothly its motion must find and go with the energies at work.” 

Ms. Hong’s had switched its motion and started the other way, “To be harmonious, these small circles must flow with what comes naturally and easily, that solutions come from moving with the circle, becoming aware of it, studying it wholly.” 

Liam found himself watching the movement of that hand as it circled around in front of his face, and every time the circle dipped he couldn’t help but notice the depth and shape of his future business partner’s cleavage. 

“Even when there are two circles at work,” as Miriam spoke her employer’s other hand rose up, lower than the first, and started making smaller circles in the opposite direct, motions that were directly in front of her prominent breasts, “seemingly traveling in different paths, they are still harmonious, still bound by accepting the energy of the moment and flowing.” 

Lin Hong’s hands continued to move, her voice had become softer, and Miriam had inched ever so slightly closer to Liam as he kept his focus on the buxom woman across from him and the steady motion of her hands. 

“It is a freeing experience, to abandon what feels natural, to collide, to resist, and when you accept the path ahead of you, feeling the flow of things, acting on them, it becomes easier to think in harmony, to act in harmony, and to live in harmonious peace. We hope you feel this already, that this is relaxing your nerves, that you can abandon your tensions and apprehensions, knowing we are moving in the same soft, harmonious circles together.” 

Liam felt a sense of heaviness descending on his body as he sat in the conference room with the two women. “Though it may appear that there are two circles, two paths, two directions, when all is in true harmony there is only one, moving round and round always.” 

One of Ms. Hong’s hands came to rest flat on the table, but her other hand continued to move in circles

in front of her breasts, and every time her motion reached its apex and started to descend, Liam felt like the simple passage of her hand moving down was also pulling on him somehow, pulling him down. “It is always wise to listen, to accept, and to consider. There is time for choice later, when all things can be made clear and understood, and when one, like you, who listens and is open to wisdom, who does not resist the words of others, when one such as yourself becomes one as a part of the circle, freely understanding the need to move within the flow of events, within the soft energy of what occurs, as now, things will simply happen.” 

Ms. Hong’s hand started moving in the opposite direction and instead of a pure circular motion with a straight wrist, her fingers began to dance inward as she circled her wrist more than moved her arm. Liam didn’t realize his head had started to move with those motions though, he only took her smile and the reassuring tone of Miriam’s voice as a positives in and for the direction of the meeting. 

He also took it as a good sign that his eyes constantly finding the considerable swell of her breasts had not drawn their attention, and even his gaze lingering there, ostensibly following her hand, but truly just staring into her cleavage especially when words like, soft, and round were said almost directly into his ear by the prim and beautiful translator who had moved even closer 

“There is a wisdom to finding harmony, there is peace in acceptance, and when the mind is easy and relaxed,” Miriam’s voice had become so constant and steady that it became soothing to him as she spoke, “the body becomes easier, more comfortable and relaxed, as though worries were asleep, as though all cares were washed away, powerless to resist the soft harmonious circles of harmony as the warmth and comfort of all things moving around and around, predictable, certain, strong and compelling now, shows you the way to find yourself within them.” 

Liam felt his eyelids starting to droop as his shoulders dropped. 

Miriam’s words and her tone had started to sap the tension from his body, draining away the nervous energy of the moment and the meeting, all while his eyes had become transfixed on the hypnotic movements of the buxom woman’s hand and its constant direction of his eyes back to her breasts, then away just long enough to reaffirm their pull as that easy, enthralling motion continued. 

“Mr. Thompson, you understand us and what this means, yes?” The translator was behind him now, speaking into his ear as he stared forward, following the hand, being led into the cleavage, then away, then back down again, always feeling himself staring longer, sinking deeper in between Lin Hong’s breasts, feeling the sense that it was the harmonious and natural thing to do, feeling it even more so than the desire to close his heavy eyes, 

Ms. Hong’s hand moved up to her neck, touching the chain of her necklace as she smiled with a warmth and enthusiasm that filled her own voice, speaking words he did not understand the meaning of but with a positive tone and inflection he could feel. 

“Lin wants you to know her necklace is a symbol of harmony,” he watched as Ms. Hong brushed her hair to the side so she could unclasp the chain and removed her necklace. 

She held the end of the chain up just high enough so that the jade disk, with a hole in its center, was framed by her luscious full breasts. 

“There are two primary forces you must be mindful of and follow to be harmonious. There is the masculine and the feminine, and as you see here, there are two circles, the inner circle, hollow, empty, but full

of everything all at once, and the outer circle, the jade itself.” 

“All things change,” Lin started to twist the top of the chain, causing the jade disc to spin, “energies ebb and flow”, the necklace started to swing back and forth in front of her breasts, “yes the masculine and the feminine always remain, and only when they are in harmony can the circle take shape and be complete.” 

Liam’s eyes followed the necklace’s swing as Miriam’s voice was closer to his ear, her body closer to his, her lips almost whispering into his ear now, “Follow the energies of the moment, the masculine gives way to the feminine, the wakeful mind gives way to the sleeping soul.” 

He felt his eyelids fluttering, blinking, heavy. 

“Complete the circles, accept the energy, be in harmony, eyes that are open become closed, a mind that is busy becomes silent, the wakeful will that presses against the softness of sleep, succumbs always, and the harmonious path is of surrender.” 

Miriam was so close to him now, and his eyes were closing on their own, catching momentary glimpses of the jade ring as it came to a stop, sinking down like his eyelids, dropping into Ms. Hong’s cleavage as his eyes closed. 

“Sleep Mr. Thompson, sleep in the harmonious circles of submission.” The translator’s breath was hot on his neck as his eyes flicked open briefly to stare into the cleavage framed center of the jade ring once more before finally closing again and remained shut. 

“A mind that is strong must become weak,” the voice speaking to him now was not the translator’s, “A mind that leads must also follow.” 

The voice also spoke with a British accent, but was richer, and more melodic, less formal and more inviting. “I am pleased with you Liam, your hospitality and desire for harmony deserve appreciation.” He wanted to look up, to open his eyes and see what he knew had to be the case, that the woman who had sat across from him had never needed a translator at all, but there was a sense of impropriety that came with those desires. It felt wrong, out of step, and he realized that all of Miriam’s talk about harmony and energy had sunk into him. 

He felt an immense weight in his mind and his body, and the flickering light of consciousness that was slowly fading told him in no uncertain terms that he’d been hypnotized. The swinging necklace, the soft soothing words, the talk about sleep, he struggled, and as he did, Miriam began to speak, “No Mr. Thompson, to push against the river is to lose yourself in the current, disharmony is…” 

Her proper, and delicate voice, still whispering in his ear was interrupted, “No, let him discover the joy of harmony and the weight of discord on his own now. Open your eyes, follow your thoughts, you are so compelled, be in harmony with your own fraught desires.” 

The voice of Lin Hong was still sweet and music, but was almost mocking him with its patience, speaking to him Liam assumed, as she would a child, but her encouragement still pushed him up from the depths of near consciousness back into whole awareness, “You’re hypnotizing me, you’re trying to…” Lin’s hand moved in a circle and as it did, he lost his train of thought. 

His eyes were following her fingertips as they came to rest on the jade disc between her breasts. She smiled, patient as a schoolteacher, with the same smirk as before, “Mr. Thompson, as Miriam will attest, one who speaks becomes one who listens.”

He heard a sigh, what sounded like an orgasmic gasp of relief right in his ear, before he felt the weight of the prim and proper translator collapsing down on his back and his shoulder, pinning him in an awkward position. 

“Please do not move, you would not wish for Miriam to fall, not when she was so kind to you, not when she said such meaningful things to teach you.” Lin stood. “All while I recited children’s’ songs and lullabies. You see, the tone and the cadence work better than merely feeding her lines. And as you see, and feel, Miriam is well versed in our undertakings.” 

Lin reached behind her behind her back to unzip her dress as Liam, unable to move due to the presence of the woman slumped on him, was forced to stare. 

“You’ve done this before.” 

It wasn’t a question, and he was going to say more, but Lin’s hand moved in a circle again, once more silencing him, once more subduing him. 

“One who speaks becomes one who listens, as Miriam is showing you. She is well trained, my prized pupil, and one of many. Her will is stronger than yours, but she is harmonious in her spirit. Her mind is sharper than yours, but her thoughts are in harmony with her spirit, and so, she is fluid, liquid for me to pour into the ear of one such as you, or a river unto herself, to flow over those she wishes, yet always a quiet pool of calm to reflect on my words, to be the second circle in my own desires to share this harmony that you would call hypnotism.” 

With that, Lin Hong’s dress fell to the ground, and her black bra fell too, revealing breasts that were larger than their considerable shape and cleavage had indicated. “You are within the circles, the cycles of energy flowing, and a man who is flaccid and becomes aroused, must address his desires of fall out of harmony.” 

Both of her hands began to move in circles around her breasts, her pointer fingers tracing their shape before moving inward to spiral around her nipples, then back to their fullness in and endless cycle. “My breasts, you see, are like my necklace, or like my eyes, if you would prefer to be hypnotized once more my looking deep into my eyes, though your own eyes betrayed you easily enough and told me as is the way with your kind that my breasts would be your desire. See them, the larger circle, the smaller circle, following the energy my will, finding the irresistible pull of harmony as a man who is flaccid becomes erect.” Dazed, unable to connect his brain to his mouth, to speak his descent, or to readjust his body to regain any physical leverage, he stared as Ms. Hong’s captivating breasts and fell again into the path of surrender, feeling the weight of Miriam’s body pressing on him, making him weaker. 

His eyes were blinking, desperate to stay open as his cock followed her commands, growing erect at the sight of her breasts, unable to resist the pull of sleepless sleep, of deep and heavy trance once again tantalizing him, imposed on him by this buxom woman who had played him for a gullible fool. 

“Miriam, one who listens must also obey, and one who obeys must also serve. It is time for you to serve once more.” The translator’s body rose of its own accord, freeing Liam of its weight. He could not see her standing there, eyes glassy, lips parted in a content smile. 

“Your wonderful voice has taught Mr. Thompson so much, now your lips must teach his cock harmony as well. It is important he gives of his masculine energy to you, so he may receive my feminine energy to know balance and harmony.”

Lin had started to rub and roll her massive breasts around in her hands, no longer spiraling her fingertips. Like ocean waves, the flesh washed over Liam’s disarmed mind, and as Miriam knelt down next to him to unzip his pants, he let out his own sigh when her hot breath blew across his skin before her soft lips wrapped around his cock as her head started to bob up and down. 

“Give my servant your masculine power, she is worthy of your strength, and you are honored to give it to her. Give your decisiveness, your insight, your brilliance to her as she gives you pleasure, it is a sharing of gifts, for one who is strong becomes weak, and one commands will become one who serves.” 

His consciousness had fallen into a purgatory of trance, not so deep that he was experiencing hypnotic amnesia, yet not so light that he could re-exert his own will over his body or what this meeting had become. Instead, all he could do was fight the urge to close his eyes and fall away into Lin’s breasts once more. 

“When the river flows, all in its path is washed away, this is the cycle of all things, when the mind is tired it must rest, when the flaccid man is aroused, he must release to grow flaccid again. When one who commands grows heavy with the weight of his power, he becomes one who serves, and when a pleasure begins it must reach its climax before it ends.” 

She walked around the table and stood on the opposite side of him from Miriam, whose lips were teasing him to the end of his cycle. “When a man who is strong and wise grows weary of his strength, he finds harmony in surrender.” 

She leant over him and smothered his face with her breasts before cupping the back of his neck, “When a man is overburdened by the weight of all this,” she slid a nipple into his mouth, “he becomes boyish and simple in his repose. This is harmony. Give Miriam your masculine power, become boyish and innocent, follow the path of surrender to true harmony now” 

As he sucked on her nipple, acting on a base instinct and impulse that would have shamed him, all while she continued to repeat what she had said, Miriam’s sucking kiss of his cock did its work. It was sudden as all orgasm are, and explosive, and were he to have been aware of himself , he would have felt the tip of his cock against the back of Miriam’s throat, but all he felt was a profound relief as he came and came in thick and vigorous spurts that she swallowed up. 

“The masculine is strong and assertive, and now to you Miriam will be as I am to her and to you. The masculine is to be respected, and honored, and so Miriam shall be by you, and always obeyed in deference, for she has your essence, binding you to her, inspiring you to treat her as you will have others treat you. She is superior, for one who leads must also serve, and as she has served me she will lead you, and as you lead your people, you will serve her as she serves me.” 

Lin remover her tit from his mouth, and as she did, Liam’s eyes were half shut as he looked down at the translator’s smiling face. Miriam stood, and with Lin’s help, they brought the near catatonic man to his feet before lying him down on the floor of the conference room. 

He stared upward, seeing nothing, until black panties fell on his chest, “Now, your energy is misaligned and unbalanced, you are lacking and you must receive my feminine energies to guide you into your new place.” Lin’s hairless slit settled down over his mouth, “Drink of my power, taste of my influence, be led by me, and for my teachings, for my energy in exchange you will please me as Miriam so pleased you, do as she did servant, act with harmonious obedience.” 

Her hips pressed down, her ass settled over his nose, and Liam’s mouth did as it was told, desperate to

please his new Mistress. “Receiving the softness, the humble compassion and obedience of the feminine will teach you to serve Miriam, to embrace her power and her needs, to be obliging, to be submissive in her desires. Take from me the last of my submissive energies as a gift for the pleasure you give, and embrace your delicate fragility. Discover pleasure now in pure harmony.” 

Miriam’s hand had been toying with his sticky limp cock from the moment Lin’s panties fell, and as the buxom woman fucked his face, speaking to his vulnerable mind, first the translator’s delicate lips started to kiss, followed by her tongue and fingers stroking him to thickness again. 

“There are two circles, Liam, as you oblige Ms. Hong, you will so oblige me.” The tightness of Miriam’s pussy was like a slick velvet glove swallowing his cock, and had he not already cum, the pleasure would have caused him to leak and spurt with no dignity or control. 

Up and down Miriam bounced, still fully clothed, still with an air of proper decorum, while her Mistress, naked and raw, fucked her newest conquest’s face, all while having her dedicated slave suck and lick on her tits. The taste of cum, and the sound of their voices, overwhelmed him as surely as Miriam’s pussy, and there, still in the beguiled realm of deep trance, it sounded as though Ms. Hong had started to speak Chines again. 

As his balls tightened again, he realized she was singing a cooing, lulling song, and as he came, his last reserves of will and determination erupted into Miriam with the purpose of total surrender. After all, it was Miriam’s words that had compromised him, Lin was just the focus, just the distraction, though she was certainly the true power. 

He throbbed and ached as more cum pumped, his orgasm longer than the one before, more powerful than any in his adult life, and his mind was gone, lost in unconscious trance as the prim and proper translator’s slit drained him. 

The merger was complete, and while Liam Thompson would be the public face of the American side, every night he would bow his head and drink from Ms. Lao’s feminine energy, while one of several secretaries and office mangers that Miriam was training would learn to serve properly by draining him of his power.

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