The Way I See It

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #sub:male #titnosis

Tyler falls under the sway of a sexy, buxom stranger at a soiree.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

The Way I See It

“The way I see it,“ the straps of Valarie’s black dress fell from her shoulders, “you only have two choices.”

Her bra, with its necessarily wide straps and its elegant angles and curves matched her dress both in color, and in the way it fell from her body.

“You can stare at my left breast, or my right one.” She cupped them in her hands, supporting them and squeezing them as she spoke.

Tyler Price didn’t really know what to make of his situation. The woman, older than him, graceful with her wit and her poise, had kept his attention all night. 

The way she moved, the way she spoke, everything about her was charm. It was, he also knew, fake charm.  It was as fake as her curled platinum locks and the very large breasts he was staring at rather too intently for his own taste. Something, he’d hate to admit to himself, he’d been doing all night.

“So honey, what’s it going to be?” She pinched her nipples between bright red fingernails and let out a little exaggerated “ooh” as she did.

“Left, ” she bounced her left breast, “or right,” she bounced her right, then squeezed them in her hands. 

Functions like this always had charlatans, smooth talkers, and other social parasites, and despite his youth, the man knew he’d stumbled across a true professional. What was worse though was that she’d corralled him so quickly and easily into this empty room that he still wasn’t sure how it had happened.

It was mind boggling to a man whose raw intelligence and business acumen had put him near the top of every Hot 30 Under 30 list for the year, that he could be so beguiled and so quickly maneuvered into another person’s schemes.

“I don’t know what you think you’re about, but I’m leaving.” He was going to too, that was certainly what Tyler had in mind. But somehow she was between him and the door now, and it became clear she had lured him into this position as well.

How though? How had this woman with her porn star curves, her seductive simplicity, and her transparent confidence moved him like a game piece, away from his friends, away from his peers, and away from prying eyes.

“Tyler honey, that’s not one of your options is it baby? No it it’s not is it?” She’d slipped into a teasing sort of baby talk maybe half an hour ago, and it seemed like it had come after two too many drinks, but he hadn’t cared so much then. Then, enjoying his Scotch as much as the curve of her cleavage, smelling her game and celebrating the pageantry of her act, he’d actually enjoyed it.

Now though, now it was confusing, disorienting almost, and it still turned him on, but it was turning something else off as it did. “Left or right Tyler, those are your only choices.”

Again, she cupped and jiggled her breasts, but this time it was the opposite, like she was orienting the show to his left and right now, and not hers.

“You only have two choices, pay attention, left,” it was her left again, “or right” and this time it was his right, meaning she’d been referring to the same breast, squeezing and jiggling her left breast twice. 

But as his mind registered that little hiccup, she was already continuing on, “Right?” It was her right, “Or left,” and it was left and she didn’t stop, “left or right, you only have two choices, right or left, which one is it?”

She’d kept her coy almost cloying baby-talk, but it had become breathier now, closer to husky and seductive, and as her large fake breasts danced up and down in front of his eyes, Tyler was having a hard time keeping things on track.

“Valarie, I’m sorry but…” he’d raised his hand for her to stop and had taken a step forward, but the back and forth bouncing continued.

“But you’ve picked your right, that’s why your right hand’s up, or did you mean my left? Since you have to pick one, just one, it’s simple and you’re so smart, I know you understand don’t you?” She’d taken to massaging them, her fingers pulling up, squid-like, the way he wished he could be fondling them.

“It’s not that I don’t find you attractive…”

She didn’t let him get to the ‘but’ this time, “But it’s too hard for you isn’t it?” Her eyes flashed down between his legs, and he couldn’t deny that nature was taking its course. 

“It’s too hard for you to pick just one, but you have to, because there are only two choices aren’t there? I have a left boob or your right, and a right boob that’s left,“ she left out another soft ‘ooh’ as he squinted for just a second trying to follow the train of her words, “your left.”

“Besides, we both know you like them, we both know you couldn’t stop staring at them all night could you? Stop to think about it? Stop. Stop and think about what you were doing all night, looking at these,“ she pressed her breasts up and together the way her bra had been doing, “that’s why, the way I see it, there really are only two choices, and you see those too. Left, or right?”

He had gone back to the moment she’d introduced herself, and he did agree as much as he really didn’t want to, that her chest had a magnetizing effect on his eyes. It made sense too, him being single and wholly unattached and her being alone with him here, his eyes still drawn to her breasts as they continued to move up and down, left then right, right then left. It made sense to enjoy the show because he knew what this was, it was okay, he knew her game.

“See, it’s easy, watch them, look at them, there’s the left, and there’s the right, and you have to pick one, left or right, right or left, you’re getting it, you know there’s only two choices, left or right, back and forth, that’s right, just watching my breasts to make your choice, nothing left to think about, isn’t that right, just what’s left, isn’t that right?”

Valarie’s breasts moved with up and down in her hands, jiggling and bouncing, bouncing and jiggling, and as he watched their softness, watched the way their round smooth shape shifted in inviting rolls under her fingertips, the sound of her voice started meld into sounds more than meaning. 

With every left and right Tyler had naturally associated the words with her hands, but as she spoke, as those breasts continued to bounce, sometimes bouncing for the same word, sometimes with the opposite of the one he expected jiggling, the continuity of her words and motions melted away, and as it did, so did his awareness of what she was saying.

It felt like he was on the verge of falling asleep, those breasts were jiggling and bouncing so softly, it was like she was hypnotizing him. He blinked, he wasn’t being hypnotized though, he was too smart for that.

“You look like maybe you’re still struggling with two choices, isn’t that right? There’s only one of two, one or two, and you don’t really need to choice because it doesn’t really matter if you pick one or two, because one will be left from the two isn’t that right?” 

Her voice, dusky soft, sensual and soothing, was so easy to listen to, and the more he listened to what sounded less and less like words, and more and more like a musical nonsense flowing from her lips, saying things that weren’t true, about one being two and left being right, the softer and more inviting her breasts became.

It felt easy to stare at them, to listen to the sound of her voice, to listen and to enjoy what he was seeing, to enjoy what was happening between his legs and between his ears. As her breasts continued to sway back and forth under her touch, Tyler felt his eyelids getting heavy and his body starting to slump forward.

“That’s right, nothing left, one is two, and if there are two choices, then the way I see it, there is only one, isn’t that right, nothing is left, one is two, and if I know the answer, why don’t you let me tell you, since it looks like you’ve left it ‘two’ me, one choice is left to me right, isn’t it right that there’s only one thing left you want me to tell you, just one thing that happens to be two, too?”

On the last two, she cupped her tits and waited for his eyes to stop moving back and forth from what had become them following her nipples. 

He knew she was asking him something, and he didn’t know what, but it felt like the only answer was yes, so that’s what he said.


“That’s right, and what’s my name?” she walked closer to him tracing circles around her nipples then around the full shape of her breasts.


“That’s right, that’s the one answer made of two things, Yes Valarie is your answer, and an answer is a choice, a choice is an answer, one answer, one choice, Yes Valarie, say it Tyler, answer my question with the only right choice that’s left, Yes Valarie And you love my breasts don’t you Tyler?”

She was pinching her nipples now, her eyes glancing down to the bulge in his pants. “Yes Valarie”

“Ooooh, “ she gasped as she pincher her nipples again between those red nails, “and your cock wants me doesn’t it Tyler?”

She put one hand to the base of his neck, helping to angle his eyes down, and put her other hand between his legs.

“Yes Valarie.” 

He answered, unaware that he had indeed been hypnotized, not truly knowing what hypnosis really was. This also meant he didn’t understand that the very nature of agreement was sending him deeper into trance, that positive associations and responses conscious or not, fueled the mind’s acceptance of trance and maintained a state of profound suggestibility.

Valarie started to rub her palm against his bulge, “If I told you the only thing you could see was my breasts, you’d keep staring at them because you love them don’t you Tyler?”

She pulled her shoulders back, pressed her chest forward, and arched her back as he said “Yes Valarie.”

When he did, her hands moved between his legs, undoing his belt, and pulling his pants down to his knees.

Her fingers danced across his boxers, tugging until his cock popped through the flap, then, she started to tease its length with a fingernail.

With every touch, and every question he was moving further way from that sense of willing play, the idea of ‘what was so wrong with fucking Valarie’ and deeper into a state of oblivious surrender and acceptance, deeper into ‘my word begins and ends with Valarie’s breasts’. 

Every delicate trace of her fingernail up and down his cock was making Tyler quiver, and when she traced back to the head of his cock and teased it once or twice, her hand wrapped around it and slowly started to stroke down, “It feels good to go down into my breasts doesn’t it Tyler?”

“Yes Valarie.”

She squeezed the base of his shaft and started to slowly stroke up, twisting every so slightly as she did, “it feels good for your cock to get up for my tits doesn’t it Tyler?” 

“Yes Valarie.”

With her free hand she started to pinch her nipple, “Watch my nipple, watch my breasts, look at my hand, watch me play with myself, playing with you, playing me, it feels good when your eyes go down to my breasts as your cock gets up for them doesn’t it Tyler?”

“Yes Valarie.”

She was ending her questions the same way every time on purpose, and using his name every time on purpose as well, but he couldn’t notice these things, and even if he did, he could never predict why.

Her hand started to stroke him faster, “Going down and getting up for my breasts feels so good doesn’t it Tyler?”

“Yes Valarie.”

 “It’s almost like up is down and down is up since left is right and one is two, and that makes sense to you now doesn’t it Tyler?”

“Yes Valarie.”

 “Up is down,” she was just methodically jerking him off now so there was no pattern to that, but the fingers playing with her nipples started to weave into the pattern of her words, “and down is up, and left is right, and right is left because one is two and two is one.”

When he said ““Yes Valarie” without being asked anything, simply agreeing with her statement, she knew she had him ready for the next stage of her plan.

Meanwhile, Tyler’s cock was pulsing, his balls were full, and his eyes were still glued to those breasts. They felt sleepy though, heavy and slow, and his mind, normally so full of thoughts so quick to analyze and understand, was truly hypnotized to a stand still by the sight of her jiggling, bouncing, swaying, breasts.

As her hand slid up and down, the friction and the softness of her skin bringing him closer to the edge, Tyler stood still. 

His body was slumped towards those breasts, drawn to them like magnets, seeing them as warm pillows of deep sleep, but she wouldn’t let him sleep. She also wouldn’t let him cum either, but he didn’t know that was what he was really craving.

“Up is down, and you need to get up for me to lie down, down is up, you’re standing up so you’re lying down, and it sounds so good doesn’t it Tyler?”

“Yes Valarie.”

She took her hand off his cock and started to massage her breasts again, moving them in circles, repeating “Up is down Tyler, down is up, “ until he eventually dropped to his knees.

Inside his mind, watching her do this and hearing those words, there was a series of slow correlations and his realization about what he was being told, this encouragement that he didn’t realize was another test of her control over him, was turning in the same circles as her breasts.

When he was on his knees looking up at her, she leaned forward and those breasts brushed up against this face, “All the way up is all the way down, all the way down is all the way up.”

It felt like a shove, that soft glancing contact with those heavy breasts, and he fell onto his back.

It wasn’t what really happened though. 

Valarie leaned forward, and the closer her breasts got, the more he was automatically leaning back to keep her nipples in his sight. This created a distant sense of falling, and when they pressed up against his face finally, he gave in and reclined. 

As he did so, moving to lie back, limited by his clumsy entranced body and lack of coordination, he found those nipples swinging above his eyes.

“Up is down and left is right, one is two, and two is one, and it feels good to know that in is out and out is in doesn’t it Tyler?”

When he said “Yes Valarie” this time, Tyler gasped. Valarie had pulled her 

panties to the side and slid down on top of him.

The swollen head of his cock slid past her pussy lips, and Valarie kept it there, bouncing her tits up and down as she toyed with him, sliding it a little deeper in, then slipping up, bringing it almost out, “it feels good when up is down and down is up doesn’t Tyler?”

“Yes Valarie,“ came is an agonizing gasp and his hips were bucking up towards her, his back arched, and his hands reaching to her hips.

“In is out and out is in, so still is moving and moving is still, and it sounds so good to move so fast in and out and up and down that you feel like you’re perfectly still, it sounds just like what you need doesn’t Tyler?”

“Yes Valarie, “ came with another gasp as his body fell into a near limp tingle of arousal and confusion. Tyler’s instincts were running on high and the more the urge to move pressed into his limbs, the more it felt like he was doing everything he wanted, and the more he felt this way, the more her double speak and the reality she’d created that everything was the same and meant the same thing, took hold of him.

Watching her breasts jiggling as she teased herself with just the head of his cock had Tyler’s mind filled with everything he wanted, and the reality that whatever it was he really wanted was just what she was telling him to do. After all, everything meant what it meant and the opposite.

Of course, all of that flew through his subconscious, as his hypnotized conscious mind was too busy being enthralled by the sight of her breasts and the pleasures of the moment.

“In is out, and up is down.” 

It wasn’t a question, but he answered again with “Yes Valarie”, and as he did, she slid all the way down his shaft and started to slowly fuck herself on him.

“Watch my breasts, soft breasts that make your mind so soft and your cock so hard, hard cock, soft mind, soft and hard, because soft is hard, and it feels so good when soft makes you hard, when my soft tits and my soft pussy make your cock so hard, and you cock makes your mind so soft doesn’t it Tyler?”

“Yes Valarie.” 

Again he was grunting, and she could feel the built up arousal and sexual tension in his body. There were ways she could prolong it, but that wasn’t the point, not this time. She was in the home stretch now. 

He’d lost track of his logical and analytical mind so much so that her consistent messaging about untrue things being true, and also equaling pleasure all while clouding his attention with her breasts, had created a series of automatic responses in him. Now, she was going to usher in the final contradiction and use that to redefine his entire identity.

Her pace became even slower, her body barely moving, and as she slowed, she brought her hands up to her breasts and started to play with them again.

“It’s so hard isn’t it, hard to be soft, and it’s such a soft touch that makes you so hard, I can tell you need to be softer more, to let go of the hard things, and feel the softness, because soft for you is hard, and left is right, and right is left, just like my breasts, there’s nothing left for you to think, and that feels so right.”

As his eyes were drawn and kept wholly focused on those breasts, she started to pick up seed again ever so slightly, “And you know it feels good to be here, when there were only two choices, and those two choices are just one answer, one way to see two things that are just one thing when one is two, and in is out, and up is down, all at once. You need this one thing, one thing you can have too.”

She slowed again, “You need to have this one thing, and the way I see it is the way you want to see things, soft and round things that you’ve been staring at all night, simplifying everything, and it’s better this way, because it feels so good doesn’t it, to be free from thought and a slave to pleasure. It feels so good to be free from thought and a slave to pleasure, because pleasure is freedom and slavery is pleasure, and knowing that feels so good doesn’t Tyler?”

His breath was getting quicker, his body was tensing up, he was so close she could feel his tension pulsing through her entire body.

“Look at my breasts, be a slave to my breasts and let the pleasure free you. Free you to be a slave to pleasure, my breasts are pleasure, slavery to my breasts is freedom, the only real freedom is slavery, and being my tits slave sounds good doesn’t it Tyler?”

His “Yes Valarie” was brimming with desperation as she changed her pace again, working to stretch the moment out until she could finish with him, and set him up to finish himself off for her.

“A slave is just a slave, and a slave doesn’t have a name doesn’t it Tyler?

“Yes Valarie,” sounded like “please let me cum, I’m so close.”

She leaned in closer, her tits almost brushing his lips,  “It feels better to be called slave than Tyler, doesn’t it slave?’

This “Yes Valarie,” was almost a whisper.

“Real freedom is slavery, slavery is freedom, and slavery is pleasure, a pleasure slave is only free in slavery, a slave to my tits is always free to feel pleasure, you’re my tit slave, and my tit slave feels the pleasure of obedience by always obeying doesn’t it slave?”

The words “Yes Valarie” were gasped again.

“Freedom is slavery, suck on my tits slave, slavery is freedom, suck on my tits and always obey.” She leaned in just enough that his lips could begin to suck and kiss, as she started to ride him faster and harder.

“You are my tit slave, and slavery is freedom, freedom is slavery. You are my tit slave, seeing my tits enslaves you, and being my slave is being free, from thought, enslaved by pleasure, free from thought, a slave to my tits.”

His body couldn’t move, it could only be still, ridden hard as the words “Freedom is slavery, slavery is freedom” echoed in his mind as those soft tits moved across his lips.

“Cum slave, you’re a slave to my tits, free to obey me without thought, cum now and show me.”

He was going to cum anyway, but that was the trick. 

He came and came insider her, her breasts pressed against his face and her words humming in his subconscious as the sound of her voice continued to be drone on with its musical flood of confusion and command.

“Slave, slave listen to your Mistress now, listen to your Mistress and stare at her tits, you cannot sleep yet, stare at your Mistress’ tits now.” She grabbed him by his tie and pulled him until he had his elbows under him.

“Watch my breasts, up and down, left and right, one is two, in is out, up is down, slavery is freedom for you.” She spoke with a firmer tone now, and watched the way his broken defenses melted away, leaving a path for complete control. She’d hypnotized him, broken him down, then fucked his brains out, now it was time to do the real work.

“Whenever you see my naked breasts Tyler will become slave, because slave is Tyler when he cannot see my breasts. Slave is happy and free, slave feels pleasure, Tyler is a slave to work, a slave to stress, a slave to distraction. Tyler does not feel pleasure, Tyler does not feel arousal, to feel these things Tyler must be my tit slave, because slavery to me is pleasure, slavery is freedom when your Mistress shows you her breasts. Mistress’ breasts are good, Mistress’ breasts are powerful, Tyler is weak, slave is obedient.”

If he could have thought of anything, which after being so thoroughly mind and body fucked he really couldn’t, he would have been able to dissect all the logical fallacies of the programming he was receiving, but that had been Valerie’s second target, after his cock.

“When you think you are Tyler and you see my cleavage, not even my naked breasts, just my cleavage, you will feel the slave’s desires, the pleasure of slavery pulling at you, my cleavage, your Mistress’ Cleavage will always give you your freedom from thought, no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, seeing my cleavage because I am your Mistress and your are my slave, gives you the freedom from thought that you need, and gives you the freedom to follow and obey, to be the slave you are.”

His cock was starting to dance again despite the fury of his last orgasm. His cock was acting on the promise of her programming, an offer designed to strike right to the secret desires of someone whose life was so busy, so constantly full of stress, and thought, and the need for authority and constant agency.

“Your Mistress’ tits make your cock hard and your mind soft, because a soft mind feels just as good as a hard cock, and the harder the cock gets for your Mistress’ boobs, the softer the mind becomes doesn’t it slave?”

She smiled when he said “Yes Valarie” without a second of hesitation.

“That’s right slave, but that’s wrong, it makes sense that a Mistress should be called by her title doesn’t it slave?”

“Yes, Mistress Valarie” came out of his lips faster than she’d expected, and that cemented it for her. 

Tyler Price’s identity had been re-written, not by his acceptance of being called slave, not just by having the slave title worked seamlessly to replace his name in her questions to trick him into it, but by the way his hypnotized, dulled out, and truly fucked mind could problem solve itself into recognizing her authority, and submitting to it by calling her Mistress as thought it was a question he wanted to answer for himself. 

As she repeated his programming, keeping his eyes on her breasts, always on her breasts, she waited until he was hard again. Then, she fucked him longer and harder than the first time, pacing him and reinforcing her influence, all the while the party continued, and no one bothered to look for them, knowing what they must be up to, but only being half right.

“Hi there, Valarie right? I,” he blushed a little as the memories of how he’d made an ass of himself at least in his own mind when they met the other night ran through his head, “I wasn’t expecting to see you, at least not here.”

His home office was modest and had originally been a guesthouse, but not seeing the point of that, he’d converted it into his workspace. So, when there was a knock at his office door, it was more like a knock on the front door.

“I’m sorry to barge in on you, but I tried calling and I didn’t get any reception for some reason.” Her hair was straight, and piled up in a lazy loose bun, and she wasn’t wearing any makeup. Standing in his doorway, backlit by the early spring sun, she was still attractive, but there wasn’t a trace of glamor or of her well manicured charm.

Instead, she looked like a woman in her mid 30s who was running errands; leggings, sensible sneakers, a medium sized leather bag slung over a thin outdoor jacket, she really did look like a different person.

“I remember you telling me you lived around here, and someone else said you worked from home, and you gave me one of your personal contact business cards,” Tyler had taken a step back and made room for her to enter, and as she did, he felt like he couldn’t have stopped her even if he tried. “Sorry my call didn’t go through, you’re probably busy.”

He stood there for a second, lost in though.

Valarie had been everything he’d expected a society type to be, and as the night had gone on, he’d had a little too much to drink and spent a little too much time looking down her dress. Then, he must have had a little too too much, because most of the night after that was a blur. 

“I have to say, I really didn’t think you’d want to see me again, I feel like I got a little carried away the other night.” There was a disconnect in the middle of his head, like two pieces weren’t connected the right way. This woman had struck him as a predator, and he had no idea why he was giving a damn about his conduct, when clearly she’d been there to?

To what? Be charming, flirtatious and engaging.

“You were fine.” Her nails were still painted the same red, and he watched as they moved to the zipper of her jacket. “You were my favorite person there, and I wanted to come and see you again, since I didn’t think you’d remember to call me.”

As the zipper went down, her jacket opened to reveal a pale purple almost skin tight long sleeved top, and the same deep cleavage and irresistibly full breasts that had filled his vision before.

“You look like you’re busy, but every now and then it feels good to take a break doesn’t it Tyler?”

“Yes Valarie.” He stopped dead in his tracks, a look of shock spilled across his face. His gaze had moved to her breasts and stayed there even as his mind tried to sort out the how and why of what he’d just said.

She set her bag down and took off her jacket, all while Tyler stood still, eyes following her chest, “You might even say that taking breaks is a part of work, that the right kind of break really is work, and that makes spending some time with me that much better doesn’t it Tyler?”

When he said the words “Yes Valarie” this time it looked like he was trying not to say them, at least for a second before the words did come out.  

Somehow, by taking off her jacket, everything about her changed in front of his eyes. She became elegant again, or maybe it was something more, like she had been pretending not to be graceful and charming, and now that act had fallen away with her outer layer.

Either way, her breasts commanded his attention.

She walked up to him, “After all, what’s the point of being a slave to work when you can’t enjoy the freedom of simple pleasures, it just doesn’t make sense doesn’t it Tyler?”

Again, standing stock still as his eyes fell deeper into the valley between her breasts, he tried to pick his own words and his own answer but “Yes Valarie” were the only sounds to escape his lips.

“There are so many other things you have the freedom to be a slave to, things that are right in front of your face, things like my breasts,“ she started to play with the neck line of her top, only to start to fondle her breasts, “and it feels good to be a slave to my breasts doesn’t it slave?”

His mind fell into a fugue as he said the words, “Yes Mistress Valerie.”

He was unable to consciously process what was happening, and his mind needed to escape, so it did, down into her breasts, and down into the safety and warmth of deep trance, free from the responsibility of thought, free from the burden of control, or the demands of personal agency.

Mistress Valarie’s Tit Slave stood in the middle of the office, eyes open, locked on her bust. He held the keys to her future kingdom in his mind, and that mind had squarely fallen between her breasts.

Everything from the moment she’d knocked on his door had been a test. 

It was a test of both her abilities and her plans, and of his continued acceptance of her programming. His business card didn’t have an address on it, that he didn’t argue about how she’d found the place was the first test.

If she’d rushed things on that night, not letting it all settle in, he was likely to reject it all, unless she aggressively kept applying it. Doing that would have drawn too many eyes, gotten too many people paying too much attention.

This, a second visit, a quiet rendezvous to measure his responses and to reinforce his receptiveness in the most pleasurable and persuasive of ways, rewarding his mind for shutting down so completely, would do more for her than anything else more she could have tried before.

Today wouldn’t even amount to anything she had her eye on, save keeping his eyes only on her breasts, and his mind pliable.

Eventually there would be changes in his life, subtle shifts here and there, choices about little things that would eat away at some of his old beliefs and old desires, things that couldn’t be done directly no matter how fully she fucked his brains out or how completely enthralled, hypnotized, and compromised by her tits she made him.

For now though, she was going to fuck him on her terms in his office, and she was going to fuck him so hard that his subconscious mind would never be able to separate his work space from her dominance ever again.

It was all part of the plan.

‘The way I see it slave, you only have two choices. You can cum for me and be my slave, or you can never see my tits again.”

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