The Golden Age

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #sub:male #titnosis

Set in the golden age of Hollywood, a buxom and enthralling starlet uses a little bit of method acting on her co-star, and a lot more of it on a fan.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

The Golden Age

“Watch the crystal Sir Roland, look at it swing back and forth, watch the crystal, its glimmer and flash cannot be ignored, just like my words brave knight, watch the crystal and hear only my words.”

The dark haired woman, with the alluring green eyes of a temptress and a face to match, framed by thick black curls that fell to her shoulders and a violet scarf adorned with thin coins that was wrapped around her head, held the crystal up just above the dashing knight’s eyes. 

He was dressed in high boots, thick blue hoes, and a jerkin of white, with his sword and dagger hanging from his belt, but otherwise he was not dressed for battle. His baby blue eyes followed the crystal like clockwork as it swung, the pensive crease in his forehead, just below his well coifed fair brown hair, smoothed and the edges of his mouth turned into a vacant smile.

She, moved closer to him, her red peasant blouse hung from her shoulders, displaying her buxom figure, belted by a scarf of black silk that emphasizing her narrow waist and matched the shade of her long flowing skirt.

“Yes Sir Roland, watch the crystal, there is only the crystal now, see only the crystal swinging back and forth, making you tired now, making you weak now, too weak to resist the words of Madam Sylvia, too weak to resist the enchanting power of my voice. Surrender to me now and forget all others.”

Sir Roland’s eyes fluttered, desperate to stay open, desperate to fight the sudden heaviness washing through his mind and body. He looked as though he wanted to look away, but not entirely so. 

As his eyes closed, the mysterious Madam Sylvia eased him down into a plush chair in her garishly decorated chamber of floral scarves hanging from walls of wood adorned also with dried flowers and herbs all about.

Behind them a caldron hung in the fireplace, and a large crystal ball sat in the middle of a wide table, surrounded by potion bottles and other mysterious charms and statues, some of gold, others of bronze, silver, and iron.

“Cut! Close the gate, we have our coverage, let’s move on.”

Before the call was made, ‘The Lady Sylvia’ bent down and whispered into her fellow actor’s ear, “Wide awake Ryan, that’s a wrap” and his eyes opened. He laughed and shook his head.

“I swear Millie, if we had to do that scene one more time I think I real would be your love slave.” He smiled that famous Ryan Chance, leading man smile of his and walked out from under the lights.

He didn’t see his costar, Millicent Van Horner’s sly wink and her own sharper smile, “Oh Mister Chance,” she was putting on a hammy Judy Garland voice, “whatever would you do?”

“Darling,” he looked back at her, “we should be worried about what the wife would do.”

There weren’t a lot of honest or loyal men in Hollywood; but he was one of them. Still, loyal or not, that man was looking down her top every chance he got.

But, as she walked to her trailer having wrapped her shooting for the day, who could blame him. She could act, but it was her other assets that had gotten her in the pictures. Her ability to fill out a sweater was what led to her filling most, if not all of her roles.

She also laughed about how wrong he really was.

A man like that, with temptations like hers, and with all of the actual hypnosis she’d employed in private with him and in rehearsal, having him would be like plucking a ripe peach; all she would have to do was reach out, give a little twist, and he’d be in her hand.

“Pray tell, are you Madam Sylvia, the fortune teller?”

Lady Constance, platinum blonde, demure, and angelic in her modest yet absurdly flattering white gown, with its daggered sleeves and lace, sounded both desperate and helpless.

“My lady, yes I am, how may I be of service to you?”  The buxom peasant witch was dressed as before, now with her crystal necklace dangling down to rest above her prominent breasts.

“I’ve heard you can see what other cannot, and you can see the future. My suitor has vanished, none can find him, not his family, not the other knights, no one knows what has befallen Sir Roland.”

Lady Constance was lithe, poised and elegant. Her brown eyes were soft, truly delicate and bright.

“Yes I am she, and you must be the Lady Constance. Truly, your beauty could make you none other. I am at your service, how may I serve you milady.” The mysterious witch rose and took a step towards the virginal noblewoman, thin golden bracelets and silver bangles dangled from her writs and clanked as she did.

“Please, oh please, tell me why he has forsaken me, is there another woman, why he has fled this land without a word. Why would he abandon his oaths… or… or perhaps…”

“No, no my sweet, calm yourself,” the witch’s hand closed over the distraught maiden’s own, “who could be lured from one such as you, hush. You will find solace with me, for I can see into the heart and see far afield as well, come, now do not fret.”

As she spoke, Madam Sylvia’s hands moved up and down, shaking the delicate blonde’s hand and wrist, then one hand moved to her elbow, and the other began to move in front of her face.

“All secrets can be revealed if you know where to look, and you must gaze out, out from the heart to see what I can behold.” Lady Constance felt the hand on her elbow pushing and pulling her in time with the witch’s waving hand and her body began to sway to and fro.

“Yet,” suddenly the motions stopped and the witch was adjusting the lace collar of the easily spellbound girl’s gown “you know well many such secretes, the call of beauty the beguiling effect of gentle dignity, the simple magic all women posses.”

Both of the dark haired woman’s hands began to move back and forth snaking in and out, “I will show you my power now, and you will see the truth for yourself in me, in my crystal ball, yes? You long to sit and stare into the future, guided by me, led by me as I lead your eyes now into sleep.”

She snapped her fingers and the Lady Constance fell into an overly plush and stuffed couch in the corner of the room.

Then, in a sudden burst of excitement Sir Roland stormed into the scene, an old man with a long white beard and staff in his hand behind him.

“Step back wicked enchantress, your charms have been undone!” Sword in hand the gallant knight posed with his sword raised menancingly as the old man waved his free hand.

“Awaken child, be free from your bewitched slumber.” His deep baritone voice was gravely and forceful.

In the commotion Madam Sylvia had stood looming over her sleeping prey, and as she covered her mouth in shock at the hero’s return she whispered, “waking on your cue Beverly, waking now” just in time for the pretty blonde to open her eyes and display bewildered shock, and then confused joy at the sight of her suitor’s gallant return.

“Cut and print. That’s a wrap on Roland people, we’re done.”

After the applause from the crew and the glad-handing Beverly Forester, who after a few glasses of wine was considerably different from the demure innocents she and other bottled blondes were constantly forced to play pulled Millicent aside.

“Millie, I hate to ask, but… but is there any way you could come to the house this weekend and teach me those tricks of yours. I’ve been thinking about it, and I’d love to know just what you were studying and what you did. It made things so much easier, and made this tripe so much more fun.”

Millie wasn’t old, not in any sense but Hollywood’s. She still had her curves, she still had her looks, but her look itself had never been leading lady. She’d been a femme fatale in a handful of almost good pictures, and a competing love interest in a few more decent ones, and if she didn’t die in the end of each she was always the cautionary tale, always outdone by Grace Kelly types time and again.

Being friends, or friendly with, a younger woman whose studio contract was better than anything she’d ever had or could hope to get wasn’t high on Millicent’s to do list, but the girl wasn’t asking her to drinks and shopping.

“Oh Bev, you’re so sweet, yes, I think I could teach you some of my tricks, they’re quiet easy and I think you’ll be a natural.”

“Ma’am, I’m so sorry to ask, but by any chance are you Millie Van Horner?” 

Ted Ross felt like an ass, a self-conscious ass. 

He’d been sweating out in the heat all day, his jeans were dusty, his face felt hot from the sun and hotter in embarrassment asking his question, and there was no way he didn’t smell just like sweat and dirt.

The woman, her black hair tied back under a kerchief and wide sunglasses covering her face made her either inconspicuous or terribly obvious. And with her tight jeans and only slightly looser short sleeved blouse, it was leaning more towards obvious than not.

She smiled, red lips sharp with laughter, “Why yes, but you’re not here to serve me papers are you young man?” 

She wasn’t that much older than him, and it had been two years since her last movie, two years since Roland did predictably average at the box office and she’d decided she’d had enough of acting.

“Oh, uh, no… no ma’am, my name’s Ted, er… Theodore Ross and I’m just… just a fan is all.” He was, he’d seen most of her movies in the golden age of early to late adolescence where she’d become something more than an actress to him, and much more the ideal of female beauty in the way only hormonal lust can shape a woman.

She offered her hand, “Well it’s a pleasure to meet a fan.”

They had been walking opposite directions on the street, and now they’d stopped.

“Well it’s uh, I mean, you’re…”

He wasn’t the first gushing young man to fumble his words in front of her, but it had been some time. “Ted was it? Would you like an autograph?”

The way he blushed was charming, and he was handsome too. Well built, not too tall, not too short, and he had good features. Not the photogenic and disappointingly similar ones of so many leading men, but honest to goodness, everyday real handsome features.

She made a slight flourish of having her hands full, “Well, I couldn’t impose on you to help me with my bags back to my car could I? I’m sure I have a pen and something to sign there.”

His humble stammer was more than enough of a response for her to thrust her few, small, light bags into his hands, “Thank you so much.”

Her car was a block away and around a corner in a quiet, shaded lot that was nearly empty and wholly unattended. The town, on the water and out of Los Angeles, was a wonderful place to live in near, or total seclusion, and not so far away that reaching civilization would require a rocket ship.

They made small talk as they walked, her asking him about work, him being nervous and awkward as he responded. It was Saturday, pleasant, and he’d been playing baseball with friends all afternoon, guys who missed the game after they left high school and still got together with some regularity, meeting as much to sit in the sun and drink beers as to actually play.

Most of the men in town worked in or around the orchards and canneries, but Ted was a municipal employee who did grounds keeping and maintenance for the city. They arrived at her car, a black Buick Invicta two door hardtop. For a moment it looked like her male companion was more taken with her car than he was with her.

She opened the trunk for him, then went around to the passenger side door and searcher her glove compartment. “Tell me Ted, what was your favorite movie of mine?” She laughed as she asked, her sunglasses still on, “I feel I should have asked you that sooner.”

“Oh well, I really liked Deadly be the Woman Spurned, and Reckless is the Night, those were my old favorites.” He was doing his best to not stare and to stare all at once, and it was charming, then he blushed again, “but your last one, Roland, was my favorite.”

She had an unused movie ticked for Roland in her hand and was applying her flourishing signature to it as he spoke. She’d learned to keep a few tickets on hand a long time ago for moments just like this. “That was my favorite too, and out of my whole career, I did the most work and research for that part.”

“Here,” she placed the souvenir in his hand and made a point to stand just slightly too close to him. “It’s what led me to stop acting actually.”

His body had shifted back on polite instinct but she was still very close, “How do you mean?”

“Well my dear,” her hand fell to the top button of her blouse, “as part of my research for Sylvia the Witch I studied with an amazing fortune teller up in San Francisco who taught me all about palm reading, soothsaying, and few other fascinating practices, but mainly I went to her to learn about hypnotism. You may be shocked to know that all of the hypnosis in the movie was real, and that I practiced hypnotizing both of my co-stars.”

Her nails were the same red as her lips, and a single fingernail was tracing circles around that top button as she let her chest jut out just far enough for her to stay inside his personal space.

“It was the reason I took the role really, that and it was the last one I would have to do on my contract.” The sunglasses hiding her eyes made it easier for her to watch him. “I could have done something else instead, surely, but it was the idea of playing a witch who could hypnotize and beguile people that truly spoke to me. You see, I’ve always been fascinated with hypnotism. Have you ever been hypnotized? At a show, or at a carnival?” 

 He rocked back on his heels, only to discover that he had his back to the car, “I don’t really think I’m the hypnotizable type you know. I mean, I guess I didn’t even think it was real until you told me you really studied it. But I don’t think I could be hypnotized.”

She smiled, “No, of course not. It’s foolish of me to have even asked, but you never know. I mean, a strong willed young man like you couldn’t be mesmerized by anything could he? He certainly wouldn’t ever find himself caught up in something, or someone’s voice, not even a soft, sweet voice like mine could start to work it’s way into your mind, really drawing your attention so completely that you wouldn’t pay any attention to anything else.”

Ted made to say something, but her easy smile and wave of her free hand silenced him, “No, no, pay no mind, of course you couldn’t be hypnotized, not even by me, I know. Though I have become a practicing hypnotist, once you’ve made up your mind that you simply can’t be put into trance, even if you’re maybe just a little curious, maybe if the idea of being hypnotized by me might tug at your imagination for whatever reason, no you’re too strong to find yourself just listening to me now, going on and on. Even if the rest of the word was starting to fade out of your mind at the edges, offering you that easy and oh so natural compulsion to follow a hypnotist like myself’s voice out of your own head, you couldn’t possibly be hypnotized if you said you didn’t want to, not even if the more you thought about it, the more appealing it started to become.”

There was something about the heat, about her closeness, her voice, and the way he couldn’t stop thinking about her scenes in the movie that was making it hard for him to follow what she was saying.

“No, no, a strong willed young man like you couldn’t be tempted into trance, no matter how alluring he found the hypnotist to be, and we both know the only reason anyone has ever liked my movies is that I do have a certain appeal don’t I? But it would be rude to make you say so, so we can both pretend you’ve just agreed.”

Her finger traced that top button round and round, and she nodded for him as she offered up his acquiescence to her point for him, smiling all the while. It felt strange to Ted, because he nodded along too, and felt her smile seem to become contagious with him. After all, a beautiful movie starlet was complimenting him on his strong will and making the time to keep talking to him.

“And someone as strong willed as you, someone who so clearly fancies me, a hypnotist who he has lusted after like all young men do in their own private moments, there’s no way I could use all of my skill, all of my practice hypnotizing countless people over and over, to put you in a deep trance, one so deep that if I did something as simple as count down from three to one, I could have your mind conjure all of those memories. No, you’re too strong for that aren’t you?”

In the soft shadowy haze of his vision he watched her nod and followed again, and even though he blushed, knowing what she meant, even though he felt strangely exposed knowing that she knew the effect she’d had on him time and again, 

“Even though a hypnotist as alluring and compelling as myself, even a hypnotist who is capable of inducing trance almost instantly in others with just a few choice words, because I am so skilled at holding someone’s attention, especially the attention of a young man like you who has fantasized over me, who is in his own sweet way, enamored of me, no, you would never be able to be hypnotized against your will, certainly not in the time we’ve been talking. You couldn’t ever find yourself entranced with me, and falling deeper into my words could you?”

She waited, and waited for him to start to clear his thoughts to say something, but as the moment came closer, she waved his response away with her free hand again, “No, it’s silly of me to even ask. And it’s so silly to think that counting down from three to one would somehow make you experience all of those moments of pent up lust and desire for me, thinking of me in all of my plunging gowns, or in those low hanging blouses from Roland, no, you wouldn’t find yourself thinking of what always draws young men like you to me, you’re too strong willed for that.”

“What would I even say, Three, ” she unbuttoned that single top button she’d been playing with, the one she’d used to fascinate him so, “you can feel those deep feelings building up in you again, feeling the power of a strong mind making a strong memory, inspiring you, installing those passions and needs in the front of your mind, and in your body now.”

“No,” she laughed and unbuttoned the second button down, “that wouldn’t work at all. And if I said two, the power of my voice is only doubling the power of your strong mind, a will so strong that when it wants to cooperate with my words, and my will no matter what you may think, doubling the intensity, doubling the mental and physical sensations flowing through you, that wouldn’t have any effect on you would it?”

  Millie Van Horner’s breasts had helped to get her discovered, and had inspired countless wet dreams and dirty socks across America, and with only two buttons of her very tight blouse down and standing so close to him, Ted’s erection would have likely been a natural occurrence if she’d been reading the phone book in that tone of voice.

“You could never be so deeply hypnotized by me that you could feel like you were on the very edge of losing yourself in those memories, waiting for that word, waiting for that last number, to send you falling into an even deeper trance, like your whole body is surrendering in an explosion of release with one.”

Her third button came undone, showing him enough cleavage and enough of her simple white bra to push him over the edge.

His body tensed as he started to cum in his pants, groaning as he did, glassy eyes transfixed on her chest, as those red nails traced her cleavage up and down until he was done, then quickly fastened her buttons again.

He leaned against her car and shook his head, dazed, then suddenly and profoundly embarrassed.

But before he could speak for himself, she put a finger to his lips, “You know young man, you can’t go out and about like that, not with your little accident, it wouldn’t be proper and everyone would know. Everyone would think you were a pervert, they would, yes they would. The only sensible thing is to get in the car and have a nice little rest as I drive you back to my place, so I can help you with your laundry. Now be a dear, and do that for me now honey. Do what you’re told.”

Ted, disoriented and emotionally unbalanced, still in a highly suggestible state and lacking any tools to argue or resist such a compelling offer, did what his favorite movie starlet told him to do. Of course, if Millie Van Horner had told him to come home with her under more mundane circumstances he would have said yes.

But that was the power of hypnosis, if you used it to encourage someone to do what they already wanted, then if you helped them change their mind about what that was, you could make them do almost anything.

“You know,” Ted woke up in the front seat of Millie’s car with her hand on his thigh, “I didn’t think a vigorous young man like you would fall asleep after one little squirt, but I guess men will be men.”

Her tone wasn’t mean, or crass, it was good-natured, and as his mind came into focus, Ted sat there with his mouth agape.

“Ms. Van Horner, did you do that to me?” He’d put together the machine gun fire assault of her words, and her suppositions, her encouragement and compliments, all hiding tricks and double meanings that had overwhelmed him, and he was in a bit of shock, and shame too.

“Well, you helped a fair bit honey,” She opened her door. “Now let’s get you inside and into the shower.”

His boxers were sticky and damp, and so were his pants.

Her home was a white bungalow on quiet street on the side of town Ted never had a reason to visit.

“I’m sorry, I’m really…” He was flustered, emasculated, and nothing like that had ever happened to him with a girl before, especially one he hadn’t even kissed or touched.

“Ted,” she tilted her sunglasses down, showing him her beautiful green eyes for the first time, “don’t apologize for doing what you were told, don’t make me wait, and don’t forget my bags.”

With a good-sized dark spot on his jeans, he walked into her house, bags in hand.

Once they were inside, she took her bags from his hands, and gave him a smile that was sweet enough to be dessert, “I have a guest bedroom and bathroom down at the end of the hall, I’d rather you not sit down to dinner with me with a mess in your trousers, so be a dear and go clean up. Leave your clothes in the hall, I’ll put them in the wash for you and leave you a robe.”

As she spoke, she looked over her sunglasses and into his eyes, and the simple act of eye contact was enough to compel his imagination into thinking she was hypnotizing him again, so, he did as he was told. 

In the shower, as he washed himself off, Ted told himself over and over that it wasn’t his fault. He had, after all, been put into a trance by a master hypnotist so how could he be responsible for what he’d done… to himself? All over himself? The guys had talked about things like that happening, but to have it happen to him? No, she’d hypnotized him into it, just like she’d hypnotized him into the shower.

When he was out, and dried, towel around his waist, there was a long, thick, soft white robe waiting for him folded just outside the door, and the smell of a meal wafted down the hall to meet him.

“Oh do come out, I’ve no taste for false modesty,” followed shortly after the smell, and Ted found himself in a simple dining room just off of the kitchen.

Millie stood there, sunglasses off, and hair down, smiling at him over two plates. “Sit, eat, tell me more about yourself honey. I hope you don’t mind re-heated leftovers.”

It was odd, all of it was odd.

He’d been hypnotized by a movie star, made to cum in his pants, now he was eating her leftovers at her house. It was easier to enjoy the chicken and vegetables than it was to say anything, partly because the food was good.

“Not the talkative type are you?” She’d poured them both wine, but only she was drinking any of it. Over the table he truly so how green her eyes were, a deep bright green that was piercing into him, making him feel paralyzed whenever they made eye contact.

“I’m sorry. It’s just, well… what should I say?” He had become flustered between bites, embarrassed, and blushed himself into a bright red in seconds.

She just laughed.

“Well as awkward as all of this is, why not tell me more about you, and I’ll tell you a little more about myself. After all, only one of us has had articles written about them, so you have a head start.”

He laughed, and then they talked about this and that until their meal was done. Then, they walked together to her loveseat in the living room where they were so close she sat nearly on his lap.

“So, after shooting the movie and meeting Madam Magda, I realized I was never going to really make it, I was never going to be an A List actress, so I quiet, and I’ve been studying and practicing hypnotism ever since. And my dear Ted, I’m going to hypnotize you again because,” she paused and gave a soft and good natured laugh, “if what happened earlier is any indication, I doubt you’ll be able to give me the evening I’m expecting without it.”

  As she spoke, her fingers danced along the buttons of her blouse, undoing them one by one, and all the while his eyes were affixed to her, a tent rising from the folds of his robe. Her blouse fell to the floor by the time she was done speaking, and her bra followed soon after.

“You should know, hypnotism can compel all sorts of responses from a subject, but I don’t know if I should be offended you didn’t have such a grand response to seeing what so few men ever have?”

Her hands held her naked breasts, literally the things of his dreams, and he felt the same tugging sensation as before, only slower and deeper between his legs.

“Ms. Van Horner, I… I’m… I…”

“Ssshhh honey, I know you still don’t think you can be hypnotized do you? I know you think last time was a fluke, a surprise attack, but it wasn’t, and this time it’s going to be even easier. Plus, you get to help me try out a new technique I’ve been meaning to practice. And that’s a nice thought for you isn’t it? After all, you’re so naturally helpful and accommodating, so naturally helpful and polite, it would be rude if you didn’t help me now wouldn’t it?”

He tried to sort out the truth of the statement and ultimately settled on staring at her breasts, which were even better than he’d imagined… even better than he’d imagined over and over and over again.

“You know, a woman’s breasts are naturally hypnotic, they have a special sway over the minds of men don’t they? I know you’ve felt their power before, even from women’s’ chests whose aren’t nearly as nice as mine, not nearly as big, not nearly as full and eye catching. And if you’ve had to stare at them, compelled to by the natural power that all breasts have, what could mine possibly be doing to your poor mind now. Seeing them here, naked, perfect, and so close to you.”

She crawled into his lap, not straddling him, just sitting down, feeling his erection against her leg, one hand on the back of his neck tilting his head down to stare at them.

“If you weren’t already enthralled by my perfect breasts, my large breasts that are just too big to fit in your head with any room to spare, well, I would still be able to hypnotize you with one simple trick. I would tell you to sleep over and over again, and you would. So why don’t you do your very best to resist the urge to sleep as you keep staring at my breasts Ted.”

The way she said sleep, no, the whole way she was speaking now, with that soft, innocent tone, talking like the naïve starlets her femme fatales were always matched up a against and vilified by in comparison, made the incredible naughtiness of the moment, and that was all he could think of that this was a naughty moment, all the more unreal.

“Look at my breasts and sleep Ted. They look like warm soft pillows don’t they? And you want to rest your heavy head on them and sleep, isn’t that right?”

The weight of her hand on the back of his neck was increasing every time she said sleep.

“Sleep for me, you’re so sleepy and they’re so big and soft. Sleep for my big soft breasts, just sleep now, deep sleep, sleep for me, just sleep.”

Ted felt his eyelids getting heavier, and every time he blinked they were a little harder to open again, but he wasn’t going to drop for her, not now that he knew what she was doing.

“It’s okay, you’ll see more of them later, you won’t be able to look away from them, you couldn’t look away from them even now, not even if you wanted to. You’re transfixed by my breasts, entranced by them, try and look away for me, just try, and when you can’t you can just rest your head on them and sleep.”

Millie felt the muscles in his neck tense as he took the bait, “Shhhhh, shhhh, it’s okay, just sleep, you don’t need to prove me right, just sleep now.”

Slowly, his head fell forward onto her chest, “That’s right, it feels so good to sleep, sleep and go deeper, that’s it, you know you can’t resist being hypnotized by my breasts so how could you resist my breasts and my little trick of just saying sleep, sleep, sleep for me now.”

“You’re such a good subject, such a receptive and agreeable subject because you’re so accommodating and helpful, it’s who you are, it’s who you need to be, and that’s why you’re going to be twice as suggestible as a regular subject, twice as suggestible as all those people you’ve seen hypnotized on TV and in the movies, twice as suggestible as all of my hypnotized co-stars when you watched me put them in trance on film. That means you’ll do anything for me, you’re so suggestible now that you’ll do anything for me in body and in mind.”

His cock was pressing into her from under the robe, and it felt nice. 

She’d tempted him into cumming, testing his suggestibility earlier, and testing his stamina too, all to get inside his head, all to get the psychological advantage on him, it was the first of Madam Magda’s secret rules, to make yourself strong, make them weak for you.

She’d made him weak by making his manhood weak, and now she was applying her strength by controlling it, and not just controlling him, but defining the difference in power on a primal level. 

She wasn’t just well to do and attractive, she wasn’t just a hypnotist, she wasn’t just famous, she could actual control the thing that made him a man, and she had been doing it with insinuation up to this point.

“That’s right, you can and you will do anything for me, and now you’ll just listen and sleep, you’ll just sleep and obey, and everything I say, everything I put inside your mind will become a post hypnotic suggestion or a trigger I can use to make you do whatever I want to. Just sleep and obey, just sleep and listen, you’re twice as suggestible for me, and that makes you twice as powerless.”

Now, she angled her body and straddled him, his robe covered cock rubbing up against her clit through her jeans. “You will open your eyes now and remain in a very deep trance, you will open your eyes and find they are glued to my breasts, they cannot look away from my breasts at all, they will feel a magnetic pull keeping them focused on my breasts and only my breasts, now open your eyes and fall deeper Ted.”
He did, and she saw the glassy distance of deep trance filling them even as they blinked once and their focus became fastened to her nipples. She rubbed herself up against him, the friction, combined with her own excitement was getting her off.

“You’re going to have sex with me very soon Ted, and when you do, no matter how good it feels to fuck me, and my pussy will feel better than anything in your life, fucking me will feel better than anything you have ever imagined, fucking me will feel a thousand times better than touching yourself ever could, no matter how overwhelming the pleasure is, “ she let out a gasp as the friction was bringing her closer to her own climax, “no matter how good it feels, your body, your cock will not be able to cum.”

She let out another little sigh and bit her lip as she felt the first wave of orgasmic bliss wash through her from the simple juvenile act of dry humping on her hypnotized boy toy. “You will not be able to orgasm, to climax, to release at all when you fuck me, not without my permission. You will never be able to cum, to climax, to orgasm in my presence without my permission.”

As her full breasts bounced up and down with the same slow, deliberate pace as her groin rubbed against his, Ted’s eyes simply followed, and a small trickle of drool formed at the corner of his mouth. He was in a zombified state watching those breasts bounce, and with every jiggle, Millie’s words sunk deeper into his mind.

The dull, drone-like look on his face just made her even wetter and her second orgasm echoed from her lips in longer panting moans.

She stopped her grinding and stood up to kick off her shoes, pull down her jeans, pull off her panties, and then move his robe, exposing his cock to the open air for just a moment before she claimed it between her legs, wet panties still in hand.

“Listen to me Ted, look at my breasts and listen to me.” She slid her panties over his face, the damp crotch over his nose. “Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, deep breaths, breathe in my scent and feel its power working deeper inside you.”

The same dull smile was spread across his face, and it was impossible to tell if this was having any more effect on him, “A woman’s pussy makes a man powerless, the taste, the scent, the feel of it all make any man weak and submissive, weak and obedient like a well trained dog. Breathing in a woman’s scent, tasting her pussy, drinking her in, is a drug that makes you weak and obedient, it is a drug that any woman can use to make you submissive and deferential to her. Look at my breasts and feel this truth becoming your truth now.”

This was another one of Madam Magda’s rules, and she claimed it wasn’t only hypnotic suggestion, but a real chemical reaction in men, that if a woman knew what she was doing, could use her own body to drug a man and make him hers. It sounded like a wonderful idea to her then, and now, seeing a man with her plain white panties on his face like a gas mask as she fucked him was enough to make him cum again.

Millie started to ride him faster, her tits bouncing more and more, “Ted, hold my breasts, cup my tits in your hands and hold them. Hold them softly, hold them gently for me now, be a good boy and do it.”

His hands moved with the clumsiness of the deeply hypnotized, and she felt his warmth and the strength of those hands as he held her breasts. 

It made her cum again knowing that such a physically strong and well conditioned young man, someone whose hormones and desires would have turned him into a desperate fuck hungry animal that would have been a three pump chump if she’d just let him fuck her, was completely under her control.

Finally after several more orgasms and more repetition in his ear about how he was a good submissive boy, and twice as suggestible as anyone else, and how intoxicating a woman’s pussy was to him, she pulled the panties off of his face and kissed him hard.

There was one thing she wanted now, only one thing.

“Look at my tits, see only my tits Ted. There is only my tits, only my tits exist in your hypnotized world. My breasts, my tits, my cleavage, my chest is irresistibly hypnotic. The sight of my chest will put you in a light and submissive trance whenever you see it and it will make you so weak and so obedient that your own natural desire to be obliging and helpful will become and irresistible compulsion to serve and obey. You will do whatever I want, whenever I want, just from seeing my chest, just from seeing me and hearing my words.”

Millicent Van Horner’s tits filled the young man’s hands, and her hypnotic assault had led to Ted having his brains fucked right out of his head. He was a blank slate to her now, and she could have imprinted anything she wanted onto him, instead, she kissed him again.

“Suck on my tits like a good boy Ted, suck softly, suck gently, and do as you’re told.”

She started to ride him again, slower, more deliberately than when she was wet and hungry for every orgasm she could get. Now she just wanted one more, one special one to bring it all together. The feel of his hands and his lips on her tits, the feel of his full and throbbing cock, harder, stiffer, and longer than she’d imagined herself, had her teetering on the edge of what she thought men felt like when they came.

“Suck on my tits and cum for me Ted.”

She spoke those words as climax flooded through her, joined by his grunting, gasping sigh of deep release, his whole body a cascade of tension flooding out of his muscles and down between his legs in a long and powerful gout of cum deep inside her.

“Good boy Ted, good boy, now sleep. Sleep for me now.”

“Thank you for the ride, and thanks again for doing my laundry, That’s so, well, I’m really embarrassed about it still.”

Millicent Van Horner, not only lived in his town, not only gave him an autograph and had invited him home for dinner, but had done his laundry because she said he was in no condition for polite company, which obviously she considered herself.

Now, as they sat in her car outside of his small one bedroom house, in the kind of car he wished he could own, Ted still couldn’t believe the kind of day he’d had.

“Well it was my pleasure. But,” she took her hands from the wheel and started to unbutton the top few buttons of her blouse, “We never did discover if you could be hypnotized did we?”

Ted swallowed, and as his eyes moved down to her exposed cleavage he felt weakness spreading from the back of his skull up into his brain and down into his body even as he felt some life between his legs.

She took off her necklace and held it up in front of his eyes, “Do you recognize this? It was the crystal I used in Roland, it was the same one that I used to hypnotize Ryan Chance with in our rehearsals and in our scenes. Surely, if I could hypnotize him I could hypnotize you couldn’t I?”

The crystal started to swing just above her unbuttoned blouse, “Watch the crystal if you can, watch it swinging back and forth Ted, back and forth in front of your eyes. Your eyes won’t grow heavy but your mind will begin to slow down, and grow foggy, foggy like a dream as the crystal swings to and fro, back and forth, hypnotizing you so easily now.”

With her free hand Millie had undone another button, then slid between her legs. She’d been wet ever since she woke from trance when they pulled up on front. Hearing him acting on what she’d implanted had felt almost as good as his cock, and with a few rubs to go along with his slack jaw and glassy eyes, she’d cum again.

Outside of the car the world was dark and quiet, night had settled in over the town and no one was about to mind her business.

“Watch the crystal and feel your mind growing so foggy and soft, a soft and empty, empty and obedient.” She could see him bulged up again.

“You are deeply hypnotized now, and with every swing of the crystal you are falling deeper and deeper, now sink deeper and lick my fingers clean. When you do, when you taste it , when you taste my pussy on my fingers you will feel the irresistible urge to cum, your body will simply cum hard and fast, so hard, and so fast because of the taste of my pussy. Now lick my fingers and feel the pleasure of my sweet pussy.”

She stuck her slick fingers between his lips after having slid it down her pants and under her panties, and she felt the pressure of his orgasm in his mouth as he sucked and licked those fingers for his life.

“Now watch the crystal, watch it swinging back and forth, back and forth. Every swing is erasing a memory of the last few minutes, every swing is filling your memory with foggy thoughts of my breasts, and warm thoughts of deep sleep. You are going to get out of the car and go inside now, and when you do, you will forget about today until you see me again. You will forget all about today until you see my cleavage again. And when you do, you will return to this state of deeply hypnotized obedience. You have no choice, you have no power to resist me, and as you watch the crystal and fall even deeper between my breasts, you will feel your body getting up now, getting up and moving to take you back inside and forget for me now.”

He was up and out of the car just like that, and when Ted woke the next morning he had no idea what had happened to his Saturday.

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