The Dangers of Travel

The Dangers of Trust

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #sub:male #titnosis #milf

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

Synopsis: After his encounter with Lynda, Ethan finds himself seeing a therapist, a buxom, red headed, British therapist...
(This was a commissioned sequel, and I saw an opportunity to do something slightly different with it, including tying in a bunch of my other stories) 

The Dangers of Trust

“Do you think there’s any chance,” Ethan looked deep into Nadia’s eyes as she spoke, “that when this Lynda hypnotized you, and, well, you know she seduced you with hypnosis right? Do you think this mysterious woman might have had ulterior motives? Do you think she might have even targeted you?”

Nadia’s narrow, purple framed glasses sat low on her nose, and she looked over them at Ethan as she asked him that question, and he sat there, thinking about it.

Dr. Nadia Saunders was Ethan’s age, and like Lynda, the British woman who had indeed randomly hypnotized him, and played with him for a stretch of time on a work trip in central Europe several years ago, she had red hair, blue eyes, soft, pale skin… 

Ethan had told his new therapist that story, alluding to it in previous sessions, though he didn;t exactly know why, and having told her about it this time, he found himself truly noticing that indeed, like Lynda, this woman also had large, beautiful breasts.

Her question still hung there, unanswered, and he looked up from her chest, which he’d sincerely, accidentally been admiring, fully covered by her dress as it was, up into Nadia’s eyes. His therapist couldn’t have been more similar to Lynda, but Nadia wasn’t British, her hair was straight, and she had a much more angular face. More so, she said she was not a hypnotist and did not use it in her practice.

His therapist was also considerably more forceful than Lynda was, and either through a combination of height and heels, had six inches on the mysterious hypnotist from Ethan’s past. It was strange, he wasn’t expecting her to sound so judgemental, or confrontational, but then again, she was his new therapist so he didn’t really know her style, and he was also just plain new to therapy in general.

“I don’t know why she would have.” 

It was strange to even think that Lynda would want anything from him. It was hard to think of her as anything other than sweet, kind, caring, and nurturing. It was easy to think of her and remember how good it had felt to be with her that weekend.

“Ethan, I think you might be disassociating.”

Her voice was soft but strong, and he had a moment where he realized he was staring at nothing, well, her tits and nothing, as his mind had wandered.

“Sorry, I uh… I mean, we had some basic security training, so I understand that with any social engineering, the point is to get an in, and it doesn’t matter how big or small, but that’s kind of bullshit for my position I think. Like getting to me, wouldn’t do anything.”

“That’s interesting Ethan, why do you think that?” 

Her eyebrow arched as she asked that, and her hand came to rest on her collarbone as she watched him and waited for his reply. Her eyes were sharp and fierce, not as soft as Lynda’s were. Lynda’s entire energy was soft, and welcoming. Being with her, being near her, was like being pulled into bed.

“It’s not a self-esteem thing or anything, it’s just, anything I have access to someone could get at with brute force with much less time and effort. And any time I’ve had contact with her, we never talked about my work.”

“That you’re aware of.” Unlike her last comment, this one was simply a matter of fact. “And how long has it been since you’ve been in contact with her?”

“I’m sorry, what do you mean?” He tried to raise an eyebrow, but that always just made him scrunch his face a little bit. 

“You told me she identified you as a highly suggestible and receptive subject, and given how hypnosis can work, there’s really no way for you to know what you’ve told her, or what she’s compelled and drawn out of you.”

“Okay,” Ethan stopped making eye contact with ehr and looked up at the ceiling as he thought about the times he’d talked to Lynda since they first met. “I can see why you might think that. So I guess, I don’t even know how long it’s been since the last time we talked. She could have made me delete any records of her calling me. Who knows, maybe I have a secret burner phone I don’t know about and…”

He had intended his last comments to be a joke, but she was not smiling.

“It’s possible,” Ethan had looked back at her to answer, and now he saw her move her tilt her head ever so slightly and raise her pointer finger from her collar bone to the corner or her mouth. She was wearing noticeable, professional makeup, and it brought out her features. “So let me rephrase that. When was the last time you remember having contact with her?”

“It’s been…”

All the random, paranoid, fantastical thoughts he’d had about her, things he hadn’t been able to articulate, things that were incongruous with her sweet, warm, nurturing energy, started to take real form in his head. He was trying to think about the last email they exchanged, and how he had been so excited to read it, to what from her, and all he could think about was, what if there was something there, some secret code or activation phrase.

“Hold on,” he took out his phone, opened his email and started scrolling, “I can tell you exactly, and show you.” 

The emails were banal back and forths, pleasant exchanges, and nothing more.

“Do you feel anything as you read them?”

She was watching him as he read those words. But no, there was nothing that he felt, nothing that felt urgent, nothing that reminded him of anything else.

“No, but here, you can read them if you’d like.” 

He handed her his phone, and when she handed it back she said, “Nothing stands out, no repetition, no references to what you told me of your time together past checking in on your well being. It also appears that you have not had contact with her since shortly after your encounter. Still, could there be other modes of communication, other accounts and platforms possibly? Could she have had you set something up while you were in her presence?”

She was so matter of fact about all of it that it made things seem less absurd than they clearly were. But the most absurd thing of all for Ethan was what he said next.

“I have wondered about that, but…” 

He had, he really had, he just never let himself admit that. It was too hard to hold sinister thoughts of her alongside how soft, gentle, and how soothing she was. It was too hard for him to hold those concerns when he thought about her… her body… her voice… her breasts…

He caught himself drifting when he meant to be digging into himself, trying to find something. “But I, uh, I mean, I feel like if I told her anything I shouldn’t have, or shared anything damaging, it would have come up at work by now.”

She watched him, she was watching him so closely, and she nodded slightly, still looking down at him over her glasses.

“Not if she only wants business intelligence that doesn’t directly impact your position, or branch. There are all sorts of things you know, based on your position, that could help other people profit off of things that wouldn’t necessarily come back to you.”

Nadia’s finger had dropped from the corner of her mouth, and now she was brushing down the fabric of her dress, down the side of her breast. She was wearing a high necked, short sleeved black dress, and had her hair up in a bouffant. She wore a white belt around her waist, and didn’t wear any jewelry except for small studs in her ears. 

She pushed her glasses back up to the bridge of her nose and looked him dead in the eye, waiting for him to return eye contact and answer her.

“I’m curious Doctor, how do you know anything about this kind of thing?”

He thought it was a fair question, but she tilted her head in a way that said are you serious.

“My clientele is made up exclusively of white collar professionals that are usually in upper or middle management, or who have an above average level of professional stress and responsibility. I have to understand all the stress points in the lives of people like you, including the dangers you face working in competitive fields like yours. I actually teach seminars in preventing psychological and emotional manipulation, but you already know that about me. You might not have clocked it as part of your decision making process, but it is why you chose me Ethan, that and, as you’ve described it, my physical similarities to this mysterious hypnotist, Lynda.”

“Honestly Doctor,” the way she stared at him, the way her eyes dug into him, it didn’t feel like she was undressing him, it felt like she was stripping him down to the bone. “I’m not entirely sure how I ended up here.”

“In your previous visits you talked about stress, and unfulfilled emotional needs, and a sense of accomplishment. You also talked about anxiety, lack of professional motivation, and struggles to connect with romantic and sexual partners. Which are all very normal reasons my clients have in coming to see me.You selected me from a list of therapists you were referred to by your doctor because of your disposition towards being physically attracted to me, and because of my presentation, which caters towards people like you, with your needs.”

Ethan didn’t know what to say to that.

“Look, Dr. Saunders, I don’t really feel that stressed out by…”

She held up a single finger to stop him, “Self-minimizing is a natural response, but we do it to deny problems, not to manage them. And if this Lynda woman is inside your head, training you to provide her with intelligence and manipulating your perception of what’s happening, that can create tremendous, unsustainable stress on your psyche. It can even put you in a position to have a mental breakdown. I did my residency in a private, voluntary commitment mental health hospital, I’ve seen how high functioning people implode.”

  “I don’t think I’m imploding, and I don;t think that Lyndia has turned me into a sleeper agent. I think it was just an odd, almost unbelievable chain of events that…”

Maybe he was imploding?

Maybe Lynda was in his head ina real lasting way.

Maybe she had been planning to do something more with him, or to him.

Maybe she had made it so he couldn’t have doubts about her, not that he was just naturally wanting to hold on to his very good, very strange, unbelievable time with her.


He had drifted off again, disassociated again, and as her voice shook him back on track, he realized he’d once again fallen into staring at her tits.

They stood out in her dress, and while there was nothing, not even a hint of cleavage, they were still undeniable.

“I’m sorry, there’s just a lot going on in my head and I…”

She held up her finger again to stop him.

“What you are describing  sounds like what she would want you to think happened. And because you are, as you have told me she told you, and I believe that she more and more rightly observed, are in the five percent of the population that are highly suggestible to hypnosis, more than able to believe this. One can use the premise that a subject is highly suggestible, even if the subject is not, relying on the position of and appeal to authority, to convince a subject to respond more favorably and agreeably to hypnosis before they are hypnotized, but you, with what you described, are actually a soma somnambulist. So, she could have you respond to hypnosis in ways that others wouldn’t, causing hypnosis to affect you in ways it would simply not other people.”

“This isn’t really what I came here to…” 

She raised her finger again.

Fuck, what if this was what he actually came here to talk about?

“And yet, this is what we are talking about, because you couldn’t keep it inside. Telling me about her is a cry for help, especially when paired with your own belief that you are not suffering an unmanageable amount of stress. So tell me, Ethan…”

Nadine adjusted her glasses again, and let go of the firm, almost brusk tone she had been using with him, “What do you actually remember about being hypnotized by her?”

If he really didn’t want to talk about this, he wouldn’t have brought it up. If he wasn’t struggling with reconciling this strange event, he wouldn’t have confusing feelings about if he was afraid of what she may have done, and if he was even allowed to have those feelings.

“She, uh… she put me to sleep on the train, then in our room…”

Nadine held up her finger, “Your room. It wasn’t hers, she maneuvered herself into your room. It’s important you understand that.”

“Okay, then in my room, she hypnotized me again, and she made me cum by massaging my thumb. Then later, she took me through a more formal, I guess, hypnosis session, and she made me cum again.”

“Yes,” she gave him a slight nod, “you said that. I mean, more so, what do you remember about the experience as a whole, and the types of things she said to you? Do you recall her reinforcing anything, or repeating anything in particular?”

“She uh…” Ethan felt a flush of embarrassment despite the fact he’d already talked about ejaculating. “Sbe noticed my, I guess, appreciation for her breasts, and she had me call her ‘mum’, which I guess is a British thing?”

“That’s very interesting. Mum is a term for mother, but depending on her accent, she might have been telling you to call her ma’am. Still, with noticing your attraction to her breasts, there is some chance it was more manipulation, playing on certain Freudian clichés. Did her breasts feature prominently in your hypnosis?”

The curious, more gentle tone in Dr. Saunders’s voice had become surprisingly disarming. Ethan had thought that maybe in their first few meetings He hadn’t had the best read on her because things seemed combative, or at least aggressive in their sessions, but he’d also felt that she was interested, engaged, and supportive at the same time. Now, in that moment, it was obvious that she was capable of being both, almost in the same breath.

“I don’t know what you mean…” 

He said the words and waited for Dr. Saunders to clarify, but the woman pushed on her glasses slightly and sat back in such a way that she was sitting bolt upright with her shoulders back and her chest out. He noticed, and he saw her notice him noticing and a slight smirk worked its way to one corner of her mouth.

She sat there, looking directly into his eyes, waiting for him to keep talking, breathing deeply and slowly, her chest rising and falling as he sat and stared, thinking of what to say next.

“I mean, yes…” The image of her cleavage behind the candle she used, and the way she told him how her tits had hypnotized his cock sent a wave of calm and arousal through him. 

He wasn’t expecting to feel that, and now that the feeling was there, it was tugging at him, encouraging him to drift back into those soft, gentle, erotic memories of her breasts. “Yes, but only at the end when she had me really focused on them for part of, I guess, the hypno-sex we had, or…. I don’t have the term for it.”

Ethan took a deep breath in, and as he exhaled, he tried his best to keep focused in the moment.

“Did she ever physically stimulate you to climax? Did you ever have physical, penetrative sex with her?” 

Nadia’s questions were matter of fact observations, and they made him think of the way her caress of his thumb made him cum, and the way her breasts had compelled an orgasm out of him. It was getting harder to stay fully present, and he was surprised by how powerful the memories were, and how he also came to realize he hadn’t really thought of them in a long time.

“No,” Ethan shook his head when he realized he kept admiring her breasts, and to emphasize his answer. “There wasn’t any physical intimacy, not even kissing.”

“So when you say she had you focus on her breasts to lead you into climax, that was the extent of the roll her breasts played in hypnotizing you?” Again, there was an even, professional level to her voice. “Think back to those nights as best you can, did she ever give you clear suggestions while inducing trance, to focus on her breasts, or that her breasts were hypnotizing you, anything along those lines?”

“No, it wasn’t like that. I mean, she knew I was having a hard time not looking at them, and maybe she distracted me with her hand, getting me to stay focused on them, but no, she wasn’t like, look at my tits, now you’re hypnotized.”

“I see.”

She sat there watching him, and he felt watched, and exposed.

“It’s rather funny if you think about it Ethan,” she put her hand to her chest again and smiled a sharp, privately amused smile, “if she had done that it would have worked just as well to hypnotize you, wouldn’t it?”

“I uh… I don’t know… I guess? I mean, if I am that easily hypnotizable.”

Ethan wonders if Nadia, Dr. Saunders, was doing that on purpose, like she was pointing at her tits, if she was doing exactly what Lynda had, but that wasn’t her.

No, she wasn’t a hypnotist, she wasn’t hypnotizing him, she was his therapist.

He trusted her.

“From what you’ve told me, and from what I am observing about you, you are. As I said, I am not a hypnotist, and I do not practice hypnosis with my patients, but I am familiar with it. You may not realize this, but when you actively think about her, and when you actively call up memory, I can observe you entering into moments of trance. You have moments of micro-submersion into the trance state just by remembering being hypnotized, and that makes me think more and more that you were identified and targeted for corporate espionage by this woman.”

“Can I ask, why are you so focused on that, and why were you asking about her breasts so much?” Ethan felt proud of himself for asserting some initiative.

“There is an…” Nadia sat forward and put her hands flat on her desk, and Ethan did wonder what her cleavage would look like if her dress had a scoop neck, “...organization that focuses on people in potentially valuable positions who are psychologically vulnerable to sexual manipulation and seduction through hypnosis. The operatives in this organization are women, and they reliably deploy their breasts to hypnotize and compromise their targets.” 

Nadia lifted her hand to her chest, and rested her fingers on her collarbone again, 

“Women’s breasts, especially ones like mine, occupy space and power in our zeitgeist and culture. Our obsession with breasts, and the hyper-sexualization of them is one component, while another is the constant cultural reinforcement of what breasts do to the male mind. These spies that hypnotically seduce men with their large breasts do so because of the cultural leverage and power that comes from their awareness of their breasts, and how their subjects think of them. This makes their uses of hypnosis extremely effective, as they embrace cultural norms and assumptions about the power of breasts, and then deliver on them. The end result is that the subject subconsciously expects what is happening to them, and agrees with the premise, and in turn willingly succumbs to their hypnotic seduction.”

As she spoke, her smirk returned, and while she didn’t move her hand, her focused, intense gaze seemed to be daring him to look down at her tits, and it took all of his will power and deliberate focus not to stare at them.

But half way through what she had to say, Ethan was glancing down at her breasts, and while they were fully covered, she did seem just as powerful and just as compelling.

Much like Lynda’s tits were on that first night, when hers were also fully covered by her sweater.

“These women can and do change their approaches, but they are not the only operatives in the field doing these things. There is another, much looser organization, one that is more like individual cells or franchises, that instead of corporate espionage…”

Dr. Saunders brushed her hand down over her breasts, “They focus…”

She looked down at her hand and traced a fingernail down over her breast and did not look at him.

“They fixate.”

She did it again.

“They obsess over, and brainwash each other into sexual dominance over men and women they want to control completely and totally, for their own private, greed, ends, and desires.”

“By any chance,” Nadia’s voice was soft again, compelling in its curiosity and concern as she looked up at him, and spoke, catching him looking down at her finger, down at her tits, “”did this Lynda woman wear a blue crystal necklace?”

 Ethan shook his head again, “No, I don’t think so, is that something particular?”

“Hmmmm,” her fingers moved up and down along the inner side of her breast, pushing the fabric of the dress in as she did so, giving even more clear shape to her chest. “I didn’t think she would, and you would remember if she had. It’s a calling card for some organizations. How about a pearl?” 

Ethan had a moment of confusion as her question lingered, and he blinked.” He had the distinct sense she was distracting him with her hand on purpose. “Dr. Saunders, I feel like you might be trying to hypnotize me.”

“I understand what you might think, and I’m sorry about my hand. These things happen to us subconsciously, talking about women’s breasts, and as we established, you are highly susceptible to hypnosis and highly suggestible, so for your own mental wellbeing and the sake of our dynamic, you have to trust me that I am not a hypnotist, and I am not trying to hypnotize you. If you are being hypnotized, you are simply doing it to yourself.” 

Her hand moved down her chest slowly, and his eyes followed it down, down, down, until it was flat on the table, and as her hand moved down, so did his eyelids, until they shut. And even though he registered everything she just said, and even though he agreed with her that he had to trust her, and saw no reason why she’d lie to him about hypnotizing him, he recognized the feeling, and struggled to open his eyes and look at her.

He stared deep into her blue eyes as she looked down at him over her glasses, and before he could say anything, she asked,“What about a pearl?”

He blinked and felt disoriented, “I’m sorry, I think, I did just kind of…”

“It’s alright Ethan, this isn’t surprising to me. Let yourself relax and focus on my questions. Was there a pearl? Maybe in another piece of jewelry? She would have worn it prominently, most likely visibly between her breasts, but also maybe as a ring?”

“I don’t…I… I’m really… I think you were right…” he was going to say more, but her soft, understanding, sympathetic voice stopped him. 

“I know I was, I know I am, and it’s alright. Just try your best Ethan. I know you can try your best for me because I need you to remember so I can help you. You do want me to help you overcome and understand what’s happened to you, don;t you?”

He was struggling to stay above the surface and to stay wholly conscious, but he didn’t even know what exactly he was feeling. “I do… but I don’t understand…”

“It’s okay, you do trust me, I can tell you do, it’s why you’re here, why you’ve come back, and why you’re still here, so you can just trust me  to understand what’s happening to you, and what you need. I am not a hypnotist, I am not hypnotizing you. If I wanted to hypnotize you, it would be so easy that you wouldn’t even notice it happening. So anything you think you notice, or feel is simply what you’re doing to yourself.”

She stood up as she spoke and leaned towards him over her desk, still looking down on him, and she seemed very understanding and very capable as she did. He looked up at her, then down at her tits, drawn by something compulsive, not deliberate, and he felt himself melting down into his chair.

“I am not hypnotizing you, because hypnotizing you would be effortless and instantaneous for me, even though I am not a hypnotist. You have to trust me when I say this, and just realize anything you are feeling really and truly is just happening because you’re letting it happen to yourself now. Anything you feel or think is happening is just what your subconscious mind is letting happen.”

Her voice was smooth and steady, soft, compassionate, and certain, and she walked around the desk to stand over him, and as he looked at her, as he stared up at Dr. Nadia Saunders, he felt himself powerlessly staring at her figure, at the promise of what her tits would look like.

It was just something that was happening to him.

Probably something Lynda had put in his head.

He was highly suggestible, so talking about it was making him remember.

That was all.

He was just reflexively having a highly suggestible response.

Nadia wasn’t doing this to him, she was helping him to manage and understand what he was feeling.

Had she just said that to him?

Her hand was up to her collar, and she was smirking down at him. How long had he been sitting there, staring at her chest?

How was he so captivated by her breasts?

The answer came to his mind before he finished his own thought.

It was because everything she’d said had been true, and accurate. Ethan realized he had no choice but to trust her.

At least for the moment.

“So, back to the pearl. It is a symbol of a very prestigious and very accomplished… you know what…” she chuckled, “It’s too much to get into. Do you remember her having a pronounced, large pearl anywhere?”

“I uh…” the humanity in her voice, the way her tone had changed again to become conversational, normal really, pulled him back into himself. “I don’t think so? I mean, she didn’t dangle anything or make me watch her wave something, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“She might not have done it directly, it might have been on her finger. Can you remember back to those nights? You said she noticed you noticing her breasts. You’ve been noticing my breasts every time I move my hand, and you can see and remember I don’t have any jewelry, so just think back to that first night, when you said she was using her hand to distract you and have you focus on her chest. Just think back for me Ethan, let yourself remember what you saw.”

Her tone didn’t change, nothing about her changed, but her hand was back to her breasts, resting there as she spoke, and with every word he felt himself falling back into the memory.” 

“It would be something that wouldn’t be too subtle. Just think about and remember how you felt enthralled by her breasts, misdirected to constantly stare at them, and see if you can remember a ring. Let yourself find the moment, find the feeling now Ethan, and tell me what you see.”

He told her about sitting and talking about hypnosis, and how she explained to him what she did, and how her hand kept moving to her chest, how her soft, pale skin stood out against the purple sweater and guided his eyes back to her breasts over and over again until he couldn’t look away from them.

“No,” His vision focused again, and he realized he had been in a fugue state, or had sunk into trance by himself, it didn’t really matter. “She didn’t have a ring, I would have fett it or noticed it when she was holding my hand.”

“That’s very good. I know this is strange for you, and that’s natural. Just remember, I am not hypnotizing you, I am not a hypnotist, and for this to work, for me to help you, you have to trust yourself to trust me. You have to trust me not to take advantage of you, This is very sensitive space in your mind. It is a very intimate, erotic memory, and it has power over you, and I want you to let yourself be present in those feelings and in those emotions. You can’t resist or deny what you feel, and what has been implanted in your mind. Don’t fight it, just feel it, and remember.”

The way she said ‘remember’ made his whole body feel warm.

“Now, can you remember if she wore a necklace, or a pendant with a pearl in it? Like I said, it would have been in her cleavage, or prominently placed there  Just…”

Dr. Saunders’s fingers pushed into the fabric between her breasts and traced down, “Here. It would have been right here. Focus on your memories of right here, and let yourself go back to the moment when you saw her cleavage the most clearly.”

He thought about Lynda’s cleavage when he did see it, he thought about her breasts being pushed together in her hands, still in her top and…

Ethan gasped, hard, he was hit with a wave of pure sexual arousal. He was aware again that he was staring at Nadia’s tits, and it came back to him in a rush that he never even saw Lynda is so much as a bra, she always had her top on.

“No, there was no puh….”

Even when she…

“Oh fuck… oh fuuuuu…..”

Nadia still had hand where it was and he saw her nodding slowly as he came in his pants. It came on so fast and so hard that the blood rushed from his head and he fell  back into the darkness, eyes closed, breath sharp and hard.

“It’s alright Ethan, this is what she did to you. She did this to you to control you, and this is proof of that power and control. It’s not your fault, you couldn’t stop this, and you didn’t do this to yourself past going back into the moment, and you did that so we can find answers to help you and more forward. So just relax, just be in your breath.”

Ethan’s mind and body were vibrating with aftershocks of the sudden, violent primal pleasure that had exploded through him, and it took a few long moments and soothing words from Dr. Saunders before he really found his breath, and then he found himself sitting in cum splattered underwear.

“Ethan,” Nadia was standing over him still, “you’ll be more comfortable if you take off your underwear. Just take them off, then put your pants back on, and sit back down when you’re done. We have more to do this session, and you are in a very good place to keep going. Trust me, I know what’s best for you, and I know what you need.”

It was so easy for him to stand up, take off his shoes, then his pants and his underwear, then put his pants back on and sat back down.

“You need to understand, no one would put that kind of control switch in your mind if they didn’t want to use it. You just orgasmed and blacked out when you actively and meaningfully tried to remember what she did to you. I can tell that she used that control on you, actively in your time together, and much more recently than you could remember.”

He sat there looking up at her as she looked down at him over her glasses again. She had watched him with a methodical, practical eye as he disrobed and then dressed, leaning his underwear on the ground, and when he sat back down, he felt distant, vacant. It was a familiar feeling, and as she spoke to him, he realized that everything Dr. Saunders was saying was true, more true than he wanted to believe. 

“Observing your response and talking to you, I can tell that you do not remember the ways she used it, or what she asked of you, while you were actively in trance for her. Now, while I have told you that I am not a hypnotist, we could have used hypnosis to explore your memories, but she has wired hypnosis to sexual pleasure so fully in your mind that if we were to try and use it, if I were to try to actively hypnotize you, as easy as that would be, you would just fixate on my breasts, orgasm, and black out again…”

The more she talked, the more she explained everything, the more tangibly he felt and realized what she was saying. Ethan was realizing it not as a concept, but as a reality, and as she spoke about his response to hypnosis he thought about hypnosis, and found himself fixating on her breasts actively…

He stared at their shape under her dress, and as he did, he felt his vision soften and his eyelids flutter.

Warmth pooled between his legs, his body responding to the sexual conditioning he understood that he was programmed with. His cock was still tender, still sensitive from his orgasm, still aching from its sudden, violent release, and he tried to pull himself mentally out of the warm, soft morass of remembering Lynda’s breasts, and staring at Dr. Saunders chest.

“Do you understand all of that Ethan?” 

She asked him with so much sympathy that he didn’t recognize her voice, or the question for a moment. He just sat there, warm, drowning in a feeling of soft, sexual lethargy, compelling him to just drift away.

“I, uh, I um…” He closed his eyes, took a deep, cool breath in, exhaled and forced his eyes open, forcing himself to wake up. “Yes, I understand. I…” Ethan took a quick inventory of what had happened, and what he could remember of Lynda. “I really do. And I think you’re right.”

“So tell me Ethan,” She moved closer to him, standing within his personal space in a way she hadn;t before. “Do you believe my judgment that she either deliberately targeted you, or took advantage of the opportunity you presented, to collect business intelligence from you?”

He felt dismantled and unmoored, like something had been lossend inside him, bolts were undone and pieces were falling out. “I don’t know, Doctor. I just don't know.”

“But you do trust my professional judgment, and experience, don't you Ethan?”

She was too close to him, and too matter of fact, and there was nowhere to go, nowhere to wiggle out of the simple, straightforward question.

He felt like he had to trust her, like he was obliged to trust her based on everything that had happened, and the fact he had repeatedly come to see her. He felt like there was no way not to trust her given what he’d shared, and given that she was working to help him.

“I… I do.”

There was no real change on Nadia’s face, and she didn’t say what he was expecting her to say. Instead, she stood over him, silently.

“So, I guess… yeah… yes, she… I think she must have been after something, like you said, either from the start, or she, I don’t know… just took advantage of the moment. It seems like either one could be true, and if she was traveling regularly then she probably just does this when she can. I mean, she was so smooth, I can’t believe I didn’t…”

The words had come so easily, like what she had loosened was the part of his mind that stored all his doubts. He had just dumped those words out, thoughts he hadn’t consciously processed, but had undeniably felt.

“It’s alright Ethan, you were a victim, and it wasn’t your fault. All of this is well outside of everyday life, and it beggars belief. How absurd would it be to tell someone else that a buxom woman hypnotized you and seduced you, getting unbelievably lucky coming across someone as susceptible and as highly suggestible as you?”

That was it!

This was exactly why he had never consciously let himself bring his doubts to the fore. 

It was too absurd for him to even believe, and he knew it had actually happened. He wished it wasn’t true, he had hoped it wasn’t all along, but no, Nadia was right. She had to be right, and that was hard, but it was okay, he trusted her to help him. He trusted her entirely, he had to.

“It’s unbelievable, which is one of the reasons women like this succeed at what they do. There is a university psychology  professor who has been brainwashing her peers, and training her most buxom students to go out into the world to use her teachings and their various talents to do things like this for their own individual benefit and hers. If I told you that was happening before your experience with Lynda you would not have believed me. Would you?”

He sat there, thinking, considering, but this time she didn’t wait for him to answer.

“No one expects to be enthralled like this, and as I explained early, while they do not expect to be hypnotized, they do expect themselves to find breasts, especially large breasts, compelling, and irresistible. Anyone would have fallen into her trap, you just, as we both know, happened to be uniquely prone, uniquely powerless to resist her, and that’s not your fault, is it Ethan?”

Nadia put her hand back to her chest as she stood over him, directly in front of him, and kept talking, her voice dropping to its comforting register, her words smooth. He knew she wasn’t hypnotizing him, she wasn’t a hypnotist. He knew she wasn’t because she had disclosed as much, and when he first told her his story, he had asked about her relationship to hypnosis and she’d told him just that.

If he hadn’t known that about her, if he didn’t trust her, he might have thought she was trying to hypnotize him.

But if she was hypnotizing him, his cock would have been swelling up, and he would have been blacking out.

Instead, he felt calm, relaxed, and focused on her, at least for the moment.

“No, Doctor, I guess it’s not.”

“That’s right, it’s not, and it’s not your fault that the more we talk about hypnosis, and the way Lynda used her large breasts to distract you, and play off your weakness…”

Ethan felt heat and erotic warmth stir between his legs again, and felt his eyes flutter.

‘The more we explore the sensitive areas in your psyche that she conditioned, programmed, and manipulated to protect herself with your pleasure, the more you will naturally regress, as we have seen, back into those states, responding to her training, hypnotizing yourself/ But you are safe, and we will move past these blocks…”

Just a moment ago he had felt fully awake, or what he thought was fully awake, and now he was back in the morass, drifting away at the edges, softly melting into his chair as his cock started to gently swell.

“You couldn’t resist what she did, and you don’t have any conscious control over what happens when you are triggered, and activated, as we just saw. So just relax Ethan, we will get through this, we will get to what really matters, and we will work together to help you. All you have to do is keep trusting me and letting me help you….”

She moved her hand down her breast slightly and stopped herself from what she was going to say. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that with my hand. I just naturally put it here, and I hope it isn’t too distracting or activating. I know you are programmed to be drawn to large breasts, both by society, and by Lynda, so don;t worry about what is happening now. I am not doing anything to you, I am not a hypnotist, and I am not using my breasts to hypno…”

The steady cadence of her voice and the fact her hand hadn’t moved had him staring, floating, and getting much harder again.

“Ethan, I’m sorry, I think it would probably be best for you to undress. I wouldn’t want you to have another unexpected climax and ruin your pants, or make you walk out into the world with a large cum spot on them. Just stand up for me again, undress, and sit back down.”

Her finger had started to trace up and down between her breasts as she spoke, and Ethan felt himself agreeing with her logic, and realizing it was the only reasonable thing to do. Moments later he was naked in the chair, save for his socks, staring at her chest, vacantly waiting for whatever she had to say next.

But he wasn't hypnotized, not by her, she wasn’t a hypnotist.

This was just a strange situation to go along with the other unbelievable circumstances he had found himself in.

Ethan trusted Dr. Nadia Suanders, this was all just to help him.

“Now Ethan,” she was so close to him and now both of her hands were on her chest, stroking down her breasts like she was lost in her own thoughts, “for your own piece of mind, and to try and curtail the damage she has done to you and the company you work for, why don’t you tell me the kinds of information she might have gotten from you. Nothing you say will leave this room, because I am your doctor, and you already trust me, so just tell me what comes to mind, what kind of proprietary information, secrets, or insider information she might have milked out of you.”

“I don’t know…” he didn’t, and it was easy to say that. “I don’t know what anyone would want with me, I don’t really think about… it’s not like… I’m not in information security or…”

“It’s alright. You can think about it. You can think on it between now and our next session.” She was gentle, patient, and understanding, and then her tone changed to something more forceful, something more insistent, 

“Just don’t try and remember what you said, especially while you were staring at her breasts, deeply hypnotized by her. Whatever you do, don;t try and remember what she asked you while she had you deeply entranced and distracted by her large breasts.” 

His cock has fully erect again, and the pleasure was building. He was lost, less in her words, and more in the warm, sensual memories she was telling him not to experience or remember.

“Don’t try and put your mind between her voice and her breasts, feeling the need to say whatever she tells you to say, and do whatever she has deeply hypnotized you,,, deep like her cleavage, has hypnotized you to…”

That was all it took for him to cum again.

His eyes closed as the orgasm thundered through him and gushed out of him.

That was all it took for a large, sticky mess of cum to splatter all over her dress.

“Oh Ethan,” she laughed, “I know it’s hard, but open your eyes and look at what you’ve done.”

His eyes barely opened, and he saw her smirking at him, pointing at the glob of cum on her tits. “That was quite an orgasm, and now I need to make sure this doesn’t set and stain. So just close your eyes and sleep.”

The last thing Ethan saw before his eyes closed was Nadia taking off her glasses, and as she did, Ethan’s vision blurred. Her face was less angular than he thought, her hair was wavier than it was a moment ago.

“You just sleep now, like a good boy, just sleep for me my sweet boy, sleep for ma’am… not mum honey, ma’am.”

Her British accent hung in the air of the office, the rented workspace, and his eyes closed again.

Later, no more than a few minutes, he woke with a start to see a woman in a matching set of purple panties and bra, looking right at him, slowly putting her glasses back on. As she did, she asked him, “Who do you see?”

Her accent drifted from British to American, the kind of non-regional diction of a newscaster, and her features sharpened as her hair seemed to straighten.

“Doctor Nadia… Nadia Saunders.”

“That’s right, it’s just like Clark Kent and Superman Ethan, it’s amazing what a pair of glasses can do. Now you just sleep for me now, deep sleep”

This mysterious Lyndia woman had, conveniently, looked a fair bit like Nadia, and whatever she had been up to, whatever games she had played with Ethan were her own business. Getting Ethan to disassociate and see Nadia as the other woman had taken some precise and elegant work, but he really was the easiest subject she had ever come across.

The point of the manipulation and deception was simple.

If he wouldn’t respond to his therapist, then she could show up in his life again, as Lynda, playing on both their past, and the narrative she had installed in his mind.

Ethan had value, not for his position, but because he was an unassuming mole, someone who would be all but invisible, and who would, unknowingly open doors for Nadia and her organization. Eventually she would send him to Brookridge Mental Institution, not to be drained the way other high value, high earning targets, but to fully debrief, deprogrammed, and then discarded, past the testimonials they would position him to give to others.

Comments welcome.

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