The Baum Squd

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #sub:male #bimbo_domme #bisexual_dominant #blowing_bubblegum #bondage #confusion_induction #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #noir #titnosis

Brandi Baum, her big bouncy boobs, and her beguiling bubblegum bubbles, brainwash a down and out detective, and a few other people, in this hypno-bimbo noir.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

The Baum Squad

A Smuthunter Story

“I don’t think that’s what you really mean is it officer?”

Patrolman Lawson stood there, his instincts somewhere between continuing to simply stand stalk still and passive or howling like a cartoon wolf. His eyes were glassy, fixed in a downward slant, buried in the most buxom cleavage he had ever seen in person.

“Nuh…no…uh…um…yes?” He was trying desperately to make sense of what he was supposed to say. It was either no, or yes, but he couldn’t bring himself around long enough to figure out what the right answer was.

“Yes?” Her voice was sticky sweet and pouty.

He assumed her lips were matching her tone, but he really couldn’t look up far enough to see. Even though he was a head taller than her, his neck, his head, and his eyes were locked on a fixed downward angle.

“But that’s not what you, “ and she was running a finger up and down his right arm, “really want is it?”

Then she popped her gum and the snap made him shake his head for just a second.

He was back to his senses, his gaze went back to where it belonged.

“Look Ms. Baum, I’m sorry but I…uh…um…” his words trailed off when she popped her gum again. It was like flipping a light switch in his head, or like an old TV with a dial and static between channels.

Her juicy pink bubble swelled up in front of his eyes, then popped, then snapped, then popped, and she was still running her fingers up and down his arm and somehow his eyes had gone right back down into her cleavage.

“It’s okay officer, you’re just a little confused. I’m confused all the time. I’m always having such a hard time trying to think about anything.”

She was right up next to him, her fingertips were sliding down his face, his eyes closing down for just a second, before blinking open when her gum snapped again.

“You’re a little confused officer, it’s all very confusing isn’t it?”

Her voice was just as sticky as the big pink bubble, swelling up in his head just the same way, from just the same lips while he stared down dumbstruck at her tits.

“You are feeling more than a little confused and a little less than a little less than a little bit more confused about why you’re feeling so confused about something that’s too simple to forget, but you can’t remember can you?”

She blew and popped a little bubble as he felt himself nodding, he couldn’t remember anything really.

“You probably need some help officer, and I can probably help you because I’m so confused too.”

She tilted his chin up slightly with a pink painted nail, “Look at me officer.”

Patrolman Lawson looked at her, blinking and dumb. Instinctively he could tell she was attractive. She was looking up into his eyes with big bright blue eyes as she toyed with a long blond curly lock. She had round cheeks and a wide emotive smile. She wasn’t a toothpick, she was perfectly curvy in all the right ways and her sweet round face was just happy and inviting.

“You’re a policeman aren’t you?”

Her tone was bubbly, and it made him feel silly, especially because he kept on wanting to look down at her tits and it took him a moment to say yes.

It was really hard to think about anything.

She was wearing a pink tank top and a thin white hooded sweatshirt that she probably couldn’t zip up even if she wanted to. She was making sure her massive chest was jutting right out at him, so much so that he had no idea what she was wearing below the waist.

“Well if you’re a police man, aren’t you supposed to serve and protect me right?”

She snapped her gum loud enough to jolt him back into activity.

He desperately wanted to get away, or handcuff her. He was being assaulted, he knew it, he just didn’t know how. Every time he had a moment of clarity it got harder to stop himself from whatever she was doing to him.

At first it didn’t seem like much, she was just flirting with him to get out of a speeding ticket and he was used to that sort of thing. But somehow the ticket was… wait… that wasn’t right. She had walked up to him and started talking to him about a ticket.

She had made a little pouty face.

It seemed stupid to him really, that a grown woman would look like her and act like her. But he’d assumed the way guys would respond to those jugs probably taught her it was just fine to play a dumb little sexpot, and all of that ticked by in the back of his mind while she spoke to him.

Of course, any time someone’s talking to an on duty officer, you have to try and see what’s really going on. Yes, some people are just friendly, but most people… didn’t really… “Yes ma’am, but I still have to give you a speeding ticket.”

She was giggling as she put her finger on his lips and shushed him, “You already said that silly, you’re really confused aren’t you? It’s Ok, we can start over.”

She blew another big pink bubble in front of his eyes, and when it popped, his eyes drifted back down to her big jiggling breasts.

“I really need you to serve and protect me officer, and you really want to do that don’t you?”

Her boobs bounced again and patrolman Lawson’s mind was as stuck in her cleavage as his eyes were.

* * *

“Um, like hi… are you Detective Miller?”

His beer was flat and room temperature, the place smelled like purgatory if purgatory was a dive bar, and the nearly comedic sound of the girl’s sugary voice belonged in here even less than he did.

It was hard sinking down to the bottom, hard to have lost your grip on the climb to the top.

“Sweetheart, “ he didn’t even look up over his shoulder at her, “if you’re trying to serve me papers, my divorce is final and my union rep is dealing with all the rest.”


It was something about the lighting in here and drinking piss water beer that had been heated up to lukewarm by his own radiating regrets.

She giggled, almost right in his ear, and he could feel young full breasts pressing into his back, “I’m totally not a process server silly, I was talking with your friend Lawson and he told me where to find you.”

Her gum snapped softly in his ear, it was disconcertingly aggressive compared to her demur and bubbly tone. The bartender was side-eyeing him now.

“Honey, I don’t know why you’re looking for me, and I don’t care.”

One of the problems with being an almost famous police officer was that there were fans. There were fans, and there were opportunists. And most of the ones he’d met from both camps didn’t realize he had nothing to offer either of them in any way.

He went to take a drink, but a soft smooth hand covered the rim of his glass and he saw the light dance off of candy pink fingernails.

“Oh that’s not true is it?” He felt her press her breasts a little more firmly into his back, her fingers slid off the glass and over his hand. “How do you know you don’t want anything if you don’t know what’s there? That just, like, totally doesn’t make any sense does it? I mean like, you’re not even thinking about it really right? Like, I mean, like don’t think about it, just like think about it, okay. I mean, like you totally know if you didn’t think about it, or like if you weren’t thinking too much and you know you probably think too much, you’d think it would be just like, I don’t know and you don’t know anything, ridiculous to not follow me to my booth so we can totally talk right?’

She’d been massaging his hand with hers as she spilled the sound of her bubble gum voice in his ear, her body rubbing against him ever so slightly, her other arm massaging his other arm.

At first it just sounded like nonsense, like valley girl blabber, but he’d gotten off track somewhere and maybe if he just got it out of the way, he could get her to leave him be. Or stop trying to solicit him, or whatever it was. But regardless of all of that, she’d somehow gotten him out of his seat and over to the booth, the front of his mind wanting to just agree with her about that at least.

When he saw her, he wished he’d either taken a look at her sooner, or told her to fuck right off and stuck to it.

She was gorgeous.

Her crystal clear soft blue eyes were shimmering in this shit hole of a dive, a cherubic round face with fully pouty lips, a tiny slightly upturned nose, and a cascading halo of curly platinum tresses that fell down past her shoulders, would have been enough to get anyone to stare, but her spectacular cleavage was more than enough to make him feel like a stuttering fool.

Her pink tank top was the same shade as her nails, and the same shade as the strangely compelling bubble she was blowing with her gum. Her white hoody that was only partially hanging off her shoulders didn’t look like it could be zipped up on a dare, and the straps of her bra were a deep plum purple.

All of this just served to frame those perfect jiggling breasts.

“I don’t know if you’re trying to roll me, or blackmail me, but I know you’ve got an angle so let me spare you the trouble. I’ve got nothing you want, more trouble than you need, and if you’ve got some friends waiting outside, well I’ve got double for them.”

He was playing it cool, leaning into believing he was as hardboiled as he was making himself out to be, but the sight of those soft creamy globes pressing against him and the memory of her fingertips on his skin was making him plenty hard, and that was making it plenty hard to keep up the act.

She blew another big pink bubble, smooth and round as the pair that was barely under her top, and the way she blew it was like she was blowing him a kiss or maybe sucking a dick.

Then, she giggled and he wondered how in the fuck she lured him over here, amazing tits and all. She had to be a porn star, or a stripper, or a hooker. She’d hit him with that weaponized sex drive as fast as anyone in history ever had, that was the only explanation.

“I’m not trying to roll you silly, I just like, need your help and stuff. You’re like, like really good at your job and stuff, and I totally need someone to back me up. I ‘m totally like an expert in social engineering and corporate espionage, and I need you to take care of some loose ends for me once I’m all done with my target.”

As she spoke, she kept popping her gum at steady intervals while she played with her hair and made those melons bounce for him. Her cadence, with its disruptive pauses and repetition of stalling words had become musical and just as enthralling as the sight of her endlessly deep cleavage.

He felt like he did when she was pressed up against him, but now that he’d felt it before, he just shook his head.

“You’re bullshitting me right?” It sounded like bullshit, she was admitting to being a criminal if this was all true, and he knew not to judge a book by its cover and had already felt first hand how persuasive she could be, but he’d gotten the same from other pretty girls in his past.

His wife had been a pretty girl, and he was still living through how that went.

She pouted at him after she blew and popped another big soft bubble, “It’s okay that you don’t believe me silly. I don’t think I’m going to have to worry about convincing you or you saying no. I don’t think you’ll even think about thinking about helping me, it’s just like…”

She’d leaned forward a little bit more and started to pull at her already low top as she spoke, and he felt his eyes following those motions the way the ocean followed the tide.

“You’re a good talker, you know what you’re working with, you might be what you said you were, but…”

The way she smiled, then reached out across the table and put a finger on his lips was so sly and sudden that he actually did shut up.

She didn’t say anything, she just gently pressed her breasts together and blew another bubble, and he couldn’t tell where to look for just a second, then the loud pop of the bubble jolted him out of that little moment. She ran her fingertip down his cheek as he blinked.

“I like that you like totally noticed that I’m totally good at doing what I do, but if I’m good at like getting you to notice what I want you to notice, and if you like, I don’t know and you don’t know, like what I like that you like and that’s just like how I’m totally getting you to notice that you just like totally like to listen, then I mean, it’s like you’re not right about what I totally am, and doesn’t it feel right to like enjoy what you like, and that’s right, you like to notice what I like you to like, so like just listen okay.”

Once again she popped her gum as she spoke, disrupting his ability to follow her points with auditory continuity, just hearing what she was saying, and feeling his eyes moving down from her sweet angelic face and those soft pouty lips to those massive mounds that she was still playing with just for him.

He was feeling, feeling like, “Are you hyp…”

She was blowing an even larger pink bubble as he started to speak, and when she popped it, something about the habit of watching her, something about the act of the bubble popping pulled all of his focus and he trailed ff.

“I like, I mean, I like totally like the idea that I could like hypnotized someone like you, but I don’t know anything about how to totally hypnotize someone like you, I mean, unless it’s just like maybe my big boobs that you already noticed I know how to use, are like hypnotizing you, and I mean, did you notice that you’ve noticed you love to look at my big bouncy boobs and my pretty pink bubbles, like you look down at my big soft boobs, then your eyes go up to my pretty pink bubble, and when the bubble pops whatever you were thinking is just gone isn’t it? And if I told you I was totally hypnotizing you with my soft creamy titties, then I started to blow a nice big bubble…”

He watched the bubble swell as his eyes drifted up from her irresistible creamy cleavage to those pouty lips, and as the bubble started to swell up in front of his eyes, larger and larger than any of the ones he had seen her blow before, his mind started to feel foggy and empty.

When the bubble popped, he realized he’d completely lost track of the conversation and was just staring at her breasts.

“So, like, what were you asking me?” She was running her pretty pink fingernail down between her breasts.

“I uh… we were… talking and…” she started to blow another bubble, smaller than the last, but when it popped, once again his mind fell off track.

It felt like every time a bubble popped he was drifting further and further away from himself and deeper down into the world of her massive beautiful breasts.

“No silly, I was like totally talking and you were just like listening and agreeing, and you were noticing how it just felt so right to notice that you like totally like to listen, and totally stare, down, that’s it staring down at my nice big beautiful boobies, totally staring and only listening, and you, like, know you know you think too much, so it’s just nice to like just listen, and stare at my big pretty titties right?”

He was trying to figure out what to say to that when his eyes were drawn to the swell of the soft pink bubble between her lips, and as the bubble popped, everything else in his mind, his thoughts, his ideas, everything else except for her breasts and her voice was gone.

He watched the way her boobs were bouncing, and the sugary sweet sound of her voice was slipping inside his head like his eyes were slipping even deeper down into her cleavage.

“So…” the bubble swelled and popped and he was looking down at her breasts.

“Just…” everything was soft and round.


He’d become a blank slate.

* * *

Detective Ethan Miller couldn’t believe how fast it had all turned around. It was a string of dumb luck really, a call that his buddy Lawson caught, a phone call to him directly, and what had been a simple a breaking and entering had lead to so much more.

The divorce got handled, the other lawsuits got dealt with, and multinational corporation that was the victim of the crime he had stopped had quietly done all of that for him. It was unethical to say the least, but for some reason he didn’t have a problem with it, and when it came to answer questions with the press, with his commanding officers, with Internal Affairs, and everyone else, it was like he already had all the answers. More so, he and Lawson both had all the right answers.

But there was something missing, something wrong with all of it.

* * *

It had started the night he went back to the bar. The bar tender had asked him what went down with that girl from the other night and when he found himself saying “We had a good time talking, but she wasn’t my type.”

It was strange, because the memory in his mind was of a girl that was everyone’s type. But, no matter how much he wanted to hold on to that, saying those words was too easy, too natural, too necessary and too automatic.

It was like a loose thread though, like thinking too much about it had popped a seam in his mind. Dreams started to seep in when he was awake, and when he was asleep. Dreams of violence, of hard words, flashes of a kind of intimidation and brutality that felt alien to him, things that were beyond even his capacity for taking care of business.

At first the past two weeks hadn’t seemed strange, they’d seemed blank, smoothed over, round, soft, full, and the more he tried to remember, the easier it was for him to realize there was nothing for him to remember.

But the thread was unraveling.

There were these flashes of the girl from the bar.

Pictures in his mind of her big full breasts and these giant soft bubblegum bubbles she was blowing.

Then she was telling him things, and he was pulling down a ski mask and he and someone else were working people over, a guy in a suit, another guy in a suit, they were flashing guns, they were yelling.

Then they were escorting another guy in a nicer suit into a back room and handcuffing him to a chair.

The girl from the bar was there, dressed about the same as she had been before, and he and his partner just watched her.

She was talking to him, popping her gum, blowing bubbles, and jiggling her tits in his face. Then she was straddling him in his chair, stroking the back of his head and his face was going slack, his eyes were getting glassy, and he started to say thing Ethan knew he wasn’t allowed to remember.

And that was all.

Well, all save for a glimpse of Lawson throwing a gun shoved into a ski mask out into the pier, and himself doing the same thing while the busty girl watched them, then said something he couldn’t remember.

That was why he was waiting for Lawson at the bar.

“What’s this all about Miller? You sound like you’re in bad shape?’

The patrolman was out of uniform and had slid into the booth across from him.

“I don’t know. I think, this is fucked up, but I think we got caught up in something. I think we’ve done some bad shit man.”

Miller watched as Lawson shook his head, “No man, no. You’re just cracking. You’ve been holding on too tight for too long, now that something’s finally broken your way you don’t know how to handle it.”

“No, listen, no. I have these memories. We, we did things. There was this girl, she, I think she got in our heads somehow, made us do things for her. She found me here, I remember… I remember she said you told her where to find me, and she… I don’t know how, but she made us do things and tried to make us forget.”

Lawson’s face was the kind of sympathetic smile you gave a raving lunatic while you were hearing them out about their theory that Mars is made of tiny aluminum balls in a red garbage bag.

“Ethan, listen to yourself man, you sound crazy, and if I was there wouldn’t I remember this stuff too? And buddy, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Look, I don’t know how, or why, but I think, whatever it was, I think I broke my programming, it feels like I’m forcing these memories out, like I’m not supposed to be able to know any of this.”

He stopped.

“You’ve got to believe me man. Just think about it, think about how all of that shit went down. Why didn’t you call for backup. Why did you call me.”

“I called Detective Miller because I knew he was in the immediate vicinity and the evidence seemed related to a case that detective Miller…”

Ethan watched his friend stop talking, squint, then rub his eyes and frown.

“None of this shit makes any sense. Look man, we gotta go. If people have eyes on us, they might be here watching us still.”

Miller nodded and got up. He just dropped a wad of cash on the bar on the way out, following close behind Lawson, who looked like he was starting to have a mental breakdown.


They’d walked around the corner and Lawson had stopped and was shaking his head.

“Shit. Shit. Shit.”

Miller stood a few steps back, his instincts telling him that something was off. “What is it.”

“It’s all of it man, what we did. All of it.”

“It’s okay buddy, just breathe and we’ll figure it out okay.”

“No man, it’s not that.”

“Time to let go Detective Miller.”

The sticky sweet voice in his ear was accompanied by the soft sound of a bubble popping, and as his mind started to go blank he felt himself being caught by his friend.

“I had to tell her man, I didn’t have a choice.”

She giggled, “He really didn’t, now sleep for me, that’s it, sleepy time now.”

He faded out before he could hear any more.

* * *

“Rise and shine Detective Sleepy Head. I was lucky you’re not quiet as strong willed as you want to be, otherwise you would have had to have been more physically subdued, and that would make this part so much less fun for both of us.”

His head was foggy, dreamy and thick as be blinked his eyes and realized he was naked and handcuffed to a wooden chair.

The voice in his ear was too delicate, too soothing for him to get any kind of mental traction, it was like being covered in warm honey, or like having his brain wrapped in…

He snapped out of it and pulled hard on his restraints, “You!”

The cuffs were tight and dug into his wrists.

She giggled a little as she stepped in front of him. She ran a pretty pink fingernail down his cheek, “That’s right, me. Just relax, Ethan, I’m here to help you.”

It was strange hearing her sound so calm and so measured when the cadence of her voice was still so bubbly and light.

She blew a nice full pink bubble that he couldn’t help but stare at, and as it popped he felt like his mental wherewithal was being drained away.

“Sometimes people like me need help from people like you, and it’s easier for you to not really know what you’re doing, or why or how. I’m usually really good at making sure it all sticks, but you poor thing, “ she blew and popped another bubble and his mind was getting fuzzy and quiet, “you’re too used to being combative, you fought against your own instincts and desires so you forced yourself to remember.”

She was wearing skinny jeans and a very loose and very thin black sweater with a low neckline that was hanging down off her massive breasts and showing quiet a nice view of her cleavage. Her hair was also up, and even though she still sounded like a valley girl, there was something more serious about her, an ominous feeling almost, something he could still recognize even with the pink sticky haze descending across his thoughts.

When her gum popped now, it was like the crack of a whip.

“But I brought someone special to help you recognize what’s best for you. Gloria, your ex-husband’s waiting for you and we need your help.”

Again, the gentle lulling haze that her voice was leading him into melted away, this time it was front he sight of his ex-wife, wearing nothing but a matching bra and lacy black panties.

She looked incredibly focused, and incredibly aroused, but past the lust there was something glassy in her stair and Miller understood what was happening.

* * *

“Um hi, uh, is this class like, I don’t know, any good?”

Oh god.

That voice, that look.

Who was this girl talking to her, and where were her clear heels?

Gloria could see the eyes of every straight guy in the gym staring right at this ridiculous character in front of her. They were staring at her bubble but in those yoga pants, or they were more likely staring at those massive tits that were fighting against her sports bra and multiple tank tops.

“I like it, the woman that runs it is really positive and knows her stuff.” Gloria was trying to blow this airhead off without being a royal bitch herself. It was a promise she’d made herself as a new and single woman, to be positive and to be nicer than she used to be.

“Yeah, it looks like it’s really fun, and you look like you really had a great workout. Like, you really were going weren’t you? Just like, don’t you love to get lost in the moment? Like did you get in the zone? I love to get in the zone, and I love helping other people get in the zone too. To help people just remember what  it’s like, like no matter how tired you might be feeling from working so hard, you can like let it go, and let it all go now, just breathing deep and slow, and it’s like so easy to remember to be in the zone, like you’re slipping back into the zone with me now.”

The ridiculous blonde with those giant tits that were trying to escape had a really soothing way of speaking, a way of holding Gloria’s attention, and there was something nice about the way she’d reached out and started tapping Gloria’s shoulder, or running her fingers down Gloria’s arm. And it did feel like she was getting back into the zone, like the hours at the gym were melting away and there was a new focus and energy in her mind, but it was just locked on the blonde girl in front of her.

“My name’s Brandi, and you’re Gloria right?”

As Gloria nodded in a distant sort of recognition , she also realized she never told this girl her name, or had ever talked to her, but as those ideas were forming Brandi just kept talking.

“That’s right, and it’s alright that you’re feeling so focused, so perfectly focused so easily, and it’s alright to know you’ve left all of your thoughts about whatever you were thinking right where they belong, out of sight, out of mind , and I’m in sight and that’s right, I’m the only thing on your mind, and it’s just like being in the zone with me, just for me, right where you belong, in the zone, thinking of anything else has just left, and that’s right, just focus on me okay Gloria? Focus only one me.”

Somewhere along the line, as Brandi started to talk to her in that wonderfully sweet and soothing voice, Gloria’s body adjusted all on its own to the idea of breathing deeper and slower, and to relax and let go. It was really like being in the zone physically and mentally now.

“And since there’s nothing else is there? No, there’s nothing else at all, that’s right, you’ve left it all behind where it belongs and only I’m in front of you, then it just makes sense that you should follow me now, follow me back to the locker room so we can get your things. You need to get your things so you can leave with me can’t you? Leave with me and keep me in front of you, otherwise there’s nothing, and you need something so you need me now don’t you? Only me, and totally in the zone, locked on what I ask you to do, knowing it’s what you need to do.”

Gloria felt the busty woman’s hand on hers and followed as she was led down to the locker room. She was in the zone, it was so easy to follow along with everything this soft gentle voice said. Before Gloria knew it, she was in the back seat of a car with her new friend Brandi.

Brandi was her friend, if they weren’t friends Gloria wouldn’t be here with her, and it was so nice of Brandi to giver her a ride home, it was so nice of Lawson to…

Gloria’s breath caught in her longs for a second as her world became crystal clear. What was Lawson doing driving her anywhere? What was her ex-husband’s best friend doing? What was happening.

Oh god, what was happening.

“Oh my god, who are you and what are you doing. Lawson? Lawson stop the car, stop the fucking car.”

Gloria was yelling, she was beginning to panic.

“Stay in the zone Gloria, come back into the zone, deep breaths now, calm now, peaceful and focused now Gloria.”

She stared at Brandi, her eyes hard her face angry.

“What the fuck are you doing? What did that bustard put you up to? What did you do to me?” But, with every word the curvaceous woman with the deep blue eyes spoke, with every sound of her sing-song valley girl voice, Gloria was losing her ability to be angry, or afraid, or to think at all really.

By the time she’d finished her little tirade she’d found her shoulders slumping down, and a soft smile creeping across her face as the woman, Brandi was her name but it was so hard to remember, massaged her hand and wrist.

“I’m your friend Gloria, your best friend, and you’re helping me to help you to relax and let go, and to sink right back into the zone, just like earlier, and it feels just right, like you never left he zone at all, that’s right, nothing left but being in the zone, and if it helps you to let your mind clear, you can just look at my breasts because I know you want to, and your eyes can go from let to right, and right to left, and whatever else you left behind is right where it belongs, isn’t that right?”

Gloria had wanted to stare at her tits.

“That’s right, nothing left by my tits, nothing left but my voice, that’s right, it’s alright to be here with me, we’ve just left the gym together and we’re going home to shower isn’t that right?”

“Yes,” Gloria nodded, her eyes had started moving back and forth from left to right across Brandi’s breasts while the beautiful blonde with the soothingly sticky sweet voice started to play with them, softly bouncing them up and down, ”shower.”

“And you can’t wait to lather me up and wash my big breasts can you Gloria? You’ve always liked girls more than you’ve let on haven’t you? And now that you’re free to be you, you’re free to be who you really are with me because you know I know what you really are and what you really want, isn’t that right? It’s like you met me and you left all your worries and fears behind, like it just felt right to trust me completely because you do trust me completely don’t you Gloria?”

She’d kept this part of herself locked away fro a very long time. It wasn’t because her ex-husband had been a monster, or intolerant, it was because it didn’t feel right to want to like other women when she was married to him. She didn’t talk about the way she would savor her time at the gym, drinking in the other girls, then thinking about them in the shower, or when she was alone.

She’d never told Ethan, because, because she never wanted to share that part of herself with him. It was something she kept just for her, and when everything had turned bad she was glad she did.

“It’s why you know you can trust me so completely that you can accept that everything I tell you is the truth isn’t it Gloria? You know it is, you know it feels right to listen and agree, and if I told you to listen and obey, you’d trust me. And If I told you you’ve always known that whatever I think is best is just what’s best for you isn’t it Gloria?”

The world had become so warm and so fuzzy, so soft and distant and pleasantly peaceful and calm that she didn’t notice her new best friend’s fingertips until they were massaging their way down Gloria’s stomach and between her legs.

“Gloria, just breathe in and out, nice and slow and listen to the sound of my voice, just like totally listen and relax. I know what’s best for you, and I’m going to teach you how good it feels to do what I want you to okay? That’s right, it’s okay to leave all your fears behind, that’s right, nothing left to think about, nothing left to stop you from enjoying what I have to teach you.”

Gloria came fast and hard, as the busty blonde’s fingertips slid down to play with her clit.

* * *

The ex-wife wasn’t originally part of the plan, But when Lawson called about Miller’s behavior, she knew it had to be done. He’d noticed Miller starting to crack up even before Ethan realized it himself, and being as well conditioned as he was, Lawson did what he didn’t even realize he’d been programmed to do, and reached out to his operator.

It wasn’t ideal though.

Even though dealing with women could be easier in some ways than dealing with me, it was still harder for Brandi by and large. The valley girl voice, the gum, the dumb blonde speech patterns and the overwhelmingly super sexualized hypnotic attack she employed didn’t really line up for most women.

In fact, it made things harder; it made things almost impossible sometimes really.

But hitting Gloria at the gym, where her latent bi-sexual urges would be at their strongest, where there would be a strong point of reference and association for Brandi to use to get her on the hook, that had all just been good luck.

At first it didn’t seem like it would take, the way the pretty brunette’s eyes were more irritated and dismissive than her obvious attempt at faking being nice let on made it seem like she was going to be as difficult as her ex-husband had proved to be.

But, Brandi had taught herself long ago that you would fail if you didn’t follow through, so she threw out her initial attempt and shifted her body language to be more and more inviting the longer she spoke.

Gloria, of course, didn’t understand that she was being hypnotized. She also didn’t recognize that the little friendly taps and touches were there to further disorient her and scramble her thought process more and more.

The rest of it had gone according to plan, with the only other hiccup being when her target recognized Lawson. But by then, Brandi had laced her in and out of deeper and deeper states of trance and reinforced  her authority enough that Gloria was easy to put back down.

And the girl responded remarkably well to being fingering in the back seat, so much so that by the time they pulled up to Gloria’s new place, the woman was begging to do anything for her new friend.

When they went inside together Brandi did everything to ensure her newest target was compliant and ready to play her part. It included having to indoctrinate the beautiful brunette with some of the techniques and language cues she used almost exclusively with me, creating brief role-play scenarios as part of her hypnotic brainwashing, and then when the work was done Brandi just took what she wanted from Gloria.

It turned out to be the most enjoyable assignment Brandi had ever taken, and it wasn’t even over yet.

* * *

“You bitch.”

Ethan yelled and tried to stand up, but the chair was bolted to the floor.

As his ex-wife walked towards him, clearly in some kind of trance, the blonde leaned in nice and close and made sure he couldn’t help but get en eyeful of her breasts. The effect was almost instant, Miller felt his body sag down and his mind get quiet again at the sight of her cleavage.

He wanted to stay angry, but another big pink bubble came and went, and the soft touch of her fingertips on his cheek made him need to be silent and listen.

“You two might not have been able to make it work, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want to help you. I explained it to her, and she’s only here because she really needs to help you.”

The sinister cold of that sweet giggly voice speaking with so much implication was making it harder and harder for him to stay down in the soft warm place she kept on putting him.

“Don’t you want to help him Gloria?” The words sent a chill through him even as the sound of her voice and the sight of her cleavage was leaving him feeling more and more detached.

“Yes Brandi, I want to do what you think is best.” Gloria’s voice was soft. She had a soft voice, and she had a firm body. They’d met at the gym years ago, and she’d kept it tight through the good times and the bad.

Brandi, that was the blonde’s name he thought, then another bubble came and went, and he was lost in the valley of those breasts, at least until she stepped aside and his ex-wife was standing in front of him.

She’d dyed her hair a much darker brown, almost a black really, it was a good color for her. Looking up at the woman he’d loved, then hated because he still loved her even though he hated her, he saw the dull submissive emptiness of her deep brown eyes, and he wanted to say something to her, but the sound of the gum popping over and over was breaking up his thoughts.

The only thing that escaped his lips was her name and a sigh. It happened as the former Mrs. Miller knelt down, and started sucking on his cock.

He hadn’t noticed how hard he’d gotten at some point, but he was fully erect as her lips slipped up and down his shaft.

“That’s perfect Gloria, just like that, that’s the best way you can help him be happy.”

By the time Ethan managed to regain some semblance of mental equilibrium, he looked up to see that Brandi had stripped down to her bra and panties as well.

There was too much happening for Ethan to be able to see where he was, but it was warm, and it was private.

Brandi’s bra was the same shade of pink as her nails and her bubblegum. It had an even light shade of pink floral lace patterned over the bra’s massive cups. Her panties matched the bra, and as she stood behind his kneeling ex-wife, Miller watched the busty woman start to rub his wife’s head.

“Good girl Gloria, just like that, just keep it up while me and Ethan have a little talk. Nothing else matters now, just this, that’s it, just this.”

The steady pacing of his ex-wife’s lips, and the lapping of her tongue had become regular, almost robotic, and the sight of Brandi’s chest in nothing but her bra had become even more overwhelming.

“Ethan Miller, my name’s Brandi Baum, I’m a freelance security solutions consultant that specializes in out of the box problem solving via advanced social engineering. You and your friend fit the profile for my latest operation so I acquired your services and attempted to compensate you for a job well done.”

As she spoke, she’d stopped popping her gum and had started to tease the straps of her bra, then fondle her breasts. Miller tried not to look, but when he closed his eyes the sound of her voice and pleasure of the blow job just made it worse. When he looked away, he found he could only look down at those soft hungry glassy eyes as his ex-wife continued to suck him off.

“But you refused to accept your programming, so now I have to work a little bit harder to make it stick. I thought about fucking you myself, but I thought this would work better.”

As she said better, she slid her hands down to the sides of Gloria’s head, and started to push her hips in and out with the motion of the woman’s lips on his cock. In Ethan’s soft and overloaded mind the pantomime worked and he found he couldn’t stop thinking about fucking Brandi now.

“That’s my good girl, you’re such a totally good helper. I just like, love to see you suck that big pretty cock. Isn’t it like the best?” The switch back to the fully vacuous intonation and language was violently disassociating.

The little cracks and pop of the gum had returned too as Brandi continued, “Oh, silly me, you’ve got your mouth full. That’s it nice and full, show me how you deep throat that nice big dick.”

And just like that, Ethan felt his wife swallowing more of him up and down in that same robotic pace, changed ever so slightly as she worked him longer and stronger.

“Look at my boobies Ethan, “ she giggled and blew another big bubble, then smiled as the bubble popped.

“Are you thinking about how good you’re feeling right now? Or is it just like, I don’t know and you don’t know,” another bubble came and went and Ethan felt a wave of pleasant confusion wash over him as he realized he didn’t know, “but it’s like you might be thinking about thinking about how you’re feeling or like how I sound and how I look, and maybe you’re just losing track of what I was saying, because you’re just used to how I sound, and that sounds so good doesn’t it?”

He grunted as, to the surprise of himself and his ex-wife the next big bubble that swelled up and popped in front of his eyes made him cum in a long thick eruption.

Still, Gloria continued her robotic motion, unfazed by the eruption save for a little hiccup as she swallowed.

“Good girl Gloria, , swallow it all down and stop now baby, that’s it, stop now baby, that’s enough for now.”

A deep wave of mental release washed over Ethan, and the thrill and the physical toll of the orgasm left him feeling even more dazed and off balance.

“You like totally came way faster than I thought you would, but that’s like totally fine, and it’s totally good to just like stare at my boobies, and look at that, my bra fell off, look at those nice big nipples, just stare at my boobies, and like, just relax, relax like you’re just totally letting go.”

Ethan ‘s eyes closed for a second then fluttered open as the gum snapped like a whip again, pulling him out of his stupor until his eyes settled on those massive breasts and the big suckable nipples that were pointing right at him.

“After all, it’s not like there’s anything else to think about, and you can like know this is all just totally a dream you’re dreaming. I mean, it must be right, “ a big pink bubble swelled up and up, then popped and Ethan felt a stirring in his cock again, already swelling up and draining him a little more.

“I mean, like logically I’m like not like real am I? How could such a silly bimbo with such big bouncy tits be able to like hypnotize you, or like why would your ex-wife be like obeying me and sucking your cock, it’s like not real at all is it?”

Ethan sighed and felt something slip out of his head, all of this was finally making sense as the next bubble came and went, clearing his mind of whatever it was that was there on the surface.

This all had to be a dream, nothing else made sense.

“And like, your wife’s not like a lesbian, but I bet if I said be a good girl Gloria, come and lick my pussy,” she popped her gum and Ethan watched in a post coital mesmerized daze as his ex-wife did in fact crawl over to Brandi and start tonguing her over her pink panties.”

The blonde put her hands and the sides of the other woman’s head and held her still, “Oh silly girl, you know it’s no fun over the panties, pull them down and make me cum just like you made our silly detective cum.”

Ethan blinked and found himself thinking clearly for a moment as he watched his wife eating out their captor, but as soon as his thoughts came, they went as Brandi moaned, blew and popped and bubble, then started to pinch her nipples.

“I mean Ethan, it’s like none of this could be real right? Like, this all has to just be like a sexy naught dream, and like just look at these big bouncy boobies, and like totally try not to forget that you’re like not even thinking right now, or that’s not right and you like left your memories that you can’t remember right down between your legs and it’s like so easy to understand that when these big boobies make you cum, it’ll all be so much easier for you to be happy just forgetting to remember, right?”

Ethan’s mind was spinning in the little circles she was tracing around her nipples, and the sight of his ex-wife lezing out, the way Brandi was moaning and biting her lower lip, and the throb that had started to pound in his pulsing balls, destroyed his ability to think or process anything at all.

Little grunts of bliss were escaping Brandi’s lips as she face fucked Ethan’s ex-wife, one hand had dropped down to the back of Gloria’s head, holding her as she rubbed against his ex-wife’s face this aggressive hunger.

“It’s all just a dream baby, it’s all just a dream.”

Her sharp little monas came and went as she let out a long satisfied sigh and pushed Ethan’s wife down to the floor and smiled. Then, she slide down over the woman’s face and straddled her.

“It’s all just a silly, sticky,” she blew and popped another bubble and Ethan’s eyes wanted to close and he wanted his mind to jettison whatever might have been left inside there “wet dream.”

As she said those words she pushed her tits together and started to massage them slowly and softly.

“Just like look at my big bouncy boobies while our good girl Gloria makes me cum. It’s like so easy to like totally lose yourself in this big bouncy boobies, so easy to like totally feel your sweet, sticky,” she blew a huge deliciously pink bubble that popped and drained away whatever it was he was almost remembering, “wet dream just explode.”

“It’s like, just a dream, like it’s just a dream of you being totally hypnotized by my boobies, and like you’re just totally dreaming of being hypnotized into cumming, and you know the next time one of my big pink bubbles pops you’ll pop too and go into an even deeper sleep, and it’s so easy that you can’t even think about it because you’re not thinking of dreaming, you’re just dreaming of dreaming, and look at my boobies, you’re totally close, like you can feel your pre-cum tickle and trickle, and it’s like time to…”

The bubble swelled up and he felt it deep inside. It got bigger and bigger, and the pressure of the tension in his balls was overwhelming, he felt everything in his body tense as the bubble continued to swell and swell.

Then it popped and he groaned as cum shot out everywhere.

He saw his stream of cum splatter across the blonde’s massive face, saw her smile, and as he watched his ex-wife lapping up the mess he’d made on his captor he did realize it was all just a dream.

* * *

“How you feeling buddy?” Lawson had brought him a breakfast burrito and a big bottle of orange juice. How Lawson was up on his feet was probably because his buddy mainly just watched him drink his brains out the night before.

“Ugh, god damn. Why’d you let me drink so much?” He felt drained and tired, but not sick, just that deep hung over tired.

“Because you wanted to and you’re an adult.” Lawson was smiling, laughing at his friend who was standing in the doorway win boxers and a tank top. “Couldn’t even put in sweat pants for me there pal?”

Ethan looked down, turned around and walked back into his apartment.

He didn’t see Lawson robotically pull out his phone and send a text message that he then immediately erased.

If Ethan could have seen it, he may or may not have had a reaction, but he wouldn’t understand the context of “Pacified.”

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