Messy for Missy

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #lactation #sub:male #titnosis #hypnotits #mild_psychological_regression #milf

Detective Jack Perish is investigating a missing persons report, and he finds himself in the hotel room of the last person to have seen him… and older woman with enormous breasts.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

Messy for Missy

“Hello Detective, “ the woman that opened the hotel room door was something to behold, “what can I do for you?” 

Jack Perish stood out in the hallway a second longer than he meant to. His eyes had betrayed him. In attempting to take in the room and read the scene entirely, his vision cut over this woman too quickly, then like a boomerang, his eyes came back to her with a lizard brained destination: her massive jutting breasts.

They weren’t just large, they were bulbous, they were huge and they were very round. 

“Ms. Boyd, I’m Detective Perish, and I’m here because...”

She was in a pale pink silk nightgown that hung perilously low, and the jut of her nipples indicated clearly that there was no bra underneath it. She was also wearing a very short matching robe, and while he wished she would close it he also knew it wouldn’t have made much difference. Her breasts were so wholly distracting that it was hard to take in her face. Perish was a young detective, but he wasn’t some sort of immature horn-ball. When he finally looked up her got a good look at her, she was older, middle 40s he guessed, shorter brown hair down just past her ears, deep dark brown eyes that were warm and seemed patient. She seemed almost matronly and understanding. 

There was no way she didn’t know what he’d just accidently been doing, and she’d politely waited for him to finish. 

Also, he’d announced himself when he knocked, so he didn’t know why he said his name again, at least not past basic manners and decency. 

So, she was also humoring him there. “I’m sorry Detective, “ she held up her left hand and he saw a large sparkling diamond on her ring finger, “it’s Missus.” 

“I apologize, “ the ring flashed in a dazzling bouquet of colors as her fingers came to rest on her collar bone in response to him taking a firmer step forward into the room, “Mrs. Boyd. Is you husband traveling with you?” 

He looked away from her; it was hard enough to keep his eyes focused with those breasts already distracting him and the sparkle of the ring with it’s radiant flicker wasn’t helping anything either. 

“No, no he had to stay back in Concord for work. This trip was just me, just a nice bit of relaxation and a chance to visit old acquaintances.” 

It smelled nice in here, like spring flowers, and the room was spacious enough for one person to feel very comfortable. The hotel was nice though, and the concierge had alluded to her being in one of their even nicer accommodations. 

“Was one of those acquaintances Marcus Danby?” He’d taken the moment to acclimate himself better to the room and to her. His tone was certain, but still polite, and he appreciated the high-end brand name luggage he saw. 

“Oh my, is something wrong... is he...” 

Perish didn’t need to look at her to gauge her reaction, he could see her face caught in a mirror out of the corner of her eye. At first this seemed like a dead end, but seeing the last person Danby had been seen with, seeing her and discovering that she was out and about without her husband, the pieces seemed to be falling into place. 

“Honesty, we don’t know. He was reported missing today at 11:30am, and you were the last person to be seen with him.” He turned to face her, and made a point to look square into her eyes. 

“What was the nature of your relationship to Mr. Danby, and what were you doing together?” It wasn’t easy to keep his stance as her eyes were so soft that looking into them was like staring into a deer’s eyes. They were chestnut brown and wide, they were emotive, and he didn’t see any panic in them or any undo stress or strain. 

“He’s a friend of my brother-in-law’s. Well...” she fanned herself with her left hand, and again the ring cast out a sparkling halo. It was, if anything, easier to get distracted by the ring than to resist just outright staring down her nightgown. “You could say he’s a friend of my husband’s as well, but less so.” 

She crossed her arms over her chest, “And he’s missing?’ He saw clearly that she was matching his gaze, staring into his eyes, meeting him in the middle, unapologetically gazing into him, and he wondered if she was trying to read him the way he was reading her. 

“I’m sorry, “ he was the one to look away first, walking the room, his eyes darting about for, well, he didn’t know what, “would you like to adjust your robe, or have a moment to change?” 

“Are you taking me downtown?” He could hear a hint of laughter in her voice, it was good natured and musical, and it was patient as well, patient and understanding, and that made it a touch more condescending than he appreciated, but he wasn’t going to let that show. 

“Not as of yet, but I do have more questions.”

“I see”, she let the words hang in the air as he was still avoiding looking in her direction. Instead, he’d made his way to the bathroom door and looked inside. It was nice, nicer than any bathroom he’d had, and it had a deep, massive tub. “Well, he came here and we had a drink at the hotel bar, and after we caught up, you have to understand that we don’t really know each other, he said he had a meeting, or an appointment, something he’d forgotten about that he’d just remembered, because you know how sometimes things can come and go out of our memories, especially when we have a lot on our minds, well, he left after about an hour and only one drink.” 

“The security footage backs that up.” He’d gone a step or two into the bathroom, then turned around, and found that she’d moved closer to him, and this time he couldn’t help but catch an eyeful of her breasts. They were truly huge, massive, like good-sized melons. They’d stood out on the security footage he’d already watched, but in person they were simply demanding. “It also shows you leaving shortly after. Where did you go?” 

“I met up with an old girlfriend from college, and we went to see ‘The Dainties’, have you seen it yet, it’s wonderful.” She’d laced her fingers together, and rested her hands on top of her cleavage, and in so doing, her ring had managed to catch and maintain the light, sparkling with every shift and breath she took. 

“No, I haven’t.” It wasn’t going to be hard to check out her alibi, and he doubted anyone that saw her would forget her, at least if they were a straight man. Whatever obvious colorations, or warning bells had gone off had started to quiet down, and she was so generally warm and cooperative that she’d become a bit disarming. 

“Do you recall any of the details about his meeting, or appointment? And did you have any other intentions with your visit? It’s important that you’re as honest with me now as possible. His wife is the one who reported him missing, and people of his wealth, well, it can complicate things.” When he spoke now, it was like he was talking into her eyes, speaking to their softness, and all the while little flashes of radiance sparkled off her ring, casting little lines of light at the edge of his vision. 

“I know what you’re asking, but we were only acquaintances, I honestly enjoy his wife’s company more than his, and I was sorry she didn’t join us. This was more a matter of politeness than genuine interest. I’m sure you understand.” Her shoulders rolled back and her fingers fanned out, opening up a clear line down between her breasts, and he couldn’t tell if it was a reflex on his part, or some subtle hint of motion from her, but his eyes dropped down to stare directly into her cleavage. 

It only lasted a moment as he stopped himself as soon as he realized what he was doing, but those massive breasts in that thin low hanging gown had given him a gentle throb between his legs that, mixed with the flashes of light off her ring, her deep soft eyes, and her gentle tone, had started to leave him feeling a little drained. 

“Would you like a glass of water while we talk? Or wouldn’t it be nice to sit down and I’ll tell you everything I can recall and we can be done. I think you’d like to be done, it couldn’t be too far from the end of your shift,” she moved to the couch in her room and sat down facing him, “and you must be ready to get home and leave the details of your day behind. I bet it must be nice to unwind when your job requires you have so much on your mind all the time.” 

He looked at her and did his best to keep his eyes fixed on hers, and their softness, their warmth, and the understanding, no, sympathetic tone of her voice was reminding him of how ready he was for this day to be over.He sat down and took out his notepad and a pen. He’d already jotted down the time stamps from the security footage, and made a point to stay staring down at the page as he started to jot down notes from their brief conversation. 

“So, Mrs. Boyd, you were saying he mentioned a meeting, or an appointment? Did he receive a call, or a text, was there anything that prompted his memory or any context you can offer for what it was or what he said?” He realized, with some chagrin, that he’d need to look her way again, and as his eyes rose to hers, he couldn’t tell if her hint of a smile was at his discomfort or not, and he wondered for a moment why he’d agreed to sit down anyway. 

Perhaps it was because if he were standing, he’d be almost forced to stare right down her gown. Now, he was at least on an even level with those huge, breasts. They looked, he realized, almost swollen. 

“I wish I could remember,“ he watched as she absently ran the fingers of her left had back and forth between her shoulder and her neck, and as they moved, the spectacularly large diamond on her ring finger continued to catch the light. 

It was distracting, but at least it was distracting him from her chest. “But you know how the evening can be sometimes, especially after a long day and a few drinks. I’m sure you have the kind of memory you need for your work, I’m sure it’s not hard for you to understand what I mean when I say sometimes things can come and go after a point can’t they?” 

If anything, he wished the ring was a little more eye catching because he seemed to be in a visual loop now, watching her face and looking into her eyes, trying to read her, then seeing the sparkle of the ring, and feeling his eyes pulled there, then to have them move down seemingly by themselves back to her breasts until he realized he was staring, then looking back up into her eyes, only to repeat. 

“I only arrived in town yesterday, and after flying, and all of that, you know, all of those little details you have to keep track of, my mind was full, and I was that special kind of exhausted, the kind of tired that seems almost relaxing really, I’m sure you can remember feeling that way can’t you? Like it feels good to be tired, it feels comfortable to feel the exhaustion in the back of your mind, like it’s moving through your body with every breath.” 

She’d seemed to shift right in front of him, her waist moving in an almost serpentine fashion as she stretched. Her breasts jutted out impossibly far and she let out a yawn herself, then brought her left hadn’t to the base of her neck, “Oh my, I’m sorry.” 

The ring sparkled, and she looked into his eyes, returning the same focus, and for a moment he felt embarrassed about his obvious conduct. There was no way she couldn’t have known where he’d been looking, especially since it seemed obvious that was where she wanted him to look. 

Or that might have been the paranoia of the job, because she really was being cooperative, and he could feel the vibe of her patience and the all to rare experience of genuine respect and understanding she was putting out. 

“It’s funny, all this talk about how exhausted I was yesterday, well it seems to have had an affect on me. Does that every happen to...”

He found himself yawning as he looked into those deep brown eyes. 

She smiled, and it was warm and inviting, it was easy and patient, “Yes, just like that. I was going to say, has someone ever yawned and you found yourself yawing too? Or, and this happens to all of us I suppose...” her left middle finger was tracing the jut of her collar bone and her ring finger had started to brush the top of her left breast, still sparkling, and every time it did, he felt a tinge of eye fatigue from the distracting light. “We hear someone talking about being tired, and then we start to sympathize with them, and if we’re also feeling tired, like I’m certain we both are, well...” 

She stopped speaking, and he blinked once or twice and watched in a sudden exhausted fugue as her fingers traced a little further down her massive left breast, almost tugging at the hemline of her nightgown 

“I took a short nap after he left, I felt the drinks wash over me, you know, when you only have one or two drinks, but you just want to cuddle up and go to sleep, that warm sleepy feeling, so easy to embrace when you’re so relaxed by exhaustion, and so ready to just shut your eyes and sleep, and I’m sure you can remember feeling that way can’t you Detective?” 

He’d shaken himself out of that sudden blink of impossible sleepiness, only to feel it setting again, this time like falling asleep when he was trying to stay awake at his desk but couldn’t help but black out. 

Her question had given him a little jolt though, but he wasn’t fast enough to answer her. He’d been staring at her breasts for, he didn’t know how long, but her question had brought his eyes back to hers and they were so warm and so understanding, after all, she knew exactly how he was feeling. 

“I’m sure you do. Well, “ her ring flashed again, and once again she stretched, this time with both arms up over her head, palms pressed together, and the way she swayed back and forth in her stretch, it almost looked like she was dancing, and his eyes watched those massive breasts sway back and forth, and back and 

forth, until her ring sparkled across his eyes again, “I wish I could remember what he said, but sometimes words can just come and go can’t they? Just passing one after the other, missing one, catching one, and you’re so observant, you’re so sharp, even after a long day, so focused, I’m sure you’d be able to remember, but I was lost in most of what he was saying, just polite small talk, you know, the kind that soothe over a new meeting, a new friendship, passes the time, the only thing that you can think of really, one at a time, like time slowly down, like heavy eyes almost, don’t you know?” 

He didn’t, her diamond ring had started to flutter back and forth in front of his face, her breasts filling his vision behind it. 

“Knowing that it’s okay to forget sometimes, forgetting to keep your eyes open when you’re so tired, and it’s okay, look into my eyes before you close your heavy eyes, safe in my eyes, I understand, look into my eyes, follow my ring up, eyes wide open as you look into my eyes, safe in my eyes now, so sleepy and safe, deep in my eyes, I understand, I understand you’re safe with me, at home with me, and you need to be here in my eyes until you watch my ring, it’s so hard when you’re so tired to know where to look, when you could close you eyes, but you want to look deeper into my eyes until my ring takes care of you, at home with me, letting me take care of your eyes with my ring, soft words ring around, nice and round, round and soft, nice and big and soft around, I’ll take care of you, look down, following my ring down, eyes down, heavy down, heavy and sleepy, down to sleep, time to sleep, sleepy time now, all the way down, sleepy time now.” 

Her ring had been sparkling back and forth as her voice had taken on a sing-song tone, like she was talking to a child, and it felt reassuring, it felt comforting, like the sight of her breasts when she led his eyes there with her ring, it felt safe and easy to close his eyes, it felt right to let go and drift away to sleep, sleepy time was so warm, the words just swallowed him up like he imagined those breasts would, like those huge swollen breasts did. 

His eyes closed and he started to drift away, feeling a tugging sensation in the back of his mind, feeling a compulsive urge to fall away into the depths of sleep, and he did. He let go of whatever it was he was holding on to and started to fall. 

“Oh you poor thing, you’re so sleepy, but we can’t sleep yet, we need to put our things away.” He opened his eyes and felt lost and disoriented. She was leaning over him, her breasts filling his vision, her hand on his shoulder and her tone more matronly and almost forceful in its softness. 

“Wha..” he was going to ask her what she meant, or maybe what was happening, but as he was happening to stare into the world of her cleavage and he was still only barely conscious, he couldn’t do anything to stop her from interrupting. 

“A poor boy like you, so sleepy and so tired, you must be a very tired boy to fall asleep mid- conversation. Poor Jack-y, so sleepy. He’s so sleepy from playing detective all day isn’t he? You’re so sleepy aren’t you?” 

Her breasts came closer and he yawned and closed his eyes again. It didn’t make sense though, she was talking to him like he was a child, and it was hard to tell now if he was wrong or she was wrong. 

“I’m not...” She moved her breasts closer again, so close they were almost touching him. “Of course you’re sleepy, it’s sleepy time for you, you just want to keep playing make believe. Making believe you’re your favorite character Detective Jack, but it’s sleepy time now, sleepy time for little Johnny, Johnny’s so sleepy, so confused and sleepy now, sleepy boy. Let me help you put your toys away, you can’t sleep in your costume, you can’t sleep with your toys. Let Missy help her little Johnny get ready for sleepy time like a good boy.” 

The sight of her breasts, warm and soft and creamy, rising and falling like two massive pillows, was reminding him of the moment his eyes closed, and when she said sleepy time again, in the same soothing tone, using the same smothering and soft authoritative tone made him close his eyes again and start to drift. 

“See, Johnny, you’re so sleepy, just a sleepy boy. Detective Jack wouldn’t be sleepy, Jack’s a man’s name, and little Johnny’s too sleepy to pretend to be Jack anymore, even sleepy Jacky is too hard to think of, it’s too hard to think about anything, just let Missy help you before sleep. You want my help don’t you Johnny?” 

He did, he really did.

So, she took him by the hand and told him to take off his coat and his shoes, then walked him over to the room’s wall safe, it felt natural and easy, like she was doing him a favor, and her breasts, which always seemed to fill his vision when they landed there again and again, guided by her sparkling diamond ring, were draining something away from him, leaching something that felt important. 

The wall safe was open and her ring was flashing back and forth across her breasts, “We put our toys away when we’re done don’t we. We don’t need them when we sleep do we?” 

He stood there, dazed and confused. “You don’t need you toys, like your play-badge and your play-gun, pretend time is over, let’s put them away nice and safe. And you don’t need your play-phone either. They’re just play things, just symbols that let you pretend top be Detective Jack, not sleepy Johnny.” 

He did as he was told, not because he wanted to, but because he didn’t. Somehow her words had spun him around, and he felt that of course he wanted to stay being a detective, it ‘s what he’d wanted his entire life, but now her voice was so gentle and so patient and his mind so fuzzy and full of those breasts that he knew it must be time to sleep, so the more he didn’t want to, the more he knew it was the right thing to do. 

“Here, let Missy make sure the play-phone doesn’t accidently make any noises to wake you.” She took it from his hand and turned it off for him before she shut the safe. Everything was in there, even his wallet and his keys. 

Johnny felt excessively passive as he stood there, his eyelids were heavy, closing down over and over again, moving with her left hand as her ring continued to sparkle back and forth in front of her breasts. 

He felt that pull again, and he realized that the drain in his mind was from the throb between his legs. Those breasts were bulbous, like large ripe melons. They looked juicy and succulent, but as he blinked and drifted in and out of wakefulness with every flutter of his eyes, that recognition faded and he was left hard and sleepy, a dreamy boy being led back to the couch by Missy’s soft and patient tone, hanging on her nurturing and commanding voice. 

“Now let’s take off those pants and your over shirt, take off the rest of the costume and then you’ll be ready for sleepy time.” She’d moved close to him and put her hands between his legs, cupping him before she unbuckled his belts. 

“You need Missy to help now, too sleepy to do it yourself aren’t you?” He couldn’t process her smile as she looked at the throbbing bulge in his underwear, he just melted back down onto the couch as she stripped him down to nothing but his socks, his underwear and his t-shirt. 

Jack Perish was in the prime of his career and dedicated to physical excellence, but Johnny, the part of him she’d pulled to the surface, the boyish and easily led personality that had either been hidden deep, or elegantly crafted out of some base psychological reading, was as physically weak as it was suggestible. 

“Come and rest your head on Missy now, that’s it, good boy.” She sat on the couch and pulled his head to her breasts, and he snuggled into her chest, drifting away again as she stroked his head and whispered sleepy time over and over again in his ear. 

“Poor Johnny,” she slid her hand between his legs, her palm pressed against his shaft, flat, not stroking, just feeling it, “we forgot to give you a snack before sleepy time.” 

She pulled her gown down and produced one massive swollen breast, presenting a pert nipple to Johnny, drawing his lips to her breast, “You need your snack, you need it to sleep.” 

With one hand on the back of his head and one hand on her breast, she cupped it gently as he began to suck. 

Jack didn’t realize what he was doing, he wasn’t consciously aware of how he’d started to suck on her breast, but as the warm milk splashed between his lips and down his throat, he drank with the same instinctive need he’d felt to suck. 

“Good boy, you’re so thirsty and so helpful. The more you drain the pressure for me, the more full of pressure you’ll become. You’ll feel it building up down low, you know where, and once you’ve had your fill, you’re going to burst.” 

She pulled out her other breast and guided his lips to that nipple. “Good boy Johnny, suck and drink, and feel it building up inside. You’re relieving me and then all that pressure you feel is going to explode into so much peace and so much relief. Keep sucking honey, and later you can have a proper dessert.” 

It went on for a while, and as he drank, sucking on her tits in an enthralled reverie, the act of drinking milk from her breast had snapped something else inside of him. It had humiliated and diminished his sense of manhood and his masculine identity. He didn’t realize on any conscious or rational level, he couldn’t because those parts of his mind had been put to sleep as much by her breasts as by her words, but the damage was done, below the surface he’d been cracked open. 

Then, as she continued to coo to him, guiding him back and forth from breast to breast, his hips had started to pump against her leg even as his balls had swollen to a painful degree. Deep down inside, as Jack spun in the destruction of his sense of self, he lost and surrendered completely as her words and his slow dry humping led him to climax. 

He groaned and spurted in his boxers, and on her leg, warm breast milk trickling down his lips. He’d fully accepted that he’d drained all the pressure from her swollen breasts into his cock and balls, and when he came, the lights went out inside his mind like never before. 

“Good boy Johnny, you’ve made your Missy very happy and I feel so relived, and you do too, so relieved and so drained too. But now you’ve gotten all messy, now you’ve made a sticky mess for your Missy and we need to clean you up don’t we?” She stroked his head and her tone was so smooth and so measured that it started to seal together the fractured parts of his identity, putting together a new self that he was completely powerless to stop from what it was being turned into. 

She led him to the bathroom and stroked his cheek again, “We need to wash you don’t we and I need to wash myself too since you’re such a messy boy.” 

“I know you’re so sleepy, but you’re so polite for your Missy, you’ll help me now, come here and help your Missy undress.” 

It was with an almost cautious and equally automatic motion that he removed her robe, her gown and then her panties. He was unaware of how wet her underwear was, but seeing those huge naked breasts was enough to send life back into his cock. He felt a sweet ache in his balls that grounded him in the world of physical pleasure, of adult and carnal desire, and as it mixed with the intoxicating and condescending sweetness of her words, the taste of her milk still on his lips and in his mouth, and what she’d done to him, it kept him living in two words, both keeping him lost and off balance, confused and powerless as she continued her assault. 

“Time to take those sticky undies off, and those silly socks and shirt.” She pulled down his boxers and had him sit on the edge of the toilet so she could remove his socks one by one, then his shirt, and she had him stay there as she turned on the water for the massive hotel tub. 

“Here we are, nice and warm and ready to be scrubbed clean.” She had him enter the tub after her, and she started to work a soapy lather in her hands. “Sleepy boy, you can sink into sleepy time now as Missy washes you, sleepy time Johnny, let go.” 

He reclined on her again as she started to rub her soapy hands over his shoulders and arms, then his face and his neck, before wiping the soap away with a wet washcloth, all the while whispering, “Clean body and clean mind, brain and thoughts washed away in sleepy time. Sleepy for Missy while I clean your body and wash your brain.” 

“Johnny, whenever you see me, or whenever you hear me say the words Sleepy Time, you will instantly return to this state, and whenever you do, you will feel the wonderful pleasure of being a good and obedient boy for me, for your Missy. You won’t say no to me about anything, you won’t resist me at all, and if you think you want to, you’ll just remember my breasts and the thought of my breasts, or the sight of them will instantly make you feel this way.” 

She repeated these words over and over again, washing his hair and massaging his neck, all while using her breasts as a pillow for his head. “Brain washed and body washed now Johnny, but you need to help me get nice and clean, and there’s one more part of you that needs extra washing. Now it’s time to wake up Johnny, wake up and be a good boy.” 

He opened his eyes and nothing changed. He was still floating, surrounded by softness and warmth, still powerless, and still content to be controlled by Missy. He hadn’t thought of her until now, not in an identifying way, but now she was Missy. If he were more cogent he’d have thought of her as Mistress, the implication of her domination having erased and replaced Missus, or Miss, but he wasn’t and he never would be in regards to her, so it didn’t matter. 

Instead, he followed her simple instructions to start soaping up her legs as she held one after the other up out of the water, then, when prompted her moved to her breasts. He was sheepish in doing so; shy, and it took her hands over his to ease him into soaping them up. 

Finally, once they were covered in foamy bubbles, she slid her hand between his legs and had him rise up to sit on the edge of the tub. There, she adjusted herself slightly so her slick and soapy tits surrounded his cock. He was hard again, and had been for some time. 

“We need to clean this extra carefully, and extra slowly, we need to make sure that we get everything off the outside, and clean out the inside too. We need to make sure it’s all empty so there’s no more messes when I take you to bed. And when you’re all clean, I’ll give you your dessert, but only if you’re a good boy for Missy.”

“My Johnny has a nice big cock doesn’t he?” The words were jarring, breaking one illusion and sending him spinning into another one, this one made of perverse sexual exploitation and domination. He felt weak in that moment, rendered powerless by her condescending compliment, shamed by the accruing weakness and failure building up in his subconscious. 

He wanted to go back to the other place, the innocent place of acceptable weakness, a place where he could just be told what to do, where things happened without him, where he didn’t have to think about what was really happening, and as he felt his balls straining again to hold the massive load her breasts had inspired in him, she smiled. 

“He doesn’t need to know that though, he doesn’t need to think about such naughty things, not when Missy takes care of everything. Say it Johnny, Missy takes care of everything.” 

He felt his cock clinch, the edge close, the words came out easily and relief started to spread. “I’m a good boy and I always do what Missy says, say it Johnny.” It was so hard to figure out if she was being incredibly sweet and understanding or brutally cruel, but it didn’t matter. 

“Say it again Johnny.” He did, and he erupted between those soapy tits that had just fucked his body the way they’d fucked his mind. 

“Sleepy time Johnny.” He slid down into the water, and she washed them both off. Then, with no real fanfare she drained the tub and walked him through drying her off before leading him to the bed. 

Naked, disoriented, spent, and completely brain-fucked, she straddled his face, “Time for dessert Johnny, you’ve never tasted anything sweeter than this.” It was true, he hadn’t and he never would. 

Detective Perish opened his eyes and his head started to spin. He was naked in a hotel bed, and it didn’t take him any time to realize he wasn’t alone. He felt his heart starting to pound in his chest and adrenaline surge through his body. He was out of bed faster than he’d realized, and he was staring at Miss. Boyd. 

Well, he was staring at her massive breasts. They were soft and swollen, huge and completely enthralling. 

He blinked and stood there as she wordlessly started to run her left hand around her nipple, the morning light flashing off her wedding ring and dancing into his eyes. He wanted to crawl back into bed and start sucking on them, and even though he didn’t remember on a conscious level, he craved their sweet warm milk as he watched their juicy ripe jiggle under her touch. 

“Poor Johnny, you woke up so early, you wish it was still sleepy time don’t you?” He felt a tug at the back of his mind and a gentle rolling throb between his legs. “I don’t know what happened here but...” 

“ But you want to come back to bed for more sleepy time, but you’re so hungry aren’t you Johnny? Poor Johnny needs something to fill his belly before Missy puts him back to sleep doesn’t he?” 

She pinched her nipple and his eyes widened at the trickle of warm milk, “Come and suck for Missy, then you can go back to sleepy time.” 

He crawled back into bed and she mounted him, teasing his lips with her nipples dangling, and as he sucked and drank, she reinforced her grip on his mind. 

She told him Marcus Danby needed some extra attention from some of her peers, and he’d be home very soon, and his wife would have everything explained to her too, so there was nothing to worry about. 

She told him he’d get to meet the others today too, that he’d get to try all their desserts as long as he agreed to be good and obeyed all of them. 

Missy felt the splatter of his cum on her stomach as he drank more of her milk, and she made him erupt a few more times just to be sure he was drained before meeting the other women in her organization. 

If he couldn’t cum for them she’d have a stronger grip on him, and even though they shared the same goals and shared the choicest of their captured targets, she didn’t want to share her newest toy. 

Besides, she was the one that had to carry around all the extra lactation weight, and while she loved having massive breasts, the drugs she took to keep them full also made them leak a little, and that was sometimes awkward to hide and explain. 

Honestly, it had been a personal disappointment that she had to send Marcus to the other women, but she couldn’t break him down without getting physical and that was something she was not interested with Marcus. So in the end, Jack had proven himself to be a better and more satisfying prize, and what could have been a complicated disaster had turned into a wonderful treat. 

There were other police officers under the sway of her and her peers, but it never hurt to add one more. 

Comments welcome.

And I know I plugged it up above, but I have stories for sale here:

And more freebies here:

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