by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #sub:male #titnosis #milf

When Wes gives his new neighbor Kerri a hand moving in, he discovers that his buxom, older, new neighbor has more than a passing interest in hypnosis.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

“Oh thank you so much honey, could you put that over there by the big bookshelf in the office?”

Wes walked past the couch, around the other pile of boxes, and through the open doorway into a cozy room with a broad north-facing window. The box was heavy for its size, but not too heavy. The words OFFICE BOOKS were written on the top with sharpie in a hasty sort of scrawl.

As he walked out into the house’s living room he smiled at his new neighbor, “Is there anything else?”

She would be tall in heels, was average in flats, had pale red hair and fair skin but no freckles, was dressed in jeans and a plain black long sleeved blouse, and was just a little too old for Wes to be having the kind of thoughts about her tits that he’d been having since her first saw her.

“Oh no honey, it was just that one box the movers missed. But, and I’m so sorry to ask you, is there any way I could get you to take that one there into the office too?”

It wasn’t that she was “old”, she didn’t really look it, it was more that he was young, and so was his girlfriend. His girlfriend who would not be happy with him being a strong young man for the busty cougar that has just moved in next door.

She was definitely a MILF, totally a cougar, there was no doubt about that.

Her watched her breeze past him into the office with an elegant sway to her hips, and he hoisted up the box of books she had pointed out. Kerri Mays was the name on the packing slips, it was the name she gave him when he first approached her.

She’d been struggling with the box, her car door, her keys, her bag, and her phone all at once, so he asked if he could giver her a hand. She’d had to go pick up the last box from her old place, as she’d said, and even though she could have handled it, this just turned out to be a friendly and neighborly gesture. 

Wes did feel a little bad about it though, he’d seen her already and that was no small reason why he was there to help. He’d always been a breast man, and while he hadn’t been a “man” for that many years, he still knew what he liked. And Kerri, well Kerri’s top was tight enough and low enough to get him to help out as much as he could.

She had already started to move the books from the first box up onto the shelves in the very short time it took him to make it inside the office again. He set the box down next to the other one and found himself staring down her top at into creamy deep cleavage, but as soon as he did he looked away.

“I know I’m being terribly rude right now, but nothing makes me feel more at home than a full book case.” She was filling it from top to bottom, and as she stood, she smiled at him and let out a sigh that did in fact make her chest bounce just a little, “I don’t suppose you’d like to help me with this would you?”

He felt awkward.

There was a polarity to her, well to her chest that was undeniable, but at the same time he felt like he didn’t really have time to help a near stranger. But still, she was his new neighbor.

“Not the whole house, just help me with these shelves?” She put a few books up on the shelf then knelt back down and his eyes sunk immediately to the view she was providing him once again.

He didn’t answer, he just knelt down himself and grabbed a few books, “Anywhere?”

There really didn’t seem to be much of a system.

“Thank you, yes, anywhere is fine. It’s just a few less boxes and a lot more being organized and moved in.”

The neighborhood was still a buyers market and that was how Wes had been able to buy a house so young. His job was good, it was very good and he’d landed it right out of college. He’d also had some inheritance money and had grown up with enough money to have a long-term financial plan. Buying a small house young, one he could live in while he worked, and later rent out, was all part of that master plan.

Getting side tracked staring at the tits of a woman that might be just old enough to be his mother, if his mother had made bad choices when she was younger, was not.

For fear of eye contact with her as she started to rise, he quickly redirected  his gaze down to the books in his hand. 

The title of the top one was The Hypnotized Mind. It had a picture of a black and white spiral that made up most of the cover. 

Then the words slipped out of his mouth, propelled by nervousness and a desire to obfuscate what she had to know he’d been doing, “Hypnosis huh?”

She saw the look on his face and smiled at him, “Don’t laugh, it’s a hobby I picked up, “ her voice became playfully serious, “and I used to be very good at it too but I’m a little out of practice.”

Then she took the books from his hand and put them on the shelf. “I could show you. Of course, like I said, I’m very out of practice.”

It was a strange thing to ask a stranger, but the more she talked, the more Wes started to understand that her charisma wasn’t just based on the size of her chest, but from what felt like a very friendly and inviting personality. His eyes drifted down to her chest again and he almost wanted to try it.

“I um… maybe after we finish these boxes.” He knelt down and came eye to eye with her. She had soft brown eyes, golden brown. Everything about her was soft and warm.

“Here, “ she handed him a few more books and smiled.

Then, just like that they were on to the next box.

Some of the books from the first box had titles like Understanding NLP, whatever that was, and Subconscious Thought Structures, and one that had a big blue eye on the cover that said, “Persuasive and Permissive Eye Contact.”

The second box was all various self-help and mysticism books. He’d seen these around, his mom had one or two, so did his girlfriend. There were a couple in there about yoga too, and some about healthy eating.

“Thank you so much honey. Now,” Wes watched as she unclasped the thin silver chain that was around her neck and pulled up a pale purple crystal from the depths of her cleavage. He hadn’t noticed it before, mainly because who would when they could stare at a chest like hers, “watch the crystal with just your eyes.”

Before he could say anything, she was dangling it just slightly above eye level and it looked to him from the stillness of her hand like it was moving by itself.

“That’s right, just relax and watch the crystal. It’s like I said, I used to be very good at this and it used to be very easy for me to hypnotize anyone very quickly and easily, but I am out of practice, so you may start to feel your eyes becoming heavy now or it may take just a few more moments.”

It did happen remarkably quickly and as the crystal did swing back and forth he did feel his eyes starting to want to close down.

Then his phone vibrated in his pocket and he blinked out of whatever it was he was starting to feel.

“You’d better get that.” As soon as the vibration started, she’d lowered her crystal and her tone changed.

Of course, Wes hadn’t really noticed the way her words had become softer and more persuasive sounding.

He had a flush of embarrassment when he saw that it was his girlfriend Jane calling. “I um, I have to take this.”

He was moving towards her open front door, and she was smiling at him as she put her necklace back on.

His eyes inadvertently followed the purple crystal down between her breasts as she fastened the clasp, “I’m sure you’d love to come back so I can try again wouldn’t you?”

“That,” he didn’t know what to say and there was too much going on, he needed to answer his phone, “yeah, that would be great.” 

He stepped out her front door as he answered the phone, “Hi honey. Yeah, I was just helping my new neighbor with a few boxes.”

And with that, he didn’t really forget all about any of it. In fact, the image of Kerri pulling the crystal from between her breasts ran through his mind over and over again to the point of distraction. So did the ethereal foggy feeling she’d started to swallow him in before they were interrupted.

* * * 

Jane was the kind of girl Wes had always wanted.

She was smart, a little wicked with her sense of humor, very busty, and the right kind of bossy. Her hair changed by the season, her style stayed current and was whatever was “in”, and she liked to go out and be active. Active at the gym, active nightlife, active brunch schedule, girls nights, parties, Jane was Fun with a capital “F”.

Right now she was a light brunette or a dark blonde, Wes didn’t really know the difference. She’d also just left his place a few minutes ago, so he assumed it was her knocking on his door.

It wasn’t.

Kerri was standing at his door, her pale red hair tucked back with a broad white headband, and her chest sticking out under a muted floral print blouse with a neck line so low he felt like he was swimming in cleavage.

Her certainly not being who he was expecting, and her chest having been prominent in his mind and imagination ever since they’d first met a few days ago, Wes was wholly taken by surprise.

“I’m so sorry to bother you,” Wes noticed that the thin silver chain was still there dipping down into the depths of her ever inviting cleavage, “but could you help me move my couch? I don’t want to scratch my floor and I just need to nudge it a little.”

There were a lot of things kicking around in Wes’s head all at once in that moment. There were her breasts, there was the delightful and also confusing feeling of or at least memory of being hypnotized and how strange it was to want to feel it again, there was Jane, his fear that this cougar was preying on him, and the fear that this cougar was preying on him had a sexual charisma that made him wonder if he could trust himself.

Especially, if she hypnotized him.

But, he was also a decent guy and he respected the value of well-kept hardwood floors. He also, at the end of the day, didn’t really put a lot of stock in things outside the scope of his day-to-day life. He was also, he felt, enough of an adult and more than enough in love with his girlfriend to not really be tempted.

Besides, who’d trade in their happy relationship with a smoking hot girl, just for some fun with an older woman? Not him. No matter how strangely irresistible her massive chest was, not him. 

“Sure. Yeah.” He stepped out onto the porch with her and locked his door, then they made their way across their shared lawn to her house.

Moments later they were lifting the couch and Wes had again found himself gazing down at her breasts as she bent forward to get her half. Then, as simply as that, they’d moved the couch forward just a bit.

“There is one more thing I need your help with,” Kerri’s voice was slightly lower and just a touch softer. It was a shift that Wes noticed, and it sent a small shiver through his spine.

Wes found himself turning slightly t face her, “I need you to look deep into my eyes. That’s it Wes, look into my eyes. I never got a chance to show you what I could do, and I think you’ve been thinking about it haven’t you?”

He was looking into her light brown eyes, and he didn’t know if she was asking a rhetorical question or not, but it didn’t matter.

“You’ve been wondering if you were beginning to sink into trance as easily as it seemed, and you’ll know the answer soon enough. Just keep staring, look deep into my eyes, and remember, your eyes may start to become heavier and heavier now, or since I am just a little out of practice your eyes may not close just yet.”

She took a few steps closer to him and put her hands on his shoulders. He felt like he should say no, or tell her he wasn’t interested in what was happing, that he didn’t really want to be hypnotized, but before he could work up to saying anything, she cut him off.

“Your breathing is slowing down already, your mind is starting to become clear and relaxed, and it’s so easy to look into my eyes, that’s it, deep into my eyes, and see how peaceful you’re becoming. If you can see your own reflection in my pupils, you can start to feel the way your body is sagging, feeling warm and heavy, that’s it, you can see it can’t you?”

He’d found himself following her words, feeling her light and supportive touch on his arms, her fingertips hardly pressing into his at all, and he did see himself in her eyes. As he did, he felt her hands close just a little more firmly on him, almost like she was helping him to stay upright.

“And it’s so relaxing, so peaceful and so soothing to stare into my eyes that it can feel like you’re just falling down into sleep, like a warm wave of heavy sleep is washing over you. Just like sinking down into a dream, your eyes are so heavy now, and if you can keep them open just a little bot longer, if you can resist he urge to drift into sleep while you’re standing up, then you’ll realize that on your next breath out you’ve never felt this peaceful or this relaxed before, and you know you can feel even better as your eyes simply close now, and there’s no reason to try any longer, no reason to resist this warm soothing sleepiness, that’s it, eyes closed, standing perfectly straight and upright as your mind drifts away.”

Wes did feel his eyes blink closed for just a second… 

* * * 

…but then he shook himself awake.

Kerri was still standing across from him, but she wasn’t holding his shoulders anymore. He felt a little out of it, like when he used to fall asleep in class, or while riding the bus.

“And, that’s all there is to it. I told you I could hypnotize you.” She gave him a triumphant little smile and was beaming with satisfaction.

He blinked a little. 

“But, before I send you on your way, can I ask you something?”

He felt a little off balance, but she’d proved her point he guessed. ‘Sure.”

“Have you ever, “ she mover her hand sort of carelessly across her shoulder and once again he found his eyes moving to her creamy pale chest, “forgotten where you put your keys?”

He was still feeling foggy, but not nearly as much as he was a second before. And despite how hard he was trying to be polite, he was finding it almost impossible to look away from that deep cleavage. Her skin looked so soft and her breasts were so full.

“Yeah, sure, I mean hasn’t everyone?” He laughed a little and caught her smirking as he made a grand effort to look back into her soft brown eyes.

“I’ve always thought it was funny, “ he saw the twinkle in her eye golden brown eyes, “because our keys are so important. House keys, car keys, they’re some of the most important things we own and carry with us aren’t they? It’s just funny how we could forget or misplace something so important isn’t it?”

He nodded and found his eyes drifting back down to her chest once more as she shrugged and the soft white flesh of her breasts jiggled.

“I wonder, if we can forget something so important, what else could slip our minds? What else could we forget? I wonder, do you ever think you could forget your own name?”

He chuckled again, “I don’t think so. I mean a name’s a little bit different than spacing out on where you set down your keys right?”

He watched as a perfectly manicured fingernail started to trace the silver chain that disappeared down into her cleavage, “Really? What’s your name?”

He stopped chuckling. 

There was just a blank spot there.

He stammered. There was something on the tip of his tongue but it didn’t sound right. “I um, I uh.”

“It’s funny how that works out isn’t it? Why don’t you look in your wallet, and we can see who you are, since you know, you seem to have forgotten.” She was simply beaming with satisfaction as he fumbled through the reality that she’d made him forget his name.

Why was also sort of automatically reaching towards his wallet and his eyes were feeling more and more glued to her chest with every gentle heave and then fall of her cleavage as she breathed in and out.

“How’d you do this to me?” He was asking as he unfolded the black leather of his wallet.

“It’s a simple trick suggestion. When you were in trance I suggested that it would be easy to forget your name and told you you’d be able to remember it once I did something. So, what’s your name?”

He looked down at his license, “Wesley Smith.”

It didn’t sound right, but that had to be him. ‘Well, I suppose you’re Wesley then, I’ll just call you Wesley when you’re here with me, that is your name isn’t it?”

He nodded.

“Now, Wesley dear, I’ve taken up enough of your time and I’m so grateful for all your help. I should send you back on your way. But first.”

He watched as she slowly fished the small purple crystal out from the depths of her cleavage, “We never finished our very first trance did we? So this one doesn’t really count. This was just a bonus experience. Watch the crystal now Wesley.”

His eyes followed as she dangled the purple sparkling gem right above her breasts while it was still hung around her neck. 

“Your eyes are getting so heavy so easily now, now that you understand how quickly and completely entranced you can become when I want to hypnotize you. Of course, I am still just a little out of practice so your eyes may not close just yet. Your eyes may find themselves fixed on the little pretty crystal, following the shimmering light as it reflects off the little purple jewel, and you may realize your eyes are so transfixed by the crystal that even though your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, they simply cannot close as long as you can see the crystal can they?”

He was stuck again, not knowing if it was a rhetorical question, or if it was true. He wondered as the brilliant little purple gem dangled above her breasts, and started to seem to sink down into her cleavage, if he couldn’t just blink his eyes but for whatever reason he didn’t really bother to try.

Instead, he just watched as the crystal did start to slowly descend, “And as you watch the crystal, as soon as it is out of sight you can just find it impossibly easy, almost like it is impossible to resist really, to have your eyes close as you also sink down. Down with the crystal, almost like you are the crystal now, sinking down with me, sinking down for me.”

He watched as the crystal vanished down between her breasts, and as is slipped into the milk white softness of her chest he felt a warmth surround him as his eyes drifted shut. His last thought was of the immense and overwhelming physical sensation of pleasure that consumed him as he saw himself in a dream being smothered from head to toe be Kerri’s cleavage.

* * * 

Wes found himself waking from a dream as he walked through his front door. When he looked at his watch, he’d lost what felt like at least an hour of his afternoon and he felt like everything in his world was just left of center.

It was hard for him to shake the heavy fog that was draped across his mind, dangling thick like fake spider webs for a haunted house, and as disoriented as he still felt he also felt physically agitated, anxious almost. It took a few minutes to realize the source of that anxiety.

He was really turned on.

It was pounding at the back of his skull, sending spasms of compulsive need up his spine, making it impossible for him to think of anything else once he consciously recognized it. 

He found himself stripping off his clothes on the way to his bedroom and fell down on his bed, his pants and boxers around his ankles, his cock in his hand being worked with a feverish slowness that made everything slow down and melt away.

He would have called Jane, would have begged her to come over, would have driven like a mad man to her place, but she was out for the evening with the girls. And honestly, he didn’t really need her, not for how fest everything resolved itself.

He came like a horny adolescent, pumping slowly until the dam burst from those gentle strokes, and as he came his mind was flooded with thoughts of Kerri’s purple crystal dangling between those milky white breasts. As he came all he wanted was to sink down into her cleavage. 

But that wasn’t all, as he moaned and spurted out the last of his load, images of Jane crept into his mind, memories of her straddling him, teasing him with her own full breasts, making him so hard, so worked up that he would do anything for her, that he would do anything she told him to. 

That first load wasn’t enough, and as his hand slid back onto his sticky half thick cock, he could see Jane clear as day wrapping her breasts around his cock, teasing him more and more about where they would take their vacation. It was a real memory, and as he worked himself faster and faster now, he remembered the way she’d gotten what she wanted. 

As he burst again, he experienced a moment of total recall, the moment where she’d milked his cock with her breasts until he’d begged to agree with her, and when he did, the way her lips felt as she swallowed him up and finished him off.

He was panting, worn down and sticky, and it felt good to think about those things. It felt good to feel so pliable, so easily manipulated by his girlfriend, and he realized in a way and in a language that didn’t seem like his at all, that it felt good to be submissive when he saw any woman with large breasts.

He drifted off in a brief reverie, only to wake minutes later and shower off the remains of his experience. As he washed himself his mind flickered into a more complete form, like a campfire catching a log from burning tinder. 

Jane had always been fun, and she’d always used her boobs to get her way with him. He was okay with it really, because it was fun, it was more of a silly game than sexual manipulation, more like bedroom role-play than anything else. But every once and a while she would turn on the charm and get him to change his mind about things. Like that vacation for instance, he hadn’t wanted to go to wine country, but she’d boob-bullied him into it.

It didn’t seem sexy to him after the fact, in fact it felt like a bit of a violation in some ways, and they’d even talked about it. He never fantasized about it; he never daydreamed of being twisted around like that, not until earlier. But, but he’d cum really fucking hard to that memory.

Wes figured, before he went on with the rest of his night, that it must have just been the wires in his brain getting a little crossed. There was, after all, something undeniably hot about how assertive Kerri was, and how she really had enthralled him, and he was surprised that he’s sort of blanked out that the first time he came it was to the image or memory of her hypnotizing him with that crystal, or at least the image of those tits.

But, like his hour at her house, all of this too escaped him rapidly and he went on with his evening as though nothing of interest had really happened.

* * * 

Wes found himself staring out his kitchen window into Kerri’s back yard.

She was wearing cut off jean shorts, a black one-piece swimsuit, a wide straw hat, oversized black sunglasses, and was watering her lawn. He hadn’t intended to stare, to gawk from the privacy of his kitchen, but he couldn’t look away from those creamy tits.

Whatever he had been planning on doing faded away, and he walked out his back door to go say hello.

She looked over at him as he emerged, the corners of her lips easing up into a smile. “Well good morning Wes, how are you?”

It was so casual, so calm and run of the mill that is derailed the strange compulsive drive that he brought him out into the warm morning without any purpose other than to be closer to her.

“I’m good,” he said with a sort of automatic need to try and be casual as well, “just wanted to come out and say hello.”

“You’re very thoughtful. And thank you again for helping me out with the couch. But, can I ask you something honey?”

He smiled, nervous for a reason he couldn’t explain, anxious in ways that felt alien to him, “Sure.”

“Did you enjoy being hypnotized yesterday?” She was still watering her lawn as she asked him, not really bothering to even look in his direction as she did.

“It was, I don’t really remember but I think it felt nice. Relaxing I think.” Most everything had melted into a sort of mental slush, like thick snow when the temperature jumps up above freezing. 

What he did remember was the sensation of not being able to remember certain things, and the more he tried to find those memories, to gain a precise grasp of them, or to glimpse what they were, it became easier and easier to forget them.

“Oh, well I know that can be disconcerting, “ she looked in his direction now and released her grip on the hose’s head, “I should have been more careful in helping you to remember what you want to remember. But I did warn you I am a bit out of practice.”

“Well, it’s okay, I mean, it was fun. Weird I guess, but still fun.” That persistent charm of hers, that compulsion that floated off of her like perfume, her aura or animal magnetism, whatever you wanted to call it, had made Wes feel like the most important thing in the world was to agree with her. If not because he wanted to, but because it meant he’d get to keep staring at her heavy breasts.

“Good,” she sounded delighted, “I’m glad you enjoyed it, because I wanted to ask you something. You’re so helpful and so thoughtful Wesley, I was wondering if you would come by this afternoon and let me practice with you more.”

It felt good to be wanted, it felt good to hear her say his full name, and for him to be in a place to do something nice for her. And even though he didn’t necessarily know how he felt about this busty red headed woman putting him in a trance again, especially as the image of her provocatively luring his eyes deeper into her cleavage with that little purple crystal flashed across his mind, he still felt a very deep need to say yes to her.

“I’d love to, but I think I have plans later tonight.” It was true; he was going out with Jane.

“Well then I’m sure Wesley should come over and help me now so we can get Wes home nice and early with plenty of time to get ready shouldn’t we Wesley?”

Somehow everything she said didn’t make any sense at all while somehow making perfect sense at the same time.

Wesley found himself walking over to Kerri in a dreamy state of happiness and certainty. He took the hose from her when she handed it to him and asked him to wind it up, turn the water off, then come inside. It was the easiest thing to do to follow her swinging hips back into the house.

As he closed the door behind him, Wesley found himself staring deep into Kerri’s light brown eyes. She’d taken off her sunglass and her hat, and was leaning on the kitchen table with her remarkable chest thrust out ever so slightly but his eyes were lost in hers as soon as they met.

“Look into my eyes Wesley, you’re ready to get started now, you’re feeling very excited and very eager to help me, look deep into my eyes, and just feel yourself starting to relax for me now.”

Her voice was measured and almost matronly or like a schoolteacher’s. It was so easy to listen to, so easy to follow along as he floated in those warm brown eyes.

“It’s been so nice to practice with you, and I know you didn’t believe me at first but you remember how easy it was to fall down into trance for me now, and as you stare deep into my eyes, as your mind starts to drift along on the sound of my voice, it is going to become very easy for you to start to remember more and more of what it’s like to be hypnotized, it’s going to feel just like my voice is a key in your mind, unlocking all of the things you just happened to forget.”

As she spoke, Wesley found himself becoming still.

His body and his mind become slow, almost simple, like there was nothing to really think about and no reason to move.

As she spoke, Wesley found his eyes were held completely in her gaze. Even as she walked up to him, her breasts bouncing with every step, he still seemed to swim only in her eyes. Even as she put her hands on the sides of his shoulders again, as she pressed herself up against him, he only stared into those golden brown eyes.

“It’s so funny how we can forget things, especially things that can be so important to us isn’t it Wesley? And sometimes our minds and memories can remember things just as quickly as we forget them, we only need the slightest nudge to help us don’t we?”

Wesley followed her gaze as she looked down towards her own chest.

“Relax and remember for me now.”

* * * 

He heard her voice in his memory, putting him down into an even deeper state of trance until he knew, or at least felt and remembered, that she’d put him in such a deep state that anything she said would feel like it was his own idea, that he would, could, and needed to do anything she suggested.

To prove it, she told him, she would show him how easy it was to forget his name, and he remembered that she did. But he also remembered that first she’d show him how easy it was to follow simpler suggestions, like how easy it was to tell the truth. That was how she found out he was attracted to her and her breasts, and she gently reminded him, it felt like a reminder in his soft cotton candy memory, that he should always stare at her breasts and the more he stared at her cleavage, the easier it would be for him to feel deeply relaxed and open to her. 

She went on to say that it was perfectly natural for him to be so drawn to her chest, to be so transfixed by her breasts because she that was what had really hypnotized him. She said that before he even saw her swing a pendant or tell him to look into her eyes, he was already entranced by her breasts, that her large breasts already made him open and suggestible.

She told him, in a soft whisper, her hands massaging her breasts in front of his eyes, that it was very important he realize that her breasts also made him feel this way and that it felt good to stare at them, that he really needed to find himself helplessly compelled to stare at her cleavage as much as possible.

When she showed him how easy it was to forget his name, she also showed him how easy it was to have her words affect him without needing to remember them. Then his eyes were open and he didn’t know who he was, but as his eyes drifted shut, following the crystal down into her cleavage, down where she had told him he really belonged, that he understood.

Wes was someone else and Wesley was him when he was with her, Wesley was what she called him, Wesley made him feel this way. Wes lived his life, Wes had a girlfriend. Wesley was entranced by Kerri’s breasts and when he saw the little purple crystal dangling down into her cleavage, Wesley felt like he was dangling down deeper as well.

Wesley was asked to remember a time when Wes felt submissive, and Kerri asked if Wes’s girlfriend ever manipulated him with her beautiful breasts. Kerri’s crystal danced up and down in her cleavage as Wes’s memory spilled out, even though neither Wes nor Wesley wanted to say it.

He remembered smooth skin on his face and that calming and nurturing voice coaxing him, asking him if he could remember a time when Wes couldn’t say no to his pretty busty girlfriend. She was so pretty, Kerri said, so pretty and almost as busty as her. It was natural to do what a pretty busty girl like Jane wanted, natural to see a big pair of beautiful breasts like Jane’s, or even more like Kerri’s, who were even bigger and even more hypnotically compelling because Kerri had hypnotized him with her breasts, so it was even more natural to just do what he was told.

The words fell out of his mouth about how Jane would use her sexuality to make him do what she wanted. He told her that Jane would show a little bit of cleavage and ask nicely, and he told her he’d always been a breast man, and she said that was very good and it was all very natural.

It was, Kerri told him, something he would realize about himself. That when she sent him home he would need to masturbate over and over, remembering the times he felt the most submissive and powerless to women with big breasts.

Then all of a sudden it was gone, and Wesley’s memory was melting into a fuzzy dream.

* * * 

“Wes, Wes it’s time to wake up now. Eyes open, wide awake for me now, wide awake.”

He found himself blinking his eyes open, only to find himself staring down into Kerri’s cleavage while a thin fog cleared in his mind.

“You go down too easily, I’m not getting to practice at all.” She was holding his shoulders, and it took all of his decency and resolve to look up from her gently rising and falling chest.

“Maybe you’re not as rusty as you thought?” He blinked again, and some deep instinct inside him guided his eyes away from her eyes as he tried to take a step back.

Something about her touch, being held by her, the closeness to her, the magnetism of her chest, the draw of her breasts kept him still, kept him right where he was.

“Isn’t it funny,” her voice had a whimsical air to it suddenly, “how when you forget something it’s like it never happened? Do you even think about that? How when something you can’t remember has happened, it’s like it hasn’t happened at all has it? I mean, if you did something and you didn’t remember that you did it, you’d just need to do it again wouldn’t you? Doesn’t that make sense?” 

As she spoke, her chest rose and fell with the same lulling and persuasive cadence of her voice, and it wasn’t a complicated idea at all anyway. Watching the rhythm of her breasts and listening to the steady sound of her voice only made things even more simple.

“Yeah, that makes sense.” His words, his voice, everything felt easy and natural, like rain trickling down a window on a stormy day, it just happened.

“So, if you couldn’t remember being hypnotized, even though we both know you were hypnotized, it would be like you weren’t ever hypnotized, and if I wanted to practice hypnosis with you, and you said you would help me like you did say you would help me didn’t you, and you couldn’t remember helping me, then you would still need to help me because it’s just like it never happened.”

She’d started to absentmindedly play with the neckline of her top as she spoke, “Isn’t it just like it never happened Wes? Like you’ve never been Wesley, just Wes, like it’s all forgotten and never happened? Isn’t it just like it never happened?”

He felt his eyelids starting to feel heavy as her voice become softer, slower, almost condescending in her gentle nurturing tone. “It’s just like none of this has ever happened has it? And you need to help me Wes, you need me to hypnotize you again, because you’re still waiting for me to show you how accomplished I am aren’t you? Still waiting to see if you can be hypnotized, you can be hypnotized can’t you, and you’re still waiting for me to hypnotize you because none of this has ever happened.”

She’d started to tug gently on the neck line of her suit and he could see the gentle blurring of slightly tanned skin to the pale white of her chest; he knew on a subconscious level that he was seeing something private, something intimate, and it brought him closer to her.

Both of her hands had moved to her neckline and she was showing a considerable amount of pale round flesh, her forearms were also pressing together her breasts, “Say it for me Wes, none of this has ever happened.”

He nodded along with her and spoke the words as her hands cupper her breasts and pushed them together as a rewards for his compliance.

She took half a step backwards, adjusted her swimsuit back to a more modest display of her irresistible cleavage, then snapped her fingers.

* * * 

Wes blinked himself back into sudden focus, and he realized it had been brighter and sunnier outside than he’d realized. “Where do you want to do this?”

Kerri really was in great shape, not for her age, but just in general she was in great shape. He watched her walk into the living room and smile back over her shoulder at him, “Why don’t we sit on the couch, it’ll be easier there if we’re both more comfortable.”

Wes followed and took a seat across from her on one of her lounge chairs, but she shook her head a little, “Come and sit with me on the couch, there’s no need to be formal. Unless, did you want me to give you some hypnotherapy? Are you afraid of spiders? I can help you if you are.”

She was smiling her wide engaging smile and her eyes were sparkling as he almost reluctantly, he didn’t know why a part of him still felt reluctant but it was probably because hypnosis wasn’t really an every day think he guessed, got up and then sat down next to her.

As he sunk down into the couch, angled out to face her almost like the two of them were in a stage play, she shifted one leg under the other then reached over to the side table behind her.

She as dangling the little purple crystal on that slender silver chain right up in front of his face, right at her eye level.

“I was thinking about the last couple of times you’ve come over and I’ve hypnotized you. You’ve gone done really fast, and every time I’ve told you something like watch the crystal, or look into my eyes, and you’ve really know you were about to be hypnotized, and since you’re a very accommodating and very thoughtful young man you’ve always just gone right under. For me.”

She lowered the crystal down into her other hand and put it back on the side table, “It’s one of the reasons you’ve been so amnesiac about the experiences too, your mind wants to please because deep down inside you’ve always known you’re a bit of a people pleaser haven’t you?”

There was a sort of slowness to her voice he’d never heard before, a lethargy in her tone as she rightly stated and revealed this part of himself. He was doing his best not to stare at her chest as she spoke, but the material of the swimsuit she’d been wearing as a top was clingy and he couldn’t help but notice her nipples.

“I’ve never really thought about it like that before, but I think you’re right.” He made sure to look up into the golden brown softness of her eyes as he agreed. 

Still, he’d stopped worrying so much about staring at her chest, it felt right really, it felt natural, and as long as Jane didn’t see him do it and Kerri didn’t seem to mind at, after all she had to know and seemed really fine with it actually, then there wasn’t anything really wrong.

“Well, I’m bringing this up because I’d love to practice my hypnosis with you but if I can just snap my fingers and tell you to sleep and put you in a deep trance, and we both know that’s what would happen don’t we, well that’s not really practice is it?” 

She brushed her hair back as she spoke, and that smooth slow tone she was using, that was so matter of fact it was almost degrading in how honest it was for some reason, really made him wonder if he really was that easy of a subject. But as his mind raced through what he could remember, Wes had to admit to himself that he really was a sucker for her direct influence over him like that.

“So instead, I thought we could just talk a little bit about some of what trance is, and what hypnosis does, and maybe instead of just hypnotizing you with the snap of my fingers and telling you to sleep, I could practice teaching the core components, the basics really, things you could just follow along with, and you’d be happy to help me with that wouldn’t you?”

She arched slightly, stretching her arms above her head as she spoke, and the once again the thrust of her breasts worked their gravity on Wes’s gaze.

“Yeah, if it’ll help.” He realized that he really was a bit of a people pleaser when he answered her like that.

“I knew you’d say yes,” her tone had changed from the sort of languid syrupy certainty to a much lighter and warmer one when she said those words and he could tell she was happy to hear it regardless of if she already had all the cards or not.

“I guess, “ she shifted to lean against the side of the couch and stretch her arm out towards his end, “the first thing that people don’t understand about hypnosis is that it is a state of extremes focus”, her other hand fell t her collar bone and started to slip down towards her chest, “and extreme relaxation.”

She gestured out to the living room as she spoke, her fingertips flying away when they were just scant millimeters away from the tops of her breasts, “Which is why it’s better that we’re here in this room, where we can be comfortable together, and where you can relax with me, and give me your undivided attention.”

Her hand moved back to her chest again and her fingers started the same slow crawl to her cleavage, “Why don’t you turn off your phone too so we won’t have any distractions, “ this time a fingernail did reach the soft white skin and Wes’s eyes couldn’t help but follow it, “that way we both know you’re fully committed to helping me, and not thinking about anything else.”

He reached into his pocket, not really thinking about it, and turned off his phone. As he went to put it back into his pocket Kerri help up her hand, moving it away form her breasts, and held it out to him, “Why don’t you let me put it down over here, it’ll help you feel more comfortable, and it’ll all just be out of sight and out of mind won’t it?”

Again, he found himself just going along with it. It all did make sense, and as soon as she placed his phone behind her on the same little table that had the crystal, he didn’t give it another thought.

“Now that you’d mind can relax, now that there’s nothing to distract you, nothing else to pull at the edges of your mind, nothing stopping you from letting everything else”, her fingernail was working its way back and forth across her neckline and he felt like his eyes were following it as though they were tied to a string, “just fade to the back of your mind while all of your focus on me moves to the foreground of your thoughts” her fingers fanned out as her palm slid down over the top of her breast “you could almost feel like I’m filling your mind completely couldn’t you?”

There really wasn’t anything else past her cleavage, her words, and the sound of her voice.

“And you don’t have to answer that Wes, you don’t even have to think about it, after all we’re just relaxing here and you’re just focused on me and listening to me, and you might even feel more relaxed as your mind starts to accept what I’m saying so easily because there’s nothing else to think about, “ her hand slid down and he couldn’t tell if her fingernail brushing against her nipple was intentional or not, “there’s just me isn’t there?”

As he slowly started to work up the mental energy to respond she held up her hand with her pointer finger up. “Of course, since you’re feeling so relaxed there’s no need to worry about getting the answer right, no need to agreeing with me out loud or saying things because you think they’re what I want to hear.”

He finger started to sway ever so slightly back and forth as she continued to speak, “You can just listen and absorb, and I’m sure you can follow everything that’s being said, even if it feels like the words are just slipping in, and that just means you’re only becoming more and more relaxed and focused on me aren’t you?”

The gentle swaying motion of her finger was causing his head to start to sway with it in a sympathetic motion, like a charmed snake.

“And when your conscious mind realized what it means to be as totally focused as you are and as totally relaxed as you are, then there won’t be anything to think about at all and something very easy and very nice, something that feels very good is going to seemingly happen all on its own now.”

As she spoke the finger continued to wave back and forth slowly moving back towards her breasts, and with the word “now” she slip her fingertip down her cleavage and Wes’s eyes closed all by themselves.

* * * 

Kerri slid her jean shorts off as her subject slumped forward slightly on her couch. His breathing was deep and slow and he was oblivious to the wardrobe change and to her adjusting her cleavage to make it even more prominently displayed.

“Wake up Wes, eyes open, wide awake now, come on back.”

As her words floated out to him, soft as clouds and gently nurturing again, he felt himself coming up out of the gentle slumber she had lulled him into and smiled, “I uh, I um, I think you just…”

“Yes I did, and it was very nice to see you responding so well. I couldn’t tell you that we were going to talk and you would eventually find yourself falling into trance because your need to please would work too well on helping you to slide down into trance for me. And it was very nice of you to help me practice this technique.”

She had become to sweet and so gentle, and she’d moved closer to him, even reaching out to touch his face, and he only found himself looking up from her captivating breasts because she tilted his sleepy head up with her finger. 

“But now, “ she stroked his cheek again then snapped her fingers, “sleep.”

* * * 

“Can you remember your name honey?”

He blinked his eyes open and was staring at Kerri’s lovely breasts. He couldn’t imagine looking anywhere else; he couldn’t even if he wanted to. They were so nice and full, so soft and big, and they looked so nice in her swimsuit. All he wanted was to see her pull those straps down so he could see them in all their glory. He couldn’t remember his name, but he could see the outline of her pert nipples under the clingy black fabric.

“I can’t.” He sort of moaned those words, it felt so easy to tell her the truth and even though he just felt like he was floating and didn’t want to do anything other than stare at her breasts, he still just said those words without a second thought.

“That’s okay, sometimes we forget important things, and sometimes they just slip our minds and we forget that we’ve forgotten them. But,” she was so close to him now, those breasts were the only thing he could see, and her voice made him feel like he’d been a very good boy for her, “why don’t you look at your ID so I know what I should call you, since you can’t remember can you?”

Robotically, or almost robotically he fumbled with his wallet while he didn’t look away from her cleavage, and slowly he glanced at his driver’s license.

“What’s your name sweetie?” As she asked she pressed gently on the sides of her breasts as she spoke.

“Wesley.” He almost whispered his own name.

“I like the name Wesley, and you like it when I call you Wesley don’t you?”

* * * 

In his mind, buried under layers of obfuscation and hypnotic amnesia, the name Wesley was still a trigger. She had buried it, and put layer upon layer of memory over it, but now was the time for Kerri to seal her plans.

“Wesley honey, you love my boobs don’t you?” He heard the sweetness, the nurturing softness of her voice and it made him feel good. Seeing her big breasts pressed together like that, so full and so round, made him feel like all he wanted to do was be good for her.

“Yes,” he nodded almost sheepishly as he said the words.

“I know you do baby, now why don’t you listen to the sound of my voice and, it feels so good to listen, and just keep staring at my big beautiful breasts okay? Good boy, just stare now, stare for Mistress Kerri.”

The word Mistress soaked into his mind as she pulled down the shoulder straps of her one one-piece and showed him her massive bouncing breasts.

“Look at them, just look at them and listen baby. It’s so easy to forget things sometimes, and sometimes you can do things like look at my beautiful breasts, and no matter how much you love them your mind won’t be able to remember them at all unless I let it, and that means that I can make your mind forget all sorts of things, not just my breasts. Just watch the bounce and agree, bounce your head with my boobies baby, up and down, up and down.”

As she repeated those words she tugged the straps of her suit to make her breasts jiggle, and watched as he nodded along.

“And if my boobies wanted you to forget something simple, something even easier to forget than your own name, and you did just forget your name didn’t you baby,” again she jiggled those creamy white globes and he nodded along eyes transfixed on her nipples “then you could forget something else for me and my boobies, you could forget anything for me and my beautiful boobies couldn’t you?”

Again she bounced her chest, and again he nodded along.

“So if I said a name, any name, no matter what it was, before you even heard that name really, you’d already just forget who they were, it would just slip out of your mind, and that would be okay because someone else could remember that name later and tell you, and all you want to do is be good for me and forget, and you will forget because there’s no danger in forgetting your own name for me so there’s no danger in having something else just slip out of your mind, especially if it was a plane name, or a boring name like Jane.”

He felt a warm foggy wave of contentment wash across his perception of the world as he realized he had no idea who that was. He was just happy to watch the smooth round breasts and stare at those nice perky nipples.

“Who is Jane Wesley?” She had started to massage her breasts in front of them, cupping and moving them around in bouncing spirals.

“I don’t remember.” He sighed as he said those words, and even though he didn’t realize it, forgetting the name of his girlfriend did just what Kerri had wanted. It was like opening a dam in his mind and it let all of his desire for the busty older woman to pour into him.

“And if you don’t remember who they are, then it doesn’t really mater who they are to you does it?” She pinched her own nipples and moaned softly as she spoke.

“No.” His body had started to inch closer to hers, like the forgetting of the name, and then the reinforcing of the suggested amnesia had torn down an invisible wall between them.

“Good boy, no it doesn’t. Now why don’t you come here Wesley, come closer and give my nipple a little kiss.”

She presented her left breast to him and he did as he was told. Slowly and softly he kissed it, then started to suckle on her breast as she stroked his head.

“Listen to me very carefully Wesley, it’s time for you to drift away for me. The longer you suck on my nipples, the more you worship my breasts, and don’t worry, I’ll guide you back and forth, the deeper down into trance you will fall for me. You don’t need to understand this Wesley, you don’t need to know that Wesley is your hypnotized persona, your submissive persona, you’ll just keep worshiping your Mistress Kerri’s mesmerizing breasts and fall deeper down under my control.”

She felt herself cum in a quick hot rush of ecstasy as she said the words and felt his body become more passive and relaxed as he sucked on her tits.

“You don’t even have to understand that Wes is just a little part of Wesley, a smaller part than you, a weaker part than you that just goes out into the world and pretends to be something else. Wesley is my submissive good boy, Wesley is the one that is the real you, and my good sweet Wesley always obeys his Mistress and her hypnotizing breasts doesn’t he?”

She guided his head up from her nipple so he could say,  “Yes Mistress.”

She felt a deep tingle as she guided his head to her other breast, she hadn’t told him to call her Mistress, he just did it on his own, already wholly accepting his submissive nature with her. 

 “And even when Wes is out and about in the world, or Wes is with his girlfriend, whatever her name is, when Wes sees her big breasts, and when Wes hears her moan his name during sex, or any other time, it will all just make my Wesley even more submissive and obedient to me. The more Wes obeys his girlfriend, the more submissive Wesley becomes, and the more submissive Wesley becomes, the more submissive to his pretty busty girlfriend, his totally forgettable girlfriend Wes becomes.”

She’d thought long and hard about this, how to engineer his soft mind in such a way as to not create any tears or conflicts. She knew that making him have to get rid of anything in his life, like his girlfriend, would only make it harder to put a leash on him and keep it there. Instead, she chose to create the disassociated persona and build from that.

Furthermore, it wounded like Jane was a naturally forceful and controlling woman already, and Kerri both liked that about her and didn’t really want to steal another woman’s man. No, she just wanted to use him when she wanted, and eventually, she’d make sure her new toy left his girlfriend alone with his Mistress too.

But that was for the future, she had more pressing desires.

Her fingers snapped in his ear as she said, “Sleep.”

* * * 

Wesley felt the wonderful softness of Mistress Kerri’s pussy swallowing up his cock as he stared at her bouncing breasts. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak, he could only watch as she rode him until she’d had her fill. He couldn’t even cum, despite the fact his balls were swollen and aching, despite the fact it was a base animal need for release.

Then, his Mistress was stroking his head and pushing a nipple between his lips, “Serve your Mistress Wesley.”

He was free to move, but only to suck and caress and kiss those wonderful breasts that filled his mind and dominated his thoughts.

“It’s so soothing and so nice to just come over and suck on my tits baby. Whenever you’re feeling stressed out or tired, whenever you need to relax and let go, you’ll feel the need to come to your Mistress, because only these tits can help you feel this good, only these tits can help ease the need between your legs. Whenever Wes can’t be with his girlfriend, the only way things will feel better down there is if you are here with me, serving me. Wesley doesn’t masturbate anymore, because his Mistress doesn’t want him to. No, Wesley comes and worships these beautiful breasts, but only if she lets him. After all, Wesley is such a good boy and is so submissive.”

* * * 

Wes opened his eyes and stretched out.

“Wow, how long was I out for? What did you do to me?”

He felt great, he felt even better than the last times, which of course, he couldn’t really remember.

“And, why do I…”

It had taken him a second to realize he was naked and his cock was standing at attention. And it had also taken about as long to realize she was naked too, standing in front of him with the little purple crystal dangling from its slender silver again above her huge pale breasts.

“Watch the crystal Wesley.”

He hated it when people called him by his full name, but Wes realized no one was talking to him, and he started to float away.

But, before he drifted off wherever he was going, he felt a vibration by his side, someone had put his phone next to him and it was ringing on silent mode.

The face that popped up was pretty, and he figured he had to know who this Jane person was, but he couldn’t place the name for the life of him.

“Look into the center of my crystal Wesley, who is calling you?”

He blinked as his eyes focused in, “Jane?”

The crystal started to descend slowly between her breasts, “And who is she?”

He shook his head, “I don’t know.”

The crystal slipped down a little deeper, then started to climb up out of her cleavage, “Of course you don’t, nothing else matters, there’s nothing to remember now, not even this.”

As the crystal dipped down again his cock jolted and sprayed, pumping and pumping as he watched the crystal sliding in and out of his Mistress Kerri’s cleavage until his balls and his mind were empty.

* * * 

Later that night, after their wonderful dinner together, Jane pressed her self up against Wes’s shoulder, “Wesley baby,” she used his full name when she talked dirty to him and even though he hated it when other people said it she made is sound so fucking sexy, “take me to bed and fuck me.”

Jane didn’t quite know why his face went slack for a second, but she didn’t complain as he did just as he was told for the rest of the night…

She would find out soon. 

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