I Get What I Want

by trancescript

Tags: #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #sub:male #titnosis #bimbo_domme

When Gabe goes to visit his buddy, he finds himself spending some alone time with his buddy’s ditzy, busty, over the top girlfriend Brandy.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
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I Get What I Want

Everything about Brandy was too much. 

Her skin was too golden tanned, her hair was so blonde it was white, her eyes were too clear and too pale blue, she was too friendly, her legs were too long, her hips too wide, her ass too firm, and her tits were too big. 

Just how big medical science had made them, Gabe couldn’t say for sure, but they were porn star big, they were cantaloupe big, and they were wet, naked, and in his face as soon as he walked out to the pool.

“Oh shit, sorry Brandy, I… fuck…”

He was only a man it was impossible not to feel a stir in his groin simultaneously with his shock.

Brandy was Gabe’s friend Andy’s girlfriend. Gabe’s friend Andy had moved out to the coast a few years ago and had done pretty well for himself, and this was the first tome Gabe had made it out to visit. Brandy, the walking embodiment of excess, seemed to be part of that ‘doing well for himself’. 

“Come on silly, don’t be shy. If you Google’d me, you’ve already seen them like a million times. “ She’d been a topless model, and that might have been how she’d caught Andy’s eye. 

Or, she could have been walking towards Andy down the street, or across the street, or just been anywhere within sight of him. It would be fair to say that Brandy was hard to miss and impossible to ignore.

“I’m sorry, I’m not comfortable with… it’s me, it’s not you, it’s just weird for me, I’m sorry.” Gabe turned to go back inside when he felt a wet hand on his shoulder.

“No you don’t. Stay.” That touch was too soft, her voice was too sweet, and when Gabe turned around, and he didn’t know why he did exactly… probably to not be rude about being rude in the first place and because her voice had also been too forceful to say no to as well… he was looking into those too blue eyes that seemed even bigger and wider than before.

“You just got here and how are we ever going talk if you go back in now. Just try not to think about my boobs and talk to me. It’s what I really want.”

She had a too charming smile full of perfect too white teeth, and when she smiled she covered her nipples with her hands, “There, hand bikini, problem solved.” 

It was evident that this plastic princess wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“So Andy says,” she stood there and he couldn’t tell if she was giggling because of the look on his face, or because of how awkward the situation was, “that you were the brains, and he was the brawn growing up.”

She giggled again, “You look pretty brawny for being the brain guy.”

She also squeezed her tits just a little, and when she noticed that he noticed she giggled again, ‘Sorry, just trying to get the fit right.”

Anxious to change the subject, yet not so anxious to go back inside, Gabe forced himself to laugh a little too, “Oh man, I’m surprised he’s still saying that. We were both the brains, that’s why he has all this.”

“Oh, you’re sweet,” she turned and started walking towards the pool furniture, “come on, I want you to sit with me, we ‘really’ need to talk.”

The way she said ‘really’ was almost like a gunshot of emphasis, and as she sat on one of the padded chairs and looked his way, her hands stayed covering her very full, and very eye catching breasts.

Gabe knew he shouldn’t feel bad about staring. 

Brandy didn’t care and he knew Andy well enough that he wouldn’t either, but just because he knew he shouldn’t, it didn’t change the fact that for himself it felt like he was crossing a line. 

Still, his manners dictated he stay and oblige his hostess. Or maybe that was just the excuse he was telling himself.

“Like,” She covered both breasts with a forearm as she pulled her wet hair back and stared deep into his eyes with her own crystal clear pale blue gaze, “He’s not dumb or anything, but the way he talks about it, you’re this super smart guy. Like, he says you’re the smartest person he knew.”

Gabe blushed, because there was something to the way Brandy was talking to him, something superficial, not because she was shallow, but because looking into her eyes he could tell she just wasn’t very deep. 

And, because despite everything about her seeming to be too much for his own taste, Brandy was still a beautiful woman that was flattering him by quoting one of his best friends.  

“So,” she brought her hand back down and once again cupper her melon sized breasts in both hands, “are you, you know, really smart? Because there’s this thing I’ve noticed about really smart guys.”

When he laughed this time, it was out of an almost condescending and purely accidental humor, because the way she said she ‘knew something about smart guys’ was clearly going to be an innuendo.

“Really, what’s that?” He made eye contact with her as he asked, but her own gaze dropped and Gabe found himself looking down for a moment, just to see her pressing her boobs together.

“Sorry, I kind of want to play with them when I hold them, and I always get what I want, and I don’t want to tell you yet, I want you to tell me more about you and Andy.”

“Oops,” Brandy’s palms pressed into her breasts, pushing them into her chest just a little bit, “I just told you a little secret about me, and you’re supposed to be telling me about you.”

As the press of her palms loosened and her tits returned to their normal shape, Gabe discovered that he was having a hard time looking away from her almost magnetic chest. They were huge, they were beautiful, and she was actively playing with them right in front of him, they may as well have been tractor beams for his gaze at that point. 

His only hope was to not pop wood, though he’d doubted she’d mind and maybe that was what she was even going for. But, in spite of that fear he still felt obligated to talk to her, and now he was also intrigued.

“Pay attention smart guy,” once again she was gently kneading her own flesh, her fingers pressing into the softness of her breasts in what had become an almost rhythmic motion, “I told you I always get what I want, and I really shouldn’t have. Because now, you’ll have that in the back of your mind, because I’m pretty sure you’re totally smart enough to see that it’s true.”

She paused then, and pinched her nipples with a habitual and sort of absent minded motion, all while she looked up like she was thinking some sort of deep thought.

Gabe didn’t know how to process the sudden and clearly erotic act of self touch he just saw, “Oops, that’s not what my hands are supposed to be doing is it? I’m sorry.”

She giggled as she stopped tweaking her nipples and pressed her palms flat against her chest again, and once again the compression made her massive tits press out sideways. It was somehow no less sexual, maybe more so because she was pretending to be so innocent about it.

“But I was thinking, I think maybe you’re not as smart as Andy says you are, after all, you didn’t really pick up what I was saying, and you’re staring at my boobs even though you said you didn’t want to. So, it’s like, maybe you don’t know what you want, or maybe you’re not smart enough to know what you want, or maybe you’re not smart enough to follow a conversation when you see boobs? I don’t know, but I don’t think I remember what you were talking about, do you? I want you to tell me what we were talking about okay?”

“We were talking about…” his voice trailed off as her hands fell away from her chest, exposing her melons, nipples and all.

“My boobs?” She adjusted her hair again and looked directly into his eyes.

“No, we…” He couldn’t remember what she’d said a minute ago because he was desperate in his attempt to keep eye contact with her sparkling, soft, almost vacant crystal blue eyes.

“Oh no, silly, we were just talking about my boobs, and how you’re distracted by them, and I think it would be better for you to see them, and you can decide, smarty pants, if you wanna talk to me, or talk to my boobs, or forget about what you were going to say and stare at my boobs, and I want one of those things, and I always get what I want, so do you want to talk about my boobs for a minute? They’re a big topic but you’re smart enough, I’m sure you have opinions.”

Gabe finally stood up, determined to be done with this, “I’m sorry, I get that you’re cool with this, but it’s not really comfortable for me so I’m going in.”

“No you’re not,” she giggled as she said it, and those eyes, so blue, so pale, and so vacant were almost haunting, and once again, with the slightest shift of her gaze he found himself looking back down at her surgically enlarged chest.

“I don’t want you to, and I think you’re just confused about what you want. I think what you really like is looking at my boobs, and I think you’re thinking about sitting back down right now, but you’re overthinking everything. You’re so used to being so smart that you don’t know what to do when it’s hard to think, and it’s getting so hard to think now isn’t it? You’re so confused, you don’t even know why you’re still standing here, talking to me.”

She was massaging her tits just like a she was giving a lap dance again, and as Gabe patiently waited for her to respond, he realized he really had no idea why he was humoring her.

“People say I’m like, this bimbo or this ditzy girl, because I have these big boobs and I’m pretty, and I’m kind of super bubbly, but I don’t think I’m like an airhead, because people say I’m dense too, so like, which is it, but it’s hard, because the longer people are around me, it’s like they drop to my level or something, which makes sense because I always get what I want, but it’s also confusing, just like you’re confused, because they’ll end up staring at my boobs, and I don’t know, getting sort of hypnotized by them, and they stare and nod, and then it’s like they’re smart, but they’re agreeing with me, and sometimes it’s like, you know it, you’re not really that smart, uh-huh?”

She nodded to him, and he nodded back, “Brandy, I’m…”

“You’re staring, that’s all you’re doing, and you just nodded and agreed that maybe you’re not that smart, so I guess I need to explain it again. You see, my boobs make it hard for guys to think, especially smart guys cause they’re not used to boobs like mine and they’re not used to how big they are, and they’re dense, like, I don’t know, black holes of thought right? And it makes it hard for smart guys to think, and the harder it is to think clearly, the less smart you really are deep down inside, otherwise you wouldn’t sort of, I don’t know, get hypnotized by my boobs into your confused brain just slowing down while you stare, and nod, stare and nod Gabe, that’s easy for you to do. You can’t think anymore, you’re just kind of dumb now, dumbed down by my big bouncy hypnotizing boobs that are just so dense thought just can’t escape them.”

As she spoke, she continued her own self-massage and the cadence of her voice had steadily taken on a more gently insistent tone. Even though he was still staring at her breasts, in part because the sight of them was profoundly unreal and not something he’d expected to see in his real life, he felt like she was wrong about him, “I don’t know what you’re trying, and it might work on other guys but…”

“But it’s also working on you, you just don’t realize it, because you’re not used to your big smart brain draining away down to a nice, silly, stupid thing in your head. It’s just taking a little longer because you’re so smart, you see, most guys would have just kept on staring and let the last of their little sparks of brilliance dim down, but you’re showing me how smart you really are by staring for such a long time, cause there’s just so much to drain. It’s a good thing my hypnotizing boobs make sure I get what I want, otherwise you might not have stayed out here to talk to me this long, because isn’t that what happened? I bet you don’t remember that that’s what happened do you?”

He paused.

The way her breasts moved in her hands really had become hypnotic, and the tone of her voice was so soft, so smooth and compelling that he wanted to nod in agreement, but… but he couldn’t remember if that was true of if it wasn’t true. Everything had gotten so hard, and part of that was because his body had betrayed him and the sight of those massive jugs had inspired his cock to come to life.

“It’s not your fault, you’re still trying so hard to think and be smart now, you’re just trying so hard that it’s making you lose track of things so much faster, but you’re just used to your brain working a certain way because you’re not used to being hypnotized by these big, bouncy tits and they way they make it impossible to look away. Like now, you can’t even remember how to not stare, you’re just trying so hard to remember that you’re starting to forget so much other stuff.”

Gabe’s mind was in a state of pure intellectual gridlock. The pressure between his legs, the captivating sight of her breasts and the lulling cadence and tone of her words was making it so easy for him to want to agree with the content of what she was saying, but it was too hard for him to think about if any of it was true.

“Do you remember a long time ago, when we started talking, I told you I noticed something about smart boys? I can tell by the look on your face you don’t that’s okay, I want you to stare and my boobs and listen, I get what I want, so stare at my boobs and listen and I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you how you were so smart before you saw me with my top off, and that smart guys have this way of getting extra dumb, and extra horny around me, just like regular guys, but regular guys don’t have as far to go as you, and the longer any guy stares at me the more he forgets, and you’ve been staring so long you’ve forgotten all sorts of stuff, like how you’re a smart guy, but you’re not that smart because you’re still staring at my hypnotizing boobs and you can’t even remember your own name now because my boobs just hypnotized you into forgetting your own now, so you can’t remember your name at all now can you? What’s your name?”

It was a trick.

It felt like a trick, it sounded like a trick, 

But he couldn’t understand what she meant by her boobs hypnotizing him. She’d said it a few times but it sounded like nonsense, like everything else she said, but she’d said so much he couldn’t remember, and he couldn’t trust his memory to think of what she’d really said or what really happened, and even those thoughts were coming so slowly that he could get his head around…

“I don’t remember.” He didn’t.

“You must be pretty dumb, and totally hypnotized by my boobs if you can’t even remember your name huh?”

He was going to agree, but there was this confused static between his ears and behind his eyes, and he felt disoriented.

“Oh god, I’m sorry you, why don’t you just keep getting hypnotized over and over by my big massive boobies, cause that’s so much easier than answering questions, and if you can’t remember you own name you’ll need a lot of help, so let my boobs help you forget about forgetting, like there was never anything in your head at all, just me, just my hypno-titties, and let me do all the thinking for you. After all, you’re not that smart and you do need help. So just sit down and stare, sit down and fall deeper into my titty-trance and feel my sweet voice fill your dumb empty head, just like my tits make that big dumb cock and balls swell up too.”

He, and he couldn’t remember his own name still, and couldn’t think of a single reason not to keep watching those mesmerizing melons as she kept talking to him in that soothing, smothering tone, almost baby talk now, sat back down and stared at her chest as the last of his cognitive ability submerged itself along with his conscious mind.

“See,” Brandy giggled as she looked into his eyes, willing him to feel calm and passive with her own vacant pale blue stare, “you might have been smart about some things, but you weren’t smart enough to realize I was hypnotizing you all along. And that’s not your fault, there’s lots of ways to hypnotize guys, especially smart guys, and the smarter you are the more effective hypnosis is. You were so smart that I could hypnotize you into being dumb, the dumber you felt, the dumber my boobs make you, the secretly smarter and more easily hypnotizable and suggestible you are.”

She got up and straddled him in his own seat, “And now, the secret smart you wants to ask questions, but the dumb hypnotized you knows you just can’t think fast enough and can’t remember enough, so I’m going to explain how I hypnotized you, and the more I tell you, the dumber you’ll get, because that smart you that’s just buried under the power of these big soft boobies is absorbing everything I say and making it all work so much better.”

If he, whatever his name was, would have been cognizant enough to understand her and what was happening, he would have noted that her sweet, bubbly, bimbo voice with its careful, smothering softness wasn’t just soothing him, but its tone was deliberately dismissing any doubts he might possibly have by making everything sound like a forgone conclusion, something so obvious even a plastic bimbo airhead liker her would know.

“You don’t remember, because you can’t really remember anything right now, but I was just telling you,” she leaned in and pressed her tits against his face and stroked the back of his head, “that there are tons of ways to hypnotize someone. I hypnotized you with fascination and distraction with my boobs, and some people would say I confused you, but really I just used repetition on you. I wore you down into a state of hypnotic susceptibility, I got you right to the point where your mind could enter trance by telling you I get what I want, and that my boobs, the same boobs that your face is buried in, are hypnotic.”

She stood up and slid her bikini bottoms off and slipped a finger into her slit, “It’s like, there this story about how you can hypnotize someone just by saying sleep over and over again, and if you do it right, if you just find the right way to speak, like me, and the right way to get someone totally focused on you, like I did, you can just switch their brain off. Here, taste this.”

She slid a sticky finger between his lips, then slid it out, “And it’s one of those things that just goes together you know, because my big boobies already short circuit your brain, cause you’re a boy, and that’s what happens. So it all just comes together, and now your gonna make me cum. Stand up.”

He did, and while he wondered about the taste in his mouth, he didn’t do anything to hinder Brandy pulling down his swim trunks and taking off his t-shirt before pushing him back into his chair. He knew something was happening, but he couldn’t remember what it was called.

 She knelt between his legs and wrapped her tits around his cock, “You’re too dumb now to know what your cock is for, and that’s okay, I know and I’ll tell you. Your cock is for making me happy, your cock is for making me cum, and if it does a good job, I’ll remind your cock how to feel good, I’ll remind your cock how to cum and when, because I know you’re too dumb and too forgetful to even remember how to fuck.”

She kissed the head as it protruded from her massive tits before adjusting herself slightly to deep throat it. He watched on, and something felt wrong, but he didn’t remember why, or know what it could be. Also, something felt amazing, but that also didn’t make any sense.

Now that his dick was slicked up a little, Brandy mounted him and her pussy was hungry for his empty head and his hard dick. “Just watch my tits bouncing, just watch my tits as they hypnotize you into staying hard, just watch my tits as they hypnotize you into not cumming without my command.”

What she’d said moments before about him not remembering how was an opening suggestion, what she was saying now as she slowly, deliberately rode him, using him like a dildo and nothing else, was a reinforcement by a different approach.

“The longer you stare at my tits the more impossible it becomes for you to cum without permission, and you don’t know how anyway.” She repeated that over and over, building off of what she’s said about repetition, and every time she said it, she was sweet and nice, smothering him with softness, pulling his head into her chest as she rode him with the same deliberate pace.

If he could have remembered his name, or the situation he wouldn’t have been able to stay hard inside his friend’s girlfriend, and he also would have seen the sparkle in her eyes as she came almost instantly. Brandy was wet from the manipulation, and from the stimulation of his cock as a toy and his mind as an empty thing, a blank slate, was almost enough to make her cum without a touch. 

Locked away, Gabe could see those massive tits bouncing and felt their softness as she pulled his head in. He felt his lips curl around her nipples as she made him suck while whispering, “That’s it, just do that with your lips, don’t worry about switching, you’ll just forget and I’ll remember. Just forget about ever thinking for yourself whenever I’m around. You’ll always do what I say, but you’ll forget why. Just suck my tits and fall deeper into hypnotized obedience.”

Lost in his own body, he felt himself starting to buck, he felt the tension in his balls, the ache, the need, but there was something in the way. Captivated despite himself by her breasts and by the power of her suggestions, Gabe could feel his inner self giving in, no longer fooled and shuffled into the back of his own self, no longer played and tricked, he felt himself beginning to sink under the weight of her breasts and of the sweet, smothering softness of her suggestions.

Gabe, even though he still couldn’t remember that was actually his name,  wanted to say he would always be dumb for her, that her tits did make him feel dumb, that it was better to do what she said, that he couldn’t cum without her, but his mouth was filled with her hypnotic flesh, and he had no control over his body, or his words.

Instead, he fell into amnesic bliss, lost and compromised in ways he couldn’t imagine.

“I want you to cum and I get what I want. I want you to cum and I get what I want,” echoed through his vacant head, Brandy’s pace having quickened to a hungry, desperate fuck fury, sliding up and down on his shaft, her tits smashed against his empty head. 

The thick, massive load he shot into her carried his free will with it too, not from any suggestion she gave, but just because Brandy knew how to fuck a guy’s brains out.

“You lasted and resisted way more than Andy did, you really were the brains. And now that I have them, now that I have you under the power of my boobies, you’re going to put them to work for me just like he did. But first,” she slid a tit back into his mouth, “it’s a good thing you don’t remember how long it takes your cock to get hard again, it’s a good thing that cock does what I tell it to.”

It would be hours before Brandy put Gabe back into the driver’s seat, and while he wouldn’t be able to think about or really remember what had happened all day or why, he walked with a soreness that came from his body doing things under hypnosis it never would have done otherwise.

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