D.E.B. Digital Enthrallment Brainwashing

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #sub:male #titnosis #Technology #technology_with_hypnosis

Tara, a shy and mousy college sophomore with secretly great tits, has the opportunity to test out a brainwashing app developed by her hypnotherapist Deborah (from Come Inside, this is a spin-off not a sequel) on one of her classmates.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

Digital Enthrallment Brainwashing

“Hi Chris, can I… can I um… show you something? It’s that thing I mentioned earlier.”

During class Tara had passed him a note that said: Can I come to your dorm room later today, I have something to show you.

It was an odd request from someone he didn’t really know, it was also kind of fun to get a note; it reminded him of high school and not senior year of college.

She’d knocked on the door to his pod even though it was open, and one of his roommates had led her down the hall to his unit. Chris had ended up living on campus all four years because it had turned out to be easier than off campus living.

Tara was a sophomore, and almost mousey. The class they shared together was an art appreciation elective, one of several that made up most of his final semester.

“Sure, what’s this mysterious thing?” He was trying to be friendly, but she had a nervous energy that made her both quiet and impossible to read.

“It’s this phone app a friend of a friend sent me, I’m part of a beta test for it, and I have to sort of share it with people to help with feedback and stuff.”

Tara was wearing high wasted pale blue jeans, black ankle boots, and a white and black striped shirt that rode a little high and showed off just a touch of her pale stomach. Being a red head, a brownish redhead with no freckles just pale skin, Tara was profoundly white.

“Um okay? That’s cool, what kind of app is it? Is it a game, do I have to put something on my phone too?”

Her shirt was long sleeved and tight across her chest, but that might have been because her chest would have made anything tight across it. Tara knew how to dress, kept her straight hair mostly short, and was pretty cute, but that slight standoffish and quiet aura made it hard for Chris to think about her in that regard.

“I should just show you, it’s super weird, but it’s cool too.” Tara had taken out her phone and started to swiped and press, “Here.”

She held the screen up to his face, and he watched as a black line and a white line on a gray screen met in the middle and started to swirl. As they did, he heard a clicking sound that sounded like an old clock. The screen became a black and white spiral that was rotating in time with the tick tick tick sound effect.

“What is this? Is this like a hypnosis app? Are you trying to hypnotize me?”

Tara’s porcelain face turned scarlet, “No, uh, I don’t think so, I just have to have you watch it for a few minutes. It’s just a thing.”

Chris laughed, “Sure, okay, whatever you say.”

“I mean, it’s not like, you don’t think like a phone app could hypnotize people do you? That would be super weird and dangerous. But I guess, I think this app’s called DEB, it’s named after the woman who invented it, and she says it’s supposed to help you relax, so I hope I haven’t been hypnotizing myself, but it does help me relax.”

Chris felt kind of sorry for Tara. She wasn’t a great talker when she was nervous, and she was clearly nervous and embarrassed, but she had kept the screen up to his face.

The spiral turned at the same even pace and the tick tick tick kept its time, but as he watched it, he thought he could see something else in the pattern, something translucent, or like a magic eye poster. He let his eyes soften, and took the spiral in.

There was something else in the image, like a second curving shape that was a tangent to the lines, and as he felt himself blink and re-focus, Chris made a point to soften his vision again to try and see it.

“It’s cool isn’t it? It really gets your focus, and kind of blocks everything else our right?” Tara’s voice was softer, less taut with nerves, and more confident. “I’m supposed to ask if you can notice you’re more relaxed and focused now, it’s been two minutes.”

“I guess so. Is it just the spiral, I think there’s other stuff there?”

Right as he asked, the spiral animation split into two, like watching an ameba reproduce, and then there were two spirals spinning at the same rate with the same tick tick tick, Now, he saw those same ghost images in both spirals but he still couldn’t make out their shapes, past being round.

Then, the screen flashed black, and he blinked, then saw block letters on the screen. They were overlaid on top of the spirals, and barely flickered in and out of his vision, showing up with each tick, one after the next, breathe relax, repeat.

“The thing is paced to prompt you at the ideal time to help you relax and focus, so just keep watching the screen, watch the words and the spirals, and tell me, are you noticing the way you’re feeling heavier, and more grounded, more relaxed and focused now as you watch?”

There was something hypnotic about the screen, but in a corny kind of way. But, corny or not, Chris was feeling more relaxed, and he was breathing deeper now too. His whole body felt still, and he was blinking more regularly, in time with these little flashes of white and then black on the screen, paired with the words and the ticking sound.

“Yeah, it pulls you in.”

He felt a little dreamy as he answered, and kept on letting his vision blur as the spirals went around and round. Every time he thought he could make out the hidden images underneath the spirals, right as they would start to take more of a solid shape, the screen would flash with the click and disrupt his vision, replacing what he had almost seen with one of those words, breathe, relax, repeat.

“Good, I’m supposed to tell you to go with it, to stay focused, and just keep letting yourself relax now. We’re three minutes in, so just keep watching it, now okay, and it’s okay to blink, I’m also supposed to tell you that, that and it’s also okay if you just feel like closing your eyes, to let that happen too, then just open them again when you’re ready, okay.”

Chris found his eyes closing for a second and it felt good, but the nagging mysterious phantom image on Tara’s phone still hadn’t come into focus. But, as he decided to open his eyes the tick tick tick sound seemed to tell him it was okay to let his eyes rest just a little longer.

“Open your eyes and watch the screen Chris, you’ll feel more relaxed when you do.” Tara’s voice was in his ear now, and he could feel her breasts pressed against his back.

He opened his eyes and found the screen still in front of his face, but she had moved behind him, “I’m supposed to remind you that even after the five minutes are up, we can stay sharing this screen and the relaxation program until you’re ready to stop, so it doesn’t matter how long we’ve been going now, okay?”

Her voice was still quiet, still reserved, but she sounded less nervous; Tara sounded like she was feeling what he was feeling, like they were on some kind of trip together.

“You are hypnotizing me aren’t you?” He let himself say those words, and it was funny to ask. He was feeling good, and her closeness to him felt more right than he ever would have guessed it would, and if this was hypnosis, it wasn’t that bad.

“The app can be a little hypnotizing I guess, but I’m not hypnotizing you Chris. You’re not being hypnotized right now, you’re just watching the screen and relaxing, right?” He felt her breasts press a little closer into his back, and Chris couldn’t tell if she was pressing in or he was leaving back.

“You’re not being hypnotizing right now Chris, just relax into the screen and tell me what you’re seeing.”

Those soft words, that quiet voice felt so passive, and it made him feel passive too. Tara was lying to him, he knew this was obviously hypnotism, but he just went with it and let her keep going through the act.

“I see two black and white spirals spinning in time with a ticking sound,” he felt his eyelids flicker as he described the screen, and then felt a wave of heaviness moving through his eyes down to the tips of his toes.

“And there’s something else I can’t really see,” he blinked again, and there was something happening to him, something making all of this theatre more affecting. Maybe it was because he’d agreed, at least to himself, that he would let Tara hypnotize him.

“Keep watching, you’ll find the images coming into focus now. I’m supposed to tell you that when your eyes close, that’s just natural and easy, that’s just what you’re supposed to be feeling because of the relaxation now that you’re so relaxed.”

She was almost giggling now in that soft restrained voice, and if Chris didn’t feel like the floor was starting to melt under his feet he would have wanted to laugh a little too. Instead, he sighed and blinked, then let his vision go soft again.

“What do you see?” her words were so delicate and curious that it seemed like her question had unlocked something in his eyes.

There were two round objects there mixed with the spirals, and as the screen flashed black and white now on and off, he thought maybe there were words too, but he kept blinking and things kept shifting.

“I see…” his voice caught in his throat as he let out another sigh, but one he wasn’t expecting. He blinked, and behind the spirals he saw breasts. He saw large, pale white breasts with perky nipples at the center of the spirals.

“Keep watching, relax and keep watching. You want to keep watching, you want to be still, you want to relax, you want to just keep watching.”

Chris felt a tingle in his spine and for just a moment he tried to move his hands up from his sides and realized he didn’t really want to.

Tara’s hand was between his legs, “Look at the spirals, look deep into the spirals spinning, and look at what’s behind them, stare at my breasts behind the spirals, those are mine Chris, stare at them and feel them hypnotize you now.”

Her hand was rubbing his thickening cock through his pants, and as he stared at the screen he felt like he needed to surrender, obey, and submit. That was all he needed to do for Tara, surrender, obey, and submit to her, and he didn’t know where those words came from.

Instead of pushing back, or trying to find his mental footing, he just moaned as Tara’s hand kept rubbing his cock, and also rubbing her tits against his back.

“I knew you were too smart to fool, but smart people are the best hypnotic subjects, and you want to be hypnotized, you decided you wanted to be hypnotized as soon as you decided to go along with my act, and now my breasts are hypnotizing you aren’t they Chris?”

She was purring in his ear, but it was still quiet, still reserved and held back, still almost mousy. Every word she spoke felt like the missing piece of a puzzle, but every time her confidence shook, there was a flicker of awareness, like his conscious mind was reaching the end of a tunnel.

“Why are your breasts hypnotizing me?” He wasn’t asking if they were, he wasn’t disagreeing with her, he was trying to ask why her boobs were on a screen with spirals.

“Because,” she paused and he felt like he’d reached the end of the tunnel, “because that’s just what my breasts do to you, my breasts just hypnotize you don’t they Chris? You’re being hypnotized by them right now because that’s just what they do.”

Her hand gripped his cock through his pants with a little more intention, “Now why don’t you keep staring at them on the screen and let me ask all the questions.”

He wanted to do that.

He wanted to surrender to her, to obey her, and to submit to everything she was saying, but that want was pushing up against something else inside him.

As the screen flashed black and white, as the tick tick tick continued while Tara’s hand worked his cock, and even started to unzip his pants, too much was coming into his mind, and not enough was going out.

Paralyzed by over-stimulation, all he could do was stare at the spiraling boobs on the screen as his pants dropped and Tara wrapped her fingers around his hard naked cock.

“My tits are hypnotizing you Chris, you’re hypnotized by my breasts and it feels so good.” Her hand was more confident than her mouth, and her stroke started to do more than her words did.

He moaned and blinked, and as his eyes closed he felt a deep desire to fall back into her arms, but his body was as stiff and upright as his cock was. “From now on, seeing me, seeing my chest, will make you need to do whatever I want. When you see me anywhere, you’ll look at my chest, and naked or covered you’ll feel their size and their weight on your mind, making you need to surrender, obey and submit to me in every way.”

She was pumping him faster, and it seemed like the act of jacking him off was giving her more confidence. Her voice was still quiet, she was still leaching away at his reasoning with her modest, reserved tone, but the words were sinking into him like lead.

“Picture it,” she had soft skin, and her hand was smooth and delectate even as it worked him, but she’d slowed down again. “Seeing me in class, covered up, knowing what these swirling spiraling tits are under the surface, knowing that a little bit of fabric can’t stop their power over you. See yourself staring at their shape and feeling the need to surrender, the need to obey, the need to always submit to my will. The words on the screen are written in your mind, just like my breasts.”

His consciousness was trying to swim to the surface, but it just kept sinking under her touch, and he could feel the weight of her chest as her breasts stayed pressed into his back. He could also start to see something more on the screen, letters that spilled into words in time with the ticks, flashes, and spirals.

He was drooling, his eyes were open but empty, and his cock was spurting out a long, thick, burst of cum. The orgasm would have felt like it came out of nowhere, but as he came, Chris just felt right. The words, the layers of messages and instructions that those breasts held, were spiraling in his mind, and he knew, he knew on an emotional level, on a spiritual, religious level, that he had just ejaculated a piece of himself, and not just a load.

“Keep watching the screen Chris. Keep watching the spirals, watch as two becomes one, watch as white and black become shades of gray, feel it happen, feel it all come together now.”

He groaned again as she kept working him, slow and easy, squeezing out the last of his load before starting to work it up again, slower than before, softer than before.

“Hold the phone now Chris, hold it in front of your face.”

Chris moved like a robot and did what he was told. He was hollowed out, and he was groaning as the continued stimulation to his cock was making his whole body ache and quiver in response.

Tara’s free hand reached around his chest and she moved herself backwards until they were on his bed. Tara had him hard again, and the two-shaded gray spiral was pulling at the places inside him that her hand job had opened up.

More was leaking out of him, and not through his cock. There was something else in the constant tick tick tick, there was something else in the screen, and even though Tara hadn’t said anything to him for over a minute, images of her in different outfits, images of her coming and going in class, and images of her naked breasts formed a cell around his mind.

“That’s right, my breasts are hypnotizing you, and DEB is brainwashing you. I’m going to put it on your phone and you will watch it every day. You will use DEB every day, taking updates and taking new commands, brainwashed by it, programmed by it, and I will always be here to hypnotize you with my breasts and keep you obedient.”

He spurted again, and this time the screen went black, his body went limp, and Chris found himself snuggled against Tara’s large, soft breasts. She stroked his head for a moment and whispered gentle, curious words in his ear.

“I have you now, I have you and I’m going to keep you. You belong to my tits, and you need DEB to clean up your mind, to brainwash you into what we want you to be, what me and my special friends need you to be. Just sleep now, just sleep and dream of my naked tits while your mindless body does what I tell it to.”

He had no idea how wet and slick her slit was when she started fucking his face. It didn’t take Tara long to wear herself out on his lips and his tongue, and when he woke up an hour later, disoriented and drained, she wasn’t there.

But, the next day in class, when Tara sat down next to him, instead of saying hello he looked right at her breasts, covered by a thin white top that was tight enough for him to see her bra under it, and said, “How may I serve you today Tara?”

No one else heard him, but she did.

“Good boy. You’re coming to my dorm after class today so I can update your phone, and so I can…”

She blushed and couldn’t finish it. The young woman who was brainwashing him, who had done all of that the day before, couldn’t bring herself to say, “Have you fuck my brains out.”

Instead, she let the words hang, and just imagined telling her hypnotherapist Deborah, who had awakened so much in her and giver her the app, how well everything had gone, and what she was going to do with her own slave.

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