Controlling Interests

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #sub:male #titnosis

While he set out with an eye on buying out and acquiring another company, his eyes and mind were drawn to a different sort of assets.

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Controlling Interests

“This way please Mr. Moreno.”

The woman that greeted him was a tall, long legged brunette with a short skirt and a pretty face. Her smile lit up the foyer of Omni Tower, and she led him to an elevator where she swiped a security card before placing it in his hand. “I was told to give this to you, swipe it again inside, your meeting is on the top floor.” 

She smiled at him again as the doors closed, and said “Congratulations sir” just before she vanished from sight. 

Omni Operations Capital had been the center of a bureaucratic spider web of interlinking, vertically integrated companies, corporations, and holdings that were all woven together with nothing but loopholes and the unstoppable momentum of profit. Every year they expanded just a little more, and to his eye, they were more like the tide coming in than a company that was growing. 

However, no one else in his circles of wealth and power seemed to give Omni any mind. Omni couldn’t be bought out; everyone had tried at some point. The mysterious corporation was resistant to mergers, and none of Omni’s moves were bold enough to rock the boat, so everyone else simply moved on after their brief flirtation with trying to own a piece. 

That was what made him different, he hadn’t moved on. Omni had been an impregnable behemoth, but then, a year ago, cracks started to form. The actual Omni and not its satellites and external assets was the beating heart of the empire. It was a privately traded equity firm, so there were shares to be had, but no outsider had been able to acquire any of those shares in thirty years, and every publicly traded company that served as a satellite for Omni had kept their class A shares, the ones with voting weight and leverage, under strict control... 

...until they didn’t. If it was possible to be largely invisible to the outside in the world of high finance, that was Omni. It was only ever mentioned in passing, with the occasionally article written about its vast, under the radar portfolio. But nothing ever came from those articles, because every big player knew there was no reason to try and do anything about it. People who profited off of investing in those satellite operations made some money, but not real money, and it was hardly worth putting money into them as opposed to keeping it in other low risk endeavors. 

As mundane as it all seemed, he had always been fascinated by Omni, and while his peers had all long given up on trying to slay the beast, he’d endured, and more so, he’d discovered the outer most edges of Omni’s reach. 

A year ago, a thread came loose and he pulled on it. He bought out a self-sufficient tech startup at the edge, and then a small but growing wealth management firm one step up the ladder. From there he saw the cracks, well his team did. 

Board members and large volume share holders were shedding their investments, and piece by piece, buy by buy, his company was acquiring majority class A shares in the inner most circles of the Omni empire. 

Of course the consolidation would mean that all the loopholes wouldn’t work anymore, but that wasn’t the point for him. It was about getting to the center, it was about dismantling Omni and buying them out to take them off the board. His company had already restructured, or sold of a great deal of what he’d acquired. 

The elevator doors opened, and he stepped out into the kind of waiting room he had outside his own top floor office. The woman waiting for him there was a blonde, a strawberry blonde with long straight hair that was down in a thick cascade, strikingly fair skin, and she was dressed in knee high black boots, a grey flannel skirt, and a white short sleeved button up blouse that must have been for his benefit, because it was doing an admirable job of failing to contain this woman’s massive breasts. 

In truth, nothing much would have done a good job to contain them, they were huge. They were compellingly, distractingly, pornographically big. He didn’t know for certain, but they must have been close to the size of her head. 

“This way please Mr. Moreno,” her pale blue eyes were soft, and they seemed sweet and dull, like there was not a lot of curiosity in her head. He smiled, he knew the type, and had employed more than a few of them over the years. 

Well, the type he’d employed didn’t have tits like that... not a lot of women had tits like that, but that wasn’t what he was here for. 

He thanked her, and followed her down a short hallway into a sunlit conference room. “Please have a seat, would you like anything to drink before we get started?” 

Her nails were red, her makeup was modest but flattering, and she didn’t wear any jewelry that he saw. When he said no, she smiled, and did something wholly unexpected, she sat down across the table from him and said, “So, you’re the one that’s so interested in all my assets,” her left hand moved to her chest and she smiled, “it’s really nice to meet you.” 

The way she sat told him that while maybe her eyes weren’t curious, her posture was unshakably confident. It also, and he couldn’t help but notice, gave her massive chest a considerable amount of poise that seemed to defy gravity or common sense. 

“I’m terribly sorry, are you saying you’re the CEO of...” He was polite and well mannered, he was a tycoon, a man of business and industry, and he was a man who could handle surprises. This was a bit of a shock, the size of her breasts was a bit of a shock, but it made more sense to him than it would anyone else. 

Of course the pieces were falling apart, there’d been a secret leadership change, and now this young woman, this buxom and vapid blonde girl had inherited the business, and that had ruined the confidence of her partners. 

She smiled a bright white perfect smile, “I am, but I guess I won’t be for long. After all, that’s why you’re here right? You’re the one that’s taken advantage of everyone else’s” she paused as she looked for the right way to hide her scorn for them, “recklessness.” 

He appreciated that. She seemed, while not curious, confident and at least partially engaged with what had been happening around her business. She was engaged, but she probably didn’t fully grasp it. 

“I’m sorry, while I do appreciate your candor, I don’t know your name.” He smiled at her and assed her again. She was poised, well mannered, and well put together, and it all made her enormous breasts stand out even more. 

It was going to be easy, easy, and possibly cheaper than he’d expected. Buying out a rival was an investment, and like the saying went, it takes money to take away other people’s money. “Who are you?” 

She shifted slightly in her seat and it was enough to make her breasts sway ever so slightly, and just the slight shift of tits that size was enough to draw his eye, if only for a moment. 

“I’m J. Alex May, like my uncle, but he was Joseph Alexander May, I’m Jessica Alexis May, and you’re the one and only Mr. Moreno. You’re kind of a legend, my uncle’s friends said you were a shark, and I can kind of see it in your eyes.” 

The flattery, the fact he was a known commodity put an added genuine curve to his smile. She’d put her left hand to her left breast as she’d introduced herself, and now she looked into his eyes with her soft, dreamy blue eyes, and it seemed to him that yes, she might have an idea of the scope of what was going on here, but not necessarily its long-term impact for her and her family. 

Or, maybe she didn’t care. He laughed, just a small chuckle of a laugh, but a laugh all the same. The similarities in the name of the former and current CEO would have been enough to slide under most people’s radars, and in this case, somehow it had. He’d missed it, and if he missed it, everyone else would have too. It felt absurd, like she’d just inherited the mantel of the man as well as his business. 

“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you. I have to say I never met him, but I was an admirer of your uncle. I’m sorry to ask, but did he pass?” 

As he spoke, she toyed with her hair with her right hand, and that hand dropped down to her collar, then absentmindedly dropped to touch the top of her right breast before it came to rest on the table. Her left hand brushed the top of her left breast, where it had come to rest, and she took a long, slow breath that made her chest rise and fall. 

It was impossible not to notice them, impossible not to see them, but as he was a serious man, one who was in control, it wasn’t impossible for him to not stare at them and look her in the eye. 

Her eyes never left his, and he did make a point of meeting her gaze, but he found himself distracted by the small motions of her hands, and despite himself, her massive breasts were there to keep his gaze a second longer than he’d have wanted. 

He didn’t get the sense that she was flirting with him, but sensed that she was prone to charming and disarming the people in her life, and having tits like that, she had to be aware of how they affected some men. He really had known and employed more than a few women just like her, well just like her sans the fortune and the company, and the bowling ball sized tits. 

“Oh you’re sweet,” her left hand had stayed on her chest, but as she spoke she waved her right hand at him and smiled again. It was a slow wave and her fingers fanned out in a dismissive arc, “No he’s not dead, he just wanted to retire. He was tired of all of it and just wanted to rest.” 

Her soft eyes met his, and there was a surprisingly sympathetic softness in her voice as she continued. “I’m sure you know how that goes don’t you? It’s like, one day you feel like you can go on forever, and it’s the thrill of the hunt and the business is all you think about and then...” 

She put her right hand back to her chest, and tilted her head and looked up, causing her breasts to jut out a little more, “You get distracted by something else, and you know how that goes don’t you?” 

Her question had a pleading softness to it, and it evoked a thought in him. He could relate to that; her breasts were pulling his gaze, and with it, his attention from her soft voice and what she was actually saying. 

They were so large they had a gravity to them, they were pulling at his thoughts and had become impossible to ignore in a very short amount of time. 

He wasn’t a vulgar man, but her breasts had to be fake. They seemed too bog to be natural on her otherwise petite frame. They were surreal and were starting to become fascinating, fascinating and titillating. Her cleavage seemed to call out to his eye, the thin valley of space there surrounded by the fullness of her breasts was picturesque; it was all as soft as her voice, and more alluring that he would have thought. Though, it might have also had to do with the soft, breathy tone of her voice, which took on a soothing lilt, as full of confidence as it was devoid of curiosity. 

Her right hand continued to move in the same soft, dismissive wave as she spoke. “You just go from being so focused and motivated, then something comes along and your mind starts to wander before you realize what’s distracted you. It comes into your mind and it just gets bigger and bigger until it’s all you can see in your mind’s eye, and all you can think about.” 

He noticed that she didn’t ask questions, and that anything she posed as a hypothetical was a statement of fact, just one that was couched in her sweet, soft voice and framed by her magnificent, tremendous chest. 

Her left hand brushed down across her blouse, brushed at the covered part of her breasts with the backs of her fingers as she brushed her right hand back through her hair to the back of her neck, “And you feel this relief that you didn’t know you wanted, because sometimes your mind needs a break, sometimes your focus works against you, and you start focusing on your distractions, and you just can’t help it.” 

Her chest rose and fell in the silence, a slow and steady heaving as she took a deep breath as looked deeper into his eyes with her own soft, almost empty blues. 

His gaze fell from hers, down into her cleavage, and he felt a tangled sense of relief at staring at her chest. I started to feel like it was natural to be so drawn to her breasts with the same focus he had for everything else in his life, but he knew he was doing well hiding it. 

He knew it, because he was keeping eye contact with her in a meaningful way, at least when he was keeping eye contact with her. 

Her eyes were so soft, like her voice, like her breasts looked, and her pretty smile stayed on her face as those hollow, dreamy blue eyes reached out to him and pulled him into their softness. 

“Or,” there was something in her delicate voice and those words that were starting to seem so distant, that made it sound like she really understood that kind of distraction. It sounded like she was about to share some great conspiratorial insight, “you realize there’s something else you want for yourself, and all those hours and years just start to weigh on you...” 

Her voice grew even softer, and as she spoke, his mind wandered along with her voice as his eyes fell back to her chest. Was it another little gesture of her hand, a shift in her seat, or his own wandering eyes, he didn’t know, but he was staring down into her cleavage as she spoke. 

She was speaking in barely more than a whisper, and she let out a sigh that made her breasts jiggle, “And you realize there was something else you wanted for yourself all along. You realize you’re tired of thinking about it, well all get tired of thinking and you can relate can’t you? You can relate to your mind getting tired, and wanting to wander. Wanting to let yourself just focus on other things for once?” 

His mind was wandering, and he felt a sense of heaviness flowing though his body. He felt understood by her, and he smiled. It was over now, he could hear her out, they could speak, and then he could make his offer that she couldn’t refuse, or probably wouldn’t, because this was all but settled. 

He found himself lost in thought, and found himself staring vacantly, his eyes unfocused but still directed at her chest as it rose and fell, and rose in fell with her deep breaths, deep slow breaths like the ones he had started to take. He rubbed his eyes and looked back into hers, feeling a deep sense of warmth and relaxation inside himself. It was over, it was just a matter of time, he knew he could relax and just wrap up the formalities, “It’s tiring doing this work, it’s exhausting, and I think you’ll be happier not having to...” 

He shrugged and gestured out at the office and everything else, and she smiled, he voice was still soft, but not as soft as before, “You’re probably used to all of this kind of stuff. It would probably be better for everyone if I did sell to you. I mean, we both know it’s going to happen, so I should say when I sell to you, right?” Her hands were behind her head now, with her elbows out, and it caused her breasts to thrust forward yet again as she played with her hair. The slight heave to her chest as she moved, as she pulled her shoulders back made it impossible not to look down again, and he did for another moment, then looked back into her eyes. 

Her soft, dreamy gaze shifting down ever so slightly and when he followed it, he realized one of the buttons had come undone. Before, it had only been the top three, with the third being the one that would have been more risqué on another woman, but due to the size of her breasts, sat considerably higher. Now, with the fourth button open, there was much more to see. 

She must have done it at some point, or more likely the blouse simply couldn’t contain her and had come open as she shifted about, because he could swear that a second ago it wasn’t the case and her hands hadn’t moved anywhere near it that he could recall, but he didn’t mind this development, how could he. 

She didn’t seem to have any form of undershirt on, not that he could tell. No tee, no tank top, just her blouse and her bra, and just as he realized this was where his train of thought had completely wandered off to, wandering away from him down a path of soft white skin and full round curves, down into her smothering cleavage, she spoke again, not whispering or speaking softly, just talking to him in the same tone as when they first met. 

“My uncle was like that, ” the moment of heaviness passed from his mind, cleared away by the volume and tone of her voice, and he felt sharp and invigorated. He felt focused on her, and he looked into her eyes and saw how out of her depth she really was. 

“Always getting so focused on things that when he got unfocused, or distracted, when something else he didn’t realize he was drawn to would enter his periphery, he sort of fell between them.” 

Her chin tilted down, and she seemed to lean forward ever so slightly, just enough to tease his eyes back to her breasts; her hands were still behind her head, and his focusing was sliding down into her cleavage again. “But I wonder if you’re as like him as you seem like, because you do seem a lot like him. He started looking inward a lot more.” Her voice started to soften again, and she brought her hands back to the table and leaned forward just a little bit. It made her partially unbuttoned blouse close a little, but then she absentmindedly brushed at it and pulled it open, revealing more of her deep cleavage and massive breasts than before. 

“He started to stop thinking about everything else he used to think about, and focused on other things that had started to seem so much more present in his life. Things he would have otherwise ignored, or things we would have enjoyed if he had let himself, all started to pull at him more and more, and eventually he just gave in to wanting what he wanted, and those desires got bigger and bigger, then he just retired.” 

He had pulled himself out between her breasts again, and her dreamy blue eyes reached out to him. “But I’m just talking, and you probably want to actually get down to business right? I mean we know it’s almost a done deal and you’re just here for my assets aren’t you Mr. Moreno?” 

Her tone hadn’t changed, but she folded her hands on the table and sat upright with her shoulders back, and he found his eyes following her chest and its slight shift. There was another shift, but it was one in his mind and his focus. He’d fallen into the quiet of the moment, and the softness of her voice, but as she came back around to business, so did he. 

He made a point to look right into her eyes and nodded. It wasn’t that he was ogling her, at least it didn’t feel like that to him. He knew her breasts had been drawing his focus, but it felt more like a matter of uniform observation than lascivious and predatory appraisal of her body. Yes, there was something that felt erotic about her gargantuan tits, but that was more a reflexive consideration than an actual thought. 

Besides, he was more focused and professional than that, but this young woman’s massive breasts weren’t going anywhere, and there wasn’t anywhere for him to look, provided he was looking at her, where they wouldn’t be present and very visible. 

Besides, she probably wanted him to stare, but her tits weren’t going to give her any more leverage, so it didn’t matter. 

He found himself chuckling as he looked across the table at her, and back into those soft, nearly vacant, dreamy blue eyes. Yes, she might have been trying to seduce him, but if she was, she wasn’t every good at it. She wasn’t sharp enough to entice him in any meaningful way, but... but she did have the assets to be seductive, broadly speaking. 

He found himself wanting to swallow as he kept eye contact with her, feeling a curious, tugging desire to look back down into her cleavage, and then decided to get to the matter at hand. His shoulders felt loose, his jaw was relaxed, his mind was clear, he was focused on her, completely focused on the moment now. 

He’d waited so long for this. “I’m here because I’ve acquired majority ownership in all of the satellite companies that Omni uses as its profit generators. I assume you already know this, but just so we’re on the same page, Omni Operations Capital has lost its structure, which means, simply put, I’ve destroyed your business. You can either start over again, this time as a direct competitor to me and people like me, or you can sell me your company, a company which is worth next to nothing without your elaborate system. And I do apologize for being so brusque, knowing that it’s a question of how much, not if, but I want you to know what has informed my offer, and what I’m willing to give you, which will be fair, all told.” 

She nodded along with him, but he wondered if she was really grasping what he was saying. He had just told her he’d fucked her, and was going to fuck her again, more or less. 

“So what if it was an if, and not a when?” She looked like she was considering this for the first time, and as her chin went up and her eyes looked to the ceiling like she was daydreaming. Her breasts pulled his vision back down to them in that moment as her voice took on its quiet breathy softness again when she continued to speak. 

“What would you do with Omni if I sold it to you?” Now she seemed curious, but it was an innocent curiosity, a child’s question about something never considered, and as she asked, she brushed her fingers through her hair, and it seemed like she arched her back to thrust her chest out towards him. yet even more. 

If this was seduction, it was a nice sight, but not much more. “Honestly Ms. May...” She cut him off, “You can call me Jessica, please.” Her voice was delicate, her words honey sweet, but she wasn’t asking. “Alights,” he paused and noticed the heavy jiggle of her tits as she adjusted her seat, “Jessica, to be perfectly frank, I’m here to buy out my competition. You were always slowly creeping into different corners of different markets, absorbing small but valuable assets, and then using them to spread out wider and wider. Omni has been in subtle but direct competition with everyone for years, and has been winning, but now it’s done. I’m here to finish winning, and to put my biggest competitor, you, to bed.” 

He never said things like, “Put to bed”, and wondered where that turn of phrase had come from. She made a little oh of a smile, “I get it. You want to put us out of business, well me out of business, or Omni out of business. But I don’t get why you wouldn’t want all my assets for their own value. I mean I have so much.” 

She brushed at her collar as she spoke, and again it seemed like she was jutting her tits towards him on purpose. In fairness, it probably would have had a distracting effect on other people. 

To be truly honest, they did have a real, distracting gravity, and it has been a pleasant distraction before, but now it was time to focus. 

He wasn’t truly distracted by her soft round, huge breasts. He wasn’t really being drawn back down into her cleavage over and over again. He wasn’t happy for every excuse she gave him to look one more time, especially since that button had come undone. 

This was all just passive observation of a woman with enormous breasts. He gathered his focus away from her chest again, like he always did. He was in control, he could always focus on what really mattered. He looked back into her eyes, her welcoming, soft blue eyes, her not innocent, but not particularly intelligent eyes. 

“That’s what I’m saying, I’m already in control of everything you use to make money. I’ve already hobbled your grand empire of loopholes and gray area FTC violations. All you...” 

She cut him off again. Her voice was still soft, and her eyes still seemed hollow, or at least incurious as always, but when she waved her right hand to wave away his ideas, his eyes followed it automatically, and when she said, “Look...” his eyes followed that hand as it came to rest on her left breast again. 

“Look,” she said the word again and absentmindedly brushed at her top and he realized that he’d been staring at her chest for the last few seconds, staring in silence, mind quiet and totally focused on the shape of her breasts. He became aware of a warm relaxing sensation that was at the edges of his periphery, and it felt like he was down between her tits, down in her cleavage, at least in those silent moments. 

Silent moments that he didn’t know how long had lasted. It was an odd recollection, both that he’d found himself doing it, and that there had actually been a few seconds of dead silence between the two of them. At least he assumed it was only seconds. Even more so, in that unknown blink of time his mind had simply wandered into silence. 

This was the moment to strike, to kill what could be an arduous negotiation before it could start. Now that she seemed to have accidentally started to question her company’s real worth, it could get tedious. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for someone like her to overestimate her position, and that would be where the tedium came from. 

Even as he thought those thoughts out, he found himself watching her chest as it rose and fell before she started to speak. Those slow, deep breaths of hers were contagious, and the rise and fall of her chest was an easy thing to follow with his eyes. 

She sounded curious again, but still had that same confidence where nothing she would say would actually be a question, and mingled with her soft voice, and her dreamy eyes, everything seemed hollow, but he had to follow her points if only to try move things along. 

“That’s not really what you want. I mean, you’ve been thinking about me, Omni, which is mine, so me now, for so long. I’m sorry, you’ve been thinking about Omni for so long, you’ve been obsessed with us yes, my assets really, yes. You’ve been fascinated by us, you’ve found our business and our visible assets so professionally compelling.” 

He felt a little disoriented by her rambling, but felt like he knew what she was getting at, and just listened and let her finish. It wasn’t so bad, as she talked, her right hand waved her own redundant statements away as her fanned fingers always seemed to move back towards her cleavage. 

She took an odd pause, and a deep breath and gave a soft laugh before continuing on in her smooth, occasionally breathy tone, “I’m sorry, I was just thinking as I said that, that you’re really so focused on my visible assets, my new visible assets come to think of it, that I think that’s all you can think about, and that it’s all you’ve been thinking about. What do you think Mr. Moreno, what are you really here for? Do you want to destroy Omni, or have you really just been fascinated by it, maybe even obsessed by the shape and size of my company and what it does?” 

Her words rolled off her tongue, and as she spoke, he listened, but he really only heard that confidence in her voice that seemed to come from knowing all the answers. She wasn’t curious about him; she had made her mind up, and it made him wonder if maybe she was right. 

“I’m sorry Ms. May,” her pale eyes grew wide just as he realized he’d addressed her the wrong way, “I’m sorry, Jessica, you don’t have anything left. You’re a wheel with no spokes and no rim. I’m here to buy your name and the last few relationships and holdings that are under Omni proper. Now...” 

She waved her right hand again, then waved it back the other way, cutting him off. The abrupt motion had stifled his thoughts, and her fingertips came to rest on her collar, and again it seemed like she was pulling back her shoulders to emphasize her chest, and again, he found himself looking at her massive breasts despite himself. Her fingertips drifted down to the top most button that was still buttoned, and stayed there. His eyes were glued to it, and as he stared at her fingers, he felt his focus sinking into her cleavage again. 

“It seems like those are assets to me. It seems like those are the assets you’re focused on. My new assets are so much bigger than you thought they were. You’re thinking about the promise of them, the shape of what they could be, what they could do, and you’re interested. You have to assess them, you’ve been looking so closely from afar, but up close, now that you’ve seen so much else, you really have to assess and reassess what I can do with my remaining visible assets. After all, they’re just so big. And you don’t even know what else I have in Omni, but you’re curious and you want to see more. And isn’t it so much to think about now Mr. Moreno? Isn’t it just so much to imagine? I know you say you want to put me out of business, you want to swallow me up, but a good businessman always has to reassess when he sees an opportunity, and don’t you have an opportunity to reassess what you really want with my assets? They’re just getting bigger and bigger the more you think about them, and you can’t really stop thinking about them now.” 

Her fingers traced back up and then back down her collar, and as she spoke her voice grew softer and lower, and her words seemed to both drift along, but also came faster, and with more confidence, and he felt her pale eyes looking into his. 

It felt like she was willing him to look back up into her eyes, and when he met her gaze again, he saw the same empty, incurious look as before. It was softer now, like her deep cleavage, so much softer, and when she talked about imagining her assets, something about her eyes and her tone, and the gentle shift of her fingers brought his gaze right back down to he truly huge and impressive breasts. 

He didn’t mean to, but it happened, and as it did, he found himself imagining for the first time what they looked like naked. He thought about what they would look like in his hands, and how it would take both hands to really try and fondle even one of them. 

And, as that question entered his mind, he found himself following it, chasing after the realization that her huge breasts had become truly, deeply and sexually compelling... but that wasn’t why he was here. 

“Your name and your...” her fingers brushed the top of her cleavage, and she interrupted him. “You mean my assets?” He found himself following those fingertips as they brushed back the other way, following her fingers back and forth and back and forth as she brushed them across her breasts, stretching out her next words, “Yes, your assets.” 

The fingers moved back up to her collar and tugged her blouse open ever so slightly more, “What about my assets?” 

“I...” he blinked, his eyelids were getting heavy, he needed to swallow, and it felt like his words were coming more easily, but thinking was getting harder, “I want them.” 

Something else was getting harder too, and it felt very inappropriate and unprofessional, but it was happening 

Her voice was achingly soft, “I know you do. You want all of Omni. You’re obsessed with it, and it’s mine now, so you’re obsessed with me. Omni’s assets are my assets. And you want my assets so much it almost hurts. You’re obsessed, and you’ve been obsessed, we both know it now, and that’s okay. It’s okay to want what I have, it’s okay to want me.” 

The gentle, breathy song of her voice was matched by the ever present and subtle motion of her hands, her fingertips brushing against her blouse, and then delicately teasing out to the skin of her breasts, breasts that seemed to become the only thing he could look at. 

He stared at them as they grew in his eyes, huge and overwhelming, massive and surreal, the more he looked at them, the bigger they become in his estimation, and the larger his erection grew. 

He was struggling to articulate why she was wrong about what she’d said, and he was struggling against his physical reaction to her because she shouldn’t be able to seduce him like this, but she was right about the shape of things, the shape... of her assets, the shape of... his focused obsession, and he had been so obsessed with the shape of Omni and Omni’s assets, her assets, he was trying to find a rejoinder but he found it so hard because he was so hard, and also strangely so relaxed, to say anything, and it was so surprising when she gently and purposefully undid another button of her blouse. 

Her bra was white, and the massive cups that held her tits were decorated with a plain white lace floral design. “You look very exhausted Mr. Moreno, you look like the strain of all this time chasing after Omni, chasing after me, is catching up to you. You look like you’re starting to realize my assets are much bigger than you thought, bigger and heavier in your mind that you realized, and it’s okay. Now that you’re here, you can finally appreciate the size and scope of my assets can’t you?” 

It was strange, he felt like he was being pulled along, like a fish on a hook, and it was getting harder to understand what she was talking about. It felt like the details of what was happening were being shaved off on the edges, and things were taking on a surreal, muted quality. 

Surreal, like her huge breasts spilling out of her blouse. Was she seducing him? None of this made sense, and he couldn’t stop himself from sliding down into her cleavage. Had she seduced him? She was... it was... her voice was so soft, he heard her telling him how tired he was, how he was too focused, too consumed, too exhausted, and he knew he knew it was natural for this to happen. 

It didn’t make sense, but it all made sense, and he couldn’t tell which of those things was true. It was natural to just focus on what you didn’t realize you wanted, natural to focus on what comes into your life from your periphery, calling out to you the same way your initial focus and goals do. 

He felt his eyes drifting shut as his mind just gave in to the sound of her voice. It was natural to just focus on what you wanted, he had always been so focused on what he wanted, focused on Omni and Omni’s assets, her assets, she was Omni now, focused on her assets... so much bigger than he realized... 

His eyes were open, and he was staring watching her play with her tits through her partially closed blouse, pushing them together on her bra. 

His chin dipped down, and his eyelids felt heavy again. It was hard to be so focused on everything in his life. She was right, and when she said those words they just felt so true. It was hard to work so hard all the time, her uncle, the first J. Alex May had been on to something with retiring. It wasn’t such a bad idea, to rest, to put it all down and just live out his days following other interests. 

He knew he was thinking those thoughts, putting those ideas together, realizing the truth of what she’s said before, feeling it become real as the world swam in and out of the lengthening darkness every time he closed his eyes. 

“Mr. Moreno, open your eyes and look at me. Open your eyes and talk to me, tell me what you want, tell me what you need now.” 

Other thoughts kept pulling him away from what he was trying to do, comments she had made moments ago seemed to take on new life, and his mind was wandering while his eyes followed the soft, distracting motion of her breasts as they rose and fell in the silence. 

He tried to speak, but everything was tangled up. He tried to make sense of what was happening, but he 

was lost in her voice, and on her eyes, and mentally smothered by her cleavage. 

She didn’t wait for to him to answer, she just kept speaking in the dreamy, impossibly confident breathy whisper of hers, and now every word she spoke was sending a tingle down his spine and into his cock. 

“They’re so much bigger than you realized, aren’t they Mr. Moreno? Everything about my company is small compared to my core assets. Omni is so much bigger up close, and I wonder if it puts things in perspective for you? You’re so close now, close enough to reach out and take everything, to have my assets, if you offer me the right price.” 

Her blouse was off now, and she walked around the table, her right hand out, pulling his eyes, leading him to turn his chair to follow her. 

“You’re feeling very open to negotiating for my assets now aren’t you Mister Moreno, it’s all you’re thinking about. It’s all you’ve ever been thinking about, and you know it’s true don’t you. And know one knows my assets better than I do, so maybe you should be the excellent businessman that you are, and just listen to the expert.” 

Her voice was a cloud around him, and her breasts were the only thing he could see now. There had been a sharp, quick drop moments ago. One moment he was teetering on the edge of her booby-trap, unaware of how precarious he was and wholly caught up in her performance, and then by shock and attrition, brazenly unbuttoning one button of her blouse right in front of him had pushed him over the edge, or down into her cleavage as it were .

He hadn’t known he’d been following a trail of thoughts, wandering though a maze of reactions and thought processes that she’d laid out in front of him, and he’d been too confident, and too focused to notice that little bits of his awareness were being swallowed up by her. 

She stood there, leaning over him, her hands on the arms of his chair, her tits in his face, still in her bra, and his mind cleared just enough for him to feel like this was happening to someone else. It had to be happening to someone else, because he was always in control, and right now he wasn’t. He wouldn’t have fallen for this kind of sexual manipulation, but he had. 

Of course, while he did understand business, and seduction, he didn’t know anything about hypnosis, or the subconscious. 

He didn’t understand the subtle mirroring of her approach to his own. She’d started on the edges, distracting him, leading him, making little choices for him, and started working in, leading him, and deep down inside, he knew she was undermining him. In a place past verbalization and articulation, he understood her logic, and how she swallowed up the satellite components of his own agency, and since he couldn’t stop it, his subconscious just surrendered to it. 

Now, he stared at her breasts as she straddled him. “You want them, you want my assets more than anything. You’re obsessed with them, and you haven’t even seen all of them yet. You can’t think of anything else, you can’t deny the truth, all you can do is stare now.” 

Her bra was off. “There, now you’re closer to being able to make an informed offer aren’t you,” she leaned in close and pushed her tits into his face as she whispered in his ear, “Mister, Moreno?” 

She stroked the back of his head, “You need this, don’t think, you can’t think. You’re too tired of thinking, and you’re so obsessed you couldn’t think of anything else now. Just relax, just relax and feel it, feel how having my assets feels, and don’t think about it. The more you think, the less you feel, and the less you feel, the further away you are from getting what you want. And my assets, these assets are all you want. You don’t want to be obsessed, but you need to be obsessed with them to be happy. You need to be obsessed with my assets to be truly happy, but you don’t want to think about them anymore, so you don’t want to think at all.” 

He couldn’t move, and the sound of her voice, the vapid, dreamy confidence that formed her words was beguiling his mind even more. Like strong perfume blocked out every other scent, her voice and her tits were making it impossible for him to think, and his subconscious understood that she was right in the heart of his mental operations, she was in his core, she had the leverage, she had his focus, and that gave her voice a controlling interest on his thought processes now. 

Their softness on his skin, and their warmth was smothering him, and as she stroked the back of his head and slowly started to roll her hips against his, he didn’t fight, he just sank into her voice. 

“Tell me my assets are all you want.” They were. “Tell me you would give me anything for them.” He felt like he would, but he didn’t know. “But you haven’t experienced them yet, you don’t know what they’re worth.” He needed to know. She slid off of him, and down between his legs. She undid his belt, and pulled down his pants, his body cooperated. His cock was hard, and near dripping. 

“It feels good to get what you’ve always wanted.”

It did.

“But you didn’t know you wanted this.”

He didn’t.

“And you do want this.”

He wanted this.

“You are obsessed with this.”

He was.

“You’re obsessed with my assets.”

He was.

“My assets are my tits.”

Your assets are your tits."\

“You’re obsessed with my tits.”

I’m obsessed with your tits.

“You’d give me anything for my tits.”


“You’ll give me everything for my tits.”


“Will you cum for my tits?” 


“Will you obey my tits?”


“Will you give everything to my tits when you cum and obey them?”

He heard the question, but she did not ask questions, she made statements. She was not curious, she was confident. 




He blinked and realized he was panting, his hips were arched up but his body was still and heavy as lead. He felt a veil lift from his eyes, and the cloud of soft blue eyes, soft words, and even softer tits wrapped around his very hard, aching cock that felt like it was about to burst, started to clear. 

He mumbled something, but she didn’t seem to care. Her voice wrapped around his brain, just like her tits were around his cock, but as she spoke, he shook his head and tried to block out what was all around him. He tried to pull himself out of the quicksand of her words, while all his body wanted to do was to stay drowning in her cleavage. 

“What’s the matter Mister,” she stretched out the “I” in a singsong, mocking note, “ Moreno, don’t you want to cum and claim my assets?” 

He made an “nuh” sound, something between an ecstatic grown for pleasure, and the word no, but if it was both, then it was neither. 

“You know I’m the expert on my assets, you know they’re too big for you to handle. You couldn’t even really get your hands on them, or around them. And I guess they’re just too complex for you, so just relax, that’s right, look at my huge, priceless assets, and relax. Just feel their value and let me explain everything to you that you need to know, since you’re so obsessed with them, and just need to have them.” 

The tone of her voice was insidious, and what he had heard as vapid and over confident earlier had taken on a tone of sugary sweet condescension, and it cur the legs out from under his thoughts.. 

“You see, look,” she made his cock completely disappear between her tits, “my assets are bigger than you ever imagined, and you’re obsessed with them. You see them, and they consume you. You feel them, and they pull you in. Everything about them is perfect, everything about them is irresistible. Omni is my assets, and Omni’s assets are swallowing your little business whole, no matter what you thought was happening.” 

He let out another grunt that he tried to form into a no, because that wasn’t what was happening, but he drooled a little bit and felt an electric arc of need shoot from his cock up his spine into his brain. 

“All you have to do is admit it, all you have to do is admit that you’d give anything for Omni’s assets, these assets, my assets. But you still don’t understand that. So, just relax, keep relaxing, enjoy how it feels to finally get what you want, and realize that only I’m right about my assets, my company, and what you really need.” 

He felt his brain starting to fire up, feeding off the logical inanity of her words, but as a point would start to form in his mind, she would tit fuck him a little harder, her soft eyes inviting him into the dream blue emptiness until he would close his eyes and fall away into the rapture that was wrapped around him. 

“That’s right Mister Moreno,” she said Mister like it was his first name, “you’re so tired of thinking. So 

tired of obsessing, and yearning, so tired of craving, craving something I’m giving you now, and now that you have it, the more you feel it, the better it feels, and the better it feels, the more obsessed you are with my assets, and that just means you’re getting even more tired of thinking about them, so just stop thinking.” 

Her words blacked out his brain for a moment, and when he floated back into his body, he heard himself moaning out a quiet little yes. 

“Tell me my assets are all you want.” The words were so familiar, and so soft and intoxicating, Everything was so easy, all he had to do was give her everything. 

“Tell me you would give me anything for them.” He would, please, if she would only take his offer. “But you haven’t experienced them yet, not to your fullest, not to their fullest, so you don’t know what they’re worth, not really.” 

That was true, but he couldn’t give her more than everything. Everything was everything, he was begging her to take it. 

“It feels good to get what you’ve always wanted, even through you never knew this was what you were truly obsessing over.” 

It was, oh god it was, the pleasure her assets gave him was everything. “But you didn’t know you wanted this until you saw my newest assets up close and fully exposed. You had your own obsessions, but they were misguided, they were nothing compared to this, were they.” 

He knew they weren’t, he knew nothing was. “And you do want this. You wanted this since you saw me. You wanted to feel my assets all around you, you wanted to lose yourself in them since you saw me.” 

He wanted this, he didn’t think he had when he first saw her, but he was wrong, oh god, he was wrong about everything. This was the only thing that was right. 

“You are obsessed with this, you’re obsessed with what they can really gibe you.” He was. He was leaking, he was slick with pre-cum, his balls were throbbing, his mind was puzzling with raw need. 

“You’re obsessed with my assets.”

He was.

“My assets are my tits. Tell me what my assets are.”

Your assets are your tits.

“You’re obsessed with my tits.”

I’m obsessed with your tits.

“You’d give me anything for my tits.”


“You’ll give me everything for my tits.”


“Will you cum for my tits?”


“You said you would before, but you didn’t. So tell me, will you finally cum for my tits?”


“Your know my tits are your true obsession now, you know your cum is everything, will you give me everything for my tits.” 

I will give you everything.

“Will you obey my tits?”


“You didn’t before, will you obey my tits without question this time.”


He felt his cock trickling out larger, pulsing globs of release. She was milking him, slowly ruining his orgasm as it happened, stretching it out into an ecstatic agony of perpetual need, massaging between her tits with no escape, causing his brain to simply shut down the way it had. 

He didn’t know if he was speaking or thinking, all he knew was that he needed to agree and obey. He was powerless between her massive, overwhelming assets, and she had already taken a controlling interest in his cock.

“Will you give everything to my tits when you cum and obey them?” 

He heard the question, but she did not ask questions, she made statements. She was not curious, she was confident. 




This time he did not stop at the edge. This time his fervor and his physical reactions didn’t break her spell. This time, instead of the veil lifting, he fell into a moment of mind shattering, soul rending blissful, black and empty nothingness. 

Everything he had, and everything he was came out all over her tits, because his cum was everything, and he gave it to her. 

There was a moment of pure white blinding light as he opened his eyes, then he looked deep into hers eyes as she milked the last of his orgasm out of his cock, and as she did, he was falling into the dreamy, blue emptiness, like floating away in the sky... 

He took a deep, slow breath, and he opened his eyes. His head was swimming in the cloudy, inescapable lull of her voice. Soft, breathy words danced around him as he looked down into her dreamy blue eyes, eyes that dared him to realize what he was feeling, and what was happening. 

He felt a shudder of pleasure as she massaged her tits up and down around his cock, tit fucking him back down into blissful passivity. 

“...and as you float in my eyes, you can float on my breasts like big white fluffy clouds, carrying you away from yourself, carrying you away from the here and now, as you drift away into dreams, sleeping with your eyes open and floating on my tits, my big soft tits that cloud your thoughts and control your mind. My big soft tits that you’ll give everything for, my bog soft tits that you must obey...” 

He fell away into a darkness deeper than sleep, but came back into himself again, only to feel himself on the edge of another orgasm. This one felt even more frantic than the first. This one felt even more necessary. “You’ll be a wonderful figurehead for the new and improved Omni, and it’s going to be so wonderfully 

easy since you’re going to buy my company with your company. Your company is everything to you, so you’ll give me everything for my assets, for my tits, and then I’ll put you back in charge, just like my aunt put my uncle in charge. And you know this makes sense deep down inside, because you’re so good at business, it only makes sense for you to do all the hard work for me, and then just work for me and the benefit of my assets.” 

The steady, smothering pace of her hands massaging her tits around his company, around his identity, around his life, was irresistible. It was like the tide coming in, there was no stopping her. She was Omni, her tits were in fact everything. 

“And when you cum this time Mister Moreno, in your mind and in your soul, in your body and your spirit, you’ll give me everything that you are. When you cum this time, you’ll sign whatever I put in front of you and agree with anything I want from you from now on. Tell me Mister Moreno, what will you do for my tits, and what will you give them.” 


He came.


He was nothing because she was everything. 

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And I know I plugged it up above, but I have stories for sale here:

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