Buyer Beware

by trancescript

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #femdom_hypnosis #hypnotits #sub:male #titnosis

On a business trip, a man falls under the mind and memory altering sway of a buxom escort.

Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.

Buyer Beware

“Wow!” the word slid from between his lips with an equally surprised exhale. Luckily it wasn’t very loud, and luckily this woman was obviously used to it. She was wearing a silver, sequined dress held up with full shoulder straps, straps that led down to a low neckline and a pair of tits that, in the dress, looked like massive disco balls. 

Her tits were about all he could see.

She had light brown skin, straight black hair, a plain, but pretty face that didn’t really register with him, and just…

Just fucking massive tits.

It was hard to tell how tall she was, she might have been eye level with him in her boots, or shoes, or sandals, he didn’t know, because he couldn’t see past those tits.

Did she have brown eyes?

“Hi there honey,” her voice was soft and she didn’t have an accent, not one he could recognize at least, and she carried a mid sized black leather bag over her shoulder and a tan trench coat folded over her arm. “Can I come in?”

“I um,” her tits were already moving through the door of his hotel room, imposing on him, pushing him out of the way as she took a short step towards him. “Uh, yes, please.”

He was wearing a comfortable pair of slacks, the same ones he’d worn for the first day of the convention, and had put them back on after his shower, and thrown on a fresh white tee and socks and shoes.

She touched his elbow, “I know I’m a gift, I just hope you like what you see so far.”

Her touch was electric, and he was still staring at those basketball sized tits.

“It’s okay to be nervous, or excited, or a little confused, and we can also just talk,” she smiled at him and he barely noticed. From behind she had a nice figure, nice hips, nice enough ass, nice enough legs, and as she hung up her coat on the hotel room’s door hanger, he waited for her to turn around again. “You have me for the whole night, or as much of it as you want, and your friends either really want you to like them, or they really want you for a partner, or a client…”

She turned around and those huge tits jutted out towards him, “I can tell you that.”

She said it with confidence and with a smile, but he barely saw it. Her dress was dazzling, and they made her tits so spectacular they became spellbinding.

Just two, huge, dark, breasts covered in soft, sparkling, silvery, shimmering fabric, with cleavage so deep he felt like he was drowning in it as he stared at her.

“Um,” he realized she’d said something nice, and that he hadn’t responded. “Yeah, thank you. I’m excited about… um…”

She brushed her hair back and thrust her chest out more, and he forgot what he was talking about.

“So I should tell you,” she took a step towards him and put her hand on his face, “I’ve got a nice enough pussy, but it’s just a pussy, and I don’t do anal, so we can fuck as long as you want, and as much as you want, and I’ll suck your cock, but you’re a grown man, so I know that’ll just feel nice for a minute but…”

Her fingertips brushed down his face, gently, but with enough tension to guide his eyes down to her tits, which they’d barely left, only to try and politely make eye contact, Brown eyes, she did have brown eyes. And the way she talked about things, the way she told him what they could do, that it was all real, was making him hard, and nervous, and profoundly excited.

This escort was all his, all night.

“We both know you’ll need more than a blowjob. And we can fuck baby, but I have a special talent, with my special girls,” her hand was on the back of his head, massaging the base of his skull as he stared deep into her cleavage. “And it makes guys cum so hard, and fucks them so good, all they can remember about me are my tits.”

He could imagine that, after all, he’d barely looked at her face… and he tried to look up again to make eye contact with her, to…

Her fingers gently pressed into his neck muscles, and she kept his head tilted down, “Doesn’t that sound good?”

They were so big, and her voice was so sexy, it seemed like the easiest thing to agree with her. “Yuh…” her fingers teased the back of his neck, softly, “yeah, yeah it does.”

“You know,” she took a step back from him and pushed her tits together, making them bounce in her dress, making the dress catch the light, and making her deep cleavage all the deeper and darker. “Some guys would just want to fuck me, and you can fuck me baby, because we have all night, and you don’t have to want to have this experience. But I’ll be honest with you, I might be a good fuck, but I have an average pussy, and the sex is just kind of forgettable.”

He couldn’t believe that any sex with her would be forgettable, but he was so caught up in watcher her pushing her tits together, and up and down, captivating him with the way their overwhelming size moved, and the way the dress caught the light, that he also couldn’t bring himself to think too much about what she was saying or disagree with her.

“Which is different,” she reached behind her back and unzipped her dress, thrusting her tits forward as she arched her back ever so slightly to do so, “than my special talent that makes my tits so unforgettable they have a hard time remembering anything else. Help me, please?”

She turned around and when her tits were out of sight, he stared at her ass in the dress, nice enough, probably great, like her back, where he saw the definition in her muscles, the wide shoulder straps of her jet black bra, and saw how narrow her waist was, but all he could think about was seeing those tits again.

He reached out with an unsteady hand to pull the zipper down further, and as it came down, her voice, which had gotten softer, and smoother, silken soft, silky smooth, caressed him again, “Thank you honey. You won’t forget how good I make you feel, but these tits, they’ve made men forget my face, forget my voice, and make the night, and me, one, huge tittied blur…”

She had stepped out of her dress, and out of her shoes, he never saw what they were, then turned around, “But you’ll never forget how good they felt.”

Her bra was huge, her tits were massive basketballs, and they stood out that much more on her lithe, muscular frame. The thing was, he had no idea if she had a six-pack or not, and he only barely recognized that her panties were also black, and as elegant and unadorned as her bra was.

She ran a finger down her cleavage, “I know it’s not your money, honey, but you’re the customer, and I’d hate to satisfy you the wrong way.”

“Those,” he gulped as he stared, and felt his shoulders slump and his chin tilt a little as he watched her finger tracing up and down between her tits, sinking into her cleavage and disappearing for a moment then reappearing on the way back up. “Those are huge.”

“And unforgettable too,”  she started to cup them again, and now the mass of them as she pushed them together slowly, pushing and lifting, then dropping, over and over, slowly, as she let her silken voice hang, her next words dangling, just like the next time she pushed her tits up and together, “don’t, you, think… so?”

He blinked, he didn’t think.

“Who…” he watched her tits, unaware of the smile on her face, or the confident sparkle in her eyes, twinkling like her dress had. “Who could ever forget you?”

“Everyone thinks that baby,” she was speaking more softly so he found himself leaning in just a little more, listening as her words came slower, keeping time with those tits he was utterly entranced by. “But when I see my clients out int he world sometimes, and if it’s polite to say hi, I always have to remind them of who I am, and when they remember, they kind of shut down a little bit. And I know that sounds ridiculous, but just look at my tits, look at how big they are, and tell me, can you even remember my eye color? Can you remember if I’m wearing earrings? Did you even see what shoes I was wearing?”

Her voice was wrapping around his brain, cocooning him in the slow, irresistible softness of her words, just like the heavy, undeniable weight of her bouncing, heaving, tits in her hands had wrapped around his focus.

He couldn’t answer, and while he tried to answer, she just kept massaging her breasts in the same hypnotic pattern.

“It’s alright honey, I know what I’m doing, and I know what I can do to men. Why don’t you just reeee-laaaaaaaaaaaax…”

The word rolled over him like her massive tits rolled in her hands, and he felt dizzy for a second, and his eyes fluttered.

Her hands were on his belt know, “That’s right, just relax”

His pants were coming down, “Step out of your shoes honey.”

He did, then his pants and underwear were around his ankles, while her hands were running up his ribs, under his shirt, “That’s right, just relax and I’ll take care of you.”

His shirt was off, and her finger slid down his chest, then she took his cock in her hand, “I like this, 

Her hand glided up and down his cock slowly, and smoothly, as silky soft as her voice, “I really want to give you what you want baby, but it really can mess with your head, so…”

Her thumb brushed the head of his cock, and his soft, fluttering eyes blinked at the touch, “I’m just going to ask you one more time if this is what you want baby.”

He was ready to say yes but another brush of her thumb on the most sensitive part of his cock made him stop.

“Do you want to have good, normal, and ultimately forgettable sex with me, a woman with massive tits, where you’ll just remember I had huge tits, or do you want me to give you a sexual experience that’ll fuck you so good you’ll never forget it, even if it’s all you can remember.”

She’d started stroking him as her voice dropped into a warmer, even sexier timbre, and he thought maybe, just maybe, with her smooth touch and the overwhelming sight of her massive tits, he was going to cum right there.

“Can’t we…” he moaned as she stroked with one hand and traced her finger between her tits again, guiding his eyes, making him blink more and more as he watched the simple, enthralling, motion, “do… both? Since we have all night?”

“Baby,” she took her hand off his cock, and took both his hands in hers, “I could fuck you after, but no man I’ve ever been with has been able to get enough of what I do, or want anything else. But you might be special, and I’m always ready for a surprise.”

His hands were on her tits, she’d put them there so easily as she talked to him that he didn’t realize it was happening until he felt their soft skin. They were just huge, he couldn’t grope them, all he could do was feel them, and they felt wonderful.

“So,” she put her hands over his and pushed them into her tits a little more, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

She gently removed his hands from her tits, after a time,,, he didn’t know how long… then walked over to her bag, “I want you to sit on the bed, down at the foot, please.”

Her voice swirled around him, and the way she spoke, the way she told him what to do, felt like a warm, irresistible wave of need… to do what she said. He felt like he was moving before he even thought about it, and sat there, naked, feet down, cock up, waiting.

“Hold this,” she handed him a bottle of lotion she’d taken from her bag, “and watch.”

She stood in front of him at the foot of the bed, and turned around. Again, he’d only been staring at her tits, once again, he stared at her back, and her ass, and her legs, seeing her well toned… impressively well toned… body. He was still waiting for her to turn around, waiting for her tits, but as he sat there, his mind both anxious, and strangely quiet, he started to wonder what her face really looked like.

He was sure she was pretty, he’d seen that she was at least pretty enough to be “pretty” but he couldn't bring the details of her face to mind… then he saw the bra straps coming down, then he watched as she pulled the bra down, then twisted it around to undo its many clasps before it fell to the ground.

“Just take a deep breath, and,” she turned to face him, her massive naked tits filling his vision, “relaaaaaaaaaaax.”

As she turned, she also hefted, cupped, and pressed them together like she had early, “Just watch them baby, and relax. There’s nothing else you need to do, nowhere else you need to be, and… nothing else you can think about now, isn’t that right?”

They were so big and her hands were smaller than his, so they seemed to spill between her fingers, and it felt like they were pushing everything else out of his head. Those huge tits were smothering anything and everything else that came to mind and he didn’t know how long he stood there as she gently said, “Just watch them and relax, just relax” over and over again.

He was blinking, his chin was dipping again, and he was slumping down as he tried to stay sitting up.

“Give me my lotion now,” she held out a hand, her warm, soft voice coiled around him and his hand moved on its own, and he felt distant, disoriented, and utterly enthralled by everything about her all at once.

She squirted a large amount of lotion into her hand, and handed the bottle back, “Just watch me, this is going to make you feel so good when it happens, but just watch me now, and when I hold out my hand, you will just hand the lotion back to me, without me having to tell you.”

He blinked and nodded, and felt the truth of her words, then stared, rapt and aroused as she started to massage her left breast with the lotion, using both hands, starting under her breast and moving from the outside in.

“I love how warm, and heavy, and soft they are. They’re all natural, and they need to be taken care of, especially for what I’m going to give you. And I want you to really just watch how my hands glide over them, making them softer. Just watch my hands as I massage the lotion in, inward to the center, starting from the outside, always, and moving in. Just watch the warm, heavy softness baby, and see nothing else, nothing but my warm, soft, heavy, tits… and it feels good to be warm, soft, and heavy too, from head to toe, just relax… seeing only my warm, soft, heavy, so heavy now, breast, just this one.”

As her fingers worked the lotion into the skin, he didn’t even register her nail polish, or if she had any jewelry on her hands or wrists. He just hung on the sound of her voice, feeling warm and relaxed from head to toe, his body heavy as his muscles relaxed, making him feel, soft, and loose, and limp, except for his cock.

“You have to watch baby,” his eyes opened, and he stared at her nipple while she traced a finger around it, then held out her hand. “I know it feels good to close your eyes and get lost with me, I know it feels good to just sink into the warmth, my tits are so heavy, soft, and warm that they make you feel heavy, soft, and warm, but this only works if you keep your eyes open.”

The lotion was in her hand, and she applied another large dab, then handed it back.

His body took it without any conscious choice, his body moving in loose, but jerky motions.

“Thank you baby,” she started the process on the same breast, and he could see nothing else. “It feels so good to just start from the outside, warm, soft, and heavy, and just working inward, working deeper, towards the center of your focus, the nipple is the center. Slowly, just follow my hands, warm, soft, and heavy, towards the center, towards my nipple baby, That’s right, just follow my hands, seeing only my breast, warm, soft, and heavy, as you’re drawn to the nipple now, feeling how good it is to be warm, soft… and heavy now, as you stare at the nipple baby.”

He sunk down into himself even more, and when she held out her hand, his body moved on a string to hand her the lotion. This time, she took it and took a step to stand over him, her tits directly in his face, “Hold out your hand.”

He did.

“Here,” she squirted the lotion into his hand, “you do the other one, just like I showed you.”

He started to slowly reach out toward her breast, “Do it just the way I did,”

He stopped, his body still moving on its own, and he spread the lotion on both hands, then reached out to start to rub it into her massive breast.

“Feel how warm, and soft, and heavy it is. Feel the warmth, and softness, and heaviness in your hands. Feel how it just spreads under your fingers as you go from the outside, in, focusing on the center, feeling warmth, and softness, and heaviness as you focus on the center, as you focus on the nipple. There’s nothing else you need to do, nowhere else you need to be, and nothing you can see, just my tits, just this tit, focusing on this nipple, only this nipple now baby.”

He blinked, and his hands were moving slowly, clumsily around her tits, “You need more lotion.”

He held out his hand, and she squirted more into it, and he started again. This time, as he moved, mindlessly rubbing lotion onto her huge tit, staring at her nipple, his eyes barely stayed open, and her voice, as smooth, as soft, and warm, and heavy as her breast, massaged his mind, “Good just feel it from the outside in, you’re almost done, you’re almost there, just feel the softness, feel the heaviness, feel the warmth.”

She said the words, “Soft, heavy, warm, relaxed” over and over, and eventually his hands fell to his sides and his eyes closed.

His face fell into her soft skin, and she held him there for a moment, “I know baby, I know what they’re doing to you, but you need to open your eyes again, open your eyes and look at my tits, they’re all you can see, they’re all you’ve been able to see since the first time you saw me. Just look at them, look at me, watch me, and focus on my nipples now baby.”

Grudgingly, his eyes opened, and sat on the edge of the bed, swaying on the edge of sleepy darkness, struggling to keep his eyes open and focused on her huge nipples, lost under their warm, heavy, softness.

“Pussy is pussy baby, but no one has tits like mine,” she squirted a large amount of lotion into her hand, pulled one of her breasts gently to the side, and spread the lotion between her breasts, then started to rub it in. “And these huge tits are warmer, silkier, tighter, and smoother than the wettest pussy. When I fuck you with these, you’re going to cum harder than you’ve ever cum before, and they’re going to fuck you better than any pussy ever did or ever could. Just look at them baby, these tits are going to be the best sex you ever had, and will ever have, unless it's with them again.”

The light caught the soft sheen of the lotion, and she applied even more between her tits, “When I take your cock between these tits, the only thing you can see, the only thing you can think of, tits that are so huge you cannot look away or think of anything else, I’m going to make you cum so hard you won’t remember anything I say, or anything I did, or even what I look like, only that it feels so good to get fucked between my warm, soft, heavy tits, that any time I say those words, to you, soft, warm, heavy, heavy, warm, soft, you’re going to feel your cock between my tits, cumming your brains out, and you’ll be right back here, right back in this state, unable to think of anything except my tits baby.”

Then, his rock hard cock, which she slid a lotioned hand over, disappeared between her tits, and as she pushed them together, he stared down at them, lost between them, eyes trying to close, but needing to stay open, blinking into darkness, then fluttering open out of need.

“These tits are tighter, warmer, smoother, and softer than any pussy. You feel it. No pussy can fuck you like these tits, no other woman could ever fuck you like this. Feel how good it is to get fucked by such soft, warm, and heavy tits, huge tits that fill your vision, and smother your brain. Huge tights that fuck you so tight, so smooth, so warmly, and so softly, that you can’t last. Feel this tight fuck between my tits, my huge tits that fuck your mind just as tight, and smother your memory just like your brain. You can’t last, and your memory can’t last between these tits, they're just too warm, soft, and heavy.”

He moaned, lost in rapture, eyes rolling into the back of his head, as she said “Warm, soft, heavy” again, rolling her tits around his cock as it was wrapped between her soft, smooth, slick, lotioned up tits, sliding between them.

“You can’t last baby, no one can, they’re too warm, soft, and heavy for you to keep that cum inside any longer.”

He exploded between her tits, unleashing something between a long, loud grunt, and deep sigh while she kept chanting the words “Warm, soft, heavy” but in different orders.

He’d been between her tits for barely a minute.

His eyes closed and the world fell away, his mind pulled out of his cock, and down between her breasts.

“Open your eyes baby,” the ceiling of the hotel room came into focus, “open your eyes, sit up, and look at me.”

There was something gentle but commanding, almost mockingly forceful in the smooth, warm, silky soft sound of her voice, and it felt like those words were wrapping around the inside of this head, cocooning his awareness in her words and only her words.

He obeyed, and found himself staring at her massive breasts.

She was standing up and had the lotion in her hand, “Are you ready to go again baby? Or do you want some pussy instead?”

He thought, in a hazy way, that of course he wanted to fuck her. He wanted to look up at her as she rode him, or look down on her on the bed, her tits flopping everywhere as he fucked her, but…

But nothing felt better than those tits.

Fuck, he wanted to be back between those massive breasts, nothing and no one could fuck him the way she had just fucked him with her tits.

He was getting hard again.

“You want that smooth, tight titty fuck?” She applied the lotion between her cleavage again and made a show of rubbing it in more than before. “Are you ready to go back between my warm, soft, heavy, silky smooth, tight, tits?”

He felt the blood rush into his cock and out of his head. He couldn’t think, he couldn’t speak, he could barely keep his eyes from rolling into the back of his head.

He groaned, and then his dick was disappearing between her tits.

“Mmmmm, feel that baby, feel that tight, silky smooth fit, feel how warm, soft, and heavy they are, and how they make your whole world disappear?”

He couldn’t speak, his eyes rolled into the back of his head again, and he moaned.

“You can’t hold it back when you’re between these tits. Not even jacking yourself off feels this right, and this good baby. No one can fuck you better than this, no other pussy, no woman, not even your own hand, and it knows just how you like it. So stop trying to last, I don’t want you to, or need you to, just cum right back down between my heavy, warm, soft tits right now.”

He did.

This time it took no time.

He didn’t know anything, not how long it had been between orgasms, not even how he’d lasted less than a minute. All he knew was that her tits just fucked him better than he’d ever been fucked before.

“Open your eyes baby.”

The room was dark save for the lamp by the bed, and the sound of her voice made his own thin whisps of thoughts and dreams drift away. All he could do was open his eyes.

“Sit up and look at me.”

All he could do was obey.

She was standing over him, her huge tits in his face, and in the dim light they were even more imposing, even more overwhelming, and even more all consuming.

“The third time I drain you and fuck you between these, soft, heavy, warm tits, there’s no coming back from that, just cumming for them, and for me.”

He was hard again, and his cock stood up so fast that already lightheaded, his vision blurred and his head swam with the memory of how wonderful her tits felt as she fucked him with them.

“Soon enough baby,” she started rubbing her massive tits with lotion again, this time with a large dab in each hand, making them shine ever so slightly in the light, “you’ll be masturbating to the memory of these tits, while everything else, even the reason why, is just a blur. My face, the rest of my body, everything I’ve put in your open, empty head since my tits have you under their control, none of it will register, and you’ll just pump to my silky smooth, huge, tight, warm tits, as I fuck you into warm, soft, heavy oblivion.”

He felt a hum move through his balls, and a little tingle of climax, just the hint of ejaculate pumping out of his cock.

He almost came just from watching her lotion up her tits.

As far gone as he was, that still registered…


“You’re almost cumming just watching me do this, and that’s the way I like it. And what I really like, and what you’ll find yourself doing, is cumming for me with just a few words, just the reminder of what this…”

He was between her tits again.

“Feels like.”

He took a sharp breath and felt his hips buck. It was right there, he was right on the edge.

“I didn’t lotion up this impossibly tight tit pussy I’ve been fucking you with, because this time, I want you to try and last. I want you to last long enough for what I’m saying, and what I’m doing, so my words will really sink deep into your tit smothered brain.”

He was panting, his body working automatically to try and make it last, to try and keep from cumming.

“Your cock’s your brain and your brain’s your cock, and they’re both getting fucked between my warm, soft, heavy tits. I make your brain cum anything I want to know about you. I make your brain cum anything I want you to forget, right out of you. My tits make your brain the shape I want, make it stiff and ridged with my desires, and make you unbendingly obedient, so you can cum for me, and irresistibly compelled by the pleasure of cumming for me, because your mind is your cock, and these huge tits are fucking you inside and out. But all you can do is feel how tight, and warm, and soft, and heavy these tits are.”

He felt his core moving, and his back arching.

“Warm, heavy, and soft, your cock is your mind, and your mind is your cock.”

He whimpered and panted, and tried to keep it in, he didn’t know why, or much of anything, but his body was trying not to cum.

“Heavy, soft, and warm, you’ll cum out your memories for me, and cum out the answers to anything I ask you.”

He was panting, gasping, trying to clinch, trying to hold it back, but it was coming.

“Soft, warm, and heavy, your cock and your mind are enslaved by my tits.”

He came.

”Soft, warm, and heavy.”

He was still cumming.

“Feel these tits, warmer and softer than any pussy, tighter and smoother than your own hand, or any woman’s holes. They’re so warm, so soft, and so heavy, that you’re now swallowed up and buried under them. They own you, I own you, and like I said, after doing this three times, that cock and that brain are totally drained and empty for me.”

He drifted, neither asleep nor awake while she pressed her tits together over and over to drain the last drops of this most recent orgasm, before leaving him to sit there, eyes half closed, mouth open, drooling slightly, totally empty.

Time passed.

“Warm, soft, heavy.”

He gasped and felt a phantom orgasm rock his body, then a sense of deep, blissful emptiness and pleasure.

“I have some questions for you,” her skin was wet from a shower he didn’t hear, and warm as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled his head to her massive breasts.

She started talking, asking him questions, and his answers came out easily, just like his cum had.

Every time he answered, he felt pleasure, and she told him that was how he was supposed to feel.

They talked for a while, well into the night, and he didn’t know what he told her, nor did he know what she asked.

Later, when she was fully dressed and standing in front of him, her coat on, but unbuttoned, and her bag over her shoulder, she smiled down at him as he stared up at her tits, once again looking like disco balls in her dress.

“Warm, soft, heavy.”

The three words made his eyes roll back, his hips buck and a deep groan to escape his lips as another phantom orgasm destroyed him and sent him down into sleep.

“Excuse me?”

He’d seen the woman from across the courtyard, but he didn’t really look past her massive tits. She was wearing jeans, a white cardigan that was unbuttoned, and a purple tank top that showed off her truly huge tits.

The odd thing was that when he looked at her, she just seemed like a blur, like her face, like her whole body except for her breasts, was out of focus, and when she walked out of his view as he ate his lunch, he just sort of forgot about her.

He did remember the thing that had become his sexual fantasy recently, getting tit fucked by a woman with huge tits.

The night he’d had that experience, the sexual experience that was better than anything he had ever imagined, he’d known he needed to break up with his girlfriend, especially because he was starting a new job, and wanted to move, so he could cut down on his expenses and cost of living.

The fantasy had replaced porn, and everything else, and when he jacked off, he couldn’t even picture the woman he’d had the experience with before it became his only sexual gratification.

He also hadn’t even registered the huge breasted woman’s skin color just a moment ago, she’d just been huge tits, then she was nothing…

A silky smooth and confident voice repeated herself, “Excuse me?”

He looked up into an eyeful of basketball sized tits. The massive amount of light brown skin didn’t seem to register though, and ever through they were right there, everything was still out of focus.

“Warm, soft, heavy.”

His eyes rolled into his head and he moaned, feeling the memory of an orgasm, and a phantom, dry climax that made him lightheaded and disoriented. He felt just like he’d cum, and his mind was warm, soft, heavy, like her tits, and blank.

The woman sat down across from him.

“Now that you’re settled in, you’re going to start seeing me regularly. I have your phone number, and I will text you the words ‘You will be available for me’ followed by a time and a date, and you will make sure you are free, with my fee waiting for me at your place. You have no choice, and you have no other obligations, the only things that matter to you now are my soft, heavy, and warm tits…” 

Another phantom orgasm washed over him and through him

“And since you can never be happy with anyone else, and you can never be satisfied by anything other than my huge tits that are so soft, heavy, and warm, you will happily pay me, because I’m worth it, and you have no choice.”

Every time she said the three words, he had another moment of sexual euphoria and dissociation, and the words that followed slid into his open, vulnerable mind, and became the truth.

He stared at her, unable to recognize her or form any real, conscious memories of her, and when she walked away without another word, he forgot that she even talked to him.

It didn’t matter though.

His mind had slid back down between her breasts as she spoke to him, and she tit fucked his brain just as thouroughly as she’d tit fucked his cock.

Comments welcome.

And I know I plugged it up above, but I have stories for sale here:

And more freebies here:

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