BDSM: Brain Destroying Spectacular Mammaries
by trancescript
Hello and thank you for checking out my stories. My work is exclusively cisgender femdom, and is mostly noncon and hetero. I look forward to adding more of my work to this great site, and even making some exclusive content for it. If you like what you see here you can check out my entire story library on my site here as well as all of the other free stories that are also available there.
If you like my stuff, feel free to say hi. Also, typos are a result of a leaning disability, not laziness or lack of proof reading.
BDSM: Brain Destroying Spectacular Mammaries
Bianca greeted Leo the same way she did every morning, with a smile and a wave as he walked past her desk. And like every morning he stopped for a few minutes to chat with her and also do the other thing they both knew he did every morning: Take his time to admire the sights.
Bianca was pretty, but to Leo she was a little too on the heavy side, a little too big. Still, while Leo saw her as too thick and curvy for his tastes, he mainly saw her as buxom… extremely buxom.
Bianca’s tits could not be contained, and that was in part on company orders. Well not orders, but based on Bianca’s effect on people that came in, no one had anything negative to say about her busty dresses, her just revealing enough in the right way tops, and her overall presentation. She was charming when she wanted to be, but she saved it for the clients.
With Leo she was flirty, but in a teasing, confrontational way. She took every chance to point out any time he was wrong about something, or any time he was late, or took a long lunch, or really any chance she had to poke him.
Except for when he was staring at her bountiful breasts, then she was sweet, or quiet, and just let him stare till they both needed to go on with their day.
Was she Leo’s type? Not really.
But that didn’t interfere with her great tits, especially because it seemed like any time he sort of acquiesced to her, or agreed with her, she had this way of shifting her soft, curvaceous body to make those incredible tits stand out even more.
Today she was wearing a white and black paneled dress with her customary low neckline, but this one was a box and not a scoop so her tits were framed and not just displayed, and she was wearing a black cardigan, and a white headband that pushed her chin length, copper red hair away from her face. She was wearing her black tortoise shell glasses too; she had a few sets to go with her different outfits.
“So Leo,” she leaned forward like she always did when he came by, giving him his customary better view of her deep, deep cleavage, “I think we’re the only ones staying in the office this afternoon, you know what that means.”
“I’m sorry Bianca, I…”
She held up a short, pudgy finger, “You promised, and you are not backing out this time. I need the practice, and you promised. Besides…” she tugged on the golden chain around her neck and a small oblong, red crystal popped up and out between her cantaloupe sized breasts, “I even brought my new hypno-necklace.”
She dangled it up above her breasts and it started to swing back and forth, and said almost under her breath, “Not like I’ll need it.”
Leo found himself watching the little red crystal swinging above those, big, gently tanned, soft, white breasts. He had promised Bianca last week that he’d let her practice her hypnosis on him, but he didn’t know why he’d agreed with her, and he’d done a good job of not living up to it since he did. When he asked her why she’d been taking hypnosis classes, Bianca had stuck her tits out and said, “I like it when people do what I want.”
It had sounded like a joke, but Leo wasn’t sure just how much of a joke it really was, and it was more than a little erotic. It wasn’t just her weight, she was a big personality, and she could be so overwhelming, her tits could just be so totally overwhelming that when she bullied him sometimes all he could do was stare at her chest and concede because she was just too much.
“Why don’t you just set aside some time for me after lunch,” the little crystal stopped its swinging and started to descend back down between her tits, “that way you can just finally do what you promised and you can stop thinking about it.”
She used her finger to give the crystal a little push down into her cleavage, “And you’ll feel so much better when you stop having to think about it, won’t you?”
“Yeah,” he’d kind of lost track of the conversion for a second as he watched her necklace sink and disappear between her boobs, “yeah you’re right.”
She smiled and put her hand over his and looked into his eyes, her honey brown eyes sparkled like she had a secret, “I always am.”
* * *
“Knock knock,” Leo looked up from his desk in the office he shared, and smiled at Bianca, who was standing in the doorway. Her cardigan was gone, her “hypno-necklace” was dangling from her fingers and she had her bag over her shoulder, “are you ready?”
Somehow, Leo had forgotten about his conversation with Bianca almost as soon as it ended, in part because she had been right, once he agreed he didn’t have to think about it anymore, and because the morning had been busy.
The rest of the office really was gone except for the two of them. He was still there because he had work to do and liked getting to work alone in his office, and she was still there because she also had work she wanted to do. The thing was, after everyone took off at lunch, he couldn’t remember what exactly he was going to catch up on.
And sure, there was always something, but…
“Sure, I think so. Is…”
Bianca walked into the office, “I locked the front door, and if someone calls, I can take it in here. Now loosen your tie, or take it off, sit back, and take a few deep breaths okay? I know it’s weird, because hypnosis is weird and misunderstood, so don’t worry, I know how you’re feeling. Focus on your breathing, focus on how you said you’d help me, and just follow my instructions and this will be super easy.”
She pulled his officemate’s chair over and sat down across from him, after hanging her bag on it. Leo had sort of reflexively started to focus on his breathing when she told him to, and he figured that since he was helping her practice, it only made sense to follow her instructions.
“So, all I’m going to do is hypnotize you. I’m just going to put you into a state of focused relaxation where you’ll feel really calm and really relaxed, and probably really good, and more suggestible than you usually are. So,” she adjusted her dress as she adjusted her position in the chair, which meant tugging down on her dress and showing more cleavage, “for you, that means, you’ll probably feel very suggestible, since you’re a naturally suggestible person…”
Before he could respond, or challenge that, because he was a stubborn and combative person when he regularly chose to be, she held her necklace up, the red crystal dangled down to just above her cleavage.
“For me at least.” She touched the crystal briefly and smiled at him. “ I know other people really struggle with your personality and how willful you are, but for two big reasons,“ she seemed to thrust her chest towards him like she did any time he agreed or gave in, “it seems like you always just want to listen to whatever I have to say, and then agree with me.”
Before he could respond to that, or hide the fact he was blushing as he stared at those two big reasons, she continued. “It’s why I know I don’t really need this to hypnotize you again, but I think you need it as permission to really lean into doing something we both know you already do. And since all I need you to do for me to hypnotize you is to focus on me, which you do whenever I want you to, just listen to the sound of my voice as you follow my instructions, and just keep relaxing even more with your breathing.”
The crystal started to swing, seemingly on its own.
“So, you can just focus on the crystal now, until your eyes just drop to where they really want to stare, and just keep breathing deeply, steadily, and slowly for me now. And no matter what you think you want to say, as you already start to watch the crystal, feeling your eyes getting so tired already, tired of trying not to just stare at my tits, you realize as much as you want to say no to me, or argue with me, you just can’t deny that you want me to tell you what to do.”
“What do you mean,” he was trying to look away from the crystal, and trying not to stare at those tits she let him oggle every morning, and it was making his eyelids start to flutter. “What do you mean, hypnotize me again?”
“I mean that I hypnotized you before, that’s why I’m hypnotizing you again, it’s pretty simple. You were staring at my tits, like you’re staring at them now, focused completely on my big tits like you always do, liek you’re doing more and more with every word I speak, staring at them, getting lost in the sound of my voice as you get lost between my cleavage, and we were talking, and I was telling you how relaxing it is to get hypnotized, and that you could imagine how easy it would be for me to hypnotize someone because of how persuasive I am, and I asked you if you could imagine me hypnotizing someone with my relaxing… soothing… receptionist voice that I use…”
His eyes could either sink down to her breasts, down into her cleavage, or follow the crystal, and every time he started to fade and his vision started to soften and blur, he tried to look away. He blinked again, and managed to look up into her eyes, and they were so soft, and so gently disarming, that when she smiled at him between her words, it was like they just willed him to look back down at her huge tits.
“And as I started talking to you just like this…” she continued when he looked back down, “just like a client, seducing you into being so comfortable with me… Listening more closely as my voice lowers down… “ he looked up into her eyes again,” down…” his focus fell back to the crystal, “eyes down to my tits now…” he was staring at her tits, “ only my tits now… I said, wouldn’t you just love to let me practice hypnotizing you, wouldn’t it feel so good to let me help you just relax and let go of everything else…”
The word was soft, soft as the sound of her voice, and soft as her heaving breasts as she continued to lull him deeper under her thrall.
“And you said yes, because I hypnotized you, and made you even more suggestible to me than you already are, and I put the suggestion in your mind and made you want to say yes to me… made you need to say yes to me without even realizing it”
He was staring at her tits, his jaw loose and his mind drifting into the quiet, vacant space… the same space it went sometimes when they were in meetings and she was talking like that. The association and the memory cleared the soft, soothing, smothering fog that had descended on him.
He looked up into her eyes, mind still slow, still heavy and…
“And every morning when you come by to stare at my tits, just my tits, seeing only my tits right now…”
He couldn’t stop himself from looking down, eyes dropping down from her soft, golden brown eyes, back to her irresistible tits, just like she told him to.
“I’ve made you more receptive, and more suggestible. I’ve even gotten you past the initial, easy light trances you automatically find yourself falling into any time you see my cleavage, that’s why you know I’m always right, isn’t that right?”
“You’re right Bianca.” He was surprised that it felt so natural to say that and to agree with her. He couldn’t believe how fast he’d said it either, it just came out without a thought on his part.
It was like answering when someone asked you your name.
When she said “I always am, that’s why you always do what I say,” a series of memories of staring at her tits, and her saying things like, “Just listen to me Leo, you know I’m always right so just do what I tell you to. I told you so Leo, just accept the fact I’m always right, and you’ll be so much happier if you just remember that. You should know by now Leo that it’s easier to just do what I want, because I’m always right.”
His eyes were drifting shut as he stared at her tits, more so at her deep cleavage, and he realized she’d just been saying those things to him now, and they weren’t just memories. That had actually been her voice becoming his thoughts.
The necklace was gone, but it had served its purpose, he was entranced by her tits.
“And now that you’re caught in my booby trap, feeling yourself sinking deeper and deeper down under the sound of my voice, and deeper and deeper down into my cleavage, it isn’t just that you’re suggestible for me, which you are… it's’ because you’re submissive to me Leo. You’re a submissive man, and I’m a dominant woman with tits that can dominate your mind and an energy that makes you need to please me… Even though we both know I’m not like the stick thin, boring, submissive girls you date… the girls you date because you instinctively know they can’t dominate you, or challenge you. Girls who are so boring they always just end up boring you and never satisfying you in any way.”
Shame and embarrassment and brutal self-awareness flowed through him, but it didn’t matter, all he could do was sit there staring at her tits… because she wasn’t just right…
It was all true.
She hit the bullseye. Even without knowing she was always right… that was if he could even think she wasn’t… she was absolutely right about him.
It was so true, and so incisive that it stunned him out of trance.
“You’re sitting there now, staring at my tits like a good boy because I told you to, and every time I’ve entranced you, or put a suggestion in your head it’s worked so well because you don’t know what to do with your buried submissive desires. Now stare back down at my tits, not my eyes, only my tits now, and listen.”
And as she said the words, he obeyed and started to sink back under… weighed down into the softness of her voice by the heaviness of her breasts.
“So, when I come along and stick my tits in your face, it’s like I have a cheat code for your brain because I know your submissive side better than you do. And I know how boys like you feel about my tits, so all of that makes hypnotizing you, and making you even more submissive and suggestible that much faster, and easier.”
His words died in his mouth, actually they died before they even made it that far, but it felt like he had something to say, only to find he didn’t even have a whisper of a thought or a response.
He couldn’t really find his thoughts anymore, all he could do was respond to her and react to her… worst of all, all he could do was agree with her, because before she was overt about it, she had somehow… well according to everything she just explained to him… put the thought that she was always right so deep into his head that even now… when he stopped just vapidly staring at her tits, her great, big…her great big tits… even now, he couldn’t stop himself from just wanting to agree with her.
And as the world faded at the edges more and more and her tits became the center of his universe again, the fact that it was all true, the fact she was telling him things he’d only thought to himself in secret, and that he couldn’t think clearly enough to even bristle, or blindly react and deny to defend his ego, he felt the shame and embarrassment return in another wave… but that just made it more obvious that he couldn’t look away from Bianca’s tits, and that Bianca was always right…
Bianca was always right about everything.
“All you can do right now is stare at my tits because I told you to. All you can do right now is listen to the sound of my voice as my words sink in, and all you can do is just submit to my superior understanding and my huge, hypnotizing tits, because you know I’m always right.”
He couldn’t argue with her because he was mindlessly staring at her breasts and he couldn’t look away. Even more so, he didn’t want to look away, or at least, he didn’t want to want to look away, and that just proved her right all over again.
“That’s right, you’re just so submissive deep down inside that with a little hypnotic nudge, you really can’t resist me. And the more I tell you that, the more overpowering it becomes. You’re stuck in a loop now, or a spiral really, going down… down… deeper down as you stare at my tits… down between my tits now… lost in their softness… feeling them smothering your free will and swallowing your identity… so deeply entranced by my breasts like you always have been… like you always are, every single morning… Because you know my breasts are a symbol of my dominance… and they’re so dominating that just looking at them makes you feel like you can’t say no to me. Just staring at my tits makes it physically impossible for you to say no to me or resist me in any way… And since you can’t help staring at my tits, which you know is true because I’m always right, what does that mean?”
“That…” his mind was soft, soft like her tits, and his cock was hard, hard like her authoritative tone. “That I can’t say no to you.”
“It feels so strange saying that, doesn’t it Leo? Those aren’t your words, and they’re not your thoughts, but you can’t argue with the logic, because you can’t argue with me. So now you just find yourself agreeing, and staring, and if I told you that you were already deeply hypnotized by my breasts, so deeply hypnotized by them that when I let you see them naked, your brain would just completely shut down. That’s also what you know would happen, isn’t it?”
It was nonsense, it was utter nonsense, but the way she had bullied him into this position, the way she had seduced him into this trap, and the way he couldn’t find a way out from between her smothering, overwhelming breasts all made it seem undeniably true.
“Yes, that would happen.” He was asleep with his eyes open, his words were the stream of consciousness of a sleepwalker, and as she prodded him to elaborate, making him say the words “Your bare breasts will destroy my mind” it felt even more like a dream, like watching a stranger’s dream.
But it wasn’t a stranger, and it wasn’t a dream.
He’d always been intimidated by powerful women, so he did his best to keep them at arm’s length. He never thought of Bianca as powerful, because aside from her tits he didn’t really feel much of an attraction to her… but… but he knew that was a lie, an excuse to not admit that she wasn’t just beautiful, but that her aura was even more alluring than her amazing tits… amazing tits that enhanced her truly dominant presence.
She was right about all the girls he pretended were his type.
Of course nothing ever went anywhere, they weren’t what he really wanted.
Big tits had always dominated him, they had always made him feel submissive…
Were those his thoughts or her words?
His eyes opened, or had he just blacked out… and he stared deep into her cleavage, falling back down between her breasts again…
“You’ve always wanted me, and needed me, because you’ve always felt so powerless and so weak when I flirt with you. And you always flirted with me so I would make you feel that way. You’ve always wanted me, because you’ve always felt the entrancing pull of my tits on your weak, submissive, male mind… that little mind between your legs that really controls you, no matter what the one in your head tries to think. The little mind you just wish you could feel disappear between my tits as I dominate you completely.”
The thought of his cock vanishing between those breasts, his little brain being tit fucked out of his head and swallowed up in the same warm softness that was smothering every stray thought, and every sparke of awareness…
He blinked, and wondered how many thoughts he’d just had were actually her words, and not his crumbling mind wandering under the enthralling, hypnotic assault of her dominance and her dominated, hypnotizing breasts.
“My breasts dominate you, because all weak, horny boys like you are submissive to a big pair of tits. All weak horny boys like you are naturally hypnotized by a big pair of tits. You see them and you go into a titty trance the way nature intended, and that means I’ve hypnotized you so many times without telling you, or without you realizing it, isn’t that right?”
There were two truths now, the truth that he felt was true outside of Bianca’s influence and true to his life and lived experience, and the truth that was everything she said, because she was always right. Her truth overwhelmed him with the sound of her voice, the size of her tits, and the way her logic tangled his truth with hers.
“Yes Bianca, you’re always right.”
As his conscious mind kept drifting down into her hypnotic, domineering breasts, his cock tried harder and harder to push itself up out of his pants.
“That’s one of the reasons you’re so incredibly deep right now, and so much more suggestible than you ever thought you could be, especially because you’re such a willful little prick all the time. But that’s always been make-believe for you, that’s always been pretend and over-compensating, hiding from the fact that all you really want to do is submit to a woman that can dominate you. And that’s the other reason you’re so deeply hypnotized now, because my huge tits just naturally dominate you, because all horny submissive boys like you are dominated and hypnotized by big tits, aren’t you?”
“Yes Bianca,” it was like she said his greatest fears out loud over and over again, and every time she did, she became more of an authority, and Bianca always being right became less and less a hypnotic rhetorical trick, and more and more a statement of fact.
“Calling me by my name isn’t very submissive though, that’s not what a submissive, hypnotized, tit slave would say to his Mistress is it? And since I am the dominant, since my tits, my insight, my hypnosis, and my natural charm and personality dominate you, and the fact you are the submissive and that makes you the slave, and I am your Mistress now, isn’t that right, slave?”
“Yes Mistress, you are always right.”
He should have, or could have, or was supposed to have said something different, or argued, or disagreed, or rejected her… or said Mistress Bianca… but there was nothing there. She was inside his head, and her tits were all he could see. He didn’t exist anymore, not as Leo the person, now he was just…
“That’s right, slave, stand up, and strip naked, then kneel down at my feet.”
Leo obeyed, and before he knelt down at her feet, Bianca saw his full cock sticking up and he saw her smile. Her light brown eyes sparkled with approval, and he felt validated by her happiness.
That feeling, that pure, simple feeling of wholeness that came over him, a feeling he had wanted his entire life and that he could never describe, snapped him out of his trance.
But everything between her waving her necklace in front of his face and the moment he was in, naked, kneeling in front of Mistress Bianca, was gone.
“What the fuck is happening?” He moved his hands to cover his very full, very hard cock, and moved to stand up.
“It would be better if you stayed on your knees where Mistress wants you, slave. Isn’t that where a submissive is supposed to be?”
She stood up as she spoke, and patted him on the head like a dog when she said ‘slave’.
To Leo’s surprise his body didn’t move, save for his hands falling to his sides, and his mouth saying the words, “Yes Mistress.”
He was a stranger in his own body, but Bianca’s tits were so deeply familiar, and so comforting. All of the confusion and the fear was smothered by her breasts, and he stared up at her as her dress fell from her shoulders, followed by her very large, very practical, black bra.
Her huge tits…
He didn’t have far to go to hit the floor.
* * *
Something tugged at Leo’s neck, and he opened his eyes to see Mistress Bianca staring down at him, the loop of a leather leash in her hand.
Her dress was back on, and he was unable to look into her eyes. He tried, but he knew he was beneath her, knew he couldn’t make eye contact, and knew he had to stare at his Mistress’s hypnotizing tits so he could stay perfectly submissive.
“You’ve gotten me so wet being such a good little, hypnotized tit slave, and I didn’t give you permission to do that, did I?”
The answers were either Yes Mistress, or No Mistress,
“No Mistress.”
“So that means you must be punished, doesn’t it slave?”
Again, and always there were only two answers.
“Yes Mistress., you’re always right”
“Turn around, put your hands on your desk, and bow your head.”
He obeyed without any hesitation, and he felt her body press against his as she unhooked the leash from the collar around his neck.
The thought that he was wearing a collar barely registered, but it made sense because he was Mistress’s property, and the collar was how she marked and claimed him… one of the ways she marked and claimed him.
Leo winced and grunted as a sting of sharp pain snapped across his shoulder.
“Thank me for punished you slave. Thank me every time you feel the lash.”
He obeyed, and he obeyed again and again as she whipped him with the leash, then she took his hands, put them behind his back, and he felt her binding him with the length of leather that left stripes of red across both his shoulders and his back.
“Now,” she slid her finger through the ring on the collar and pulled him away from the desk. She pulled up her dress, to show a pair of simple, white panties with a very wet spot, “take off my panties.”
“Yes Mistress.”
He knelt, then walked the short distance to her on his knees, tugged once at his binding, then gently, so gently that someone would have thought he’d done it before, he took her panties in his teeth and started to pull down.
He didn’t see her help the process ever so slightly, but he did see her shift herself up to the edge of his desk, she kicked her shoes off on his shoulders as he continued to pull her panties between his teeth, then said, “Now make me cum slave.”
“Yes Mi…”
“Not yet, say it to my slit, slave.”
He had to adjust his height, getting up on his knees to obey, but he kissed her slit, and said “Yes Mistress” to it as she grabbed his head and pulled him in close. Her fingers dug into him and she hissed, ‘Keep saying it.”
After a short while he felt her move one hand off his head, and felt the presence of her fingertips as she started playing with her clit while he kissed and licked her.
“You’re not very good at this,” the hand on his hand dug in, and he felt her nails pressing into his skin. “I said make me cum, not practice making out on me like I’m your hand.”
Something changed in his brain, a small pivot in his passive, subconscious obedience that made him stop slobbering over her and remember how to really try and give pleasure.
The nails dug in tighter for a second, then her grip loosened, and she started to caress the back of his head. She kept toying with herself, but she said, in a surprisingly high, tight voice, “Oh that’s it, right there slave.”
It didn’t take long as his tongue replaced her fingers on her town clit and she held his head on both her hands again. She dug her heels into his back as her own body arched and she squeezed his head in even tighter and closer, and with his hands bound, down on his knees, he couldn’t do anything except keep licking, kissing, and sucking.
Then he tasted her, and felt her as she squirted all over his face in a gush.
“Clean it up now slave, clean up the mess.”
She let go of his head and leaned back to rest on her hands as he said “Yes Mistress” into her slit again and started licking up every drop of her wetness.
The only thing that foretold her cumming again was a slight shift in her hips, and her letting out a deep, satisfied moan. Her voice was soft and much more tender than it had been when she said, “Oh, you’re just making a bigger mess now…” she sighed.. “Keep going.”
With his hands bound behind his back, his mind softened, his inner voice silenced, and his cock stuck stiff to aching, Leo had no sense of time and barely a sense of place. He didn’t know how long he’d been serving her, or how many tim she gushed all over his face.
“You’re so submissive,” her voice was even again, even and stern, "that I don’t have to hypnotize you to control you, do I?”
He answered into her pussy, and she sighed. He was subconsciously learning her sweet spots, unthinkingly, automatically responding to her pleasure.
“But you couldn’t accept your submission without my incredible, hypnotizing tits that entrance you and make you so suggestible, and so open, isn’t that right?”
He answered her where and how she liked it.
“So you need me to feel this way, and you need my tits to entrance you and open you up to what and who you really are.”
It wasn’t a question, but it was a statement of fact, and the words “Mistress Bianca is always right” were kissed to where her finger had been playing with herself… he didn’t know how long, or how many orgasms ago.
“But there’s no real point to hypnotizing you since you’re so submissive that I didn’t even really have to hypnotize you to hypnotize you, I just let you stare at my tits and now you’re completely powerless to resist me, aren’t you?”
This time, she pulled his head back from between her legs and he tried, but still couldn’t look her in the eyes. “Yes Mistress Bianca.”
“Stand up.” She got off the desk and stood behind him after he stood up, and as his head bowed down he felt her loosening the leash that bound his hands.
“But if you think about it, that just means you’ve always been powerless in the face of my tits, doesn’t it?”
“Yes Mistress Bianca.”
She took the leash from around his wrists and he heard it woosh through the air as she shook it out. “But you’re not looking at me tits, you can’t see me at all, and yet, you still can’t resist me. Put your hands and your forehead on the desk.”
He obeyed.
The leash whipped across his back much harder than before, and he groaned.
“It’s because I’m in your head, even though I don’t need to be.”
The next slash of the leather across his back made him snarl with pain, but he couldn't raise his head.
Then the next lashing went horizontal across his lower back and curved around to sting his stomach, and the soft, tender skin on his side.
He swore at the sharp, sudden pain, then he felt her hands on his bare skin.
“Just relax and listen to the sound of my voice now. You can’t escape and you can’t resist, and the longer you listen, the deeper your sink. With every word I speak you are finding that the pain I give you is turning into pleasure. The pain I give you is becoming pure, sexual pleasure. The more it hurts, the better it feels, and the better it feels, the easier it is to beg your Mistress for more.”
He felt a loose sense of disbelief forming in his mind, because there was no way she could just say a few words and change the pain…
The leash snapped across his back, harder than before, and he groaned… but it didn’t hurt.
“Did you like that, slave?”
He realized he had to catch his breath, because the sudden sensation had brought him right to the edge of orgasm.
“Yes Mistress.”
The next lashing was snapped across his back again, and he still had his head down on the desk with his palms face down. This time he moaned again, and with the third slash of the leash, his knees buckled and he dropped down to the floor, sliding backwards, away from the desk.
“Get up slave, you’re not bleeding, you’re not hurt, and you didn’t cum, you’re fine.”
She nudged him with her foot, and he just whimpered.
The last strike had broken another layer of reality in his brain, and everything was failing him now. His aching, throbbing cock was leaking, his back was on fire with welts of agony that were so deep they were erotic euphoria, and the mental trap of needing and not needing to be hypnotized by a woman who was always right, all served to dismantle even more of him.
Mistress Bianca nudged him again, then she leaned down, attached the leash to his collar, and pulled on it, “On your knees, slave.”
The force of her voice, and the yank of the lead cut through his paralysis and triggered a physical need and reactive, animalistic obedience. She walked him back to the middle of the room, still dressed while he was naked.
“Lie flat on your back, slave.”
She tugged on the leash and again, his animal brain, his lizard brain took over, and he obeyed.
She pulled her dress up, knelt down over his hips, guided herself down onto his cock, and watched as his docile, broken eyes briefly met hers, then fell down, back down to her chest.
“You will not move, and you will not cum without my permission. My words override your thoughts, your body, and your desires. My will overrides your will, because you are nothing now, just my slave, a broken shelf of a man who I’ve turned into something much more useful. You cannot cum and you will not cum without my…”
His cock was radiating out deep pleasure through his entire body, making his skin hum with sexual energy, and that energy drained his muscles of their strength and his ability to do anything except lie there, reduced to an object, turned into a thing.
But as she caught her breath on her own pleasure, the pleasure, the raw, real, sexual pleasure of being fucked by the buxom receptionsit started to stitch pieces of his conscious mind back together…
Just enough to try and rebuke the notion that he wouldn’t just cum deep and full up inside her if she kept fucking him like that while those enthralling, perfect tits jiggled and bounced in her dress…
Especially when the agony of the straps of welted flesh on his back rubbed on the office carpet, sending waves of anguished erotic bliss through him in waves…
Anything she said or did wasn’t just possible now, it was irresistible, and wanting to test that, wanting to resist her… needing to battle to regain some modicum of control, because that small stitched together part of his psyche knew it was in mortal peril, he tried to move his arms, to reach up and…
Everything from the neck down was warm and heavy, paralyzed by sexual energy and not under his control. She was so warm and slick, and her pace was perfect. He felt something opening up below his belly button, something deep in his pelvis, all the way down in his core, it didn’t feel like an orgasm, more like some deep block had been removed and…
Her bare breasts filled his vision and unable to look away, unable to resist the trigger she had installed with them, the world fell into emptiness…
* * *
“...And waking up slowly, feeling your eyes drawn to my breasts, hypnotized, transfixed, and enthralled, unable to look away as soon as you see them now.”
She was sitting across from him, so close that their knees were touching, and her dress was down, but her bra was on, and he stared at her breasts, cupped and held by its impressive design, elevating and emphasizing the entrancing mass of her chest
“You’re gagged and bound, arms tied to the chair’s arms, feet cuffed to the legs, unable to speak, unable to move, unable to escape, resist, or deny me anything now… or ever again.”
Her little red crystal “hypno-necklace” sat on display dangling in front of her breasts, and he sat perfectly still, staring at it, his cock as stiff and rigid as his unmoving, bound and paralyzed body.
“But it’s not like you could do that before.” She laughed at him as she took off the necklace. Now,” she adjusted her chair so she could swing the red crystal around his cock in a small circle. “Just watch the crystal as it hypnotizes your cock, just like my tits have hypnotized every part of your submissive, suggestible body, mind, and soul.”
He couldn’t move, or speak, and his eyes watched the crystal circling his cock, sending strange, powerful sensations of pleasure through him, and he watched as she moved out of the chair and down to her knees, standing tall enough to let him stare at her tits and the necklace at the same time.
“You cannot cum without my permission, not just now, but always. And you don’t want to cum without my permission either, because you’re too submissive to argue the point or think for yourself. You cannot cum without my permission, but you will cum at my command, because you cannot resist me.”
Around and round the crystal spun, and his eyes were fluttering, blinking again. “It feels like you’re getting fucked by my hypnosis. When I hypnotize you it feels like I’m fucking you in mind, body and soul, dominating you, subduing you, and breaking you. Feel it happening with every spin, watching my hypno-necklace as it fucks your cock and breaks the last little bits of your inner self, my bound, gagged, collared, and controlled little hypno-slave.”
In the moments after she showed her tits to him and sent him into oblivion, and the moment he opened his eyes, restrained and gagged, his psyche had rallied, but much, but enough to recognize that she was laughing at him as she spoke, enjoying the absurdity of what she was saying.
But… but like everything else, he couldn’t deny it, and…
“And the hypno-necklace feels just like my pussy, and you feel that reality now. Your cock and your mind are making my hypnosis and my pussy feel the same way. When I fuck you, I hypnotize you, and when I hypnotize you, I fuck you… and when you stare at my tits, my tits hypnotize you, so when you stare at my tits, you feel my pussy fucking you… brainwashing you… keeping you docile, controlled, and so suggestible to my will, and only my will… which is what you already are, because you’re so submissive… so submissive and so hypnotically suggestible that you’ll cum now without me even touching you. Cum now.”
She snatched her hand and the crystal away as he took a breath, felt his hips thrust up, his body seize, and watched as a geyser of cum exploded up, and then splattered on his own chest and face.
Bianca howled with laughter, then snapped her fingers and said, “Wake up and go clean yourself up.”
As his cock started to go flaccid, the snap of her fingers and the words ‘wake up’ made his whole body quiver then sag.
As Leo realized he hadn’t been tied up, or gagged, he found himself standing up, and walking naked from his office to the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror, splatters of cum on his face and chest, and watched himself move like a puppet, washing and cleaning himself up.
It wasn’t until after he’d cleaned himself up, his mind free from the pressing weight of her voice, her will, and her astounding tits that he could…
Memory was slipping through his fingers like sand, or the impression of a dream. He couldn’t form the puzzle of how he’d ended up stark naked in the office’s bathroom, but it didn’t matter, all he had to do was ask his Mistress Bianca…
He tried to push against that thought. He tried to push against the cloudy, smothering presence in his mind, but thoughts of Mistress BIanca’s deep cleavage swallowed him… and he walked out to her desk, where she was leaning against it, fully dressed, waiting for him.
He couldn’t make eye contact with her, all he could do was stare at her tits.
Leo groaned as the phantom sensation of her wet pussy started sliding up and down on his cock, and he felt it starting to grow again. He was disassociating, time was falling in on itself, and he heard her talking, but… but he was talking to her too, his mouth moving, words coming out…
She slid her finger through the ring on his collar and pulled him to her desk…
The collar had been on when he went to the bathroom, he’d wiped cum off of it, but for some reason he hadn’t consciously seen it.
She turned her back to him, and his body moved, following the sound of her voice, her words moving through him, his body obeying, absent his consent or control. He pulled up her skirt as she leaned forward to put her hands on her own desk, and he slid into her, soft, wet, warm and…
As he started to fuck her, vigorously, then hard… harder and harder… fucking the shit out of her, because…
Everything she said was true.
He was submissive and powerless to her and her charms, and especially her huge tits.
Her huge tits.
Huge, hypnotic tits.
Hypnotizing him.
Hypnotizing him with nothing more than a glance on his part.
Hypnotizing him just by being there, fucking hs mind into submission, fucking his cock into obedience.
“See my…”
Huge tits hypnotizing and fucking him.
hyp… no…
“Knock, knock.”
Leo looked up from his computer as Bianca walked into the office he shared. “I’m all caught up, and I’m ready to help you practice whenever you want.”
She smiled at him, as he looked down at her tits like he always did, before looking into her soft, brown eyes.
Everything about her just made him feel so good.
“Perfect,” she walked over to him as he sat, and leaned in close, putting her tits in his face as she fastened the collar around his neck. As he felt her buckle it into place, the sight of her deep cleavage caused a cascade of mind numbing sexual pleasure and all consuming submission.
‘Try to take it off.”
“Yes Mistress Bianca.”
His hands fumbled with the simple buckle, like being in a dream and trying to dial a phone. He couldn’t do it, and the more he tried, the clumsier his hands became.
He couldn’t take it off, and then she cradled his head to her chest and then it was off and in her hand.
“...and consciously forgetting again as the collar comes off… and the more you consciously forget, the more powerful my control over your subconscious becomes…
“Knock, knock.”
Leo looked up from his computer as Bianca walked into the office he shared. “I’m all caught up, and I’m ready to help you practice whenever you want.”
She smiled at him, as he looked down at her tits like he always did, before looking into her soft, brown eyes.
Everything about her just made him feel so good.
Comments welcome.
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