Short Story: Being Informed

by The Traveling Master

Tags: #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis #personality_change #pov:top #sub:female #CW:dubious_consent

A hypnotist and his Sub had different beliefs about what hypnosis can do. Can it make people do things they don’t want to? She researched and has the answer! Or does she?

“Listen... I’ve done my research and according to everything I’ve read, you are completely wrong.” she said.
I couldn’t help but smile as she looked up at me, letting the pages from the book flip out one by one until the book closed.
“Wrong you say? I’m wrong about what exactly?” I asked.
“About hypnosis of course! Weren’t you listening to me a second ago?” she said, a bit annoyed.
“I’m so sorry my dear. Continue... What about hypnosis did I get wrong?” I asked.
“About it being so powerful that you can make people do whatever you want! Regardless of their personal beliefs and preferences.” she said. “It’s not like in the movies where they snap their fingers and the subject is forced to do whatever the hypnotist says. It’s just not possible!”

“Oh really?” I asked, a little amused. “So I was wrong... Does that mean that you feel even better about the fact that I’m hypnotizing you? That you feel even safer when you are in one of my trances?”
“Of course it does!" she said with a beaming smile. "I know you can’t make me do anything indecent or un-lady like.”
I chuckled.
​“So you believe the books when they say that I can’t make you do anything you wouldn’t normally do? Is that it?” I asked.
“Exactly! Yesterday, you said you could.” she said. “Which got me thinking… So far you haven’t made me do anything extraordinary, but I was worried you might be right so I looked it up. And I was right! You can’t! So there!”
“I haven’t huh?” I asked, very amused by her line of thought. “Nothing about our current relationship screams out at you as being... Out of place? Wrong? Or even... Something you wouldn't normally do?”
“Nope! Nothing at all! Which, of course, proves my earlier point. You. Were. Wrong!” she said as she punctuated each word by pointing her book at me.
“Ok ok! I give up. Seems I was wrong…” I said. “But that would mean that everything we’ve played with so far in our sessions was perfectly fine with you? Even before I hypnotized you?”
“I... Huh... Yes... That’s what it means.” she said, suddenly unsure.
“So it was ok for me to implant a trigger phrase that gives you a sudden and intense craving to suck my cock? Regardless of where we are…” I said, watching her blush. “Which means that if I followed your reasoning, it was doubly ok because you already wanted to do that for me before the hypnosis sessions. Right?”
“Huh... Right...” she nodded, visibly unsure through the sudden embarrassment.
I could see she was trying to remember if that was the case. I knew it wasn’t. Far from it in fact...
“It’s ok if you don’t remember clearly…” I said. “Hypnosis can reach deep in your mind to bring out desires you pushed down and hid away. The fact you don’t remember that clearly is just proof of that. I simply brought it to the surface.”
“Yeah. That’s it. Just like the book says.” she said with a hint of a warm smile returning to her luscious lips.
“So... Since I’m wrong...” I said, pushing this idea further. “It also means that the personality I’ve been working on these past few sessions would only work if deep down, you already wanted it to work. Correct?”
“Personality? What personality? I don’t remember any of that.” she asked with a slight frown.
“I call her Candy. We’ve been developing her with each trance." I said. "She has her own thoughts and desires now... In fact... I believe she would be ready to come out. Of course... In a trance, we can play and create anything so I’ve had the pleasure of conversing with her quite a few times... But as you’ve stated, it would never stick once you come out of trance. Not if you didn’t want it to work. Right?”
“Exactly..." she said. "But huh... What is this Candy personality? I’ll admit I’m curious...”
“Since the blowjob trigger worked so well... I decided to see if a full time submissive sex slave could be created. If I could, then I would make her live in my home so I could use her for all my sexual desires and play with her mind as much as I wanted.”
“What? Hahahah You are joking right?" she asked. "I don’t mind blowing you every time you feel like it, but I certainly wouldn’t want to move in with you and be your sex doll! No way in hell!”
“Really? Well I know of one way to find out.” I said, smiling. “With your permission, I would like to activate that personality now. If you are correct and you really DON’T want to become my little sex slave called Candy, then the trigger won’t work. After all... The books say so right?”
“Right...” she said, suddenly unsure again. 
I could see she was thinking things over. I was truly curious if she would let me activate it. Would she trust her ‘research’ or would she chicken out? I watched her take a deep breath and smile.
“You were wrong and I’m confident I would never accept to be your hypno sex slave.” she said. “So shoot! Try it out! It won’t work!”
She looked so confident... So sexy... 
“Ok then... Let me record this so you can see it all happen ok?” I said as I took out my phone and started to record. “Ready?"
She smiled and gave me a thumbs up.
"Candy apples are the best treat for sexy kittens named Candy.” I said clearly.
She blinked a few times in rapid succession as her eyes fluttered up in her head. And then, she took a deep breath and looked at me with a warm smile.
“Time to see if it worked my dear. Tell me...” I said. “What is your name?”
“That’s a silly question!" she said. "My name is Candy!”
“Hello Candy! Now tell me... Would you like to come live with me?” I said. “I have to warn you that if you do, I’ll be ordering you around and using you to fulfill my sexual needs. Sucking… Fucking… You’ll be expected to obey and pleasure me on command.”

“So…” she said. “I’d basically be your live-in sex slave…”

“You would.” I said.

“I would LOVE to come live with you and be your slave!” she said, smiling. “Oh god I feel so excited! My pussy is getting all wet at the thought of you claiming me... I've ALWAYS dreamed I would be lucky enough to be claimed by such a handsome man! Would...” she started to ask as she bit her lip. “Would you like a blowjob as a thank you? You know... For offering me such a sweet deal?”
“Maybe later... For now though, I have to put you away for a little while, but I promise to bring you out very soon ok?” I said.
“Ok!” she said sweetly. "You're the Boss! Huh... Right... Since I'll be your slave... Huh... Should I call you Boss? Sir? Master?"
I chuckled.
"Sir is fine for now, we'll see how things go later on ok?" I said.
"Okidoki!" she said with a big smile.
“Kittens named Candy go back to sleep when they eat their treats.” I said clearly.
I watched her blink a few times, just like before. She ended up with the same calm confident smile she had before the trigger took hold. I stopped recording.
“See? It didn’t work! I knew I wouldn’t want to be your sex slave.” she said.
“Really? Watch this then...” I said as I handed her my phone.
She gasped as she watched herself completely change into Candy. I savored the little shock that went through her as she handed me back my phone.
“Seems that you DO want to be my slave. Otherwise...” I started to say, but she cut me off.
“I KNOW! It’s just that... Wow... I never thought... Really??” she asked, looking at me.
“Seems so. Hypnosis can only uncover what is already there remember? You researched it yourself, right?” I said.
She looked down at her book and I could see that she had a little trouble believing it. But all the proof she had uncovered was telling her that she DID want to become my little submissive slut.
“Wow... It’s completely insane… But then again…” she said, looking up at me with a smile. “ If you think about it… You already proved that I’m more than willing to drop to my knees and suck your cock for no other reason than you triggered me to do it… I can’t resist it… I just... Obey and pleasure you regardless of what I’m doing or feeling… So really… It kind of makes sense that I want to be your sex slave since that suggestion worked so well on me.”
As I admired her lovely features, I couldn’t help but smile as I saw that my other little trigger did its awesome job. The book she was holding wasn’t a psychology volume on hypnosis. It was a plain old cooking book I picked up at a garage sale. 

But thanks to her highly suggestible mind, she was convinced that it held all the answers she needed regarding hypnosis.

“Who knew… Right?” I said.

“You… Apparently…” she said, blushing a little. “Although HOW you knew is a complete mystery to me because I don’t think I ever expressed any inclination that I liked to be submissive with my lovers… Much less a slave!”

“I can’t say I knew…” I said, smiling. “But I certainly hoped you had a buried submissive side…”

She smiled as her left eyebrow lifted.

“Are you saying that you started to hypnotize me because your goal was to claim me as your hypno sex slave?” she said.

“How could that have been my goal?” I countered. “I had no indication your mind would even accept such a proposal and you now know that I couldn’t hypnotize you into doing or being something you didn’t want to experience.”

“Right…” she said, glancing back down at her book for a moment. “You couldn’t know that our hypnosis explorations would uncover this hidden side of me…”

“Exactly!” I said.

She kept looking at the book for a moment before she smiled.

“All you could know for sure…” she said, looking up at me. “Was that you desired to claim me as your hypno-slave… Otherwise you wouldn’t have even thought about implanting a blowjob trigger… Much less an elaborate slave personality… Right?”

“Guilty as charged…” I said. “I’m just incredibly lucky that you actually wanted to submit and service my pleasure as much as I fantasized about you doing it…”

“Lucky… Right…” she said, looking back down at her book.

“Can you imagine if that wasn’t the case?” I said, making a point to distract her. 

“What do you mean?” she asked, looking back up.

“Well imagine me trying out your blowjob trigger because I’m under the false impression that you’ll be helpless to obey it.” I said. 

“Right…” she said. “Because you were wrong and you thought I didn’t need to WANT something you were trying to make me do…”

“Exactly!” I said. “In that scenario, you would have felt my words trigger a compulsion in your mind and suddenly, you become aware of this strange idea that it would be nice to suck my cock. However… Since you DON’T want to do that for me, your mind rebels against it and you realize that I tried to use hypnosis to sexually take advantage of you.”

She blinked as she pictured the scene and I could almost see the projected emotions she would have felt.

“Yeah… Ok… I would have felt pretty pissed…” she said, frowning slightly. “But wait a minute… That’s basically what happened anyway!”

“What?” I said, a little confused. 

“Well not exactly… I DID obey the trigger and felt impossibly compelled to blow you because I want to do that for you…” she said. “But the first part IS the same… You thought you COULD make me do things regardless if I wanted to do them or not! That’s why I did my research and discovered that you can’t. In your mind… You DID try to take advantage!”

“Did I?” I said, smiling. “Or did I do my due diligence when I studied hypnosis and already know that I couldn’t make you do something you didn’t want to do?”

“What?” she said, clearly perplexed. “Then why did you tell me you could?”

“Simple…” I said. “Because it’s much more convincing if YOU research it and convince yourself of the truth rather than if you had you take my word for it. Don’t you feel more at ease knowing that you checked for yourself that I can’t take advantage of you like that and everything I hypnotically make you do is something you WANT to do?”

“Well… Yes… I do actually…” she said, still frowning a little. “I mean… I trust you and all… But you’re right… I wouldn’t have felt as certain as I do now if you would have just told me…”

“I figured as much…” I said, smiling warmly. “Which is why I played ‘devil’s advocate’ and pushed you to do your own fact checks so you’d feel as comfortable as you possibly could with our hypnotic play. After all, I wouldn’t want you to constantly worry about the things I do in your mind while you are in trance. Especially when you find yourself doing surprising things you didn’t know you wanted to do.”

“By that you mean things like my hypnotic sexual enslavement?” she said, smiling back at me as I nodded. “That’s huh… Very considerate of you… Thank you…”

“Think nothing of it…” I said. 

She smiled before she took a deep breath and placed the book on the coffee table next to her.

“Speaking of sexual enslavement…” she said. “How do you envision things going forward, now that we proved that being your live-in sex slave is something I want. Are you just going to turn me into Candy whenever we are alone? If so… I think the resulting gaps in my memory will be very annoying…”

“But very entertaining… So I’ll definitely do that from time to time…” I said, winking. “Other than that though… We can take things slow and add more sexual triggers like the blowjob one until my hypnotic suggestions push you to move in with me. You don’t mind that… Do you?”

“Of course I don’t!” she said. “Try to add as many triggers and compulsions as you want! I know I’ll only obey those I want to do anyway so go ahead and explore what you can make me do!”

I chuckled.

“I take it then that you are willingly embracing your hypnotic and sexual enslavement to me?” I said.

“I… I guess I am…” she said, biting her lower lip as her cheeks went red. 

“Excellent…” I said, barely hiding my deep satisfaction.

I was tempted to celebrate by triggering her to give me head, but I refrained and dropped her deep into trance so I could start building on these new beliefs…

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