
by tara

Tags: #clothing #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #mind_control #sub:female #consensual_kink #urban_fantasy #wholesome

Mina visits her ex, a licensed hypnotherapist, to help get over a bad breakup.

"Ahhhh, I shouldn't be here." Mina groans at the front step of the multi-purpose office building. Only two floors and mostly filled with small, niche services operated by one or two owners. Saige's little office is right in the corner, giving Mina the entire stretch of stairs and corridor to turn away and run. Except she had already booked an appointment, even receiving a confirmation text from Saige.

From her work phone. It makes Mina feel ever so slightly frustrated, like the two are nothing but strangers. After all, she still has Saige saved in her contacts. With some bubbling insecurity, no doubt stoked by the dumping she just received, she wonders if her details are still on Saige's phone. Her first ever girlfriend, the smartest person in the room who always had the most to say, now Mina isn't sure what she's expecting either of them to say. Best to keep it professional, but then she still booked this when she could have sought help from more appropriate channels... what is she even doing? 

As the young twentysomething shifts from left to right foot on the stone step outside, nerves threatening to twist her face into a yet undiscovered shape, her pocket buzzes her back into the realm of conscious thought. A text from Saige. So she did have her saved, still. Oh no, wait, she did give her contact details making the appointment. Mina bites her lip, angry at herself for having felt so invested when Saige isn't even her most recent ex anymore. If she is to experience the ugly sensation of unrequited longing, it should be for a much more recent heartbreak.

Are you coming inside? You look tense, Mina. I brewed some tea!

Mina freezes like a criminal caught in the act, staring up at the windows above her but unable to see anything but glare from the midday sun. So she was being watched, huh? That's so like her, she used to watch her fall asleep all the time. Her more recent ex did too, she must put on quite the show of slumber. The promise of tea certainly does entice her to shake off her nerves and take the first step into the building, shamefully excited to have been thought of so sweetly after so long. She was always being looked after like that, her dependency on her partner was one of the main reasons her relationship of six months just got the executioner's axe. 

It's hot in the building, their air conditioning must surely be busted. Absolutely no other reason why Mina's skin is so flush. Who is she kidding, really? She thinks to herself: Ahhhh, where do you get off saying I look tense like it's any business of yours, huh? I'm fine, perfectly fine. You don't get to read me like that. 

And yet it sort of is Saige's business, in a very literal sense. If Mina is going to get anything out of this, she should want to be read so well, yet it gets to her how little she has apparently seemed to change. Mina's fingers clasp the strap of her bag and she stands in front of the door to Saige's office, feet together and eyes straining through the frosted glass. It's a small office, but she's still impressed. A little jealous that she's never gotten a chance to step foot inside until now. Back when they were dating, this office was just a dream that Mina wanted so badly to support, but she hadn't been good enough. She had doubts, which quickly festered into what Saige could only see as lack of faith. When two people share a dream it can be wonderful to ride that high, but when one drags it down into reality the other can only be dragged down with them. Saige refused to let Mina drag her down and this is the reality, she made her dream come true. 

It makes Mina feel so jealous. One day she would like to be the one doing the breaking up, or else her self esteem is going to shatter. If she's here, it likely won't weather a light breeze. 

"Are you coming in or not? I do have a client after you, seriously..." Does she sound annoyed? She should be a little more professional, Mina thinks with a half-hearted pout. Of course, she's oblivious to Saige's slight smile from the other side of the frosted glass. "You know you're supposed to ring the bell, or I won't know you're waiting to come in." 

That amused tone only makes Mina feel less ready to ring the bell, if only she wasn't being spied on so much. She still needed more time, but that's not how scheduled appointments work. Mina no longer has the luxury of spending time with Saige as she pleases, she knows that. 

The door swings open and Mina half expects an embrace of some kind, to reminisce in those arms, but Saige stands stiff in that tucked blouse and pencil skirt. "Haha, hell're you wearing, say-say?" Ahhhh crap, I defaulted. I'm a client, not her girlfriend. But that outfit is priceless, Saige hates restrictive clothing! Or... ah, well, she used to anyway. 

"I know, right?" Saige seems embarrassed, which relaxes Mina some. "I try to look the part, nobody wants their therapy from someone in a loose tank top and baggy shorts. I can't say I love wearing this, think I laid the perfume on a bit too thick as well!"

Wait, she's not acting professional at all? Does that mean she's okay with this? Mina had worried that while Saige accepted her booking out of courtesy and for her job, she may have resented the clingy ex showing up to bother her some more. To the contrary, Saige actually appears happy to see her. At the very least it's a well rehearsed act. Mina sighs in relief that Saige has not changed so drastically as to have upended her wardrobe preferences. When people change after falling out of touch, they can often seem strangers when you meet again. She's the same, too. It's not just me then. 

Both of them seem to be taking the reunion with surprising ease, acting naturally and even seeming to wear easy smiles. Then Mina decides to open her mouth carelessly as she hangs up her coat on the rack, door clicking shut behind them. "Yeah... isn't that the perfume I got you for our anniversary? The one where we..."

Saige's turn to freeze on the spot, like a pretty mugshot. "Uh... uh-huh? Is it? I don't think it is, right?" 

"Well in any case, you smell fine." Mina sets her bag down on the floor, giving the air a few sniffs. It definitely is, I spent way too long that day sampling them to find the right one for her and then she totally dumped me anyway. On our anniversary. Everything started going right for her afterwards, so I guess she made the right call...

"Just fine? Don't, you're going to make me paranoid, I'm supposed to be cool and collected here." 

"You know I was broke dating you, fine is all I could afford! You could buy yourself something more expensive by now, right?"

Saige looks down, a finger running through a curly lock of hazel. "Yeah I... guess. I guess I hadn't gotten around to it, thanks for the tip."

Is it just me, or is the atmosphere in here totally suffocating? I'll just go and sit down, she was wanting to hurry things along right?

"Don't mention it! Now, where do I sit?" She says, with the single reclining chair off to their side. "No wait, I can figure this out. No hints please." 

Saige laughs, but catches herself quickly, circling around her desk to take a seat and flip her notepad up. Both are so distracted that they each forget about the pot of freshly brewed tea, left forgotten in the midst of awkward tension.

Mina gets into the chair and rests her legs, wondering if this will be anything like those practise sessions she had offered herself up for on their shitty old couch. Back then she went into trance easily, she always thought that being in love with Saige made it so easy to follow each suggestion anyway. So how about now? Maybe she'll be stubborn, resist out of some sense of misplaced revenge? Would it be worth her money to spit in Saige's face like that, Mina wonders bitterly. 

Probably not, she always hated seeing her girl upset. That was the hardest part of breaking up, even though Saige was dealing the dumping she doused her pretty cheeks in tears all the same. It was the one thing they had agreed on at the time, apparently. 

"You're going to sit all the way over there?" Mina whines, looking up at an upside-down Saige sitting at her desk, the girl having reclined a little too far. 

The hypnotherapist's eyes flick up to glance over at Mina for just a second, before returning to her empty page. "Thought you'd be glad to be spared the cheap whiff of my perfume? This is... where I normally sit, okay? This is normal, Mina."

The girl in the recliner squirms, crossing her arms, uncrossing them, crossing her legs... and so on. "This isn't normal. This is weird, like super weird."

Saige taps aimless dots onto her notepad page, her work brain completely lost on the other side of frosted glass. "Heh. Yeah. It is weird. What the hell were you thinking booking an appointment here like this? That's really weird, Mina."

It's weird her saying my first name like that, I'm so selfish for wanting to hear her call me by the name she used to be so fond of. I already slipped up, I wonder if that made her mad... or happy. Wait wait wait, I really am being weird! I should apologise. 

"I'm... sorry. I guess I never got to support your dream before, right? But I guess that's not it either. I've been seeing someone for a while now and we finally broke it off, I remember your trances helping me through my parent's divorce and like, a ton of other important stuff. I just thought... fuck, you were so good to me then and I need it... I know I have to pay now, so it shouldn't feel weird."

"Wording it like that makes it sound even weirder, are you trying to make this as awkward as possible? And uh, you were easy to be good to so I wouldn't really praise me for it. You have those puppy dog eyes that make people just want to do things for you, keep you close and well groomed."

Mina's face heats up and she fidgets with her nails, suddenly conscious of the dirt under them and realising the significance of Saige's words. Is she really so helpless by herself? Isn't that a little sad? "Wh-what are you saying? I mean... my partner just broke up with me for being such a dependent lover that they felt exhausted having to take care of us both. It makes me feel like some immature kid, I mean, it was the same with you right?"

"Not at all! In fact that's something I really love about you, I find your neediness rather cute and spoiling you quite enjoyable." Saige manages to say it with a straight face, but her breath does catch in her throat afterwards.

There's a heavy pause, before Mina shyly repeats the only word she really heard. "L-love?"

If she had spoken in past tense, I might not have said anything.

An even longer pause, the oppressive air in the room almost enough to make Saige stand up and crack a window. 


"So, this partner of yours... man or woman?" Saige is tapping her desk with those long nails, a nervous habit she hasn't had since... Mina. Living with the girl for long enough to realise their love had potentially been so uneven left her nerves in tatters every day, by the time their 4th anniversary came around she could no longer bear it. So, the tapping is back, that's likely no cause for concern whatsoever... 

"Hehe, now you're just being silly. You know I could never love a man like that." The unnecessary, arguably rhetorical question has successfully sliced through the tension, somewhat. 

"You never know, people can change." Saige is just stalling with words again, she knows better than anyone how deep Mina's love for women runs. It almost hurts her to suggest otherwise, like she's pretending they weren't as close to have known each other like that. 

Mina crosses her arms and uncrosses her legs again, the peculiar habit just as distracting as that endless tapping at the edge of Saige's desk. "Well, you haven't." 


"I'm glad... I mean, you never had anything you needed to change."

Saige sighs. Mina still sees her as some perfect being, too refined to have any serious flaws. They could never see each other eye to eye because of this misguided perception, constantly being placed on a pedestal is hard to live up to. It made her own standards for herself shoot up too, wanting to be as perfect as Mina had saw her. She decides to try and correct that, bring them onto the same level. Mina's intentions in booking this appointment may possibly have been selfish and needy, but Saige can be like that too sometimes. 

"Actually Mina. I um, I knew you were dating a woman. I saw some pictures and uh, you really upped your PDA game since I last saw you." When did this perfectly kept notepad get so many scribbles?

"Oh... oh! Are you stalking me on social media?" 

"Nothing like that, don't get the wrong idea." 

Mina has a dopey smirk on her face, so Saige gets jealous too? She never knew, the older girl is always so composed. 

"That public stuff was totally her idea, I'd never have the courage to do that without someone squeezing my hand and telling me it's okay. I guess she never mentioned how much hard work it was to always be the one initiating and reassuring. Do you wish we did more of that kind of thing? If you'd have told me, I would have."

What if Saige just slammed her head into the notebook instead? Maybe she could paint a pretty picture out of the shattered fragments of her skull and that mushy brain within! At least, that's what those words make her feel like doing. Could her problems with Mina really have been solved with a simple, civil discussion? Her mind had been so made up that day, feeling so exhausted from that building stress... but hadn't she been doing that to herself by keeping it all hidden? If she had asked Mina to trust in her dream, if she had asked for more affection... would... would they still be... 

"Uhm, Say? You know you're on the clock right? I'm gonna request a refund if you don't say anything!" I'm enjoying this. I have power over her for once, it feels really good. Maybe if I make her really jealous, if I make her really regret dumping me, I'll start to feel better for real. Yeah, yeah! Therapy is great!

"Huh? Wha? Oh, right... So you were broken up with again? How did that make you feel?" Saige draws a great big smiley face over her page, trying to imitate it as best she can. This is fine.

"Woah, are we really doing the whole therapy thing now? I thought you preferred to just stick to your little niche."

Ah, it hurts for her passion to be trampled on by those words. It hurts to hear Mina say it, even if she knows she couldn't possibly mean it. So it's spite, then? A part of her is disappointed, while another feels special to be at the receiving end of such vitriol at long last. Their break up was so fast and Mina was far too nice and quiet when she so clearly wanted to yell until her throat hurt. It let her know those feelings have not dissipated yet. 

"I... no, I just. I seriously wanted to know, Minny."

Ahhhh, she looks so vulnerable right now. She even called me by her petname! I'm getting everything I wanted, so why does it feel so bad?

"It didn't hurt as much the second time. I don't think I could love her as much as she loved me, if anything I felt sort of... happy for her? We weren't compatible, so I was like... oh, good for you. I'm sure she'll be married to some doting dominatrix before long so really I was just in the way right?" 

"That's good. I mean, it's good that you're so mature about it."

Mina kicks her legs up and down in the reclining chair. "No it's not! I'm not mature about it at all, I said all that and yet I still wanna call her names and pull her hair and say it's actually all her fault that I was like that! I'm a brat who'd sooner shackle my partner down than willingly go through another rejection! I knew we weren't right, but I just smiled and kissed her neck until she forgot all about it... I didn't want to be left alone again, I'm just useless without a girlfriend! Okay?"

It takes all of Saige's will not to laugh at Mina, or run over and pet her hair and shush her sweetly. She's just so cute, especially when she's all hot and bothered. It's not fair how cute she is, Saige thinks as her fingers tighten around her masochistic ballpoint. "Did you want to say all of those things to me, too?"

"Of course I did! You were being a pain in the ass... blaming me because you were scared... aren't you a psychology major?" 

"Hah, well maybe you should have. Didn't you trust me to hear you out?"

Mina shakes her head, even if Saige isn't able to see it from that angle. "You were too good at shutting it out, you'd have just found it cute."

"It is cute, Mina. You'll never realise just how cute it is. Cute enough to keep holding onto, maybe. I'm sorry I was a pain in the ass."


"We both were... so uhm, truce?"


"Wow would you look at that, we only spent half the session digging up the past, I can still provide you the service you actually paid me for! How lucky."

"It's your fault I had to trap you like this, you ghosted me when I started trying to message you." It seems that Mina is significantly more comfortable than she had been upon first arriving, those nerves having been converted almost entirely into a desire to keep talking to Saige. She's finding out things that they never shared when they were supposed to be closest, maybe they really did need to break up.

"Ah, well you had a new woman so I thought it best to maintain distance. And besides, I broke up with you, isn't it completely normal to block your number if you keep trying to contact me?" Saige thinks back to Mina's messages, though she had to ignore them, even they were just dripping in Mina's trademark cuteness. Such awkwardly worded attempts to reach out, each one more charming than the last.

Mina smooths her shirt over her belly in an attempt to leave those nails alone. "You didn't block me though."

"No... I didn't..." Hadn't they just called a truce? The atmosphere creeps back in, weighing them down into their respective seats.

"Did you want to respond?"

"Of course I did..." Everything Mina does is cute, it drives Saige up the wall. Her nails threaten to strip the oak from her desk, she wants her so badly. She wants to run her hands through her hair and kiss her chest. She wants to straddle her waist and laugh with her as they exchange tastes. She had to maintain distance, it was the only way she could get through her day without stapling a picture of Mina's new love to a dartboard on the wall! 

"What would you've put?" How did I never see it before? I thought I was the jealous, needy one... but Say-say is practically giving off steam. Why am I still not satisfied?

"Hmmm..." The clump of need squirms behind her desk, rubbing her thighs together just slightly. "I guess, I'd congratulate you."

"Pfft. You're a terrible liar."

Saige wants to shut off Mina's running mouth with her own. Of course she's lying! If she had let herself type a reply, it would have been so pathetic, pleading for them to get back together and apologising profusely for everything she had ever said and done. Mina's cuteness had infected her soul, if she had not kept distance she would have surely become a thrall to that power. It was no wonder they could never meet on the same level, the pedestal of cuteness Saige had put her girlfriend on was much taller than that of the one Mina placed her on. What good is perfection when faced with a smile that could unthread you in an instance? Could weave you back into its warm blanket and smother you... she had all of that to herself, and it terrified her. You no longer have to spend every day worried your perfection will slip and you'll lose that lovable bundle of cuteness if you're already broken up. If you chose to part with it. 

If Saige were to psychoanalyse herself, she'd be able to fill her entire notepad with more than just scribbles. 

"But that's okay." Mina continues, smiling softly. That smile. "I think I'm ready to go into trance now."

"Oh, r-right. Well then, I suppose I've given you ample time to find a comfortable position. Even if I know how restless you are." The thought of hypnotising Mina after so long is almost more than Saige can handle right now, in all of her ex's cuteness her sleeping face was among the most powerful. She loved to watch her drift off before her after sex, or fall deep for her on that beaten up couch during practise inductions. The desk will keep her from making any moves, Saige tells herself. Maintain distance at all costs, standing next to her by the door was far too close. The conversation had landed on Saige's old perfume, but she never got to mention just how good Mina smelled. Like apricot. She only uses that soap to shave, so Saige knew that Mina was making an effort for her... and she was a little sweaty too, from squirming out there in the sun and walking all the way from her house. All of it made Saige feel sick. From the moment her ex had entered her office, Saige had wanted nothing more than to bury her face into that body of hers. She has to maintain distance, she doesn't deserve any of that. Saige is perfectly content to admire Mina like one would a gorgeously painted portrait. Even after it is long dried, you never touch the paint. 

"Hehe, you know me so well. But ah, I'm sorry to make such a selfish request... can we do it like we used to? I think I'd go down faster." Did I just say 'go down'? That made me sound like a perv. 

"Wow, you totally just sounded like a perv." The two share a laugh from a safe distance, but Saige is simply stalling. She understands the meaning of Mina's request and isn't strong enough to deny it, so her dreams of distant admiration have swiftly come to their end. No matter, she still won't need to touch. It just means she gets to enjoy Mina's intoxicating blend of apricot and exertion. 

"Is that a no...?" Finally, Mina is back to her vulnerable self. Those puppy dog eyes turned in Saige's direction, knowing she could never resist their sway. 

Saige slides her chair back and takes note of the inappropriate heat between her thighs, flattening out her skirt before standing up and walking her chair around to sit beside Mina. Her chair is pulled up close, sitting with her knees brushing the side of the recliner. "Like this?" 

"Not quite." Mina reaches over and laces her fingers into Saige's, the therapist feeling as though she has just been caught in a deadly trap. Lethally loveable cuteness. "This is how we sat on the couch, 'member?" She really came over here. She's so easy. She... she's so close. Her hand is shaking, is she nervous?

"You think I'd forget something like that? That's the happiest... that's..." It isn't that Saige is nervous... she's in heat! Mina's hand has her helplessly turned on, she isn't sure how she's going to get through an induction when she's the one so helplessly entranced. 

"I'm glad. Me too." Mina's fingers are so delicate, she really is so weak and helpless. Saige could hurt her so easily, but she wouldn't dare. That was a mistake she never intends to repeat. If Mina is so fragile, then what does that make the woman so thoroughly fragmented by her touch? And those words, like honey being poured into her ears. Her only solace in this teasing is knowing that Mina will soon be deep under hypnosis, no longer able to undo her so simply. As if... she'll only grow more cute and powerful, like an ancient evil with bunny ears and a winning smile. 

"What are you thinking about, Mina?" Saige tries her best to assume that calm, authoritative cadence she always uses when guiding her clients down into trance. Her voice may quiver here and there, but that's only because she wants to fuck the ever loving shit out of the girl in front of her be there for her client. Nothing more!

Mina is familiar with this dance, though it has been a while. It was a shock when she entered her second relationship and realised that most don't come packaged with their own mind melting service, as obvious as that obviously was. She knows to get comfortable, and with her hand being held she can finally stop shifting around restlessly. Pacified, placated... she really is a brat. What else does she know? Oh, that's right. "My breathing?"

"Oh? You're jumping ahead, silly. But I'll indulge you as always. Yes, you're thinking about breathing. When people do that, they tend to start breathing manually rather than subconsciously, don't they Mina?" Every question is punctuated by the girl's name, compelling her to keep answering, to associate herself with the answering of Saige's easy questions. Making her responsive, receptive. 

As she thinks about each inhale and exhale, Mina nods. "Mm..."

"Simply having to focus on your breathing makes it easier to relax, to control the pace of your rise and fall, rise and fall. It's also a distraction though, so it makes it harder and harder to think about other things. Is there anything else you're thinking about, Mina?"

It takes a tiny moment for Mina to realise another question was asked, her name tethering her to it. "Ah, uhm. My eyes."

"Yes, your eyes. You start thinking about blinking and suddenly that's manual too, right? As each blink comes and goes, they may fall slower and stay shut for longer, they may grow heavy and more difficult to keep open. I'll be honest with you and say that they most certainly will, given that you know so anyway. Remember those past sessions, how heavy you became, just blinking slowly for me. You have two distractions for all those other swimming thoughts to contend with now. My voice breaks through because you're nicely focused on it. What do you think of my voice, Mina?"

Mina's eyes become slightly wet, being told to remember the past was almost enough to break her and not in the intended way. "I... I love your voice..." She admits, blinking through that moisture. "...I miss your voice." 

Saige swallows, thinking a little too much about her own breathing now. "You have it. My voice is right here, guiding you down into that pleasurable haze we both know you love so dearly." She realises she should have used a better word than pleasurable, her next client will not be getting this kind of treatment after all. 

"Mmh." Mina seems happy though, lightly squeezing Saige's fingers in hers. 

"What are you thinking about now, Mina?"

"My hair."

The answer gives Saige pause, Mina already appears to be slipping, which is cute in of itself. So vulnerable and open, so easy to talk down into sleep. "Ah, y-your hair? Could you elaborate, Mina?"

The hair in question is draped to one side over Mina's shoulder, flowing over her like delicately woven silk. "It... really relaxes me, when you pet my hair. Please..."

How could Saige possible deny such a request? Her right hand reaches out to stroke fingers gingerly through Mina's hair, fingertips dancing over her scalp. She really does have the softest hair, so perfect and silky. It feels like her fingers are blessed to be entwined within the strands, but even more blessed does she become once Mina gasps under the touch. She coos softly, like some kind of princess. 

"Does it feel nice, Mina?" Saige thinks it a useless question, as she is the lucky one and Mina's cute sounds give away her own contentment besides. Still, the questions are the induction. 

"Mmh... yeah..." The silken haired girl nudges into the touch eagerly, a precious low whine escaping from between parted lips. Saige attempts not to think about those lips, nor allow those adorable noises to exacerbate her shameful desire. Neither attempts work well, but at least she tried. 

If she were to tug on that hair, Saige bets the resulting sound would be the best she had ever heard. Instead, she continues to pet her so affectionately, the touch bringing her deeper than even her words could dare to. They did use touch to communicate what they could never say in their relationship, with a wry smirk Saige wonders if she and Mina simply needed to fuck things out? Probably just the lust speaking, as it currently tortures her body from within. 

"Now what are you thinking about, Mina?" Wait a second, isn't Saige just indulging all of Mina's urges and wants under the guise of an induction? That being said, it is proving an effective way to pull a mind deep under. As much as one can be under, anyway, from the very first question Mina was under a light form of suggestion after all. Hypnosis is simply a game of how far you want to swim out from the shallow end. 

With her hair so wonderfully petted, Mina's sinking mind ponders the next thing to latch onto. To relax her, make her feel so loved. "Belly..." 

"Huh?" Saige racks her brain to consider where Mina has pulled this thought from, but she admits to herself that a chance to touch Mina's body makes her heart skip a few beats. Is it really okay? It isn't like Mina is being brainwashed, right? Trance isn't like that. 

"Mm... Sara rubbed my belly at night... it was nice. She was so loving... like you..."

Ahhh... Saige isn't sure how she should feel about that. A part of her is blushing hard at the end of the sentence, glad that Mina's heavy eyes have almost closed entirely by now. A louder, more obnoxious part of her is fuming with jealous rage. She forgets that Mina did just get out of a very romantic long term relationship, or she had wanted to forget. Still, she can't complain, now this special act between them is passed on to her. It's hers now, Mina's hers now. She can't help but think like this in the heat of the moment, chastising herself internally for being so perverted. Before long her thighs are moving on their own again, however, because the idea of rubbing Mina's belly is just so cute that she's desperate to try it. 

"I'm happy you feel comfortable to share that with me, Mina. In fact, you feel so comfortable right now, so much so that you will let me know if that comfort begins to recede. I'm going to rub your belly, just how Sara did on those sweet nights together. Probably in bed, just before hitting the hay, so I imagine you may associate such an act very closely with sleep. Think about that, think deeply on that, as my fingers glide softly over you."

And just like that, Saige's fingers slip so easily out from that soft satin and back into the heavy air. It doesn't matter, though, because all of Mina is silk. Her skin as soft as breeze against a flower as a blooming hand deftly plants itself onto her tummy, right over her navel. Mina groans and Saige understands instinctively, they really have evolved past speech. Slowly, apprehensively, Saige rolls up Mina's shirt and exposes her silky skin to the well lit room. "Like this, Mina?" Her fingers caress the skin and Mina gasps. 

"Nnh... cold."

Really? Saige is shocked, every part of her feels overheated, but she had not considered Mina's own potential heat... thinking about it now, imaging that they both feel that lust bubbling up through their bodies, Saige really wants to fuck. It's practically all she can think about, like a teenager getting their first girlfriend. Using her breath to heat up her fingers, Saige returns to her... to Mina's belly. "How about now?"

"Yeah... nice..." Mina really is bad at directly dishing out affection to her partner, this is true. Saige can understand why this Sara woman would have felt unloved only ever being the one to dish out love, but she simply can't empathise. Having her own body touched can just make her feel self conscious and uncomfortable, but getting all of Mina to play with is like a dream come true. The subtle moans of delight and endless need for more is how Mina's affections are doled out, at least in Saige's eyes. Maybe they're just more compatible partners... 

"It feels so good to touch you like this again, y'know? I don't think other girls come like you, Minny." 

"Heh..." She may be in trance, drifting in that lovely altered state, but her mind is still more or less there. Saige decides to rectify that to cover up the embarrassing confession she just made.

"Mina, do you you want to fall deep for me now? So deep that we can't see the bottom. That I'll ask you what you're thinking about and an answer just won't seem to come until I let it, till I give it an answer. Is that something you'd be interested in?"

The girl curls up in the recliner, like a cocoon of silk. With an almost imperceptible smirk on those gentle lips, she nods slowly. "I... I want that."

"Good girl, I know you do." Saige pushes her luck, but her body is beginning to take the reigns. She's always resented the common perceptions of love between two women being so demure and sweet, it can be, but right now all Saige wants is to give Mina more orgasms than her addling mind can count up to. 


"I wonder if our old trance trigger still works after a year apart."


"Mina. Lose your thread." Something in Saige makes her want to start crying, though that would surely ruin her mood. She had never expected to be able to say those words to Mina again, she thought their differences irreconcilable. But now they understand each other better, because of that time apart. Because of failed flames. Actually, Saige hasn't dated, she still had that silk on the brain. She remembers how hurt she felt when Mina had moved on after only six months, even if she was the one cast out, but look at her now. Saige's. If she plays her cards right, anyway... 

The silk cocoon sighs out and feels herself spread out over the recliner, a leg dangling from the side and an arm unravelling to hang alongside it. Her eyes are closed, her mind feeling like thick sludge that her silky thoughts could definitely not traverse. "I lost my head."

"That's right Mina, completely under for me, so deep that you can't see up to the top anymore. Floating in a blank empty room, but it isn't cold or scary. No, it's warm, you're warm." Saige's hand rubs Mina's belly again, the hypnotised girl seeming pleased. "You feel safe and you feel... loved. You feel so open and receptive and malleable for me, you want to go along with any suggestions I make because you trust me implicitly. If I say anything that seems off, you'll find your thread, but otherwise your head will remain lost and you'll do as you're instructed. Do you understand me, Mina?"

"I'll... do as I'm... told." Well, Saige no longer has to pay her heating bill over the winter, she can just remember this moment instead. Did the slumbering Mina intentionally word that in the most teasing possible way? Even her delivery was perfectly meted to ruin Saige's poor panties. 

"Y-yeah, good girl... uh... c-can I, ah... aha... Fuck can I... can I touch you? Can I make your body mine again, like we used to? Is... is it really okay?" Her limit of restraint had been reached, Saige can barely even wait for the answer but knows that she must. It only feels good to touch Mina when she loves it, but she's only ever had one experience of that not being the case. It was when she reflexively reached out to comfort Mina after trampling on their anniversary with that sudden break up. Even then, she was too addicted to resist the attempt, but that tearstained cheek felt so cold and no softness could excuse how bad it felt. 

Mina writhes on the recliner, her body just as impatient to be touched as Saige is to touch it, even when her mind is turned off her body is very much turned on. It's hard to hypnotise that out of a person and Saige would sooner die than make any attempt to. "Please... touch me... anywhere, everywhere... It's okay... I'll do as I'm told."

Saige feels lightheaded from that response, knowing that in this state Mina can only speak her thoughts directly, secrets spilling out of her mouth and directly into Saige's rapidly beating heart. Given permission to play with the girl she once loved and probably still does, still desperately yearns for, Saige forgets her credentials entirely.

Her fingers slip out from between Mina's and she twists her knees to pull her chair even closer, hands hovering over the tranced girl like she's a kinky new instrument. One impatient hand instantly pushes down with light pressure against Mina's groin to watch out for the ways in which she twitches and moans. She sounded desperate just now, so Saige decides that Mina really was just as desperate as her. It makes her want to fall in love, but first she wants to make the object of her desire cum as much as she can before her arms ache too much or the trance trigger breaks. 

The other hand pulls up Mina's shirt until it slips over the curve of her chest. Ah, why is she wearing such a cute bra? Saige wonders if Mina wore it for her, the sky blue lace bralette doesn't look cheap. How did someone as broke as Mina afford it? Jealousy stirs again, when she considers it could have been a present from Mina's very affectionate ex girlfriend. Well it has to come off now, as cute as it is. Once she has it firmly thrown to the side, quite literally in this case, Saige wastes no time in kneading the nude bust before her. Mina's breasts are bigger than hers, but they're also rounder and most certainly softer. While she doesn't wear a lot of makeup, unlike Saige who feels naked without it, Mina is a professional beautician. It results in her hair having that lustre and moreish silk feel, her skin smooth as an apricot's and scented freshly like one too. Her only blind spot is her nails, which her girlfriends always end up filing and painting for her. Mina once confessed to Saige that she prefers making other people pretty than bothering with herself, which could very well have led to its own prolonged fight. How oblivious can you be?

As Saige's sweaty hand works at stiffening Mina's nipple against her palm, fingers groping so wantonly, her other hand works to push Mina's skirt down her thighs. With the skirt out of the way, she takes a moment to admire the way the front of Mina's panties cling to her vulva from her slick heat, before hooking a finger into them and sliding them out of her way too. A finger strokes across Mina's labia in half circles, not daring to push any deeper until her toy is sufficiently wet for her. It all just feels so good to be having sex with Mina again after so long, her own pleasure is secondary... Even though she's certainly already wetter than Mina. It's fine, she doesn't need to receive... she can give enough for the two of them, thrice over. That's six orgasms right?

A part of her wishes she wasn't too embarrassed to do this with Mina fully awake, but this has it's own charm too, she still knows that Mina wants it and that makes her heart flutter and threaten to flee her chest. Both her hands press down into different parts of the girl's body, pulling, pinching, groping, stroking, caressing and tickling every inch of erogenous flesh she can get her hands on, which is all of it. "M-mina..." Saige moans, not even touching herself but feeling the pleasure in those practised hands. "I think... I love you." A year apart has done nothing to calm the pounding in her heart whenever she sees or even hears about Mina. When Mina started dating she had to throw herself into her work to stop from breaking down and becoming truly useless, that hard work paid off and she opened her dream office. See? Even while Apart Mina was helping her all along. 

Mina is still missing her head, having lost her thread. In this state of deeply conditioned trance, she can only really speak her mind candidly. "I love you..."

"Ah!" Saige lurches forwards, climbing onto the recliner as she crawls over her lover like a needy cockroach. Her hands keep herself held up just above Mina's shoulders, head hanging low to bring her face oh so close to the other's. "Y-you really mean it?" 

"Yep." Ah, Mina is so cute. 

"And you love Saige, right? Y-you don't think I'm Sara?" She's not dense, but she wants to hear it anyway. 

"I love Saige." Mina is unbelievably cute, it's a miracle to contain all of that in one bundle. 

Saige hugs the sleeping girl, so tight that she probably breaks her out of trance a little. 

"Mina, what are you thinking about?"

"Dating..." Ah, she's still under, but she's risen some. That's understandable, Saige has not been a particularly dutiful hypnotist. 

Their bodies kiss, Saige lowering herself to lay atop Mina, head resting in her shoulder. She's temporarily forgotten those six orgasms on order, something even more enticing now on offer. "Oh? Well then, do you maybe... want to go out with me?"

Mina nods, a slight smile coming to those perfectly soft lips. For the briefest moment, Saige wonders what lips that nice would feel like on her body. "Yeah... I never wanted to stop going out with you, dummy."

Saige wants to have herself drawn and quartered. Even so, she's glad she was such a dummy. It led to this moment, after all, which she could drown in for eternity. Perfectly preserved in resin, a picture of love. 

"Say it nicer than that, I'm trying to be romantic." Saige snaps her fingers but honestly, that suited her just fine romantically speaking. She just wants an excuse to compel Mina in trance with one of her snaps, it's such a high really. 

"I want to go out with you, Saige." It makes Mina feel so heated to be chastised by Saige, even in trance, even over something silly. A part of why their relationship had fallen apart was because Saige refused to ever criticise her openly, even things that obviously bothered her. She didn't like her dream being questioned, but refused to accept that Mina was just trying to look out for her future, their future, because her dream would also have to be Mina's. Saige had blurted out how it made her feel only after deciding to break up over it, which made Mina feel like she wasn't even considered. So... correct me all you like, Saige, tell me if you have a problem. I might still tell you where to stick it, but I'd be more or less willing to compromise. At least understand each other better. 

"Good girl, then kiss me." Saige was dreading their awkward appointment all week, she really is a dummy, and Mina a brat. Her brat, apparently. She wants to go punch a wall, in a happy way. 

Mina shifts slightly, turning her head to the side to try and find Saige's sultry lips, a clash of lipstick and chapstick follows. 

The domineering hypnotist angle she had been going for completely melts against Mina's lips and her new girlfriend takes control of the kiss while still hypnotised, such softness that threatens to turn Saige into its docile plaything. She seriously would do anything for another taste, so Mina really does hold some mighty power over her. 

"Now, I owe you some orgasms and I think you're far too bratty as you are. So... Mina, lose your thr--"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Shit, it's been that long already? Shit, shit. Uhm, Mina, on the count of 3 you will be wide awake feeling refreshed and best of all loved okay 3 2 1 aaand awake." Saige gasps for air, that was an ambitious mouthful of words to get out in one breath. She snaps her fingers in front of Mina's face a few times, the girl didn't get a proper countdown and Saige feels bad for how groggy she seems. Or maybe she's just feeling horny and unfulfilled, if only they had more time to themselves.

"Uwaahh... no fair, what is it? Say-say, you're a tease..." Mina whines like a true brat, sitting upright once Saige climbs off of her and starts flattening her skirt. 

It's full panic mode for Saige, she has her next client already at the door, god only knows what they can make out through that glass. "Look at the time, Minny! You need to uhm, get yourself dressed and I'm sorry but you have to leave. This... this isn't goodbye though, you're mine, right?"

Mina grins, still a little out of it as she pulls down her shirt and slips her panties back on. "I'm your girl." She throws Saige a peace sign, which once again sets off her cuteness detector. Otherwise called Saige's poorly beating heart. With her skirt secured, Mina shuffles off the recliner and breathes a sigh of relief that she hadn't made a mess of it. "Hey uh." She puts a hand on the taller girl's shoulder as she rushes about the room to tidy up, pulling her down into a kiss with her head tilted up. 

Saige is a mess internally, but her makeup has held decently enough, she was taught by a bona fide beautician after all. The kiss was sweet enough to warrant the additional delay, especially given it was actually initiated by Mina... that never happens. 

"When will I see you next?" She asks hopefully, not wanting her to let go. 

"Hrmm..." Mina ponders. "Well, how many other folks are you seeing? It'll get late soon enough."

"Oh yeah, this is my last. Final appointment can run over a little, I charge by the hour so..." 

This makes Mina giggle, getting another quick kiss in against Saige's jaw, turning her girlfriend into putty. "You're awful, but okay then, I'll be waiting in the lobby. When you're done we can continue what we left unfinished, my place is pretty close or I guess we can just do it in here. I really wanna do it with you now, Say-say."

"Ahh, you're so hard to please. No wonder I was so intimidated before." She pauses, Mina unsure what to say. "But you make it so fun to try. If you wanna wait for the next couple hours, I won't stop you. In fact... that makes me really happy, Minny."

"Then it's settled!"

"Ahhhh, I shouldn't be here." Mina huffs, sitting in the public, multi-purpose lobby. "But I'm glad I am." She grins to herself, staring at her unkempt nails. It's embarrassing to be sat out here without a bra on, her nipples still stiff and visible through her shirt. She's all sweaty, too, definitely needs a shower... or a bath. Maybe her and Saige will take one together. The session runs long, as Saige had suggested it might, so Mina decides to just... rest her... head...

"-ke up, sleepyhead!" The sound of snapping fingers in front of her face causes Mina's eyes to blink open, greeted with the sight of her very amused girlfriend. "You were seriously snoring, I could barely bring myself to disturb you. You're just the cutest thing in the world, you know that right?"

A blush rises on Mina's face and she hugs Saige's waist from her sitting position, hiding that face in the other's midriff. "Let's take a bath together." She mumbles into that ruffled blouse.

"Oh? Haha, yeah, we probably should. But I don't think you could smell bad if you tried, Mina."

"You smell a little bad."

"Brat!" Saige pauses, feeling that impulsive hugging of her waist and thinking that affection from someone like Mina might not be so bad every once in a while. After all, her touch is soft as silk. "Uhm, Mina..."

"Mmh? You really don't wanna bathe? Are you a nasty pervert or something? I never knew..."

"What? I don't think so... it's just, uh..."

Mina stands up, her hug sliding up Saige's body until her lips are pressed firm against the other's. Pulling away from the kiss, she smiles reassuringly. "It's okay, whatever you wanna say, you can just say it. I'll try not to tease until you're done, at least."

"Ah, I missed being this close to you. In uhm, both senses I suppose. I wanted to ask you something important... I know I'm sort of in cum debt with you right now, but before I pay that off..."

"Hmm?" It's rare to see Saige so flustered, Mina thinks with a sly grin. Well for the better part of a year, it was rare to see her at all. 

"I want you to... to fuck me, for a change. I don't think I'd ever hate being touched by you, so I'd love it if you could get me off. I'm sorry it took so long to ask. And if you don't wanna do it, that's fine t--"

Saige is cut off by those lips against hers yet again, a hand pulling her blouse from it's neatly tucked position and sliding up the inside greedily. "I think I can do that, Say. I think I want to see you cum for me after all this time. If its for you, I don't mind putting out! But I'm so horny right now you have to promise to do me right after."

"It's a deal. Hey, we're lucky we got this waiting room so empty. It's usually got one or two people in it, waiting for I don't even know which number."

"Actually, we're being watched. Look, cat." Mina points over Saige's shoulder and she turns to see the strangely still feline, instantly recognising it as the incense lady's. "See Saige? Yours isn't the only neglected pussy in the room after all."

The two laugh, Saige almost too hard, before heading out towards their long awaited bath. The last thought Saige has before they step out to meet the setting sun, is that she hopes Mina's place has bubble bath. It would be really fun to see Mina's body covered in dripping suds. 

"I love you, Minny."

"H-hey, we're starting from fresh. You have to work up to that, or I'll think you're just saying it."

"Well, I mean it, so there. I never stopped so I'm not really starting from fresh, sorry. My love for you has a rich history, a deep lore. It's expansive and--"

"Okay okay, stop the poetry recitement or I'll be forced to fuck you in the street. How's that for PDA, no more being jealous of my ex after that one huh?"

"Fine, but I love you."

Mina's cheeks are on fire, she holds onto the taller woman's arm and lets her walk them home even though it's her place they're going to. 

"I l-lo... love you."

"Hehe, you said it so easily in trance. Maybe I'll train that shyness out of you, wanna let me practise on you again? You still have our old sofa at your place right? Just like old times."

The shorter girl holds Saige's hand tightly, burying her face in her girlfriend's shoulder. 

"I'd really love that."

Thanks for reading to the end~ This is a bit of a different vibe for me, let me know if anyone wants more like it in the future ^^


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