Last Resort Island

Waking into Paradise

by tara

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #sub:female #brainwashing #clothing #cw:burns #D/s #drug_play #exhibitionism #foot_kissing #humiliation #hypnosis #mind_control #multiple_partners #personality_change #pov:bottom #sadomasochism #solo #spy #subliminal #tech_control #unaware

July Moonflower - Waking into Paradise

Despite my lack of sleep, having entertained myself until exhaustion the night before as though my fingers were attempting to excise all these poisonous feelings the day had left me with, I wake up early. Another two hours would have served me well this morning, I need to stay sharp and plan my exit strategy as best I can while maintaining my cover. Even if they know who I am, they do not necessarily know that I've caught on and perhaps that's the only reason I am still afforded any freedom here. I cannot help but wonder at their motives or objective, but if it gives me opportunity to complete my mission against all odds... I can only act to the best of my ability. 

My main task should be resisting the temptations that ensnared our infiltrations expert, which means avoiding the drinks they serve here and limiting my interactions to bare necessity. Now that I've experienced the drug first hand, I'll be able to fake the effects and only pretend to swallow. As for the subliminals they appear to be in possession of, as counterintuitive as it sounds... I'll have to focus especially hard on those. They act faster when you lose focus, your unguarded mind absorbing the information, so if I can figure out what words it means to implant its effectiveness will be significantly reduced. 

Finally, I've returned to my senses and regained a grasp on my mission objectives. The drug must have worked its way out of my system at last, it's nice to think clearly again. As much as it pains me to admit, the other priority I need to abide by in order to ensure prolonged success and resistance is to avoid interacting with March. There's a reason we are not paired up in assignments since hooking up, even us agents are human and given how last night went I've been feeling a little too human. This assignment calls for precision, I cannot falter even slightly lest they sniff out my weakness like sharks swarming blood in the ocean. 

A knock on the door has me on high alert, instinctively reaching for a weapon holster I'm not currently wearing. I never realised how much comfort a firearm on my thigh could give me until I'm robbed of it, forced to blend in as just another ditzy blonde even if I got the highest score on the garden's gruelling written test. I mustn't lose myself to pride, better just answer that door before my apprehension gives me away. I can't even afford to be suspicious here, lest I end up looking suspicious myself in turn. 

Greeting me at the door is a blank faced staffer who cannot so much as smile my way, as though the muscles in her face aren't capable of lifting that high due to intense lethargy. It would be apt to compare the workers here, save for security like that gruff redhead, to sleepwalkers. It's not difficult to figure out why they're like this, I just wonder how much of this transformation was consensual. "Your presence is requested in the training room, miss." Speaks the monotone voice, almost lulling me back to sleep by the time she's done. I simply give a curt nod and head out, feeling strange to have nothing to take with me. I've never felt so naked and it has nothing to do with the sheer amount of skin on show... not that it helps.

Deciding to play it safe and act in accordance with my cover while they still allow me to pretend, I carry myself over to the same room where orientation had been conducted the day before. Now referred to as a 'training room', the connotations give me pause when I recall what became of the woman I admire so. I tell myself placatingly that she was less aware of things as I am, that she would have still been in the dark about blowing her cover and must have slipped up as a result. Who would ever suspect the subliminals used to train us falling into enemy hands without so much as a whisper of breach? The technology took decades to develop into what we have today, I'm told that testing began as far back as the 1950's. 

The second I step inside, I know something is wrong. Did they change the room without telling me? "Ah, there you are." A husky voice sounds, breath collapsing against my neck as the woman's arm reaches around my waist and guides me down the step towards the circular table from yesterday. My breathing hitches, confused at how I let this brute sneak up on me so easily, her smug nonchalance only incensing me further. No, the emotion won't help me here. I push it down and try to remain focused, putting on my cover voice with a fluttering of eyelashes. 

"Good morning ehe... uhm, am I too early?" That me and this woman are the only ones in the room is cause for concern, even more so when she hangs her jacket up and checks the lock on the door. Her eyes sharpen on mine, like well trained knives. Before me, once again, is that unassuming paper cup and unmarked capsule. Further still is the screen displaying nothing but static for the time being, though I should be cautious of that on its own. Until I'm told to look, my eyes will avoid lingering. 

Stepping behind me with well pronounced clacks from her boots against the gaudy marble, the woman snorts. "It'll just be the two of us this morning, love. The rest of the girls already have lay of the land, but I figured you could benefit from more ah... specialised training." I know that she knows my identity, but it's too dangerous to challenge her on that right now even if March has already betrayed me. I'd like to believe she wouldn't cross that line, but I have to accept that she's been turned and I don't know the woman she's become half as well as the one she was. And even then, I wish I knew her better. 

"O-oh? Just me? Ahaha... I'm nervous!" It's hardly a lie, my eyes cast down to the sheen of the plastic pill that threatens to numb my senses once again. Of course, I don't intend on actually taking it this time, I'm well practiced in the art of faking that.

"It's a short video, then you'll be free to enjoy your fun in the sun. Make sure to pay attention this time, hm?" Her amusement is plain, rough hands guiding my head up towards the screen as training video flickers onto it innocently. I take a deep breath and steel myself, knowing that they want me distracted so it's more effective. Is that why they're not calling me out for being an undercover agent, so that I overanalyse the matter instead of actually focusing on my resistance? Being all alone already has me shaken, my eyes flicking to each corner of the room as I search for cameras. Could I subdue this woman now and take action? Risky, but... 

Ah, not good. While my mind was racing, I've already soaked up at least half a minute of this tacky tape. It's general info about the island's layout, something I should rightly be focused on. I realise the woman is still breathing down my neck, thankful to have not lost track of her at the very least. Time to pay attention for once, letting the subliminals zone me out yesterday as Jan had trained me to only led to falling under these villains' thumb. Let's see... I'd never be able to consciously decode what I'm seeing, the program is much more advanced than simply flashing a word at you to imprint on your subconscious. Actually that is more or less what happens, but my eyes won't catch it unless I've cameras in them. No such luck, plain old ocular inferiority I'm afraid. 

Just as I figure it would be all too easy to look away right now, the woman 'training' me circles around the table as if reading my mind and pulls out a chair to sit and watch. She leans forwards on her elbows, watching me with some satisfaction and obviously trying to intimidate me. I've no choice but to keep my eyes on the screen now, unless I can feign being disinterested in a way that would align with my cover personality. 

With a bored sigh, I look down at my nails and inspect each of them, catching a growing smile in the corner of my vision. What's so funny? I hate the feeling that this is all a game to the people who own this island, like I'm hamster in a wheel thinking I'll get anywhere with these tactics. All I can do is keep moving forwards, regardless. 

"Hmm... do try to focus, love." The woman gets under my skin, using the word I had clung to and twisting into something harmful, poisonous. If I tune the television out, I'm only going to fall under the program's power, but if I focus I tell myself I can beat it. Failing that, I turned to distraction free from subliminal interference. It's clear that I didn't trust focus even before she used the word, but now it feels fruitless. Focus only leads to distraction, so then, what do I do? I stare at my nails as though mesmerised, mired by indecision and failing reasoning, stalling for more time until...


My back straightens and I feel a fuzz in the back of my head, eyes flicking back up to the informational video, driven by programmed instinct. Did yesterday's slip up cost me more than just my cover? That was a command signal, Jan has used it in the past to call me back when the order to retreat rubbed me wrong. I was just a rookie, we all agreed to let her make use of the conditioning to keep us in line then but... this isn't what I signed up for.

I open my mouth to say something, anything, but fail to find the words. Right now it feels like I'm treading water in shark infested sea, barely able to keep my head above the rocky surface. Sensing my panic, the woman speaks instead. "There we go, you can fuss over your appearance later, doll." From love to doll, huh? At least she didn't combine them, I suppose. 

Only after letting my confidence over focus dwindle did she pull out this trump card, she really is a mind reader. Now when I stare at the screen I feel much less equipped to defend my mind, even if my strategy from before actually was sound... the doubt has slipped in and taints every assurance I held tight. This video really is boring, the quality obnoxiously low to mask the layered subliminal track better. They must intentionally make these tapes as unengaging as possible to allow your mind to drift, it was the same at the garden. Wildlife tapes and such, it was so easy to just tune out then when I actually wanted to be affected. 

"You look tired, girl. Trouble sleeping?" The woman across from me speaks in a low voice, making me want to groan. My initial checks could not find any but if they do have hidden cameras in the room, it means she already knows more about last night than I'd want anybody to. I turn my head to glower at her without considering my cover, but then...


"Eyes on the screen, 'kay? You don't have to answer my question, I was just curious." 

I'm visibly queasy, obeying her making me feel sick. If I were just going along with the instructions to maintain cover it'd be fine, but the compulsion brought with each snap is overwhelming. Like a freight truck crashing into my mind, allowing her to assume control in the brief resulting confusion. Wryly, I remember that I haven't even been drugged today. "I'm not tired..." I give her a pout, making sure to keep my eyes on the screen. I wonder what it could possibly be hiding behind this pacifying video, more instructions I suppose. "I... ma'am, this video is booooring... no offence!"

A dry laugh rings out, her voice as harsh as it is charming. "Yeah but it's my job to make sure you watch it to the end, trouble. Tell you what, if you really struggle that much to pay attention, I can indulge you in a little chit-chat. Still another half left, what do you say?" Ah, I just fell right into her trap didn't I? If I take her up on the offer I'll be at least halving my focus on the video while still unable to look away from it, but if I refuse her now well... I can't do that now. Should I just break her neck and be done with it? 

"Uhm, yeah sure." I shrug, pretending this is not a monumental decision that could change the course of my life if I slip up any more. "Are you like, in charge around here? Must make me pretty lucky to have you all by myself this morning, huh?" Even as I speak, I can feel the screen doing... something... to me. It's so surreal, impossible to accurately describe the sensation of having suggestion you're not privy to being permitted into your head. I blink heavy, my entire body tingling with a sense of foreboding.

Another dry laugh, the woman leaning even closer. She smells so tropical, I'm not sure what to make of that yet. "Mmmhmm, you're real lucky to have my attention. Luckiest lady on the island, I'd say, but I guess it ain't my place. You know, you really do look sleepy. Don't go closing those eyes and getting me fired, 'kay pretty?"

Ugh, I want to protest the words but instead I simply yawn, wishing her words rung less true. I am tired, my thoughts and plans not being able to keep up with ongoing developments only leaves me mentally exhausted too. I dare to imagine what would happen if I were to actually swallow the capsule this time around. I'd be on the floor, no doubt. This is embarrassing, I wonder if March was subjected to the same humiliation in her final moments of free thinking. Maybe... maybe I really do need to be more proactive here, this method is only looking more and more like a slow victory lap for these criminals in claiming another trophy. I'm not completely oblivious to how easily I've been manipulated, I can only make excuses for so long. 

"You... uhm, you think I'm pretty?" I bat my eyelashes, and grip the edge of the table, pushing onto my feet and taking a step towards the woman. Clumsy seduction into execution, she'll be dead before she even feels the warmth of my touch against her face. 

Even as I stumble forwards, the woman's smile does not fade. Is she really going to let me get away with this? I had assumed her attracted to me, but not the type to let others take the lead. Like the hamster in their eternal wheel, I can only push forwards and deny the futility of my efforts. My foot falls by the leg of her chair and I slump with a sigh, side-glancing the screen even now to adhere to my orders. My entire body feels like lead, all strength sapped as I collapse against the seated bodyguard who supports me in her well toned arms. My vision goes blurry as I try to reconcile with just how sluggish I feel, like the drug from yesterday but ten times more intense. 

"Oh dear... you weren't supposed to get up without the stimulant, silly girl. I have that effect on women like you I suppose, I could practically smell the dyke on you the moment you stepped off that boat." As humiliation tints my cheeks a darker colour than even March could earn herself in our short lived reunion, the woman holds me up and I think I'd stumble onto the ground without her support. 

"S-stimulant?" I ask her plainly, not even trying to mask my confusion. She smells good, like coconut. 

Her laugh somehow hits harder when it trails directly into my ear, when I can feel the expelling breath against my heated cheek. "You really don't pay attention at all, huh? The little pill over there? You'll want to swallow that if you don't wanna be collapsing into yourself like this. In this case, collapsing into me... which I honestly don't mind, you're cute enough."

"But... that's..." 

"Not just caffeine, stronger shit too. These videos can be exhausting, can't they?" A short chuckle. My eyes widen in realisation, recalling how we were instructed to take naps after each conditioning session in the garden due to how exhausting they were. So... it really is just a stimulant? I felt drugged by the screen?

"The other girls..." I curse myself for being so obvious, for separating myself from the others even if they've already done that in a physical sense this morning. "They had trouble standing up too..."

"Hm? Well, your stamina is rather special isn't it? Most women would struggle to stand again after being on their feet at sea all day and then having a short break on these lovely chairs. Maybe you're just seeing what you want to see, hon, though... I can't imagine why."

Colour drains from my face and I understand just how much trouble I'm in here, I'm so weak that I couldn't snap this woman's neck if I tried even as she leaves herself so open. The look in her eyes is goading, victorious, as she wraps an arm around my waist and leans over to retrieve the paper cup I left by my seat. The redhead plucks pill from the cup and holds it out in front of me. "Here, something to wake you up."

My face likely betrays the horror I feel at the realisation of just how influenced I am already, this lethargy physical proof that their conditioning has entered my head in droves. After all my confident words and internal monologues, I've yet to resist a thing. Parting my lips softly, I let her drop the capsule into my mouth after holding it over my face for a few painfully dragged out seconds. I don't intend to swallow, of course. Even if I'm starting to believe her that it may just be a strong stimulant, I can hardly trust myself now either. My judgement could be compromised already, so I should avoid consuming anything they try to push on me. I'll need to figure out how to not starve later, but for now I simply need to focus on not swallowing this...


Without even needing proper instruction to accompany the commanding sound, I swallow automatically and dig my fingers into the woman's shoulder tightly. "You're not very good at this, are you?" 

"At... at what?" I huff, overwhelmed by panic once again that I try to choke into submission. 


July Moonflower - By the Pool

My eyes finally come back into focus at the scene of a few familiar faces having fun in the pool, they really do give the girls a lot of freedom to enjoy their time here while the island is without guests. I watch them splash each other playfully and almost feel jealous. Almost as jealous as I feel when I spy Agent 3 passing by with a girl on either shoulder, the veteran giving private tour to two lucky newcomers. It pains me to note how well she fits this place now, she always was good at blending in but even I can tell this is no cover. Her eyes meet mine as they pass by, through heart shaped lenses that conceal the dullness of her stare. "March..." I call out weakly, trying to recall how I even ended up relaxing by the pool after such a whirlwind of a morning. My 'trainer' released me after I swallowed the pill even if the video had not fully finished... I remember wandering around trying to wake myself up and failing that, took a nap in the shade. Better to catch up on sleep now and have the late afternoon to do something useful for once, I figured. 

The woman does not turn my way as I face her back and the two alongside it. In frustration, I consider something bold and without my full senses to stop me, I go ahead.


March stops in her tracks and I confirm what I already knew, tempted to order her approach but noticing the eyes all over me and shrinking back into the parasol shade. So they've made it so just anyone can use the signal now? Suppose we'll have to avoid that Jazz club Jan favours so much. A few seconds later, March resumes her tour and I wave a drink over, knowing that I can't avoid them forever with myself so parched. "Uhm... do you have any water you could bring instead?" I ask with forced politeness as the sleepwalker plants a rainbow coloured concoction beside me and then leaves without further acknowledgement. I suppose that's a no, then.

I squint at the bright colours that seem to swirl together in ungodly mix, I'm the type to order straight spirits if I'm unfortunate to find myself at a bar, this is more March's fancy. I'd tease her about it in the past, she would always tell me that despite ending up in many situations during her assignments where she'd accompany a bar or mix with drinks elsewhere, she never got to order the drinks that stood out this much. March was drunk when she first kissed me, I tasted tacky cocktail on her tongue and she berated me for not making a move sooner. My fingers curl around the glass and my lip quivers, wishing I weren't deciding to spend now of all times reminiscing. I told her that I didn't think we were allowed to kiss and she claimed my lips a second time, calling me 'too green for my own good'. Bringing the rim of the glass to my lips and realising that strong alcohol is the best case scenario here, I throw it back and thank my usual drink preferences for the tolerance at such a potent mix. They have to serve normal drinks at some point or we're liable to die here. Ah right, there's water in our rooms. Slipped my mind... 

"Heya!" A woman with smooth, tawny skin and a smile to contrast my current frown plants herself on the deck chair beside my own. "Are you new? I-I don't know why I bothered asking that hehe, I know you are. I know every face around here. Want me to show you around? I was working the manor yesterday and thought I missed my chance to shepherd a fresh face, but you look like a lost little lamb so I couldn't resist."

"Ah uhm, not right now? I was shown a video tour this morning and it's a small island, so..." I'm cut off by the woman lifting herself from the chair as quickly as she situated it, planting a knee between my legs and leaning over me with fingers sinking high up my thigh.

"Oh honey, I was told by my boss to keep you company. I was just being polite hehe, we're still here to work right? Still, aren't you lucky to get such special treatment?" She giggles innocently, her cloying scent reminding me of the redhead's. Everyone who stays long enough on this island seems to wear the same coconut fragrance apparently, it's heady and alluring... I catch myself leaning forwards to chase it with my nose, the woman pushing me back into the chair by my shoulder playfully. "Exotic, isn't it? I'll let you in on a secret, hon. It's not a perfume, but a soap. Apparently it's like, addictive or something. Fuck, I believe it, I use it twice daily without fail." Another lilting giggle, making me feel dizzy. 

So they are drugging people after all? It makes sense with all those blank faces I've taken to calling 'sleepwalkers', nobody here besides myself and March would be susceptible to the subliminals without months of priming anyway. Not oral consumption, but... soap? I have to admire the creativity if nothing else. "See something you like, hon?" 

I've been staring at her skin, zoning out again after refusing to do so in front of the television earlier. It had to catch up with me eventually I suppose. "Yeah... you're real pretty, ehe..." Maybe I failed to make a move on the guard turned 'trainer' from earlier, but a simple resort girl should be child's play for someone in my line of work... especially as she's already coming onto me and well, I'm barely even acting. "Do you wanna uhm... aha, what do you say we forget the tour for now and I just take you back to my room? You can show me if I have some of that nice soap and uh, I can give you a tour of... my body?" 

Her eyes run over me lecherously, too easy. I bite my lip and run a hand through my hair, letting my body do the talking now, allowing this woman to

seduce herself as I hold my tongue. "I could get in trouble..." She finally ekes out, practically massaging my body with her own as I pretend not to be affected by that smooth gliding of skin. Usually I'm so composed in these situations, at least internally, but it has been a very unusual day and my jealousy over March and her arm candy certainly has me unqualified for my position in the agency. I still need to figure out what subliminals they managed to sneak by this morning, are they trying to make me more sympathetic to their cause? Endeared to island life so I don't want to leave like March? The not knowing is the hardest part, makes me second guess everything I do and say. I'm seducing this girl atop me out of tactical gain, right?

"Yeah, maybe. Isn't that exciting?" I imitate her giggle perfectly and seem to set her off, her hand slipping into my bikini top without hesitation. 


July Moonflower - Close Quarters

"I'd say make yourself at home, but I'm still settling in myself!" I chat idly as we push into the threshold of my room and the bubbly girl closes the door with her back, twisting the lock with a playful wink. 

"I just need to go freshen up, okay hon? You wait riiiight here." She pushes me onto my bed and in my current lethargy I'm powerless against the force, landing onto my mattress and nodding with a practiced smile. I watch her saunter into the bathroom purposefully, wondering how she managed to take control again so easily when this is supposed to be my seduction. 

Seconds turn to minutes and I wonder just what it is she's doing in the bathroom, pushing my thighs together on the bed and running fingers through my hair uncomfortably. When she finally emerges, the woman gives me a knowing smirk. "You look very flustered, dear. Everything alright?" She speaks in an inexplicably British accent in place of the one she used before, how supervillain. I know that something is wrong the moment I hear her speak, trying to stand up from the bed but feeling her weight upon me again and breathing deep that calming coconut. A bar of soap is dangled in front of my reddened face, the woman chuckling. "Not the same type, I'm afraid. To tell the truth, only my quarters has this soap you're smelling on me ahaha... if you've detected it on any of my girls it just means we have a close relationship, what can I say?"

As the other engulfs me, I try to piece together any thoughts not related to her body, why am I suddenly so out of control? It's just like last night, all I can think about is sex. "Your... your girls?"

I receive a curt nod, her fingers replacing mine as they run through my hair and mess my thoughts up even further. "I do hope you enjoy your stay here, July. You're going to be very good for me, I just know it... right about now, I'd wager you're struggling to think about anything but how unbearably hot you feel, hm?" She lifts herself off of me and steps back, assessing my flush state like a scientist analysing sample. 

"How..." I cut myself off, realising I'm only falling into her hands with each stupid question asked. She wants me in her palm, but I won't play ball... 

"You're a smart girl, Agent 7, I've seen your exam results." The woman punctuates her statement with another sarcastic laugh, leaning against drawers as she so brazenly exposes me with words and eyes alike. "Your room was prepared well in advance, subliminal audio pumps into this room 24/7, a test to see how effective it could be without visual accompaniment. Given the results we saw last night, well gosh, like Val said earlier... your stamina really is admirable."

My humiliation is worn plain on my cheeks, only hidden by the unfettered lust I know understand to be unnatural. So that's why I've been so aroused since the moment we entered, why she stalled for so long in the bathroom as I succumbed to more mind altering subliminal conditioning... too risky to kill such a high profile target if she's to be believed on her identity here, but I need to render her unconscious before I'm dancing to her tune entirely. 

"Oh my, such a fierce look for such a harmless little agent. Give me your worst, Seven." The woman goads me and like the hamster I drag myself forwards with no other recourse, struggling to stand from how deeply the heat has spread and... relieved when the following snap beckons me onto my knees.


Almost choking on my pride, I drop onto my knees like a puppet cut from its strings, staring up at her with an utterly lost expression. If this is a game that they're playing, it has surely been rigged. I know too well that this work forgets fairness at the door, but usually that works in our favour.

"You're very smart, in fact, that you've passed every test we've run so far. A weakness to my favourite brand of soap, a compulsion to bring me back to your room... both were set up this morning while I had Val tease you to drop these flimsy defences. Honestly, Madelyn put up far more of a fight that we had to resort to less elegant means to soften her up but you... well, can I let you in on another test we ran during the first orientation tape?" The woman describes my subjugation in a professional, indifferent tone. In the face of this, I'd rather the smugness and amusement return. 

"I... Madelyn? She gave you her name... you? That's..." I clench fists atop my thighs, trying with all my might to stand but finding any fight I conjure instantly converts into further arousal, like a siphon. 

"Ah, how timely. As I was saying, the very first test was to... amplify... that jealousy you feel. Drag you into temptation, chasing headfirst after the woman you adore so. She's told me everything about the two of you, dear, quite eagerly I must admit. It was she who convinced me to make you mine and she who made it possible." The woman opens a secret compartment in the drawers and retrieves a syringe in sealed plastic packaging, unwrapping it calmly as she speaks. 

"What... what do you mean?" My curiosity overrides the will to fight, not understanding this bizarre situation I've been thrust into. Nothing makes sense anymore, the strongest person I know has turned full traitor and I'm following in her footsteps like lamb led to slaughter. We're professionals, aren't we? 

"I think that's enough story time for one day, don't you? It's time to put you to bed now, dear. A good little agent needs her full eight hours, wouldn't you agree?" As her high heeled sandals clack against the ground and pull me back into the room from my indecent mental wanderings, I catch glint of the needle in her hand far too late, knowing not to move when she presses it into my neck lest I make things even worse for myself. I'm not in the position to rely on reflexes right now, I really am smart. "This cocktail is a lot less exciting and refined than Peony's precious program, but it has its uses. Certainly keeps the staff in line and if you check Madelyn's skin closely, something I'm sure you of all people would be dying to do, you'll see we had to dose her regularly for our safety and her own. You're toothless by comparison but I think a taste wouldn't hurt, I need you to be well rested for tomorrow."

I feel the chemicals have their way with me and groan, crawling forwards and holding onto the woman's leg in a desperate attempt to do something, anything, to not appear as though I'm willing participant in my own dismantling. It seems the only thing I manage here is to revive the amused look from earlier, that cloying smugness in partnership with gentle coconut. "Ugh... I'll..."

"Kiss my foot?" The woman asks in a familiarly lilting tone, pushing her leg out into my touch playfully. 

"Wh-what?" I fight the chemical sleep with all I have, leaving nothing else to resist the subliminal control. 

"I just thought it might expedite things to get you into a more submissive headspace, dear. Go ahead and kiss my foot, I insist." My eyes dart down to that open top shoe, dark and glossy skin almost seeming to twinkle up at me in my compromised state. My breath falls short and I shake my head, knowing that I can't obey her when my cover is already blown. I have no excuse to fall back on without need for performance, how cruel.

Without skipping a beat, the woman lifts my head with a handful of long blonde hair and firmly strikes my cheek with her palm. The slap seems to knock all breath out of my lungs, her voice distantly uttering the command again in strict tone as she...


Unable to even process my thoughts, I quickly dip my head down and plant lips against the top of her foot, kissing it softly as my eyes slowly uncross. "That wasn't so hard now was it?" She mocks me and in this accursed room I feel my sex throb at the teasing, wanting so badly for her to take me before the contents of that emptied syringe fog me up completely. 

Instead, I watch her leave without another word, unable to even crawl and hold onto her, beg her to stay and claim me. Oh god, I'm so desperate for that warm skin, that lilting voice that tells me what to do. I'm so needy for her firm, guiding hand. I know I'm drugged, or else I'd never admit such foul things, but to feel this way already when March... when Madelyn resisted like a professional. 

It makes me feel like I'm better suited to being owned. 

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