Felt Oral

by tara

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #exhibitionism #hypnosis #oral_sex #sub:female #transgender_characters #masturbation #mind_control #personality_change #puppet #urban_fantasy
See spoiler tags : #dom:female #f/f #selfcest

Eden receives a surprise blowjob from a puppet she just met.

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Story by Kute!

Eden waits. A sense of budding paranoia overtakes the girl at least once a morning on her commute to work, such is the trouble of being public transport based in a city with less than reliable scheduling. The train isn't even late, yet, but Eden still worries. Perhaps she intends to burn through the day's worth of anxiety before she even reaches her desk, so that she may crack on with her work in a state of perfect zen. Oh, if only that were possible, she had once tried guided meditation and fell asleep almost immediately. Worry suits her just fine, fuels her through the 9 to 5. 

On this particular day, the train comes in exactly on schedule and Eden sighs in relief. Most people would not carry quite so much concern regarding their early morning commute, but Eden does not have the luxury of an understanding manager. In fact, she's willing to bet that stuck up bitch looming over her shoulder day after day is waiting for an excuse to fire Eden over what's between her legs rather than respecting her for what's between her ears: A very pretty brain, with just the cutest little wrinkles, or so she likes to believe. 

Her somewhat juvenile train of thought almost causes her to miss out on boarding the much more mature train of work, Eden has a habit of spacing out a little in crowds. All that noise. Thankfully the train car she shuffles into is quiet as a hearse, half filled with the other early morning commuters sporting less than pleased expressions. This is a sentiment Eden unfortunately shares if that was not already apparent, she is the antithesis to the typical 'Morning Person'. Her eyes seem unwilling to fully open, her hand rising to catch a yawn every now and then. Even the small amount of makeup she wears will need another pass in the mirror once she reaches her work desk. 

At the next stop, a few file in and even more spill out into the station. Despite there being plenty of free seats, a passenger sits themself down in the one next to Eden. Most people probably would pay no attention to this, but Eden still feels the slight danger of public transport from time to time, back when she started this commute it was near impossible to get through a single journey without uninvited comments. Nowadays, eyes roll over her just fine, but this passenger to her right does breed a small concern. It's probably nothing to worry about, the girl thinks to herself with another yawn, eyes settling into something closer to closed than open. Eden Naps. 

When her eyes next blink open, Eden is surprised to see that the train car is now empty, but quickly calms down when she checks her digital watch and realises why. The office she works at is more than a little out of town, in the outskirts where all sorts of shady business are probably run, that or she has an overactive imagination... she works for a printing company. 

Just as she is about to relax back into her much needed powernap, the alarm set on her phone in the breast pocket promising to save her from any deep slumber, Eden realises that the passenger sitting next to her is still there. With all the other seats no longer even maintaining the warmth of their previous occupants, Eden seriously wonders why this person hasn't had the courtesy to move. If not for the crippling anxiety she feels over the possibility of being challenged on it, Eden would simply move herself and be done with it. Instead, the two ride the otherwise empty train car with their hips near to touching. 

Curious to see what this rude individual looks like, to see if this could potentially turn into a peculiar 'meet cute' situation, Eden slowly tilts her head and shifts her eyes to her right. She appears to be a woman of similar proportions to Eden, based on the swell of her chest, but the oversized pullover hoodie with the hood covering her face completely from this angle leaves little else to be interpreted. That being said, Eden knows that a filled chest does not instantly confirm the person's gender, she has certainly been on the receiving end of the opposite assumption in the past. The most curious observation that Eden can make, which does little to calm her nerves, is that the passenger is wearing the exact same hoodie to herself. She always commutes in something comfy and warm this time of year, slipping it off and putting it in her drawer neatly folded at work. 

Eden's hood is down though, because Eden is a good girl who wouldn't want to make the people next to her on the train nervous. That and it would mess up her hair, which does not need any more help in that regard. She is in an endless war against an enemy faction known as 'The Frizz' and she is losing horribly. When was the last time she had her hair cut? Perhaps that is the key to a strategic victory that could turn the tides of battle.

Still, the stranger does not make any sudden moves, so Eden slowly comes to relax once again. There is no way she is entertaining the idea of another nap in this intimate company of two, but she will at least try to keep to herself and see the long commute to its end. Her hands rest tentatively atop her nylon covered knees, Eden unable to help herself side-glancing the contrasting state of the stockings neighbouring hers. The knees are scuffed and the mystery passenger seems to have a notable stain near their left knee, maybe they're a drunk? 

Just as Eden is about to remove her eyes from the person to her left and return them safely to her own lap, something whips into view obscuring that messy thigh and greeting her with an uncanny grin. The passenger to her right has suddenly raised their left arm up, baggy sleeve slipping down to reveal a felt hand puppet turned in Eden's direction. The puppet's creepy smile and dangling arms are enough to freak her out on their own, but then she watches as the mouth begins to open and close, accompanied by a cartoonish voice that comes from behind that hood. 

"Oh hi there, I'm the Happy Horror! Do you wanna be friends?" The voice is high pitched, but surprisingly androgynous. It really does not sound like a human voice, but that of a character meant to entertain children. As Eden is no longer a child, she does not think herself entertained... yes, this is surely the only reason why she is currently retracting back into her seat and cursing the metal bar at her left that makes it harder to shuffle over to the next seat. 

"Ahhh... aha, sorry. I'm not interested, sorry..." A live hand grenade of nerves, trying her best not to self detonate. Her eyes flick around the train car to check for any hidden cameras, Eden not quite able to believe this conversation is seriously taking place.

"Frown!" The Happy Horror closes its mouth and the fingers inside fold it's mouth into a definite frown, making the previous exclamation rather pointless. "Is it my manners? I'd offer to shake your hand first buuut..." The arm twists from side to side, making those dangling arms swing around loosely. "I broke both of my arms in a mango juicing contest!" 

"A... a what?" Eden curses herself for encouraging the thing to keep talking, reminding herself that she is not really talking to a puppet but the person sitting in the seat. Surely she is just being messed with here, something which the groggy gal does not need this early in the day. 

The puppet hovers there in the air between the two passengers for a moment, before simply shaking its head. "Kids these days. Don't even know their fruits. That doesn't make me happy at all, only horror." The puppet then begins to make sniffling sounds as the fingers controlling it scrunch up its face. This is absurd, Eden thinks, starting to wish she had brought mace just in case.

"L-look, can you just leave m-"

"Hey! You're no kid, what're you doing talking to a silly ol' puppet like me?" The horror inches closer to Eden and pushes into her space, pretending to inspect the startled girl with those dead, beady eyes. It smells a little funny, yet familiar too. A happy horror of a scent. With a slight cringe Eden catches a little musk in those reeling nostrils of hers, her cheeks suddenly uncomfortable in their warmth. "We could be doing more adult things instead, eh? We're both gifted with stunning looks, so why not make an exchange?" 

Eden winces in shock, actually covering her mouth with her hand like something out of a television show. Is this freaky little puppet trying to flirt with her now? She is unfortunately no stranger to harassment, but this one almost makes her want to laugh, if a bit deliriously. "I... no. You don't even know what I look like, those eyes aren't real." While she should be creating space between herself and this disturbed individual, she instead finds herself arguing semantics with it. Eden is not very good at letting words flow over her without analysing them to a fault. 

"Not real? My eyes aren't real? Oh nooooo! How can you be sure yours aren't not real too? If your fake eyes told me that mine are the fake ones, maybe that means mine are actually the real eyes. See? Or maybe you don't see shit!" The puppet cackles and the arm shakes to imitate the movements of that following laughing fit, before it suddenly lifts its head back up and pretends to observe the girl opposite it once more. 

At this point, Eden is too frustrated with the words of the thing to remind herself the absurdity of debating a puppet instead of addressing the puppeteer. "Listen here, they're just stupid beads... just, hmm? Oh no, they're stones?" She finds herself leaning in slightly, despite her better judgement. 

"Onyx!" They're really rather pretty gems, each one a set of alternating rings of deep black and lustrous white, like spirals pulling Eden in. "Onyx is good for the mind, so if you stare, I don't mind."

Good for the mind, huh? Eden is no stranger to the meaning of spiritual stones, she had a phase back when things weren't going so well and she kept the gems long past believing in their healing properties. What was Onyx good for again? Oh that's right... it absorbs negative emotions like fear and anxiety... and it helps promote personal growth and change. As Eden stares openly into the swirling onyx gems, she finds herself relax a little. She had been feeling a whole lot of anxiety, and even some fear, but those eyes she called fake are now swallowing those feelings whole. Maybe the eyes are real, maybe the healing effects of gemstones are real too. Maybe Eden needs help figuring out what is and isn't real if she's gotten it wrong twice now. 

"Oh, you're really staring!" The puppet moves closer, until those pretty onyx eyes fill the girl's entire vision. "Careful ditzy, you might get looooost."

"Hummm?" Eden finds the voice to be a distraction, but entertains it anyway. "No I won't... I just want to look a little longer. Sorry." She feels strange, a little lightheaded, all that negative energy had been weighing her down so as it gets absorbed into stone she cannot help but start to float. 

The Happy Horror sways from left to right and Eden instinctively follows its movement, annoyed by it at first but that annoyance becoming quickly absorbed and returned to sender. "Don't be sorry, silly. I'm evil, so I don't care if you get lost forever. Unable to escape, just floating in my eyes forever! Go ahead and... fall."

Eden's body slumps towards the passenger next to her and she is caught by the figure's right hand cupping her chin, holding the puppet and those hypnotic eyes in a steady sway before her eyes. She's so lost already, sinking into an eternity of stone, floating through passages of pretty coloured rock. Not a single negative emotion is left in her mind, so she cannot feel any more repulsion or apprehension towards the lovely person guiding her through this spiritual healing experience. A few strands of pastel blue hair fall over her face when her body drops, but Eden is too deep to consider brushing them aside. This feels so nice, she thinks to herself with a growing smile, that she no longer even cares about getting to work. 

The hand puppet moves around to whisper directly into Eden's ear and she swears it comes from that mouth instead of the passenger's, she's so mesmerised by this point it might not even be saying anything. Just saying what she's thinking, yeah... these are her own thoughts, why not? If she agrees with each and every one of them anyway... 

"You're deep and lost and happy and pretty and silly and good for me. You're warm and blank and ready for me. You're willing to do the adult things now. Nod if you agree. You agree. Nod."

Eden nods. Her head rolls in that supporting palm and when it tilts heavily to one side a trickle of drool escapes her lips and wets the mystery fingers. Neither seem to mind. Eden likes this hand, it's nice and soft. She wishes her hands were as soft as this person's, people often tell her that they are but she can't seem to agree, considering them still too manly. Not soft, feminine hands like this person cradling her. Soft. 

"I can see you're already all ready for the adult thing!" The horror cackles again and the hand beneath Eden's chin gently guides her down to look at the tent in her pencil skirt. Oh, she's getting an erection! From what, soft hands? The thought makes Eden giggle, what a slut she is being getting hard on the train. "Get harder for us." The hand squeezes Eden's face and she drools down her hoodie's chest, eyes so glassy and unfocused as all focus goes towards her lovely cock. Some want to lose their penis as quick as they can but Eden was never particularly bothered, she wears skirts with plenty of room and goes on with relative comfort. Today, that room in her skirt is being put to the test. Random erections are almost unheard of for her these days, but then this is not at all random. Well, the puppet is certainly very random, but her feelings are not. She was instructed to get hard, it would be rude not to oblige. 

"Ahh..." Eden feels the tightness of her skirt against that now fully erect cock and so the puppet's next instruction never even registers to her as anything but relief. 

"Take it out, take it out!" It still speaks into her ear, absorbing all of her inhibitions with those gemstone eyes. 

Eden frees her cock and it springs up into the open air of the lazy train, a small string of precum swinging up in the momentum before collapsing into her shaft to give it a little sheen. The cool air feels so good, but so naughty. This is a taboo, she realises, but she cannot help but do as she's told. That said, she's very much enjoying every second of this now that her mind has learnt to float. 

The puppet lets out a giggle that sounded a lot like Eden's own, how strange. It moves to 'inspect' her erect member, standing at attention as her skirt falls down to her knees. She wants to touch it sooooo badly, wants the soft hand of her fellow passenger to touch it even more. The third alternative did not even occur to her until it was spoken. 

"You want me to suck it." It wasn't a question, just a statement of fact. Just like that, it became true. Eden really wanted the puppet to fellate her, whatever that would entail. Any touch was needed, so the one on offer would more than suffice. She wanted the horror to suck her dry. 

"I-I... yesss... I want it, want you to... ssssuck." Eden slurs her way through the sentence, her voice dripping with desperation, her body pleading just as badly as she writhes impatiently. 

The puppet giggles again and her own giggle forms a duet with it, sounding like twins. "Good girl! Sit back enjoy, silly." 

Her cock is so starved of touch that the moment she feels that felt hand puppet's mouth wrap around her solid shaft, Eden gasps. She does as she is told, leaning back into the hard train seat as the passenger wearing the puppet gives her a handjob. As altered as her state of mind now is, though, Eden can only think of this as a blowjob. She feels her toes curl inside her mary jane's and her fingers clasping the edges of the seat. One hand quickly rises up to cover her mouth as she starts to moan from the felt handy, so soft. The horror's host makes wet sounds with her mouth to add to the illusion of fellatio, which Eden's floating mind naturally eats up. She swears she feels that wet mouth, it's sweet saliva lubricating her throbbing shaft as it slides up and down with increasing ease. In reality, she is the only one providing lubrication, it oozes from the tip of her cock and the puppet runs slick along it as it dribbles down. If the thing did not already smell of light musk, it surely will now. 

"Mmmmhghh... a-ahh, yes!" Eden feels that edge come ever closer, her thighs pressing together as her cock is pushed up into the felt by a pair of smooth, round testicles suddenly being elevated by the clamping softness. Her cock is so shiny, like an oiled statue, the Happy Horror happily hogging every inch of her. The girl's breath becomes a little hoarse, her muffled moans more strained. She's trying her best not to start panting. Eden fails. 

As the hand under the felt moves faster and faster, Eden is undone further. Until panting and squirming is all that she can muster under that soft, wet touch. The puppet fellates her to the point of perspiration, at this rate Eden will arrive to work an utter mess and be sent back home. She pushes up into the touch every time the hand moves down, thrusting against it and lifting her rear from the seat, each time falling back into it with a little papping sound. Her back is arched against the seat, feeling far too hot in that stuffy hoodie. Drool runs down her neck and darkens the collar. Finally, it comes, that exhilarating edge. Eden impatiently thrusts harder and harder as the hand moves faster and faster, softly caressing Eden's stony shaft until it eventually reaches its limit. The climax calls. Eden cums. 

An orgasm rocks her like a crashing wave, the girl thrashing at the hips and holding onto the handrail for support. What a dramatic way to finish a handjob, or even a blowjob, perhaps the puppet has a magic touch. Or maybe Eden is a perverted slut getting off on the public sex act? Or it could be as sneaky as the hypnosis intensifying these sensations, that powerful onyx pushing her deeper into accepting personal growth quite literally. Now comes the change. 

The felt puppet pulls away from Eden's messy cock, the semen having shot onto her lower thigh and staining her last good pair of nylons. Well, that's no good, but she is in no state to care right now. With glossy lips, the puppet speaks again. "Say thank you, silly!"

"Thaaank youuuhh!" Eden's voice sounds so spacey, she really is starting to float away in this post orgasmic haze. Just as she is about to float away entirely, leaving the scene on the train behind to dream in distant lands, Eden is suddenly pushed onto the floor.

She lands on her knees and feels a small amount of pain, but mostly confusion. The girl swivels around on her knees, likely tearing the nylon with the careless motion. "Wh-wha?"

Eden's eyes trace up from the floor of the train. 

A pair of shiny mary janes that she can almost see her docile reflection in.

A pair of black nylon stockings that frame shapely legs. They have tearing at the knees, a stain on the left thigh too. 

A neat black pencil skirt, just like Eden's.

An oversized moss coloured hoodie... just like Eden's.

In fact, now that she can see it, even the passenger's face is just like Eden's. That light blue hair, too. Like staring up into a mirror, even the expressions match. Soft. Blank. Horny. 

Eden's eyes trace back down her doppelganger's slumped body to find the lower half transformed.

Eden 2's legs are spread out wide now, the space between seems oh so inviting. Her skirt is peeled down to reveal another hard cock standing straight like a saluting infantryman, this one identical to the last. Without needing to be told, Eden knows exactly what she must do. Crawling between her mirror's legs, she greedily takes hold of the other's plush thighs and pushes them even further apart. The shaft in front of her bobs up and down in excitement, hypnotising the slut all over again. Eagerly, she kisses up the shaft, planting one final peck against the head before taking herself into her own mouth. 

"Such a good girl, Eden!"

The breast pocket of Eden's blouse begins to vibrate in a stimulating buzz that has her groan before she snaps awake, wiping the drool from her previously dozing chin and sitting up straight. This is her stop! She must have been asleep for the whole journey, which is a godsend for a commute as unreasonably lengthy as this. To make it into work on time she has to wake up before it even gets light out, but when all other prospective employers smile and ghost, what can you do? Still, it is no wonder she falls asleep on the train so often, to the point that she has an alarm set special for this last stop. 

Her entire body is abuzz with tingles, whatever forgotten dream she had must have been a particularly spicy one. How unlike her, Eden thinks with a sheepish grin. Before standing up she notes the soreness in her knees, the damp spot too... oh fuck, these stockings are a disaster! Eden stands up and brushes herself down, pulling her skirt as low as it can go, thanking her baggy hoodie for hanging so low on her waist. Okay, no need to panic, she just needs to get to her desk. She still has a change of clothes in the bottom drawer from early transition, when she might've chickened out of the skirt and switched were the big wigs to pay a visit to the workplace. It wasn't expected of her, she was just much more insecure back then. As opposed to now, where she can walk around with a mystery stain coating her poor thigh. Gross! So yes, she can survive having to wear some pants for a day, it isn't going to set her back or anything. Fuck, they're women's slacks anyway!

Eden hurries out of the train as it pulls in at her stop, knowing that she needs to walk with a brisk pace to make the clock in time, but then something stops her in her tracks. Just like the train. 

Suddenly, Eden no longer wishes to go into work today. Something soft and silly brushes her left hand when she puts it in her hoodie's big front pocket and Eden slips her fingers deep inside. Covered by that feeling, she feels a new purpose washing over her. 

As the train on the opposite platform pulls in to accept passengers, Eden slowly walks over and for some reason, boards the train. 

She needs to journey back.

Needs to go all the way back to the start of her commute. 

She needs to go back and sit next to that silly, lonely girl. 

The puppet can do the talking, Eden thinks as a blank smile covers her face, her hand reaching up to pull the hood over it. 

She'll go around and around all day, a never ending loop of pleasure until the Happy Horror has had its fill. 

Yeah... that sounds lovely. Work can wait. 





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