Comfort, Distraction, Sedation.
by tara
This thing actually exists. I want one, for research purposes.
"Hey so, you wanna check out the loft? My parents don't let me up there cause of my dad's medical shit, but we got the house to ourselves sooo..."
"Snnrk, Lori you sound like a teenager, when are you getting your own place? You can't be mommy and daddy's little girl when you're approaching your mid-twenties!"
"Shush, I'll get somewhere when I can afford it, living here's too damn convenient. You wanna sneak into the loft or not?"
"You mean pull the cord? So sneaky, I love a bit of Friday night espionage."
"I can tell I'm being mocked and want you to know that I'm choosing to ignore you."
"Heh, you're pretty mature for a girl who lives with her parents."
Lori rolled her eyes, not rising to her friend's obvious bait. She had been hanging out with Amy as much as she could since the girl had moved back to their hometown after graduation. The two regained their old chemistry immediately, even though their lives were very different to ones they led before. Amy followed behind as they headed into the upstairs hallway, the redheaded 24-year-old always happy to go with the flow, while a blue haired Lori took charge. Seeing her prudish best friend with dyed hair and inked skin had been quite the shock for Amy when they first reconnected, but Lori had assured her that she was still completely straight... unprompted, even.
"Think your dad can get me signed on to my old dental practice? They removed me for not having gone to a check-up there in nearly four years! I'm not paying for private, fuck that."
"Fat chance!" Lori turned to give her friend a mean grin. "He retired over a year ago for starters, plus he wasn't even at that place what do you expect?"
"Blehh." Amy stuck her tongue out in response, an adult discussion was taking place.
The two young women stared up at the loft entrance with narrowed eyes, their plans in tatters.
"So, no cord huh?" Amy observed drily, poking Lori in the arm and pointing at the ceiling door.
"I can see that, dummy. No cord... gimme a lift."
"A what-now?"
Lori placed her hands on Amy's shoulders, fingers curling into a firm grip. "Boost me up and I'll grab the ring, c'mon you're stronger than me you work out."
Amy felt embarrassed but gave a small nod. "How can you tell?"
"You look like you could crush my head between your thighs."
"Sure you're straight?" Amy rolled her eyes and hoisted her smaller friend up before Lori could see her tinted cheeks.
"What? Why, did you get converted at Uni or something?" The blue haired girl reached for the golden ring that lowered the stairs into the loft.
"Oh yeah, they put me through the lesbian assimilation program, I'm fully converted."
"Right, does that mean you can identify lesbian ass?" Lori only heard half of Amy's sentence and decided to roll with it, keeping the conversation light.
Amy held back a laugh, keeping Lori hoisted up as she gave a quick retort. "Oh of course, I'm looking right at one!"
If she wasn't dependent on her friend to keep her from an unpleasant fall, Lori would be kicking Amy as a swift rebuttal... but enough about butts, the loft had been opened at last.
"Open sesame, time to inhale dust and nosy around boring old paperwork. Oh shit, what if we discovered your dad has stolen millions by cooking the books at work?"
Lori was lowered onto her feet and released Amy's shoulders, shaking her head in exaggerated disappointment. "Not a lot of capital funnelled through a free health service, is there?"
"You're forgetting toothbrush sales! I got my mum to buy me a musical one when we were there to pick you up that one time."
"Cool story, you coming up or not? I'll find the lights."
The loft was cramped, not the kind you could realistically use for anything besides storage. Most of the floorspace was merely insulation, while the majority of the rest was stacked with boxes. Lori feared that Amy was right, there would be nothing to find up here besides uninteresting paperwork. Maybe some teeth if they were lucky. The two spent most of their short stay in the loft bantering idly while occasionally peeking into a cardboard box. They soon agreed that it was cold and dark, while Lori's room was cosy and had video games. Just as they began to leave, something caught the corner of Amy's gaze. A box in the corner by the stairs, which had a worn label on the front reading 'PediSedate'. It was accompanied by a graphic of a quirky looking headset with a pyramid of buzzwords framing it: Comfort, Distraction, Sedation. What have we here?
Amy pulled the box towards her and slid the lid off with a smooth motion, pulling out the polystyrene upper housing to reveal a peripheral made from clear plastic, matching the graphic on the front of the box. "Check this shit out, any idea what it is?" She held the box out and tilted it to give Lori a look.
"Oh my god. Is that what I think it is?" Lori's eyes lit up and she stepped back up the ladder, her hands disappearing into the old box.
At her friend's reaction, Amy's interest had been piqued. "Why, what do you think it is?"
Lori beamed, like she had just found an untapped gold deposit in her parent's loft. "Feast your eyes on this." And with that, she pulled her arms out to show the headset in full, but more importantly... she held out the purple Gameboy tethered to it.
Back in the warmth of Lori's bedroom, the two sat on the single bed and huddled around the PediSedate with giddy excitement. What a weird thing to find, they thought, not sure what to do with this glee they felt but poke at the device until they got bored.
"So let me get this straight, this goofy thing was used to sedate kids for surgeries back in the day?" Amy was obsessed with the peculiarity of the rare item before them.
"Well, yes. But like, it was way more recent than you're probably thinking, I remember having a DS at the time and dad told me I couldn't use it..."
"W-wait, you used this thing? What's it like?"
"I don't really remember, it's just a distraction thing I think, I didn't really need it but whatever."
Amy chortled. "Yeah, I'm sure you did! Such a fussy brat, you couldn't even buy clothes without me."
"Well uh, yeah, whatever..." Lori was incredibly embarrassed, flipping the surprisingly flimsy device over in her hands and staring into the translucent plastic headband.
"You wanna put it on again?" Amy prodded Lori's knee with her big toe, palpably excited.
"Wh-what? No, it's too small and it's not a toy, I don't want to gas myself in my own room!"
"Okay okay, but like, there's no way it'll still have juice and I doubt it would work now anyway. Plus you're tiny, but if your head don't fit I can crush it down to size with these thighs." A sly grin covered Amy's face, she was enjoying how flustered and defensive Lori was acting.
"True but, like, we shouldn't mess around with my dad's stuff."
"Is he gonna use it?"
"...fair point." Lori finally caved, hoping they could at least get some funny pictures of this thing before entombing it back into the loft. The world deserved to know this thing was once used in serious medical practices, as far-fetched as it sounds.
"So how's this thing work anyway?" Amy grabbed the PediSedate out of Lori's hands and checked the snorkel like arm and aux cable with mounting interest.
Lori sat back on her hands, bobbing up and down on the best tensely. "Errr, well if I can remember, they put it on you and you have that sticking out part pushed down over your mouth and nose. It periodically releases the gas stuff, whatever it is that sedates you, while you play on the Gameboy. It plays audio from the game which was cool cause I didn't actually own any headphones at the time. Oh and I think it ups the dosage each time, until you're fully sedated. Man, it's a little creepy now I think about it. Maybe we should--"
"Nitrous Oxide!"
"It'll be nitrous oxide. It's pretty safe in small amounts, inhaled nasally it seems. I mean obviously it's safe, they used this shit on kids! I studied Anaesthesia for my second-year project, so I know just how to do it right." Amy winked, like she was making a promise.
"Oh, right." Lori stared at the device held by her friend, a little taken aback.
"So what game is in here?" Amy slid the cartridge out, smiling with indifference to her friend's dumbfounded stare. "Oh nice, you can play Tetris while I pretend to sedate you. Are you ready for your surgery, Lori?"
"Sure, just make it quick, I suck at Tetris."
Amy pushed the plastic headset onto Lori's head, brushing the medium length blue hair out of the way as the cups were placed over her ears. Next, she gently applied pressure on the nasal arm and clicked it into place over Lori's mouth and nose, letting her friend line things up on her side for the sake of comfort. Lori nervously thought to herself that this would actually be administered up her nasal passage, were it being used for real.
"Get comfy okay, this should look legit, way funnier that way." Amy instructed her friend easily, getting into the role of an aspiring junior dentist. Lori complied with a slight shrug, already starting to get bored while her friend was having a little too much fun. She crossed her legs and held her ankles in place lazily, before remembering she had to pick up the Gameboy. Her posture was straight, head held up and eyes alert.
"God this thing smells so... clinical. It's taking me back to when I had to wait for dad at work after school, so he could drive us home."
"Would you say it's a nostalgic smell, then?"
"Hah, no. It's just uh, it just reminds me of the dentistry office. More bad than good, right?"
"Well, it pays to be healthy!" Amy just dismissed her friend's complaints and passed her the Gameboy, slotting Tetris back into the cartridge slot. "Just play the game, get nice and distracted."
Lori held the plastic gaming device in her outstretched hands, pulling it closer to rest elbows on her knees. "Excuse me?"
Amy giggled. "Well, you already got comfy, next is distraction." She held out the box, her long nail guiding Lori's eyes to the PediSedate's pyramid graphic.
Comfort, Distraction, Sedation.
"Well, so long as we don't go for sedation after!" She let out a shy chuckle, chewing at her lower lip subconsciously.
"But all good things come in threes, right?"
"Amy, are you trying... do you want to... sedate me?"
The freckled woman's eyes sharpened, and she gave Lori, who was wearing the PediSedate, a thorough ocular assessment.
"Maybe." She giggled. "Kind of..." Her breath caught in the back of her throat, hand slowly lowering onto Lori's knee. "...totally."
Lori's head was swimming, the plastic covering it made her feel a little more confident to embrace the weirdness of the conversation, somehow. She could feel her heart pounding, this was hardly a good state for calming down, but being at the mercy of her strong, confident friend just seemed strangely exciting and alluring.
"I... I'm just um, going to play the game. I uh, need a distraction!" Lori lowered her eyes and stared into the dark Gameboy screen, straining her eyes just a little to focus on the black shapes moving down to the bottom. It was hardly as engaging as games she was used to these days, but Tetris was still a classic for a reason. Simplicity. She dropped the tetronimoes carefully down in order to form a line and felt some satisfaction when it flashed before disappearing from the screen. Lori was distracted. Lori was comfortable and distracted.
Then the first inhale of nitrous oxide hit her, barely registered were it not for the sudden nerves and surprise that this thing actually functions. The first dose was a 50% concentration of nitrous oxide in oxygen, the next would be in eight more minutes, increased in increments of 10% every time, first to 60% and finally to 70%. Lori was shocked at how quickly those minutes passed, seeming even more distracted by her game after the first inhalation of the anaesthesia.
She took a deep, calm breath at 60% and blinked slowly. She was unaware of her slouched posture, her body heavy and starting to slump into itself in that cross-legged position on the bed. Amy was overseeing things, taking care of her, so she just continued to rack up points. The music in her ears was catchy, she felt relaxed. Her eyes drooped now and then, but that was to be expected.
The next eight minutes felt like they had passed in an instant, because Lori was so distracted and sedated. Amy was sat behind her now, she must have moved at some point. Her hand was roaming under Lori's shirt, another inside the waistband of her slacks. She was too distracted to care, she could barely feel it. Lori inhaled the 70% dose and vaguely registered her head sinking into her chest. The catchy music played through her headset, as a long line of drool hung down from her chin and swayed above her lap.
Some time passed by... Lori could not be sure how long, but when she came to, she was laying on her back. Her mouth was dry and her bedsheets were damp with sweat, her shirt had ridden up her waist and the hem of her sweatpants had slipped low down her hips. Lori was hot, her nipples were hard, and her pussy wept within her panties. It took a moment for her to realise that she was still wearing the PediSedate, her hair stuck down and her chin was sticky with spit. Was this how it was meant to go? She thought not... maybe she had a fetish... Where was Amy?
Once Lori finally pulled herself out of bed and searched around, she found a note on her desk. "Hmph, such a coward..." Looks like Amy had excused herself after making sure the PediSedate was finished gassing her, how considerate! Did she lose her cool and run? Lori pouted, stroking the crotch of her pants desperately while rereading the escape note. Fuck, did she scare Amy off by getting off to being sedated? She was just as confused about it, really.
Oh well, time to clean up and tidy things away before her parents returned. Strangely, the copy of Tetris had seemingly disappeared.
One week later.
> Message from Amelia Lafite:
> Hey Loriiiiiiii, morning! Ummmm can you lmk when you next have the house to yourself? I have something I wanna try, kaaaay?
What was she up to? Lori sipped at her morning coffee and replied with a noncommittal emoji, but she totally intended to do as Lori told her.
And less than a week after that, Amy was impatiently slamming the metal knocker at her door. She does know there's a doorbell next to her, right? Lori groaned and headed to the door in no particular rush, unlocking it and letting it swing open casually. "Afternoon, A--"
"Yeah yeah lemme in, I have a surprise for you!"
"A wha-wha-wah?" Lori was immediately knocked off balance by her friend's bubbly energy. Amy was tall, toned and totally amped. Lori, on the other hand, was barely awake and already sagging her shoulders, she had pulled another all-nighter trying to master fighting game combos.
"Where is it?" Amy grinned, planting her strong hands onto Lori's shoulders. She was wearing a denim jacket, with a noticeable bump in the chest pocket.
"Hold on a sec, where's what?" Surely she didn't mean...
"Oh, you know what, sleepy. Get it back out, I want to test something."
Lori's heartrate picked up, she was intimidated, but excited. "Uhm, test... something?"
"Yes, I need to test it on you, if that's okay?"
"Well, I... sure I mean, I--"
"Perfect, then it's settled. Go up and get it then, chop chop!"
They had a hook for the loft now, it turned out Lori's dad kept one in their room, they really didn't trust her with it apparently.
With a speed that betrayed her own eagerness, the PediSedate box was sat down atop Lori's bed between the two twenty-somethings. Amy unbuttoned her breast pocket and slid out the contents, it was the Tetris game cartridge with a makeshift looking expansion. The cartridge was slotted into a plastic housing which looked worryingly generic and unbranded. This bulky lump of plastic narrowed at the bottom, back into the shape of a normal Gameboy cartridge. It was evidently makeshift, and Lori was entranced.
"I had some help making this, Lori. It's used to modify games, commonly for cheating. Like that action replay we had to get infinite master balls, but older and chunkier! Anyway, I've made your copy of Tetris... well, extra distracting. You'll see. Or maybe you won't."
"Y-you want me to put this on again?" Lori squeezed her legs together, wearing a loose-fitting tank top and a pair of baggy shorts.
"You're going to put it back on, duh, why else did you go and fetch it?"
"Right, yes, okay." Heat rose to Lori's cheeks, she was completely flustered, her best friend was going to sedate her again... just the two of them, alone. What had she done to the game, too?
"That's a good patient!" Amy laughed with practiced nonchalance, she had been preparing herself for this night, wanting it to play out smoothly. She knew they both wanted this, she just needed to show Lori. "Are you comfortable, Lori?"
Lori gulped like a cartoon character, nodding instead of falling over her words. She knew she was tongue tied, that much was clear.
"Then just sit back and relax, play your game and get nice and distracted for me okay?" Amy pushed the Gameboy into her friend's sweating hands, before grabbing the PediSedate headset and fitting it over Lori's ears once again, lowering the nasal arm teasingly slow.
Lori was taking heavy breaths; she had shamefully masturbated to the memories of that night several times since she had last seen Amy. Her mind was awash with fantasies, but now they were real she couldn't be sure if she was awake or not.
"Nice, slow breaths. Turn the game on, Lori."
The Gameboy was promptly turned on and Lori stated at the screen, angling the device to get the best lighting. Tetris seemed mostly the same, besides the thrumming beat accompanying the catchy old song and the occasional flickering of the on-screen visuals. Lori had already distracted herself enough to passively inhale the first administering of nitrous oxide. Her breathing slowed, eyes glazed as they focused on her distraction.
Amy smiled, stroking Lori's hair affectionately, enjoying how focused and distracted her friend had already become. Almost like she was desperate to let herself be sedated... she was radiating heat.
60%, Lori breathed in deeply and let out a dreamy sigh. The music playing through the PediSedate was making her really focused. She liked how spacey it sounded, like she was floating away in the depths of an endless void. It had sounds like delicate whispers, but they were too bit crushed to make out. Trying to listen intently to the sounds only made it harder to understand, by the time she realised this she had already forgotten. The screen was making her eyes draw in deeper and deeper, not wanting to blink in case she missed those strange flickers. Like occasional glitches, she would attempt to look out for them, but they flashed too quickly to make sense of. Like the sounds in her song, they were so very, very distracting.
"You're such a good girl, Lori." Amy hummed, running possessive fingers through her childhood friend's dyed blue hair. "Nice and sleepy for me, too distracted to even notice me. My words, talking straight past your addled mind and straight into the heart, hehe." Her long nails tapped over the snorkel-like tube as it delivered the final dose of laughing gas to her happily distracted patient. "You're going to be my good little doll, from now on. Lori, you enjoy being used, I love the power it brings. So I'm sedating you into a malleable, defenceless subject for me... I'm not just sedating you this time, I'm brainwashing you!"
Lori wasn't listening at all, not a single one of Amy's words was registered by the slumping subject, she had already begun to drool again. The game was playing itself, it always had been on the modified cartridge. Each line just arranged itself perfectly and disappeared in a flash, Lori utterly transfixed by the display like a cat staring at a ball of yarn.
"So easy to brainwash, to reprogram, when sedated and stripped of all resistance. I don't even need to be here, really, it's all on the cart. There are forums full of hypno freaks online, I had them write this code and hack it onto a game genie for totally free, I just need to send them this video of it being used." Amy was holding her phone as she talked, her other hand still stroking Lori softly.
Brainwash... reprogram... sedated... stripped.
One of the words finally resonated with Lori, because it was intended to. The subliminals had been flashing the same word for almost a minute already. Lori moved up onto her knees sluggishly, and pushed her shorts down without a second thought, her underwear sliding along with it. She was visibly aroused, but Amy was slightly disappointed to see dark brown pubes instead of punk blue.
Lori's fingers curled around the hem of her tank top, beginning to pull it up absentmindedly. Amy took the Gameboy in her friend's lap and looped it through Lori's top, so that the clothing could be removed without disturbing the aux cable. And off it went, Lori slumped on the bed, now topless. She drooled onto her naked chest, before Amy's hand gently pushed the girl's chin up and held her eyes tilted up into Amy's. Where the Game had been distracting her before, now Amy was her distraction. She was so pretty, with naturally red hair and gorgeously freckled cheeks. Lori was lost in her friend's eyes more than anything, she still needed to strip for those eyes.
Her shorts and underwear were pulled off her ankles with some effort and Lori was suddenly naked. It didn't feel strange at all, she couldn't feel much under anaesthetic. Amy was explaining to her, in short, simple sentences, that she was becoming a doll. Lori wanted to be a good doll, a pretty one if possible. She wanted Amy to use her, to want to use her. So she had to be good and focus.
She was comfortable, distracted and sedated.
She was being brainwashed into an obedient doll by her childhood friend.
She was horny and wet for Amy, not very straight at all.
She was right where she belonged, never having felt so right about anything before in her life.
Lori bucked her hips against Amy's fingers.
Her owner's fingers.
Lori blinked her vacant, glassy eyes when Amy pushed up the front of her headset.
Her brainwashing headset. Her doll training device.
Lori parted her lips like a good doll when Amy's hungry mouth descended upon them, pushing her impatient tongue into her best friend's mouth.
Into her good doll's mouth.
Lori began to blank out, an empty expression falling over her slackened, sedated face. Amy could take over from here, she knew what was best.
"Mmmh, I'm feeling ice-cream. Let's get some on the way home, okay?" Amy always liked to ask, even when she knew Lori loved to agree.
"Ice-cream sounds delicious, maybe just get one scoop though, you'll get huge if you get the ultimate candymania every time we go out." Lori cringed, remembering the calorie count, which almost gave her a heart attack just to read.
"Blehh, it's date night."
"It's one o'clock in the afternoon, and we have date night every night! When is diet night?"
"Erm... February 29th."
The young couple was sitting on a wall by a fountain, their hands placed down between them, fingers arched and interlaced.
"Hey, Lori." Amy bit her lip, catching her partner off guard was her favourite.
"Hah, w-wait." Lori was already feeling herself sinking into a sweet lethargy. Good dolls are always relaxed.
"Nnnh, ssoo mean." She couldn't even focus on her weak protest now, the fountain was beginning to mesmerise her. It was dazzling, how the jets of water rose and fell so uniformly. Good dolls conform in a similar fashion.
Lori was completely under; Amy was in control.
And they wouldn't have it any other way.
PediSedate was wasted on dentistry, clearly. It has a promising future in couple's therapy!