BlissGirls - Sports Daze

by tara

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #humiliation #multiple_partners #sub:female #altered_perspective #high_school #mind_control #school #sports #teacher #urban_fantasy

When best friends Tyra, Sam and Rachel enjoy one final school event before graduation, they are surprised to see it sponsored by a brand new energy drink.

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All characters are of legal age.

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"Urghhh, you'd think we're too old to still have mandatory sports days at the end of the year right? It's sweltering hot... damn summer sun!"

"Shut it Sam, you live alone right? Coulda called in sick if you hadn't been doing it all year. Relax, it's our last year so you only have to endure it one more time." Tyra grinned and adjusted her white tee, a large number 03 written in bold black front and back. The shirt had already begun to cling to her body from the moisture and they had yet to even reach the meeting point, yet alone start any actual activities.

"Where's Rachel?" Sam asked passively, more to fill the silence than out of genuine interest. "Wait, shit, Ty we're late." With those hastily uttered words the girl took her best friend by the wrist and began the first unofficial sporting event: a headlong team sprint to the meeting point, an outdoor track and field behind the school.

Both huffed with their hands down on their knees, backs hunched and hair hanging down. It really was too hot a day to be outside, they thought to themselves, before they suddenly felt cold rushing water collapse against the back of their heads and coat their hair. With a sudden unified jolt the two latecomers rose to meet the missing member of their trio, Rachel.

"I half expected you to be 'off sick' Sam!" Joked Rachel with a smug expression and two empty water bottles in her hands. She wore a team Jersey, being the captain of the track team, far more an athlete than either Tyra or Sam could ever boast to be.

"Yeah..." Groaned Sam, returning to her prior state of self pity as the adrenaline began to wear off. "I bet you're loving this, getting to see me sweat my ass off while you and your stupid muscles gallop around like--"

"Uhh I think what she means is, we'll all do our best!" Tyra interjected, in the hopes of avoiding yet another clashing of heads between her two besties. They both backed down, gave each other overly serious stares, then burst into laughter and began to chat away as they always did. The crowd consisted solely of their entire class and a small number of staff, along with a pair of unfamiliar faces outside of a stall of some kind. The place was isolated, so did not gather a crowd from the public and families were not invited to spectate after an issue the prior year with too many competitive parents. Tyra looked around in half interest, noticing that there were much less staff here than previous years, only three: Ms. Stern, the aptly nicknamed head of sports, Mrs. Winters, the principle's daughter who was given the position of school counsellor and another physical education teacher who just started and was still in training, Tyra had yet to learn her name.

Eventually the scattered buzz of voices and chatter subsided as Ms. Stern's booming voice echoed through the crowd. "Alright you lot, can I have some silence please? Silence! That's better, thanks. Now, welcome to the end of year sports day event for your year. I know you're all technically adults now but I'd like to remind you all that while on these grounds you follow the school rules. That means no food and drink on the track or field, no smoking or 'vapes' and no unsavoury language, we have a sponsor and you represent the school throughout this event."

"A... sponsor?" Sam mumbled to herself with a bemused expression, before the three girls turned their heads to the stall they had spotted earlier. Two women with company branded uniforms stood beside it, the stall seeming to belong to an energy drink company none of them had ever heard the name of before. Blissfuel. 

The logo for the company was a bottle of Blissfuel Energy with a cupid's arrow going through it, Tyra gave it an incredulous stare as she wondered what sort of deal they must have made the school and why; Ms. Stern had ranted at length before about her distaste towards energy drinks and was now endorsing them, while this company is deciding to sponsor a closed event that is not even being recorded.

"As such!" The teacher continued in a dramatic tone. "You will be required to leave your water bottles at the top of this hill." The announcement was almost instantly met with groans and sunken faces. It was so hot and the exercise would only make things so much worse, the concept of having to hike up the unassumingly steep hill for a drop of water was daunting. Tyra thought to herself that Sam would probably collapse before the day is over. "However, the Blissfuel stall will be operating by the track throughout the day, your first three bottles free."

"First three? Jesus how many do they expect us to drink? I ain't touching that stuff it's prolly rat poison." Sam jeered, gaining herself a stern glare from Ms. Stern, crumbling her resolve.

The class and staff descended the hill, some running while others decided to save their stamina for the events. The trio of friends smiled and exchanged a few 'Seeya laters' before splitting up to tackle the events they had signed up for. Rachel was, of course, on track, or the baton pass event to be more precise. Sam had opted for the easiest sounding event, Javelin, in her mind all you had to do was throw a stick and then sit down. Tyra had signed up for the skipping race, desiring to put her so far useless skipping skills into action.

The three girls joined their respective groups under the harsh midday sun and with little fanfare, the events commenced. Ms. Stern was overseeing the track events, the new P.E. teacher the field events including Javelin and Mrs. Winters the more oddball events such as the three legged race, egg and spoon race, Skipping race etc.

"Good day girls." The 32 year old woman greeted them calmly, not at all dressed for sports herself and instead wearing a fitting beige dress and matching sunhat. She went on to explain the order of events in their area giving a brief description of each event, leaving most of the organisation up to the student event leaders from the class. Tyra knelt down to tie her shoelaces.

"Haah haahh... Why is Javelin so exhausting?" Sam complained as she rejoined her two friends, sweeping her matted hair to one side and putting an arm around each of them for support.

"Oh shush." Rachel dismissed her with a half smile, inhaling deeply from her nostrils.

Tyra panted, feeling a stitch from the first round of skipping race, which took far more out of her than she had expected. The three sat down at the base of the hill and Tyra tilted back her head to look at the row of water bottles. The girl felt a pain in her chest and stomach just thinking about trekking up there.

"So, are you two coming up the hill?" She eventually asked, in a defeated tone, she was just too parched not to make the journey.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "No way am I risking my ankles going up there, you remember how long I took coming down. I just grabbed a nice bottle of rat poison, on the house. Surprisingly not that shit!"

Sam quickly turned to face Rachel, giving her a look of shocked betrayal. "You shill!" She spat half jokingly, looking disgusted. "Uh... but, nah Ty, I have my own little thirst quencher." She slid a small flask out from her shorts pocket and presented it discretely.

"What... what's in there?" Tyra asked in a hushed tone.

Sam grinned and touched her nose.

Both Tyra and Rachel shook their heads, then Rachel turned to Tyra. "I'll go grab you a bottle now, no worries."

"N-no, no it's fine." Tyra protested, for whatever reason, turning to look up the hill and sighing.

The climb was painful, her legs ached from the exercise and beads of sweat rolled down her straining body as she marched dutifully. Once she finally reached the top, a few gulps was her reward. It was certainly refreshing, but by the time she returned to the bottom her throat had already started to dry up.

The second round of events began, but Tyra had signed up for all three rounds of the skipping race, confident in her abilities. The girl fanned herself and pulled on her shirt, which stuck to her chest. She watched some of the other girls walking to the event with bottles of Blissfuel, seeming far more rejuvenated than herself, all of them smiling...

Tyra leaned down to tie her shoelaces. A trainer toe bumped into her own as she knelt down tying her laces, black leggings covering the leg from the ankle but a slither of tan skin visible around the entrance of the trainer. Tyra gulped and looked up at the girl, who smiled down at her with a bottle of Blissfuel in her hand. "Tie me up, too?"

"Um, sure, yeah." She finished her own lace and moved to start tying those of her classmate Helena. She hated to admit it but she already felt out of breath, feeling a little light headed in the summer heat. Helena carried a mixed up scent, the scent of sweat masked by the fruity smell of her anti-antiperspirant.

"You look tired, Ty." She stated bluntly, she always was stereotypically 'bitchy' towards her.

"Yeah..." The girl just nodded along with it, not paying her any mind as she finished the first lace and the girl swapped to the other shoe.

"Want the rest of my drink?"


Tyra swallowed drily. "Yeah... please."

With Helena's laces tied up securely, Tyra rose to her feet and gave the other girl a desperate, eager look. She should have just got one of those drinks for herself, but it was too late, the race would be starting soon.

"Here you go, Ty." She put an ugly emphasis on 'Ty', pouring the remaining neon pink liquid into her mouth, swirling it around in her mouth before spitting it back into the bottle.

Tyra stared in disbelief at the sight before her, taking the sun-warmed bottle into her hand and clutching it tight enough to warp the weak plastic. Helena smirked and walked to her starting position to pick up her ropes, while Tyra contemplated what had just happened.

"On your marks!" Mrs. Winter's voice disrupted her contemplation and the startled girl necked the contents of the bottle without thinking, rushing to pick up her own ropes.

In her panicked state the girl barely registered the taste of the energy drink, but the sweetness was unmistakable, it tasted of fruit to some degree but had an aftertaste that was more comparable to liquid medicine. Tyra did not enjoy the drink, but barely had time to dwell on it either, having needed the boost.

"Haaaah! What did I do to deserve this? My arm is killing meeee!" Sam clutched her throwing arm as she marched towards her two friends, looking as beat as they were.

"You still have the energy to shout..." Tyra commented, feeling out of breath herself as she collapsed back into the base of the hill, fanning herself.

"Shut it. I'm a victim of this sports wave that everybody is caught up in, I'm no athlete, I'm a stay-in kinda girl."

"You drunk?" Tyra asked, only partially joking after remembering the flask.

Both girls started to giggle, before noticing that Rachel had been quiet.

"Heeeey, you alright there miss team captain?" Sam waved a hand in front of the girl's face and for the first wave her eyes didn't even move, but then she began to blink and look around.

"Ah sorry! I was spacing out, yeah I'm all good. Won both races easy, or my pass at least." She put the Blissfuel bottle to her lips and took a swig, it looked like her second bottle.

"You might have sunstroke." Tyra commented, scrunching her own eyes shut as though the though had caused herself to be afflicted, she did have a headrush.

"No, no I feel great." Rachel said with a dull smile, taking another gulp of her drink and stretching her arms out. "It's soooo hot though, right?"

"Uhh, yeah! We've only been saying that all damn day! Gosh you sports freaks are a different breed I swear to christ." Sam vented.

Rachel simply muttered. "So hot..." Stretching her arms up over her head.

Tyra looked over at the Blissfuel stall and sighed, picking herself up and looking around at the students. Predictably, everybody was drinking from Blissfuel bottles now, most of them seeming as content with the product as Rachel. It perplexed Tyra, because it made her feel... weird. A little floaty, even. Maybe she really did have sunstroke, or an allergy? She figured she should go ask about the ingredients just to make sure, setting out for the sponsored stall while the other girls followed the whistle blow signalling for them to head back to their third and final event.

In her haze of focus Tyra missed the whistle as well as Sam's call, walking in a straight line towards the Blissfuel stall and the employee manning it. There were no other students, as they had made their ways back to the event. Tyra leaned against the stall's edge for support, wiping her brow and taking a few deep breaths.

"Hello there sweetie, have you come for your free Blissfuel top-up?" A soft spoken woman in the employee uniform asked, Tyra felt too hot to look up at the time so just nodded lightly. She was 18, why was this stranger calling her 'sweetie'? Oh well, she didn't really care... too hot to care... the stall had some air conditioning, but not a lot.

Her head eventually picked up when a bottle of bright pink liquid was placed onto the table, Tyra's mouth seemed to feel dry the moment it appeared. She felt like she could chug the whole thing in ten seconds flat, and maybe she would have if it were not for the second whistle blow which returned some of her senses.

"I...thanks... I-" She panted, tugging at the collar on her tee. "So thirsty..." Her fingers wrapped around the cap and twisted it.

"No worries at all, please come back if you need any more, hehe!" The enthusiastic woman's giggle seemed to go right through Tyra, who nodded and returned it somewhat deliriously before necking half of the bottle and turning to see the event about to start.

"Oh shit!" The girl dropped the bottle and began to run despite the pain in her legs, not realising that she had forgotten to put her trainers back on at the hill or that the drink had somehow made the heat from the sun intensify tenfold.

As she ran Tyra started to stumble, feeling hot on every inch of her skin like she had a fever, feeling the perspiration on her body and clothes, needing to... so thirsty again already... wait, her thought just got interrupted. What was it again?

By the time Tyra had reached Mrs. Winter's group she was finding it very hard to focus on anything but the sweltering heat or the otherworldly tingling sensation in her fingertips, the tips of her toes, her drooping eyelids and each bead of sweat travelling down her skin. She was far too preoccupied with her own exhaustion and heat to notice that half of the students in Mrs. Winter's section had or was in the process of removing their shirts and sports bras, leaving them completely naked on the upper half. The woman approached Tyra and began to stroke her hair, the light headed girl groaning in confusion before letting out an accidental whimper. "So hot..." She muttered in response to the woman's gentle touch.

"I know it is dear, would you like to cool off?" Her hand brushed the girl's long blonde hair to one side, tracing past her ear with a soft caress. Tyra nodded, panting, her toes gripping the grass.

"Good girl, then take this off." Mrs. Winters tugged at Tyra's white t-shirt, looking into the exhausted girl's unfocused eyes with a commanding gaze. "You have clothes underneath, so there's nothing to worry about."

"Oh..." Tyra squinted, feeling strange again, but feeling too hot to argue. "Okay, yes miss..." She hooked her fingers under the hem of the shirt and peeled it off, casting it to one side, or maybe Mrs. Winters took it from her.

"Good girl." As a reward, Mrs. Winters held a bottle of Blissfuel to Tyra's lips. The strange feeling returned and this time, her thirst was beaten by her rational mind.

"Wait..." She began, her head rocking for a second as she fought the urge to drink more of the 'rat poison' she had hated the taste of before. "I-I think."

Other students in the section began pulling down each other's gym shorts to cool off further, taking off their trainers, socks, undershirts, panties... anything that might make them too hot.

Tyra felt rope slide across her topless chest and pull tight, restricting the use of her arms. Helena had used her skipping rope to lasso her! She herself was almost entirely naked, besides the black leggings which were half peeled off.

"I think... I know how she likes it, miss." Her voice had a dream-like quality to it, but still carried her usual malice. She had tied the skipping rope in place around Tyra's flesh.

Helena took the bottle and poured as much as she could into her mouth, Mrs. Winters' eyes widened for a moment before the woman smirked and placed her hands firmly on the backs of Helena and Tyra's heads, pushing them gradually together before...

Helena closed her eyes and mashed her lips against Tyra's, a large mouthful of Blissfuel rushing from one mouth to another.

So hot...

Tyra's eyes rolled.

Rachel made her way back to the track obediently, still muttering to herself about the heat and fanning herself desperately.

"Welcome back everybody, this is the final race so make it count!" Ms. Stern commanded. Rachel nodded, it felt good to follow the woman's commands. Maybe the wind rushing past her is what she needed to shake off the overwhelming heat.

Ms. Stern kicked off her shoes. "On your knees."

The students obeyed.

"Get set."

Rachel smiled to herself, she was going to win again!


Sam was horrified. The girl sat on the grass of the field after having thrown her Javelin, watching the other girls in her section with startled curiosity. Why the hell were they acting so weird? She thought to herself, looking over at the new P.E. teacher who was handing out even more bottles of that Blissfuel crap.

The other students were taking off their clothes, making Sam's face light up bright red and her legs retract self consciously. They were... touching each other, kissing... was she high?

A naked student who she had participated in Javelin with began to crawl towards her on the grass, Sam felt too nervous to move so just watched in horror as a classmate of hers approached with everything on show. The girl had a blissful smile and placed her hands gently onto Sam's shaking knees, pulling herself half into the girl's lap.

"J-j-just cut it out already jeez!" Sam pushed away and fell back into the grass, scrambling to her feet and beginning to run away before seeing the Javelin event's unrivalled victor pick up the nearest Javelin. Sam gulped, thinking she was about to be skewered by a half naked athlete, but instead the girl swung the Javelin low and swiped Sam off of her feet, sending her crashing back into the grass on her back, looking up at the sweltering sun for only a brief moment until the brightness is eclipsed.

It was Sam's first real up-skirt, her heart and mind raced as she froze up again and just stared into the shaded area of thigh and white panties, damp from sweat and... well, probably just sweat right? Before she could consider this line of thought further the object of her attention started to get closer, which meant the girl was lowering herself down onto Sam...

"A-a-ahh wait I m-meanhhffhhhmmmff!"

Sam walked back to the base of the hill, to her two best friends. Both Tyra and Rachel were completely naked, with blissful smiles on their faces as they watched their friend approach. Rachel's knees had grass stains from kneeling and she had red marks on her breasts and ass cheeks which seemed to have been made by a table tennis paddle. Tyra had a mess on her face from eating out Mrs. Winters and was drenched with Blissfuel. The faint noise of a rattling chain could be heard once Sam got closer, then the two girls could see her properly. Sam's shirt and sports bra were pulled over her breasts and her gym shorts barely clung to her knees as she walked, leaving her dripping pussy exposed. She had been eaten out by three other students while smothered, the new teacher, whom she only knew as 'Miss' had been instructing the others while they toyed with her. She wore a simple pink collar that connected to a small silver chain held by 'Miss'. Sam's face was bright red and she looked like she could barely walk, their group was the last to return to the hill and they had definitely done a lot more than just eat each other out. The girl looked more exhausted than Rachel and Tyra, as usual. "Are these your friends, Sam?" The teacher asked in a strict tone, a true protege of Ms. Stern.

"Yes miss." Said Sam, barely perceptibly.

"Good toy." Replied the woman, the words sending a chill down Sam's spine.

"Y-yes miss..."

"You're dismissed." The woman released the chain and her group of pets followed her up the hill.

Sam looks at her friends. "Hey guys." They both smile at her. "Any-anywhere I can get... s-some of that drink?" She bit her lip.

"Nope but they left happy, apparently the product test was successful!" Tyra beamed, moving closer to her friend until their nipples brushed.

Sam recoiled. "Oh... Wait." She noticed that Tyra was dripping with the last remnants of the drink. "Tyra, c-can I just..." Against her better judgement, the girl opened her mouth...

So hot...


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