BlissGirls - Simp
by tara
If you'd like to check out more of my writing, I write live stories at
"Maaan my legs ache, remind me again why we took up jogging of all things? I mean, charity or no this is fucking ridiculous my poor calves are crying!" Sam mopes and stretches herself out over Tyra's bed, still wearing her trainers, while Tyra herself sits down at her desk with a tired sigh.
"Oh, shut up." She retorts light heartedly, a typical exchange for the two best friends. "It hurting is a good sign dummy, it means we're doing something right. Besides, you know Rachel will freak when she sees us running a marathon, the track junkie being outshined by her non-athletic friends."
Sam shrugs. "Yeah, sure, if she ever comes back from this student exchange shit... why would she not tell us about it or keep in contact? The whole thing is pretty sus if you ask me, but whatever. Hey uh, you got any of those Blissfuel sport's left, the ones I gave you?"
Tyra frowns. "Um, I haven't drank any of em yet but I heard some pretty wild rumours about this stuff, so I dunno if we should even be-"
"Oh please, you're such a conspiracy nut holy shit! You've been cooped indoors for way too long I swear to god. Blisscorp has been blowing up lately it's only natural that this kinda stuff would spread 'specially in a shit heap like this town, I wish we could go back to college already. They've been trying to spread their roots though, online of course I mean their main demographic is people our age and maybe younger honestly." Sam sits on the edge of her bed and looks over at Tyra's monitor before suddenly lighting up with enthusiasm. "Oh shit I just remembered! On that note, I gotta show you something totally mind numbing."
Sam leaps forwards and leans over Tyra, who retracts into her office chair meekly as her tomboy bestie almost smothers her. The blonde is, of course, straight... but her bisexual best friend is hard to ignore sometimes. Sam, fuelled by a sudden sense of strange obligation, takes control of Tyra's mouse and keyboard as she opens up the web browser and goes straight to a site Tyra had never even visited before:
"What the f- Sam are you showing me a camsite?"
"You've seriously never heard o- Jesus Tyra you're such a grandma, it's a game streaming platform, it's only owned by the biggest online retailer in the world. People stream themselves playing whatever they want and people watch live, it's not exactly a new concept anymore." Sam clicks onto the search bar with purpose.
"O-kay, why are you showing me this? I'm barely motivated to play the games myself, never mind watching some stranger play them on my crappy internet."
"Aha, well that's just the thing. The streamer ain't necessarily a stranger now are they?" Sam starts typing, entering the name 'Hellyvision'. With a click, the livestream appears in a window on screen along with the live chat.
"Huh... wait, that's..." Tyra looks at the screen with growing interest.
"Helena from school, the same bitch that used to tease and make fun of you every chance she got. Remember when she used to hide your clothes in the changing room? Who would have thought she'd be a streamer, she used to call me a nerd for playing games."
"Why are you reminding me..." Tyra furrows her brow, looking at the laughing face of her former tormentor. She has other, less clear memories of Helena from their final sports day at that school too...
"Well remember what I was saying about Blisscorp' image and appealing to our generation? Look at that, she's only sponsored by Blissfuel Energy. How weird is that?"
Tyra looks up at her friend, who is still way too close. "Isn't that... the opposite of weird? Given what you just said..."
"Yeah but I mean, it's just so weird that it's Helena! Isn't it hilarious, I mean we get to watch this clueless bitch playing games and pretending to know what she's doing while flirting with random dudes online. She's basically selling herself and we get front row tickets to the simp gallery. Sounds pretty cathartic if you ask me, right?"
"I... guess, but I dunno it sounds pretty petty if you ask me. She's got... wow, a hundred people are watching this that's..."
Sam rolls her eyes. "That's not really that impressive, I have like over a hundred followers on my fanfic account just sayin." The girl finally pulls back and returns to the soft bed, passing out within minutes without another word while Tyra watches the stream with a strange curiosity.
"Heyy gamergod69, thanks so much for the follow! You guys have some real funny names hehe, but I'm always happy to add a new member to the Hellyvision hype train!" Helena beams, looking like a completely different person to the camera than the one Tyra remembers from school. Perhaps she is a changed person, or maybe she's putting this cutesy persona on for the camera. Either way it seems to be working, the commenters in the live chat seem to be eating this up.
"Tch..." Tyra rolls her eyes and brings her feet up onto the office chair, sitting cross legged and putting on her computer glasses as she voyeuristically observes the life of an old antagonist. She looks back to check on the tuckered out Sam, feeling weirdly embarassed to still be watching this stream and thanking god that she hasn't been caught.
"This game literally has me in tears guys, I swear you all wanna see me cry for real." Helena is playing the current popular horror game, there always seems to be one taking the place of the last in an endless cycle of content, Tyra barely follows gaming and even she knows of the obsession with watching online personalities put on exaggerated screams to the newest compilation of jump scares.
She feels ashamed for being so high and mighty, but Tyra scoffs to herself at how cringe inducing this stream is to sit in on. Sam is completely right, this girl knows basically nothing about video games and now she is acting all cute and adorable and... well, whatever. Tyra bites her lip, just noticing the strange audio distortions in the stream and the scrolling text at the bottom.
Sorry for the audio issues guys! Will be fixed by the next stream I pwomise, make sure to follow for a notification on when I get my game on next!!!
The bored blonde giggles privately, Helena cannot even get her stream to function properly without issues that could probably be fixed with the smallest amount of technical knowhow. She admits to herself that it is pretty difficult to not feel just a teensy bit superior to this girl that used to tease her, but then she remembers that over a hundred people seem to be content in watching along anyway.
Fascinated by the notion of Helena being interesting enough to devote hours of your day to, Tyra ironically finds herself unable to tear her gaze away from the screen. The mystery is just too interesting to her, because in her mind this girl is nothing but a spiteful airhead. Tyra loses track of time watching this lacklustre stream, eventually getting used to the jarring audio distortions, namely the popping likely caused by a poorly set up microphone. Before long she can hear Sam snoring behind her vaguely, but the headphones covering her ears drown out the noise almost completely. Every 15 minutes or so Helena seems to drop everything she is doing, even the game, to plug her sponsor. Blissfuel Energy is, according to Helena's likely prewritten script, a sugar free slayer of exhaustion and lethargy, without the negatives of its unhealthy competitors. She basically implies the drink is healthy without explicitly claiming as such, while harping on endlessly about how delicious it is. Even when not reading the advertisement, Helena will exclusively drink from a bottle of Blissfuel BlueHaze as she plays.
Tyra looks down at the Blissfuel Sport that her friend Sam gave to her the other day, a four-pack of the same exact flavour, Blissfuel BlueHaze. The coincidence makes her chuckle and she looks back up just in time to see the blue liquid pouring into Helena's mouth, the rim of the bottle pressing against the shiny lips... the same lips that used to make fun of Tyra with a twisted grin, the same mouth that she shared her Blissfuel with on sports day.
Another few minutes, or maybe more, pass by and Tyra really starts to wonder why she is still watching this stupid stream, but the girl really wants to see Helena embarass herself in some fashion or say something worthy of shaming... it feels childish when put like that, but Tyra is thankfully alone.
As she watches Helena take long drawn out sips, transparently playing up her enjoyment of the energy drink she endorses, Tyra starts to feel thirsty herself. After all, it's only natural. She did get back from a long jog with her friend earlier and the last time she had a drink was then... wait, how long ago was that? Did it get dark?
Her eyes track back to the screen and Helena is covering her mouth from another jumpscare, unscrewing the bottle to her side and taking another swig. The way her eyes flutter, the way she seems to cool down... Tyra feels her mouth getting awfully dry. If she got up to go get a glass of water, she could miss the moment of satisfaction and validation she has waited so long for, on top of that she is so comfortable in her chair right now... so Tyra glances down at the Blissfuel and reaches down for it, tearing open the pack and retrieving a bottle. The girl tentatively unscrews the cap and brings the bottle to her lips, tilting her head back and letting the sweet but sugar-free blue liquid gush into her dry mouth. She knows that it tastes mediocre, fine at best, but right now it is elevated by the anticipation and her state of thirst... Tyra has to admit to herself that the drink tastes pretty damn good.
Before long the entire bottle is empty and Tyra feels much more refreshed, even a little relaxed. As she watches Helena on screen she has to admit, as much as she hates it, that the girl is actually pretty entertaining. She has a charm to herself that Tyra never noticed back in school, the way she laughs is honestly infectious when you're not the one being laughed at.
Tyra's eyes flutter open to a room flooding with daylight, the monitor in front of her still turned on with a screen reading:
Hellyvision is not currently live, but stream highlights are posted regularly in the archives, hope to see you next time. Powered by Blissfuel.
The sleepy blonde rubs her eyes, yawns and stretches, turning around to see that her friend has already gone home. She reaches for her phone and checks it to find an SMS from Sam.
yoo i gotta bounce and ur snoring like a pig lol but did you pass out watching helena??? haha thats priceless shes really that boring? i saw you had some of that blissfuel, one of us, one of us! anywayssss im fucking busy today i gotta do some work with the part time stuff, see you sunday? if not sooner okay byebye luv u
That is... certainly a very Sam text, but Tyra suddenly realises that she actually had fallen asleep to the stream. Lucky for Sam, she supposes, as the girl got to take her bed. For whatever reason, Tyra almost replies to let Sam know that the stream wasn't that boring.
Later in the day, Tyra gives up attempting the hard as nails final boss of the game she and Sam had been playing. Her friend had already beaten it and given her plenty of helpful tips, but Tyra simply wishes she could lower the difficulty and just get through it. Well, it is a problem for tomorrow's Tyra now. The girl slides into her office chair and notices that the tab is still open on her internet browser, she quickly refreshes it and to her surprise... Hellyvision is live once again.
This time, Helena is set to 'Just Chatting' and seems to have some sort of AMA thread going, even though Tyra thought she was too small for Q&A style content. As if to silence that thought, Tyra suddenly notices that the viewer count has increased significantly from last night's stream and now almost 300 people are viewing... that's like, almost the population of their small town.
"Ah, long time subscriber Mmaaxxiiee! For those that don't know, she's the moderator in chat and a good friend of mine, say hi to Max in the chat everyone and be nice~"
For whatever reason, the curious girl decides to test sending a message into the chat and finds this an innocuous enough excuse. She tries to send a message but is quickly prompted to make an account, which she innocently names TyraDayone2K, her actual name and the year she was born...
Not thinking about the fact this name will be shared with chat, she returns to the stream and sends out the greeting to Mmaaxxiiee, though the chat and stream had already moved on from that long ago.
Wait, why is she still engaging with this silly stream? Just as she starts to ask herself that, the audio distortion returns and she smirks, oh that's why... she's here to watch this trainwreck crash and burn.
People seem to greet Tyra in chat and laugh at he late response, but Helena herself seems not to notice and continues answering questions and going on with long anecdotes about her life that Tyra finds herself questioning the authenticity of.
Without even thinking about it Tyra opens the second bottle of Blissfuel and begins to take sips from it, placing it on her desk and returning her fingers to the keyboard to type something... what was she planning to type again?
Tyra feels confused, her train of thought seeming halted by something. The audio issues are really annoying, how is nobody commenting about that. Actually, that's what she should ask!
TyraDayone2K: Anyone else notice the audio issues? It's giving me a headache lol :P
BJwittz777: lmao maybe you just have a broken headset or smth
KingGrammar: Helly's voice is as crisp and delightful as ever!
bobskirt: pogg
dungeonmuff: kappa
discoshit0: idk
discoshit0: lol kappa
Mmaaxxiiee: Hey there, Tyra! I've seen ppl here have the same issue, sometimes I hear it's solved if they turn on noise cancelling, if you're lucky enough to have a headset with that feature :P
BJwittz777: based moderator
EvilVerminBoi: queen
TyraDayone2K: ok ill try it :/
Tyra frowns a little, having hoped that there would be no solution so she could poke fun, but then again needing a feature like noise cancellation is a weird and exclusive fix... does that even make sense? Thankfully, Sam got her a new headset for christmas so she could stop making excuses about her mic to avoid playing online games...
The girl turns on noise cancellation and to her surprise, the audio distortions seem to disappear. Instead, just a light hum lingers that honestly still seems a little amateurish but far less jarring.
Tyra finds herself inexplicably watching the stream for another hour and a half, mostly because she wants to compare Helena's silly anecdotes to her own real life accounts. Helena's voice is kind of weird after a while, especially with the noise cancellation. It begins to sound like a completely new voice, one that seems so different to the harsh childish voice that used to mock her. Maybe Helena is really nice now... it would be hard to fake being this nice for such a long stream, after all...
She takes another sip of her drink and bites her lip, feeling conflicted.
A week later
"Aaaahhh why are we at a park it's freezing cold, are you trying to kill me? Honestly?" Sam hugs herself, hopping up and down impatiently.
"Oh my gosh you are sooo damn melodramatic, it's always life or death with you isn't it?" With yet another eye roll, Tyra punches her bestie in the arm and sits down on one of the empty swings.
"I miss warm comfy room, s'all I'm sayin! Why are we stopping here, you gonna confess your love for me? I can't take that in this weather hon it's gonna snow any second I swear..."
"No you dumbass, but uh, I need to talk about something."
Sam looks her friend over, realising this is no joke. With a slight delay she sits herself down in the swing beside Tyra. "You good, Ty?"
Tyra fidgets, looking down at her cold fingers as she blows hot breath onto them. "I need to tell you about, something..."
"Uh-huh, go on..." Sam swings her leg, looking passively interested while in reality feeling oddly tense, their conversations rarely becoming this serious.
"So..." Tyra begins, last night..."
TyraDayone2K is now subscribed to Hellyvision, welcome them!
Tyra stares at the message, displaying on the stream overlay right over her old high school bully's head. Her curiosity has been allowed to run wild for so long that she actually finds herself kind of enjoying the streams, the community on there is fun to chat with and Helena really does seem like a different person. Also, if she watches Helly... Helena's streams, she gets to use the codes Helena reads out for a discount on a Blissfuel Pro subscription. Tyra twists open a bottle of the newest flavour, Blissfuel Whiteout, taking a sip and placing it to one side. The flavour is intense, but Helena really seems to enjoy the stuff and the chat agrees so it must be good...
TyraDayone2K: hi guys :3
Mmaaxxiiee: hey hon!
booberz11: tyra you finally subbed hehehe
xxXgamergoddessXxx: yoo whiteout is so sick, got the discount :D
Tyra finds herself getting more and more attached to the stream, oddly glued to the screen. She instinctively turns on noise cancellation and usually never reacts or moves if her mom comes into her room during a stream. This night, Helena is playing with other streamers. Tyra finds herself becoming slightly jealous of the other people playing with her, even though Tyra once used to know the girl in real life. Wow, Tyra thinks to herself that she actually used to know Helena, they were even friends!
As the stream continues, Tyra seems to fall into the flow more and more, gradually adjusting the image she has of Helena in her head little by little. What Tyra does not know, is that the hum and the drug she ingests are both contributing to this newfound perspective...
"Well, that's about a day guys! Anything you wanna add, Roxiemew?" Helena seems to take control of the outro, asking the other streamers if they want to end. Tyra sits in her chair watching, almost sad that she has to go to bed now, her hand hovering over her lap.
The stream comes to an end and the chat seem to dissipate, but just as Tyra moves to close the tab she notices an unread notification. It confuses her at first, she only follows Hellyvision and so what could this new notification be for?
She clicks onto the notification menu and it says she has a direct message request from... Hellyvision. That... is that right? Tyra nervously clicks accept and it goes to a private messaging tab.
Hellyvision: Hiya there, it's Tyra from school right? You watch my streams now? That's so cute!
Tyra reads the message several times, her heart beating faster than it should. Why is Helena talking to her? She... she's wasting time on you...
TyraDayone2K: Sorry, I forgot you'd be able to see my name haha... yeah, its cool to hang out sorry if its weird haha
Hellyvision: what? not at all, silly, im flattered that youd even wanna watch me, i always thought you hated me!
TyraDayone2K: i dont hate you! i think that youre pretty funny...
Hellyvision: then why dont you donate? ;)
TyraDayone2K: huh?
Hellyvision: just kidding, silly! well i hope you keep enjoying the streams anyway, i have to go get these nails sorted lol
TyraDayone2K: ill donate
Hellyvision: yeah?
TyraDayone2K: yeah, maybe we could meet up sometime or something idk haha
Hellyvision: oh yeah, maybe, if you donate enough ;)
Hellyvision: that was a joke, lol, you didnt think i was being serious right you went quiet. omg pls tell me you werent looking for your card details or something XD
TyraDayone2K: no i was checking to see if i had your number in my phone, we should exchange!
TyraDayone2K: hello?
Hellyvision: i have waaayy too many numbers in my phone rn and i barely use it to chat anyway, just stay active in the tweak chat and you know you can donate if you wanna tell me something! i dont wanna be a bitch, but dont dm me out of nowhere id rather chat on stream
TyraDayone2K: okay
TyraDayone2K: thanks!
TyraDayone2K: ill see you tomorrow on stream hehe
TyraDayone2K: well, night...
"I think I might be gay." Tyra confesses under her breath, swinging very slowly and looking at her fidgeting fingers.
Sam looks shocked. "Wait, what, really? You, into puss? I kinda did not see that coming, but I mean, you share a lot of hobbies with me so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It's just... yeah it's surprising honestly. What's this all about?"
Tyra chews the inside of her cheek shyly, before turning to her friend red faced. "W-well, I just, I have a crush on an old friend and it's just that she happens to be a girl... that's all. Maybe I'm bi like you, I dunno, I just find myself really... interested in her and stuff..."
Sam lights up redder than Tyra and takes a breath, looking uncharacteristically feminine as she glances over Tyra and messes with her hair nervously. "O-oh, that so? Hehe... hah. I... I mean, are you sure? Like, really sure? I don't want things to feel weird if it doesn't work out or whatever, like I know you're in that experimental stage and stuff..."
Tyra notices Sam acting strangely flustered and shakes her head. "No, no it's... I don't know, I know we'll never be together or anything, but I don't mind... I just, I'm happy even if it's one sided. I just needed to let you know, because I wondered if you ever-"
Sam leans in and presses her lips to Tyra's, both cold but warming up quickly before the latter pulls away from the former with a furrowed brow. "Wh-wha-"
"It's okay... it doesn't have to be one sided, I think you're super cute actually~" Sam kicks her legs on the swing, her only way to combat the mounting awkwardness along with her own excitement.
Tyra frowns. "I'm... I'm not... Sam, I have a crush on Helena, you know from school?"
Sam initially giggles, but when she notices the unfaltering expression on her friend's face her face soon drops. "Oh, uh, what?" The girl rubs her arm, bringing her legs together.
"Yeah, I've been watching her streams and-"
"Wait you're actually still watching those? I showed you that as a joke, so you could laugh at the bitch that-"
Without even really thinking about it, Tyra slaps Sam. Not with force, none was needed to pass on the cutting sentiment behind it. "She's not a bitch, don't say that, you don't even know her."
Sam looks at Tyra, shock in her eyes, before slumping in the swing. "Hey, uh, I'm gonna just head home today cause... I got stuff to do, y'know?"
Usually Tyra would question further, after all Sam always comes back to her house for at least an hour, but today she feels strangely apathetic.
"Um, seeya." Sam shrugs and heads home, but leaves her half empty can of Blissfuel Extra by the swing. Without a second thought or a single ounce of shame, Tyra finishes off the can and walks home with her head feeling light and her skin tingly. Thoughts of Sam's disappointment wash over her and all Tyra can think about is tonight's stream.
"Ah, Tyra, thanks for the five dollars! Haha yeah, thanks I just had my hair done actually so I appreciate the kind message."
This is how Tyra continues, sending messages to her idol via payment and appreciating every second of it, all memories of having once despised the girl she knew in class seeming to feel like another life.
Tyra finds herself fixated on Helena's outfit, a crop top and baggy shorts, leaving a lot of skin exposed and giving her a strange familiarity. The entire stream, Tyra's newly discovered sexual attraction towards the opposite sex is reinforced and multiplied repeatedly.
The stream ends as it always does, unfortunately. Tyra gets ready for bed and finds herself unable to get the image of Helena in tonight's stream out of her head. She slides her hand under the hem of her pyjama bottoms and begins to rub her hungry lips, the image in her mind all that she needs. As Tyra begins to breathe a little more heavily, she remembers why she felt a familiarity to the outfit. Her clothes looked similar to those that Helena would wear for gym class, making Tyra remember Helena teasing her but this time... the teasing feels strangely exciting, arousing even. Her crush, her idol is teasing her and Tyra just takes it with red hot cheeks, kneeling before Helena as she sits on the changing room bench and plants her warm foot onto the weak blonde's grateful face. Tyra picks up the pace, thrusting fingers inside of herself as she imagines worshipping Helena while the bully just makes fun of her, degrades her... oh, her fingers slosh so desperately inside of her as she imagines Helena calling her names like pet, slave, bitch, toy... laughing at her needy squeaks or how wet she is from mistress Helena's cruel jokes.
Tyra curls up in bed and fucks herself to climax, the fantasy hotter than anything she could have ever thought up before. A part of her subconscious remembers her interaction with Helena on that fateful sports day, which brings her over the edge and-
"Sweetie? Is everything alright I thought I heard shouting!" Tyra's mother, Lucinda Dayone bursts into the room and Tyra hides under her sheets.
"I-I'm fine, please knock!"
It is all too obvious what Tyra was just doing, the air of masturbation in the room palpable, you could practically taste it.
"Well, it's late dear, get some rest." Lucinda absconds, leaving Tyra to hang on the final image in her mind of Helena feeding Blissfuel to her from her own mouth, an actual memory of the sports day that she mistakes for a forbidden fantasy.
"Guess what guys, I'm gonna be creating some extra content for the special viewers who help support me doing this full time! That's right hehe, I'm opening an OnlyStans~ If you are of age and were a little... well, interested in more than just the game, then there may be some things over their that catch your eye! I know some of you have been getting distracted, like my good girl Mmaaxxiiee or gamer goddess, oh and our top donator Tyra~ I'm sure you'd love to see some of what I have over there hehe."
Tyra's heart skips a beat, the girl heating up and pressing two fingers against her panties as she listens to the best news she has heard all year. With her teeth the horny blonde plays with her tongue piercing, which she got after hearing Helena give a random anecdote about finding them sexy. The girl could not decide which made her more elated, the fact that Helena would be giving her even more ways to support her, the fact that she could have access to lewd content from her crush without it being weird, or the fact that Helena acknowledged her in stream!
What excites Tyra more than anything, however, is that OnlyStans lets you pay to private chat with the content creator. She can finally talk to Helena, who was far too busy to resume their usual private chats and understandably so of course.
Hellyvixen: If it isn't my loyal patron and follower, Tyra Dayone! Who would have thought that this is where we would be in the future hehe
HellsTyra: omg
HellsTyra: dontteaseme, or maybe do hehe
Hellyvixen: silly, have you been enjoying the pictures you paid for on here?
HellsTyra: yes ma'am! i heard you say you might do vids and i think you should totally do it, but i mean, only if you wanna
Hellyvixen: hehe thats sweet, youve supported me so well, havent you?
HellsTyra: oh well i guess so haha
Hellyvixen: i even saw your cute tongue piercing on insta, omg thats adorable that you did that
HellsTyra: you saw that? >/////////////////////<
Hellyvixen: you thought you could be my girlfriend?
HellsTyra: i
HellsTyra: no i just wanted to
HellsTyra: i mean i just liked the idea or something haha idk
Hellyvixen: so you dont want to be my girlfriend?
HellsTyra: ii dont know if im worhty lol
HellsTyra: but yes idlove t o be!!
Hellyvixen: tyra are you typing with one hand?
HellsTyra: ...yes
Hellyvixen: youve always been such a silly slut, havent you?
Hellyvixen: I asked you a question, dear
HellsTyra: yes
Hellyvixen: Yes, what?
HellsTyra: yes helena!
Hellyvixen: youve always watched me, even when we used to get changed youd perv wouldnt you?
HellsTyra: yes helena
This was not actually true, but Tyra really did not care at this point, she just needs to pretend that it is the truth, she loves the direction this is going.
Hellyvixen: and then you got off to me teasing you, right?
HellsTyra: godyess
Hellyvixen: hehe god youre a slut, youre my slut, paying to be teased by me and fingering yourself silly as i do. your response almost looked like goddess, am i like a goddess to you, tyra?
HellsTyra: yesss
Hellyvixen: Yes, what?
HellsTyra: Yes goddess!
Hellyvixen: That's a good girl.
This session has been ended by the host.
Tyra stares at the system message with a look of pure confusion and arousal, her toes curled from pleasure and her nipples hard enough to cut diamond.
The next stream, Tyra feels nervous and impatient for it to start, needing more Helena after their session had ended the night before.
The stream starts and Tyra squirms in her new chair, the old one had to be replaced for a faux leather one as the poor girl made too much of a mess while fantasising during a stream... this happened multiple times, in fact.
"How is everyone? Having a lovely evening I hope, what do y'all feel like not watching me play tonight?" Helena asks with a wink to the camera, her content seems to becoming more and more sexual with each passing day and Tyra barely even notices because she is changing just as fast. She leans forwards in her chair and types into chat eagerly.
TyraDayone2K: hi hellyvision!!! hi chat!
Mmaaxxiiee: good evening tyra~
Supguy: sup
With relatively low viewers currently, due to the fact she just started and is a little earlier than usual, Helena reads the chat and smirks to herself.
"Hmmm, good evening everybody I hope you're all doing swell, but Tyra why don't you address me properly, try again hehe."
TyraDayone2K: oh uhm... wha?
Mmaaxxiiee: dont be shy, silly!
JoeGamer: yea lmao you werent last night
Wait, what? Tyra looks at her monitor in confusion, before gears in her head start slowly turning and she clicks to the OnlyStans tab and notices a new upload posted after she had gone to sleep. A log of her private chat with Helena from last night! Not just hers, but multiple followers have similar exchanges.
This should upset Tyra, make her feel used and humiliated, violated. Any girl in her right mind would be angry, but Tyra is so conditioned that this feels more like a relief. She feels a shot of heat between her legs and pushes her thighs together as she returns to the Tweak chat and happily types.
TyraDayone2K: hi goddess!
Mmaaxxiiee: good girl hehe, worship goddess helly!
MissDorkette: hello goddess
Kyra1998: good evening goddess!!!
From that point on, it really did feel like Helena had become a goddess. Tyra begins to grow even more obsessed and addicted, paying for more private sessions and spending most of her part time earnings while living from home. She begins to masturbate daily, when the old Tyra would barely ever touch herself, always thinking of Helena. There is no longer any question in her silly head, whether she is gay or not, Tyra is in love with Helena completely so naturally that makes her a slutty lesbian.
This all feels so familiar to the girl, like she has lived it once before, that familiarity allows her to slide back into it so easily. She loves pussy, but only Helena's. Her own pussy is Helena's property. Often in the private sessions, Helena would give her mantras to repeat and praise her for using them outside of their chats. Even the streams begin to feel like training sessions, Tyra starting to forget the the precise details of what actually takes place during the streams. She barely even registers that the streams had moved to a site with less restrictions, all she does know for sure is how good she feels when she goes to bed each night.
Goddess told Tyra to dye her hair pink, saying it was her colour and perhaps the only thing that makes her look more of an airhead than natural blonde. She goes shopping and buys the clothes her goddess recommended to her, or was it that she ordered her to get them? Does it matter, it makes no difference in her silly head!
The training is going well, or so Tyra is told, she finds it hard to think when goddess doesn't want her to. Her mind sort of... trails off... she feels yummy in her new clothes though, the new Blissfuel making her libido skyrocket.
Eventually, goddess Helena snaps her fingers during a stream, Tyra and who knows how many other well trained sluts fluttering open their tired eyes and staring at the screen patiently. "Now then, I have a super exciting message for all of you silly sluts, you're all going to help me and my partner Blisscorp expand the reaches of their brand even further! Let me pass you onto a Blissgirl, the lovely Mmaaxxiiee who moderated my Tweak chat in the beginning~"
The camera pivots to a blonde girl in a pink dress, who smiles at the camera and waves. Tyra's mind almost pieces something together, before another wave of pleasure and obedience washes her back into focussing on what she is being told.
The girl, who Tyra fails to realise is her best friend Sam, addresses all of the conditioned stream viewers with a peppy attitude not characteristic of the girl Tyra knows personally.
"Hiya everyone! We at Blisscorp are so blessed to have our first recruitment operation go so swimmingly~! Nod your heads at the screen and smile for me sweeties, because you're all finally fully trained and ready for the next stage in our brand awareness campaign. Some of you will be streaming on Tweak, but some might be already too far gone for that hehe, so the naughty ones will stream on this site, but you won't be officially endorsing our product. Instead the naughtier sluts among you will be hitting a totally different crowd, a little... unofficially~"
A week laterBelle squats on her faux leather office chair with the torn fishnets packaging her thick thighs cutely, the pink sex toy burrowed between her dripping lips vibrates on the highest setting and the dazed girl groans passively. Her back arches and she squeezes at her chest through the fishnet crop top, the only thing on her midriff beads of moisture and a pretty belly button piercing. Her nipples stiff as bullets, Belle tweaks them expertly as she throws her head back, pink hair swishing against the back of her chair while her eyes stare up at the spiral light hanging above her desktop setup. Her eyes slowly roll back and her tongue lolls out, hanging out of her gaping mouth with a stud in the centre. The headset, still noise cancelling, allows her to truly slip away on camera.
If Tyra knew that one day she would have over a thousand viewers on anything, she'd feel famous!
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This isn’t the first story like this I’ve seen, but I’m absolutely in love with lesbian simp stories! Absolutely the best!