BlissGirls - BFF

by tara

Tags: #clothing #f/f #humiliation #lesbian #urban_fantasy #wholesome

Best friends Tyra and Sam take a load off from their bizarre, blissful lives.

All characters are of legal age.

If you'd like to check out more of my writing, I write live stories at

"Oh lame, my Mom is cooking soup tonight. That's not dinner, right? Soup is a savoury drink at best, at worst it's got bits in it too... ew!" Sam rolls over on Tyra's bed, her pouty face betraying any sign of her adulthood. 

After finally deciding not to just ignore her immature best friend, Tyra swivels her office chair away from her desk and towards her now messy bed. "Are you serious? Your Mom has been back for less than a month, what are doing over here complaining about her?" 

"Hmph. I bet you like pulpy juice too, huh?" Sam crosses her arms.

"You're insufferable..." Tyra states bluntly, knowing Sam won't take any real offense. 

"I bet you like stew too, brine?" Sam continues to writhe in angst, messing up Tyra's once neat sheets even further. 

"...and flat." Tyra concludes matter-of-factly. 

Sam stares daggers at her friend, before killing the conversation dead with one of her trademark awful puns. "Hrrmm, the lady broth protest too much, methinks."




Tyra stands up. "I need a shower."

Tyra sighs after a sharp intake of breath, the boiler must be busted again because this is one cold shower. The blonde half wonders what Sam could be up to in her room right now, the pervert could be rifling through her things! In reality though, Sam has spent enough time in Tyra's room alone that were she to snoop, all stones would have already been turned. Trust is important in a friendship, but respecting privacy is hardly one of Sam's strong suit. 

The girl looks down at her body, she has a much more athletic frame than she once had, about a month or so ago she had something of a workout phase. Not at the gym, like her friend Rachel would always try to force her and Sam into, but just at home in her room. For whatever reason, Tyra's memories of that period are hazy at best, she must have overworked herself! One of life's greatest mysteries, she supposes, but stranger still is the internet ban her mother gave her. The woman claims she wants to reduce broadband usage and now, curiously, Tyra is only allowed to use the internet on the downstairs computer. Sam threw a book at her when she tried to describe the situation as 'Pretty darn Orwellian.'

Sam sits cross-legged on Tyra's bed, her eyes darting around the room like those of a child in a toy shop who was just told to sit still and not touch anything. With a flick of her wrist the girl pulls open her flip-phone, a piece of outdated tech that cements her as a modern day hipster, the sad truth being that she just hasn't bought a new phone in over a decade. 

She clicks on the music player and starts playing one of her favourites, which is really just cover noise for her snooping. Sam pulls out a pack of gum and throws two strips into her mouth before starting operation 'Root through your friend's belongings while they're in the shower', a noble mission. 

"God she's so strait-laced, no vibrators, cigarettes, not even any secret snacks..." Sam mumbles to herself on all fours, her head under Tyra's bed. A few minutes later, she decides to abandon the mission, feeling utterly defeated and unnecessarily tired. Slouching into Tyra's office chair, the girl blows a bubble with her gum and lets it pop in her face, looking like the posterchild for boredom and unproductivity. How could Tyra shower for so long, Sam wonders, when she only takes five minutes in and out. Wait, does she smell? She checks, sighing in relief at the fact that she smells mostly fine. 

Just as Sam is about to see if she can top her last bubble, the girl swivels on the chair idly until her cold, bare foot brushes something strange under her best friend's desk. She pulls back her leg instinctively then rolls the chair back, moving down under the desk to investigate. 

The first thing Sam notices under the desk is the smell, the tomboy's room basically all smells like this but she's surprised to discover it in Tyra's... her friend must definitely be masturbating at her desk... 

Just too dark to properly see the object that caught her interest, Sam reaches out and feels for it with her hand, stopping as her fingertips lightly brush over it just as her foot had. Slowly she curls her fingers around it but immediately drops it soon after. "Holy shit, Ty, is this a dildo?" The girl whispers to herself with giddy excitement.

The last droplets of water roll down Tyra's hair as the jets of water come to a halt. With a towel wrapped around her waist the girl walks over to the bathroom mirror and wipes it until she can see herself in it. After drying and brushing her hair, she pulls on a sweater and heads back to her room, praying to whichever god is out there that the place is as she left it. 

The door creaks open slowly and Tyra finds Sam on the bed where she left her, though now with a sheepish grin on her freckled face. Her face is more than a little red now, too... 

"Hey, ran out of manga?" Tyra asks as she cuts across the room to put some underwear and a skirt on. 

Sam just shakes her head, looking like she's in on some big joke that Tyra isn't privy to. Tyra almost thinks that it might be because of her sweater, the other girl is wearing just a t-shirt and shorts after all, but now she's just being self conscious. 

Once she is dressed, Tyra sits down in her desk chair and turns to face Sam. "You look pleased with yourself, you better not have gone through my underwear or something, if I find you wearing my laundry or something perverted and gross like that I'll-"

"Perverted and gross you say?" Sam interrupts with the world's smuggest grin. "Like, maybe, leaving your dirty sex toys lying around in the open?" She pulls out the cute unicorn horn inspired dildo like an unsheathed sword and holds it up. 

Tyra freezes up for a second but her face heats up, the girl lunging forwards to seize the dildo from Sam, her arms not fast enough as Sam pulls it away and shifts to the other side of the bed, placing the suction cup on her forehead like a true idiot. "Look, I'm a unicorn, wanna ride me Tyra?"

Lucinda Dayone enters her home sluggishly, exhausted from her long day at work. She lifts one leg up and slips a finger into the heel of her shoe, sliding it off and then doing the same for the other one, neatly placing them in the shoe rack. 

"Oh." Lucinda notices a familiar pair of beat up trainers next to where she just placed her shoes, Sam must be over again. Since Lucinda's old friend and Sam's mother returned, she had been visiting less often to spend some time with Maxine.

Hanging up her coat and taking off her pantyhose, Tyra's mother steps into the kitchen and picks up a few snack to take the two girls, something that realistically she shouldn't be doing for women in their early twenties. Old habits die hard and she knows that Sam loves snacking more than actual meals. 

Without knocking, Lucinda walks into Tyra's room with a small tray to find the two girls on the carpet, appearing to be wrestling. Tyra has her back to the door while Sam locks eyes with Lucinda and accidentally swallows her gum. 

Tyra has Sam's sweaty hand in her grip, both sets of fingers gripping the dildo, while Sam's other hand is under Tyra's sweater trying to tickle her ribs and Tyra's spare hand is pulling at the tomboy's hair. 

"I'm just going to put these down here, ladies, and pretend I saw nothing." Lucinda announces with an overly sweet smile and tone. A few seconds later, the door closes and leaves them to resume their battle.


"I'm not ticklish, stupid!" Tyra exclaims, squirming from the hand under her sweater. 

"Your body is telling me another thing, dumbass! Your hair pulling is only fuelling my depraved fetishes, you know?" 

"I-I'm not squirming like this cause I'm ticklish, it's because I don't have a bra on under this and you're almost touching my boob!" 

"Yeah? W-well, that's... that's..." Sam suddenly looks just as flustered as her squirming friend, suddenly not feeling as confident as she had a moment ago. 

"Your depraved fetishes don't sink low enough to fondle a straight girl, I see. That's a good weakness to know!" Tyra is not quite sure why she decided to say this, but she knew she had to act fast as her fingers were losing grip on the sex toy clasped between their hands. 

Sam looks surprised, but then shakily slides her hand up higher on Tyra's body, her knuckles poking the blonde's underboob. 

Tyra gasps and completely releases her grip on both the toy and Sam's hair, causing Sam to jerk back a little and lay down on the floor, her arm awkwardly held up and static underneath Tyra's hanging sweater. 

"I win..." The girl mumbles from below, completely red in the face. 

"C-congratulations. You win my dildo, it's yours to do with as you please!" Tyra's voice cracks once or twice as she delivers the good news. 

"Oh." Sam turns her head to the side, looking at the toy in her hand. "It's cute."

"Oh yeah?" Tyra responds almost instantly, exhaling deeply. Her body moves up and down from heavy breathing, Sam's frozen hand moving with it. 

"Yeah." Sam affirms, their conversation becoming a stall tactic for both of them. 

"Cuter than me?" Tyra's attempt at levity sounds more like flirting after it escapes her lips, causing both of them to blush some more. 

After a pause, Sam's eyes flick up to Tyra's face and back down. "Nah."


"Tyra, did, did your Mom turn the heating up?"

"S-she must have, haha." 


"So, uh..." 


"This got, pretty weird huh?" Sam doesn't move a muscle, other than the ones she needs to talk.

"Sorta, yeah, it was your fault though. You're nosy and..."

"Heh, sorry bout that. I should uh, probably get my hand out of your sweater."

"Oh, yeah, probably." 



"Definitely probably?"

"Okay yeah, you just lost your chance to grope me, consider my fleeting bicuriosity gone, too bad so s-ahhh!"

Sam had stopped Tyra's sentence and train of thought in their tracks by moving her hand up nervously, pressing her thumb into the girl's nipple like a joystick. 


Tyra kneels on her carpet over Sam, each knee either side of the other who lays on her back, arm extended under Tyra's sweater and playing with her tit.

"Your face is so cute it's too much, you look like you're being fingerbanged Tyra, I'm barely even touching you!"

"Sh-shut up, I'm sensitive and fragile, b-besides... your face is totally just as embarassing."

"...touché." Sam grins, staring up at Tyra as she squeezes the girl's breast between her fingers. Both of them know they could move to get into a less awkward position, but the moment is too volatile neither want to risk letting it pass, or for their senses to get the better of them. "Sensitive and fragile, really? Your hair pulling wasn't fragile."

As if to emphasise her point, Sam's fingers move down to lightly pinch Tyra's nipple, between her forefinger and thumb. Tyra bites her lip and her legs shake a little, she almost seems to be actively holding in a gasp or moan. 

"Does that feel good?" Sam asks, her tone somewhere between trying to be seductive and genuinely wanting to know. Her heart is beating faster than she would like to admit, being their trio's only lesbian and having had a crush on her best friend Tyra for as long as she can recall. She feels like she is floating, letting her body and tongue move on auto-pilot, like her fantasies were being recorded so she could hit the playback button at this moment. 

Biting her lip to not let out any embarassing noises, Tyra just nods with slight uncertainty. Little does she know that her breathing has increased its pitch and her little reactive grunts to Sam's touch have already given her away. After a moment of hesitation, Sam lifts up her other hand and slides it under Tyra's sweater, which rides up and exposed the girl's torso as Sam's hand clasps around Tyra's jealous second boob. Pushing both nipples in with her thumbs, Sam moves them around in circles as she enjoys how warm and soft they feel against her hands. 

"You're pretty good at keeping your cool while I play with you, I mean, for a virgin..."

Tyra glares, holding onto Sam's shoulders for support rather than leaning on the floor, that way she can dig her fingers in and betray how intense she feels. "I'm not a virrgin, you swine!"

Sam slides her thumbs down to grab the breasts and squeeze them both, watching Tyra flub her words and feeling her fingers grip her shoulders much tighter. "You're a girl virgin, dummy, this kind of experience is a college girl must. It's basically the law~" 

"Nnnhh, th-that so?" Tyra's back arches a little and she lowers her butt onto Sam's torso, the skirt splaying over it, hiding what little of Sam's midriff was on show.


"You're heavy." Sam teases.

"Fuck you." 

"Is that an offer?" She may be pushing her luck, but the girl is thirsty enough to roll the dice. 

"You mean like, eat you out?" Tyra asks genuinely, looking down at the print on Sam's t-shirt, which reads 'Ask me about my T-Rex', one of Sam's oldest pieces of clothing. 

Whatever answer Sam wants to give to that question, the words get caught in the back of her throat as it seems her turn to be the flustered one again. Sensing that Sam feels far too awkward to answer, Tyra breaks the silence. 

"Can I see your T-Rex, Sam?"

"Oh uh, oh. Sure... I mean, yeah haha. One T-Rex coming up!" 

Sam slowly removes her hands from Tyra's chest and then from the sweater, moving to the hem of her own top as she pulls it up over her head, the back print of the shirt featuring a crappy looking clip art of a T-Rex head with covers her actual face. More importantly, it gives Tyra a view of her friend's body. She is almost suprised to see that Sam is wearing a bra, but that thought suddenly feels a little mean. Her hands trail down from Sam's shoulders and move to tug at the black sports bra, causing her fossilised friend to giggle through the fabric of her shirt.

"You're returning the favour?" Sam's voice is only slightly muffled by the t-shirt, which she keeps her face covered with to hide how red she is. Tyra tries to pull the bra down but it doesn't quite work, making them both laugh a little before she pulls it up over the girl's breasts. 

"It's more of a favour for you than me, duh." Tyra responds, her hands pressing into Sam's chest as she leans into it with her upper body weight. 

"Th-that's cold, I know you're enjoying this just as m- almost as much!" 

"I'm not as much as a perv as you!" Tyra retorts, Sam's breasts feeling much nicer than she had expected as she cups them and lightly squeezes. Not as flat as they look, she thinks to herself privately. 

Sam decides not to respond with words, but instead moves her hands down to Tyra's inner thighs, which are nicely exposed from her sitting position. Slipping under the girl's skirt, Sam's fingers lightly brush over the soft skin of her friend's inner thighs. 

Tyra shudders, looking down at her skirt. 

"You're so soft, everywhere, but I know you're just as much of a pervert as I am. That's not a cheap dildo, dear~" 

"That... I don't remember where I got that from, but... that feels really good Sam..."

"This?" She turns her hands and runs her fingertips up from Tyra's knees to just shy of her panties, causing the girl to shiver again. 

Tyra nods while chewing her lip, trying her best to imitate on her friend what Sam had done to her chest. 

"What about this?" Sam presses two fingers to Tyra's pussy mound through her panties, applying light pressure.

"Hhyeah, that's... yeah, nice."

Sam allows her shirt to fall away from her face, smiling at Tyra happily. With a little more confidence and brimming excitement, she continues. "I wanna see if I can make my bestie wet, or maybe I'll even make you cum." She traces light circles with her fingers, moving Tyra's lips with them in the motion. 

"God... I want that." Tyra admits, practically drooling at the idea, holding onto Sam's breasts but too distracted to do much with them. She lifts her hips slightly, pushing into her friend's touch eagerly. 

"Steady does it, Ty, I've barely touched it yet." Sam giggles and continues to tease the other's entrance, sliding her finger over the panty clad slit so that the fabric pushed in slightly. "Cameltoe!"

"Shut up and fuck me!"

Sam slides her fingers into the hem of Tyra's panties from either side and slides them down. Wanting to get a look at the object of her desire, she then tugs at the girl's skirt, prompting Tyra to unzip and  cast it aside. Both girls look down at Tyra's needy outer lips, a bead of moisture rolling down it and dropping onto Sam's torso. Sam's fingers spread Tyra's lips and again, both girls appear transfixed. Sam staring into what she has always wanted but had long since thought unattainable, Tyra staring at her best friend's fingers bringing her more pleasure than a boyfriend ever had.

"Should I go slow, or should I just fingerblast you into next tuesday?" Sam then says, somehow with less grace and elegance than any past boyfriend also. 

"You need me to shut you up so you can-ahh, get back to work?"

"You have the threat but have ya got the means? I think you're mmmmphhh!"

Sam is promptly silenced by Tyra filling her mouth with the previously discarded dildo that started this mess. Tyra savours her bestie's expression as she realises what has been shoved into her mouth, Sam going from shocked, to flustered, to helplessly aroused. Tyra holds the dildo in place as Sam tastes it curiously, her fingers pushing past the girl's slit after getting her lubricated enough. Both girls enjoy their moments of initial bliss, Sam getting the lingering taste of her best friend's sex spread over her tongue while she can feel the walls of her pussy tightening around her digits. Tyra feeling her friend lightly gag against her hand, her tongue rolling over the toy in her hand eagerly, while pleasure jolts up her body like electricity as heat builds exponentially between her legs. 

Before long, Sam is pumping her fingers into Tyra's entrance with growing ease as Tyra's hips thrust into them in rhythm, the blonde having long given up in trying to restrain her grunts and moans. Part of her wonders if she is even moaning louder than she actually needs to, just for Sam's enjoyment. Sam cleans the dildo like a girl possessed, while not skimping on her finger fucking duties. They are both panting, though for different reasons, the heap of overheating girls rising and falling in sync with heavy breaths. 

Eventually, Tyra manages to use Sam's fingers to push herself over the edge, having her first climax in another's company, never mind of another's doing. She lets go of the dildo and just holds onto Sam's shoulders for genuine support as she rides out her orgasm, her body shaking. Sam slides her fingers out after all is said and done, feeling the heat in her own shorts burning by this point. Tyra rolls over and falls onto her back beside Sam, panting and giggling like she can't decide which to land on. 

"I'm... so fucking tired, no idea why, that was... pretty gay."

Sam laughs. "Hardly, I could have been a dude and it wouldn't have changed anything." 

"You're... saying... you're not? Prove it."

"Okay smartass!"

Sam picks herself up and straddles Tyra, her knees either side of the girl's head. She pulls down her shorts and lets them drop onto the tired girl's face. 

"Hey, gross!" Tyra laughs. "I can smell it on your shorts, perv!"

"Smell what, I thought I didn't have one." Sam pulls one leg up and slides it out of the shorts and underwear, pulling it to one side on her other leg as she returns to straddling Tyra's face. "See, can't call me a guy now you've got the truth r-right in front of you." 

Tyra stares at the moist slit so close to her face she can feel heat from it. "It..."

Sam looks far more timid than usual, she can probably feel Tyra's breath against her thighs. "It what? You have comments, do you?"

"It's glistening, but I haven't even touched it. I wasn't like that was I?" 

"Wh-what, no but..."

"Perv. It's gonna drip on my face if you get any wetter."

"You're exaggerating."

"So what is this, my initiation?"

"Into what? I'm not in a cult Tyra I'm just into cute girls."

"That's gay."

"I'll smother you."

"What a way to go..."

"Tyra, I'm so fucking horny, please..."

Tyra blows hot air out of her mouth, just to be a tease. Sam rubs her lips idly, too desperate to leave it alone. 

"I'm just not sure about something..." Tyra muses, with a grin.

"About what?" Sam asks meekly, looking like she'll cry is she has to wait any longer. 

"Which snack I want more, the one on the tray over there, or the one right in front of me." 

"That's the lames bedroom talk I've ever heard!"

Both girls giggle. Then, as though they reached some sort of telepathic agreement, no more words are exchanged as Sam lowers herself towards Tyra's waiting mouth. Tyra amateurly licks at and sucks Sam from her low position, but it seems to make the girl above ecstatic and soon enough the wet slurping noises between them fill the otherwise silent room, Tyra experimenting with pushing her tongue into her friend's slit and then moving it. She wonders if it is just the thrill of the moment, but the taste of Sam's pussy only seems to arouse her more and more until her hand returns to her own hungry lips, ready to go again.

Sam's body halts abruptly as she tenses up, squeezing Tyra's tongue and then gushing out a long awaited orgasm... longer than she could say.

Both girls flop against each other in a worn out, sweaty heap. 

"You're my... haah, best friend." 

"Mmh, 'course..."

In the end, Tyra's 'first' lesbian experience was everything both of them had hoped it would be, for the most part. 

For once in their adult lives, they just had some mind control free, good old fashioned sex.

As for Rachel, well, her story cannot boast the same claim... 

Also, Sam's soup went cold. 

The end.

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