Temple of the Goddess

Chapter 1

by Alan Weaver

Tags: #bondage #D/s #dom:female #hypnosis #multiple_partners #sub:male #cult_recruitment #religion #spirituality

Happy hour during the summer in the small college town had always been slow. The Uptown Lounge was no different than usual as the only customers seemed to be me, a couple of townies in a booth, and at the far end of the bar, an extremely gorgeous woman. Her hair fell in curls around the most wonderful eyes that I have ever seen, a form-fitting black dress revealing athletic, tan legs and arms, balanced on the bar stool, so beautiful and sexy. She told me she was a Goddess in a way that seemed light-hearted and solemn at the same time.

Thinking back, I realize she must have been testing me in three pronounced stages, but at the time, I was completely mesmerized by her beauty, voice, and words. First, she motioned for me to come, her fingers gracefully fluttering like a butterfly, strangely alluring, pushed her empty glass towards me and simply stated, “red wine.” It felt so rewarding to follow this simple instruction.

When I returned with a glass of the best wine I could afford, she said, “Sit here. I have a little game I think you would like very much.” The words seemed to be only a suggestion, but her tone and demeanor made me feel that to listen and comply would be pleasant. Taking out and swinging a jade pendulum, she soon had me in a hypnotic trance, in a peaceful and blissful state that I have since come to love more than life itself. Thirty minutes seemed to pass within seconds, though I do remember nodding and repeating a few words as well as feeling deep pleasure at her words, “You are now mine.” I don’t remember ever having so much trust and warmth for someone so quickly. Irrationally, felt I would do anything for her.

When she told me to follow her to her car, the command touched something in the wellspring of my being, filling me with bliss. As she guided me outside, I was still entranced as she told me she thought I might be a natural submissive, that a three-month program under her care would increase my happiness and health. I have always longed to find a dominant woman, and I deeply wanted to follow this program, needed her plan for me.

During the next three months, I studied the book she gave me, practiced some ritual meditations, and did daily physical training. The book outlined the history of goddess worship, theory and practice of female superiority, as well as various designs for woman-dominated relationships. The meditations included mantras, audio loops, and some videos—all of which caused me to go into trance ever more quickly, more deeply, and more frequently. Sometimes just the thought of Goddess brought waves of pleasure and bliss, a feeling of falling in love. The physical training plan was simply a healthy diet, aerobic running, and yoga work outs.

After completing the plan, Goddess suggested a 21-day intensive training. However, she made me wait three days before committing, during which time I was frustratingly clear-minded and wakeful, seldom able to go deep in trance and not “walking in the Spirit,” as I had started calling the random bliss flows that had been saturating my days. I tried to satisfy myself with rational explanations.  I assured myself my submission was an acceptable liberty, a human right, with everything safe and consensual.  Finally, I made the leap of faith, saying “Yes” to Goddess, when cords of pleasure seemed to bind me once again.

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