
by softi

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #humiliation #hypnosis #sub:female #clothing #club #solo

Dez wants to have a little fun at a hypnosis club, but doesn’t want to go on her own. She invites her friend Emma along to watch over her.

Help editing by shyncurious.

Disclaimer: This story contains scenes of non-consensual sex and depictions of sexual slavery. If you are under 18 or offended by this type of material please do not continue. Otherwise, read on and enjoy! Also, any resemblance of the characters in this work to people either living, dead or fictitious is unintentional and purely coincidental.

©2023 softi. All rights reserved.

Dez walked up to the red, rusted door in the alleyway. Knocking three times, a little plate in the upper middle of the door slid open. 

"Svengali lives here," Dez said to the eyes peeking through. 

The door opened.

"Sketch," Emma said as Dez pulled her by the hand past the bouncer.

"Come on," Dez said. "It'll be fun!"

"Come on, it's sketch," Emma replied as they went past the closed coat check. It was late spring and nobody needed coats in the heat of the city. They walked down a short hall into a large room. Gentle music filled the space, more for background than for dancing. There was a long bar to their right, but Dez pulled Emma over to the round booths surrounding the dance floor.

"Nobody would be dancing to this," Emma said, gesturing around loosely as the two slipped into a booth. She pushed the candle, held in a deep round jar, to the middle of the table.

"It's for performances more than dancing," replied Dez. "Some people like to show off. Or be shown off." Dez leaned in conspiratorially. "Some don't but they get shown off anyway." She smiled as she pulled back.

Emma shook her head. "This is so fucked up. Why I agreed to this shit..."

"Come on, you don't have to play, no one is going to make you. It's against the rules to hypnotize someone against their will. Just watch me, make sure that nothing happens. Well, nothing bad happens. Because shit's gonna happen."

"Yeah, I know." Emma shook her head.

A waitress, wearing a short but decent black skirt and white blouse walked up to their table. She had on a name tag with a spiral background and 'Heather' emblazoned across it. "Can I getcha anything?"

"Two house whites," replied Dez.

Emma looked at Dez, but it was what she was going to order anyway. "So now what? How do you hook up with a hypnotist?"

"We wait, and if someone is interested, they'll come up and start talking," explained Dez.

"So, we just sit here hoping you can find someone to fuck with you?"


"Oooookay." Emma said. She looked around the room, noticing that there was a fair split of sexes, mostly huddled in booths, paired off and talking intently to one another. She saw some had the old cliche watches or pendants out. One had a candle, and a few seemed to just be using their eyes. Their partners had blank looks on their faces. To her, it was all a little surreal. She never would've guessed that Dez was into this, and wanted... well, this. But as she looked at her friend, Dez gave her a goofy, excited smile.

Just as their drinks arrived, a woman stepped up to their booth and slid in. "On me," she said, slipping a couple of bills to the waitress. She was older than the two grad students, likely in her thirties. The lady was well-dressed, in a power suit with a short skirt, tight matching jacket and white, translucent blouse. Dez was sure she could just see the woman's bra behind a large pendant hanging between her breasts. 

"I haven't seen you two here before."

"Are you," Dez leaned in towards the woman, "a hypnotist? Can you, you know, do me?"

"A little forward, aren't we?" the woman chuckled, holding her hand out to Dez. "I'm Susan."

"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm Dez, and this is Emma." Dez blushed, making her tan complexion a shade darker as she slipped her hand in. "I... uh, sorry."

"It's quite alright. You're eager. I can see it in your eyes." Susan looked at both of them, obviously drinking in the pair. "I take it you're both on the menu?" Her gaze lingered on Emma before shifting back to Dez.

"Uh, oh, no, just me," said Dez.

"I'm just here to watch over her," said Emma. "I'm not... playing. On the menu. Going under."

"Pity," said Susan, smiling predatorily at her. She pulled her pendant off. "Your mind looks delicious." She held it up in front of Dez. "But yours I'll enjoy tasting," Susan said, licking her lips as she stared into Dez's eyes.

Dez let out an excited little whimper. "Remember to take a picture," she said to Emma. Keeping her eyes focused on Susan's, she tried to relax into the booth seat.

Emma rolled her eyes but pulled out her phone.

"Watch the pendant, Dez. Let it capture your eyes, like you want it to. Relax, and let it guide you down," said Susan. Her gentle voice was exactly what Dez had wanted. 

Dez had listened to audio of both deep male voices and throaty female ones, and found she didn't have a preference. It only mattered to her that she go under, that she lose herself in a relaxing trance and float along through commands that she had no control over. Which, really, was why Emma was here. Loss of control might be fun for a bit, but Dez wanted to be sure that it wasn't too far. That thought pulled her out for a second, making her want to look over at her friend and make sure that she was watching. Dez smiled to herself, knowing Emma was the responsible type, and stared back at the pendant flashing gently in the candlelight.

Susan's smooth, sultry voice continued to guide Dez down. "Feel your body relaxing, starting at your feet. Feel them get heavier and heavier, so hard to move. Let your legs relax with them, sinking into the seat, feeling them weighed down and so heavy."

Dez felt her excitement try to rear up again, distracting her from the relaxing tones of Susan's voice. Dez was finally going to go under for someone real, live, right in front of her. It wouldn't be the half-trance the recordings had given her. She focused again on calming down, losing herself in the slow motions of Susan's pendant.

"Relaxing, feeling your chest get heavier and heavier, sinking into the back of the seat. Losing yourself in the wonderful, relaxing sensation, as it washes across your body, so weak and heavy now. Feel your arms loosen, weak, weighed down by how heavy they are. Feel waves of peacefulness and tranquility wash over you. Let yourself drop as you feel the weight pulling you down, feeling your head so heavy now your chin drops, your heavy eyelids weighed down and drooping, drooping, closed now, seeing the pendant in your mind as it swings back and forth, holding your attention as it flickers in the candlelight."

Dez felt a lurch and a drop and then peace, floating, calm. Her arm raised up and she hadn’t willed for it to happen. Her arm dropped, then her mind started counting down steps. It was getting harder to notice anything, to do anything but let her thoughts follow the stairs deeper into her mind, deeper into trance. She lost the outside world as darkness consumed her. The only thing left was Susan's voice, guiding her in the twilight realm of her hypnotic state, gently changing objects and shapes barely seen in the unlit recesses of her mental landscape. She didn't, couldn't notice what the changes were doing, only that they were happening, and that they felt good. Really good. Great. Intense pleasure washed over her, each modification now bringing with it ecstasy, so much so that she began helping the changes just so she could feel the euphoria continue. She floated in bliss and assisted in her own modification.

Dez felt wonderful as she slowly slipped upwards, gently rising out of the comfortable trance she'd been in. Her eyes still closed, she melted into wakefulness. "Thank you," she said, reveling in the heaviness still present, the sleepy pleasure seeping everywhere in her body. She slid her eyes open. "It was everything..."

The booth was empty. 

Dez looked around, suddenly panicked, wondering where Susan and Emma had gone. They weren't by the bar, not near the restrooms, not on the dance floor. Gradually she noticed she was chilly and drew her arms around herself, surprised to find them around her naked breasts. Looking down, she found herself fully exposed, her clothes in a pile next to her. A wave of humiliation washed over her as she looked around, nervousness and fear warring with a sudden heat building from her crotch to run through her chest and up to her brain. She'd been controlled. Controlled completely. One hand slipped lower as she saw people watching her, unable to stop from rubbing down her stomach to her bare nether lips. The alarm in finding herself alone, her protection gone, only fueled her desire as she found herself wet and ready. Adjusting her hips forward, she was able to slide fingers inside herself and leave her thumb in just the right spot to start circling her clit. It lit up her mind in explosive pleasure.

Then she heard a voice echoing in her mind, "You will play with yourself, reveling in the lessons you have learned, and when you cum, you will lock them in place, your mind hardening with a new shape. It will seal your fate, and Emma's."

Seal your fate. She was driving herself quickly to the cliff, desperate to jump off into the release she needed, into whatever had been left in her mind by Susan. It was exactly what she wanted, but was everything she'd feared. It was why she had brought Emma.

Emma. The friend she had introduced to a predator. A predator that could alter minds, write in them, and make them whatever she wished.

It was so wrong. It was so hot.

Thoughts of Emma taken against her will filled her mind. She struggled to keep from cumming, to stop whatever programming might be stuck in her, so she could start searching for her friend. She clenched hard around her now still fingers, fighting off the tide, and used all her will to pull her hands away from her body. She whimpered loudly, a desperate desire for the denied release pressing on her resolve. But she managed to keep it at bay, tense and controlled as she picked up her clothes and stepped out of the booth to dress. Clapping came from around the club, making her blush and stumble as she pulled her panties up. Her skirt followed, numb fingers pushing the buttons through the slots of her blouse after. She slipped her feet into her flats and looked around. People were still staring appreciatively, and some started to approach her. She hurried off towards the bar.

"Have fun?" the bartender smiled as she approached.

"What? No! Where did they go?" Dez asked breathlessly.


"The two I was with!"

"They left, oh, half an hour ago?" he looked to the side while he thought. "Yeah, at least that. Your friend looked a little out of it, but awake. We wouldn't have let her go otherwise."

"No! She didn't want to be hypnotized!"

"She wasn't when she left."

"Yes she was! She wouldn't have let that happen! Any of it!" Dez was shouting now.

"What's going on here, Frank?" A woman stepped up with a large man right behind her.

The bartender looked at the woman. "This lady here seems to think her friend was taken against her will."



"It's possible." The woman looked at Dez. "Tell me everything."

Dez did. She told about how she convinced Emma to come watch over her and how Susan slipped into their booth. She described how she woke up naked feeling a desperate need to masturbate while Emma and Susan were gone. "You have to believe me, Emma didn't want this!" she sniffled, holding back tears as she completed her story.

The woman tapped her lips. "Susan again. This isn't the first accusation. Do you have any proof?"


"That Emma was hypnotized too."

Dez thought hard, but shook her head.

"Without proof, since she looked awake when she left, we can't assume..."

"But, she wouldn't have left me!"

The woman sighed. "Well, we'll keep an eye out. That's all we can do for now."

"But... but..." Dez stammered. The woman walked off with the big man. The bartender looked at her sympathetically.

Dez started crying and reached for her phone. She realized she'd left it at the booth. Heading back and grabbing it, she unlocked it and found a picture staring back at her. It was of the two of them, Emma and herself, sitting in the booth. Both looked blank and passive, hands limp in their laps, drool on their chests. Both of them were naked. "You wanted a picture..." Susan's voice said in her mind.

"Here!" Dez turned to the bartender. "See! She left proof on my phone!"

Frank turned back to her after getting the order from another patron. "What now?"

"See! Look! Look at her! Look at Emma!"

Frank looked, then pulled the phone closer. "Hey, Kejsa. Kejsa!" The woman, who had moved down the short hall to the door, walked slowly back. "Look!" The bartender pointed at the phone.

Kejsa came back over, motioning for the bouncer to come as well. She looked at Dez's phone, then grabbed it and pulled it closer. "Well, shit."

"Yeah," said Frank. "She's out of it, and naked. I'd say that's proof."

"Yeah," Kejsa said. "Susan has been pushing it for a while." She handed the phone back to Dez. "You can probably find your friend at Susan's."

"Where's that?" Dez asked a little desperately.

"Jose, we're not letting Susan back in." She looked from the bouncer back to Dez. "I don't know her house, but she teaches at the college. You'll find her there. I don't know if she has office hours Fridays. Professor Susan Collins."

"So what do I do now? Emma's with Susan!" Dez fought hard to keep from exploding at the only people that might help.

"For now, you go home. Tomorrow, you can probably find Susan at office hours or a class. She's in the psychology department over there, I think," said Kejsa.

"I can't! I have to do something!" cried Dez. "She's changing her, writing in her head..."

"I'm sorry, I can't help you more," said Kejsa, turning away.

Dez watched her go through misting eyes. Frank turned away as well. Dez wiped a tear away with her hand and sniffled before heading out the door. She felt lucky she'd been the one to drive. 

Dez stepped through the door into her little campus apartment. She flung her keys into the drawer in the small foyer and flew down the hall to her bathroom. She stripped quickly and got into the shower. Luke-warm water rushed down and over her. She waited as it warmed up, fighting to keep her hands away from her crotch. The words still played through her mind in Susan's voice. "You will play with yourself." The compulsion hadn't lessened, and her hands drifted down. She fought in her mind again, and managed to drop them to her sides. She didn't wash, just let the water run over her. It didn't help. "...when you cum, you will lock them in place..."

Frustrated, she stepped out and toweled off. The soft cloth against her legs and crotch almost made her give in. "You will play with yourself." Frustrated, not just with herself for almost giving in, but also for not giving in, she headed naked to her bedroom. Not quite crying, she sucked in a few breaths and tried to stop her libido from taking over. It wasn't just the compulsion... well, it was. It was exactly what she'd been looking for when she went to the club. Knowing she'd been hypnotized, that she'd been changed, was getting to her as much as Susan's instructions written in her mind.

She flipped onto her back. Sleep wasn't going to come anytime soon. The burning need kept pushing her hands down and her will to keep them away from her wet, wanting pussy was slowly wearing down. One last time, she managed to force them to the side, but then they slowly tickled their way up her hips and across to fulfill her need. It was sudden, her loss of control, and one hand thrust three fingers deep inside while the other circled her clit in just the way that would get her off the fastest. It was only a minute before she felt the crest, the bliss, the short eternity of pleasure that washed over her, and she reveled in the commands riding that pleasure into the deepest parts of her mind. She'd lost, she was being changed, and it was the hottest thing that had ever happened to her. Too sensitive to keep playing, her hands dropped away while her reality changed.

"Dez, you went to the club alone." It echoed through her mind. "You found Susan, and she hypnotized you." Dez felt it sinking in and combining with what had really happened, warping it. "You loved it." That was close enough to true that Dez couldn't fight it. "You desperately want to be hypnotized by Susan again." Dez sighed as the command settled in, changing her reason for seeking out Susan tomorrow. "You will arrive at her office hours at 2:00pm tomorrow. You will dress for clubbing." Dez felt the compulsion take over. Tomorrow, she'd visit Professor Collins. "You will sleep until it's time."

She knew she'd been changed. She'd gone seeking and found her darkest fantasy in real life. Her hands slipped into her wetness again and she moaned.

She'd been changed. It was so hot. Scorching. She fingered herself as she drifted off to sleep.

She woke up slowly, gingerly testing her thoughts. They were light in her head. One slipped through clearly though. She'd found exactly what she'd been looking for. Her mind was no longer just her own. Foreign thoughts, ones that had been put there, lived in her consciousness now, indistinguishable from her own. She tested each one that floated by and realized she couldn't tell the difference. Smiling, she reached for her phone. A quick check told her she'd slept through her alarm and her first two classes. Opening her browser, she searched up Professor Collins' office. Checking her phone, she had just enough time to clean up and dress.

After her bathroom activities for the morning... well, afternoon... she found herself reaching in her drawers for her black, lacy underwear and her closet for the tight little skirt and backless, translucent top that she'd only worn once, for a previous boyfriend. Thinking about how she was going to wear it to campus, with everyone able to see her dark bra through it, gave her a little thrill, as much because it was a compulsion as anything else. She finished off the outfit with heels. Setting out, she felt herself already starting to leak into her panties.

She'd been made to do this. She sucked in a breath and shivered it out. Too hot.

She found herself rolling her hips even more than the heels made her. The psychology building was across campus from her apartment, so she faced plenty of leering students on the way. One happened to be from a class she was T.A. for. He smiled and said, "Damn, Dez, never thought I'd see you in that! Fuckin' tight!" It was rude coming from one of her students like that, but she just smiled, blushed, and continued on.

In the building, she found herself swarmed by students. The main hall must have just let out. Walking to the stairs, she noticed that most of the guys had eyes lowered to her chest and most of the women gave her looks. Her body on blatant display left her embarrassed and mortified, but also wet and needy. She hadn't known she was a bit of an exhibitionist, but there was a distinct thrill rushing through her. She went up to the second floor, where she found the hall with the professor's office. Professor Collins' door was closed. She knocked, and it swung open.

"Come in," said Susan, sitting behind her desk.

The door closed, and Dez glanced at the student standing next to it. She noticed first that the girl was dressed in a fetish schoolgirl outfit, with a tight, white blouse and plaid skirt. "Oh, hi," said Dez, not recognizing the girl.

"Hi," she said back. Dez thought the girl looked blank.

"Focus on me," said Susan, and Dez’s head snapped to look at the professor. "Time to continue our conversation from the other night. Dez, why are you here?"

"I was hoping, maybe," Dez hesitated. "Could you hypnotize me again?"

"Of course," replied the professor. "Dez, slutty trance girl."

Dez felt her mind drop. Her face smoothed over, matching the blank look of the other girl in the room.

"I like the outfit, Dez. Very good. Must've gotten some looks coming across campus in that." Susan smiled. "Now for a little more programming. You have a new mantra. Repeat these three sentences: I am a slave of Professor Collins. I love being her slave. Obeying her is pleasure."

"I am a slave of Professor Collins. I love being her slave. Obeying her is pleasure," said Dez in a sleepy monotone.

"Dez, edge while you repeat your mantra," said the professor.

Dez slipped a hand down her skirt and into her panties. While gently rubbing herself, she continued to repeat, "I am a slave of Professor Collins. I love being her slave. Obeying her is pleasure. I am a slave..."

"You weren't even a challenge," said Susan. "I'll have to have you bring me another of your hottie friends. Maybe they will be more entertaining." She sighed. "Though, thinking about you betraying each of your friends to me is pretty hot. Amy, come here and eat me." The girl by the door went over and slipped the professor's panties down her legs. She leaned in and slowly licked Susan in the way she'd been trained.

Dez woke up in her apartment. She was still in her clubbing outfit, and she could smell her own arousal. She blinked a few times and picked up her phone. She thought for a moment, and decided on Luna. With a quick smile, she imagined her curvy friend staring blankly across the table in the booth at the club. A little deception and a promise to head out to a party after, and Luna agreed to come to the club with her that night.

Dez took a shower and changed. It was another outfit she was almost too embarrassed to wear, with a short dress barely long enough to cover the tops of the stockings she'd gotten for another ex-boyfriend. Her heels matched perfectly.

Luna showed up in a similar outfit, with a hem that reached mid thigh when she stretched it down. "Damn, girl!" she exclaimed as she took in Dez. "New look for you?"

Dez smiled a little bashfully. "I had this lying around."

"You should wear it more often," said Luna appreciatively.

"Thanks," said Dez, smiling. "You too.”

“So what's this club?" asked Luna.

"A hidden place that I want to check out," Dez replied. "Let's go."

The door and password were still the same. The two walked past the same closed coat check and on to the bar. Luna noticed the bartender seemed to recognize Dez with a little head bob. She was a little surprised by that. Then the woman he'd been talking to walked over to them.

"Find Susan? Your friend?" she asked Dez.

Luna was really confused now.

"Who? My friend?" Dez asked back.

"Yeah, the one you were here with last night?"

"You were here last night?" asked Luna.

"Uh, I was alone last night...?" Dez let the last word hang.

"No, you weren't, and you had the picture to prove it." The woman appeared concerned. "Emma, I think?"

"No, Emma wasn't here." Dez gave the woman a look.

"Emma was here?" Luna turned sharply to Dez.

"Fucking Susan." The woman sighed. "Please come with me." She signaled for the two to follow.

Dez stayed where she was. "I'm here to meet Susan again. What's wrong with that?"

"Who the fuck?" asked Luna.

"Fuck, Susan did you good." The woman ran her hands through her hair. "Why don't you come with me while you wait for her."

"Uh, who are you again?" asked Dez.

"Kejsa." She looked at Dez. "You don't remember?" Kejsa sighed. "Please come with me." She signaled again for them to follow. This time, Dez, and reluctantly Luna, did.

Kejsa led them to a little office at the far end of the bar. She sat behind the small desk and gestured to the two small chairs on the other side. Dez and Luna sat as well.

"Okay, what the fuck is going on here?" asked Luna. Dez sat quietly as she checked her phone.

"Your friend was here last night with Emma," said Kejsa. "Susan hypnotized them both and took Emma, apparently against her will." She shook her head. "We stopped Susan from entering tonight, but I would guess that Susan made Dez bring you here as a sacrifice."

"A what?" asked Luna, incredulous.

"But, she wasn't here..." Dez said quietly, looking at her phone.

Luna turned to her. "Dez, what the fuck?"

Kejsa stood and leaned over her desk to look at Dez's phone. "Yeah, that picture. Why she didn't have you delete it..."

"But she wasn't here!" insisted Dez, a tear streaking down her face.

Luna just looked at Dez while Kejsa grabbed a tissue and wiped the tears. "Your friend is having a tough time reconciling her memories of last night with the picture on her phone," Kejsa said quietly. "It's alright Dez."

"I'm so gone." Luna stood up.

"Please stay. Your friend needs you right now," said Kejsa. "Her mind is about to crack if we're not careful."

"She wasn't here!" insisted Dez, looking Kejsa in the eyes.

"Then what the fuck is the pic, Dez?" said Luna, pointing.

"I..." Dez let the tears come. "I don't know, it must be a deep fake." She shook her head. "Yeah, that must be it..."

"It's not a deep fake, Dez. Keep looking into my eyes, alright? Just rest your gaze there, and relax," said Kejsa.

"I..." Luna started to say.

"Shh," said Kejsa. "Sorry, let me finish this."

"Fucking finish what?" asked Luna. 

Dez blinked and looked away. "No, I'm sorry, I don't know what's happening."

"Maybe this will help," said Kejsa, pulling up a green jewel hanging from a silver chain. "I want you to follow this," she said to Dez as she let the gem start swinging. Luna shook her head and looked away, but didn't say anything and sat down again . "Let your eyes flow with the emerald, see it sparkling in the light."

Dez felt her mind start to drift as she avoided the memory of last night, of coming alone and meeting Susan. She let the jewel and the green sparkles it cast capture her attention. Knowing what Kejsa was doing, she decided not to fight it if it would help her reconcile her memory with the picture. Kejsa kept up her induction, and Dez let it take her down.

"Relaxing, feeling each muscle release its tension and sink into the chair. Let your mind drop as your body weighs you down," said Kejsa softly. She noticed that Luna was looking at the pendant and was a little blank as well. "Dez, drop for me now. Let trance run over you." Dez nearly tipped over, while Kejsa gently shook Luna on the shoulder. The girl blinked her eyes a few times as she adjusted in her seat, sitting up a little straighter. Kejsa looked back at the slumping grad student. She was blank, eyes closed.

"What did you do?" Luna started inspecting her friend, first bending to look at Dez's face, then reaching out.

"Don't!" Kejsa exclaimed quietly and blocked the move. "She's in a trance. I used a technique similar to the one I know Susan likes, thinking it might make this easier."

"Seems like it did," Luna said.

"Yeah. Now we need to help Dez out, give her her memory back." Kejsa finally sat back in her own chair. "This is going to be fun, with the mush that Susan usually leaves behind." Kejsa rubbed the bridge of her nose. "We've got one thing going for us. It's only been a day."

"Wait, what the fuck do you mean, mush?" Luna asked.

"Susan likes her slaves well-trained." Kejsa sighed. "The changes she puts in place leave little to work with afterwards if you want to fix the damage."

"The fuck?"

"Brainwashing, okay?" Kejsa looked at Luna. "I know this might be difficult to believe, but Susan is a powerful hypnotist and has methods of deep brainwashing. What's left over is able to do little more than obey." She turned back to Dez.

"And you let her in here?"

"Everything here is consensual and not supposed to get to that level. Susan knows the rules here, and she won't be coming back."

"Little late," said Luna spitefully.

Kejsa sighed and looked back at Luna. "Yes, maybe I should've kicked her out before. But she'd been good for a while, leaving people intact and here. But stealing a friend who only came to watch over someone? She crossed a line."

"Uh, yeah!" Luna looked incredulous.

"Okay, okay, let's get to fixing your friend," Kejsa said, again turning back to Dez, still slumped, motionless and blank. "Dez, sit up." She did. "Dez, remember your friend Emma?"

"Yes," Dez slurred.

"Remember that she was here with you last night."

"No, alone."

Kejsa sighed. "Do you remember meeting Susan?"

"Yes," Dez said, sighing happily.

"How many people were with you in the booth?"


Kejsa smiled. "Okay, good. Who was with you in the booth?"


"Emma was with you."

"No, I was alone with Susan."

Kejsa rubbed her eyes. "This is going to be fun," she whispered to herself. She took a deep breath and thought about her plan of attack. "What happened after you were hypnotized by Susan?"

"I went up to the bar looking for Emma," Dez replied in a monotone.

"Why?" asked Kejsa. "Why did you look for Emma?"

"I..." Kejsa could see the war on Dez's face. "I was worried..." Dez blinked a few times, the war continuing. Her features changed from blank to lively. "Wait, what..."

"Welcome back, Dez." Kejsa held her shoulder. "What do you remember now?"

Dez looked up at her, nearly panicked. "I... what the fuck happened? Where's Emma? Why was I asking about her? She wasn't with me!" Tears streamed down her face.

"You both were hypnotized by Susan," said Kejsa, concerned both that Dez had slipped out of trance because of the conflict and also that Dez was processing that night in a new light.

"But I was alone. She wouldn't come to a club like this. But I had asked her, hadn't I?" Dez sobbed.

"Susan made you think you were alone," Kejsa said quietly. "She took Emma and left you sitting there."

Dez searched Kejsa's face for any sign of deception. "But... I..." She sobbed again.

"It's alright, Dez. We can save your friend. We can save you."

Dez lost it. She leaned forward into Kejsa's chest and bawled. Kejsa awkwardly patted the back of Dez's head. "There, there. We'll fix this," she said.

"How? How the fuck do we fix this?" asked Luna, gesturing wildly.

Kejsa sighed. "It’s going to be tough." She looked over at Luna. "But I might have a few ideas." She brought her pendant up. "Dez, relax."

Dez opened the door to her apartment, exhausted from the extended deprogramming session with Kejsa. Luna stepped in behind her.

"Can't believe I am fucking spending my Friday night doing this, Dez," said Luna, shaking her head. "You owe me."

"I know, Luna," Dez hung her head. "I know. I'm so sorry. It was just supposed to be a little fun, you know?"

"No, I don't fucking know. Hypnosis? What the actual fuck?"

"I've always wanted... fuck, I don't know," said Dez. She looked up at Luna. "Not this."

"Yeah, not this," Luna said, sighing. "Well, I'll be here I guess, on your futon."

"Thank you," said Dez.

"Yeah." Luna pulled the futon away from the wall enough to lay it flat. "Got a blanket?"

Dez went to the little hall linen closet and grabbed the spare blanket. She tossed it at Luna, then pulled out a pillow. "Here," she said, throwing it as well.

Luna spread out the blanket and tried to fluff the pillow. "Shit-ass pillow."

"Yeah, sorry," Dez shrugged. "I... thank you again." 

"Yeah, just... sleep, I guess," said Luna, flopping into her makeshift bed.

Dez turned and headed into her bedroom. She slipped out of her dirty clothes and tossed her phone onto her nightstand. Clad in her underwear, she collapsed on her own bed without doing her nightly routine. She fell asleep almost immediately, not realizing it was an embedded suggestion from Kejsa.

Dez jerked awake to the sound of her phone buzzing. Confused and barely awake, she checked to see what it was. It was a text from Emma.

"slave, report" was previewed on her lock screen.

Dez's face glazed over, her thumb unlocking her phone. Empty of thought, she typed in, "compromised" and hit send. She blinked a few times as Kejsa's voice started playing in her head.

"You are not a slave," Dez echoed the words Kejsa repeated in her mind.

"remember your lessons" came back.

Dez saw without comprehending. She softly started repeating her mantras. "I am a slave of Professor Collins. I love being her slave. Obeying her is pleasure. I am a slave..." Her hand slipped down to start edging herself.

Kejsa's voice started up in her head again. "You are not a slave." Dez managed to pull her hand away, but a whimper escaped her lips. Susan's training pressed against the deprogramming, with Dez managing to stop the mantra. She lay still, a war raging in her head.

After a few minutes, another text came from Emma.

"slave, report"

Dez typed back, "compromised".

Dez realized what she was doing and dropped her phone onto her bed. The contradictory instructions in her mind continued battling, leaving Dez confused and torn. Her phone buzzed again. Without thinking, she looked at it.

"slave, call" popped up in the header before disappearing. Dez found her hand reaching and tried to stop it.

"You are not a slave," she repeated to herself. Her hand didn't stop. "You are not a slave!" Her hand paused.

While she was focused on holding that one still, her other hand slipped into her panties. She sucked in a breath as it started twirling around her clit. "I am a slave of Professor Collins," escaped her mouth. It distracted her just enough for her other hand to grab the phone.

"No," she softly whispered to herself. "No."

Her thumb swiped down her notifications. She tapped on Emma's text. She managed to hold still with her thumb poised to press the call button at the top of the screen.

"You are not a slave!"

Her fingers twirled faster. She sucked in a breath. "Not a slave." The pleasure distracted her just enough to let her thumb drop.

"You are not a slave." She let out a single sob.

"Slave, listen." Dez could barely hear Susan's voice with the phone in her hand down near the bed.

"Listening," she repeated, then let out another sob.

"Slave, bring the phone to your ear."

"I obey." Dez lifted it as the fingers of her other hand kept up their work.

"Slave, repeat your lessons."

Dez softly started repeating her mantras again. "I am a slave of Professor Collins. I love being her slave. Obeying her is pleasure. I am a slave..."

"You are not a slave," popped into her head.

"I... I am..."

"Slave, why did you stop?"

"I... I am... I am not... a slave..." Dez kept edging.

"Slave, who told you that?"

"Kejsa," Dez replied, and through the war in her thoughts, managed to stop her hand in her panties.

"Ah, I see," came over the phone. "Dez, put your phone on speaker."

"I am not a slave." Dez somehow managed to not put her phone on speaker. 

"Fine. Slave, keep the phone at your ear, and feel my weight upon you."

Dez felt the weight on her mind press her down into trance.

"Weighed down," slipped from her lips.

"Did you go to the club tonight?"


"Are you still there?"


"Where are you?"


"Who is there with you?"


"Not Kejsa?"


"Good. Dez, you are my slave, remember?"


"Dez, what lessons did I teach you?"

"I am a slave of Professor Collins. I love being her slave. Obeying her is pleasure." 'You are not a slave,' Kejsa's voice repeated in her mind, but was a whisper against the trance.
    "Dez, do you want that pleasure?"

"Yes." 'You are not a slave.'

"Edge, slave."

'You are not a slave.' Dez's hand in her panties started gently moving again.

"Feel the pleasure break you."

Dez whimpered as her fingers danced around her sensitive areas. 'You are not a slave.'

"Repeat your lessons."

"I am a slave of Professor Collins. I love being her slave. Obeying her is pleasure. I am a slave..." 'You are not a slave,' barely registered.

"This is how obeying me feels. You want to feel this way all the time. Let the pleasure burn the lessons into your head. Let them overwrite Kejsa's instructions."

Dez kept edging, kept repeating, drowning out Kejsa's voice.

"When your lessons are all you believe, call me back." The phone hung up. Dez didn't drop it from her ear as she continued learning.

Luna slowly slipped into consciousness, not entirely sure if she should wake up. Her arm had fallen asleep on the hard futon, so she flipped onto her other side. It was still dark outside. She barely heard a soft chanting coming from the bedroom. It was something Kejsa had told her to watch out for. She sighed, slipping off the futon.

"Dez? Dez?" She walked into Dez's room. "Dez...? What the fuck?"

"I am a slave of Professor Collins. I love being her slave. Obeying her is pleasure. I am a slave..." Dez's hand with the phone moved down from her ear. Luna moved as Dez started dialing.

"Dez, stop!" Luna slapped the phone away. Dez didn't stop edging as she moved towards it.

"Fuck, what was it I was supposed to say?" Luna said to herself as she started reaching for the phone. Dez beat her to it, but the slow movements of the tranced girl let Luna easily grab it and pull it away. Dez didn't stop chanting, edging or reaching to get the phone.

Luna frantically tried to remember the phrase from Kejsa. "Dez, lift the... see the... fuck!" She backed away from the bed. Dez slowly swung off of it to follow the phone.

"Lift the Susan slave from your mind." Luna stumbled over her words, dodging the sleepy girl trying to get the cell.

Dez processed the words slowly through her chant, floating up, slowly coming back to herself. Her shaking hand lifted out of her panties and the burning need to call lessened.

"Luna? What...?"

"Fuck, Dez, just... what the fuck? Is this shit real?"

"Luna... I, what was I doing?"

"Chanting some shit about being Susan's slave." Luna ran a hand through her hair.

"I... I... I am Susan Collins’ slave." Dez felt tears starting down her face.

"No, Dez, you're not," Luna reached out and took her friend by the shoulder with her free hand. "Whatever the fuck this is, you are not a slave." She sighed.

"I am Susan Collins’ slave," Dez repeated, sobbing. "Why am I?"

"Kejsa said if I found you like this I had to call her," Luna said. "I'm taking your phone so you don't do anything stupid."

"Please, I have to call..." Dez reached out for her cell.

Luna, shaking her head, walked out of the room to her own phone on the futon. She picked it up. The battery symbol at the top was red. "Shit, I hope it doesn't die on me," she whispered to herself. She found Kejsa's number and hit dial. Kejsa had said no text, she wouldn't wake up.

After a few rings, Luna heard a soft, "Hello?"

"Kejsa? Luna. Dez is fucked up." Luna felt Dez pull her phone from her grasp.

"I must call," Dez intoned.

"No, Dez!"

"Fuck," came through the phone. "Put me on speaker."

Dez dodged Luna as she tried to dial. Luna stopped chasing long enough to hit speaker. It allowed Dez to call.

"Dez, stop!" shouted Kejsa.

Dez didn't, bringing her phone to her ear.

"Dez, drop for me!" Kejsa tried desperately.

Dez listened for someone to pick up. Luna reached for the phone again, but Dez kept worming away.

The line connected. "Dez, do you believe?" Susan said through the line.

"Yes," she said, twisting and turning. Luna managed to knock the phone from her ear.

"Kejsa, help!" Luna shouted.

"Dez, lift the Susan slave from your mind!" came Kejsa through the speaker.

"Slave? Dez?" whispered out of Dez's phone.

"I called," said Dez, not going for the phone now that the instruction was completed. Luna grabbed it and hung up.

"Kejsa?" Luna said.

"Dez? Listen to me, remember my jewel, spinning in your mind."

"Yes," said Dez. Her face smoothed over.

"Let yourself sink, Dez."

"Yes." Dez's voice was a sleepy monotone.

"Stay still, Dez," said Kejsa just as Luna's phone died.

"Shit," Luna said, tossing her phone on the futon. "What the fuck, Dez? Why were you talking to that bitch?"

Dez's phone buzzed. Luna looked at it, still in her hand, then back at Dez. She could see the war going on painted all over Dez's face. Dez's hand started to reach out, shaking slightly. 

"No Dez, you don't need to check it," Luna said, gently pushing Dez's arm back down. Dez's other hand started to reach out, trembling. Luna didn't know if Dez was fighting it or if it was just the dueling instructions in Dez's mind. Luna turned to hold the phone as far as she could from Dez while reaching for her own. "We need Kejsa." She grabbed her phone and hesitated as she thought about how to plug it in so she could turn it on and get Kejsa. 

Dez suddenly lunged. She knocked her phone from Luna's hand and managed to catch it. As Luna turned to chase her, Dez flew into her bedroom and shut the door before Luna could catch up. She leaned against it since it didn't have a lock. Luna pushed but Dez held it closed as she unlocked her phone and saw the text at the top. It was from Emma's phone. She pressed the notification.

"slave call emma"

With Luna pounding on her door, Dez called. 

"Lift the Susan slave from your mind!" Luna shouted through the door.

Dez's head started to clear up as she listened on the phone. "You've become quite the interesting little slave, Dez," came out of it. "I'm enjoying this." Her mind became lucid enough to hang up again. She pulled away from the banging door. Luna burst in, quickly knocking the phone from Dez's hand.

"You are fucking scaring me, Dez!" Luna said. Another buzz came from Dez's phone. "No!" Luna said as Dez started to reach for it. "You're fucking coming with me!" Luna pulled Dez out of the room and to the futon. She shoved Dez onto it.

"I need to get that," said Dez, starting to get up.

Luna, standing over Dez, used her arms to pin her down. "Lift the Susan slave from your mind," she said again. 

Dez stopped fighting, tears forming in her eyes. "Why can't I..." she said, choking back a sob.

"She's in your head, Dez," said Luna, looking into her friend's eyes. "I don't know how, but we have to get her out." Luna sighed. "You good now? Not going after your phone again?"

"No," said Dez. "I mean, I'm not going after it."

"Good." Luna leaned back and let Dez sit up. "We need Kejsa."

"It was just supposed to be fun," said Dez, putting her head in her hands. "Fun."

"I know, Dez." Luna shook her head. "Fucked up idea of fun."

Dez let out a laugh. "Yeah, kind of is, isn't it?"

"Uh, yeah." 

A faint sound of buzzing came from Dez's room. Dez tried to get up again. Luna blocked her. The cycle repeated a few more times until the phone finally lay silent.

Luna looked at her friend. "We need Kejsa. Let me grab your charger." She hurried into the bedroom and searched a bit, coming out with the charger in hand. After plugging in next to the futon, she sat and turned her phone back on. After booting, it only took a second to dial and switch to speaker.

"Kejsa? We're having trouble here. That bitch keeps texting and calling Dez."

"I was worried about that. Shit. You both need some sleep. Hide her phone."

"Hide it? Where?"

"Someplace she won't find it. Or maybe just on you, so you'll wake up if she does find it."

"Okay, I'll keep it on me." Luna walked into her room and grabbed Dez's phone. "Got it. Now what?"

"Turn it off, keep it on you and try to rest." 

"How? How am I supposed to with this shit going on?"

"Take Dez's phone with you home then."


"It'll keep her from using it."

"I..." Luna shook her head. "Do I really need to? I can't leave her here alone with no phone."

Kejsa sighed. "Yeah, I understand. Just keep the phone on you, maybe sleep a bit there." 

"Okay." She slipped Dez's phone into her pocket. "The futon sucks, but I'll try to sleep a little more. Thanks."

"Keep safe," said Kejsa, and hung up.

Luna sighed. "Hey, Dez, she says we should get some sleep." 

"Yeah, probably should," said Dez, exhaustion written all over her face.

"I'll keep your phone so that you're safe," Luna said before sitting on the futon.

"Okay," replied Dez as she got up, hesitated. "Thanks, Luna. I'm so sorry." Luna just shook her head. Dez turned and moved towards her bedroom. "Night."

"Night." Luna made herself as comfortable as she could on the hard futon. It took a while, but eventually she drifted off.

Luna was surprised when she realized she was dreaming. She usually didn't remember her dreams. This one almost seemed real even though she felt distant and groggy. She was still on the futon, but had rolled over. There was a hissing, a faint sound, with voices embedded. Luna turned, the room swaying gently, and saw in the sunlight that Dez had come up beside the futon. 'How long have I been out?' Dez had her phone in her hand, the source of the sound. She slid and tapped her fingers a few times, then handed the phone to Luna. 

A faint thought flew threw her head. 'Why am I doing this?' Then, 'How did she get the phone?'

Luna brought the phone up to her ear.

'Isn't this dangerous?'

"Hello?" she asked.

"Feel my weight upon you."

'No.' Luna felt a sense of vertigo as a weight pressed her mind down, falling. Whispers surrounded her as she sank, slipping into her thoughts and directing them.

'No.' Some part of her realized what was happening and began to fight it. 'I'm not falling.' She snapped her head up and took a deep breath, dropping the phone and splaying her arms out to ground herself. She shook her head and slowly started to rise out of the dream state.

Dez leaned over and picked the phone up, holding it next to Luna's ear. The whispers came back, but Luna swiped clumsily and managed to knock Dez's hand away. The phone fell to the futon again.

"No, Dez," Luna said as Dez reached for the still whispering phone. Luna stood up and stumbled past Dez, who lifted the phone up to her own ear and started talking.

"Mistress, she's fighting it."

"Dez, put the phone on speaker."

"I obey," said Dez. "You need to relax, Luna, and focus on her voice." She hit a button and Susan became audible.

"Fuck you," said Luna, lurching into the bathroom. She slammed the door and locked it. 

"Luna," said Susan, slightly distorted through the tiny speakers and the door, "feel my weight upon you."

Luna felt her mind slip again, sinking. She shook her head, trying to stop the feeling.

"Sink for me, Luna." Luna slumped onto the cold, plastic toilet seat and leaned forward, catching her head in her hands with her elbows on her knees. "Sink and listen deeply."

Luna felt more than heard the words as she struggled to come up again. Her body became heavier though, becoming too dense to move. Reality drifted around her, dreamlike. She felt a little panic bring her thoughts up again, but more words soothed her and her head sank into her hands. Her mind slowed down, and time became irrelevant. Drifting in the depths, she hardly noticed leaning back and slipping her hand down her shorts. "Yes," she mouthed without willing it, and her fingers danced over her most sensitive places. "Yes," slipped from her again. She stood and unlocked the door with her free hand. "Yes," came out, and she followed Dez to the bedroom. "Yes," and she lay on the bed, listening and edging as the words wrote in her mind.

The angle of the sun through the window indicated late afternoon when Luna came back to herself. Dez was lying next to her, phone still in hand, snoring softly. She carefully slipped off the bed and padded into the small living room. Her phone was still on the charger. She unplugged it and sent out a text.


She rubbed her face, wiping away the last vestiges of sleep. Thinking briefly about what she was doing, a little worry fluttered up but was quickly brushed aside. She tried to wonder at that, at how she hadn't wanted the worry to go away, but she couldn't focus on it. Her phone buzzed. The text contained an address. It buzzed again.

"bring Dez"

She wandered back into the bedroom and gently shook Dez. Dez's eyes fluttered and she looked up at her friend. "We have to go," said Luna, showing Dez the text conversation. Luna was still dressed in last night's clothes and watched as Dez quickly tossed on jeans and a basic shirt.

Dez grabbed her keys. The two walked out of the apartment and got into Dez's beater of a car. It only took a bit to get to the address. It was a house in a good neighborhood, with an immaculate green lawn and a few large trees in the yard. They climbed out and went up to the door. Ringing the bell, it was only a moment before Emma answered. She was clad in a stripper's parody of a schoolgirl's outfit, a tight, tied up white blouse and plaid micro skirt. She silently gestured, and they all entered into the living room. Sitting in an easy chair was Susan, a victor's smile on her lips.

"Sit." The three sat on the couch, all upright. "You look crumpled, Luna. And you are very plain, Dez. I have some things for you both to wear. And I can smell the sex on you from here. First, the two of you shower, then we'll get you dressed."

"Yes, Mistress," they replied. Emma led them to the bathroom, and they efficiently stripped and both got in the shower. Without noticing, they heard whispers and followed their instructions. They put on a show of soaping each other up and rinsing, kissing and rubbing to the beat of another's will. 

Once done, they stepped out and took the towels that Emma handed them. They dried off, still flirting with each other, before putting on the outfits folded neatly for them on the long, double sink counter. They barely squeezed into the too tight school girl uniforms. Walking back out to the living room, they sat on the couch again, kissing in front of their mistress.

"Much better," said Susan, leering at the two. "We have a little cleanup to do. Call up Kejsa, Luna, and let her know you and Dez are fine. Put it on speaker." Luna did so. 

"Hello?" came from the phone.

"Hi Kejsa, just wanted you to know that we are fine." 

"Oh, I've been worried. Why are you calling so late?" asked Kejsa. "Well, it doesn't matter. Thanks for calling. Both you and Dez need to be careful. Susan might try something."

"We will be." 

"Good, good. You remember Dez's trigger just in case?"

"Yes," said Luna, nodding even though Kejsa couldn't see her. 

"Great. Keep her safe, and watch out for yourself," said Kejsa. "Let me know if Susan attempts to contact either of you."

"I will. Thanks, Kejsa. Bye," said Luna.

"Bye," said Kejsa and hung up.

Susan looked briefly at the phone to make sure Kejsa had disconnected. "What trigger, slave?"

"Lift the Susan slave from your mind," said Luna. Dez shook her head, her eyes brightening.

"Remember your lessons," said Susan, watching as the light returning to Dez's eyes left.

Both girls started chanting, "I am a slave of Professor Collins. I love being her slave. Obeying her is pleasure. I am a slave..." A hand of each of them slipped under their skirts and into their panties.

Susan smiled. "Now that we don't have to worry about her for a bit..." Susan stood up and approached the pair. "I need to thank you both. This has been far more entertaining than I thought it would be when I saw you, Dez, with your friend Emma in the booth. Also, thank you for bringing me Luna. Very beautiful." Crouching, Susan ran the back of her hand down the side of Luna's face. "Now for some serious brainwashing." She looked back and forth between the two. "First the fun question, how much of you do I leave intact? I think, after the trouble you've given me, certainly enough to know you've lost. I love that look of fear and hatred as I break someone. Usually I leave none of that, but this time I think I'll leave a little of it stewing behind those beautiful eyes as you do everything I ask, even betraying friends and family." She smiled. "And you'll definitely be useful when I deal with Kejsa." 

Susan stood back up and walked to her chair. "Come here, Emma." Emma walked over to Susan. "Eat me while I watch your friends brainwash themselves." Susan smiled. "Three friends in three days. Not bad," she said, splaying her legs. She didn't have underwear on to hamper Emma as she leaned in to start on her task.

Inspired by the other hypnosis clubs that have graced EMC literature, particularly Chelicerate's excellent Canary.


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