Saving Abby

by softi

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis #sub:female

Sam is positive her sister, missing for several months, was kidnapped and is being held against her will. She is sure her hunt for Abby’s captor is coming to an end, but what will it take to finally free her sister?

This story has been suggested by 2 users.

This story is based to a large extent on stories I have read and has few original ideas. There are two specifically that influenced this one. I will note them at the end, so that there is at least a little suspense. I would guess most anyone interested in this fetish could name them before the getting to that point. Hopefully it maintains some entertainment value.

Disclaimer: This story contains scenes of non-consensual sex between males and females, and depictions of sexual slavery. If you are under 18 or offended by this type of material please do not continue. Otherwise, read on and enjoy! Also, any resemblance of the characters in this work to people either living, dead or fictitious is unintentional and purely coincidental.

Saving Abby ©2015 softi. All rights reserved. Send comments to

Sam walked towards the club nervously. There was no sign, only a rusted back alley door, set in an old brick building that stayed closed to anyone without an invitation. She was pretty sure that the regulars called it “Night Dreams”, a play on the activities that usually went on in the bowels of the building.

“I hope this works,” she whispered under her breath as she reached out and knocked two times, then three times, then two again. The information about this place and how to get in came from a site she found on the deep web after the better part of a summer looking. She was thankful school hadn’t started up yet. Her heavy class load would interfere with her search for Abby. Ever since her sister went missing right after finals last semester, Sam had been pestering the missing person’s unit and searching online. She didn’t have the money for a detective, or else she would’ve had one looking.

A slot opened in the door. “Who are you?” asked a man from inside. She couldn’t quite make out his eyes.

She said the Friday passphrase from the site. “A slut looking for a head rush.” It came out a little more confidently than she felt. This might be her only chance; she had to get it right.

The man was silent for a second. She held her breath while he waited. The lock clicked, and she sighed in relief. It swung towards her, making her step around to get inside.

“Fresh meat,” said the man, checking her out. Having little club wear, she’d squeezed into a tight, white dress that came to mid-thigh. Her long, honey blonde hair was carefully done-up, and she’d bought tall, white heels to help the look. She knew her target liked stilettos and fancied himself some sort of hypnotist, but not much else. Little came out from the confines of the club, and his secretive lifestyle included staying off the grid. She hoped she’d be able to attract his attention.

Inside, the three burly bouncers sat in a red lit alcove, with a dark corridor leading further in. She started down towards the dim light at the end. Loud, thumping bass echoed in the hall from what should be a dance floor at the end. As she made it to the room, she sighed quietly, reassured that the information she’d gotten was at least somewhat legitimate. The basic description held true, strobes and colored lights playing across dancers packed in the middle of a large, central area. Around the edges were booths and tables, where observers leered at the hot bodies writhing in time to the electronica. Everyone was dressed up, most to go clubbing like she was, but plenty in classy outfits more appropriate to a night at the opera. Occasionally, someone from the fringes, always in less revealing outfits, walked over to a dancer, touched their shoulder and leaned in. The pair would head off to a door in the back.

Sam scanned the far corner, looking for what should be the V.I.P. area. Behind a velvet rope sat several groups, with a few obviously powerful people surrounded by hot bodies. The glimpses through the crowd didn’t let her find her intended. She sighed and worked over to the bar. It took a minute for a ripped man, bare chested and in tight hot pants, to come over. She couldn’t help but check him out.

“Like what you see?” He smiled at her.

“Oh, uh, yeah,” she said, a bit flustered. “Mojito, please.” He kept smiling as he grabbed the Bacardi. She watched his rippling muscles while he worked on her drink. She was still staring as he placed the glass in front of her. She fumbled at her purse, having failed to get out her wallet beforehand. She paid and tipped him well.

She sipped as she slid between people. When she made it to the back wall, she had a better view of the cordoned off corner. Bouncers in suits stood at each end of the rope crossing the raised dais. Sam looked around for Abby at the three tables, but her sister wasn’t there. Sam sighed, disappointed. She’d hoped for immediate confirmation that Abby had been taken by one of the predators here, and held against her will. Or changed to like it. Sam shivered at the thought of what supposedly went on here. It was impossible, but it still had her worried.

Glancing at each of the tables, she sought out her mark. Sitting in the middle of a red, velour, half moon couch behind the low table in the center, sat a handsome man in a dark grey shirt and slacks, with piercing eyes and a confident smile. He had an air of command, with all of the beauties perched around him or standing nearby paying him deference. Only women attended him, all beautiful, and each dressed to turn heads.

Her glance lasted too long, and he caught her. He smirked as his gaze devoured her. Sam blushed and dropped her head, a calculated response she’d planned on if he noticed her. It hopefully would spark his interest. She raised her eyes, but he had looked away. Sam wondered how many other women had tried to make it into the V.I.P., had tried to get his attention. Some might have used the same trick. He might not care.

She sipped again at her mojito and moved towards one of the guards. With a little luck, the burly guy would at least ask the man if he wanted to let her in. The stark, uncompromising gaze on the guard’s face was probably meant to intimidate anyone from attempting just the type of thing she was about to do. She steeled herself and slipped up to him.

“No,” he said immediately, before she could say anything.

She stopped short. That was a bit unexpected. She glanced again at the man, who was leaning over to speak to one of his entourage in a slinky red number. Sam was determined, and smiled at the burly guy. “Please ask,” she husked, reaching a finger to twirl his tie.

He slapped it away. “No. Leave, or I’ll toss you out.”

The woman in red had come over and leaned up to the guard, teetering on her toes, and murmured in his ear. She glanced again at him, and he was staring right at her. Sam’s stomach flipped in excitement. Finally, after months of tracking down Abby, she was about to meet her abductor. She was certain of it.

The guard grunted. “Come in.” He stood aside just enough for her to pass. The woman smiled at Sam and motioned for her to follow. As they passed the first table, Sam felt the appreciative looks and appraisals from several elegantly dressed women sitting there. The attendants, all also female, each drop-dead gorgeous, and each in backless minidresses of varying colors, stood rigidly next to the table and couches. They stared ahead blankly, ignoring the pair walking by. One of the sitting women said something to another as she pointed at Sam, and they laughed, before turning back to their drinks. Sam swallowed to calm herself. As they passed between his groupies, she felt each turn to stare at her as they passed. Conversation amongst the entourage died down as Sam and her escort reached the front of the couch.

He looked at her, but not to check her out. It was powerful and heady, enough to almost make her giggle in defense. She struggled to find words, but nothing came out.

He just smiled. “I’m Cade,” he said, “but you already knew that.” He stood up and moved close to her.

She did, or at least suspected. It was another bit of information she’d dug up on the deep web. She opened her mouth, a planned speech ready to attempt to convince him to let her chill with him for a bit.

“Shh.” He gently placed a finger on her lips. “You also knew the price of admission.”

She’d really hoped that part wasn’t true. Her stomach dropped as he leaned in, his eyes swallowing hers in their dark depths.

“I will hypnotize you.”

Her breath caught. When she’d been preparing, training her mind to resist, learning all of the possible tricks to subvert her will so that she could fight them, the danger was distant and easily put aside. The irrational claims of mind controlled slaves felt unreal then, just a conspiracy theory. Now, in front of Cade, feeling his confidence and magnetism, little worms of doubt ate at her thoughts. She giggled, more nerves than humor, and turned her head to look away.

Cade took her hand and said, “Follow me.” He gently but insistently pulled Sam behind the couch and through an almost hidden door. She knew that coming here, inside the club and up on the dais, had signalled her willingness. This was her best hope of finding Abby. She knew she had no choice. She didn’t resist.

Darkness engulfed them, and shocking silence as he closed the door. Sam heard the click of a lock, and she stumbled on the chair that Cade lead her to. Cade let go of her hand, and she heard him take a step before pulling out another seat. She settled down on the comfortable office chair, which had a cloth back and rubber armrests. Cade lit a candle, momentarily blinding Sam. She blinked her eyes and looked around. Grey walls seemed to close in on the small space, and a little, circular, dark wooden table was between the two of them. Cade sat the broad, flat candle holder down in the center of the round surface. It lit up the man’s face from below, casting eerie shadows across his visage.

Cade smiled. “What’s your name?”

“Cindy,” Sam replied. She had practiced the name for nearly a month.

“Cindy,” he repeated. “Hmm. Well, Cindy, I am going to hypnotize you. Your mind will be mine to remould into a shape I desire. This is your last chance to leave and keep your mind intact.”

Sam breathed in anxiously, and held down the queasiness. Here it is, she thought. He’s telling me flat out he’s going to take my mind. Her cognition, her will, her very self were all at risk. It was a bet, herself against saving her sister. It frightened her a bit, but thoughts of Abby strengthened her resolve. She didn’t believe in hypnosis anyway, and would be actively resisting, so she wouldn’t fall into even a light trance. Plenty of research into real hypnosis taught her that. It only worked on the willing. She needed to be careful though, to play along and make Cade think he had her under control long enough to find her sister and get her away from this monster.

“That’s why I’m here, to let you,” she said. “Please, hypnotize me.”

Cade’s face warped into a feral grin. He bore into her eyes, powerful and controlling. Sam prepared herself to defy him but to act the part of the ingénue.

“Relax, Cindy, and look at the candle,” he started in a low drone. “Let your eyes rest in the flickering light dancing in your vision. So peaceful, so calm. Let the flame fill your eyes and capture your thoughts.”

She almost rolled her eyes. Damn, this is almost as bad as those MP3s. She controlled herself, and kept her gaze centered on the candle. She missed something.

“Feel the heaviness in your limbs,” he continued. “In your feet, rooted to the floor now. In your calves, weighing them down. In your thighs, pressing them against the chair.”

Oh my god, this is stupid, she thought. It took her a moment to concentrate on his words enough to follow along again. Be careful. Keep up.

“In your chest, relaxing back into the cushion. In your shoulders, falling down now. In your arms, pressing into the armrests. In your neck, hard to keep your head up.”

Relaxation. OK. Sam tried to look like she was submitting. It was just some slouching and a loose neck at this point.

“The flame is so big now, encompassing your vision, becoming all that you can see. Watch it dance, flicker, and sway. Fall into the motion and let it fill your mind.”

How do I fake that? She tried to let her face go slack and kept staring at the candle.

“Feeling so heavy now, resting in the light. So tired, eyelids drooping, struggling to stay open.”

Drooping? Idiotic. She half closed her eyes. Why anybody believes in this shit... She’d lost track of a few words again, and brought her focus back to his voice.

“Drifting closed, falling into slumber, flame still in your mind.”

OK. Closed. Her eyes shut.

“Listening, letting my words into your mind, making a home there.”

Now what? she thought. Just sit here?

“Sliding into trance, your conscious mind drifting while your unconscious follows my voice.”

How does this ever work, even on the willing?

“Sleep now, and let my words become all that you hear, all that you are.”

Jesus, Sam thought. Hopefully we get on to some instructions, because this is boring as shit. She resisted a sigh, keeping her breathing even and slow. That’s what I’m supposed to do, right? Fuck, I missed something more.

“Arm floating up, the balloon holding it high.” She brought her right arm up, and hoped she’d guessed the correct one. “Good girl. Let it fall gently down, heavy on the armrest again.” She did. “I’m going to ask your unconscious some questions now, and only the conscious mind lies. Your unconscious can only tell me the truth.”

Shit. Here we go, she thought. Her carefully constructed story better work.

“Why are you here?” Cade asked.

“To be hypnotized,” she said in her best sleepy monotone.

“Why do you want to be hypnotized?”

“I’ve always wanted it.”


“I want to be controlled.”


“Because it’s turns me on.” She was pulling from some of the fetish sites. I hope he’s buying it.

“Are you turned on now?”

“Yes.” She lied. Fuck, he better not check. Part of this could be sex. She didn’t like it, but she was prepared.

“Are you resisting me?”

That was unexpected. Can he tell? A sinking panic filled her, but she kept her body slack and still. “No.“

He took a second. “And now floating up, coming out of trance.”

Fuck. He knows.

“Your mind becoming conscious, more aware.”

What did I do? Can I fix this?

“Eyes opening, and fully awake.” Sam blinked her eyes, as the dim candlelight was somewhat bright after having her eyes shut.

“Whu, what happened?” she said, trying to keep up pretenses.

“Some part of you is countering the trance,” Cade said, staring at her. “You’re here at the club, and you came back into this room with me. So, now, the question is why do you fight it? Is it fear, even if imagining it does turn you on? Or is it something else?”

“I... I don’t know. I don’t really remember fighting it,” said Sam, hoping to somehow save this.

“It’s ok, Cindy,” he replied. “You came, and you consented, and I will hypnotize you. It will just take more effort, and some skill.”

She stared into his eyes. He really thinks he can do it.

“It’s a challenge. I do have some fun with the easy ones, but overcoming resistance, breaking down a will and bending it to serve me, that’s luscious, much more enjoyable and satisfying.” He grinned at her. “So now, I will take my time, subvert your resistance, watch you succumb to my will. You will let me into your mind and I will remake it to my liking.”

Sam shivered in his predatory gaze. This man was psychotic, and she was in a room with him.

“We’re just going to have a quiet conversation.” He lowered his voice to a murmur. She had to lean forward to hear him. “One about your trance and how quickly you fall into it. About whether your need to tell me why you’re here comes from your conscious or unconscious mind. About whether you enjoy your resistance failing or not.”

Wait, what? Sam tried to follow each question, but she didn’t have ready answers for the choices they presented.

“You are lucky that I am here to guide you into the trance you desire. It will be better than when you hypnotized yourself. How many sites did it take, how many MP3s?”

“I didn’t...” said Sam, trying to keep up. She had to make this show better than her last, so he would be convinced this time around.

“When you found this fetish, did you get wet thinking of being controlled by a woman, or a man? Or were you just happy to be an obedient hypnoslave to anyone?”

“Hey, I never...”

“Look at the candle again, Cindy,” he said.

She looked. It wasn’t hypnotic.

“It draws you in, and you can’t look away.”

This is silly. She blinked a few times. She was still supposed to be faking it though, so she left her eyes there.

“Did you use a candle, a spiral or a watch when you tranced yourself?”

She remembered spirals on her computer screen. It hadn’t worked, had it?

“I see I’m confusing you, Cindy. It’s ok. Just look at the flame.”

She kept looking. It was confusing, but staring into the light made sense at least.

“When tied up, do you prefer blowing dicks or eating pussies?”

Damn, that came out of nowhere! She thought quickly. “I...“

“Try to resist me and look away from the candle. You can’t anymore.”

Sam wanted to turn her head just to show him it wasn’t working, but she had to keep up the act.

“When you are on the dance floor, do you prefer flashing your naked breasts or your bare crotch?”

She stayed silent, getting confused with his rapid fire questions and impossible to answer scenarios.

“When you succumb to me, will you enjoy the obedience or the submission more?”

Again, Sam felt cornered by the question. “I... I...”

“You’re still looking at the flame, Cindy. Your ability to resist is failing.”

Her gaze was locked on the candle. She had stopped trying to move it as his questions assaulted her.

“Are you losing your will to the candle or to me?”

Wait, I’m not losing my will, am I? she asked herself.

“I can see you’re tired now after dealing with all of my questions.”

What? she thought. Am I?

“Just rest in the flame.”

I’m already looking there...

“You’re following my suggestions well now,” he said. “The flame has allowed me past your resistance.”

It has? She didn’t think so.

“It has captured your mind, left you open to my words.”

What? No, it hasn’t, has it? How do I tell? Sam thought.

“They are taking you into a light trance. You can’t stop it now. Your resistance has failed, I have already passed it. Look inside your mind and you’ll see the truth.”

Sam searched her thoughts to see if any of it was actually real. He’s still speaking, and I need to focus so I can act... Her eyes still saw the flame, but now it was bigger, and hard to ignore. I can’t look away. It doesn’t matter. I still need to figure out the truth. She kept seeking it, knowing it was there. It will tell me something important. A sense of revelation filled her, and she knew she was close. It was in the flame. I need to let it into my mind. It filled her psyche, burning away something but it didn’t matter what. All that mattered was the truth it held. There it is, I can feel it! She reached out, mentally grasping for the heart of the light, and finally saw the truth.

The truth she found was trance. It felt wonderful to know, and it was so perfect. It was something she had to accept, because it was truth. She fell into it gladly, letting her mind float away.

Sam awoke with a start, eyes blinking in the light.

“Well, Cindy, you are a difficult one,” said Cade. “I thought I had you, but something very tough to get past is keeping part of you from submitting to me.”

“I... well, I...” Sam took a second to compose her thoughts. “What does that mean?” Her fear spiked. “Are you going to make me leave?” She couldn’t let that happen. Abby needed her.

“I could admit defeat, yes,” he replied. “but I will much more enjoy hearing you profess your unconditional obedience and never-ending submission to me. I will make you mine, just not tonight. You will take time.” He hummed in pleasure. “It will be delicious.”

He’s letting me stay! she thought, sighing in relief. The something else occurred to her. Is that a good thing?

“We’re going to the main room now,” Cade said, standing up. He reached for her hand, which she gave him. “Sit with me a while.”

Sam tried to think how late it was. She reached for her purse, but it wasn’t in the room. It had her life in it. “Uh, ok, where’s my...”

“Purse? It’s at the coat check. Since you were here to be hypnotized, we wanted to make sure it was safe.”

Sam pursed her brow, trying to decide if that made sense. Cade lead her out into the pounding electronica and around the couch. He seated her next to him, leaning in, and she didn’t move away. She still couldn’t risk her access to Cade, not until she found her sister.

The lights on the dance floor were pulsing in time with the music. The dancers were grinding in time, an overt sexual display that Sam couldn’t look away from. Cade said something, his breath hot on her ear, but she couldn’t hear it. It didn’t matter. She just turned to look at him, smiling. The he said something else, maybe prance? trance?

“What?” she asked.

“Dance for me,” Cade nearly shouted.

Easy enough. She stood and walked to the same guard who had let her onto the dais. He paid little attention to her as she stepped down. She moved onto the dance floor, staying near the edge where Cade could observe. He had said to dance for him. As she started moving to the beat, several others came up close, into her personal space. She never let strangers violate that. She glanced over, and saw a smile on Cade’s face. An impulse to bend over and flash her panties blossomed in her mind, but she let it go. Another to pull her neckline down and show her breasts came, but she resisted that as well. Both were too much. A third though, to start grinding, stayed. She leaned forward and backed into whoever was behind her. A hard length stretched against her ass. It was difficult to balance in her high heels, but she managed. She pulled up and reached behind the man’s neck, pulling him down into a passionate kiss. He was damn good at it. Someone else was at her front now, rubbing hands along her sides. As she broke the kiss and leaned her head forward, Sam saw it was a woman. It didn’t bother her. Shouldn’t it? It was for Cade, anyway. Sam pressed their mouths together. A question from earlier, with Cade, popped into her mind. Controlled by a woman, or a man? She fought it off and kept dancing.

Each time she glanced at Cade, he would look over to her and smile. It was a hungry smile, a predatory one. It triggered a quiet voice in her mind, but she couldn’t make out words. All that came was passion, pleasure and desire. Lips and hands on her body and thighs in her crotch wound her up, and she would lean into kisses on her neck and fingers on her breasts needfully.

After a while, Cade gestured her back over. She was horny and didn’t really want to stop the fun, but she came when beckoned. Even sweaty as she was, he pulled her close.

“You can go now, Cindy,” he said into her ear. “You’ll be here tomorrow.”

Sam was a little offended that he assumed, but it meant that she had made it in. Somewhat, at least. Now she just had to get him to let her close to her sister. She left, remembering to get her purse at the coat check. The woman behind the counter gave her the passphrase for tomorrow. It wasn’t the one from the site.

She could finally check the time. 4:00 am? Holy shit! She hurried to her car.

Sam walked down the alley, nervous again. Her new red satin skirt and halter top outfit exposed more skin than she was used to. The matching stay up stockings almost flashed lace from their tops from underneath the satin. She couldn’t decide if it was sexy or slutty, but she felt all warm inside wearing it in public. Her matching satin panties were likely damp.

She knocked and the slider opened. “Password?” came from inside.

“My dreams have been unlocked.” At least it wasn’t as rude and demeaning as last night’s.

She walked past coat check, and someone called to her, reminding her, and she turned to check her purse. It bothered her, but some part of it made sense with the other girls, the ones who were hypnoslaves and might forget.

She turned that word over in her mind. Hypnoslave. Not really my thing. She chewed her lip. Right?

Instead of going to the bar, still tended by the Greek god, she headed straight to the V.I.P. section. Glancing around the dais, she noted Abby still wasn’t there. The guard looked at her, looked at Cade, and seeing a gesture, let her pass. She smiled at the hypnotist sitting in his accustomed place. He rose to greet her.

“You came Cindy. Good girl.” Sam wasn’t sure how to take that. It made her feel a bit like a pet. “I’m excited to start. I can see that you are too.”

I’m not, am I? she thought.

“Follow me.”

She tried to think of something to say, but nothing came. They walked into the small room in silence, sitting at the same places. Cade lit the candle, and Sam looked at it. She vaguely remembered it from last night, but something felt different. It was hard to think back. Her memories of the events of last evening, of being in this room, slipped through her thoughts as she grasped at them.

“Cindy, look at the flame.” She already was. “We worked hard to get you to let go of your resistance last night.”

We did? she thought.

“There is still more, buried deeper in your mind.”

A little warning flag went up. Something is wrong. Why can’t I remember?

“So tonight, you will go deeper for me.”

She shivered. I didn’t go under, not really. He said I resisted. It still scared her.

“Look into the light. Remember what it does.”

Sam’s gaze was still on the candle. Staring into the flame, she felt it grow until it filled her vision.

“Remember the truth.”

Sam was supposed to find it. It was in the light, at the center. Something about searching for it bothered her, like it had done something to her.

“You can’t look away, Cindy. Fighting it only makes its grip on you stronger.”

She tried anyway. Her neck strained, her head stayed still, and her eyes continued to focus on the flame.

“You resistance is failing again, Cindy. You know the truth. Find it.”

She did know the truth, from last night. She needed to... No.

“Let your worries go, Cindy, and search in flame.”

Her concerns faded one by one. Each took with it a little of her resolve, her ability to defy Cade’s insistence.

“Dive into the light, Cindy, and find what you seek.”

The last of her anxiety passed, and she finally let herself go. The flame engulfed her. The center of the light was truth, and the truth was trance. She relaxed into it, feeling tranquil, at peace. Words slipped into her mind, guiding her thoughts where they would.

I feel wonderful, popped into her head.

Definitely. She felt a need to agree out loud. “I do.“

Cade puts me in a trance. Another thought.

True. Another answer. “Cade did.“

Trance makes me feel wonderful.

It does. “Yes.“

I want to be in a trance.

Of course. It makes me feel wonderful. “Yes.“

I will always go into a trance for Cade.

As wonderful as this feels, I’ll always do it. “Yes.“

Tranced girls are obedient.

We are. “Yes.“

I am tranced.

I am. That’s why I feel wonderful. “Yes.“

I am obedient.

I am tranced, tranced girls are obedient, so I must be obedient. “Yes.“

I obey Cade.

I’m obedient. “Yes.“

Cade wants me to stop resisting.

He does. “Yes.“

Stop resisting.

“Y... Y...No.”

Go deeper.

Sam did.

She slid into awareness again. Cade was speaking, and she had to pay attention. To make him think it was working? It didn’t matter why.

“All the way up, out of trance. Good girl.”

Sam still felt like she was being referenced as a pet again, but this time, her crotch liked it, even though her mind didn’t.

“Time to head back.” Cade stood up and reached for her hand.

Is it over already? How long was that? She put her hand in his and let him lead her out. She felt squishy down below, and her nipples poked out against the silken fabric of the halter. Cade lead her to the same spot on the couch. As she sat, she was careful to cross her legs.

“How do you feel?” he said over the music.

“Great. Rested.”

“You were hypnotized.”

“No, I wasn’t. I think... I might have fallen asleep.” He grinned at that.

“It feels wonderful to be hypnotized,” he said.

Sam caught herself. How would it feel? She considered. “It might be... fun.“

“It makes you excited.”

She was dripping her juices on the velour thinking about it. Is something missing there?

“Hypnotize yourself.”

“I... uh, what? How?”

“You already know. Find the truth.”

The truth was in the light. She saw one on the dance floor that was neither moving nor blinking. Staring at it, the light engulfed her, drawing her quickly down into the revelation of trance. She heard someone say, “tranced”, but it didn’t matter who. All that mattered was the light, and the truth it held.

She was on the couch again, feeling well rested and horny. Cade was still next to her, leaning in, touching her, possessing her.

No, not possessing. She looked into his eyes. Yet. Wait, what?

“Cindy, it’s time to go.” She smiled as he stood and she let him pull her up. “Be here Friday.”

“Yes.” She agreed. It was easy to agree, and she had to anyways to have any chance at finding Abby. As she walked out, she noticed the leers from the crowd, checking out her hips and thighs. Something was still missing. A lack of... something? At the coat check, she took her purse and got the new passphrase.

At home, as she stripped naked for bed, she realized what had been missing. Her panties. She freaked out, humiliated and embarrassed at having all of those people looking at her nakedness under the short skirt. Her traitorous pussy was thrilled though, and her hand reached down. She imagined Cade, on the couch, reaching down...

Sam prepared a little earlier for the club on Friday. The week had been tough, with thoughts of Cade and hypnosis slipping into her dreams. She held them at bay during the day, mostly by focusing on the boring and mundane. Any conscious thought of being in a trance worked her up in an evil, twisted way. She fought it by thinking of Abby and the purpose behind going to the club in the first place. Now that Friday was here, that tonight she would be there, the excitement was back, and harder to contain. Her wardrobe had a few more additions, and her hands passed over them. They were a little too risqué for public. Even so, the temptation drove her crazy, crazy exhibitionist thoughts lighting up her crotch. Eventually, she managed to settle on a tight, black skirt that covered everything and a matching snug, translucent black top that wrapped firmly under her breasts. In just the right light, it showed her unfettered nipples, but you looked hard. Skipping panties entertained her imagination, be she fought remembered shameful thrill from last Saturday and managed to pull up the black satin underwear. Stay-ups and new tall heels completed her look. She checked in the mirror, and was pleased with the hot woman looking back.

Cade was waiting inside again, watching her walk up from his couch. He smiled as he took her hand and lead her back to the small room. Something excited her this time, anticipating the talk they would have together. They sat and he lit the candle.

“I’m going to hypnotize you,” Cade said.

Sam shivered, He can’t as long as I don’t want this. The lust and desire that soaked her panties belied her thoughts. Wait, do I? Can I resist if... A little fear bloomed in her mind, with an accompanying voice screaming to get up and run out. Now.

“I will put you in a trance.” Cade smiled, watching her squirm for a moment. “Look at the flame, Cindy. Stare into the light and find the truth.”

Sam’s gaze locked in place. She couldn’t move it, hardly tried. She knew she would fail if she attempted to. Her mind searched for the truth. It was easier to find this time, and within it, trance. Quickly all-consuming, it stole her psyche, stilling all thought, leaving her open and wanting. She heard words as she slipped down, but they faded into the wonderful darkness quickly filling her mind. She floated in it, passively listened, and learned.

A dream invaded the darkness. They were still in the room. Cade was across the small table, leering at her. She was horny, and hungered for his body, to feel him pressed against her, to have him buried deep within her. He beckoned, and she went to him. As she did, she slipped her panties down and stepped out of them. He had his fly down, his hard dick exposed and ready to penetrate her. Sam’s breath caught at the sight, and she pulled up her skirt as she straddled him. Already wet and ready, she slid down around his rigid member. She felt tight around him, his cock filling her pussy completely, thrusting so deep as she slowly rode up and down on him. It filled her body, filled her mind, searing out everything but the desire to cum around him, the need to feel him explode deep inside her. She tried to speed up, desperately seeking release for both of them, but his hands gripped her hips and forced her rhythm to remain at a frustratingly languid pace. She whined in protest. The leisurely penetration built her passion deliberately, her moans protesting in an entreaty to accelerate. Lust left no room in her mind for other thoughts, letting his words further in to seek out and pierce through her remaining resistance. He spoke, and she whimpered. He explained, and she accepted. He taught, and she learned.

She loved every minute of the dream. The pleasure was pure and perfect. She craved more, and never wanted to wake up.

The couch again. She didn’t remember coming here, but that was fine. Her skirt was damp, but that was ok too. Cade was gently running his hands over her body, cupping her breasts, thumbing her hard nipples, as he talked to those around them. She sat still, as she should. Her passivity and acceptance tried to worry her, but her mind found it difficult to hold onto and the concern slipped away as she attempted to grab at the thought. Her crotch was also wetter than it should be, but that drifted away too.

Cade turned to her. She thrilled to have his attention, ready to listen. “Time to go,” he said. He stood and helped her up. “I have something special to show you tomorrow.”

It excited her. She walked out, dripping down her leg from her exposed pussy. The lack of panties thrilled her. She inched her skirt up a little as people watched her pass. The coat check almost slipped her mind as she headed out.

Anticipation built all day Saturday. What does he have to show me? She could hardly contain herself as she picked out clothes, not really noticing what they were. Going into the club was a blur, but when she finally saw Cade, her breath caught and butterflies started up. Her upper thighs were slick as she headed onto the dais and over to Cade’s couch. Then she stopped short.

Abby. She wanted to speak, but the words caught in her throat.

Cade was smiling up at Sam. “I see you’ve noticed. I thought a reunion was in order.”

How does he know? She looked at her sister, who was leaning into Cade. This should scare me. She noticed a pink dog collar around Abby’s throat, attached to a matching leash that Cade held. We match. The two sisters wore satin, pink micro skirts, tight, satin, pink tops that showed the underside of their breasts and exposed plenty of cleavage, pink garters holding up pink stockings, and pink stilettos. Oh fuck, what’s happening? Cold fear crept up her gut to her head. Humiliation and embarrassment burned through her as she realized just how short the skirt was, just how naked she was underneath. Just like Abby.

“Sit.” Cade patted the couch next to him.

I should get the fuck out of here now. She trembled, hesitated, but heated and dripped as she sat.

“You should say hello to your sister, Sam,” said Cade. “You haven’t seen Abby in months.”

Fuck, he knows my name! “Hi, Abby.” Sam wanted to hug her sister, grab her and run. The flames in her crotch rose as she stayed.

“Hi, Sam,” replied Abby. “I’m so happy to see you here too. I love it!”

Get up and go, Sam, go! Sam thought. Her lust grew as she lingered.

“I have a gift for you, Sam,” Cade said. He reached up, and a woman behind him put a pink collar and leash in his hand. He dropped it in Sam’s lap. “Abby needs a playmate.” He turned to Abby. “Don’t you, pet?” He caressed her chin, then leaned in for a kiss. Abby passionately kissed him back.

Sam watched. When they parted, she looked down at the leather dog collar and leash in her lap. She looked up at Cade’s hand that held Abby’s, and back down again.

Fuck. Don’t. It was too hot to even consider being his pet. I shouldn’t, it’s humiliating. I don’t want to be treated like that. Fantasies licked her mind, teasing her with cravings to be seen like that.

“Choose, Sam.” said Cade, gently stroking her chin.

I’m not his pet. Her pussy strongly objected. Fight this, Sam! She felt desire build from her body into her mind, spurred on by her crotch. All I need to do is pick it up, put it on... No.

She looked up, out onto the dance floor, and he turned her head. He was so close. His stare was invasive, penetrating, scorching. Her thoughts stopped, burned away. It heated her further, leaving only lust, and her dripping pussy took over.

Sam picked up the collar. She felt the leash pull up between her breasts. She whimpered in shame and embarrassment. Her hands hesitated.

I so fucked up.

She notched it in place around her throat.

I don’t fucking want this! Hypnosis doesn’t make you do shit against your will! How the hell did this happen?

“I’m curious, Sam. You came here to save your sister. So how does it feel, now that you’ve failed and become my pet?”

Sam whined. “Fuck, it’s so hot.”

“Do you love me?”

“Hell no, I hate you!” Sam tried to shout, but her voice remained quiet, like a pet’s should.

“But I control you.”

The words bubbled up from inside, even through she tried to fight them. “Y...Yes, you do.”

“How does that make you feel?”

“Humiliated. Embarrassed. So fucking horny!”

“It’s time, Sam.” He motioned to the floor. “Kneel.”

No, no, no! she thought. She couldn’t stop. Couldn’t want to stop.

“Say it.”

“I... I submit to you. I... You have my unconditional obedience.”

“Good girl.” Cade chuckled and patted her head. “Abby should welcome you to your new life as my pet.”

New life? Oh shit. Abby trembled. What did I just do?

“Oh, Sam, I’m so happy for you!” Abby leaned down to her, and deeply kissed Sam. Abby’s hands started caressing her sister’s shoulders, around her breasts, up to her nipples. Sam whimpered and leaned in.

“A matching set.” Cade smiled at his two pets. “Perfect.”

Sam burned at the comment, both in shameful failure and burning lust. She had faced off with evil and lost. It was so hot.

This story was heavily influenced by trilby else’s excellent Bridesmaid, and Jukebox’s fantastic Flesh For Fantasy, both of which handled this type of storyline much better than I did.


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