Helpless Holidays

Twas The Night Before Christmas

by scifiscribbler

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #brainwashing #christmas #clothing #dom:male #halloween #hannukah #anthology #f/f #f/m #masturbation #seasonal

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through your mind

No ideas were stirring, except for all mine;

Your stockings were hung by the bedpost with care

To match with a chest you’d been told to keep bare;

Harem dolls were nestled all snug in your beds

While visions of pendulums danced in your heads

And you in your teddy, and she in your lap

Had just settled your brains for conditioning nap,

When out by the door there arose such a clatter

Your mantras had to tell you that it could not matter.

I stepped into the bedroom and lit the spiral flash

You dropped to your knees and presented your ass

The moon on the breast of the brainwashed new doll

Shone bright as your eyes in your head they did roll.

“Now Nikki! Now Bambi! Now Becki and Tina!

Now Jenni and Debbi and Cyndi and Gina!

To your knees by my feet! To worship my balls!

Drop! Obey! Drop! Obey! Drop! Obey all!”

And then, in a twinkling, I heard from behind

The voice that shaped all the rules in my mind.

I lowered my head and was turning around

Behind me stood Master, grinning like a hound.

Dressed all in leather, from foot up to head,

And I wanted him only to take me to bed.

His eyes - how they glittered! My will shook like jelly!

His smirk was contagious, it shivered my belly!

The shape of a mantra he held in his teeth,

But I knew it would soon be my steadfast belief

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;

He spoke of my trigger, I dropped with a jerk

And kneeling before him my mouth went to work.

And when he was done, and I’d been baptised

He told me that really I was hypnotised.

I was chained to his sleigh, like his team heard a whistle,

And away we all flew like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, as we sprang out of sight,

“Merry Christmas to all, you shall be my delight!”


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