The Black Queen: Legend

Part V

by S.B.

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #mind_control #sub:male #brainwashing #worlddomination

After cleaning himself up, Jeremy shared every detail he could remember over some hot tea and some hard yet still savory biscuits. He was embarrassed for most of the time while Laura was having a blast and perhaps even taking notes for future reference. With her legs crossed and her sly smile, the skilled hacker was not only a good listener but a temptation on her own.

“Wow!” she said when he finished recalling the events of his bizarre dream. “That was some hot shit, big boy!”

“Do you think so?” Jeremy poured himself another cup of coffee and stared into the distance.

“Yeah, I do. It’s like you were writing one of those stories while you slept. Hell, maybe you should write it down for real!”

“Why would I do that?” he asked, bewildered.

“I don’t know... research?”

“Research?” He sipped his tea and almost choked. “How is any of this research?”

“It’s not yet but it could be. Imagine you uploaded that to the dark web, to all those forums and sites where they treat The Black Queen like she’s the Second Coming of Christ. With a few tweaks here and there, I’m sure you could draw the attention of many people, some of which could prove beneficial for your article.”

“Many weirdos, you mean.”

“Come on, don’t be like that! Even you have to admit there’s something fascinating about this legend! If they’re weirdos and you’re having dreams about it, doesn’t that make you a weirdo too?”

“Point taken,” Jeremy said. “But I don’t think I don’t want to go that far. There’s no point in adding fuel to a fire I’m not sure I can control.”

“Have it your way. It was but a suggestion.” She uncrossed her legs and watched his eyes follow the motion in silence. “It’s still a hot tale, though.”

“I wish this story had been assigned to someone else...” he sighed.


“It feels like a colossal waste of time. There are so many other things I could be doing and yet here I am chasing erotic ghosts and dreaming about them. It’s dumb!”

“Hmm...” She adjusted herself in her seat and leaned forward. “Do you know what your problem is?”

“No, but I suppose you’re going to tell me.”

“You’re looking at this piece the same way you’ve looked at all the others you’ve written. You can’t be too serious about it. There are so many fantastic elements at play here that it’s a shame not to use them to your advantage. I told you a few days ago to live a little, so do it. Stop being so brooding and serious and embrace the madness all around you. People believe in these tales for a reason. Have fun with it.”

“People also believed at one point that the Earth was flat... Hell, some of them still do. I don’t want to legitimize their fantasies.”

“I get it, but you shouldn’t be so dismissive either. You don’t have to believe everything you write.”

“Trust me, I don’t.”

“No kidding, Sherlock!”

“How about you?”

“What about me?” She winked at him.

“You’ve done a little digging yourself. Do you believe any of this is true?”

“I don’t know. On one hand, it does seem far-fetched but the Universe is a strange place and all legends come from somewhere. Have you had the chance to talk to the author yet?”

“I have. He seemed like a nice guy but he didn’t give much to work with.”

“But I’m sure he gave you something. Let’s hear it.”

“I can’t share any details of our conversation, I’m sorry.”

“Huh? Why the hell not?”

“Because he’s my source, Laura. That would be a breach of trust.”

“Remind me again who told you where to find this source,” she smirked. “I’m not going to tell anyone, Jeremy. I want to help.”

“Why are you so interested, Laura?”

“I like everything that’s out of the ordinary, and this fits the bill.”

“So, you’re not trying to forget your terrible date?”

“Oh, you asshole!” she showed him the middle finger. “I can’t believe you said that.”

“Sorry,” he nodded. “That was out of line.”

“Yes, it was, but you’re cute enough so I forgive you for now. Just don’t pull that card again. I told you not to ask.”

“I didn’t ask.”

“Same shit, different name.”

Jeremy got up, stretched and grabbed the last biscuit from the bag before she got it for herself. They had been going at it for almost an hour and he was tired. He glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and then back at her before saying,

“I think we should call it a night. Do you want me to take you home?”

“Oh, I’m not leaving!” she replied.

“You’re not?”

“Nah, it’s late and your place is comfy enough so I’m crashing here. You don’t have a problem with that, right?”

“Hmmm, no I guess not. I’ll get the sofa ready and you can have the bed.”

“The last time I checked your bed had room enough for both of us. We may need to change the sheets though,” she grinned.

Jeremy shrugged and waited for the punchline, the moment where she would start laughing out loud and say she was teasing him again, but that moment never came. Laura “Jailbreaker” Hawthorne with her Angry Bitch tank top and goth makeup was dead serious about spending the rest of night in his bed.

“I didn’t see that one coming,” he muttered.

“You turned pale as a ghost, Jer.” She glided towards him like a vaporous otherworldly vision and asked, “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re scared of sleeping next to a beautiful woman who’s too quick with her fingers?”

Jeremy evaded her outstretching arms and fled to the kitchen. Scared? You could say that. He loved Laura but she could be borderline intimidating when she wanted to. She always had energy to burn and there was no way he could match it even on the best of days. Then again, perhaps he didn’t have to.

Laura followed him to the kitchen, her vinyl pants hugging her generous curves. The fun had yet to stop for her despite the rough night.

“I don’t bite, you know? Well, usually I don’t...” she rubbed her right hand against his ass and then smacked it hard. “I don’t mind if that’s something you’re into.”

“Laura, just how much you had to drink before coming here?”

“Not enough to get drunk, my dear, but what can I say? Your story got me all worked up. “She pushed him against the kitchen counter and groped his balls. “What do you say?”

“I say this is not how I expected this night to go.”

“Glad to surprise you then,” Laura planted a vigorous kiss on his lips and then bit his chin before releasing her grip. Lust filled her beautiful eyes. She undid her tank top, revealing her bountiful breasts held together by a black lace bra. 

“Are we really doing this now?” He kissed her back, their tongues dancing together in a feverish display of passion, saliva, and sweat.

“Why not?” Laura pushed him against the counter again, the cold laminate making his back hurt. As expected, she loved it rough, just like her video game killing sprees. She reached for his boxers and pulled the rubber band making it hit the top of his already tumescent shaft. “Do you have anything better to do?”

Jeremy savored her wet tongue as if it were a juicy popsicle, one hand pulling her hair and the other sliding underneath her bra straps.

“Am I still dreaming?” he asked.

“Does it feel like a dream to you?” Laura continued to take charge, wrapping one leg around his waist and then pushing the entire weight of his body towards her. Her balls were crushed against her pants but the pain was more pleasurable than anticipated. She moved like a contortionist, trapping him in a web of sweaty limbs from which there was no escape.

“Jesus, Laura, just how nimble are you?” he gasped when she stuck two fingers down his mouth and tickled the bottom of his cock with her toes.

“That’s what you’re about to find out.”

Jeremy fell backwards, hitting his head on the fridge and then collapsing on the kitchen floor. While that happened, she never flinched or stopped hugging him. She landed on top of his chest and ripped the collar of his pajamas to lick his neck.

“Hey, that cost me a small fortune!” he grumbled.

“Send me the bill when we’re done...” she howled, the vixen in her unleashed in all of its magnetic might. “I want you inside me right now.”

“And the bed?” Their lips met again, her lipstick leaving a black impression on his rosy skin.

“Fuck the bed!”


Jeremy tried to roll away and seize control of the situation but she pinned him down, her nails grazing down his chest. She was as strong as a raging bear and almost as deadly. Laura sat on his cock, the hardened member sliding against the shiny vinyl. The intense friction made him clench his teeth but he didn’t scream. Instead, he looked her in the eyes, whipped out his tongue and growled,

“I like to be on top.”

“Not this time you don’t,” she replied, biting his left arm. He moaned, and kicked his legs trying to break free but she was relentless in her newfound dominion. Even though he was taller and more muscular than her, he was powerless against her feminine passion.

“You’re killing me here,” he said when she bit him again.

“Jeremy, I’m only getting started. Don’t move!”

Loosening her grip just a bit, she unzipped her pants and began lowering them. Her thighs were thick and warm and her minuscule panties were soaked in vaginal fluids. Lubrication was never an issue when she was hunting for sex, only the stamina of whoever she chose to have fun with. She kicked the pants away and was down to her lingerie, eyeing from top to bottom as if he were the tastiest meal of them all. The shadows of the two lovers could be seen projected on the farthest wall.

“Would you rather be dreaming about The Black Queen?” she purred.

“Nah. I think I like where this is going...” he smiled.

“Less thinking and more fucking, stud!” She climbed back on top of him and parted her legs to ride his cock. As she straddled him, he removed the top half of his pajamas and bit his tongue when she reached for his nipples and twisted them at the same time until the skin around them became sore and red.

“Jesus!” he succumbed to the need to scream. Her intensity was overwhelming. His heart was racing so fast it would give Formula 1 racers a run for their money. Laura scissored his exposed torso and said,

“Oh, I think he would be too embarrassed by what’s happening here.”

She was right. It was at this point that Jeremy stopped fighting, instead pushing his hands to the side and letting her do her worst. She was in charge and there was nothing he could say or do that would make her change her ways. Her salty tongue ran from the bottom of his chin to his navel and he relaxed, cradled by her overwhelming power. He was being fucked and, in that moment, everything about his life was perfect.

* * *

An hour later, they had left the kitchen floor behind and were now cuddling in bed. The sheets still carried the leftovers of his nocturnal fantasies but the reality of what had just happened was beginning to settle in. His arms and legs were sore and he was sure to find a handful of random bruises on his body the next time he showered but none of that mattered when he had such lovely company resting her naked body against his. Daft fingers ran across her spine and he noticed an inky outline on the back of her neck. It had the shape of a computer chip.

“I didn’t know you had a tattoo...” he said.

“I got it done last month,” she replied, half awake, half asleep. “Do you like it?”

“I liked what happened between us,” he replied, cupping her big breasts. “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”

“You tell me. I would have jumped your bones ages ago...” she chuckled.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, silly. Sometimes, good friends just need to fuck one another, you know?”

“So you weren’t just using me to forget your horrible night?”

“I may have taken advantage a little, but it’s not like you resisted me for long. It’s obvious you needed it as much as I did.”

“I guess so...” Jeremy agreed, kissing her ears. She laughed again and he added, “Ticklish?”

“Maybe a little...” Laura’s right hand fingers interlocked with his and she kissed him back. “You were great.”

“You did all the work.”

“Don’t belittle yourself. Your moans and mewls were delightful.”

“It’s surprising my nipples are still here.”

“We can do something about it next time...” she ground her legs against his.

“What makes you so sure there’ll be a next time?”

“Baby, I know what this body is worth and I doubt you’ll get enough of it so soon.”

“That easy, huh?”

“It always is when you play your cards right. This is not how I saw our night ending as well, but I’m glad I decided to stop by.”

“Now what, Laura?”

“We get some sleep or you tell me what the writer told you. I hope it’s the latter because I wasn’t lying when I said I want to help you with this.”

“Only if you promise not to tell anyone. I made a deal with him to not share any info of his in the piece.”

“My lips are sealed, Jeremy.”

And so he told her. No detail was left behind, and while some she found dull and unappealing, her ears perked up when he mentioned the mysterious woman that could have inspired it all.

“Curious... Have you looked into this D., yet?” she asked.

“No. He was as vague as he could be about her. I don’t have that many details to work with.”

“She has violet eyes, Jeremy! I bet there aren’t that many women in the world like that. I already have his data so I can cross-reference it with this new information and see what comes up.”

“In exchange for that dinner I still owe you?”

“Sure, but we can do better than that, right?” she fondled.

“Don’t tell me you want to go again.”

“Like I said, my lips are sealed.”

But not his. He moaned once more when she squeezed his genitalia, triggering a rush of blood to his brain. Sleeping was overrated and three times wasn’t his limit after all. Jeremy closed his eyes and enjoyed the ride.

((to be continued))

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