I Must Obey My Mistress

by S.B.

Tags: #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #masturbation #mind_control #sub:male #boot_worship #consensual #gentle_femdom

Jonathan must do whatever Mistress Pearl tells him to do. A sensual gentle femdom story.

© S.B. 2024 All Rights Reserved. 

Reproduction and distribution of this writing without the written permission of the author is prohibited. This writing is not to be included in any publication - free or otherwise -, except the author's self-published works.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over 18.

The morning sun peeked from behind a curtain of swirling gray clouds, promising to cast out the darkness for good. Jonathan, who had been sleeping on his stomach for the past nine hours, felt a slight tingle in his nose and woke up with a violent sneeze that turned his pillow into a soggy germ festival. Startled, he shook his head and looked down to see that the covers were missing, spread on the floor with no regard for his health or well-being. The dog and cat had been at it again, chasing one another and seeing which one could bring about the most destruction.

Try as he may, his German Shepherd, King, was no match for the fluffy fury of Pepper, a six-year-old tabby cat with vigor and energy to spare. When they weren’t playing around the house, it was customary to see them sitting by the window, looking outside, or cuddling on the sofa. They were the best of friends and he loved them both. However, when Jonathan opened his eyes, he didn’t think about their mischievousness at all. Instead, his mind was dominated by a single thought, and that thought was,

I must obey my Mistress.

He got up from bed and stretched before forcing his legs to head into the bathroom. His muscles were sore almost as if they had been turned to stone overnight and were now returning to normal. He found one of his favorite slippers wedged against the door and the other teetering over the open toilet seat. How he had missed out on such commotion was no mystery but a reflection of his state of mind. He was tired, and every time that happened, he slept like a rock. He rescued the endangered slipper from his possible wet and smelly fate and washed his face with running water, the same prevailing idea taking front and center in his half-asleep brain.

I must obey my Mistress.

It hadn’t always been there, but it almost felt like it, a single focus to keep him grounded or yearning for everything else that was to come. If he ever drifted towards undesirable thought patterns like feelings of insecurity or self-loathing, all he needed to do was take a deep breath, close his eyes, and let the overpowering five words reset his mood.

I must obey my Mistress.

She went by many names in both the private and public spheres but the one that resonated the most with him was Pearl. Mistress Pearl. She was an enigmatic Anglo-French woman with a delightful accent that was the stuff wet dreams were made of. When she spoke, the entire world listened, and when she giggled or laughed, ecstasy was sure to follow. He loved to make her happy even if that meant debasing himself time and time again.

Complying was easy when he knew in advance what he was expected to do. Direct orders from her sensual lips were beyond any threshold of resistance but, most of the times, his owner liked to play differently, leaving bread crumbs inside bread crumbs, tiny morsels of tantalizing delicacies he was to savor only when the moment was right. It could happen at any moment and when he least expected, and that was beyond arousing. He trusted her from the bottom of his heart.

“I must obey my Mistress,” he muttered.

Jonathan confronted the silver square mirror hanging over the sink and it stared back at him with vitreous eyes. Not that he could see them. He never knew for sure when he was in trance, responding to an indirect suggestion or falling deeper under her control by imagining doing so. Anticipation always had a special place in his heart and cock.

“I must obey my Mistress,” he repeated.

Recently turned forty, his life had been a chaotic mess of jumping between jobs and unhealthy relationships until the first time he heard her voice. The sweet rasp she added to every consonant was infectious, and all possibilities made sense when she was the one bringing them up. That included simple things like sending her a picture of a white rose every Monday morning or being unable to read whatever she wrote between square brackets [What a good boy you are for me. Go deeper now]. There were dozens of other examples of her subtle and yet ravishing control over his life, but he could never remember them all. Memories weren’t as important as the drive to submit and do whatever she wanted him to do. Happiness boiled down to a series of brainwashing mantras, and the most significant was and it would always be,

I must obey my Mistress.

As he continued to look into the mirror, the world around him becoming blurrier and blurrier, Jonathan wet his lips and was overwhelmed by a burning sexual desire. He ran his fingers through his tousled hair, his breath quickening as he became more and more aroused. The need to masturbate surged forth, overwhelming all rational thought. It coursed through him like wildfire, consuming his soul from within.

Without hesitation, he reached for the bottom half of his pajamas and pushed it down to welcome the cool air on his skin. His hands moved with a desperate urgency as he closed his eyes, envisioning Mistress Pearl’s intoxicating presence right next to him. Her voice echoed in his mind, a sultry whisper urging him on.

A wave of pleasure washed over him, drawing out moans of ecstasy as he lost himself in the ecstatic moment. Every touch sent shivers down his spine, each sensation magnified by the intensity of his longing for her. He stumbled into the shower, right hand wrapped around his shaft and turned on the water. steam hitting the glass panels and making him feel drowsier and weaker.

The water cascaded down upon his body, washing away the remnants of the long night and, as it did, Jonathan felt himself sinking deeper into a trance. His hand moved faster now, guided by an unseen force. His breathing grew ragged and sweat broke out on his forehead and across his chest.

In his mind’s eye, he saw Mistress Pearl standing just beyond the curtain of steam, her eyes smoldering with desire. Her lips were parted, whispering more honeyed instructions into his submissive soul.

“You must obey,” she said. “Give in to the pleasure I’ve chosen for you. Surrender to my wishes for they are yours, too.”

And so Jonathan surrendered, his body trembling and his heart pounding in anticipation of the sweet release that awaited him. The water, now scalding hot, seemed to lap at his flesh like the tongues of a thousand fiery serpents turning his arousal into something wicked and yet irresistible.

The images in his mind were now more vivid and real than anything else had ever experienced. Mistress Pearl was closer, the subtle scent of her perfume caressing his nostrils, her sharp red nails grazing the back of his neck.

“You’re mine,” she declared, the only thing he recognized as true. With a low growl, Jonathan’s hand moved faster, his grip tightening as the pleasure built and exploded within him, sending him spiraling down into a libidinous vortex that was as confusing as it was thrilling. His body shook and he mewled, each cry echoing off the tile walls of the shower enclosure.

As the torrent of images and seductive commands consumed Jonathan’s mind, he lost control. The pulsating heat of the shower merged with the raging maelstrom of his carnal desires and ignited a conflagration within his very core. He could no longer tell where the water ended, and his own sweat began for they were now entwined in a supernatural symphony of pleasure and pain.

Mistress Pearl loomed over him in his imagination, her eyes shining as she watched from the precipice of ecstasy. Unspeakable delights could be seen in her seductive smile, and he fell deeper and deeper, taken over by the frenzy, a whirlwind of flesh and fire that would not be denied.

His orgasm erupted forth like a volcanic explosion, unleashing the rage of both Heaven and Hell. The force of his climax, coupled with the intensity of the water, made him hit his head against the faucet, smiling like a lamb on his way to the slaughterhouse. The air around him cracked with electricity, as if the very fabric of reality had been torn apart.

As Jonathan’s orgasm subsided, he found himself panting, his entire body awash in euphoria. He stepped out of the shower, soaking wet clothes clinging to his muscular body. Sensing that Mistress Pearl’s suggestions were now ebbing away, he collapsed onto the cold tile floor.

Sometime later, the doorbell chimed, startling Jonathan out of his lethargy. He opened his eyes and saw his pets looking at him and wondering what he had been up to while they frolicked around. He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he recalled the staggering control of his entrancing dominant over his body and mind. The universe had blessed him with her power and life would never be dull again. He got up, ditched the wet clothes for a towel wrapped around his waist and headed downstairs, trying to shake off the aftereffects of his recent experience.

Jonathan opened the door, and his thoughts sank again when he realized who was waiting for him. Mistress Pearl’s eyes shone with a voracious appetite that penetrated his very soul. Her outfit was a masterful fusion of leather and lace, sin and sultriness, accentuating her curves in all the right places. A tight, black corset hugged her waist, the lacing in the front a testament to her fondness for control. It was adorned with intricate silver studs that glimmered with every move she made.

Her skirt was as daring as it was elegant, made of sleek leather that brushed her knees and left little to the imagination. The edges were frayed, offering a subtle contrast to the smoothness of the material. The skirt was made complete with a chain fastening at the waist, hinting at its potential to be used as a weapon if necessary.

Her legs were encased in a pair of thigh-high lace stockings, which extended up to her waist and were held up by a garter belt. The stockings were a deep, blood-red color, adding a touch of danger to her ensemble. However, it was her footwear that stole the show.

A pair of shiny, knee-high boots adorned with metal studs and spikes graced her feet. The shiny leather shone like a beacon, drawing the attention of all who laid eyes on them. The tips of the boots were pointed and menacing. Mistress Pearl’s fingers ran down the length of the boots, her nails elongated and painted a fiery red to match her stockings. She leaned over and whispered into Jonathan’s ear, her tone as smooth as silk, yet as sharp as a blade,

“Hello, my pet. On your knees.”

Jonathan dropped on the floor, transfixed by her mesmeric beauty. Her curly raven-black hair with delicate red highlights fell over her shoulders as she sauntered inside and then turned around to make him stare at her boots.

“Kiss them,” she commanded.

As Jonathan crept forward, his hands and knees on the floor, his mind floated in utter bliss. Mistress Pearl stood before him, a goddess of desire come to life. The scent of her perfume enveloped him, filling his nostrils with the sweet aroma of power and submission. Her leather boots were just inches from his face, and he trembled with eagerness as he reached up with reverence to press his lips against the soft leather. He couldn’t help but savor the smell, desperate for more of her essence.

His tongue darted out to trace the outline of the angular tip of one boot before tracing its way up her calf, taking in the smoothness of her stockinged skin. A moan rumbled deep in his throat as he focused on worshipping her feet, knowing that they held untold power over him. Every time she moved or shifted her weight, it sent shockwaves through him, reminding him that he belonged at her feet.

“Good boy,” she purred, leaning down so he could feel the warmth of her breath against his cheek. She closed the door behind her and smiled. Her fingernails grazed against his hair before pulling him away from her feet and leaving his mouth craving for more contact. “You’ve been such a good pet today.”

She then stepped back, giving him a teasing glance, and spun around to show off her outfit once again. Her ass cheeks were framed by the leather ensemble. She was beyond beautiful, and Jonathan wanted nothing more than to taste every inch of her skin. He cursed himself for not being allowed to do so yet as she approached him again and asked,

“Are you surprised to see me here today?”

“Y-yes, Mistress,” he stammered. “Forgive me. Had I known you were coming, I...”

“Shh, relax,” she cooed. “You were not supposed to know. It was a surprise, a gift to make you more and more compliant. Did you like the suggestion I planted in your mind last night?”

“Last night?” he muttered, eyes facing off the floor. “Did we talk last night?”

“We talk every day, sweetie, but you only remember it when I want you to,” Mistress Pearl declared. “You still haven’t answered my question. Did you like it or not?”

“I like everything you do to me,” he replied.

“And why is that my pet?”

“Because you own me, and I must obey. I must obey my Mistress,” he droned, the mantra once again taking hold of his thoughts and free will.

“Of course you must, and you’re quite good at it,” she purred, looking down at her precious property. She loved all her pets and enjoyed weaving her sensual web around their weakening brains, but Jonathan was the only one that made her pussy wet. Every time he sank for her and pledged his undying allegiance to her entrancing control, she was reminded of how much she loved being a hypnodomme and the satisfaction that it gave her. She never broke people down against her will or brainwashed them into accepting things they hadn’t consented to, but she never shied away from pushing limits either and discovering the true depths of dominance and submission. A session with Jonathan was always a good time, whether planned or improvised on the spur of the moment.

“Do you like obeying me, Jonathan?” she purred.

“I love you. God, I love you so fucking much!” he sighed, tongue sticking out. “Thank you. Thank you for having me as your pet.”

“You’re more than welcome, sweetie,” Mistress Pearl offered him her left boot again and waited for another display of dutiful reverence. As long as they were together, they would keep on coming, the beauty of hypnotic femdom come to life in the most exquisite of ways. He belonged to her, now and forever.

“I must obey my Mistress,” Jonathan mumbled, and the towel came undone. Kneeling before his booted Domme, the naked servant was the happiest man alive.

The End

((I hope you enjoyed this story. Do you want to have more fun with me? Consider supporting my personal website - https://www.sbspellbound.net - through my Patreon page - https://www.patreon.com/sbspellbound - then, because you’ve yet to see everything I can create. Feedback is always welcome. You can reach out to me by writing to sbstories@hotmail.com or sbspellbound@sbspellbound.net. Thank you in advance.))

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