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Dear Diary

by S.B.

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #mind_control #sub:male

Rachel writes about her latest hypnotic conquest.

© S.B. 2024 All Rights Reserved. 

Reproduction and distribution of this writing without the written permission of the author is prohibited. This writing is not to be included in any publication - free or otherwise -, except the author's self-published works.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over 18.

Dear Diary,

it has been too long since I have come to confide in you. My last entry was almost three years ago. I never meant to stop writing, but life moves in mysterious ways, and we need to keep moving with it if we don’t want to be left behind. Forgive me. Everything was in flux at the time, and something had to give. It turned out to be you, though it was completely undeserved. 
I’m staring at your perfumed pages today because I’ve got something to share. I’ve decided to get back in the saddle, so to speak, and find myself a new toy to play with. Yes, it’s true. Things have never been the same ever since Troy and I split up. I spent a lot of time doubting myself and mulling about what I could have done to prevent such an outcome, but I’ve finally made my peace with it. When things aren’t meant to be, there’s no point in pretending otherwise. I hope he’s happy with his new girlfriend, I really do.
Anyway, enough about him! This is about me and no one else. I could always trust you to keep my darkest secrets and I’m ready to do that once more. I’ll try to be as consistent as possible but don’t be surprised if I stumble here and there. I have the power to create my happiness and I intend to use it. I’m counting on you to help me achieve my goals as quickly as possible.
God, this is exciting! Good night, and let’s see what tomorrow will bring.


Dear Diary,

Where to begin? That’s what I found myself asking the moment I woke up. I am rusty and it’s possible some techniques I used before are outdated. I spent a couple of hours going through them as well as my collection of toys before realizing I should get new ones. Money is no object, but I didn’t know where to look. Luckily, the Internet provides! I discovered this cute little mystic shop downtown that had everything I wanted and came home with three bags of goodies. I also bought two dresses and a new pair of boots to liven up the wardrobe. I saw a handful of cute guys at the mall, but they were either taken or they were gay. Mind you, I have no problem seducing a guy already in a relationship, but there’s always some drama afterward that I want to avoid. We’re going for single guys, preferably around my age, but I can do older as long as they’re in shape.
What exactly am I looking for? Hmm, I don’t have a type in mind other than not-Troy. A dark-skinned man would be a nice change of pace but it’s really whatever at this point. All I’m asking for is a decent man. There are still those around, right?
I got dinner from my favorite Italian restaurant, and I think I’ve come up with a plan to get this show started. Are you ready for it? Gym membership. Yeah, the daily exercise will do me good and it’s a good place to meet potential subjects. Wish me luck. I’ll let you know how it went as soon as possible.


Dear Diary,

today was... underwhelming, especially what happened at the gym. Don’t get me wrong, the place is great, and I enjoyed the time I spent in the various machines, but the man selection... ugh! There was absolutely no one worth wasting my time with, and I’m not that picky. There was too much sweat and testosterone going on, and not enough brains. There was absolutely no interest in trying anything with any of them. I know It’s only the first day, but I really want to get this going quickly. I’m itching for some good old mesmerizing fun. Oh, well... 


Dear Diary,

it happened again and I’m not happy. Yes, I know I’m being impatient, but you know me. I don’t like waiting to get the things I want, or I lose interest quickly. You can call it a character flaw if you want but I never said if I was perfect. I did have a guy tell me I have nice jugs on my way in, but I already know that, and he had rude written all over him. I don’t know why I thought things would be easy after being away from the game for so long, but I need to persevere. My gut is telling me this is the place where I’m going to find the one I’m looking for, and if I don’t trust it, who will? Forgive my ramblings... Frustration never sat well with me, but I’ll do better, I promise.


Dear Diary,

I haven’t been feeling too well in the last couple of days and that’s why I skipped some entries. Then again, even if I hadn’t, there wouldn’t be anything noteworthy to share. I’ve noticed men are more reluctant to approach women nowadays, and those that do, aren’t that interesting. I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing or something to do with the rise of social media and whatnot, but they do shy away more often than they used to. It’s certainly not because of my looks and I’ve been as friendly as I can be to anyone that looks my way, but... I don’t know. Something is missing and I don’t understand why that is. I don’t want to sound disheartened but it’s hard not to... or maybe I’m just drunk. I’m sure I’ll see things clearer when my mind is feeling up to snuff again. I’m going to bed.


Dear Diary,

finally, a breakthrough! There was a new guy at the gym today. His name is Charles and he’s tall, incredibly handsome, and polite. He helped me with the treadmill when the device started malfunctioning and we hit it off almost immediately. Unlike other men I’ve interacted with recently, I saw an energy in him that surprised me. It’s still too early to say if he’s the one or not, but I’m feeling way more optimistic now than I was before. He already told me he’ll be there tomorrow at the same time so I’m looking forward to getting to know him a little better to see if this connection we had is real or not. You’ll be the first to know about my progress (or lack of it), but I’m betting on the former. Until tomorrow.


Dear Diary,

yeah, there’s definitely something about Charles. I ran into him as I was entering the gym today and he looked at me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. And then, he said something that stuck with me. It was not only what he said, but the way he said it. His exact words were:
“Wow! Your eyes are entrancing!”
I loved that, I really did. What made this interaction more special is that he has no idea. I almost wanted to tell him right away all the things I’m into, but I didn’t want to give the game away. Still, there must be a reason he chose that adjective and not another. I’m right, aren’t I? This isn’t just wishful thinking on my part, right? I need to know more, but I’m going to tread lightly. I’ve scared people off with less and I’m not making the same mistake again. Baby steps, Rachel. Baby steps.


Dear Diary,

I was right about Charles, and you know how I love to be right about someone. We had a wonderful conversation over coffee and cherry pie after our workout today (I’ll burn the extra calories tomorrow, don’t worry!) and he doubled down on the entrancing remarks. The real fun began when I asked him,
“Why do you say that?”
“Because it’s true,” he smiled. It was a gentle smile from someone with a wonderful sense of humor but didn’t always know how to express it.. “There’s something magnetic about your eyes, Rachel. And the same can be said about your name.”
“My name?” I asked in between bites. The pie was delicious, but I enjoyed the company more.
“Yes. It’s one of my favorites.”
“Awww... Do you think my name is magnetic?”
“Most definitely.”
“Magnetic is almost the same as hypnotic, isn’t it? Do you like hypnotic things, Charles?”
“Of course, but I especially like hypnotic women,” he smiled again, creating a perfect moment worthy of remembrance."
Ah, dear diary... No words of mine will ever do justice to what transpired between us today. but yes, there’s something in there I very much wish to explore, and I can tell he wants it, too. I’ll enjoy using my covert hypnosis and NLP techniques on him. I know it’s been a while, but it’s like riding a bike, isn’t it? We’re going to have a lot of fun together, I know it. 

Hmmm, I’m tired. I better go to bed, but don’t go anywhere, okay? I’ll write some more about him tomorrow.


Dear Diary,

we talked about a lot of things today, from music to exotic foods, as well as pets and favorite movies. He’s more into Star Wars and sci-fi while I’ll always defend Peter Jackson’s adaptation of The Lord of the Rings. I skipped the pie even though there was lemon available today - my favorite! - and then gave him the first taste of my hypnotic power. Something basic, a heightened focus on my breasts, nothing more. Troy was more into my ass in a tight leather skirt, but Charles prefers boobs. Still, he’s always respectful. There were no lecherous eyes or vulgar remarks as he slowly drifted, glancing at my cleavage. As he did so, I found out more things about him. He’s a banker, and quite a successful one. He’s only six months older than me and never got married because he has yet to find the true owner of his heart. Yes, he’s romantic and very much in contact with his emotional self. People often repress that side for fear of being mocked by society, but not him, and that’s exciting, too. 
After our conversation, it was obvious he wanted more, and I’m giving him just that. I have always wanted to try that luxurious Greek restaurant by the marina. I am sure a man of his status will not have a problem getting a reservation, even on such short notice.


Dear Diary,

The food was almost as great as the view although neither compared to his sheepish smile when he drove me home. My influence over his thoughts is still subtle but it’s already there. It helps that he’s a perfect gentleman and therefore already has a predisposition to pay attention to everything I say and do. I could have put him under a hundred times or more while we ate but I chose not to. Instead, I just planted a little seed of mindless love, and I’m going to nurture it with brief texts from now on. Their rhythmic nature is sure to keep him in the state of mind I have already chosen for him. This keeps getting better and better.


Dear Diary,

Do you remember when I told you Charles said my name was magnetic? Well, today I decided to turn that into a reality. He doesn’t know it yet, but I left a little suggestion in his mind while he was heading for the showers. From now on, every time he says or thinks my name, he will feel just a little more relaxed and susceptible. It’s all about pleasure, you see. The pleasure of seeing me again, the pleasure of my company, the pleasure of doing everything I say even if he doesn’t quite understand what’s going on.... These are the moments I live for. Everything I’ve missed out on all these years is right here, in his sweet and malleable mind that years going deeper and deeper each time. More! I need more of his drooping eyes right now!


Dear Diary,

I got Charles to do something else for me today.. He came to my office around lunchtime, wearing a red pocket square. It is something he has never done before, a fashion statement he considers tacky, and yet he did it for me, unable to resist my suggestions. As he was leaving, I told him to buy me flowers and have them delivered to my house. He got five dozen roses! Hmmm, this feels so good! I really missed having someone so easy to play with. I still do not know what I will have him do next, though. Any ideas?


Dear Diary, 

Today, I dropped Charles over the phone using nothing but emojis. It was the strangest induction I ever used but it worked like a charm. Who knew those little colorful images could say so much to a perfectly receptive mind? I also took the opportunity to plant a few additional triggers that will prove useful in his upcoming transformation. As usual, he has no recollection of ever being put under, and I will make sure it stays that way. Memories are a nasty thing when left unchecked. Total control cannot exist when they too get to whisper in his ears. He will forget everything, except me. I’m sure he won’t mind.


Dear Diary,

am I getting power hungry? No! The truth is I’ve always been like this but never admitted it. Things are different now. I know exactly who I am and what I want. Charles is already addicted to me because he has no other choice, but it’s not enough. Troy left because he wasn’t properly mindfucked. I dared to love him instead of enslaving him. I finally get to do things differently and I have no remorse whatsoever. I know how things must play out and I’m making it my life’s mission to ensure nothing gets left to chance. He’s a truly sweet man, but I’m a bitch and bitches always get their way. Holding back? Never again!


Dear Diary,

the fucking machine I got online was the best purchase of the year, and pounding Charles’s ass and mouth simultaneously while his eyes went blank is something I’ll always remember from this experience. Cleaning it up will be a bitch but he has quite the resilient tongue and it’s time he uses it for something useful. I’m more than magnetic. I’m fucking irresistible and that’s the way things are meant to be!


Dear Diary, 

what a glorious Sunday! Charles is kneeling outside my front door, head down, unperturbed by the fact there are people watching him as I type this. The only thing on his mind right now is the certainty that I must be obeyed at all times, no matter what I ask. I knew this day would come but not even in my wildest dreams did I suspect it would only take three weeks to get here. This is awesome, yet it will probably get boring soon unless I spice things up. Hmmm, what to do? What to do, indeed?


Dear Diary,

did I ever tell you that Charles has a twin brother?

The End

((I hope you enjoyed this story. Do you want to have more fun with me? Consider supporting my personal website - - through my Patreon page - - then, because you’ve yet to see everything I can create. Feedback is always welcome. You can reach out to me by writing to or Thank you in advance.))

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