Broken Forever

by S.B.

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #humiliation #masturbation #sub:male #revenge

Trudy helps Angie get revenge on an ex-boyfriend.

Trudy sat on the gray velvet couch in her living room, the only source of light coming from the flickering television screen. The room was filled with the savory aroma of buttery popcorn, each kernel popped and seasoned just the way she liked it. A bowl of the warm snack rested on her lap, her fingers reaching in to grab a handful now and then as she watched the movie unfold before her.

On the screen, a young woman with her clothes drenched in blood, was creeping through a winding corridor, her footsteps echoing against the walls. She was in a state of shock, trying to stay alive. The tension in the room was unbearable, a sense of unease settling over Trudy as she waited for the next jump scare to get her heart racing. She didn’t do well with horror at all and yet couldn’t get enough of it.

Trudy was in her late twenties and had dirty blonde hair cut above her shoulders. She had sea-blue eyes that reflected the flickering light like shimmering pools of water, a perky nose, and a cheeky smile that had always been her “Get Out of Jail Free Card” whenever trouble came her way. When talking about Trudy, friends and family always highlighted her bubbly personality, and how it shone through even in moments of fear. Funnily enough, that only seemed to apply to the real world and not the movies. Why was that she would never know.

The camera lingered on the terrified actress, but nothing came out of the shadows to attack her. The sound of distant thunder rumbled on the television and the windows outside Trudy’s apartment. A downpour was imminent.

Just as the tension reached its peak and Trudy’s heart pounded in anticipation, the front door creaked open, revealing Angie standing in the doorway. Her hair was disheveled, creating a halo of dark curls around her face. Angie’s eyes lit up as she took in the scene before her, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips at the sight of Trudy engrossed in the horror movie.

“Hey, babe,” Angie greeted her, her voice soft yet filled with warmth. She kicked off her wet shoes and made her way over to the couch, dropping beside Trudy with a contented sigh. The scent of rain and sweat clung to her, mixing with the buttery popcorn in the air.

Angie’s long legs stretched out, almost brushing against the coffee table in front of the couch. At 6 feet 3 inches, she had always been the standout in any crowd. Her height was remarkable, giving her an air of elegance and confidence that commanded attention wherever she went. But despite her imposing stature, it was her tattoo that often drew the most intrigue.

The mythological serpent inked onto her back seemed to come alive whenever she moved, its scales shifting and shimmering as if caught in an eternal dance. The intricate design twisted and coiled around her spine, the creature’s eyes appearing to follow your every move with a knowing gaze. It was a mesmerizing sight, one that had been the subject of countless conversations and speculations among their friends.

Angie reached out for the bowl of popcorn on Trudy’s lap, her fingers brushing against hers before she scooped up a handful for herself. She popped a few kernels into her mouth, savoring the salty crunch as she settled back against the cushions.

Trudy tore her gaze away from the screen and paused the movie. She offered Angie a warm smile and said, “Hi. I didn’t expect you home so soon.”

“Yeah, had a rough day at work and had to get out early,” Angie replied.

“Oh? What happened?”

“I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Are you sure? You look down. Maybe I can help.”

“It’s nothing.”

“It’s always something when you say that…” Trudy pouted. “Spill it!”

“Okay,” Angie admitted defeat. “It’s Oliver. He stole a project from me today. Again.”

“Son of a bitch!” Trudy growled. “I can’t believe he keeps doing that.”

“Yeah, me neither.”

Trudy could feel Angie’s frustration radiating off her in waves, her body tense with anger and disbelief. She knew all too well about her complicated history with Oliver. They had dated for a while before ending things when they realized they were better off as friends. However, things took a sour turn when they both landed jobs at the same company.

Oliver, unable to accept that Angie had moved on and had started dating a woman, began to sabotage her work, stealing credit for her ideas and spreading rumors behind her back. Despite Angie’s best efforts to rise above it, the constant betrayal and manipulation took a toll on her. And to make matters worse, their boss seemed to have a soft spot for Oliver, always turning a blind eye to his underhanded tactics.

Trudy squeezed Angie’s hand in a gesture of solidarity, her heart aching for her girlfriend. It wasn’t fair she had to put up with such nonsense daily but with the job market being as difficult as it was, she couldn’t afford to quit, and had to keep going as best as she could.

“I know you don’t believe in revenge,” Trudy said. “But someone should give that bastard a lesson.”

“You’re right, but who’s going to do it? You?” Angie asked.

“Why not? I can always whip out the old hypnosis techniques to make him sweat and suffer. You just have to say the word.”

“Would you do that for me?”

“Do you even need to ask?”

Trudy’s eyes sparkled as she spoke. The mention of her old hypnosis techniques brought back memories of her college days, where she had delved deep into the art of trance and suggestion. It had started as a mere curiosity, a desire to understand the workings of the mind, but Trudy soon discovered her natural talent for hypnotism.

She had spent countless hours practicing on willing volunteers, guiding them into a state of deep relaxation and suggestibility. Trudy had honed her skills over the years, mastering the subtle nuances of tone, cadence, and body language that could influence a person’s thoughts and actions. But as she delved deeper into the realm of hypnosis, Trudy had also come to understand its dangers and ethical implications.

She had seen firsthand the power that hypnotic suggestion could wield over a person, how it could be used for both good and ill. And so, despite her proficiency in the art of hypnosis, Trudy had made a conscious decision to never use it for personal gain or to manipulate others. It was a line she refused to cross, a moral code that she held dear.

However, seeing Angie’s weary expression after being wronged once again, Trudy felt a surge of protectiveness rise within her. She couldn’t stand by while Oliver continued to hurt the woman she loved. If there was a chance to turn the tables on him, to make him face the consequences of his actions, then perhaps it was time to make an exception.

“That’s quite the tempting offer…” Angie purred.

“Say no more then. I’ll do it. I’ll hypnotize Oliver and make him rue the day he crossed you.”


“Whenever you want, my dear.”

“Well, there’s a company party next week. I was already thinking of skipping it even before what happened today but maybe I won’t have to. Will you go with me? That is sure to piss him off, and there’ll be plenty of opportunities to confront him there.”

“Of course! I just need you to tell me something humiliating about him that I can use as a weapon.”

“Hmm, there are so many to choose from…” Angie pursed her lips.

“I only need one and then I’ll take it from there,” Trudy said.

“Okay.” Angie started whispering in her girlfriend’s ear and said, “Did you know that he…?”

* * *

Six days later, Trudy and Angie stood in an opulent ballroom, a lavish affair filled with glittering chandeliers, shimmering drapes, and ornate floral arrangements. The room buzzed with conversation and laughter as guests mingled, sipping champagne and admiring the elegant decor.

Trudy was resplendent in a floor-length gown of midnight blue. Her hair was swept up in an intricate braided bun, silver pins twinkling like stars against the dark backdrop. Angie also looked stunning in a sleek black suit with a plunging neckline, exuding an air of effortless confidence as she stood by Trudy’s side.

As they scanned the room for any sign of Oliver, Trudy couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of enacting their plan. She had spent the past week preparing everything to perfection, revisiting her hypnotic techniques and committing Angie’s chosen weapon to memory. The time for action was drawing near, and she was ready for anything.

Angie’s hand slipped into Trudy’s, a comforting gesture that conveyed both gratitude and nerves. Trudy squeezed her hand in reassurance, offering a small smile before returning her gaze to the crowd. And then there he was.

Oliver strode into the ballroom with all the arrogance of a man who believed himself untouchable. His tailored suit clung to his frame, the perfect picture of wealth and privilege. But as his eyes landed on Trudy and Angie, a flicker of surprise crossed his features before his mask of indifference fell back into place.

Trudy felt a surge of satisfaction at the realization that Oliver had not expected to see them there. It gave her a small sense of power, a reminder that they held the element of surprise in their hands. With a nod to Angie, Trudy led the way through the crowd, weaving through the sea of guests until they were standing in Oliver’s path.

“Oliver, so nice to see you,” Trudy greeted him with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

His gaze flickered between Trudy and Angie, a hint of unease creeping into his expression. “What are you two doing here?” he asked.

“We couldn’t miss such a grand event, could we, darling?” Angie replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Trudy stepped forward, locking eyes with Oliver. “We just wanted to have a little chat with you, that’s all.”

Oliver’s facade faltered for a moment before he regained control, his features hardening once more. “I have nothing to say to either of you. Excuse me.” He tried to brush past them, but Trudy’s hand shot out to grasp his arm.

“I think you’ll want to hear what we have to say,” she declared. “Unless you want all your kinky secrets exposed in front of everyone here.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” he growled.

“Follow us.”

Oliver grabbed a glass of red wine from a nearby tray and held it between his fingers. His first instinct was to throw it at Trudy’s face for having the nerve of showing up after stealing his girl from him, but he knew better than to engage in such reckless behavior. Despite being angry, he had to remain calm and wait for the right moment to punish them without mercy. Even though Angie was the tall and imposing one, there was something in Trudy’s eyes that told him she wasn’t kidding around. The two had come for blood but he was the biggest fish in the sea.

“Fine!” he said, emptying the glass before returning it to the tray. The wine was cool, with a hint of blackberries that left a bittersweet taste on his lips.

Oliver followed Trudy and Angie out of the bustling ballroom. They navigated through a maze of corridors adorned with elaborate tapestries and exotic-looking vases, their footsteps echoing off the black-and-white marble floors. Trudy led the way with purpose, her eyes fixed straight ahead as they turned down a narrow hallway.

As they reached an ornate wooden door at the end of the corridor, Trudy turned to face Oliver with a steely gaze. Without a word, she pushed open the door and ushered him inside. The room was small and intimate, and bathed in soft candlelight. The moment they got inside, Trudy locked the door with a click that echoed through the silence of the room. Angie moved closer to Oliver, her eyes glinting with determination as she produced a damp piece of cloth from her pocket.

Before Oliver could react, Angie moved behind him and clamped her hand over his mouth, muffling any protest that threatened to escape. With a deft motion, she rubbed the cloth drenched in a pungent substance under his nostrils, forcing him to inhale.

Oliver’s eyes widened in shock as the powerful scent assailed his senses, making his head swim with dizziness. Panic surged through him as he struggled against Angie’s firm grip, but it was futile. The world around him began to blur and distort, colors swirling into a dizzying kaleidoscope.

As he fought to stay conscious, Trudy pulled up a chair and forced him to sit down. He gazed at her, his thoughts clouded by the powerful drug he had just been exposed to. The beautiful woman’s eyes lit up but he couldn’t tell if he was hallucinating or if she had slipped into a pair of bright contact lenses that gave her an almost supernatural aura. A hint of drool flowed down his half-parted lips.

“Shh, easy now…” Trudy purred while Angie crossed her arms and smiled. “You’ve been a bad boy, haven’t you, Oliver? I mean, you were always a prick, but you’ve been worse than usual, and that needs to change. You fucked with my girlfriend’s life and career for the last time. Now, it’s your turn to pay.

“I’ve learned a lot of things about you, dirty secrets you confessed to Angie after you thought she was the one. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t dream of using them against you, but your behavior has been far from normal and that requires some adjustments. I’ve always suspected you were a self-glorified wanker, but to find out you’re addicted to masturbation? Well, I didn’t see that one coming at all.

“How many times a day do you jerk that thing? More than you want to admit, I’m sure. However, tonight you’ll do it. You’ll come clean about how that need to exercise your hand, and how you love to do it even when you’re at work. Better yet, you’ll show everyone what you mean. I’m sure your boss and all your co-workers will love to see you do it.”

Oliver was horrified. The thought of being exposed and humiliated like that made his skin crawl but he wasn’t going to ruin his reputation just because he had been drugged. He tried to get up but his arms and legs were heavy, almost as if they had been coated in cement.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Trudy continued. “You believe I’m bluffing, but I would never do that. You had many chances to be a good person after you and Angie broke up and you blew them all. Remember that you brought this upon yourself.”

As Trudy’s gaze bore into him, the weight of his misdeeds pressed down on his chest like a boulder, each breath becoming shallower as panic threatened to consume him whole. The drug-induced haze clouding his thoughts only amplified his sense of helplessness, trapping him in a waking nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.

“Now then, my little bitch, look deep into my eyes…” Trudy cooed.

* * *

Half an hour later, the trio returned to the party. Oliver’s eyes were glassy, his mind overwhelmed by layers upon layers of humiliating suggestions. Ignoring his boss’s hand gestures to join him at his table, he took the stage, holding a champagne flute to propose a toast in honor of the company’s most profitable trimester in ages.

Oliver’s heart hammered in his chest, the world spinning around him as he tried to resist the twisted commands being whispered into his mind. He felt a surge of arousal and shame wash over him, his body betraying him in front of the watching crowd. Each beat of his pulse seemed to synchronize with the taunting laughter of the two companions that echoed in his ears.

With a trembling hand, Oliver raised the champagne flute to his lips, the taste of the bubbling liquid bitter on his tongue. The room swayed around him. Every fiber of his being screamed for escape, for release from this terrible ordeal.

And then, as if compelled by some unseen force, Oliver’s movements became slow and deliberate. With a sickening sense of resignation, he lowered his pants to his ankles, exposing himself in all his shameful vulnerability, and began stroking his cock for everyone to see.

The room fell into a stunned silence as Oliver’s actions unfolded before their eyes. Some gasped in shock, others looked away in embarrassment. The air was fraught with tension as Oliver stood there, responding to the cruel influence of Trudy’s manipulation.

His movements were mechanical, almost robotic, as he continued with the act that was both mortifying and degrading. A few awkward laughs broke out in the crowd, but they were stifled by the sheer discomfort of the situation.

Angie watched with a wintry smile, her eyes glittering with malice as she reveled in Oliver’s public humiliation. Trudy stood by her side, a look of satisfaction crossing her visage. Nobody would forget this party anytime soon.

Security guards rushed to the stage to get him to stop before throwing him out of the building, but it was too late. With deliberate strokes, Oliver’s exploded in a puddle of creamy white, filling the champagne glass before it hit the floor and shattered into a million pieces. Each shard was like a piece of his career, broken forever.

“Our work is done,” Trudy purred in Angie’s ears. “What did you think?”

“I think I want to drive you home, rip off your clothes, and make love to you all night long,” Angie replied.

“What are you waiting for, then?”

The two women held hands and left the ballroom, chuckling. The full moon hanging in the sky blessed their exit with its phosphorescent glow while police sirens blared in the distance. They were coming to arrest Oliver and make him regret everything that had transpired. And the best part was that no one would believe him if he started talking about being hypnotized. He was fucked in all the right and wrong ways, doomed for the rest of his life.


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